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作者 刘璇 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第3期34-41,共8页
“美学语法”为中西美学理论的对接问题引入了一个新的维度,借助美学命题逻辑结构与话语表述之间的张力可以超越语义层基本相同的指称意义,进入到语法层与逻辑层的深度不对等性之中。西方美学命题以“S是P”为基本例程,通过语法标记来... “美学语法”为中西美学理论的对接问题引入了一个新的维度,借助美学命题逻辑结构与话语表述之间的张力可以超越语义层基本相同的指称意义,进入到语法层与逻辑层的深度不对等性之中。西方美学命题以“S是P”为基本例程,通过语法标记来表达本质判断、分类背景和知识质态中的逻辑关系。汉语通过有限的结构递系和二维的结构递归呈现多层动态套叠的逻辑形式,是一种包含命题“主谓”分析式但又不相等的更高层次的对称耦合结构,其所构筑的宇宙生命结构模式也是中国美学命题的逻辑基础与审美理想。中西美学命题对接中语法标记的转换以及逻辑结构的复敏有助于重新理解中西美学理论体系之间的合理关系,直面“言外之意”如何有效地运作于“传情达意”,不仅为西方美学理论如何调和感性经验和逻辑表述的冲突提供了有益的参照,也为中国传统美学精神的现代转换提供了一个重要契机。 展开更多
关键词 美学语法 S是P 题评句 超越主谓结构
作者 郑海婷 《中共福建省委党校学报》 北大核心 2017年第9期115-120,共6页
耽美文学已经成为我国网络文学的重要类型。毛尖教授指控其为资产阶级二代的美学语法,这种指责把美学趣味和阶级身份处理成简单机械的二元对应,单向的精英化的批判思维把复杂多元的网络文艺简单化了,既缺乏社会学的实证,也缺乏美学的细... 耽美文学已经成为我国网络文学的重要类型。毛尖教授指控其为资产阶级二代的美学语法,这种指责把美学趣味和阶级身份处理成简单机械的二元对应,单向的精英化的批判思维把复杂多元的网络文艺简单化了,既缺乏社会学的实证,也缺乏美学的细腻;既无视了网络文艺本身的复杂性,也无视了耽美小说读者的分化性。为批判而批判使她没能发现耽美写作真正的问题——太过平滑。网络耽美小说如果能够在写作中制造歧义,更加积极地回应现实,换一种方式参与历史,就完全有可能呈现出与毛尖教授的判断截然不同的面貌。 展开更多
关键词 耽美文学 美学语法 资产阶级二代 歧义
作者 刘彦顺 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期96-104,共9页
文章立足于从美学角度阐发原非美学著作的胡塞尔《逻辑研究》,强调虽然该著作最为主要、甚至唯一的研究对象是纯粹逻辑规律或科学哲学,但胡塞尔在对审美现象的附带性、反例性的论述中,却洞察到科学哲学语法、美学语法的根本差异,即科学... 文章立足于从美学角度阐发原非美学著作的胡塞尔《逻辑研究》,强调虽然该著作最为主要、甚至唯一的研究对象是纯粹逻辑规律或科学哲学,但胡塞尔在对审美现象的附带性、反例性的论述中,却洞察到科学哲学语法、美学语法的根本差异,即科学哲学语法是无时间性、超时间性的陈述方式,其取决于抽象活动只能呈现纯粹逻辑规律的一般性、普遍有效性;美学语法则是一种时间性的陈述方式,这取决于审美生活只能是一种愉悦的时间意识,而这一时间意识只能奠基于特定审美对象或艺术作品之上,且构成艺术作品的部分、要素在整体的空间位置是固定的、不容更易的。胡塞尔还精微地分析了科学与审美在种类之物与个别之物上的本质区分,以显现科学知识的无时间性与审美生活的时间性,从而为美学语法的奠立提供了有力支撑。文章意在表明:胡塞尔在《逻辑研究》中的现象学哲学不是一种普适性的基础现象学,而是针对不同意义领域中不同对象进行具体研究的意义分立现象学,自此才能呈显出胡塞尔作为卓越美学家的面容。此外,文章还批评了胡塞尔的意义混淆这一现象学通弊,这往往导致以科学代替审美,以科学知识之无时间性僭越审美之时间性。 展开更多
关键词 胡塞尔 现象学 科学哲学语法 美学语法 时间性 时间意识
作者 王峰 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期115-122,共8页
后期维特根斯坦美学观念对20世纪后半叶的美学研究影响巨大。这里从美学语法角度重新解释后期维特根斯坦的美学旨趣,将美学语法放入具体的问题辨析当中。美学语法研究主要是消解性的,主旨在于辨析澄清以往美学研究中存在的根本性的语言... 后期维特根斯坦美学观念对20世纪后半叶的美学研究影响巨大。这里从美学语法角度重新解释后期维特根斯坦的美学旨趣,将美学语法放入具体的问题辨析当中。美学语法研究主要是消解性的,主旨在于辨析澄清以往美学研究中存在的根本性的语言误用,对美、美学、内在意识等做了一系列限制或消解,并在艺术类型的分界中凸显艺术规则的中心地位。美学语法不仅是一种防御性的美学思路:它清除了各种语言误用、概念误用,同时也是一种积极的思路:它为美学发展消除障碍,为美学开辟新方向。 展开更多
关键词 美学语法 超级概念 艺术类型 艺术规则
语言分析美学何为?——后期维特根斯坦思想对美学的启示 被引量:2
作者 王峰 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期84-95,共12页
以后期维特根斯坦思想为基础的语言分析美学是一种有待开掘的美学研究方法。这是一种防御性美学,对形而上美学式的、普遍性的美学论断持怀疑态度,并运用语言分析方法对形而上美学的大概念进行彻底质疑和否定。从表面上看,这是在消解美学... 以后期维特根斯坦思想为基础的语言分析美学是一种有待开掘的美学研究方法。这是一种防御性美学,对形而上美学式的、普遍性的美学论断持怀疑态度,并运用语言分析方法对形而上美学的大概念进行彻底质疑和否定。从表面上看,这是在消解美学,其实不然。语言分析所破解的是普遍式美学论断,它并不走向彻底的解构主义;相反,通过语言分析,美学重新在语言使用的基础上获得重生,在美与艺术的分析上提出新的建设性方向,构建出新的美学语法。 展开更多
关键词 语言分析 语言转向 语法治疗 美学语法
艺术作品内容原发呈显的时态与时体——从审美时间哲学对伽达默尔“象征论”的细读与语法诊断 被引量:2
作者 刘彦顺 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期1-8,共8页
艺术阐释学最高且唯一的对象是以艺术作品为对象的、原发的审美生活。即便是在"事后"进行的对艺术作品内容的阐释,也必须持守审美生活原发的"事中"状态。处在"事中"的审美生活是时机化的,在时态上是正在... 艺术阐释学最高且唯一的对象是以艺术作品为对象的、原发的审美生活。即便是在"事后"进行的对艺术作品内容的阐释,也必须持守审美生活原发的"事中"状态。处在"事中"的审美生活是时机化的,在时态上是正在进行时,在时体上是流畅的。寓居于审美生活之中的艺术作品内容也是"事中化"的。自此而论,伽达默尔《美的现实性》"象征论"的贡献在于:第一,对艺术作品内容在时态、时体上的兴发性做了深刻阐述。第二,对艺术作品固定的、整体的空间构成与艺术作品内容之时态、时体之间的关系做了初步阐发。第三,揭示了基于对艺术作品欣赏或阐释而形成的公共阐释或审美共同体。伽达默尔的缺陷在于:第一,把艺术作品及内容作为独立于审美生活的自足存在,抽空了审美生活在构成方式上的意向性。这是以意向活动之构成相关项僭越意向活动之误。第二,没有突出地强调艺术作品所隶属的审美生活在时态、时体上的原发状态,导致他对艺术作品内容与形式的陈述陷于无主语的孤悬状态。第三,没有一贯地持守审美生活原发性的事中状态及整体性,过多强调"事后阐释",有混淆以至取消审美价值之虞。本文对伽达默尔艺术阐释学的语法诊断主要体现在两个方面,其一,审美生活作为最高主语缺席,而隶属于这一整体之中的要素却屡屡僭越为独立之主语;其二,无法维持对艺术生活进行完善陈述的时间性—空间性语法的完整性与稳定性,时常动摇与偏离。 展开更多
关键词 伽达默尔 艺术作品内容 审美生活 时态 时体 美学语法
作者 任志宏 戴硕 《艺术评鉴》 2023年第10期136-139,共4页
时代报告剧作为新时代背景下孕育的电视剧形态,告别人物扁平化、意识形态浓厚等问题,在人物塑造上丰富饱满真实而有力量。它以纪实性的微叙事演绎当代中国的真实生活图景,并形成其独特的具有中国经验的荧屏短叙事策略,为纪实性电视剧探... 时代报告剧作为新时代背景下孕育的电视剧形态,告别人物扁平化、意识形态浓厚等问题,在人物塑造上丰富饱满真实而有力量。它以纪实性的微叙事演绎当代中国的真实生活图景,并形成其独特的具有中国经验的荧屏短叙事策略,为纪实性电视剧探索出反映时代风貌及成就的创作范式,即纪实性艺术内核、主体性美学语法和可见性的制播方式。 展开更多
关键词 纪实性电视剧 时代报告剧 美学语法 制播新变
A new strategy of integrating American culture with English teaching & learning by using VOA Special English feature programs
作者 XIA Kang-ming 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第2期30-34,共5页
The paper mainly studies a new way of combining American culture with English language teaching and learning by means of the VOA Special English feature programs. It is based on a 5-year period of teaching practice, e... The paper mainly studies a new way of combining American culture with English language teaching and learning by means of the VOA Special English feature programs. It is based on a 5-year period of teaching practice, experience and reflection. This interactive, innovative, productive and student-centered approach is a far cry from the rigid, old, unproductive and teacher-centered approach of teaching British and American culture without combining language learning and practice as is commonly used here in Chinese colleges. The author also throws some light on how to use on-line teaching resources and how to cultivate independent learning on the part of the students he has worked with. 展开更多
关键词 new strategy teaching American culture English learning VOA Special program
On thematic structure of a popular on-line English poem
作者 YUAN Su-ping 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期60-64,共5页
Thematic structure and information structure are two important closely-related systems in textual function. By analyzing the thematic structure of a popular on-line English poem, this paper attempts to reveal how them... Thematic structure and information structure are two important closely-related systems in textual function. By analyzing the thematic structure of a popular on-line English poem, this paper attempts to reveal how theme and rheme is arranged to carry new information forward to achieve its textual function. 展开更多
关键词 textual function thematic structure information structure THEME RHEME
The application of conceptual fluency to English teaching
作者 SA Zhong-qing WANG Ya-li 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期31-35,共5页
The term of "conceptual fluency" put forward by Danesi offers a fresh perspective to look at the current disturbing situation that confronts college English teaching in China. This paper propounds its theoretical ba... The term of "conceptual fluency" put forward by Danesi offers a fresh perspective to look at the current disturbing situation that confronts college English teaching in China. This paper propounds its theoretical basis by reflecting on the philosophical and linguistic trends in modern era, and points out the defects of Danesi's theory, insisting that conceptual fluency should be built on both the lexical and grammatical levels. It then exemplifies the implementation of the theory in actual teaching practice. 展开更多
关键词 conceptual fluency conceptual metaphor cognitive linguistics English teaching
Exploration of teaching English to Korean-Chinese bilinguals
作者 NAN Cheng-yu 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期23-25,共3页
Since Korean ethnics in China learn English on the basis of two languages and two cultures, there is dual transfer of Korean-Chinese when they learn English. They can make good use of two language systems and dual pos... Since Korean ethnics in China learn English on the basis of two languages and two cultures, there is dual transfer of Korean-Chinese when they learn English. They can make good use of two language systems and dual positive transfer, and make English-Korean and English-Chinese comparative analysis in the basic stages of English learning. 展开更多
关键词 Korean-Chinese bilinguals TRANSFER dual positive transfer English learning
Analysis of students' problems in writing with reference to theory of cohesion and Error Analysis
作者 LI Shuang-mei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期41-45,共5页
This paper is to advocate the necessity of Error Analysis (EA) and cohesion in college English writing teaching. By analyzing the causes of the cohesive errors, the paper wishes to catch the attention of readers to ... This paper is to advocate the necessity of Error Analysis (EA) and cohesion in college English writing teaching. By analyzing the causes of the cohesive errors, the paper wishes to catch the attention of readers to the benefits EA brings to writing teaching and the seriousness of the problems concerning cohesion in writing, and hopes that these implications for college English writing teaching would be of great significance. 展开更多
关键词 COHESION Error Analysis (EA) cohesive errors college English writing teaching
The relationship between syntax and semantics in the case of Ma'ani Nahwi in Arabic and the idea of Modistae in Latin
作者 Solehah Hi. Yaacob 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第2期45-51,58,共8页
The research emphasizes on the relation of the Arabic concept of "ma'ani nahwi" and the Latin "modistae". In order to establish this relation, the researcher illustrates the role of Aristotle's categories in inf... The research emphasizes on the relation of the Arabic concept of "ma'ani nahwi" and the Latin "modistae". In order to establish this relation, the researcher illustrates the role of Aristotle's categories in influencing the concept of the Medieval Latin "modistae". This is followed by a reevaluation of the influence of Arabic philosophers, such as al-Farabi (c.870-c.950 CE), Avicenna (980-1037 CE) and Averoes (c.1126-c.1198 CE) on Latin philosophy and linguistics, especially Jurjani's (d.1078 CE) role in introducing his concept of "nazm" towards "ma'ani nahwi". The research contributes to the understanding of the relationship between syntax and semantics which has not been effectively clarified within the framework of traditional Arabic grammatical theory. 展开更多
关键词 connection Ma 'ani Nahw Arabic grammatical concept the style of Modistae thinking Jurjani and Averroes
Evaluating genre-based teaching approach in writing class with Beaugrande and Dressler's theories on text linguistics
作者 GUO Tie-mei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期19-22,共4页
Based on the theories on the text linguistics proposed by Beaugrande and Dressier, the paper points out that though we recognize the merits that genre-based approach deserves, it is unwise to take genre analysis as th... Based on the theories on the text linguistics proposed by Beaugrande and Dressier, the paper points out that though we recognize the merits that genre-based approach deserves, it is unwise to take genre analysis as the central activity in ESL writing class. Instead, we should not give learners fish to eat, but to teach them how to fish. 展开更多
关键词 GENRE teaching writing Beaugrande Dressler
Analysis on intercultural communication in translation teaching: Cultural context and translation
作者 WANG Min, ZHANG Li-juan ZHANG Li-juan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期14-18,共5页
This paper focuses on seven aspects, which may embody one nation's cultural traits, such as customs, historic stories, philosophies and religions, literature and arts, historic sites and cultural relics, education an... This paper focuses on seven aspects, which may embody one nation's cultural traits, such as customs, historic stories, philosophies and religions, literature and arts, historic sites and cultural relics, education and technology, and politics and economy to exemplify the important role of intercultural connotation in translation. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSLATION intercultural communication cultural context
A study on English teachers' questioning strategies in Western country
作者 SUN Zhuo-min 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期36-40,共5页
Classroom questioning is one of the main means for classroom interaction which plays a very important role in classroom teaching. Therefore, based on the observation of four different level English classes in the UK a... Classroom questioning is one of the main means for classroom interaction which plays a very important role in classroom teaching. Therefore, based on the observation of four different level English classes in the UK and interview of English teachers, this thesis investigates the types, functions and answer-seeking strategies used by EFL teachers. 展开更多
关键词 classroom questioning classroom interaction classroom motivation
The focalization in Winesburg, Ohio
作者 YIN Xue-yan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期55-59,共5页
Winesburg, Ohio is Sherwood Anderson's masterpiece. Adopting the classical theory of narratology, this paper intends to provide a detailed analysis on the zero focalization, writer's experiment with the shift of foc... Winesburg, Ohio is Sherwood Anderson's masterpiece. Adopting the classical theory of narratology, this paper intends to provide a detailed analysis on the zero focalization, writer's experiment with the shift of focalization, the transgression of focalization and their expressive effects in the book. The author aims at presenting an illustration to the focalization experiment in Winesburg, Ohio, one of the early modern fictions. 展开更多
关键词 zero focalization shift of focalization modern fiction
The Effect of TV Captions on the Comprehension of Non-Native Saudi Learners of English
作者 Mubarak Alkhatnai 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第10期1573-1579,共7页
This paper investigates the effectiveness of closed captioning in aiding Saudi students who are learning ESL (English as a second language). Research was carried out in a qualitative manner, and participants were 12... This paper investigates the effectiveness of closed captioning in aiding Saudi students who are learning ESL (English as a second language). Research was carried out in a qualitative manner, and participants were 12 Saudi students pursuing their studies at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA (IUP). Participants in the study were asked to compose a narrative after viewing a 5-minute film segment, both with and without captioning. Their responses were then analyzed, and results indicated that while captions may aid one in comprehension, they also tend to limit one's interpretations, reaffirming the nature of written language as an authoritative source of information. 展开更多
关键词 TV (television) captions COMPREHENSION ESL (English as a second language) written text languageclassroom
Cultural materialism behind global cultural diffusion process
作者 JIANG Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期46-51,共6页
In this paper, the author intends to illustrate cultural materialism behind cultural diffusion process. The author first argues that despite the two opposing paradigms of cultural views (differentialism vs. universal... In this paper, the author intends to illustrate cultural materialism behind cultural diffusion process. The author first argues that despite the two opposing paradigms of cultural views (differentialism vs. universalism) what is really happening and winning is the third paradigm of mixing cultural perspective as presented in Jan Nederveen Pieterse's book Globalization and culture-global Mdlange. Then the author takes Marvin Harris' cultural materialism theory as the basis and gives specific evidence from China to illustrate the formation and eventual spread of any "new cultural scripts", which is done through the transformation process from territorial culture to translocal culture with economic motive behind as the driving force. These Chinese cases of global mixing, in turn, form a further support to Marvin Harris's cultural materialism theory. 展开更多
关键词 cultural materialism GLOBALIZATION cultural diffusion process
The application of frame theory to translation teaching
作者 WEI Qing-guang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第11期26-30,共5页
Through the analysis of the status quo of translation teaching in China, the author holds that it is necessary to explore new approaches in this regard. Because college students tend to be affected by the conceptual m... Through the analysis of the status quo of translation teaching in China, the author holds that it is necessary to explore new approaches in this regard. Because college students tend to be affected by the conceptual meaning of the original text, mistranslation may occur frequently in their translation. In translating, one must be armed with linguistic knowledge as well as cognitive knowledge. Accordingly, by applying frame theory to translation teaching, teachers can guide students to construe the original meaning on the lexical, syntactic and textual level, so that they may effectively avoid semantic errors in translation. In view of students' inadequate background knowledge, teachers should guide them to enlarge their knowledge scope and enrich their encyclopedic knowledge. 展开更多
关键词 translation teaching frame theory semantic errors
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