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学生群架频繁原因的新探析与对策 被引量:1
作者 吴汉昌 陈观寿 《科技信息》 2010年第22期272-273,共2页
关键词 学生群架 发生原因 措施方法 校园稳定
对学生打群架事件处理过程的反思 被引量:1
作者 陈新华 房慧 《教育实践与研究(中学版)(B)》 2014年第5期23-25,共3页
关键词 学生打群架 处理过程 反思 预防策略
作者 胡诌 《现代苏州》 2009年第12期115-115,共1页
关键词 《我们就是爱看打群架 胡诌 现代文学 散文
作者 申志辉 《电子制作》 2013年第18期220-220,共1页
在当前信息化时代,大多行业都实现了信息化管理,烟草行业同样如此,随着规模的扩大,管理结构日益复杂,为提高烟草行业的竞争力,应借助计算机等技术建立起一套完整的现代化信息网络系统。以云计算为基础的多层服务器集群架构技术凭借自身... 在当前信息化时代,大多行业都实现了信息化管理,烟草行业同样如此,随着规模的扩大,管理结构日益复杂,为提高烟草行业的竞争力,应借助计算机等技术建立起一套完整的现代化信息网络系统。以云计算为基础的多层服务器集群架构技术凭借自身优势在许多行业都有良好的应用,烟草企业引进该技术,有利于其整体性能的提升。 展开更多
关键词 云计算 烟草行业 多层服务器群架结构技术
作者 李代勤 许满云 《才智》 2016年第16期52-52,共1页
关键词 群架 避免 辅导员
《家教世界》 2007年第1期46-46,共1页
关键词 群架 卷入 事件
作者 桑格格 《学习博览》 2009年第4期49-49,共1页
有四只黑色身体黄色尾巴的鸟儿在草地上打架。整个事情我是目击证人:一只乌儿啄到一条虫子,它打算躲起来吃掉。但是很快飞来了第二只,它来抢,结果第一只鸟,请注意,第一只鸟展开黑色翅膀,结结实实地像人类煽耳光那样煽在了抢虫子... 有四只黑色身体黄色尾巴的鸟儿在草地上打架。整个事情我是目击证人:一只乌儿啄到一条虫子,它打算躲起来吃掉。但是很快飞来了第二只,它来抢,结果第一只鸟,请注意,第一只鸟展开黑色翅膀,结结实实地像人类煽耳光那样煽在了抢虫子的鸟头上!那乌往后飞了半米左右,它迟疑了大概四分之一秒,就飞远了。但是几秒钟之后,它又回来了——这一次,不是它一只鸟在战斗,而是后面还跟了两只体形更加肥大的同类! 展开更多
关键词 杂文 《鸟儿的群架 文学作品 现代文学
作者 汪吉 秦毅 《少先队员(新苗圃)》 2016年第6期20-22,共3页
自护宝典:打架是一种不良的行为,当你发现有同学打群架的时候,一定不要围观,要赶快离开,不然很容易误伤到自己。如果有人打架,不管是否有你相熟)的人,都不能碍于面子出手相助。应在第一时间报告老师,如情况严重,立即向警方报案,... 自护宝典:打架是一种不良的行为,当你发现有同学打群架的时候,一定不要围观,要赶快离开,不然很容易误伤到自己。如果有人打架,不管是否有你相熟)的人,都不能碍于面子出手相助。应在第一时间报告老师,如情况严重,立即向警方报案,阻止危险发生。 展开更多
关键词 当代文学 儿童文学 图画故事 《有人打群架
Flora and ecological characteristics of rare plant communities on the southern slope of Shennongjia Mountain 被引量:5
作者 邓红兵 江明喜 +1 位作者 吴金清 葛继稳 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期21-24,82-83,共4页
According to the investigation of sampling area of 6800 m2 on the south slope of Shennongjia Mountain, there were 126 vascular plant species, belonging to 108 genera and 64 families, in the investigated rare plant com... According to the investigation of sampling area of 6800 m2 on the south slope of Shennongjia Mountain, there were 126 vascular plant species, belonging to 108 genera and 64 families, in the investigated rare plant communities, of which 9 rare plant species were recorded, accounting for 27.3% of the total rare plants. The communities were about 30 m in height and were divided into three layers as tree layer, shrub layer, and herb layer. The flora of the communities had obvious temperate character. Phanerophytes (accounted for 65.9%), Mesophyllous (62.7%), Papyraceous (84.1%), simple leaf (83.3%), un-entire leaf (69.8%) were dominant in life form, leaf size class, leaf texture, leaf form, and leaf margin respectively. According to important value of species, the communities were divided into three types as Davidia involucrata + Litsea pungens community, Cercidiphyllum japanicum + Padus wilsonii community, and Padus wilsonii + Acer mono community. The indexes of species diversity of tree layer had little difference among communities and evenness was high. The results indicated that the communities had complex structure and relative stability. 展开更多
关键词 Rare plant community FLORA Ecological characteristics Shennongjia Mountain
红心呼唤 童心闪亮——记一个后进生的转变
作者 熊沛光 刘渊泉 《教育学术月刊》 1993年第5期58-59,共2页
我接任初一(1)班班主任后不久的一个星期六下午,正抽空疏理一周的班工作时,忽然几个学生气喘叮吁地跑来向我报告:孙银云邀镇上的流子来学校打群架。我跑过去一看,操场上人群围了个里三层外三层,中间却是我班的“拳王”孙银云同学,他旁... 我接任初一(1)班班主任后不久的一个星期六下午,正抽空疏理一周的班工作时,忽然几个学生气喘叮吁地跑来向我报告:孙银云邀镇上的流子来学校打群架。我跑过去一看,操场上人群围了个里三层外三层,中间却是我班的“拳王”孙银云同学,他旁边几个不知名的小青年正向我班的小同学郑高生搡去,小郑差点摔了个跟头。我赶快挤到人群中间,把小郑和孙银云领到了办公室。只见孙银云张开双脚,两手插在口袋里,显出一副傲慢和鄙夷不屑的神气,眼望天花板,一声不吭。小郑开口了:“老师。 展开更多
关键词 班主任 学校 中学生 教育方法 后进生 作业 自我教育 童心 考试 群架
作者 王朔 《神州》 2003年第8期54-54,共1页
咱们刚从树上下来那会儿,直起腰四下一看,草原上,大河边,森林里到处走的都是大野兽,猛犸呀,剑齿虎呀,恐龙什么的。想吃口肉太难了,一个人打猎,十有八九让人家当猪打了。这就要交朋友,一群哥们儿傍着肩出去找吃的,喊呀,追呀,逃啊,砍石头... 咱们刚从树上下来那会儿,直起腰四下一看,草原上,大河边,森林里到处走的都是大野兽,猛犸呀,剑齿虎呀,恐龙什么的。想吃口肉太难了,一个人打猎,十有八九让人家当猪打了。这就要交朋友,一群哥们儿傍着肩出去找吃的,喊呀,追呀,逃啊,砍石头啊,说是打猎,更像是打群架。 展开更多
关键词 交朋友 恐龙 石头 群架 森林 草原 吃口 猛犸 野兽 社会
作者 王国华 《时代风采》 1999年第11期49-51,共3页
这是一个发生在北国长春市的凄美的爱情故事。她挽救了他的青春,他却无法挽留她的生命。两年过去了,每逢她的忌日,他都要在她的墓前献上一束鲜花,留下一缕馨香。美丽的爱情从天而降天鹤本是一个年轻英俊的小伙子。他从部队复员以后来到... 这是一个发生在北国长春市的凄美的爱情故事。她挽救了他的青春,他却无法挽留她的生命。两年过去了,每逢她的忌日,他都要在她的墓前献上一束鲜花,留下一缕馨香。美丽的爱情从天而降天鹤本是一个年轻英俊的小伙子。他从部队复员以后来到长春市艺术学校保卫处工作。这是一份比较清闲的工作。除了每天例行的校内巡逻以外,大部分时间都归自己支配。由于闲极无聊,他便经常和一帮社会上的朋友去看录像、打台球,继而打群架,甚至偷偷地吸毒。天鹤白天在校内巡逻时。 展开更多
关键词 长春市 生命 天使 爱情故事 艺术学校 群架 保卫处 巡逻 凄美 鲜花
作者 宋鹏霞 《神州》 2005年第6期27-27,共1页
熊园长的动物心理学狮子和老虎谁更凶?在自然界,这个问题没有答案,它们一个来自非洲,一个生活在亚洲,压根碰不到一块儿。熊园长凭借多年动物理论研究,得出一个结论单挑,一定是老虎厉害,因为在自然界猎食中,它们习惯单枪匹马打群架,胜者... 熊园长的动物心理学狮子和老虎谁更凶?在自然界,这个问题没有答案,它们一个来自非洲,一个生活在亚洲,压根碰不到一块儿。熊园长凭借多年动物理论研究,得出一个结论单挑,一定是老虎厉害,因为在自然界猎食中,它们习惯单枪匹马打群架,胜者就当属狮子了,因为它们更擅长集体配合捕猎。 展开更多
关键词 老虎 结论 动物心理学 自然界 动物行为 理论研究 集体配合 群架 园长 狮子
作者 刘静 《教育科学论坛》 2003年第7期26-28,共3页
关键词 刘老师 学生会 学生自治会 学生组织 初三 群架 架(数学) 名字 生字 开学典礼
作者 吴洁 丁秋林 韩军 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2002年第2期187-191,共5页
Due to the immaturity of practice and the increasing complexity of system of system (SoS). It is necessary to develop systematic methodologies that enable evolution of such systems. This paper presents a prototype d... Due to the immaturity of practice and the increasing complexity of system of system (SoS). It is necessary to develop systematic methodologies that enable evolution of such systems. This paper presents a prototype design for a synthetic system evolution environment (SEE). It outlines the purpose of the environment, describes its concept of operations, details its main functions and processes in utilizing the system architecture knowledge for systems evolution, and introduces its initial high level architecture design.In addition, it also documents the approach for developing the environment. 展开更多
关键词 system evolution system architecture XML
Macrobenthic assemblages of the Changjiang River estuary (Yangtze River, China) and adjacent continental shelf relative to mild summer hypoxia 被引量:4
作者 廖一波 寿鹿 +4 位作者 汤雁滨 曾江宁 高爱根 陈全震 严小军 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期481-488,共8页
To assess the effects of hypoxia, macrobenthic communities along an estuarine gradient of the Changjiang estuary and adjacent continental shelf were analyzed. This revealed spatial variations in the communities and re... To assess the effects of hypoxia, macrobenthic communities along an estuarine gradient of the Changjiang estuary and adjacent continental shelf were analyzed. This revealed spatial variations in the communities and relationships with environmental variables during periods of reduced dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in summer. Statistical analyses revealed significant differences in macrobenthic community composition among the three zones: estuarine zone (EZ), mildly hypoxic zone (MHZ) in the continental shelf, and norrnoxic zone (NZ) in the continental shelf(Global R=0.206, P=0.002). Pairwise tests showed that the macrobenthic community composition of the EZ was significantly different from the MHZ (pairwise test R=0.305, P=0.001) and the NZ (pairwise test R=0.259, P=-0.001). There was no significant difference in macrobenthic communities between the MHZ and the NZ (pairwise test R=0.062, P=-0.114). The taxa included small and typically opportunistic polychaetes, which made the greatest contribution to the dissimilarity between the zones. The effects of mild hypoxia on the macrobenthic communities are a result not only of reduced DO concentration but also of differences in environmental variables such as temperature, salinity, and nutrient concentrations caused by stratification. 展开更多
关键词 HYPOXIA MACROBENTHOS benthic community Changjiang estuary low dissolved oxygen
Fish community diversity in the middle continental shelf of the East China Sea 被引量:4
作者 单秀娟 金显仕 +1 位作者 周志鹏 戴芳群 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1199-1208,共10页
The status of fishery stocks in the coastal waters of China is far from ideal, mainly due to climate change and the impacts of human activities (e.g., pollution and overfishing). Thus, the restoration and protection... The status of fishery stocks in the coastal waters of China is far from ideal, mainly due to climate change and the impacts of human activities (e.g., pollution and overfishing). Thus, the restoration and protection of fishery resources have become critical and complex. The stability and balanced structure of the fish community is a basic foundation for the protection of fishery resources. Based on data collected from bottom trawls by the R/V Beidou in continental shelf of the East China Sea in November 2006 and February 2007, changes in the composition and diversity of fish species and functional groups were analyzed. The research area was divided into offshore waters and inshore waters by the two-way indicator species analysis (TWIA). The results showed that the dominant species were different between offshore waters and inshore waters and also varied with the survey time. The most abundant family was Sciaenidae and Teraponidae in November 2006, Sciaenidae, Engraulidae and Triglidae were most abundant in February 2007. The species belonged mainly to mobile piscivores (G6), benthivores/piscivores (G4), benthivores (G3) and planktivores (G1), and the dominant species in November 2006 were commercial species (e.g. Larimichthys polyactis and Trichiurusjaponicus), but small-sized species were dominant in February 2007 (e.g., Harpadon nehereus, Benthosema pterotum, Champsodon capensis, and Acropoma japonieum). The species diversity showed a similar trend as the functional group diversity. Stations with higher diversity were mainly distributed in inshore waters in February 2007, whereas higher diversity was found in offshore waters in November 2006. The highest biomass and species number were found in G6 group, followed by the G4, G5 and GI groups. The distribution of the number of individuals of each functional group showed the opposite trend as that of the biomass distribution. In addition, the size spectra were mainly concentrated around 3-29 cm, and the individual number of fish species gradually decreased with the increase in body size, but the relative biomass showed a moderate fluctuation in each size class. These changes showed that species with faster growth rate and earlier maturity age became dominant in continental shelf of the East China Sea. So the variations in biological characteristics of fish should be fully considered in maintaining sustainable utilization of fishery resource. 展开更多
关键词 fish community DIVERSITY functional group East China Sea
Research on industrialization of eco-agriculture:theoretical framework and the case of Yunnan,China 被引量:1
作者 FU Wei ZHAO Jun-quan ZHOU Yong-gang WANG Chao 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第4期368-375,共8页
The industrialization of eco-agriculture has applied modern science technology in accordance with ecological principles and has promoted agricultural production.As a subsystem of agricultural industrial clusters,the i... The industrialization of eco-agriculture has applied modern science technology in accordance with ecological principles and has promoted agricultural production.As a subsystem of agricultural industrial clusters,the industrialization of eco-agriculture is the specific applications of cluster concept in the industrialization of eco-agriculture development.Industrialization of eco-agriculture cluster will achieve eco-agriculture and interact with industrial cluster which forms eco-agriculture integration and composite industry and ultimately realize the new benign circulation eco-agriculture model.According to the ecological engineering basic principles of recycling of the overall coordination,industrialization of eco-agriculture is focusing on the main systems operating coordination between the various subsystems and its various factors,and will maintain a reasonable ecological and economic structure to ensure the recycling of natural resources.Industrialization of eco-agriculture in Yunnan has adjusted the agricultural production structure to keep the stability of the gross grain production and economic development and has taken effective measures to vigorously improve land use and land productivity.Various ways of improving soil fertility has vigorously promoted other water-saving agricultural technologies.Ecological protection of rice no-tillage,cultivation of crop cultivation of the integrated control crop disease pests grass and agricultural production have taken the sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 Industrialization of eco-agriculture Agricultural industrialization cluster Industrial chain
Clustering Approaches for Overhead Reduction over Coordinated Multiple Points Network-MIMO Downlink Systems
作者 Xiao Shanghui Zhang Zhongpei Shi Zhiping 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期103-111,共9页
Owing to the potential for intercell cochannel interference mitigation and significant spectral efficiency improvement, coordinating transmission techniques by multiple radio access points have recently attracted a lo... Owing to the potential for intercell cochannel interference mitigation and significant spectral efficiency improvement, coordinating transmission techniques by multiple radio access points have recently attracted a lot of attention. In this paper, the system structure and mathematical signal model based on clustered structure are presented for multipoint coordinating downlink transmission, the clustered supercell configurations with static/dynamic approaches are discussed, and then optimal precod- ing design is provided for an accepted level of scheduling complexity and reduced signaling over- head. Some simulation results are given to evaluate the performance of different cell-clustering approaches, and to show that a clustered supercell size of 7 is a reasonable choice for clustered coordination with the given transmit power and the reduced feedback. 展开更多
关键词 overhead reduction clustering approa-ches SUPERCELL MIMO ss STEMS cooperative com-munication
作者 宁致远 《法律适用》 1988年第10期14-15,19,共3页
这是一篇从头到尾,通篇说理的古代判词。作者是清代一位善于断狱的审官,名叫于成龙。清康熙十三年任广西省罗城县令,颇有政绩,当时被称为“天下第一清官”。后迁升湖北黄州、武昌知府,再任福建藩司,两江总督。他所写的判词,由后人集为... 这是一篇从头到尾,通篇说理的古代判词。作者是清代一位善于断狱的审官,名叫于成龙。清康熙十三年任广西省罗城县令,颇有政绩,当时被称为“天下第一清官”。后迁升湖北黄州、武昌知府,再任福建藩司,两江总督。他所写的判词,由后人集为《于成龙判牍》.这是其中的一篇.该篇词是针对一个械斗案的判词.械斗俗称“打群架”,危害十分严重。往往双方死伤人员甚多,焚烧房舍无数。在封建社会中也是为国法所难容的。 展开更多
关键词 判词 于成龙 械斗 十三年 通篇 古代 罗城县 封建社会 吸取教训 群架
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