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群叶光照度在水稻栽培中的应用 被引量:1
作者 陈玉泉 王延颐 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 1990年第3期11-12,共2页
一、材料与方法 为了研究杂交水稻群体光分布的特点,本试验选用了赣化2号和汕优3号两个杂交稻组合,分两个播栽期,第一期1983年4月20日播种,5月25日移栽;第二期1983年5月10日播种,6月14日移栽。每亩施肥量折合纯氮为11.5公斤。自移栽之日... 一、材料与方法 为了研究杂交水稻群体光分布的特点,本试验选用了赣化2号和汕优3号两个杂交稻组合,分两个播栽期,第一期1983年4月20日播种,5月25日移栽;第二期1983年5月10日播种,6月14日移栽。每亩施肥量折合纯氮为11.5公斤。自移栽之日起,每两星期测定一次光强、株型、叶面积和干物重。光强测定时间选为上午10:30至11:30(夏时制),测定时要求天气晴朗,测定部位距离地面10厘米。光强测定仪器为GX-1型棍式照度计。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 栽培 群叶光照度 应用 杂交稻
槲栎叶复合群及其地史学和系统学意义 被引量:7
作者 周浙昆 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1996年第8期666-671,共6页
根据槲栎叶复合群研究的最新成果订正了国产槲叶栎属 (Dryophyllum)的化石。通过对该属 9种化石的整理 ,将 Dryophyllum dewalquei、D.parvum、D.relongtanense、D.yunnanensis和 D.sp.等 5种分别归入 Berryophyllum dewalquei、B.parvu... 根据槲栎叶复合群研究的最新成果订正了国产槲叶栎属 (Dryophyllum)的化石。通过对该属 9种化石的整理 ,将 Dryophyllum dewalquei、D.parvum、D.relongtanense、D.yunnanensis和 D.sp.等 5种分别归入 Berryophyllum dewalquei、B.parvum、B.relongtanense、B.yunnanensis和 B.sp.;将 D.fushunense归入 Castaneophyllum fushunense;将 D.nervosaum归入 Quercusnervosum;将 D.relongtanense的一部分归入Q.lantenoisii;D.subfalcatum尚不能确定归属 ,但可以肯定不属槲栎叶复合群。同时 ,还讨论了槲栎叶复合群的地史学意义。该复合群是原始壳斗科向现代壳斗科过渡的中间类群 。 展开更多
关键词 槲栎复合 古粟 古壳斗 地史学
Haagerup测度下的自由群傅里叶代数上的MAP性质(英文) 被引量:1
作者 闫成 《新疆大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第4期386-389,共4页
关键词 傅里代数 MAP Haagerup函数 自由
陕川黔贯叶金丝桃居群的分析 被引量:1
作者 宋东杰 李朝晖 +3 位作者 任源浩 秦春 刘倩倩 吴文丽 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2009年第8期1951-1953,共3页
关键词 金丝桃居 分析 金丝桃素 离子组合
虎耳草属异叶虎耳草复合群的数量分类学研究 被引量:1
作者 马小磊 贾留坤 +2 位作者 曹倩 陈世龙 高庆波 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期536-543,共8页
山羊臭组(Saxifraga sect.Ciliatae Haworth)隶属于虎耳草属(Saxifraga Tourn.ex L.),具有极高的物种丰富度,但山羊臭组内部的系统发育关系一直都未能很好解决。唐古拉亚组(S.subsect.Hirculoideae Engl.)是山羊臭组中最大的亚组,主要... 山羊臭组(Saxifraga sect.Ciliatae Haworth)隶属于虎耳草属(Saxifraga Tourn.ex L.),具有极高的物种丰富度,但山羊臭组内部的系统发育关系一直都未能很好解决。唐古拉亚组(S.subsect.Hirculoideae Engl.)是山羊臭组中最大的亚组,主要分布于青藏高原及其周边地区。根据形态特征,可将唐古拉亚组划分为3个复合群,其中叶背边缘有突起叶脉的物种被归入异叶虎耳草复合群(S.diversifolia complex)。本研究通过标本查阅,选取异叶虎耳草复合群24个物种、2变种共657份标本,对其24个定性性状信息进行主成分分析和聚类分析;获取443条地理分布信息,构建复合群的分布式样。特征值大于1的前7个主成分的累计贡献率较低,仅为67.748%。“茎生叶是否具柄”“中下部茎生叶形态”“花序类型”“中下部茎生叶大小”“萼片脉纹于先端汇合”“叶基心形”等性状对前3个主成分的贡献值大,可作为异叶虎耳草复合群物种分类与鉴定的关键性状。基于形态聚类结果和地理分布式样,可将异叶虎耳草复合群划分为3个分支:喜马拉雅山南坡分支、环四川盆地山区分支以及横断山分支(包含一个广布种S.egregia)。主成分分析结果支持将异叶虎耳草复合群划分为3个分支。 展开更多
关键词 虎耳草复合 数量分类学 形态学 分布式样
大鼠脑干中缝核群向额前皮质的传入投射──HRP法研究 被引量:4
作者 延鹏翔 郭连魁 《神经解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期56-60,共5页
本实验用HRP法研究了27只大鼠脑干中缝核群向额前皮质的传入联系。结果如下:向额前皮质各区泳注HRP后,标记细胞出现于上位脑干的中缝核,即吻侧、尾侧线形核,中缝背核,正中中缝核;下位脑干的中缝核中,除中缝苍白核外,中... 本实验用HRP法研究了27只大鼠脑干中缝核群向额前皮质的传入联系。结果如下:向额前皮质各区泳注HRP后,标记细胞出现于上位脑干的中缝核,即吻侧、尾侧线形核,中缝背核,正中中缝核;下位脑干的中缝核中,除中缝苍白核外,中缝桥核、中缝大核、中缝隐核中也见到标记细胞。各中缝核中,以中缝背核标记为最多,其次是正中中缝核、中缝桥核和中缝大核,较少的是中缝隐核,吻、尾侧线形核.标记细胞大部分为中、小型,偶见大型,形态为多极形、梭形或三角形.另外,发现中缝核向额前皮质不同区域投射的细胞数量不同,正中中缝核、中缝桥核和中缝大校主要投射到额前皮质的内侧部分、而中缝背核,吻、尾侧线形核主要投射到额前皮质的外侧部分. 展开更多
关键词 脑干缝核 额前皮质 传入联系 HRP
枕叶癫痫致痫灶位置与发作症状学的关系 被引量:3
作者 费凌霞 金洋 +4 位作者 欧阳梅 李凯辉 周青 王晓 胡湘蜀 《癫痫与神经电生理学杂志》 2018年第3期134-138,共5页
目的:本文通过明确枕叶癫痫致痫灶位置、视觉先兆和第一运动症状学,试图解释致痫灶位置和发作症状学的关系。方法:回顾性分析在三九脑科医院已行致痫灶切除手术、且术后随访至少1年未再出现发作的纯枕叶癫痫患者9例(其中4例经过立... 目的:本文通过明确枕叶癫痫致痫灶位置、视觉先兆和第一运动症状学,试图解释致痫灶位置和发作症状学的关系。方法:回顾性分析在三九脑科医院已行致痫灶切除手术、且术后随访至少1年未再出现发作的纯枕叶癫痫患者9例(其中4例经过立体定向脑电植入,5例直接手术治疗),使用枕叶集群分区方法明确枕叶致痫灶位置,按照病程记载的视觉先兆,回放术前评估时发作期录像,明确第一个运动症状学;回放4例患者的立体定向脑电图(SEEG)资料,明确发作起始和早期扩散区;阐述致痫灶位置和发作症状学之间的关系。结果:有视觉先兆的患者共7例,占78%,其中有两种视觉先兆的患者共3例。致痫区在枕叶背内侧、腹内侧和内侧表面(累及集群1、2、3)的患者4例,其中4例出现视觉缺失,还有1例合并出现单纯视幻觉。致痫区在枕叶背外侧和外侧面(累及集群4、5、8)的患者4例,产生复杂视幻觉。以自动运动为第一运动症状学的患者共6例,占67%,致痫区在枕叶背内侧、腹内侧和后下区(累及集群1、2、8),其中2例SEEG证实异常电活动的传播通过颞叶产生。以轴一肢带性强直为第一运动症状学的患者1例,致痫灶位于枕叶背内侧、内侧表面和背外侧(累及集群2、3、4)。以复杂运动为第一运动症状学的患者1例,致痫区位于枕叶外侧面(累及集群5),SEEG证实复杂运动时异常电活动并不向相邻组织传播。以偏转发作为第一运动症状学的患者1例,致痫区位于枕叶背内侧(累及集群2),SEEG证实偏转发作并不产生于同侧的额眼区。结论:枕叶癫痫致痫灶位置与发作症状学相关;枕叶背内侧、腹内侧和内侧表面的致痫区容易产生视觉缺失;枕叶背外侧和外侧面的致痫区容易产生复杂视幻觉;枕叶背内侧、腹内侧和后下区的致痫灶容易出现自动运动;枕叶背内和背外侧均受累的致痫灶可以产生轴性强直;枕叶外侧面的致痫灶可以出现复杂运动;而枕叶背内侧的致痫灶可以出现偏转发作,后3种症状学均可能通过投射纤维产生。 展开更多
关键词 癫痫 致痫灶位置 症状学 立体定向脑电图(sEEG) 投射纤维
Effects of Elevated CO 2 and High Temperature on Single Leaf and Canopy Photosynthesis of Rice 被引量:35
作者 林伟宏 白克智 匡廷云 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1999年第6期624-628,共5页
The increase of atmospheric CO 2 concentration is indisputable. In such condition, photosynthetic response of leaf is relatively well studied, while the comparison of that between single leaf and whole canopy is less... The increase of atmospheric CO 2 concentration is indisputable. In such condition, photosynthetic response of leaf is relatively well studied, while the comparison of that between single leaf and whole canopy is less emphasized. The stimulation of elevated CO 2 on canopy photosynthesis may be different from that on single leaf level. In this study, leaf and canopy photosynthesis of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were studied throughout the growing season. High CO 2 and temperature had a synergetic stimulation on single leaf photosynthetic rate until grain filling. Photosynthesis of leaf was stimulated by high CO 2, although the stimulation was decreased by higher temperature at grain filling stage. On the other hand, the simulation of elevated CO 2 on canopy photosynthesis leveled off with time. Stimulation at canopy level disappeared by grain filling stage in both temperature treatments. Green leaf area index was not significantly affected by CO 2 at maturity, but greater in plants grown at higher temperature. Leaf nitrogen content decreased with the increase of CO 2 concentration although it was not statistically significant at maturity. Canopy respiration rate increased at flowering stage indicating higher carbon loss. Shading effect caused by leaf development reached maximum at flowering stage. The CO 2 stimulation on photosynthesis was greater in single leaf than in canopy. Since enhanced CO 2 significantly increased biomass of rice stems and panicles, increase in canopy respiration caused diminishment of CO 2 stimulation in canopy net photosynthesis. Leaf nitrogen in the canopy level decreased with CO 2 concentration and may eventually hasten CO 2 stimulation on canopy photosynthesis. Early senescence of canopy leaves in high CO 2 is also a possible cause. 展开更多
关键词 CO 2 concentration Temperature PHOTOSYNTHESIS LEAF CANOPY Oryza sativa
Variation of SPAD values in uneven-aged leaves of different dominant species in Castanopsis carlessi forest in Lingshishan National Forest Park 被引量:3
作者 王英姿 洪伟 +4 位作者 吴承祯 林晗 范海兰 陈灿 李键 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期362-366,I0007,共6页
The greenness (SPAD) of uneven-aged leaves of dominant species in the Castanopsis carlessi forest at different altitude gradients in Lingshishan National Forest Park, Fujian Province, China were measured by using po... The greenness (SPAD) of uneven-aged leaves of dominant species in the Castanopsis carlessi forest at different altitude gradients in Lingshishan National Forest Park, Fujian Province, China were measured by using portable chlorophyll meter SPAD-502. In addition, the correlation between SPAD value and the concentration of chlorophyll and foliar nitrogen was also investigated. Significant variations in SPAD values were found between the uneven-aged leaves of different dominant species and different altitude gradients. Regression analysis showed that SPAD value was significantly correlated with the concentration of chlorophyll and the content of foliar nitrogen, indicating that SPAD value could be indicators for foliar chlorophyll and nitrogen. It is suggested that SPAD meter is a useful tool for forest assessments in decision-making and operational nutrient management programs. 展开更多
关键词 Castanopsis carlessi forest chlorophyll content chlorophyll meter dominant population forest nutrient of nitrogen Lingshishan specific leaf area
Interspecific Transition Among Caragana microphylla, C. davazamcii and C. korshinskii Along Geographic Gradient. Ⅰ. Ecological and RAPD Evidence 被引量:12
作者 马成仓 高玉葆 +2 位作者 刘惠芬 王金龙 郭宏宇 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第10期1218-1227,共10页
The former plant population survey has shown that three genetically-related species, Caraganamicrophylla Lam., C. davazamcii Sancz. and C. korshinskii Kom., form a geographical replacement series inNei Mongol Plateau.... The former plant population survey has shown that three genetically-related species, Caraganamicrophylla Lam., C. davazamcii Sancz. and C. korshinskii Kom., form a geographical replacement series inNei Mongol Plateau. The present study on population distribution, taxonomy, morphology, development andgenetic structure demonstrated that the geographical distribution of these three species was successiveand in gradual change, thus forming a geographical cline which extended from the east to the west of NeiMongol Plateau. With an analysis of climate change over time, it was considered that the formation of thisgeographical cline was a result of plant adaptation to its natural environment. 展开更多
关键词 Caragana microphylla C. davazamcii C. korshinskii interspecific transition alonggeographical gradient Morphology TAXONOMY RAPD
Research on Leaf Anatomical Structure of Psammosilene tunicoides Populations under Water-limited Conditions
作者 屈燕 虞泓 张时刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期134-138,154,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the leaf anatomical structures of P. tunicoides populations under water-limited conditions. [Method] 2-year-old seedlings of herbaceous perennial P. tunicoides that was intr... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the leaf anatomical structures of P. tunicoides populations under water-limited conditions. [Method] 2-year-old seedlings of herbaceous perennial P. tunicoides that was introduced into the experi- mental field were selected as the research objects. Under the well-watered and wa- ter-limited conditions, we conducted the comparative observation of leaf anatomical structure and stomatal characteristics of two populations by using paraffin slice method and imprinting method. [Result] The result showed that the upper cuticle of P. tunicoides leaves were thickened, the palisade tissue/spongy tissue ratio, vascular bundle diameter and number of xylem vessels in main vein had increased, the stomatal opening became smaller and the stomatal density had increased in winter- spring drought period under water-limited conditions. The plasticity of above traits could be regarded as the important indicators for detecting the responses of P. tunicoides populations to water-limited conditions. Meanwhile, variation amplitudes of these indicators were different among populations. Leaf anatomical structure and stomatal characteristics in Lijiang Axi population under water-limited conditions varied significantly, which might cause the stronger adaptability of this population to drought conditions. [Conclusion] This research provided a reference for the selection of drought-resistant P. tunicoides germplasm and exploration of the adaptive differentia- tion of P. tunicoides populations under natural drought conditions. 展开更多
关键词 P. tunicoides POPULATION Leaf anatornical structure Stomata character
Multi-scale Distribution Pattern of Natural Ramet Population in the Rhizomatous Herb ,Thermopsis lanceolata 被引量:11
作者 于飞海 董鸣 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1999年第12期1332-1338,共7页
Thedistributionpatternofnaturalrametpopulationintherhizomatousherb ,Thermopsislanceolata R .Br.,at 5scales (0 .2m ,0 .4m ,0 .6m ,0 .8mand 1.0m)wasinvestigatedusinggridsamplingand spatialauto_correlationanalysis (Mo... Thedistributionpatternofnaturalrametpopulationintherhizomatousherb ,Thermopsislanceolata R .Br.,at 5scales (0 .2m ,0 .4m ,0 .6m ,0 .8mand 1.0m)wasinvestigatedusinggridsamplingand spatialauto_correlationanalysis (Moran’sI)inMaowususandlandofInnerMongoliaofChina .Theresult showedthattherametpopulationhadnon_randomdistributionpatternatfourscales (0 .2m ,0 .4m ,0 .6m and 1.0m) .Themostfrequentlyobservedpatternwascontagiousatthescaleof 0 .2m .Thegenethadsym podialgrowthandnearlyphalanxarchitecture .Thebranchingangleoftherhizomeswasfrom 10°to 30° .The densityoftherametpopulationwasfrom 35to 131ramets·m- 2 .Themeanheightoframetswasbetween 11.0 cmand 2 5.9cm .Thebiomassoftherametpopulationwas 2 6 3.6 3g·m- 2 and 30 6 .19g·m- 2 inthetwo plots,respectively .33.71%and 4 4 .97%ofthebiomassallocationtorhizomeswereobservedandthe biomassallocationtorootswas 2 9.91%and 2 9.95%andthattoleaveswas 2 5.12 %and 36 .35%inthetwo plots ,respectively .Theratioofroottoshootwas 0 .4 4inbothplotswhiletheratioofbelow_toabove_ground biomasswas 2 .12and 3.59,respectively . 展开更多
关键词 Clonalplant Clonalarchitecture Multi_scalepattern Spatialauto_correlationanalysis Ther mopsislanceolata
“九叶”诗群的凝成与左翼作家的“反向推动” 被引量:4
作者 李章斌 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期146-158,共13页
四十年代后期左翼阵营的不断扩大,"革命现实主义"和"文艺大众化"主张占据主导地位。"主流"开始把一切处于它之外的创作都视为"异端",力图对它们实行"打击"或"收编"。处于&... 四十年代后期左翼阵营的不断扩大,"革命现实主义"和"文艺大众化"主张占据主导地位。"主流"开始把一切处于它之外的创作都视为"异端",力图对它们实行"打击"或"收编"。处于"主流"之外的"九叶"诗人面临着越来越大的压力,因而聚集在一起以求保存自身,他们与上海的《诗创造》周围的五诗人在1948年的"聚合"更是如此。因此,左翼作家的"反向推动"实际上促成了"九叶"诗群的凝成,这是其"历史性"之关键。 展开更多
关键词 “九”诗 左翼作家 “人民文学” 《中国新诗》
Effects of Shading on Photosynthetic Properties of Canopy and Single Leaf of Winter Wheat 被引量:2
作者 牟会荣 秦兰香 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期979-983,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study on the effects of long-term low radiation on canopy apparent photosynthetic rate (CAP) and photosynthetic properties of top three leaves of winter wheat, especially the flag leaf. [M... [Objective] The aim was to study on the effects of long-term low radiation on canopy apparent photosynthetic rate (CAP) and photosynthetic properties of top three leaves of winter wheat, especially the flag leaf. [Method] Two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivars, Yangmai 158 and Yangmai 11, which differed in low radiation resistance, were used to measure the CAP, photosynthetic rate (Pn) of the top three leaves, chlorophyll content of flag leaf and grain yield. In the test, three treatments were designed from jointing to maturity, as follows: control without shad- ing (So), S1 and S2 treatments with 22% and 33% sunshine shaded. [Result] CAP of Yangmai 158 and Yangmai 11 declined with shading. Under low radiation, Pn of flag leaf declined significantly, while no obvious effects were found on Pn of the 2nd leaf, and Pn of the 3rn leaf increased significantly, which partially compensated the decrease of Pn of the flag leaf. In addition, the compensation effect differed in shading and cultivars: compensation effect in S1 group was higher than that of S2 and effect of Yangmai 158 was higher than that of Yangmai 11. During the period of high Pn. shading decreased the content of total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, b, and a/b. [Conclusion] Under low radiation, the decrease of chlorophyll a and a/b led to substantial declining of Pn. and CAP declined accordingly, finally resulting in drop of grain yield. The research provides important theoretical basis for wheat production in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat Low radiation CAP Flag leaf Chlorophyll content
Dynamic Variation and Simulation of Extinction Coefficient of Corn Population
作者 祁红彦 周广胜 +1 位作者 李荣平 刘志 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第11期1724-1728,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study the dynamic variation of extinction coefficient of corn population, so as to improve the accuracy of assessment on net primary productivity (NPP) or yield. [Method] Based on the data... [Objective] The aim was to study the dynamic variation of extinction coefficient of corn population, so as to improve the accuracy of assessment on net primary productivity (NPP) or yield. [Method] Based on the data of photosynthetic active radiation and leaf area index during corn growing season (from May to September) in 2006, observed in Jinzhou observation station of corn farmland ecosystem, China Meteorological Administration, the dynamic variation of extinction coefficient of corn population was analyzed. [Result] There was a great daily variation in the extinction coefficient of corn population during growing season, and the maximum value appeared from 7:00 to 9:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00, while the minimum could be found around 12:00, but the amplitude of variation decreased in tasseling stage. On a large time scale (5 d), there was a parabolic relationship between extinction coefficient (K) and leaf area index (LAI), with determination coefficient R2 of 0.960 7. The simulation equation of extinction coefficient, based on the sun elevation angle or leaf area index, had poor accuracy at various time during growing season, so a new dynamic model of extinction coefficient was established, namely K=λ(0.784 8-0.001 6θ)(0.154 8LAI2-0.558 6LAI+0.654). [Conclusion] The effect of sun elevation angle and leaf area index on extinction coefficient during corn growing season was considered in the new dynamic model of extinction coefficient, and its simulated result was superior to that of single-factor model. 展开更多
关键词 Corn population Sun elevation angle Leaf area index Extinction coefficient
Functional Separable Solutions to Nonlinear Diffusion Equations by Group Foliation Method 被引量:5
作者 HU Jia-Yi QU Chang-Zheng YIN Hui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期193-199,共7页
We consider the functional separation of variables to the nonlinear diffusion equation with source and convection term: ut = (A(x)D(u)ux)x + B(x)Q(u), Ax ≠ 0. The functional separation of variables to thi... We consider the functional separation of variables to the nonlinear diffusion equation with source and convection term: ut = (A(x)D(u)ux)x + B(x)Q(u), Ax ≠ 0. The functional separation of variables to this equation is studied by using the group foliation method. A classification is carried out for the equations which admit the function separable solutions. As a consequence, some solutions to the resulting equations are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 group foliation method functional separation of variable nonlinear diffusion equation symmetry group
Anatomical Structure of Leaf Cushion of Lepidodendron lepidophloides Yao
作者 王士俊 田宝霖 陈贵仁 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第3期362-366,共5页
The isolated and anatomically_preserved lepidodendralean leaf cushions were described from coal balls in Wangjiazhai Formation (upper Upper Permian) in western Guizhou Province. These leaf cushions are very similar t... The isolated and anatomically_preserved lepidodendralean leaf cushions were described from coal balls in Wangjiazhai Formation (upper Upper Permian) in western Guizhou Province. These leaf cushions are very similar to Lepidodendron lepidophloides Yao both in size and morphology. They probably belong to the same species in different preservative condition. Comparisons on morphology and anatomy of L. lepidophloides and lepidodendralean leaf cushion genera, such as Lepidodendron, Lepidophloios, Sigillaria and Cathaysiodendron revealed that L. lepidophloides possesses mixed features of all these genera and it can not be assigned into any of them without doubt. It probably represents a new genus. Because the anatomical features of the other parts of the stem as well as the fertile organs related to these leaf cushions are unknown, the specific name L. lepidophloides is adopted. We leave this taxonomic problem open till the relationship between these leaf cushions and the stem and fertile organs become clear. This is the first report on the detailed anatomical features of the Cathaysian lepidodendralean leaf cushions. 展开更多
关键词 Cathaysian Flora Later Permian coal balls Lepidodendron lepidophloides leaf cushion ANATOMY
Relationship between environmental factors and plankton in the Bayuquan Port, Liaodong Bay,China:a five-year study 被引量:7
作者 宋伦 杨国军 +1 位作者 王年斌 鲁晓倩 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期654-671,共18页
To understand the relationship between the plankton community and environmental factor and water quality in the Bayuquan Port of Liaodong Bay, China, and investigations were carried ou during six dif ferent periods(Ap... To understand the relationship between the plankton community and environmental factor and water quality in the Bayuquan Port of Liaodong Bay, China, and investigations were carried ou during six dif ferent periods(April 2009, April 2010, October 2011, April 2012, October 2012, and Apri 2013). This area was characterized by high levels of nutrient and suspended solids(SPS) during surve periods, and eutrophication led to the occurrence of red tides in April and October 2012 and April 2013 Our analyses revealed that the plankton communities of Bayuquan Port lacked stability and were af fecte seriously by external disturbance(e.g., oceanographic engineering and river runof f). Our data indicate tha oil, dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN), SPS, and chlorophyll a(Chl- a) were key factors that regulated th phytoplankton and zooplankton communities. The partial redundancy analysis(partial RDA) suggested tha oil and SPS were the most important environmental variables af fecting the phytoplankton community i April 2010 and 2012, whereas DIN concentration played a governing role in zooplankton dynamics. Oi and Chl-a concentrations af fected signifi cantly the zooplankton community in October 2012. Therefore, th plankton communities could refl ect both dynamic changes in coastal environmental factors and the ongoin eutrophication process caused by anthropogenic activities in this area. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOPLANKTON ZOOPLANKTON ABC curve environmental variables ecological stability Bayuquan Port
Strategy of photo-protection in phytoplankton assemblages in the Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Arctic 被引量:1
作者 Sun-Yong HA Doo Byoul LEE +1 位作者 Sung-Ho KANG Kyung-Hoon SHIN 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期1-12,共12页
Photo-protective functions were investigated in phytoplankton assemblages at Kongsfjorden, Svalbard in spring, using their UV-absorbing compounds (mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs)), xanthophyllpigments (diadin... Photo-protective functions were investigated in phytoplankton assemblages at Kongsfjorden, Svalbard in spring, using their UV-absorbing compounds (mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs)), xanthophyllpigments (diadinoxanthin (DD) and diatoxanthin (DT)) and〈beta〉-dimethylsulphoniopropionate (〈beta〉-DMSP). The dominant phytoplankton species in the inner bay were dominated by Phaeocystis spp. and nanoflagellates, while the offshore waters were dominated by Thalassiosira spp. In the inner bay, UV- absorbing compounds and xanthophyll pigments exhibited higher ratios of MAA to chlorophyll a (MAA:chl a ratio), and both DD and DT to chlorophyll a (DD:chl a ratio and DT:chl a ratio), respectively. Thus, the photoprotective-pigrnents such as DD and DT appear to complement MAAs in the natural phytoplankton assemblage. However, the ratio of 〈beta〉-DMSP to chlorophyll a (〈beta〉-DMSP:chl a ratio) did not show a distinct spatial distribution according to environmental factors or interspecies differences. In this study, we found that photoprotective compounds occurred in a manner dependent on the phytoplankton species composition in Kongsfjorden Bay, where Phaeocystis is the dominant species. 展开更多
关键词 photo-protective compounds dimethylsulphoniumpropionate (DMSP) xanthophyll pigment Kongsf]orden Bay UV radiation
Genetic Diversity of Leaf Phenotypic Traits in Walnut Germplasm Resources 被引量:5
作者 YU Qiu-xiang LIU Jing +2 位作者 LI Yang LIU Jin-li BAI Zhong-kui 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2021年第1期1-8,共8页
In order to reveal the genetic diversity and variation sources of leaf phenotypic traits in walnut,the coefficient of variation,Shannon-weaver index,phenotypic differentiation coefficient,and the correlation of 9 leaf... In order to reveal the genetic diversity and variation sources of leaf phenotypic traits in walnut,the coefficient of variation,Shannon-weaver index,phenotypic differentiation coefficient,and the correlation of 9 leaf phenotypic traits for 251 walnut germplasm resources from two walnut populations were analyzed.The results showed that the averages of the variation coefficients and Shannon-weaver indexes of the leaf phenotype traits were 17.45%and 1.86 respectively.The F values of most inter-population traits and all intra-population traits were highly significant,and the F values of inter-population leaf shape index,leaflet number,length and leaf length were very large.The averages of inter-population and intra-population differentiation coefficients were 9.15%and 90.85%respectively.The leaf size,leaf thickness,and leaflet number were highly correlated with trunk perimeters.According to the results of principal component analyses,the 9 traits can be simplified into four principal components,which represent leaf size,petiole,leaflet number and leaf shape,respectively.There were extensive variations and rich genetic diversities in leaf phenotypic traits of walnut,and the intra-population variation was the leading source of phenotypic trait variation.Leaf shape index,leaflet number,internode length and leaf length can be used for population classification.The size and thickness of leaves and the number of leaflets will affect the accumulation of nutrients in walnut tree,and then affect its trunk perimeter. 展开更多
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