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《家具与室内装饰》 2011年第6期111-111,共1页
关键词 美家具连锁有限公司 第三届"美家汇"居设计 室内装饰 建筑设计
作者 张小东 《陶瓷》 CAS 2011年第14期75-75,共1页
本刊讯 近日,总部位于深圳的美家团购网携手亚太传媒,全面拓展其家居团购业务。
关键词 电子商务 网上购物 网上团队 美家集团
美家美户 助推美丽家园建设
作者 《中国妇运》 2019年第3期35-37,共3页
一、抓准定位,切入“美家美户”建设(一)大讨论明白“干什么”一是从美丽建设的着力点入手。桐庐美丽乡村经过了抓示范出亮点到抓全域打造县域大景区再到抓产业促发展努力做到真正的村美民富等三个阶段。二是从妇联工作优势入手。妇联... 一、抓准定位,切入“美家美户”建设(一)大讨论明白“干什么”一是从美丽建设的着力点入手。桐庐美丽乡村经过了抓示范出亮点到抓全域打造县域大景区再到抓产业促发展努力做到真正的村美民富等三个阶段。二是从妇联工作优势入手。妇联改革之后立体化的组织网络让联系群众更加紧密,各级交错的微信工作群让联系更加便捷,在乡村建设中妇联组织有不可替代的“一呼百应”的动员联系能力;“家”的优势. 展开更多
关键词 美家 乡村 建设 联系 景区 全域
作者 李凤发 《家具与环境》 2001年第3期50-51,共2页
“以人为本”是本世纪人们家居生活的宗旨,体现在装修中,表现为追求主人个体的性格特点、生活习惯,而不再是一味模仿。因此,多几套美家手法应该不赖。 清清陶艺扮美家 用陶艺装饰家居主要分为实用型和美术型。实用类陶艺包括:餐具、酒... “以人为本”是本世纪人们家居生活的宗旨,体现在装修中,表现为追求主人个体的性格特点、生活习惯,而不再是一味模仿。因此,多几套美家手法应该不赖。 清清陶艺扮美家 用陶艺装饰家居主要分为实用型和美术型。实用类陶艺包括:餐具、酒具、茶具、盛具,这类用具会给居家的会客、就餐营造优雅的环境;而美术类陶艺主要有:器皿、瓷画、壁画、雕塑、造型。 展开更多
关键词 美家方法 庭装饰 装饰设计
作者 安东 《饮食科学》 2016年第7期53-53,共1页
关键词 中国 当代文学 散文 《"食美家"林斤澜》
形式美学之文本调查——以《美食家》为例 被引量:15
作者 赵宪章 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2004年第3期54-59,共6页
“美食家”一词源自陆文夫的同名小说 ,是从外国语中移植过来的 ,现已成为正规汉语的常用词。这一事实不仅肯定了《美食家》的首发之功 ,而且意味着《美食家》的成功在很大程度上得益于这一陌生语词的使用。由此观之 ,《美食家》的真实... “美食家”一词源自陆文夫的同名小说 ,是从外国语中移植过来的 ,现已成为正规汉语的常用词。这一事实不仅肯定了《美食家》的首发之功 ,而且意味着《美食家》的成功在很大程度上得益于这一陌生语词的使用。由此观之 ,《美食家》的真实意蕴很可能就浸润在它所使用的这类语词中。于是 ,通过对小说词频形式的分析 ,可以发现隐含在小说文本背后的意义以及作家通过叙说者“我”所泄露出来的潜意识。这表明 :对于同一部作品 ,传统主题学和思想史式的文学评论只能描述作品的一般特性和表层意义 ,采用形式美学的方法才能发现它的深层意蕴。 展开更多
关键词 形式 文本调查 陆文夫 词频分析
日本美大“御三家”专业院校艺术学研究生培养方案特点探究 被引量:2
作者 王秋菊 赵艺 《学位与研究生教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期73-77,共5页
日本的东京艺术大学、多摩美术大学和武藏野美术大学是日本三所顶尖专业艺术大学,通常被称作美大“御三家”,是日本最具代表性的专业艺术院校。作为曾经为我国艺术学草创时期提供借鉴与启示的日本艺术学学科,在学科建制方面依然延续传统... 日本的东京艺术大学、多摩美术大学和武藏野美术大学是日本三所顶尖专业艺术大学,通常被称作美大“御三家”,是日本最具代表性的专业艺术院校。作为曾经为我国艺术学草创时期提供借鉴与启示的日本艺术学学科,在学科建制方面依然延续传统,没有上升为独立门类学科。迄今为止,东京艺术大学和多摩美术大学的艺术学仍然隶属于美术学科,而武藏野美术大学尚未开设独立的艺术学专业。日本美大“御三家”艺术学研究生培养方案各有所长,特色显著,其共性特点是培养着眼世界、引领时代、理论与实践能力并举的复合型人才,强调课程设置的交叉性、跨学科性和对艺术实践能力的培养,重视各自学科特色的传承,倡导艺术理论与实践相结合、再由艺术实践上升到理论研究。 展开更多
关键词 艺术学 培养方案 大“御三 日本
作者 林夏 《时代人物》 2021年第15期13-13,共1页
在我们的一生中,衣食住行始终伴随终生,而作为安身之所的房子,必不可少地会涉及到装修。提起装修,很多人都会抱怨这个行业水太深,入住新家的美好憧憬,往往被装修过程中遇到的各种问题消磨殆尽,最终在入住新居时已心力憔悴。那么,是否有... 在我们的一生中,衣食住行始终伴随终生,而作为安身之所的房子,必不可少地会涉及到装修。提起装修,很多人都会抱怨这个行业水太深,入住新家的美好憧憬,往往被装修过程中遇到的各种问题消磨殆尽,最终在入住新居时已心力憔悴。那么,是否有一种成熟可靠的家装模式,可以让客户拥有省时、省力、省心的家装体验呢?答案是毋庸置疑的。以“客户第一、专业、诚信”名扬于业内的北京大业美家家居装饰集团有限公司(下称“大业美家”),就是这样一家家装企业。近些年来,大业美家在总裁王云先生的带领下,凭借着在家装行业敢为人先的创新模式和经营理念,从客户角度出发,带动了整个家装行业标准与服务理念的升级,成为国内家装行业首屈一指的标杆企业。 展开更多
关键词 大业美家总裁王云 创新 打造品牌
《质量与市场》 2004年第3期5-5,共1页
关键词 便利店有限公司 广州市 东莞市 特许经营
《计算机光盘软件与应用(COMPUTER ARTS数码艺术)》 2006年第11期10-10,共1页
关键词 公司 北京动漫城 庭装修 主题活动
作者 金道行 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2012年第1期1-6,共6页
论述"美"是屈原的人格和全部作品的思想核心与最高理想。屈原的"美"有形成的过程和"外美—内美—美政—美人—美"的层次,是一个完整的思想体系。屈原第一次将"美"提升到形而上的高度,他以"... 论述"美"是屈原的人格和全部作品的思想核心与最高理想。屈原的"美"有形成的过程和"外美—内美—美政—美人—美"的层次,是一个完整的思想体系。屈原第一次将"美"提升到形而上的高度,他以"美"争鸣于诸子家,因而完全可以成为"美家"。屈原的美与诗同是他的创造,美与诗是屈原的两座高峰。 展开更多
关键词 诸子百 屈原 美家
光子嫩肤在皮肤美容中的使用效果观察 被引量:2
作者 张英 王宗明 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2017年第S1期676-677,共2页
目的:观察光子嫩肤在皮肤美容中的使用效果,探究光子嫩肤在皮肤美容中的安全性。方法:随机选取我院2016年2月至2017年2月收治的138例毛孔粗大、皮肤松弛老化、伴有不同程度色素沉积现象的患者,根据治疗方式不同将患者分为A组、B组,其中A... 目的:观察光子嫩肤在皮肤美容中的使用效果,探究光子嫩肤在皮肤美容中的安全性。方法:随机选取我院2016年2月至2017年2月收治的138例毛孔粗大、皮肤松弛老化、伴有不同程度色素沉积现象的患者,根据治疗方式不同将患者分为A组、B组,其中A组69例患者给予光子嫩肤治疗,B组69例患者给予果酸换肤治疗,比较两种治疗方式对患者毛孔粗大、皮肤松弛、色素沉着以及皮肤老化的影响,治疗过程中并发症的发生率,并采用调查问卷的形式,了解患者对临床效果的满意度。结果:A组患者临床治疗显效率明显高于B组(75.4%vs56.5%),A组患者治疗过程中并发症的发生率为2.9%,B组治疗过程中并发症的发生率为26.1%,A组患者对美容效果的满意度明显高于B组(95.1%vs72.5%),两组患者数据具有统计意义(P<0.05)。结论:光子嫩肤与果酸换肤技术相比,光子嫩肤能有效改善患者毛孔粗大、皮肤松弛、色素沉着以及皮肤老化等皮肤问题,治疗过程中皮肤过敏、眼睛损伤等并发症的发生,具有广泛的美容推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 光子嫩肤 皮肤美家 果酸换肤
途家与Roomorama合作 开发出境游市场
作者 李科 《计算机与网络》 2016年第5期16-16,共1页
关键词 美家 战略合作 出境游市场
作者 陈文胜 林锦炎 《广东卫生防疫》 1999年第1期57-58,共2页
市面上的冰箱除臭剂,多数是依靠活性碳等多孔物质的吸附性,通过对冰箱中已存在的异味物质被动吸附来减轻臭味,而不能从根本上清除细菌的危害。深圳市××环保技术有限公司生产的“美家洁”冰箱除臭剂将传统的被动吸附功能变... 市面上的冰箱除臭剂,多数是依靠活性碳等多孔物质的吸附性,通过对冰箱中已存在的异味物质被动吸附来减轻臭味,而不能从根本上清除细菌的危害。深圳市××环保技术有限公司生产的“美家洁”冰箱除臭剂将传统的被动吸附功能变为主动的杀灭与分解功能,释放出的独有成分能... 展开更多
关键词 冰箱除臭剂 杀菌效果 美家 稳定性 二氧化氯
Economic Competitiveness of China and the US:Comparison,Dynamic Change and Global Position 被引量:2
作者 倪鹏飞 王海波 《China Economist》 2017年第4期2-31,共30页
Research of competitiveness of China and the United States is of great significance to enhancing China's economic competitiveness and achieving the objective of national rejuvenation. By creating a competitiveness fr... Research of competitiveness of China and the United States is of great significance to enhancing China's economic competitiveness and achieving the objective of national rejuvenation. By creating a competitiveness framework and a system of heterogeneous indicators, this paper investigates the competitiveness of China and the US in terms of current status, historic change and global environment. Our research led to the following findings: core factors determine the level of competitiveness for China and the US; the national competitiveness of both countries is evolving towards structural homogeneity; and China and the US lead most countries in many common areas. China has the potential to overtake the US in competitiveness in the future. We suggest that China increase its competitiveness by promoting its advantages, addressing its weaknesses and focusing on core areas. 展开更多
关键词 national competitiveness comparison between China and the US factor eterogeneity
PCR Detection and Sequence Analysis of Duck Circovirus in Sick Muscovy Ducks 被引量:7
作者 Shi-jin JIANG Xing-xiao ZHANG +5 位作者 Shao-ning LIU Yu WANG Yi-bo KONG Xiu-li WEI Ya-ni SUN Qin ZHAO 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期265-271,共7页
The duck circovirus (DuCV) infection in sick ducks from Fujian Province was investigated. The liver samples of 43 sick Muscovy ducks with infectious serositis were collected from 12 duck farms in Fujian Province Bas... The duck circovirus (DuCV) infection in sick ducks from Fujian Province was investigated. The liver samples of 43 sick Muscovy ducks with infectious serositis were collected from 12 duck farms in Fujian Province Based on the published sequences of DuCV, two primers were designed for the detection of DuCV and four pairs of primers were designed to amplify four overlapping fragments that cover the complete genome of DuCV. The specific PCR products were amplified from positive samples. The fragments were then cloned into pMD18-T vector and sequenced, and the full length genomic sequence of the FJ0601 isolate of DuCV was obtained. PCR analysis showed that the proportion of ducks which were positive for circovirus was 79% and 10 out of the 12 farms were positive. Sequence analysis showed that the complete genome of DuCV-FJ0601 was 1988 bp and possessed features common to the family Circoviridae which included a stem-loop structure and the Rep protein motifs. Homology analysis showed that FJ0601 isolate of DuCV had 97.3%-97.5% nucleotide sequence identity to all the four Taiwan isolates (TC1/2002, TC2/2002, TC3/2002, TC4/2002), 82.9% identity to the America (33753-52) isolate and 82.3% identity to the Germany isolate. Phylogenetic analysis with Clustal W, however, showed that FJ0601 isolate of DuCV was on a common branch with Taiwan isolates, and Germany and America isolates belonged to the other branch. 展开更多
关键词 Duck Circovirus (DuCV) PCR Full length genome Sequence analysis
Distribution of Debris Flows in Glacier National Park,Montana,U.S.A. 被引量:2
作者 WILKERSON Forrest D. +1 位作者 SCHMID Ginger L. 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第4期318-326,共9页
The spectacular scenery of Glacier National Park is the result of glacial erosion as well as post-glacial mass wasting processes. Debris flow magnitude and frequency have been established through extensive fieldwork a... The spectacular scenery of Glacier National Park is the result of glacial erosion as well as post-glacial mass wasting processes. Debris flow magnitude and frequency have been established through extensive fieldwork across seven separate drainage basins in the eastern portion of the park. This paper summarizes the investigation of the hypotheses that debris flow distribution in the Glacier National Park, east of the Continental Divide is (a) not random; and Co) concentrated adjacent to the Continental Divide. The location of 2317 debris flows were identified and mapped from sixty-three 1-m resolution Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles and their spatial distribution was then analyzed using ArcView Spatial Analyst GIS software. The GIS analysis showed that the debris flows are not randomly distributed nor are they concentrated directly adjacent to the Divide. While the Continental Divide provides orographic enhancement of precipitation directly adjacent to the Divide, the debris flows are not concentrated there due to a lack of available weathered regolith. The most recent Little Ice Age glaciation removed the debris directly adjacent to the Divide, and without an adequate debris supply, these steep slopes experience few debris flows. Both abundant water and an adequate debris supply are necessary to initiate slope failure, resulting in a clustering of debris flows at the break in slope where valley walls contact talus slopes. A variety of summer storm and antecedent moisture conditions initiate slope failures in the Glacier National Park, with no distinct meteorological threshold. With over two million visitorsevery year, and millions of dollars of park infrastructure at risk, identifying the hazard of debris flows is essential to future park management plans. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flows remote sensing GIS GlacierNational Park USA
Impact of IL28B and OAS gene family polymorphisms on interferon treatment response in Caucasian children chronically infected with hepatitis B virus 被引量:8
作者 Krzysztof Domagalski Malgorzata Pawlowska +4 位作者 Agnieszka Zalesna Malgorzata Pilarczyk Pawel Rajewski Waldemar Halota Andrzej Tretyn 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第41期9186-9195,共10页
AIM To investigate the impact of IL28 B and OAS gene polymorphisms on interferon treatment responses in children with chronic hepatitis B.METHODS We enrolled 52 children(between the ages of 4 and 18) with hepatitis B ... AIM To investigate the impact of IL28 B and OAS gene polymorphisms on interferon treatment responses in children with chronic hepatitis B.METHODS We enrolled 52 children(between the ages of 4 and 18) with hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B(CHB), who were treated with pegylated interferon alfa for 48 wk. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the OAS1(rs1131476), OAS2(rs1293747),OAS3(rs2072136), OASL(rs10849829) and IL28B(rs12979860, rs12980275 and rs8099917) genes were studied to examine their associations with responses to IFN treatment in paediatric patients. We adopted two criteria for the therapeutic response, achieving an hepatitis B virus(HBV) DNA level < 2000 IU/m L and normalization of ALT activity(< 40 IU/L). To perform the analyses, we compared the patients in terms of achieving a partial response(PR) and a complete response(CR) upon measurement at the 24-wk posttreatment follow-up. RESULTS The PR and CR rates were 80.8% and 42.3%, respectively. Factors such as age, gender and liver histology had no impact on the type of response(partial or complete). A statistically significant relationship between higher baseline HBV DNA and ALT activity levels and lower rates of PR and CR was shown(P < 0.05). The allele association analysis revealed that only the IL-28 B rs12979860(C vs T) and IL28 B rs12980275(A vs G) markers significantly affected the achievement of PR(P = 0.021, OR = 3.3, 95%CI: 1.2-9.2 and P = 0.014, OR = 3.7, 95%CI: 1.3-10.1, respectively). However, in the genotype analysis, only IL-28 B rs12980275 was significantly associated with PR(AA vs AG-GG, P = 0.014, OR = 10.9, 95%CI: 1.3-93.9). The association analysis for CR showed that the TT genotype of IL28 B rs12979860 was present only in the no-CR group(P = 0.033) and the AA genotype of OASL rs10849829 was significantly more frequent in the noCR group(P = 0.044, OR = 0.26, 95%CI: 0.07-0.88). The haplotype analysis revealed significant associations between PR and CR and OAS haplotype(P = 0.0002 and P = 0.001, respectively), but no association with IL28 B haplotype was observed.CONCLUSION IL28 B and OAS polymorphisms are associated with different clinical outcomes in CHB children treated with interferon. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic hepatitis B IL28B OAS Singlenucleotide polymorphisms IFN therapy CHILDREN
Evaluation of AMSR-E——Derived Soil Moisture over Northern China 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG An-Zhi JIA Gen-Suo +3 位作者 WANG He-Song ZHAO Tian-Bao FENG Jin-Ming MA Zhu-Guo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第4期223-228,共6页
In this study,the authors evaluated two re-motely sensed surface soil moisture datasets derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer of the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) over northern China.The soil moist... In this study,the authors evaluated two re-motely sensed surface soil moisture datasets derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer of the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) over northern China.The soil moisture datasets were derived from algorithms developed by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and jointly developed by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (VUA-NASA).The NSIDC and VUA-NASA products were compared to in situ soil moisture data from nine enhanced coordinated observation stations.The VUA-NASA dataset presented a strong correlation with top layer in situ soil moisture observations,and the correla-tion coefficients ranged from 0.34 to 0.73 (p<0.01).The correlation coefficients decreased as the observed soil layer depth increased.The correlation coefficients be-tween the NSIDC retrievals and the top layer in situ ob-servations were between 0.10 and 0.62 (p<0.01).Fur-thermore,VUA-NASA soil moisture variations agreed well with in situ soil moisture dynamics and responded sensitively to precipitation events.In contrast,the NSIDC dataset failed to capture signals of soil moisture dynamics.The analyses demonstrated that the VUA-NASA product was capable of representing soil moisture conditions over northern China. 展开更多
关键词 soil moisture AMSR-E coordinated observation northern China
Loading Sequence Effects on Dragload and Downdrag for Pile Foundation 被引量:2
作者 孔纲强 杨庆 栾茂田 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2010年第3期203-208,共6页
Negative skin friction (NSF) is one of the important problems when designing a pile foundation. However, the influence of loading sequence on the dragload and downdrag for pile foundation is seldom studied. In this pa... Negative skin friction (NSF) is one of the important problems when designing a pile foundation. However, the influence of loading sequence on the dragload and downdrag for pile foundation is seldom studied. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model was established using FLAC3D. Compared with the results of model test, the established model could be used to study the NSF of pile foundation. The influencing factors were discussed including the length-diameter ratio of pile and the loading sequence of pile head load and surcharge. A case history was analyzed using FLAC3D. The calculated results are in good agreement with the measured results. It is concluded that the dragload and downdrag are remarkably influenced by the loading sequence of pile head load and surcharge. The dragload and downdrag reach the maximum values under the condition of surcharge after pile head load. 展开更多
关键词 pile foundation dragload downdrag negative skin friction load sequence numerical analysis
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