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作者 安妮 杨丽雅 《东南传播》 2024年第4期96-98,共3页
明星翻红现象作为大众娱乐高度发展的产物,不仅展现出媒体塑造明星形象的作用,而且显示出娱乐界正掀起一场回忆狂潮。以集体记忆理论发挥作用的各个阶段为切入点,“再就业男团”作为新晋翻红明星之代表,其依托群体回忆创造出的团综节目... 明星翻红现象作为大众娱乐高度发展的产物,不仅展现出媒体塑造明星形象的作用,而且显示出娱乐界正掀起一场回忆狂潮。以集体记忆理论发挥作用的各个阶段为切入点,“再就业男团”作为新晋翻红明星之代表,其依托群体回忆创造出的团综节目《快乐再出发》实现了形象回归、人物翻红和再度的形象传播。业界应着眼于娱乐界所掀起的回忆潮,从集体记忆理论视域出发探索明星翻红现象的缘起,并对翻红之后的持续形象传播进行下一步的思考,以期为明星现象的传播提供借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 集体记忆 《快乐再出发》 明星翻红 “再就业男团”
作者 尚思琪 宋琳琳 《声屏世界》 2023年第12期49-51,共3页
近几年,许多经典老剧重回大众视野,引发广泛关注和讨论。电视台的反复重播、综艺节目中的经典“回忆杀”、经典名场面表情包的流行、视频网站里的二次创作、社交媒体不时推出的讨论话题,这些不同渠道助力着老剧活跃于大众的主流视域中,... 近几年,许多经典老剧重回大众视野,引发广泛关注和讨论。电视台的反复重播、综艺节目中的经典“回忆杀”、经典名场面表情包的流行、视频网站里的二次创作、社交媒体不时推出的讨论话题,这些不同渠道助力着老剧活跃于大众的主流视域中,从而实现老剧的再次“翻红”。文章基于仪式化传播视角,探索仪式化在老剧“翻红”过程中的建构及传播价值,为更多老剧及当代影视剧创作提供示范。 展开更多
关键词 老剧 翻红 仪式化传播
作者 任雪梅 《视听》 2023年第10期139-142,共4页
在全民创作短视频的时代,许多经典老歌借助短视频平台再次“翻红”。老歌“翻红”现象背后凸显的是短视频平台精准的算法推荐、亮点前置的叙述技巧、全民互动化和社交化的传播特征,而对于音乐的画面感、副歌的传唱度、记忆点、节奏的律... 在全民创作短视频的时代,许多经典老歌借助短视频平台再次“翻红”。老歌“翻红”现象背后凸显的是短视频平台精准的算法推荐、亮点前置的叙述技巧、全民互动化和社交化的传播特征,而对于音乐的画面感、副歌的传唱度、记忆点、节奏的律动感等的重视是老歌再次“翻红”的内在因素。在肯定短视频平台为流行音乐的创新发展提供新机遇的同时,也要警惕其背后已经出现的风险,例如魔性“神曲”的冲击以及公式化的音乐创作。这对处于快速发展的新媒体时代下的大众提出了更高的要求。 展开更多
关键词 短视频 老歌“翻红 流行音乐
作者 潘玲华 《新闻传播》 2023年第7期25-27,共3页
近年来,一些老剧重回观众视野,吸引大量年轻观众重温老剧。如今传媒市场发达,媒介内容丰富的情况下老剧为何依旧能抓住受众眼球?文章将从社会心理、媒介技术变革、老剧内容本身三个方面进行分析老剧翻红的原因,以期对当代影视剧生产提... 近年来,一些老剧重回观众视野,吸引大量年轻观众重温老剧。如今传媒市场发达,媒介内容丰富的情况下老剧为何依旧能抓住受众眼球?文章将从社会心理、媒介技术变革、老剧内容本身三个方面进行分析老剧翻红的原因,以期对当代影视剧生产提供相应的启示。 展开更多
关键词 老剧翻红 身份认同 内容再生产 话题 媒体融合
作者 王鸿泽 《东西南北》 2023年第16期12-14,共3页
在电视剧领域“刷老剧”似乎已经成为一种常态,其中,既有电视台的反复重播,也有自媒体上热搜话题产生的带动效应,以及网络生态下的碎片化传播与重新解读,促使一部分老剧频频出现在人们的视野之中,由此也印证着经典老剧强大的生命力。本... 在电视剧领域“刷老剧”似乎已经成为一种常态,其中,既有电视台的反复重播,也有自媒体上热搜话题产生的带动效应,以及网络生态下的碎片化传播与重新解读,促使一部分老剧频频出现在人们的视野之中,由此也印证着经典老剧强大的生命力。本文以新媒体环境为背景,分析了经典老剧在网络语境下翻红的原因,以探索电视剧长远发展的有益路径。 展开更多
关键词 经典国剧 老剧翻红 集体记忆 网络传播
加入稳定剂 解决加碘盐变色翻红及结块问题
作者 万应灿 《中国井矿盐》 CAS 1997年第2期6-8,共3页
关键词 加碘盐 稳定剂 防结块 变色翻红
作者 陈慧敏 《中国商论》 2022年第11期23-26,共4页
面临国内疫情反扑、管控政策调整、行业竞争日趋激烈等经营困境,位于“世界美食之都”——顺德的本土餐饮老字号顺德渔村是如何出奇制胜,在逆境中焕发新生活力,并且在行业竞争中取得优势地位,成功出圈翻红的呢?本文通过企业参访和消费... 面临国内疫情反扑、管控政策调整、行业竞争日趋激烈等经营困境,位于“世界美食之都”——顺德的本土餐饮老字号顺德渔村是如何出奇制胜,在逆境中焕发新生活力,并且在行业竞争中取得优势地位,成功出圈翻红的呢?本文通过企业参访和消费者问卷调查的方法,尝试总结提炼出部分行动经验,试图为现存餐饮业老字号提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 餐饮业 老字号 翻红 国潮 Z世代
作者 李哲宁 《视听》 2021年第6期80-81,共2页
近几年,许多老剧重回大众视野,引起广泛热议,成为一大文化现象。本文对老剧翻红的原因进行探析,认为内容再生产路径、话题路径、媒体路径等是老剧翻红的重要路径。探析老剧翻红路径能为更多老剧寻求新的发展思路,同时能为当代影视作品... 近几年,许多老剧重回大众视野,引起广泛热议,成为一大文化现象。本文对老剧翻红的原因进行探析,认为内容再生产路径、话题路径、媒体路径等是老剧翻红的重要路径。探析老剧翻红路径能为更多老剧寻求新的发展思路,同时能为当代影视作品的创作提供灵感。 展开更多
关键词 影视作品 翻红 内容再生产 话题 媒体
三种染色方法观察骨骺损伤后骨桥形成过程的组织形态学特征 被引量:8
作者 潘源城 张信照 陈顺有 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第23期3649-3653,共5页
背景:国内外的研究表明,多种染色法联合应用有利于探究骨与软骨组织疾病的形态学表现。目前对于多种染色法探究骨骺损伤后骨桥形成过程的组织形态学表现研究较少。目的:通过苏木精-伊红染色、番红O-固绿染色、Masson染色3种染色方法观... 背景:国内外的研究表明,多种染色法联合应用有利于探究骨与软骨组织疾病的形态学表现。目前对于多种染色法探究骨骺损伤后骨桥形成过程的组织形态学表现研究较少。目的:通过苏木精-伊红染色、番红O-固绿染色、Masson染色3种染色方法观察骨骺损伤后骨桥形成过程的组织形态表现。方法:SD大鼠40只由福建中医药大学实验动物中心提供,实验方案经福建中医药大学动物实验伦理委员会批准。随机将40只SD大鼠分为2组:对照组不做处理;模型组建立胫骨近端骨骺损伤模型。分别于造模后1,7,28d拍摄X射线片和7,28d行MRI扫描;于造模后1,7,14,28d麻醉大鼠后取胫骨损伤区组织,行苏木精-伊红染色、番红O-固绿染色、Masson染色,观察术后不同时间点生长板损伤区的组织形态表现。结果与结论:①X射线片显示:造模后1d,胫骨干骺端骨骺损伤,软骨膜周围生长板间隙增宽;第7天,骨骺损伤处骨膜反应明显;第28天,骨膜反应消失,干骺端与生长板间隙关系基本恢复正常;MRI显示:造模后第28天MRI T2WI示骺板模糊,并可见一黑色线条形低信号影,提示骨桥形成;②造模后第1天,3种染色均可显示入侵的血管,Masson染色更为清晰;第7天:苏木精-伊红染色较番红固绿染色及Masson染色显示了损伤区软骨细胞的形态变化更加明显;第14天,番红O-固绿染色生长板与骨桥对比鲜明,Masson染色可观察到骨桥内尚未骨化的纤维血管组织;第28天,苏木精-伊红染色软骨细胞的周期性形态变化较明显,番红O-固绿染色骨桥和生长板形态分明,可清晰的表现损伤区生长板的压缩性改变;③结果说明,3种染色方法的联合应用能够全面、客观地探究骨骺损伤后骨桥形成过程的组织形态学表现。 展开更多
关键词 染色方法 骨骺损伤 骨桥 骨膜 组织学 苏木精-伊红染色 翻红O-固绿染色 MASSON染色
Assessment of China's Qualitative Demographic Dividend for Economic Growth during 2016-2020 被引量:10
作者 李钢 梁泳梅 沈可挺 《China Economist》 2016年第1期112-125,共14页
Given the great strides that China's education sector has made in recent decades, it can be expected that the overall workforce quality of exiting China's labor market in coming one or two decades will be relatively... Given the great strides that China's education sector has made in recent decades, it can be expected that the overall workforce quality of exiting China's labor market in coming one or two decades will be relatively low, while the overall quality of workforce newly entering into China's labor market will be high. As the new, bettereducated generation takes over, China's workforce quality will be vastly improved. This in turn will promote economic growth. We refer to economic growth arising from improved workforce quality as qualitative demographic dividend. Using the computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, this paper investigates the relationship between workforce quality improvements and economic growth. According to the model's results, an improvement in workforce quality will raise the economic growth rate by about two percentage points per annum between 2016 and 2020 and by 10 percentage points cumulatively by 2020. In other words, GDP will be 1.1 times the level of baseline GDP by 2020 due to the improved education levels. Given different production functions across sectors, the improvement of workforce quality will affect different sectors in different ways. On the whole, the improvement of workforce quality is more favorable to the development of capital-intensive sectors and sectors with rapid technology progress. According to this paper, considering the improvement of workforce quality, we cannot conclude that China's potential economic growth rate has already begun to decline. Despite diminishing conventional quantitative demographic dividends, China "s qualitative demographic dividends will keep rising. Qualitative demographic dividends will further push forward China's industrial restructuring and the strategic transition of industrial competitiveness from quantitative to qualitative and from an extensive to an intensive pattern of development. 展开更多
关键词 qualitative demographic dividends economic growth
What Wang Says Should Coincide With Time and Occasion---On the Translation of Wang Xi-feng's Speech in Hawkes' Version from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function
作者 Song Hai-ping 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期6-8,共3页
Wang Xi-feng, one of the most outstanding characters in the famous Chinese classical fiction Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone). The theoretical basis for this paper is Interpersonal Function propounded by M,A.K... Wang Xi-feng, one of the most outstanding characters in the famous Chinese classical fiction Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone). The theoretical basis for this paper is Interpersonal Function propounded by M,A.K.Halliday. The paper tries to make a tentative study on the translation of Wang Xi-feng's speech in Hong Lou Meng by analyzing Hawkes' version. It has demonstrated that: to reappear a vivid image of Wang Xi-feng, the translated version reflects Wang's speech which properly corresponds to the original coincides with special time and occasion. The translator is obeyed by "What Wang says should coincide with time and occasion". 展开更多
关键词 interpersonal function time and occasion Wang Xi-feng The Story of the Stone
What Wang Says Should Coincide with Her Social Status and Identity ---On the Translation of Wang Xi-feng's Speech in Hawkes' Version from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function
作者 Song Hai-ping 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期80-84,共5页
Wang Xi-feng, one of the most outstanding characters in the famous Chinese classical fiction Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone). The theoretical basis for this paper is Interpersonal Function propounded by M.A.K... Wang Xi-feng, one of the most outstanding characters in the famous Chinese classical fiction Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone). The theoretical basis for this paper is Interpersonal Function propounded by M.A.K.Halliday. The paper tries to make a tentative study on the translation of Wang Xi-feng's speech in Hung Lou Meng by analyzing Hawkes'version. It has demonstrated that: to reappear a vivid image of Wang Xi-feng, the translated version reflects Wang's personality speech which properly corresponds to the original by coincide with her social status and identity. The translator is obeyed by "What Wang says should coincide with her social status and identity". 展开更多
关键词 interpersonal function MOOD PERSONALITY Wang Xi-feng The Story of the Stone
What Wang Says Should Conform to Her Personality On the Translation of Wang Xi-feng's Speech in Hawkes' Version from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function
作者 Song Hai-ping 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期143-146,共4页
Wang Xi-feng, one of the most outstanding characters in the famous Chinese classical fiction Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone). The theoretical basis for this paper is Interpersonal Function propounded by M.A.K... Wang Xi-feng, one of the most outstanding characters in the famous Chinese classical fiction Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone). The theoretical basis for this paper is Interpersonal Function propounded by M.A.K.Halliday. The paper tries to make a tentative study on the translation of Wang Xi-feng's speech in Hong Lou Meng by analyzing Hawkes'version. It has demonstrated that: to reappear a vivid image of Wang Xi-feng, the translated version reflects Wang's personality which properly corresponds to the original. The translator is obeyed by "What Wang says should conform to her personality". 展开更多
关键词 interpersonal function mood PERSONALITY Wang Xi-feng The Story of the Stone
The analysis of grammatical metaphor in the two translations of A Dream of Red Mansion
作者 吕文澎 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期120-125,共6页
Despite the various perspectives of the study of the two English translations of A Dream of Red Mansion, very few studies probe into them from the angle of grammatical metaphor. The paper attempts to conduct a qualita... Despite the various perspectives of the study of the two English translations of A Dream of Red Mansion, very few studies probe into them from the angle of grammatical metaphor. The paper attempts to conduct a qualitative and quantitative study of the two English translations based on the three grammatical metaphors, trying to prove that grammatical metaphor can be used to decipher and unveil some phenomena in translation as well as being used as a criterion to assess the translation. 展开更多
关键词 grammatical metaphor A Dream of Red Mansion CONGRUENT METAPHORICAL translation
A Survey of Translation of Robert Bums' "A Red, Red Rose" in China
作者 LI Zheng-shuan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第4期325-339,共15页
Robert Burns wrote about 700 poems and songs. But the first poem that was translated into Chinese is "A Red, Red Rose". It was collected into a book compiled in 1908 which was published in 1911. It was retranslated ... Robert Burns wrote about 700 poems and songs. But the first poem that was translated into Chinese is "A Red, Red Rose". It was collected into a book compiled in 1908 which was published in 1911. It was retranslated many times at different times, mostly by people who were both poets and translators at the same time. And almost all the translators were famous poets such as Su Manshu, Yuan Shuipai, Wang Zuoliang, Yuan Kejia, and Guo Moruo. These translators had their own unique taste and typical features. This article will present a survey of translation history and at the same time give some comments on different versions. 展开更多
关键词 Robert Bums "A Red Red Rose" translation into Chinese
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