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作者 李珺平 《青海社会科学》 CSSCI 2018年第2期160-166,共7页
从《五代史阙文》可知,司空图在后梁至少生活了9或10年。若按前人处理陶渊明传的惯例,其传可入唐史亦可入后梁史。然而,它只入了两唐书而未入两五代史。此与《旧唐书》的无意误记及《新唐书》的有意循误有关,也与北宋初年主流意识形态... 从《五代史阙文》可知,司空图在后梁至少生活了9或10年。若按前人处理陶渊明传的惯例,其传可入唐史亦可入后梁史。然而,它只入了两唐书而未入两五代史。此与《旧唐书》的无意误记及《新唐书》的有意循误有关,也与北宋初年主流意识形态氛围和宋祁欧阳修的内在动机有关。《旧唐书》作者群没有见过梁室大臣所记载的《梁史·司空图》条,对司空图卒年的误判是无意的。宋祁和欧阳修是见过的,对司空图卒年的误判及对其忠君侧面的专美是有意的。宋、欧阳把司空图卒年断在唐哀帝被弑之时而不是后梁贞明二年或贞明三年,目的是把司空图传留在李唐时代而不让其进入后梁时代,以便美化。《旧五代史》有无司空图传很难断定。它不是原《梁唐晋汉周书》旧貌,而是清人在801年后从《永乐大典》辑出的。其中无司空图传,也可理解。因为其监修者和编纂者也笼罩于北宋初年的主流意识形态氛围之下,也有着与宋祁和欧阳修大致相同的动机。 展开更多
关键词 司空图 两唐书 后梁史 美传
作者 曾敏 《湖南包装》 2023年第6期194-197,共4页
关键词 陈汉民 标志设计 知行合一
《百美新咏图传》考论——兼与刘精民、王英志先生商榷 被引量:5
作者 赵厚均 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期102-109,共8页
颜希源《百美新咏图传》汇集了古代百余位女性,以诗配画,并附以小传,产生了很大的影响:在国内相继出现了一系列以"百美"为名的书籍;《图传》还走出国门,受到歌德的重视。《图传》的版本现存以乾隆五十七年为较早,其后曾多次... 颜希源《百美新咏图传》汇集了古代百余位女性,以诗配画,并附以小传,产生了很大的影响:在国内相继出现了一系列以"百美"为名的书籍;《图传》还走出国门,受到歌德的重视。《图传》的版本现存以乾隆五十七年为较早,其后曾多次再版。书贾射利,曾对该书的编者、内容加以篡改。今人刘精民整理的《图传》亦有阙误,王英志曾据以误辑袁枚诗,文中一一予以辨明。 展开更多
关键词 颜希源 新咏图 版本 选诗
马鸣的《美难陀传》 被引量:1
作者 党素萍 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2011年第1期54-63,共10页
公元一、二世纪佛教诗人马鸣的《美难陀传》,是印度古典梵语文学史上一部非常重要的作品。国外已陆续出版了《美难陀传》的多种译本,有关的翻译和研究著作也覆盖多种语言,但中国未有译介。《美难陀传》主要讲述了佛陀度化堂弟难陀的故... 公元一、二世纪佛教诗人马鸣的《美难陀传》,是印度古典梵语文学史上一部非常重要的作品。国外已陆续出版了《美难陀传》的多种译本,有关的翻译和研究著作也覆盖多种语言,但中国未有译介。《美难陀传》主要讲述了佛陀度化堂弟难陀的故事。这部作品在思想上,有极其鲜明的佛教特色,在艺术上,它也展现了令人瞩目的闪光之处与较高的成就, 展开更多
关键词 印度 古典 梵语文学 马鸣 难陀
作者 陈克 龚燕康 《哲理(论坛版)》 2009年第6期11-12,共2页
关键词 教育 教学改革 中华民族 德育 课外教育活动
作者 谢大娟 《美与时代(美学)(下)》 2021年第9期35-39,共5页
齐白石曾在胡佩衡的山水画上题曰:“他年画苑三千辈,个个毋忘念此翁。”可见齐白石认为胡佩衡在中国画史上的重要性和对他的赞赏之情。然而,今天我们好像对胡佩衡和他在中国画史上的贡献有所淡忘。胡佩衡先生是我国20世纪博识多能的一... 齐白石曾在胡佩衡的山水画上题曰:“他年画苑三千辈,个个毋忘念此翁。”可见齐白石认为胡佩衡在中国画史上的重要性和对他的赞赏之情。然而,今天我们好像对胡佩衡和他在中国画史上的贡献有所淡忘。胡佩衡先生是我国20世纪博识多能的一代名家,在绘画创作、美术教育、编辑出版、鉴赏品评、收藏管理等方面都具有突出的才能和成绩。胡佩衡的传美观探析旨在探讨胡佩衡先生的美育思想,主要从他的创作实践及理论思想、教学实践及教学方法等方面的文献记载来挖掘他的美育思想,反思胡佩衡先生对中国美术教育领域所作的贡献和所起的作用。对胡佩衡美育思想的探析,既有利于推进关于胡佩衡学术研究的发展,对当代中国美育的建设也具有一定的启示价值。 展开更多
关键词 胡佩衡 育思想 函授教学
构建一体两翼 放飞“传美”教育
作者 郭雪珍 《基础教育研究》 2004年第5期14-16,共3页
关键词 ”教育 实效性 德育手段 德育观念 自我管理 中学 德育工作
作者 靳伯云 《中国民族博览》 2019年第4期185-186,共2页
近年,图书馆的阅读推广工作正在如火如荼地开展,以文化创意产品为载体的阅读推广工作成为图书馆新的关注点和创新形式,文创产品的开发越来越受到各图书馆的重视。我馆为此做了一套文创产品,采用本馆馆藏《百美新咏》中的人物,描摹美人... 近年,图书馆的阅读推广工作正在如火如荼地开展,以文化创意产品为载体的阅读推广工作成为图书馆新的关注点和创新形式,文创产品的开发越来越受到各图书馆的重视。我馆为此做了一套文创产品,采用本馆馆藏《百美新咏》中的人物,描摹美人的婀娜体态,随形就势,开发了一套书签,颇受大家喜爱。 展开更多
关键词 中国 版画史 一颗明珠 新咏图 赏析
李玉《洛阳桥》传奇残曲考 被引量:1
作者 梁帅 《南大戏剧论丛》 CSSCI 2015年第1期71-81,共11页
《洛阳桥》传奇,清初李玉撰,剧写泉州太守蔡祥建造洛阳长桥、造福于民事。剧作问世以来,戏曲目录对此剧多有著录,然均标记"已佚",只在昆弋乱弹诸腔中保留了《下海投文》一出。近日,孙书磊师与笔者在点校整理《全清戏曲》(顺康... 《洛阳桥》传奇,清初李玉撰,剧写泉州太守蔡祥建造洛阳长桥、造福于民事。剧作问世以来,戏曲目录对此剧多有著录,然均标记"已佚",只在昆弋乱弹诸腔中保留了《下海投文》一出。近日,孙书磊师与笔者在点校整理《全清戏曲》(顺康卷)时,从南京大学吴新雷老师处幸得《神议》《戏女》两出,并在《北京大学程砚秋玉霜鋎藏戏曲珍本丛刊》中发现未命名者一出,以及《故宫珍本丛刊》和《中国国家图书馆藏清宫升平署档案集成》所收《下海投文》。此四出全为清升平署昆曲唱本,较接近李玉《洛阳桥》传奇原作。《洛阳桥》传奇直接取材于《四美记》,而非后人杜撰的《蔡锡传》,且受到明代沿海地区神话形象"夏得海"的影响。与此同时,清车王府又藏有《洛阳桥》的京腔乱弹本若干种,与程砚秋藏升平署昆曲本出目相同,反映了京剧对昆曲唱本的改编与重构,也体现了晚清王府演剧之特点。 展开更多
关键词 《洛阳桥》《四记》与《蔡锡》车王府曲本
作者 祝仰东 《当代音乐》 2019年第7期7-8,共2页
合唱《黄水谣》具有很强的民族精神,合唱在旋律上运用协和音程刻画出美丽的家园及用不协和音程表现凄凉的荒原对比,激起中华儿女奋起的民族精神,演唱的情感具有民族精神的立美。指挥图示运用方位变化与手势技巧的挥拍设计,达到指挥动作... 合唱《黄水谣》具有很强的民族精神,合唱在旋律上运用协和音程刻画出美丽的家园及用不协和音程表现凄凉的荒原对比,激起中华儿女奋起的民族精神,演唱的情感具有民族精神的立美。指挥图示运用方位变化与手势技巧的挥拍设计,达到指挥动作传美的审美情感,与合唱情感结合一体,显示出审美意象。 展开更多
关键词 合唱《黄水谣》 演唱 挥拍设计 意象
The Mechanism of Pollination in Platycladus orientalis and Thuja occidentalis (Cupressaceae) 被引量:6
作者 邢树平 张泉 +2 位作者 胡玉熹 陈祖铿 林金星 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1999年第2期130-132,共3页
The pollination mechanisms of Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco and Thuja occidentalis L. seem to be of the same type, as based on the morphological study of the change in pollination drop, during the process of poll... The pollination mechanisms of Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco and Thuja occidentalis L. seem to be of the same type, as based on the morphological study of the change in pollination drop, during the process of pollination. Entering the pollination drop, the pollen may alter the surface of the drop or reduce the secretion of the ovule with concomitant increase of evaporation. It has been further noticed that the dynamiechange of the drop withdrawal rate was closely associated with the different kinds of pollen received. It seemsthat the withdrawal of the pollination drop may be induced by pollen from plants consanguineous to P. orientalis, almost as effective as from pollen of P. orientalis itself and comparatively more effective than the foreignpollen received from distant plant species. The drop withdrawal could he mainly induced by the pollen that causes the reduction of ovule secretion. 展开更多
关键词 Platycladus orientalis Thuja occidentalis Pollen capture Pollination drop Pollination mechamism
Traditional Chinese Aesthetics and Urban Landscape Design
作者 魏晶晶 王琳 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第3期49-51,共3页
Landscape designs for modern urban open spaces are studied on the basis of traditional aesthetics, while aesthetic basis and development orientation can be provided for such designs through studies on traditional aest... Landscape designs for modern urban open spaces are studied on the basis of traditional aesthetics, while aesthetic basis and development orientation can be provided for such designs through studies on traditional aesthetics. It is hoped that landscape designs from aesthetic perspective can correct people’s aesthetic attitudes towards the city, transform their habitual aesthetic modes, so as to cultivate new aesthetic tastes. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional aesthetics Do-nothing INTROSPECTION LANDSCAPE
作者 于丽银 陈小明 《广告导报》 2011年第6期74-76,共3页
合力传美是一家以电视媒介服务为核心的专业策略服务和资深品牌传播服务综合型广告公司。公司以市场营销为导向,立足市场调研结果的客观分析,通过一系列市场及媒介专业数据,为企业制定切实可行的实效传播方案;同时根据客户需要适时... 合力传美是一家以电视媒介服务为核心的专业策略服务和资深品牌传播服务综合型广告公司。公司以市场营销为导向,立足市场调研结果的客观分析,通过一系列市场及媒介专业数据,为企业制定切实可行的实效传播方案;同时根据客户需要适时展开融入式的追随服务,贴身式的媒介策划及执行、媒体效果评估、竞争动向分析报告等各类延伸性服务。 展开更多
关键词 品牌 广告宣 广告设计 广告理论 合力 总经理 沈安伟
作者 高希均 《东方企业家》 2002年第12期14-14,共1页
(一)一本动人而震撼的传记这本江才健先生穷4年之功撰述的《规范与对称之美——杨振宁传》,是继《吴健雄传》后又一力作,建立了他在华文世界"大科学家传记"作者的重要地位。这不是杨教授的自传,读者无法确知杨教授对这本传记... (一)一本动人而震撼的传记这本江才健先生穷4年之功撰述的《规范与对称之美——杨振宁传》,是继《吴健雄传》后又一力作,建立了他在华文世界"大科学家传记"作者的重要地位。这不是杨教授的自传,读者无法确知杨教授对这本传记的评价,但从每一章几十条附注中,透露了作者思维的细密与严谨。 展开更多
关键词 《规范与对称之-杨振宁 杨振宁 科学家
Exploration in Beautiful Village Construction from the Perspective of Cultural Inheritance——A Case Study of Xuwan Town 被引量:1
作者 杨珮 张银霞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第5期943-945,共3页
Culture is an integral of historical deposits and considered cradle of eco- civilization. Culture is China's spiritual handholds. In building beautiful villages, envi- ronment, public service facilities and infrastru... Culture is an integral of historical deposits and considered cradle of eco- civilization. Culture is China's spiritual handholds. In building beautiful villages, envi- ronment, public service facilities and infrastructure are so important. But the re- search stressed cultural inheritance ad spiritual civilization to make sure village beauty outside and inside. The aim is to explore cultural inheritance models in ec- onomy, living and eco-tourism, with a case study of Xuwan town. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural inheritance Beautiful village Xuwan town Historical and cultural town
ZResponse to selection,heritability and genetic correlations between body weight and body size in Pacific white shrimp,Litopenaeus vannamei 被引量:6
作者 安迪 刘小林 +1 位作者 黄皓 相建海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期200-205,共6页
To quantify the response to selection, heritability and genetic correlations between weight and size ofLitopenaeus vannamei, the body weight (BW), total length (TL), body length (BL), first abdominal segment dep... To quantify the response to selection, heritability and genetic correlations between weight and size ofLitopenaeus vannamei, the body weight (BW), total length (TL), body length (BL), first abdominal segment depth (FASD), third abdominal segment depth (TASD), first abdominal segment width (FASW), and partial carapace length (PCL) of 5-month-old parents and of offspring were measured by calculating seven body measurings of offspring produced by a nested mating design. Seventeen half-sib families and 42 full-sib families ofL. vannamei were produced using artificial fertilization from 2-4 dams by each sire, and measured at around five months post-metamorphosis. The results show that heritabilities among various traits were high: 0.515±0.030 for body weight and 0.394±0.030 for total length. After one generation of selection, the selection response was 10.70% for offspring growth. In the 5th month, the realized heritability for weight was 0.296 for the offspring generation. Genetic correlations between body weight and body size were highly variable. The results indicate that external morphological parameters can be applied during breeder selection for enhancing the growth without sacrificing animals for determining the body size and breed ability; and selective breeding can be improved significantly, simultaneously with increased production. 展开更多
关键词 genetic correlation GROWTH HERITABILITY Litopenaeus vannamei selection response
Conceptual Art: The Untold Story of African Art
作者 Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel Ebenezer Kwabena Acquah 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第10期1203-1220,共18页
Conceptual art is one of the twentieth century art movements that has gained popular attention in the contemporary artworld. It has received much scholarly prominence in the Western world, and perceived as an emergent... Conceptual art is one of the twentieth century art movements that has gained popular attention in the contemporary artworld. It has received much scholarly prominence in the Western world, and perceived as an emergent art of European origin. What has been given little or no scholarly attention is the African essence of root of conceptual art movement. This article addresses the historical epochs of conceptual art in Africa and delves into the critical question of whether or not conceptual art is an emergent art in Africa. With the help of the images of African artworks, this article attempts to fmd visual answers by examining the art-historical account of the art through visual analysis in simple narrative format in telling the African side of the story. It concludes that the adoration and idolization of Marcel Duchamp as the father of conceptual art is contestable since the art was many centuries old in Africa before the twentieth century artists began to practice it in the West. Duchamp's attempt at dematerialization of art, and showing distaste to the traditional aesthetics of Western art at the time through conceptual exploration had been in practice in African art and, therefore, not an invention. 展开更多
关键词 ART African art art movements conceptual art contemporary art
Kluckhohn and Strodbeck's value model in Chinese and American culture
作者 ZHENG Yin-xiao CUI Ruo-nan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第4期64-67,共4页
Culture is the holistic interrelationship of a group's identity, beliefs, values, activities, rules, customs, communication patterns, and institutions (Dodd, 1998). Values are important components of a given cultur... Culture is the holistic interrelationship of a group's identity, beliefs, values, activities, rules, customs, communication patterns, and institutions (Dodd, 1998). Values are important components of a given culture accepted by individuals sharing that culture. They are deep and hidden elements of the cultural iceberg that are seldom questioned or defended but can reflect different characteristics of different cultures. Kluckhohn and Strodbeck's value model is used here to analyze distinct Chinese and American culture. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE VALUES Kluckhohn and Strodbeck's value model Chinese and American culture
Seemingly ethnopetalism and hidden ethnofugalism in intercultural communication
作者 LI Jun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第4期60-63,共4页
The film The treatment is supposed to express the idea that understanding and appreciation of each other's culture is very important in intercultural communication. But behind this veil, ethnofugalism can be found by... The film The treatment is supposed to express the idea that understanding and appreciation of each other's culture is very important in intercultural communication. But behind this veil, ethnofugalism can be found by way of analyzing their conversations and behaviors. This paper tries to see their attitude towards their mother tongue and their own cultural tradition. It holds that no culture is inferior to others, which is the base on which intercultural communication is built. 展开更多
关键词 intercultural communication ethnofugalism mother tongue IDENTITY
作者 樊小金 《明日风尚》 2017年第14期227-227,共1页
我国不仅是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个有着丰富人文精神的国度。在历史的发展过程中,也形成了博大精深的传统美德,至今也成为了华夏民族最宝贵的精神财富。随着时代的发展变化,小学教学中也展开了相关的传统美德教育活动,并且在... 我国不仅是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个有着丰富人文精神的国度。在历史的发展过程中,也形成了博大精深的传统美德,至今也成为了华夏民族最宝贵的精神财富。随着时代的发展变化,小学教学中也展开了相关的传统美德教育活动,并且在构建文明校园中发挥着极大的重要性。尤其是在积极建设中国特色社会主义和谐社会的今天,加强对小学生的传统美德教育,其实也是对优秀文化的弘扬,并更利于中华民族精神的发扬光大。本文主要针对小学传美教育在构建文明校园中的重要性及实践进行探究。 展开更多
关键词 小学 教育 文明校园 重要性 实践 进行探究
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