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美学课中的讨论式教学法 被引量:3
作者 周效柱 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第12期222-223,共2页
关键词 美学课 讨论式教学 师生互动
作者 王思琦 《中国成人教育》 北大核心 2010年第13期168-169,共2页
关键词 音乐美学 音乐美学课 教学模式
作者 张富宝 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第7期170-172,共3页
"四字"教学法是针对本科院校的实际情况,尤其是人文专业学生综合能力培养的实际情况提出来的新的教学模式。所谓的"四字",一层含义是指"感——问——思——用",另一层含义是指"读——讲——说——写... "四字"教学法是针对本科院校的实际情况,尤其是人文专业学生综合能力培养的实际情况提出来的新的教学模式。所谓的"四字",一层含义是指"感——问——思——用",另一层含义是指"读——讲——说——写",它们构成了一个动态的统一体,分别承担着不同的功能。"四字"教学法充分体现了开放、兼容、科学的教学理念,既注重调动学生的主观性与能动性,又在很大程度上激发了教师的投入和热情,从而达到了教学相长的教学目标,取得了优良的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 美学课 四字教学法
新中国美学课发生进程中的“苏联经验” 被引量:2
作者 史磊 王确 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期113-116,共4页
新中国美学课是在建国初期举国学习"苏联经验"的历史情境中发生的,美学课的教学组织发端于借鉴苏联美学课设置,美学课的知识建构开始于译介马克思列宁主义美学理论。新中国美学课的"苏联经验"包括:借鉴苏联美学课设... 新中国美学课是在建国初期举国学习"苏联经验"的历史情境中发生的,美学课的教学组织发端于借鉴苏联美学课设置,美学课的知识建构开始于译介马克思列宁主义美学理论。新中国美学课的"苏联经验"包括:借鉴苏联美学课设置,译介苏联美学教学资料,聘请苏联专家讲学,派遣美学家赴苏交流。 展开更多
关键词 美学 美学课 苏联经验
作者 董策 《音乐时空》 2012年第A04期75-75,共1页
随着中国高等教育改革的深化,高校音乐专业受众群体不断扩大,将对我国未来的音乐文化建设乃至精神文明建设产生重要而深远的影响。高等院校的音乐美学课便是音乐美学学科发展的一种必然结果。如何提高教学效果以及让音乐美学课在音乐教... 随着中国高等教育改革的深化,高校音乐专业受众群体不断扩大,将对我国未来的音乐文化建设乃至精神文明建设产生重要而深远的影响。高等院校的音乐美学课便是音乐美学学科发展的一种必然结果。如何提高教学效果以及让音乐美学课在音乐教育中发挥最大化的功能,这是音乐美学课教学面对的主要问题。 展开更多
关键词 音乐美学课 高等院校 教学探析
美学课对高师学前教育专业人才培养的价值及其实现路径 被引量:1
作者 洪维 《学前教育研究》 北大核心 2010年第9期57-59,共3页
高师美学课不应仅仅是一门以传授书本知识和课堂讲授为主的理论课,还应是一门能够承载多种文化、实现个人知识能力整合的综合性课程。对高师学前教育专业来说,美学课的开设对未来幼儿教师的职业成长具有重要价值和意义。为实现这一目的... 高师美学课不应仅仅是一门以传授书本知识和课堂讲授为主的理论课,还应是一门能够承载多种文化、实现个人知识能力整合的综合性课程。对高师学前教育专业来说,美学课的开设对未来幼儿教师的职业成长具有重要价值和意义。为实现这一目的,高师美学课应吸纳传统文化,关注当前文化事件,实现"以美立德"的效应;应贴近学前教育专业和幼儿园教育实际,运用案例教学的方法与策略培养学生"以美育人"的意识与能力。 展开更多
关键词 高师 美学课 学前教育 案例教学
作者 盛辉 《北京电子科技学院学报》 2011年第3期81-87,共7页
高等院校开设音乐美学课是音乐美学学科发展的一个必然结果。提高教学效果是音乐美学课教学面对的主要问题。音乐美学课的教学应在课程定位、课程实施与教材、教学方法等方面进行深层次的探讨和研究,让音乐美学课在音乐教育中发挥最大... 高等院校开设音乐美学课是音乐美学学科发展的一个必然结果。提高教学效果是音乐美学课教学面对的主要问题。音乐美学课的教学应在课程定位、课程实施与教材、教学方法等方面进行深层次的探讨和研究,让音乐美学课在音乐教育中发挥最大化的功能。 展开更多
关键词 音乐美学课 程定位 教学方法
作者 邓福田 《广西教育》 2009年第12期72-73,87,共3页
关键词 高职院校 美学课 建设
作者 孙奕 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2000年第3期60-61,共2页
关键词 高职院校 基础美学课 审美教育 审美观点 审美感受能力 审美欣赏能力
美学课应该讲得美一点 被引量:1
作者 郝月梅 《教学与教材研究》 CSSCI 2000年第4期32-33,共2页
人生的路途总是不平坦的 ,但美的追求能使人异常地执著 ,并且能摒弃世俗的困扰 ,以一颗平常心去对待功名利禄 ,也就有更轻松的心境去从事创造 ,更有利于事业的成功。
关键词 大学生 美学课 教学 素质教育
作者 杨晓东 《服装科技》 2000年第9期46-47,共2页
关键词 高校 服饰美学课 程设置 教学方法
作者 邓春慧 《南昌师范学院学报》 2014年第6期141-143,共3页
《音乐美学》课在高师音乐教育教学中具有重要的意义。针对目前《音乐美学》课在高师院校教学的薄弱状况,也为了使音乐理论学习能更好地运用于音乐实践,笔者对该课程进行了分析,并对实施中最重要的一个环节——教学内容和教学方式进行... 《音乐美学》课在高师音乐教育教学中具有重要的意义。针对目前《音乐美学》课在高师院校教学的薄弱状况,也为了使音乐理论学习能更好地运用于音乐实践,笔者对该课程进行了分析,并对实施中最重要的一个环节——教学内容和教学方式进行了教学改革实践,提出了自己的观点,以期高师《音乐美学》课的建设更趋合理和完善。 展开更多
关键词 高师 《音乐美学 教学内容 教学方式 改革实践
作者 李永刚 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2002年第1期111-113,共3页
通识类美学原理课是根据党的教育方针和精神文明建设的需要 ,并针对师范生的从业要求开设的。在教学实践中形成的以讲解准确、通俗 ,具有形象性 ,用贴切生动的审美事例分析印证美学原理 ,注重情感教育 ,顺应学生求美心理为内容的形象教... 通识类美学原理课是根据党的教育方针和精神文明建设的需要 ,并针对师范生的从业要求开设的。在教学实践中形成的以讲解准确、通俗 ,具有形象性 ,用贴切生动的审美事例分析印证美学原理 ,注重情感教育 ,顺应学生求美心理为内容的形象教学法 。 展开更多
关键词 通识美学原理 美学概论 形象教法 堂教学 教学方法 情感教育 形象教学 师范教育
English newspapers and magazines and the teaching of College English 被引量:2
作者 张君棠 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期30-32,51,共4页
Reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way to help the students get the latest information worldwide and improve English levels. The present article first analyzes the features of the English newspap... Reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way to help the students get the latest information worldwide and improve English levels. The present article first analyzes the features of the English newspapers and magazines and then proposes making good use of them through such classroom activities as discussing the hot issue and role-playing to provide more authentic situations in which the students can have chances to practice four English skills, achieving the ideal teaching result. 展开更多
关键词 English newspapers and magazines College English teaching communicative activities in classroom comorehensive ability to use English
作者 楼昔勇 《秘书》 2005年第12期23-,20,共2页
关键词 文秘人员 美学课 仪表美 服饰 服装佩饰
作者 杨宗德 《兰州工业高等专科学校学报》 1994年第1期81-82,共2页
关键词 艺术设计 工程设计 工程设计师 艺术设计师 高校 《工程美学
Question-Generation Reading Strategy of Iranian EFL Learners 被引量:1
作者 Jalal Kamalizad Kaveh Jalilzadeh 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第11期731-736,共6页
This paper tries to explore the effect of question-generation reading strategy on the reading comprehension of Iranian intermediate EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. Since the researchers did not have an... This paper tries to explore the effect of question-generation reading strategy on the reading comprehension of Iranian intermediate EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. Since the researchers did not have any control over randomization of students and it was considered as one of the features of experimental method, this study is not a true experimental method. This method is called Intact Group Study. In this research there were experimental and control groups. The age range of the learners in both groups was between 19 to 22; the age range difference was so limited that we could neglect the difference concem. The number of students in both groups was closely the same. One of these groups received question-generation reading strategy instruction and the other group---control group--did not receive this instruction. Participants in both groups studied a task-based course book called New Interchange 3 by Richards (2005). They studied the last eight units of this book during a whole term. The instruction was the same for both groups except for the reading parts. Participants in experimental group were taught how to generate questions as being linked to the main ideas of the text they were reading. They were also given feedback on the correctness of the questions they generated. Then they answered the follow-up questions However, participants in control group received a traditional method of reading for comprehension; they read the text on their own and answered the follow-up questions. Of course both groups enjoyed a warm-up before reading each text. The statistical independent group T-test of the reading comprehension posttest showed that participants in the experimental group performed better than the students in the control group 展开更多
关键词 reading strategies question-generation reading strategy reading comprehension
Facilitating Accessibility for EFL Learners to Articulation Through Praat
作者 SUN Jun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第11期694-705,共12页
Acoustic terms are useful academic tools to help EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners to perceive pronunciation visually. Pratt is worldewide famous free acoustic professional software applied to the articul... Acoustic terms are useful academic tools to help EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners to perceive pronunciation visually. Pratt is worldewide famous free acoustic professional software applied to the articulation with the help of the graph of ampplitude plotted and spectrogram. The paper will apply the professional acoustic tool Praat to pronunciation pedagogy to facilitate discrimination and articulation and suggests that the program can be adapted for the teaching of pronunciation to Chinese EFL learners. 展开更多
关键词 Praat SEGMENTAL super-segmental SPECTROGRAM vowel length VOT (voice onset time) word-level phrase-level
Are Terms "African(s)" or "Black(s)" Appropriate Substitutes for "Bantu(s)" in the South African Context?
作者 Victor Maropeng Mojela 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第11期737-745,共9页
The name, "Bantu", is a classificatory term which refers to a sub-group of the Niger-Congo languages, i.e., the Benue-Congo group of languages, which are spoken extensively in the equatorial and southern part of Afr... The name, "Bantu", is a classificatory term which refers to a sub-group of the Niger-Congo languages, i.e., the Benue-Congo group of languages, which are spoken extensively in the equatorial and southern part of Africa, as well as the family of peoples speaking these languages. As a result of its association with racism during the Apartheid regime in South Africa, the term was heavily politicized and lost its original meaning to acquire racist connotations. In South Africa, the names "African(s)" or "Black(s)" are used as substitutes for the stigmatized name "Bantu(s)" with reference to the Bantu speaking peoples and their languages. This research investigates the use of the words, "Africans" and "Blacks" to assess their suitability as replacements for the word "Bantu". An intensive outline of the classification of the languages of Africa is given to authenticate the basic meaning of these classificatory terms, especially the term "Bantu" 展开更多
关键词 Bantu languges Niger-Congo languages African languages Black languages Apartheid regime
Communicative Approach in College English Teaching
作者 TAO Yu YU Jun-ling JIN Zhao-hui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第11期689-693,共5页
The basic insight of Communicative Language Teaching is that language can be thought of as a tool for communication, and language teaching should be student-centered to cultivate their communicative competence. This p... The basic insight of Communicative Language Teaching is that language can be thought of as a tool for communication, and language teaching should be student-centered to cultivate their communicative competence. This paper explains the main methods in Communicative Language Teaching in college integrated English teaching, and elaborates that the teaching methods and classroom activities of the curriculum should be designed to develop students' communicative capability. 展开更多
关键词 Communicative Language Teaching communicative approach communicative competence collegeEnglish teaching
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