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敖世瑜 刘美含 郭柳 曾倩作品
作者 敖世瑜 刘美含 +1 位作者 郭柳 曾倩 《大舞台》 北大核心 2014年第4期I0013-I0013,共1页
关键词 美含 世瑜
口含烟发展现状及原料研究进展 被引量:11
作者 窦玉青 沈轶 +5 位作者 张继旭 赵文涛 杨菁 杨凯 杜咏梅 张忠锋 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2016年第12期133-136,共4页
在世界控烟越来越严峻的形势下,各国烟草生产者把口含型烟草制品或卷烟替代品的研究和开发作为发展的重要目标和竞争点。我国的口含型烟草制品研发领域尚处于初级阶段。为了解口含烟的发展状况及原料需求,对口含型烟草制品的主要种类、... 在世界控烟越来越严峻的形势下,各国烟草生产者把口含型烟草制品或卷烟替代品的研究和开发作为发展的重要目标和竞争点。我国的口含型烟草制品研发领域尚处于初级阶段。为了解口含烟的发展状况及原料需求,对口含型烟草制品的主要种类、发展历程及现状、销售状况及原料的需求种类和特点进行综述,展望了口含型烟草制品的未来发展方向及前景。 展开更多
关键词 无烟气烟草 瑞典式口 式口 化型烟草
对美国和中国页岩油气资源的对比分析与思考 被引量:7
作者 关德范 《中外能源》 CAS 2015年第12期19-27,共9页
近年来,美国在页岩油气开采技术方面取得突破,使其页岩油气产量得到快速增长,这是很正常的一种增长规律。然而,美国大肆鼓吹所谓的"页岩气革命"改变了自身能源结构,将使其成为全球最大的天然气生产国,甚至还宣称中国页岩气技... 近年来,美国在页岩油气开采技术方面取得突破,使其页岩油气产量得到快速增长,这是很正常的一种增长规律。然而,美国大肆鼓吹所谓的"页岩气革命"改变了自身能源结构,将使其成为全球最大的天然气生产国,甚至还宣称中国页岩气技术可采资源量排名全球第一,页岩油技术可采资源量位居全球第三。很显然,这是一种别有用心的炒作。为了清晰了解中国页岩油气资源的状况,选择美国19个面积大于2×104km2的含页岩油气盆地,与中国17个主要含油气盆地进行对比分析。结果表明,不论是烃源岩形成的石油地质条件,还是赋存页岩油气的大地构造环境,中国与美国相比都有较大差距。中国的页岩油气资源并不丰富,页岩气仅在四川盆地有一定的开发前景,页岩油也只有鄂尔多斯盆地具有商业开采价值。不仅中国,世界各国均不可能复制美国的"页岩气革命"。尽管美国暂时在页岩气开发上取得了突破,但在低油价、高成本、耗水大和环境污染面前,美国还能坚持多久仍是未知数。 展开更多
关键词 页岩油气 资源量 油气盆地烃源岩赋存条件中对比
作者 伊比然恨 宗晔 +1 位作者 普布仓决 巴桑卓玛 《西藏科技》 2014年第5期51-52,共2页
目的比较四联;埃索美拉唑、果胶铋、阿莫西林、呋喃唑酮与传统标准三联;埃索美拉唑、阿莫西林、克拉霉素疗法根除HP的疗效。方法是将于2012年5月至2013年11月在我院消化内镜室,经胃镜检查确诊的消化性溃疡,慢性活动性胃炎,且HP检查阳性... 目的比较四联;埃索美拉唑、果胶铋、阿莫西林、呋喃唑酮与传统标准三联;埃索美拉唑、阿莫西林、克拉霉素疗法根除HP的疗效。方法是将于2012年5月至2013年11月在我院消化内镜室,经胃镜检查确诊的消化性溃疡,慢性活动性胃炎,且HP检查阳性的124例患者随机分为两组,治疗组选择埃索美拉唑20mg、果胶铋100mg、阿莫西林1.0g、呋喃唑酮0.1g对照组采用标准三联(埃索美拉唑20mg、阿莫西林1.0g、克拉霉素0.5g)均每日bid口服。两组患者均在停药四周后复查HP判断根除率。结论四联10-14天疗法在根除HP疗效上明显优于标准三联疗法是一种非常有效的治疗方案选择。 展开更多
关键词 铋剂四联(埃索拉唑+果胶铋+两种抗生素) 标准三联 幽门螺杆菌
面向市场 桃李芬芳
作者 陈双 《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 1994年第5期50-50,共1页
面向市场桃李芬芳撰文陈双摄影止笑哈尔滨市第22职业高中,自1986年新领导班子上任以来“坚持改革,从严治校”、“面向社会,培养人衬”。不仅迅速改变了“黑、脏、乱”的校容校貌.一跃成为省级“改善办学条件先进集体”,而且... 面向市场桃李芬芳撰文陈双摄影止笑哈尔滨市第22职业高中,自1986年新领导班子上任以来“坚持改革,从严治校”、“面向社会,培养人衬”。不仅迅速改变了“黑、脏、乱”的校容校貌.一跃成为省级“改善办学条件先进集体”,而且大刀阔斧地根据市场需求调整专业设置... 展开更多
关键词 桃李芬芳 校容校貌 需求调整 专业设置 实习基地 美含 财会专业 文秘专业 著名影星 储蓄业务
《秘书之友》 1991年第10期28-28,共1页
世界上用建国日为国庆日的国家是少数,只有三十五个.我国是以建国的日子为国庆日.日本是以天皇诞辰日为国庆日.以国家元首的生日作为国庆日的国家,亚洲有尼泊尔、泰国、欧洲有荷兰、丹麦、比利时、瑞典等.罗马尼亚是以罗马尼亚共产党领... 世界上用建国日为国庆日的国家是少数,只有三十五个.我国是以建国的日子为国庆日.日本是以天皇诞辰日为国庆日.以国家元首的生日作为国庆日的国家,亚洲有尼泊尔、泰国、欧洲有荷兰、丹麦、比利时、瑞典等.罗马尼亚是以罗马尼亚共产党领导武装起义。 展开更多
关键词 罗马尼亚共产党 武装起义 安东尼斯库 美含 于登 起亚 亚元 次开 众子 家国
从《兰亭序》看东晋的时代风格 被引量:1
作者 张洋生 陈向鸿 《南昌高专学报》 2002年第4期28-29,32,共3页
历来有"天下第一行书"之称的《兰亭序》是王羲之的代表作,也是东晋尚韵书风的代表作。"韵"最难讲,和谐、含蓄、清淡、风雅大致可以为之作注。"韵"和《兰亭序》都属于"优美"、"秀美"... 历来有"天下第一行书"之称的《兰亭序》是王羲之的代表作,也是东晋尚韵书风的代表作。"韵"最难讲,和谐、含蓄、清淡、风雅大致可以为之作注。"韵"和《兰亭序》都属于"优美"、"秀美"的美学范畴。 展开更多
关键词 《兰亭序》 东晋 书法艺术 王羲之
Extracting Information on Implied Volatilities and Discrete Dividends From American Option Prices
作者 Martina Nardon Paolo Pianca 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第1期112-129,共18页
This paper deals with options on assets, such as stocks or indexes, which pay cash dividends. Pricing methods which consider discrete dividends are usually computationally expensive and become infeasible when one cons... This paper deals with options on assets, such as stocks or indexes, which pay cash dividends. Pricing methods which consider discrete dividends are usually computationally expensive and become infeasible when one considers multiple dividends paid during the option lifetime. This is the case of long-term options and options on indexes. The first purpose of this paper is to assess efficient and accurate numerical procedures which yield consistent prices for both European and American options when the underlying asset pays discrete dividends. The authors then analyze some methodologies to extract information on implied volatilities and dividends from quoted option prices. Implied dividends can also be computed using a modified version of the well-known put-call parity relationship. This technique is straightforward, nevertheless, its use is limited to European options, and when dealing with equities, most traded options are of American type. As an alternative, the numerical inversion of pricing methods, such as efficient interpolated binomial method, can be used. This paper applies different procedures to obtain implied volatilities and dividends of listed stocks of the Italian derivatives market (IDEM). 展开更多
关键词 options on stocks discrete dividends lattice methods implied volatilities implied dividends
Geochemistry of Tertiary sandstones from southwest Sarawak,Malaysia: implications for provenance and tectonic setting 被引量:1
作者 Nasim Ferdous Atikul Haque Farazi 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期294-308,共15页
Tertiary sandstones collected from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to decipher their provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting. The studied sandstones have a sublitharenite composition and are dominantly... Tertiary sandstones collected from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to decipher their provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting. The studied sandstones have a sublitharenite composition and are dominantly composed quartz with little mica and feldspar, and a small amount of volcanic fragments. These sand- stones were generally derived from quartz-rich recycled orogenic sources. They have relatively high SiO2 content with low Na20, CaO, MnO, and MgO contents. Values of Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of these rock samples vary from 71 to 93, with an average of 81, implying intense chemical alteration during weathering. A felsic igneous source is suggested by a low concentration of TiO2 com- pared to CIA, enrichment of Light Rare Earth Elements, depletion of Heavy Rare Earth Elements, and negative Eu anomalies. A felsic origin is further supported by a Eu/Eu* range of 0.65-0.85 and high Th/Sc, La/Sc, La/Co, and Th/ Co ratios. This work presents the first reported geochemical data of Tertiary sandstones of the Sarawak Basin. These data led us to conclude that the sandstones were dislodged from recycled orogenic sources and deposited in a slowly subsiding rifted basin in a passive continental tectonic setting. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMISTRY Tertiary sandstone PROVENANCE Tectonic setting SW Sarawak MALAYSIA
Challenges on the Quality of Biomass Derived Products for Bringing Them into the Fuels Market
作者 Magdalena Ramirez Vicente Sanchez 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第3期321-328,共8页
US EPA recently issued the final definition for a renewable fuel establishes rule for the revised Renewable Fuel Standard RFS the compliance for each part of its name: (i) to II (Renewable Fuel Standard). The mai... US EPA recently issued the final definition for a renewable fuel establishes rule for the revised Renewable Fuel Standard RFS the compliance for each part of its name: (i) to II (Renewable Fuel Standard). The main be a fuel and (ii) to be produced from renewable biomass. This paper addresses the challenges faced by biomass derived fuels on meeting the specifications of those fuels (gasoline, diesel and heating oil). Biomass-derived products contain oxygenates, some of which might enhance certain fuel specifications, but some others may have deteriorating effects. On directly derived from biomass pyrolysis have been demonstrated to the basis of available data published in the literature, the fuels be far from the concept of "substantially similar" transportation fuels. Upgrading is required to convert pyrolysis products into fuels that meet specifications. The economical viability of upgrading still faces confirmation, and imposes several technical challenges for truly attractive cost-effective approaches. 展开更多
关键词 Biomass-derived fuels ASTM specifications QUALITY UPGRADING RFS II.
Effect of Cooking Method and Storage on the Quality of Minced Pork
作者 H.S. Lin J.Y. Lee B.C. Ke 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1249-1256,共8页
Minced pork paste was mixed with cooked rice and noodle resulted in very popular traditional gourmet meal in Taiwan. The 100 ℃, 4 h was normally cooking condition for commercial business. However, the pressure cooker... Minced pork paste was mixed with cooked rice and noodle resulted in very popular traditional gourmet meal in Taiwan. The 100 ℃, 4 h was normally cooking condition for commercial business. However, the pressure cooker with higher cooking temperature (106 ℃, 116 ℃ and 121 ℃) and different cooking time were under studied in order to improving efficiency, quality and even cost down. The samples of neck pork substitute, cooking at 106℃, 100 rain; 116℃, 75 min; 121 ℃, 45 min with different pressure were perfomed the result as well as traditional 20% fat in ordinary formulation and cooking at 100℃ for 4 h. During storage, the products were taste acceptable for 4 weeks at 4 ℃, 4 months at - 18 ℃ and better than 1 day at 25 ℃ storage. 展开更多
关键词 Minced pork paste sensory trait AV (Acid value) POV (peroxide value)
Magnitude and Trends of High-elevation Cloud Water Pollutant Concentrations and Modeled Deposition Fluxes
作者 Selma Isil Thomas Lavery +2 位作者 Kristi Gebhart Christopher Rogers Carol Armbrust Wanta 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2017年第3期127-143,共17页
Cloud water samples, LWC (Liquid Water Content) and meteorological data were collected at the Clingmans Dome, Tennessee, high-elevation site in Great Smoky Mountains National Park during the warm season from 1994 th... Cloud water samples, LWC (Liquid Water Content) and meteorological data were collected at the Clingmans Dome, Tennessee, high-elevation site in Great Smoky Mountains National Park during the warm season from 1994 through 2011. This paper presents results from 2000 through the conclusion of the study in 2011. Samples were analyzed for SO42", NO3, NH4+ and H+. These measurements were supplemented by measurements of ambient air and precipitation concentrations to estimate dry and wet deposition. Cloud water concentrations, LWC, cloud frequency, various meteorological measurements and information on nearby forest canopy were used to model cloud water deposition to gauge trends in deposition. Total deposition was calculated as the sum of cloud, dry and wet deposition estimates. Concentrations and deposition fluxes declined over the study period. The decreases in cloud water SO42" and NO3 concentrations were 40 percent and 26 percent, respectively. Three-year mean 5042 and NO3 deposition rates decreased by 71 percent and 70 percent, respectively. Trends in concentrations and depositions were comparable with trends in SO2 and NOx emissions from Tennessee Valley Authority power plants and aggregated emission reductions from electric generating units in adjacent states. Back trajectories were simulated with the HYSPLIT model and aggregated over cloud sampling periods from 2000 through 2007 and 2009 through 2011. Trajectories during periods with high H+ concentrations traveled over local EGU (Electric Generating Unit) emission sources in Tennessee and Kentucky to the Ohio River Valley, Alabama and Georgia with the conclusion that these source regions contributed to acidic cloud water deposition at Clingmans Dome. This work was supported by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Tennessee Valley Authority with infrastructure support provided by the National Park Service. 展开更多
关键词 Cloud water acid deposition liquid water content EMISSIONS back trajectory high elevation.
The Content of Selenium and Other Ten Chemical Elements in Boletus Edulis from Bulgaria and Inhibition of Lipid Peroxidation
作者 G. Bekyarov M. Kakalova +6 位作者 A. Iliev Tsv. Bekyarova G.V. Donchenko O.M. Palyvoda O.V. Vydiuk A.S.Dubovetskyi O.I. Kuzmenko 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第6期708-715,共8页
The goal of this study was to determine the content of such biological active metals as Se, Hg, AI, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb, Mg, Ca and Fe in Boletus Edulis mushrooms and to study the effect of mushrooms as inhibitors of b... The goal of this study was to determine the content of such biological active metals as Se, Hg, AI, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb, Mg, Ca and Fe in Boletus Edulis mushrooms and to study the effect of mushrooms as inhibitors of blood serum copper-initiated lipid peroxidation. The metals content was determined by ICP-OES technique and blood lipids peroxidation in vitro was assessed by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances measurement. The dependency between quality and content of the determined biological active metals has been traced. Samples were analyzed of wild growing mushrooms Boletus Edulis from two mountain regions in Bulgaria. On the average the content of Se in Boletus Edulis was found to be 25 mg/kg dried mushroom, this content being higher in tubules than in fleshy part. We found that Boletus Edulis mushrooms inhibited lipid peroxidation in the concentration dependent manner. The effective concentration of Boletus Edulis is in 5 times lower compared to the concentration of Cantharellus Cibarius resulting in similar lipid peroxidation inhibition. This effect can be explained by 56 times higher content of Se and by 1.5 and 3 times lower content of such initiators of lipid peroxidation as Cu and Fe in Boletus Edulis compared to Cantharellus Cibarius. A system with a source of infrared radiation heating, developed by authors, was used for the mushroom mineralization. We conclude that Boletus Edulis is an effective inhibitor of blood lipid peroxidation and in 5 times stronger rather than Cantharellus Cibarius. 展开更多
关键词 Boletus edulis ICP-OES heavy metals SELENIUM lipid peroxidation ANTIOXIDANTS
Modeling seismic wave propagation in a coal-bearing porous medium by a staggered-grid finite difference method
作者 Zou Guangui Peng Suping Yin Caiyun Deng Xiaojuan Chen Fengying Xu Yanyong 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第5期727-731,共5页
A staggered-grid finite difference method is used to model seismic wave records in a coal bearing, porous medium. The variables analyzed include the order of the difference calculations, the use of a perfect match lay... A staggered-grid finite difference method is used to model seismic wave records in a coal bearing, porous medium. The variables analyzed include the order of the difference calculations, the use of a perfect match layer to provide absorbing boundary conditions, the source location, the stability conditions, and dispersion in the medium. The results show that the location of the first derivative of the dynamic variable with respect to space is coincident with the location of the first derivative of the kinematic varable with respect to time. Outgoing waves are effectively absorbed and reflection at the boundary is very weak when more than 20 perfect match layer cells are used. Blot theory considers the liquid phase to be homogeneous so the ratio of liquid to solid exposure of the seismic source depends upon the medium porosity. Numerical dispersion and generation of false frequencies is reduced by increasing the accuracy of the difference calculations and by reducing the grid size and time step. Temporal second order accuracy, a tenth order spatial accuracy, and a wavelength over more than ten grid points gave acceptable numerical results. Larger grid step sizes in the lateral direction and smaller grid sizes in the vertical direction allow control of dispersion when the medium is a low speed body. This provides a useful way to simulate seismic waves in a porous coal bearing medium. 展开更多
关键词 CoalPorous mediaStaggered-grid finite differenceSeismic wave propagation
作者 姜勇 《华夏文化论坛》 2008年第1期198-203,共6页
《易经》"含章之美"的研究兼顾了文献考据与义理阐释两个层面,以"章"为中国美学发生的起点,切合先秦美学思想成果是以工艺美学之章为根基的、是由此而生发出来的这一历史实际。离要求章的"绚丽繁富"之美... 《易经》"含章之美"的研究兼顾了文献考据与义理阐释两个层面,以"章"为中国美学发生的起点,切合先秦美学思想成果是以工艺美学之章为根基的、是由此而生发出来的这一历史实际。离要求章的"绚丽繁富"之美,贲要求章的"素朴简淡"之美;两种审美趣味之间的张力,在道家和先秦工艺中都有表现。《周易》包含了"繁缛富丽"、"气韵生动"和"素朴简淡"三种美感类型;在艺术史上,"气韵生动"与"繁缛富丽"渐趋对立,而与"素朴简淡"走向亲和。 展开更多
关键词 易经 章之 感类型
作者 核桃小丸子 《流行歌曲》 2012年第25期44-45,共2页
关键词 月圆之夜 克逊 美含 掐指一算 去哪儿 杨洋 朱梓 亚克西 钱君 就这样
作者 张东升 《杉乡文学》 2007年第9期58-58,共1页
关键词 女记者 阿富汗战争 船上 弱女子 使人 中国籍 东源 美含 张东升 身单力薄
《我叫郝聪明2》 欢乐才是硬道理
作者 芦苇 《电视指南》 2015年第12期62-63,共2页
剧值息:片名:我叫郝聪明2导演:明焱制片人:宫明月主演:刘美含、吴昊泽、冯静恩在线播放平台:乐视网拍摄时间:2015年8月12日至2015年9月23电视指南点评:剧情:★★★★演员:★★★制作:★★★★人气:★★★★服装:★★★★★化妆:★★★... 剧值息:片名:我叫郝聪明2导演:明焱制片人:宫明月主演:刘美含、吴昊泽、冯静恩在线播放平台:乐视网拍摄时间:2015年8月12日至2015年9月23电视指南点评:剧情:★★★★演员:★★★制作:★★★★人气:★★★★服装:★★★★★化妆:★★★★道具:★★★★故事性:★★★★欢乐到底2013年4月15日,乐视网出品的网络剧《我叫郝聪明》以5000多万的播放量收官。这部讲述北漂大妞欢乐寻爱的网络剧,采用了播放互动、网络征集和全站独占贴片等宣传方式。 展开更多
关键词 在线播放 美含 拍摄时间 日至 宣传方式 吴昊 营销案例 东北人 在现场 小白兔
i Me我要上春晚
《流行歌曲》 2012年第7期30-31,共2页
央视春节联欢晚会这个万人瞩目的大舞台,张杰很想去,魏晨很想去,陈翔也很想去,可他们都还没去过,五个名气比他们小的女孩却差一点站上了这个舞台。人气像坐上了过山车2010年6月30日由泰国正大集团与天娱传媒共同打造的iMe组合诞生了,五... 央视春节联欢晚会这个万人瞩目的大舞台,张杰很想去,魏晨很想去,陈翔也很想去,可他们都还没去过,五个名气比他们小的女孩却差一点站上了这个舞台。人气像坐上了过山车2010年6月30日由泰国正大集团与天娱传媒共同打造的iMe组合诞生了,五个成员是从中、韩、泰三国中挑选而出,舞蹈与演唱实力都不凡,还远赴韩国进行了魔鬼培训。首张专辑《哎咿呀》问世后,引发哼唱热潮,人气节节高升。 展开更多
关键词 泰国正大集团 I ME 节节高 出镜率 监司 美含 道二 给力 个人原因 前几
Analysis of Carbon Functional Groups in Mobile Humic Acid and Recalcitrant Calcium Humate Extracted from Eight US Soils 被引量:3
作者 HE Zhong-Qi CAO Xiao-Yan +2 位作者 MAO Jing-Dong T.OHNO H.M.WALDRIP 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期705-716,共12页
Solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a common tool to study the structure of soil humic fractions; however, knowledge regarding carbon structural relationships in humic fractions is limit... Solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a common tool to study the structure of soil humic fractions; however, knowledge regarding carbon structural relationships in humic fractions is limited. In this study, mobile humic acid (MHA) and recalcitrant calcium humate (CallA) fractions were extracted from eight soils collected from six US states and representing a variety of soils and ecoregions, characterized by this spectroscopic technique and analyzed for statistical significance at P 〈 0.05. We found that the abundances of COO and N-C=O functional groups in the MHA fractions were negatively correlated to soil sand content, but were positively correlated to silt, total N and soil organic carbon contents. In contrast, the abundances of the COO and N-C=O functional groups were only positively correlated to the content of clay in the CallA fractions, indicating that the two humic fractions were associated with different soil components. The two 13C NMR peaks representing alkyls and OCH3/NCH were negatively correlated to the peaks representing aromatics, aromatic C-O and N-C=O/COO. Comparison of the sets of data from 13C NMR spectroscopy and ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry revealed that the aromatic components identified by the two methods were highly consistent. The comparison further revealed that protein in MHA was associated with, or bound to, the nonpolar alkyl groups, but a component competitively against (or complementary to) aromatic groups in the MHA composition. These observations provided insight on the internal correlations of the functional groups of soil humic fractions. 展开更多
关键词 correlation analysis humic substances nuclear magnetic resonance soil organic matter ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry
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