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作者 卢军玲 《商情》 2010年第20期95-95,共1页
关键词 新课程 改革 语文教学 美读法 探讨
作者 邓树伟 《语文天地(初中版)》 2017年第2期38-39,共2页
过去,陈旧的教学观念、落后的教学方法和古典文化环境的遗失降低了文言文教学的效益,既不利于学生个性的发展和独立思考能力的培养,也阻碍了文化的传承和发展。基于此,一线教师重新让诵读法在文言文教学中回归它应有的地位和作用。最近... 过去,陈旧的教学观念、落后的教学方法和古典文化环境的遗失降低了文言文教学的效益,既不利于学生个性的发展和独立思考能力的培养,也阻碍了文化的传承和发展。基于此,一线教师重新让诵读法在文言文教学中回归它应有的地位和作用。最近几年,越来越多的专家学者和一线教师致力于“诵读法”的研究。 展开更多
关键词 文言文教学 学生个性 学习动机 美读法 激发 文化环境 一线教师 能力的培养
作者 王丰 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2011年第7期10-11,共2页
和很多国家的法律教育不同,美国的法律教育只提供给已经完成本科学习的学生。在美国,最基本的法律学位是JD(法律职业学位)。JD适合将来在美国执业的学生就读,基本上不适合国际学生。国际学生更适合学习LLM(法学硕士)项目。LLM项... 和很多国家的法律教育不同,美国的法律教育只提供给已经完成本科学习的学生。在美国,最基本的法律学位是JD(法律职业学位)。JD适合将来在美国执业的学生就读,基本上不适合国际学生。国际学生更适合学习LLM(法学硕士)项目。LLM项目是为已具本国法律学学士学位的学生进一步学习某个领域的法律专业知识而设置的学位。学生可以根据自己的需要选择不同的LLM项目。在美国,SJD(法学博士学位)是法律学的最高学位。近日,美国驻华使馆教育咨询中心举办了如何申请美国大学法学院的讲座。为各位有志赴美读法硕的同学答疑解惑。 展开更多
关键词 国大学 法学院 美读法 国际学生 学士学位 法律教育 家教 法律专业知识
作者 张颍鸿 《学语文》 2002年第2期6-6,共1页
在语文教学中进行审美教育,具有得天独厚的优势。现行语文教材文学作品占了百分之六七十,其中绝大多数是具有较高的思想性和艺术性的名篇,充满着作家学者们的激情、睿智、美的心灵,使语文教学的全过程都贯穿着美育因素。前苏联美学家列&... 在语文教学中进行审美教育,具有得天独厚的优势。现行语文教材文学作品占了百分之六七十,其中绝大多数是具有较高的思想性和艺术性的名篇,充满着作家学者们的激情、睿智、美的心灵,使语文教学的全过程都贯穿着美育因素。前苏联美学家列·斯托洛维奇说得好:“人对世界的审美关系和谐地统一起人的所有精神能力。 展开更多
关键词 语文教学 教育 文学作品 写作技巧 教学艺术 美读法 想象力
作者 钱华梁 《作文成功之路(小学)》 2011年第12期43-43,共1页
叶圣陶先生说:“所谓美读,就是把作者的情感在读的时候.传达出来……美读得其法,不但了解作者说些什么,而且与作者心灵相通了。”美读正是从激活学生的情感体验入手,解读文本。可见,美读是与文本进行对话的金钥匙。在教学实践中... 叶圣陶先生说:“所谓美读,就是把作者的情感在读的时候.传达出来……美读得其法,不但了解作者说些什么,而且与作者心灵相通了。”美读正是从激活学生的情感体验入手,解读文本。可见,美读是与文本进行对话的金钥匙。在教学实践中采用美读法,能熏陶学生的情感,培养学生的语感。 展开更多
关键词 文本对话 美读法 金钥匙 情感体验 心灵相通 解读文本 教学实践 叶圣陶
语文教学:涵泳功夫兴味长 被引量:1
作者 殷长青 《语文教学之友》 2010年第10期12-13,共2页
语文是由语言文字组成的充满生命活力的课程,绚丽多姿的语言是语文课上一道亮丽的风景,上语文课就宜多花工夫涵泳课文,抓住情感触发点,采用美读法,从无声世界进入有声世界,融进课文,感觉体悟言语精巧的表现力和鲜活的生命力,引... 语文是由语言文字组成的充满生命活力的课程,绚丽多姿的语言是语文课上一道亮丽的风景,上语文课就宜多花工夫涵泳课文,抓住情感触发点,采用美读法,从无声世界进入有声世界,融进课文,感觉体悟言语精巧的表现力和鲜活的生命力,引导学生在浓浓的语文味中,在满怀诗意的情境中,在丰富的语言想象中, 展开更多
关键词 语文教学 涵泳 语言文字 生命活力 引导学生 语文课 触发点 美读法
作者 刘静 《当代教研论丛》 2014年第1期71-73,共3页
关键词 美读法 音乐法 专题法 想象法
诗词鉴赏,一个“比”字了得 被引量:1
作者 程永超 《中学语文教学参考(教师版)》 2006年第5期43-44,共2页
古典诗词教学的研究历来仁智互见,各有千秋,诸如有借鉴价值的“品读法”“美读法”“改写法”等。教法虽有万千,但有一点却始终未变,即诗词是一门经典的语言艺术,它注重用词炼句,讲究反复推敲,绵里藏针;它对语言简洁、准确和传... 古典诗词教学的研究历来仁智互见,各有千秋,诸如有借鉴价值的“品读法”“美读法”“改写法”等。教法虽有万千,但有一点却始终未变,即诗词是一门经典的语言艺术,它注重用词炼句,讲究反复推敲,绵里藏针;它对语言简洁、准确和传神等方面的要求,可谓近乎苛刻。“两句三年得,一吟双泪流”便是古人斟字酌句的典型写照。反而思之,若将如此“一字千金”的诗词语言进行替换、增减和变更,再与原诗词进行比较,其艺术效果必将得不到凸现。下面,笔者就以此为突破口,引导学生通过品味诗词语言来感其情,晓其义,体其境,悟其旨,从而使学生真正领略到古典诗词的艺术魅力。 展开更多
关键词 诗词鉴赏 “比” 古典诗词教学 “一字千金” 语言艺术 引导学生 语言简洁 艺术效果 艺术魅力 美读法
作者 刘怀波 《语文教学之友》 2007年第3期28-30,共3页
古典诗词教学的研究历来仁智互见,各有千秋,有借鉴价值的如“品读法”、“美读法”、“改写法”等。教法虽有万千,但有一点却始终未变,即诗词是一门经典的语言艺术,它注重用词炼句,讲究反复推敲,绵里藏针;它对语言简洁、准确和... 古典诗词教学的研究历来仁智互见,各有千秋,有借鉴价值的如“品读法”、“美读法”、“改写法”等。教法虽有万千,但有一点却始终未变,即诗词是一门经典的语言艺术,它注重用词炼句,讲究反复推敲,绵里藏针;它对语言简洁、准确和传神等方面的要求,可谓近乎苛刻。“两句三年得,一吟双泪流”便是古人斟字酌句的典型写照。 展开更多
关键词 古诗词 “比” 古典诗词教学 语言艺术 语言简洁 美读法 炼句 推敲
拓展思维意境 优化诗歌教学
作者 何喜燕 《教育界(教师培训)》 2013年第3期93-93,共1页
关键词 诗歌鉴赏 美读法 专题法 活动法
作者 尧卫国 《语文教学研究》 2008年第7期28-30,共3页
目标:1.理解作者心灵旅行的轨迹。2.揣摩人物“哀而不伤,喜而不乐”的愁情。教法:美读法一、导入课题.师:余光中的《乡愁》通过联想、想象塑造了四幅生活艺术形象,把对母亲、妻子、祖国的思念、眷念之情熔于一炉,表达出渴望亲... 目标:1.理解作者心灵旅行的轨迹。2.揣摩人物“哀而不伤,喜而不乐”的愁情。教法:美读法一、导入课题.师:余光中的《乡愁》通过联想、想象塑造了四幅生活艺术形象,把对母亲、妻子、祖国的思念、眷念之情熔于一炉,表达出渴望亲人团聚、国家统一的强烈愿望。像这类优美的经典诗文,我建议大家今后应多多消受。(短暂停顿)不知我这样的表述是否恰当。 展开更多
关键词 《荷塘月色》 教学实录 哀而不伤 《乡愁》 艺术形象 国家统一 经典诗文 美读法
作者 董斌 《山东教育》 2014年第9期47-47,共1页
巧设问题,牵动学生预习思维。一是将简单的知识点转变为探索性的问题点、能力点。例如《心田上的百合花开》一课,我们给学生指导了两种赏析语言的方法:美读法,即找出你最喜欢的句段,先进行朗读说明,从重音、语速、语调等角度,再... 巧设问题,牵动学生预习思维。一是将简单的知识点转变为探索性的问题点、能力点。例如《心田上的百合花开》一课,我们给学生指导了两种赏析语言的方法:美读法,即找出你最喜欢的句段,先进行朗读说明,从重音、语速、语调等角度,再品析语言,从修辞、用词、写法上。联想、想象法,即与文本对话,读出自己,读出生活。 展开更多
关键词 高效课堂 预习 《心田上的百合花开》 学生指导 文本对话 知识点 美读法 想象法
American individualism reflected in The last of the Mohicans
作者 ZHANG Zhi-gang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第8期27-30,共4页
The paper explores the theoretical core of American individualism through the analysis of Cooper's The last of the Mohicans. It shows the significance of freedom and equality of each individual who may achieve perfec... The paper explores the theoretical core of American individualism through the analysis of Cooper's The last of the Mohicans. It shows the significance of freedom and equality of each individual who may achieve perfection through self-esteem, self-confidence and self-reliance. The portrayal of the main characters indicates the concept of freedom and equality, expressing Cooper's expectation to establish an ideal new world. But with the extinction of the Mohicans, Cooper's expectation of establishing a beautiful new world is ruined. This dream is not realized in his work due to the conflicts of individualism with race and culture. 展开更多
关键词 American individualism new world CONFLICT
作者 谢娜 《教师》 2018年第28期36-37,共2页
教学风格是一次认识自我、提升自我,从而包装自我最后到彰显自我的过程.教师通过对名家著作的阅读,在归纳梳理中反思,再到实践教学中去验证,从而形成自己的教学风格.在多年的语文教学实践活动中,作者的教学风格初探定为一种乐心教育,将... 教学风格是一次认识自我、提升自我,从而包装自我最后到彰显自我的过程.教师通过对名家著作的阅读,在归纳梳理中反思,再到实践教学中去验证,从而形成自己的教学风格.在多年的语文教学实践活动中,作者的教学风格初探定为一种乐心教育,将“真实的学习”理念根植于课程的开发与实施,引领课堂教学可持续发展.在“乐心教育”教学风格的提炼过程中,“快乐”与“匠心”是课堂活动的两个关键因子,课堂教学理念有两个关键词一“多元化”和“共享性”,通过“五美悦读法”教学模式去彰显自己的教学风格. 展开更多
关键词 乐心教育 教学风格 读法 多元化 共享性
The peculiarities of the newly compiled textbooks for English classrooms in China
作者 PENG Ju-yun WANG Jian-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第7期35-38,共4页
Flexible and original thinking is the key to outstanding textbooks design. In order to teach English effectively, this paper discusses the changes, features and the effect of the function of new English textbooks and ... Flexible and original thinking is the key to outstanding textbooks design. In order to teach English effectively, this paper discusses the changes, features and the effect of the function of new English textbooks and the strategies of addressing the problems arising between foreign and native English textbooks, and offers a framework for students that is not restrictive but allows them to develop their own individual learning process without the restrictions that teachers encounter so often in prescriptive teaching. 展开更多
关键词 CHANGES FEATURES function strategies English textbooks prescriptive teaching
Arsenic effect of English on the Igbo language
作者 Enoch Ajunwa 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第8期37-43,共7页
Arsenic is a metallic-looking poisonous chemical substance, which is odourless and tasteless. It is used for the manufacture of insecticides and fungicides. Arsenic may be absorbed accidentally through ingestion (foo... Arsenic is a metallic-looking poisonous chemical substance, which is odourless and tasteless. It is used for the manufacture of insecticides and fungicides. Arsenic may be absorbed accidentally through ingestion (food poisoning), inhalation (toxic air) and permeation of skin. It has been scientifically proved that as little as 20 milligrams of arsenic may be life-threatening. It attacks delicate internal organs of the body, thereby, leading to health disorders and eventual death. On the one hand, this paper is set out to prove that the English language exerts similar killing effects on the Igbo language. On the other hand, the author will suggest ways of salvaging Igbo people's mother tongue from such killing effects. 展开更多
关键词 language shift loan abuse language killer code switching language empowerment imposedimperial impression
A systemic functional approach to EFL writing assessment
作者 LI Qing-feng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第8期5-9,共5页
The present study aims to describe theme choices in students' writing with a systemic functional approach. The analysis of a student's written work chosen at random shows the student writer can apply various theme t... The present study aims to describe theme choices in students' writing with a systemic functional approach. The analysis of a student's written work chosen at random shows the student writer can apply various theme types in writing after receiving instruction in reading class. The author hopes to propose the pedagogical implication of teaching functional linguistics knowledge to advanced learners, because it gives the view to the students to write cohesive and coherent texts. 展开更多
关键词 systemic functional approach theme choices writing assessment
A study on the effects of formative assessment on College English teaching
作者 XI Hong-mei ZHAO Jing-yuan HUI Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第8期1-4,14,共5页
Educational assessment as an important criterion to measure students' academic achievement has aroused much attention among English teachers and researchers, especially formative assessment due to its feedback in the... Educational assessment as an important criterion to measure students' academic achievement has aroused much attention among English teachers and researchers, especially formative assessment due to its feedback in the course of language teaching. This paper conducts an empirical research to investigate the current situation of using formative assessment in College English teaching and its effects on College English teaching via questionnaires and interviews. The subjects of this research are 35 College English teachers and 5 classes of non-English majors in Harbin Engineering University. This paper finds that the use of formative assessment intensifies students' interests and develops their learning autonomy as well. Meanwhile, it provides timely feedback to teachers and modifies teachers' teaching strategies, which makes College English teaching more effective. 展开更多
关键词 formative assessment College English teaching EFFECTS
A framework of the suggested Meta-cognitive Strategy Training model
作者 ZHANG Xiao-hui ZHENG Yu-rong 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第7期31-34,共4页
It is of great significance to carry out Meta-cognitive Strategy Training (MST) in current college English teaching context. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of some sequences and models for strategy... It is of great significance to carry out Meta-cognitive Strategy Training (MST) in current college English teaching context. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of some sequences and models for strategy training, the authors suggest the Meta-cognitive Strategy Training model which consists of 6 steps with Strategies-Based Instruction (SBI) employed to conduct the concrete strategy training. 展开更多
关键词 meta-cognitive strategies strategy training college English teaching
An investigation into the 2003 new English curriculum in China through teachers' interviews
作者 XIE Chun-miao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第8期30-36,59,共8页
Interviews are made with 10 middle school English teachers in Guangdong to seek their opinions and discover the implementation of the 2003 new English curriculum. It was agreed that there are many improvements, includ... Interviews are made with 10 middle school English teachers in Guangdong to seek their opinions and discover the implementation of the 2003 new English curriculum. It was agreed that there are many improvements, including the proposal of learning strategies and emotions, and attitudes to learning English. However, few actual measures are carried out in implementation. Lack of support from school, parents and students proves to be a headache for teachers. The problems that hinder Chinese secondary ELT are hence pointed out: the traditional teaching methods, examination means, constraints, teacher quality and lack of support. Compromises should be made between the decision makers, teachers to bring satisfactory results to ELT in China. especially the course planners and the middle school 展开更多
关键词 2003 new English curriculum secondary English teaching English language teaching
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