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作者 李文凤 申天姿 +4 位作者 郭会师 曹金金 康晓旭 石凯 康晓阳 《耐火材料》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期314-318,共5页
为减少炮泥的污染,开发环境友好型炮泥,采用棕刚玉、SiC、焦炭、绢云母、蓝晶石、黏土、Si_(3)N_(4)-Fe粉等为主要原料,NS-FH为复合烧结助剂,分别以环保无污染的多羟基糖类葡萄糖和蔗糖为结合剂,制备Al_(2)O_(3)-SiC-C质无水炮泥。研究... 为减少炮泥的污染,开发环境友好型炮泥,采用棕刚玉、SiC、焦炭、绢云母、蓝晶石、黏土、Si_(3)N_(4)-Fe粉等为主要原料,NS-FH为复合烧结助剂,分别以环保无污染的多羟基糖类葡萄糖和蔗糖为结合剂,制备Al_(2)O_(3)-SiC-C质无水炮泥。研究了葡萄糖或蔗糖溶液的外加量(加入质量分数分别为0、8%、9%、10%、11%、12%、13%)对该炮泥性能的影响。结果表明:以多羟基糖类葡萄糖或蔗糖为结合剂,可制得综合性能较好的Al_(2)O_(3)-SiC-C质无水炮泥;外加12%(w)的蔗糖溶液时,无水炮泥的性能最佳,其马夏值为1.14 MPa,1350℃埋石墨烧后的线收缩率、体积密度和显气孔率分别为0.72%、2.41 g·cm^(-3)和24.4%,常温耐压强度和高温抗折强度(1400℃埋碳并保温30 min)分别为40.1和12.1 MPa。 展开更多
关键词 羟基糖类结合 Al_(2)O_(3)-SiC-C质无水炮泥 马夏值 力学性能 显微结构
作者 邓鑫 李瑛傑 +3 位作者 魏蔚 杨焰 马净植 谢三祥 《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期218-223,共6页
目的评价基于噬菌体展示技术的羟基磷灰石结合肽的解吸附特征。方法采用成品羟基磷灰石(hydroxyapatite,HAP)作为结合底物,通过X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)对其进行物相鉴定,提取噬菌体DNA测序读取展示肽的序列,扩增制备目标序列Y... 目的评价基于噬菌体展示技术的羟基磷灰石结合肽的解吸附特征。方法采用成品羟基磷灰石(hydroxyapatite,HAP)作为结合底物,通过X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)对其进行物相鉴定,提取噬菌体DNA测序读取展示肽的序列,扩增制备目标序列YSLHWGE(YSL)的单克隆储液,以肽库中随机挑选的序列VTDSKPK(VTD)为阴性对照;滴度测试测定投入回收比,免疫荧光法验证目标序列的标靶亲和力。参照标准淘选方案,在不同pH值(7.5、6.5、5.5、4.5)缓冲洗脱液中分析目标序列的解吸附特征。结果YSL和VTD的单克隆储液扩增后滴度均达到10;pfu/10μL,符合后续实验要求。测序结果得到目标序列和随机序列分别为YSL和VTD。通过重复3次滴度测试计算投入回收比发现,目标序列YSL与HAP的亲和度较高,投入回收比为随机肽VTD投入回收比的17.5倍。这种结合亲和力也通过免疫荧光实验得以验证,结果显示YSL组羟基磷灰石粉末被荧光点亮的面积比例和平均吸光度分别为(71.98±2.30)%和(0.10090±0.00544),均显著高于VTD组的(49.95±2.28)%(P<0.01)和(0.04637±0.00117)(P<0.01);发现在不同pH值环境中,YSL解吸附释放的噬菌体数量占原吸附总量的比例均高于随机肽VTD解吸附的比例(P<0.01)。结论羟基磷灰石结合肽序列YSLHWGE对结合底物羟基磷灰石有较好的亲和力且具有一定的随环境pH值变化的缓释能力。 展开更多
关键词 羟基磷灰石 羟基磷灰石结合 蛋白质吸附 滴度测试
纳米羟基磷灰石对光催化棉织物的保护性能 被引量:5
作者 黄龙全 徐英莲 傅雅琴 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期60-63,共4页
为提高棉纤维的光学稳定性,利用纳米羟基磷灰石(HAP)作为棉纤维的保护剂,对棉针织物进行功能性后整理。根据扫描电镜对比实验和红外光谱的测试结果,研究纳米HAP与棉纤维的结合机制,优选HAP分散体系与棉纤维结合的最佳工艺条件:纳米HAP... 为提高棉纤维的光学稳定性,利用纳米羟基磷灰石(HAP)作为棉纤维的保护剂,对棉针织物进行功能性后整理。根据扫描电镜对比实验和红外光谱的测试结果,研究纳米HAP与棉纤维的结合机制,优选HAP分散体系与棉纤维结合的最佳工艺条件:纳米HAP在水中形成分散体系,pH值为12.30时,可使纳米HAP致密、均匀地分布于棉纤维上;实验证明,在紫外线照射时纳米HAP对棉织物具有良好的保护作用,吸附有纳米HAP的棉织物,在TiO2光催化作用中,顶破强力平均可提高约24.51%。 展开更多
关键词 纳米羟基磷灰石 羟基结合 光催化剂 保护性能 棉织物
作者 黄龙全 《轻纺工业与技术》 2020年第10期1-2,15,共3页
研究纳米羟基磷灰石与棉织物结合的方法,根据扫描电镜和抗菌实验结果,分析二者结合方式的形成过程,阐述纳米羟基磷灰石的抗菌机理。结果表明:纳米羟基磷灰石在水中形成的分散体系在棉织物上对3种不同菌种均具有良好的抗菌效果,能达到FZ/... 研究纳米羟基磷灰石与棉织物结合的方法,根据扫描电镜和抗菌实验结果,分析二者结合方式的形成过程,阐述纳米羟基磷灰石的抗菌机理。结果表明:纳米羟基磷灰石在水中形成的分散体系在棉织物上对3种不同菌种均具有良好的抗菌效果,能达到FZ/T 73023-2006标准的AA抗菌级别。 展开更多
关键词 羟基磷灰石 羟基结合 洗涤 抗菌
莪术醇对乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231侵袭能力的影响 被引量:7
作者 刁珂 陈旭 +1 位作者 王娟 侯艳芳 《广东医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1804-1808,共5页
目的探讨莪术醇对乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞增殖能力、侵袭能力的影响。方法利用MTT实验检测乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞的增殖能力;应用基质胶侵袭小室实验检测乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞的侵袭能力;采用real-time PCR法检测经不同浓度的莪术醇药物干... 目的探讨莪术醇对乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞增殖能力、侵袭能力的影响。方法利用MTT实验检测乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞的增殖能力;应用基质胶侵袭小室实验检测乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞的侵袭能力;采用real-time PCR法检测经不同浓度的莪术醇药物干预的MDA-MB-231细胞,观察羟基末端结合蛋白1(CtBP1)在不同组中表达的变化。结果不同浓度的莪术醇(100、50、25、12.5μg/mL)处理下,细胞数量呈差异性、阶梯状下降,浓度为100μg/mL的细胞数量减少最为明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。同时细胞侵袭能力按药物浓度递减而减弱,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Real-time PCR的结果显示,莪术醇可显著下调MDA-MB-231中CtBP1的表达(P=0.000)。结论莪术醇对乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞增殖有明显的抑制作用,对其侵袭能力亦有较强影响,药物浓度越高抑制增殖、侵袭、下调CtBP1表达的效果越明显。 展开更多
关键词 莪术醇 乳腺癌细胞 肿瘤侵袭 羟基末端结合蛋白1
胰岛素抵抗模型大鼠视黄醇结合蛋白4和8-羟基脱氧鸟苷表达水平的变化及运动和吡格列酮干预作用的观察 被引量:3
作者 陈忆 张黎军 《中国糖尿病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期82-85,共4页
目的观察IR模型大鼠视黄醇结合蛋白4(RBP4)和8-羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)表达水平及运动和吡格列酮的干预作用。方法 40只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为对照(NC)组和模型(M)组,分别给予普通和高糖高脂饲料,8周后再将M组随机分为IR组、运动(Exerci... 目的观察IR模型大鼠视黄醇结合蛋白4(RBP4)和8-羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)表达水平及运动和吡格列酮的干预作用。方法 40只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为对照(NC)组和模型(M)组,分别给予普通和高糖高脂饲料,8周后再将M组随机分为IR组、运动(Exercise)组和吡格列酮(Pio)组,后2组分别进行游泳训练及吡格列酮灌胃,持续8周。16周末采用稳态模型评估胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMAIR)、检测血清RBP4、骨骼肌超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及8-OHdG水平。结果 (1)IR组HOMA-IR、RBP4升高,8-OHdG增强(P<0.01),SOD降低(P<0.01);Exercise、Pio组HOMA-IR、RBP4和8-OHdG下降,SOD增加(P<0.05)。(2)相关性分析发现,HOMA-IR与RBP4、8-OHdG呈正相关(r=0.690、0.628,P<0.01),与SOD呈负相关(r=-0.712,P<0.01);RBP4与8-OHdG呈正相关(r=0.656,P<0.01),与SOD呈负相关(r=-0.649,P<0.01)。结论 RBP4可能通过增加IR大鼠氧化应激参与IR,运动、吡格列酮可能通过抑制IR大鼠氧化应激,降低RBP4改善IR。 展开更多
关键词 视黄醇结合蛋白4 8-羟基脱氧鸟苷 胰岛素抵抗 运动 吡格列酮
Mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite-zirconia coatings prepared by magnetron sputtering 被引量:4
作者 KONG De-jun LONG Dan +1 位作者 WU Yong-zhong ZHOU Chao-zheng 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期104-110,共7页
Hydroxyapatite (HA)-zirconium (ZrO2) composite coating was produced by magnetic sputtering on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy substrate, the coatings of 50HA-50ZrO2 and 75HA-25ZrO2 (mass fraction, %) were characterized b... Hydroxyapatite (HA)-zirconium (ZrO2) composite coating was produced by magnetic sputtering on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy substrate, the coatings of 50HA-50ZrO2 and 75HA-25ZrO2 (mass fraction, %) were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy disperse spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scratch test, respectively, and the effects of HA contents in the coating on residual stress were analyzed. The experimental results show that the phases of HA-ZrO2 composite coatings are HA, ZrO2 and Y2O3, and the HA has a certain decomposition in the combination process, producing TCP and CaO impurity phases. The porous surface of coating is conducive to the growth of bone tissue, and the surface roughness values of 50HA-50ZrO2 and 75HA-25ZrO2 are 1.61 μm and 2.92 μm, respectively. The coating interface is of mechanical integration, the bonding strength values of 50HA-50ZrO2 and 75HA-25ZrO2 are 30 N and 17.5 N, respectively, showing a downward trend with the HA contents increasing. The residual stress values in the coating of 50HA-50ZrO2 and 75HA-25ZrO2 are (-399.1±3.0) MPa, (-343.2±20.3) MPa, respectively, as a result, the appropriate increase of HA contents in the coating will reduce its residual stress. 展开更多
关键词 magnetron sputtering ZIRCONIA HYDROXYAPATITE surface morphology bonding strength
Rapid pressure-assisted sinter bonding in air using 200 nm Cu particles and enhancement of bonding strength by successive pressureless annealing
作者 Myeong In KIM Jong-Hyun LEE 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期629-638,共10页
To design an effective and realistically applicable sinter bonding process for power devices,we proposed a two-step process using a 200 nm Cu-particle-based paste to form a bondline having high-temperature sustainabil... To design an effective and realistically applicable sinter bonding process for power devices,we proposed a two-step process using a 200 nm Cu-particle-based paste to form a bondline having high-temperature sustainability and superior thermal conductance.This process involved rapid pressure-assisted sinter bonding in air followed by pressureless annealing in a nitrogen atmosphere.In the case of a paste prepared with a mixture of 20 wt.%malic acid and 80 wt.%ethylene glycol,sinter bonding at 300℃and 5 MPa for only 30 s resulted in a sufficient shear strength of 23.1 MPa.The shear strength was significantly enhanced to 69.6 MPa by the additional pressureless aging for 30 min.Therefore,the two-step sinter bonding process is expected to provide an outstanding production rate as a next-generation sinter bonding process. 展开更多
关键词 submicron Cu particles Cu paste malic acid sinter bonding successive annealing shear strength
Crystal Structure of Bis(3-hydroxy-2-pyridyl)disulfide
作者 Chen Xue-Tai Kang Bei-Sheng +1 位作者 Xu Yong-Jin Hu Yong-Han(State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry and Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou,Fujian 350002) 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第2期155-158,共4页
C_(10)H_8N_2O_2S_2, Mr=252. 32,monoclinic,P2_(1/c),a=7.165(5).b=7.659(3),c=19.543(8)A,β=96. 76(5)°,V=1065.0(9) A,Z=4,D_c=1. 57 g/cm ̄3.The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to final R(R_w)=0.051... C_(10)H_8N_2O_2S_2, Mr=252. 32,monoclinic,P2_(1/c),a=7.165(5).b=7.659(3),c=19.543(8)A,β=96. 76(5)°,V=1065.0(9) A,Z=4,D_c=1. 57 g/cm ̄3.The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to final R(R_w)=0.051(0.057) for 1446 observed reflections with I≥3σ(Ⅰ).The sulfur-sulfur bond length is found to be 2. 019(2) A with a dihedral angle CSSC of 93.29°. 展开更多
关键词 Crystal structure SYNTHESIS DISULFIDE
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of N-[1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-4-oxe-6-methylpyridazine-3-carbonyl]-N'-benzoylhydrazine
作者 邹霞娟 翁林红 +1 位作者 金桂玉 王宏根 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期191-194,共4页
The title compound N-[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-4-oxe-6-methylpyridazine- 3-carbonyl]-N(-benzoylhydrazine was prepared by the reaction of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,4- dihydro-4-oxe-6-methylpyridazine-3-carboxylic acid... The title compound N-[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-4-oxe-6-methylpyridazine- 3-carbonyl]-N(-benzoylhydrazine was prepared by the reaction of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,4- dihydro-4-oxe-6-methylpyridazine-3-carboxylic acid with chloroformate ethyl ester and benzoyl hydrazine in the presence of triethylamine. The crystal structure ([C19H15ClN4O3]2·C2H5OH, Mr =811.67) has been determined by X-ray crystal structural analysis. The crystal is monoclinic, space group P21/c, with unit cell parameters a=13.296(3), b=17.155(3), c=17.459(3)?,β=98.959(4), Z=4, V=3934(1) ?3, Dc=1.371g/cm3, F(000)=1688, μ(MoKα)=0.226 mm-1, R=0.0495, wR=0.1348 for 3345 observed reflections (I >2σ(I)). The hydrogen bonds N(3)-H…O(1) , N(7)-H…O(4), and N(8)-H…O(2) can be observed. 展开更多
关键词 acylhydrazinocabonylpyridazinone crystal structure SYNTHESIS
Crystal Structure of Copper(Ⅱ) Complex with 3-Hydroxyl-1,5-diazacyclooctane 被引量:2
作者 Liu Sheng-Hua Xue Guo-Ping +2 位作者 Fu En-Qin Wu ChengTai(Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072) Luo Bao-Sheng Chen Liao-Rong(Centre of Analysis and Testing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072) 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第4期315-317,共3页
Crystal structure of copper(Ⅱ) complex with a new mesocyclic diamine ligand 3-hydroxyl-1, 5-diazacyclooctane, Cu [C_(12)H_(28)N_4O_2]Br_2, M_r= 483. 7 is reported. It crystallizes in orthorhombic Pbca with a= 16. 201... Crystal structure of copper(Ⅱ) complex with a new mesocyclic diamine ligand 3-hydroxyl-1, 5-diazacyclooctane, Cu [C_(12)H_(28)N_4O_2]Br_2, M_r= 483. 7 is reported. It crystallizes in orthorhombic Pbca with a= 16. 201 (5), b=10. 513 (4), c=9. 992(4) A, V=1701. 8(7) A ̄3, Z=4, D_c=1. 888 g/cm ̄3, μ=49. 5 cm ̄(-1) (MoKa),F(000) = 972. The final R and Rto are 0. 039 and 0. 047 for 1052 observed reflections with I≥3σ(I). The result of X-ray structure determination shows that 3hydroxyl-1,5-diazacyclooctane forms a 2 :1 complex with CuBr_2 in which the central copper ion is sandwiched between the two ligands. 展开更多
关键词 crystal structure mesocyclic diamine copper complex
Multi-component hydrogen-bonding salts formed between imidazole and aromatic acids:Synthons cooperation and crystal structures 被引量:2
作者 WANG Lei ZHAO Lei +3 位作者 LIU Meng CHEN RuiXin YANG Yu GU YuanXiang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2115-2122,共8页
Imidazole base was crystallized with different aromatic carboxylic acids 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 5-chlorosalicylic acid, and 1,8-naphthalic acid, affording three new binary molecular organic salts of [(C 3 H 5 N 2 ... Imidazole base was crystallized with different aromatic carboxylic acids 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 5-chlorosalicylic acid, and 1,8-naphthalic acid, affording three new binary molecular organic salts of [(C 3 H 5 N 2 + )·(C 7 H 5 O 4 )] (1), [(C 3 H 5 N 2 + )·(C 7 H 4 O 3 Cl )] C 7 H 5 O 3 Cl (2), and [(C 3 H 5 N 2 + ) (C 12 H 7 O 4 )] (3). Proton transfer occurs from the COOH of carboxylic acid to nitrogen of imidazole in all complexes (1-3), leading to the hydrogen bond N-H…O in all structures. To our knowledge, the recognition pattern between the carboxylic acid group and imidazole (acid-imidazole synthon) is less well-studied so far. The cooperation among COOH, COO and imidazolium cation functional groups for the observed hydrogen bond synthons is examined in the three structures. Generally, the strong N-H…O and O-H…O hydrogen bonds define supramolecular architecture and connectivity within chains, while weaker C-H…O hydrogen bonds play the dominant role in controlling the interactions between layers in these novel organic salts. Thermal stability of these compounds has been investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of mass loss. 展开更多
关键词 crystal engineering supramolecular synthons IMIDAZOLE organic salts
Co-crystallization of glycine anhydride with the hydroxybenzoic acids: Controlled formation of dimers via synthons cooperation and structural characterization 被引量:1
作者 WANG Lei ZHAO Lei +3 位作者 LIU WeiMing CHEN RuiXin GU YuanXiang YANG Yu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期2381-2387,共7页
The results of crystallographic analyses on 1:1 and 1:4 well-defined co-crystals formed between glycine anhydride and each of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid are described. Neutral molecules are ... The results of crystallographic analyses on 1:1 and 1:4 well-defined co-crystals formed between glycine anhydride and each of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid are described. Neutral molecules are connected via heteromeric O-H.-.O and N-H…O contacts leading to different packing arrangements of supramolecular chains. On the basis of the molec- ular structures of glycine anhydride and carboxylic acid guests, the hydrogen bonds are arranged to give centrosymmetric synthons V and VII which are noteworthy for their robustness. Hydrogen-bond interactions between glycine anhydride and aromatic acid provide sufficient driving force to direct molecular recognition and crystal packing. Utilization of the orientation of functional groups of the building blocks, the acidity, and weak interactions provides a route for the creation of novel supra- molecular architectures in the crystal lattice. Both two co-crystals contain the expected hydrogen-bonded motifs, and there has been no proton transfer from either of the two carboxylic acids to the aza compound moiety. This demonstrates that glycine anhydride is very capable of affecting the construction of binary co-crystals in a predictable and rationale manner. It is noted that synthons Ⅷ and IX are fairly large, but the real challenge in crystal engineering is to find a big enough synthon that occurs often enough. Thermal stability of these compounds has been investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of mass loss. 展开更多
关键词 CO-CRYSTALS crystal structure supramolecular synthons glycine anhydride
Hydrogen-bonding directed cocrystallization of flexible piperazine with hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives:Structural diversity and synthon prediction 被引量:1
作者 WANG Lei XUE RuiFeng +3 位作者 XU LingYan LU XiFeng CHEN RuiXin TAO XuTang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1228-1235,共8页
Four hydroxybenzoic acid building blocks, m-hydroxybenzoic acid, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 2,5-dihydroxyterephthalic acid, and 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid, have been synthesized as robust cocrystallizing agents and emp... Four hydroxybenzoic acid building blocks, m-hydroxybenzoic acid, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 2,5-dihydroxyterephthalic acid, and 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid, have been synthesized as robust cocrystallizing agents and employed in reactions with piperazine, including [(C4H12N2 2+).(C7H5O3-)2] (l), [(CaH12N2 2+).(C7H5O4-)2] (2), [(C4H12N2 2+).(C8H5O6 2- )] (3), and [(C4H12N2 2+)1/2. (C8H5O5)] . 2H2O (4). Hydrogen-bonded directed assemblies of four salts were validated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. In compounds 1-4, hydroxybenzoic acids are all deprotonated and piperazine molecules are all protonated to form piperazine dications and keep the chair conformation. Thermal stability of these compounds has been investigated. 展开更多
关键词 crystal engineering supramolecular synthons PIPERAZINE hydroxybenzoic acid
Whole meniscus regeneration using polymer scaffolds oaded with fibrochondrocytes
作者 LU Hua-ding CAI Dao-zhang +2 位作者 WU Gang WANG Kun SHI De-hai 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2011年第4期195-204,共10页
Objective: To study the feasibility of regenerating a whole menisci using poly-(3- hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) scaffolds loaded with meniscal cells in rabbits undergoing total meniscectomy, and t... Objective: To study the feasibility of regenerating a whole menisci using poly-(3- hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) scaffolds loaded with meniscal cells in rabbits undergoing total meniscectomy, and to explore its protective effect on carti- lage degeneration. Methods: A solvent casting and particulate leaching technique was employed to fabricate biodegradable PHBV scaffolds into a meniscal shape. The proliferated meniscal cells were seeded onto the polymer scaffolds, transplanted into rabbit knee joints whose lateral menisci had been removed. Eight to 18 weeks after transplantation, the rege- nerated neomenisci were evaluated by gross and histologi- cal observations. Cartilage Mankin score. degeneration was assessed by Results: Eighteen weeks after transplantation, the implants formed neomenisci. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining of the neomenisci sections revealed regeneration of fibrocartilage. Type I collagen in the neomenisci was also proved similar to normal meniscal tissue by immunohis-tochemical analysis and Sirius scarlet trinitrophenol staining. Articular cartilage degeneration was observed 8 weeks af- ter implantation. It was less severe as compared with that in total meniscectomy controls and no further degeneration was observed at 18 weeks. At that time, the regenerated neomenisci strongly resembled normal meniscal fibrocarti- lage in gross and histological appearance, and its mechani- cal property was also close to that of normal meniscus. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates the feasibility of tissue-engineering a whole meniscal structure in total meniscectomy rabbit models using biodegradable PHBV scaffolds together with cultured allogeneic meniscal cells. Cartilage degeneration is decreased. But long-term in vivo investigations on the histological structure and cartilage degeneration of the neomenisci regenerated by this method are still necessary to determine the clinical potential of this tissue engineering avenue. 展开更多
关键词 Menisci tibial Polyesters Tissue engineering
An antiferromagnetic {Mn_8} ring supported by planar multidentate ligands
作者 NEWTON Graham N. SHIGA Takuya OSHIO Hiroki 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期973-977,共5页
Complexation of the planar multidentate ligand 3,5-bis-(2-hydroxyphenyl)pyrazole (H3L) with manganese chloride leads to the formation of the polynuclear complex [MnIHsL4Oa(MeO)a(MeOH)8] (1). 1 has an octanuc... Complexation of the planar multidentate ligand 3,5-bis-(2-hydroxyphenyl)pyrazole (H3L) with manganese chloride leads to the formation of the polynuclear complex [MnIHsL4Oa(MeO)a(MeOH)8] (1). 1 has an octanuclear macrocyclic core in which the MnnI ions are bridged by four L molecules to form a ring type structure. Antiferromagnetic interactions were shown to be op- erative between metal centers. 展开更多
关键词 MANGANESE MAGNETISM antiferromagnetic ring complex planar ligands
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