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子宫内膜异位症对女性生育力的影响及评估方法 被引量:41
作者 岳静 靳镭 《实用妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期7-9,共3页
子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EMT)是育龄期妇女的常见疾病,临床表现多种多样,常见的有慢性盆腔痛、痛经、性交痛及不孕,其发病率约为10%~15%,在患有不孕或慢性盆腔痛的患者中可高达30%。近年来其发病率有明显增高趋势。1 EMT对女性... 子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EMT)是育龄期妇女的常见疾病,临床表现多种多样,常见的有慢性盆腔痛、痛经、性交痛及不孕,其发病率约为10%~15%,在患有不孕或慢性盆腔痛的患者中可高达30%。近年来其发病率有明显增高趋势。1 EMT对女性生育力的影响目前EMT降低女性生育能力的机制仍存在很大的争议,公认的观点认为EMT对女性生育能力的影响源自于此疾病本身的特征和不当的治疗,可能与盆腔解剖结构异常、输卵管异常、免疫细胞因子异常、卵母细胞质量下降、子宫内膜容受性改变、排卵障碍和卵巢储备功能下降等有关。 展开更多
关键词 子宫内膜异位症 慢性盆腔痛 女性生育 ENDOMETRIOSIS 解剖结构异常 育龄期 子宫内膜容受性 美国生育学会 卵母细胞质量 卵巢组织
子宫疾病对女性生育力的影响及其检查方法 被引量:6
作者 靳松 杨业洲 《实用妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期9-12,共4页
胚胎质量和子宫内膜的容受性是影响胚胎种植以及种植后发育的决定因素。子宫内膜容受性及胚胎种植后发育均受到子宫内膜类型、厚度、血液供应、是否存在子宫发育异常、子宫腔及子宫壁的器质性疾病以及局部免疫学状态等因素影响。1子宫... 胚胎质量和子宫内膜的容受性是影响胚胎种植以及种植后发育的决定因素。子宫内膜容受性及胚胎种植后发育均受到子宫内膜类型、厚度、血液供应、是否存在子宫发育异常、子宫腔及子宫壁的器质性疾病以及局部免疫学状态等因素影响。1子宫疾病对女性生育力的影响1.1子宫发育异常1988年,美国生育学会(American fertility society,AFS)将子宫发育异常分为发育不良、单角子宫、双角子宫、双子宫、中隔子宫、弓状子宫和己烯雌酚相关的子宫发育异常。 展开更多
关键词 子宫腔 胚胎种植 发育异常 美国生育学会 弓状子宫 胚胎质量 双子宫 宫内膜息肉 单角子宫 双角子宫
子宫内膜异位性疾病与子宫肌瘤卵巢恶性肿瘤患者的血清糖类抗原CA125及CA19-9表达的应用研究 被引量:6
作者 徐华 吕磊 王海清 《山西医药杂志》 CAS 2016年第21期2507-2509,共3页
子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EMs)及子宫腺肌病统称为子宫内膜异位性疾病,是具有生长功能的子宫内膜组织异位于个体其他部位或侵入子宫肌层导致,发病原因不明,与不孕和盆腔疼痛有关。虽然形态学上呈良性表现,但在临床行为学上具有... 子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EMs)及子宫腺肌病统称为子宫内膜异位性疾病,是具有生长功能的子宫内膜组织异位于个体其他部位或侵入子宫肌层导致,发病原因不明,与不孕和盆腔疼痛有关。虽然形态学上呈良性表现,但在临床行为学上具有恶性肿瘤的特点,因此,及时诊断和治疗子宫内膜异位性疾病是阻止疾病恶化的关键。血清肿瘤相关糖类抗原升高先于临床症状和影像学表现,且操作简便、无创,常用于疾病的早期诊断和筛查。 展开更多
关键词 异位性疾病 子宫内膜 卵巢恶性肿瘤 糖类抗原 子宫腺肌病 ENDOMETRIOSIS 生长功能 盆腔疼痛 临床行为 美国生育学会
作者 李现云 《临床医药实践》 2009年第4Z期1603-1603,共1页
关键词 桂枝茯苓胶囊 子宫内膜异位症 慢性盆腔炎 瘀血阻络 非经期盆腔疼痛 主要功效 美国生育学会 临床观察 差异无显著性 临床疗效
作者 Young P. Johns A. +2 位作者 Templeman C. G. DiZerega 张剑萍 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2006年第3期33-34,共2页
Objective: To determine whether Oxiplex/AP Gel (FzioMed, San Luis Obispo, CA) was safe and preliminarily effective in reducing postsurgical adhesions after adnexal surgery by laparoscopy. Design: Prospective, multicen... Objective: To determine whether Oxiplex/AP Gel (FzioMed, San Luis Obispo, CA) was safe and preliminarily effective in reducing postsurgical adhesions after adnexal surgery by laparoscopy. Design: Prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, U.S. Food and Drug Administration-monitored feasibility study. Setting: University and private clinics. Patient (s): Patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery with pelvic adhesions, tubal occlusion, endometriosis, and/or dermoids were randomized to receive Oxiplex/AP Gel or no further treatment after surgery. Intervention(s): A blinded, parallelgroup design was conducted at six centers. Patients (aged 18-46 years) underwent laparoscopic surgery, with secondlook surgery 6-10 weeks later. Surgeries were videotaped. Oxiplex/AP Gel was used to cover adnexa and adjacent tissue. Main Outcome Measure(s): Blinded reviews of videotapes were quantitated with the American Fertility Society adhesion score (AFS score). Result(s): In 18 treatment patients, surgery was performed on 29 adnexa. Application of Oxiplex/AP Gel required approximately 90 seconds. In 10 control patients, surgery was performed on 18 adnexa. The mean baseline AFS score for each group was 8.0. At second look, treated adnexa had the same score (8.1), whereas in control adnexa the score increased (from 8.0 to 11.6). Thirty-four percent of treated adnexa increased in adhesion score, in contrast to 67%of control adnexa. There were no device-related adverse events. Conclusion(s): In this pilot study, Oxiplex/AP Gel was safe, easy to use with laparoscopy, and produced a reduction in the increase of adnexal adhesion scores. 展开更多
关键词 附件手术 Oxiplex/AP 术后粘连 腔镜 腹腔镜手术 输卵管堵塞 盆腔粘连 美国生育学会 子宫
作者 Ferrero S. Gillott D.J. +1 位作者 Remorgida V. 朱国栋 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第9期20-21,共2页
Objective: To estimate the expression of haptoglobin (Hp)-βchain isoforms in the peritoneal fluid (PF) and plasma (PL) of women with and without endometrios is. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: University hosp... Objective: To estimate the expression of haptoglobin (Hp)-βchain isoforms in the peritoneal fluid (PF) and plasma (PL) of women with and without endometrios is. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: University hospital. Patient(s): Se venty-two patients with endometriosis and 35 controls. Intervention(s): Periton eal fluid and PL samples were subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, silver stained, digitally captured, and compared by semiquantitative computeriz ed analysis. Main Outcome Measure(s): Expression of Hp βchain isoforms. Result( s): No significant difference was observed in the frequency of expression of the Hp βchain isoforms between the two groups. One βchain isoform (HpβE; molecul ar weight, 38.40 ±0.94 kD; and isoelectric point, 5.63 ±0.17) had significantl y higher expression in both the PF and PL of women with endometriosis than in th e PF and PL of controls. No significant difference was observed in HpβE express ion between women with mild (revised American Fertility Society [rAFS], stage I -II) and severe (rAFS, stage III-IV) endometriosis. In the control group, Hpβ E expression was correlated with the phase of the menstrual cycle. Conclusion(s) : Women with endometriosis have higher PF and PL levels of HpβE. Further invest igation should be aimed at producing antibodies against the HpβE-specific epit opes to determine whether its measurement may improve the clinical diagnosis of endometriosis. 展开更多
关键词 子宫内膜异位症 结合珠蛋白 Β链 美国生育学会 二维凝胶电泳 大学医院 横断面研究 等电点 无显著性差异 确诊率
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