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官僚政治模式与美国外交决策研究方法 被引量:5
作者 周琪 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期34-51,157,共18页
20世纪50年代流行的分析美国外交决策的方法是理性行为者方法,这与当时国际关系理论领域里占主导地位的现实主义对理性的重视有关。1962年艾利森和霍尔珀林的《决策的本质》一书问世,带来了决策理论中的变革。1972年他们二人又在论文中... 20世纪50年代流行的分析美国外交决策的方法是理性行为者方法,这与当时国际关系理论领域里占主导地位的现实主义对理性的重视有关。1962年艾利森和霍尔珀林的《决策的本质》一书问世,带来了决策理论中的变革。1972年他们二人又在论文中正式提出了对理性行为者模式的替代方法——官僚政治模式。他们认为,理性行为者模式把政府组织的和政治的复杂性简化成为一个单一的行为者,而忽略了官僚体制的存在。事实上,政府并不是统一的、理性的计算单位,而是由那些具有不同利益、持不同政策观点的组织和个人所组成,它们之间相互竞争以影响决策。政府决策是集团的博弈,而不是个人的活动;是一个政治过程,而不是一个智力和理性过程。作者还阐述了官僚政治模式的发展过程和特点、对它的批评与修正以及美国总统权力与官僚政治的关系等,其结论是,与决策理论中的其他方法相比,官僚政治模式是更适用于分析美国外交决策的方法。 展开更多
关键词 国际关系理论 交决策理论 官僚政治模式 美国外交政策 美国外 交决策
作者 高智华 李启文 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期114-122,共9页
美国法域外适用具有较长的发展历史。在“美国优先”主义的旗帜下,美国通过不断扩张连接点的方式扩大本国法的域外适用范围,为制裁他国实体、实现政治目的披上合法性外衣。近年来,为了全面制裁中国,美国更是紧锣密鼓地不当适用其国内法... 美国法域外适用具有较长的发展历史。在“美国优先”主义的旗帜下,美国通过不断扩张连接点的方式扩大本国法的域外适用范围,为制裁他国实体、实现政治目的披上合法性外衣。近年来,为了全面制裁中国,美国更是紧锣密鼓地不当适用其国内法。美国法域外适用具有法律霸权性、连接点广泛性、运行体系性、适用对象政治化以及低预见性等特点。美国法不当域外适用给中国造成了诸多不利影响,中国已通过国家立法、区域合作以及企业合规与积极应诉等方式积极应对。今后,我国应通过制定或修改相关法律法规、完善反制工作机制、设立利益补偿制度、加强涉外法治人才队伍建设等方式进一步完善应对美国法对华不当适用的措施。 展开更多
关键词 美国法域适用 长臂管辖 国内法治 管辖 中美冲突
作者 王育琪 《绥化学院学报》 2007年第5期34-38,共5页
证据开示程序是美国民事诉讼中的一个极具特色的程序,美国法院一般将此程序适用于涉及美国当事人的国际民事诉讼案件中;这一程序是其法院在国际民事诉讼中获取证据的一种重要方式。这一程序产生的动因、价值取向、程序实施所受到的限制... 证据开示程序是美国民事诉讼中的一个极具特色的程序,美国法院一般将此程序适用于涉及美国当事人的国际民事诉讼案件中;这一程序是其法院在国际民事诉讼中获取证据的一种重要方式。这一程序产生的动因、价值取向、程序实施所受到的限制等问题会对该程序的发展产生重大的影响。美国域外证据开示程序是其传统文化、思想观念在法律制度领域的一个重要体现,但这种以美国为自我中心的程序因为其单边主义倾向而受到相关限制。 展开更多
关键词 美国证据开示程序 动因 价值倾向 限制
美国、印度会计外包的实现方式与我国会计外包的发展态势 被引量:4
作者 孟翠湖 宋小川 《现代商业》 2009年第14期212-213,共2页
会计外包作为现代企业生产管理的一种解决方案,自从20世纪70年代末实施应用至今,在美国、印度等国家已经取得了显著的成效,为企业管理与发展做出了巨大贡献。我国会计外包起步虽晚,但经历了几年的发展之后,亦具有一定的国内、国际影响力... 会计外包作为现代企业生产管理的一种解决方案,自从20世纪70年代末实施应用至今,在美国、印度等国家已经取得了显著的成效,为企业管理与发展做出了巨大贡献。我国会计外包起步虽晚,但经历了几年的发展之后,亦具有一定的国内、国际影响力,当然还需在一些方面予以进一步的改进。本文将对此做出探讨性建议。 展开更多
关键词 会计 会计包的实行方式 美国、印度的会计 我国的会计
中国应对美国次级制裁的反制研究 被引量:3
作者 唐也斯 杨署东 《国际贸易》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期89-96,共8页
美国次级制裁是美国法域外适用的一种形式,将其经济制裁的法律法规适用于与其无关的第三国企业和个人,破坏第三国经济秩序、影响第三国社会稳定。由于“中国威胁论”和“让美国再次强大”理念的影响,使得我国成为美国直接制裁目标的同时... 美国次级制裁是美国法域外适用的一种形式,将其经济制裁的法律法规适用于与其无关的第三国企业和个人,破坏第三国经济秩序、影响第三国社会稳定。由于“中国威胁论”和“让美国再次强大”理念的影响,使得我国成为美国直接制裁目标的同时,还深受美国次级制裁的打击。这种做法不仅侵犯我国主权、干涉我国内政,还严重影响了我国企业的对外贸易往来。虽然在理论上我国可以通过取得美国总统豁免权和借助国际组织的力量来反制美国次级制裁,但在实践操作中难度大且效果欠佳。因此,我国应从自身出发,根据域外反制美国次级制裁的理论和实践,结合我国具体情况,从防御和进攻两个方向寻求我国反制美国次级制裁的对策。 展开更多
关键词 次级制裁 美国法域适用 阻断法
外高加索地区形势演变及其走向 被引量:9
作者 邓浩 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期66-81,共16页
乌克兰危机牵动着外高加索地区,加速了地区内部的分化演变。俄罗斯与美国、欧盟在外高地区激烈争夺,各有所得,处于战略相持阶段。中东"伊斯兰国"崛起、伊朗核协议签署、土俄关系恶化等相互交织,也对地区局势产生微妙影响。外... 乌克兰危机牵动着外高加索地区,加速了地区内部的分化演变。俄罗斯与美国、欧盟在外高地区激烈争夺,各有所得,处于战略相持阶段。中东"伊斯兰国"崛起、伊朗核协议签署、土俄关系恶化等相互交织,也对地区局势产生微妙影响。外高地区未来发展决定于内外多种因素的相互作用,机遇和挑战并存。 展开更多
关键词 乌克兰危机、高地区、俄罗斯、美国、大国博弈
2021年美国肠外与肠内营养学会学术年会热点报道 被引量:4
作者 吴国豪 张燕妮 谈善军 《中华消化外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期648-654,共7页
关键词 肠道营养 营养 美国与肠内营养学会 营养不良 代谢 消化道疾病
论美国域外管辖:概念、实践及中国因应 被引量:132
作者 李庆明 《国际法研究》 2019年第3期3-23,共21页
美国域外管辖包括域外立法管辖、司法管辖和执法管辖,有别于长臂管辖和美国法的域外适用。美国认为其域外管辖源于国际法上的属地原则、属人原则、保护原则和普遍原则。美国国会制定含有域外适用条款的立法,既有确保美国境内外当事人得... 美国域外管辖包括域外立法管辖、司法管辖和执法管辖,有别于长臂管辖和美国法的域外适用。美国认为其域外管辖源于国际法上的属地原则、属人原则、保护原则和普遍原则。美国国会制定含有域外适用条款的立法,既有确保美国境内外当事人得到平等对待的考虑,也有维护美国的政治、经济、外交利益的考虑。美国联邦法院虽已限制外国原告利用美国法对域外发生的侵权案件寻求赔偿,但并未限制美国行政部门的执法权和美国私人当事人的诉权。美国行政部门甚至还违反国际法和外国法在外国领域内执法。针对美国域外管辖,加拿大、英国等国家以及欧盟在政治、法律和经济上采取了一系列可资借鉴的反制措施。为回应美国域外管辖,中国应:与其他国家合作,反对美国过度域外管辖;协助中国企业和个人做好个案应对;完善中国对外关系法,尤其是管辖权立法、国际司法协助立法、阻却立法等。 展开更多
关键词 管辖 长臂管辖 美国法的域适用 阻却立法
针刀联合自体富血小板血浆治疗跟痛症的疗效观察 被引量:8
作者 沈启明 丁宇 +4 位作者 钟毓贤 刘倩 卢正操 杜薇 乔晋琳 《世界中医药》 CAS 2019年第4期1011-1015,共5页
目的:探讨针刀联合自体富血小板血浆治疗跟痛症的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2016年6月至2017年10月解放军总医院第六医学中心康复科医学门诊收治的跟痛症患者68例,分为观察组和对照组,每组34例,观察组予以针刀联合自体富血小板血浆治疗... 目的:探讨针刀联合自体富血小板血浆治疗跟痛症的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2016年6月至2017年10月解放军总医院第六医学中心康复科医学门诊收治的跟痛症患者68例,分为观察组和对照组,每组34例,观察组予以针刀联合自体富血小板血浆治疗,对照组予以针刀治疗,治疗1次/周,连续治疗2次。记录2组患者治疗前与治疗后1个月、3个月、6个月的疼痛视觉模拟评分(Visual Analogue Scale,VAS)和美国足踝外科协会后足功能评分(American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society,AOFAS),对2组患者治疗前后患足的疼痛和功能进行评估,并计算临床治疗有效率。结果:2组患者在治疗后各个时间点,治疗前后组内比较VAS评分明显下降(P <0. 05); AOFAS后足功能评分显著上升,治疗前后评分差异有统计学意义(P <0. 05)。观察组在治疗后3个月、6个月时VAS评分低于对照组,AOFAS评分高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P <0. 05)。治疗后6个月2组痊愈率比较,差异有统计学意义(P <0. 05),总有效率比较差异无统计学意义(P> 0. 05)。结论:针刀联合自体富血小板血浆治疗跟痛症,与单纯使用针刀治疗比较,具有缓解疼痛彻底、疗效持久、不易复发等优点,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 跟痛症 骨痹 针刀治疗 自体富血小板血浆治疗 联合 疼痛视觉模拟评分 美国足踝科协会后足功能评分 回顾性研究
James Thurber's Humor Represents Typical American Humor 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第5期395-400,共6页
Humor is needed universally. The ability to make jokes or to appreciate humor is both necessary for living a happy or smooth life. Different nations have different humors. The paper is to analyze the definition of hum... Humor is needed universally. The ability to make jokes or to appreciate humor is both necessary for living a happy or smooth life. Different nations have different humors. The paper is to analyze the definition of humor, the difference between British and American humor, and take James Thurber's stories to show the typical American humor. The English appear to be deeply serious people. English humor is more conserved, subtle, and silent. The British are known for their sense of humor. However, it is often difficult for foreigners to understand their jokes. The key to understanding British humor is to know that the British often use "understatement". American humor tends to be more "obvious" and less oblique, and can sometimes be considered by other English speaking cultures to be over the top and ridiculous. 展开更多
关键词 HUMOR British humor American humor James Thurber loud and laughers
Intricate plight of black women in black community Who are left behind in Song of Solomon?
作者 WU Jing 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第5期25-27,共3页
African American women suffer greater than men in the black community. They play the role as the guardian of the culture and are responsible for passing on stories of their ancestors to the future generations. When th... African American women suffer greater than men in the black community. They play the role as the guardian of the culture and are responsible for passing on stories of their ancestors to the future generations. When the men grow up and soar off, the women are left crying in pain and even in death. The article tries to illustrate the intricate plight of black women in the black community. 展开更多
关键词 guardian of the culture legend of his ancestors role of the educator
Culture Differences Reflected in the Novel The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第12期977-982,共6页
The paper is to study the culture differences in the novel The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan. Amy Tan was an oversea Chinese. Her mother was born and grew in old China. With the influences of her mother, Tan's novel... The paper is to study the culture differences in the novel The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan. Amy Tan was an oversea Chinese. Her mother was born and grew in old China. With the influences of her mother, Tan's novel inevitably reflects the Chinese culture. For herself, she was born and grew up in the States; she has been influenced by the American culture. So in her novel both the Chinese culture and American culture can be found. In this paper, the Chinese culture will mainly be talked about and analyzed, with some slight of American culture mentioned. The paper will start with the definition of culture, and the implication and features of Chinese and American culture will be explained. In the body of the paper, the typical symbols and manifestation of Chinese culture will be shown. And the conclusion is the main character's acceptance of the two cultures in the end. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE Chinese culture American culture the symbols Amy Tan MANIFESTATION
"A Perfect Heroine in Foreign Travel." Female Mobile Identities and Southern Italy in the 19th Century Non-feminist Periodical Press
作者 Marcella Romeo 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第11期1263-1277,共15页
This essay focuses on the interaction between the publication of female travel writing about the South of Italy in non-feminist 19th century British periodicals, and the circulation of a transgressive model of feminin... This essay focuses on the interaction between the publication of female travel writing about the South of Italy in non-feminist 19th century British periodicals, and the circulation of a transgressive model of femininity centred on the concepts of mobility, vitality and visibility. The choice of Southern Italy, an anti-tourist destination that since the era of the Grand Tour had been considered dangerous for men, let alone for women, magnifies female heroic attitudes and contaminates female conventional domestic purity enhancing the concept of an unfixed female identity. The publication of a travelogue, a mostly non-fictional genre, on an innovative and reactive medium, was a manifest act of transgression with respect to fixed social order, which gave visibility and credibility to a different model of femininity, an anti-Angel icon. A new form of narration displays adventurous women able to cross the private sphere and to write/publish authentic accounts of their transitional experience in a public, male-dominated sphere. 展开更多
关键词 women travelogues 19th century non-feminist periodicals Southern Italy VISIBILITY mobility anti-Angel icon
An Analysis of Donald Trump's Political Personality Traits and Policy Orientations
作者 Yin Jiwu Zheng Jianjun Li Hongzhou 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第2期82-91,共10页
As a political leader, US President Trump's personality traits affect his policy orientations and current US foreign policy. The authors analyze Trump's personality in several categories—uninhibited and capri... As a political leader, US President Trump's personality traits affect his policy orientations and current US foreign policy. The authors analyze Trump's personality in several categories—uninhibited and capricious, dynamic and capable, profit-orientated and self-centered,competitive and persistent, positive and extraverted. The traits of breaking traditions, skill at strategic deception and negotiation, action-motivated implementation, intuitive decision-making, pursuit of respect and interest exchange, and vengefulness will shape his policy and behavioral orientations. Initial study shows Trump to be a political leader with positive personality traits and double-sided dimensions. The analysis offers insight toward understanding the new US executive and his policy direction. 展开更多
关键词 Donald Trump personality traits policy preference US
History and Evolution of Nigeria-US Military, Security, and Political Relations
作者 Dapo Thomas 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2018年第4期209-230,共22页
This paper examines the dynamics, the politics, and the significance of the security relationship between Nigeria and the United States. Both countries, operating at different levels of military strengths, consider an... This paper examines the dynamics, the politics, and the significance of the security relationship between Nigeria and the United States. Both countries, operating at different levels of military strengths, consider and regard themselves as partners who should establish some form of cooperation for defence purposes. Though the United States enjoys massive military capability advantage over Nigeria, the relationship between the two of them was meant to assist Nigeria, the weak partner, or better still, the client state, to overcome the challenge of its defence policies, and to reinforce its military infrastructure. This will be in the areas of training, technology, equipment, professional orientation, and political management. However, there seems to be lack of trust between the two of them with Nigeria becoming too sensitive and concerned about its defence infrastructural deficits, and the possibility of the United States exploiting this to its own advantage. Such worrisome suspicions are capable of tinkering with the objectives of the security arrangements between the two of them. In this kind of suspect friendship where one partner has transformed into a protector state, it became difficult for defence pacts and agreements to achieve the desired objectives. Hence, the regular collapse of such pacts and lack of definitive defence policy actions between the two countries. The findings showed that every attempt by the United States to help stabilize Nigeria’s political system and environment was seen by Nigeria as an unwarranted intervention and meddlesomeness capable of destroying the fragility of its polity as it almost did during the June 12 crisis of 1993. 展开更多
关键词 security relationship client state protector state defence infrastructural deficit defence pacts unwarranted interventions
State-Based Determinants of Inward FDI Stock in the U.S. Economy
作者 Lucyna Kornecki E. M. Ekanayake 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第6期856-861,共6页
This paper has empirical character and investigates locational determinants of the inward foreign direct investment (FDI) stock among 50 states of the United States. The analysis uses annual data for the period from... This paper has empirical character and investigates locational determinants of the inward foreign direct investment (FDI) stock among 50 states of the United States. The analysis uses annual data for the period from 1997 to 2007. The study identifies several state-specific determinants of FDI and investigates the changes in their importance during the study period. Our results show that among the major determinants, the real per capita income, real per capita expenditure on education, FDI related employment, plus real research and development expenditure are found to have a significant positive impact on inward FDI. There is also evidence that manufacturing density and unionization exert a small positive impact on inward FDI. In addition, per capita state taxes, the share of scientists and engineers in the workforce, real capital expenditure, and unemployment rate exert a negative impact on FDI. 展开更多
关键词 U.S. economy inward foreign direct investment (FDI) determinants of FDl stock
Chinese companies' outward internationalization to emerging countries: The case of Latin America
作者 Gaston Fornes Alan Butt-Philip 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第7期13-28,共16页
This paper aims to review and analyze the literature on the expansion of Chinese firms to Latin America. In order to achieve this objective, it first reviews the literature on the internationalization of Chinese MNCs,... This paper aims to review and analyze the literature on the expansion of Chinese firms to Latin America. In order to achieve this objective, it first reviews the literature on the internationalization of Chinese MNCs, the theoretical frameworks discussed in the literature and the principal features of companies from China. Second, it describes the economic and political relations between the countries, specifically the threats and opportunities for Latin America and the trade and investment trends. The review shows that the majority of the current literature on Chinese MNCs has a focus on their expansion to developed countries, on the conceptual framework needed to understand this expansion, and on the competition for foreign investments from developed countries. As a result, the analysis makes evident that research gaps seem to exist in the following areas: (1) the relative value of Chinese companies' existing advantages, (2) the sustainability of these advantages once the lead, probably given by OEMs or JVs, had been exhausted, (3) research works based on quantitative and comparative data, (4) the motives for FDI, (5) the entry mode, configuration, control and strategy of Chinese companies investing in Latin America, and (6) the potential opportunities presented to European companies operating in Latin America. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese MNCs Latin America Sino-Latin American relations
The Redirection of US Foreign Strategy against the Background of Globalization
作者 Han Zhaoying Jiang Tan 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第3期75-88,共14页
American foreign strategy has had strong continuity since World War II despite differences among successive presidents. Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign revealed ideas and goals for US strategy and strate... American foreign strategy has had strong continuity since World War II despite differences among successive presidents. Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign revealed ideas and goals for US strategy and strategy adjustment that differ significantly from those of predecessors. The decline in relative gains and rise in cost for US involvement in globalization are reasons for Trump to redirect US foreign strategy. The relative decrease of both US trade and foreign direct investment in the US, amid security threats and the identity crisis of the American people, has tremendously increased the pricetag for US involvement in globalization. 展开更多
关键词 US foreign policy Trump GLOBALIZATION relative gains
Validation of Land Surface Temperature Derived from 37-GHz AMSR-E over Northern China
作者 ZHANG An-Zhi JIA Gen-Suo +1 位作者 WANG He-Song ZHAO Tian-Bao 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第5期257-263,共7页
A validation study of land surface temperature (LST) obtained from the Ka band (37 GHz) vertically polarized brightness temperature over northern China is presented.The remotely sensed LST derived jointly by the Vrije... A validation study of land surface temperature (LST) obtained from the Ka band (37 GHz) vertically polarized brightness temperature over northern China is presented.The remotely sensed LST derived jointly by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (VUA-NASA) from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) were compared to the daily in-situ top soil temperature/infrared surface temperature observations from eleven/three Enhanced Coordinated Observation stations in arid and semi-arid regions of northern China.The VUA-NASA LST from the descending path exhibited a stronger correspondence to the in-situ infrared surface temperature than soil temperature observations,whereas correlations (R 2) of the latter ranged from 0.41 to 0.86.Meanwhile,the ascending overpass LST was generally warmer than the in-situ soil temperature observations at all stations,and the correlation (R 2) was between 0.07 and 0.72.Furthermore,the correlation of the descending path was generally greater than that of the ascending path at the same station.The descending path VUA-NASA LST was sensitive to precipitation and presented good agreement with ground temperature dynamics.The analyses demonstrated that the descending overpass LST was reliable to reflect reasonable patterns of temperature dynamics for land surface temperature in the region. 展开更多
关键词 land surface temperature VALIDATION AMSR-E soil temperature northern China
The Representation of Foreign Politics Through Media Prism: A Case Study of 2008 U.S. Presidential Election Campaign in Mainland Chinese Newspapers
作者 CUI Yan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第5期312-326,共15页
As the most powerful nation in the world, the U.S. presidential election campaign drew a lot of attention from the media around the world. This study examines how party-orientation and market-orientation newspapers in... As the most powerful nation in the world, the U.S. presidential election campaign drew a lot of attention from the media around the world. This study examines how party-orientation and market-orientation newspapers in China presented 2008 U.S. presidential election campaign to their audience, and how the news serve for the reproduction of domestic dominated ideology and safeguarding domestic political needs. It adopted content analysis and textual analysis as research methods. The results show that Party newspaper tends to serve domestic political ideology, while market-oriented newspapers showed mixed attitude toward political demand. Although market newspapers, out of the concern of political safety, employed some tactic to comply with the demand of dominated ideology to some extent, their cooperation was limited since their main purpose was commercial success and their presentation even destroy the aim of linkage politics for the reasons include acquiring market profit and/or pursuit of professional value. This study is a positive effort to make up the current research gap of studies on international news in Chinese media. 展开更多
关键词 linkage politics presidential election campaign Chinese newspapers
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