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翼翅形溢流管旋流器分离性能研究 被引量:3
作者 刘培坤 许慧林 +2 位作者 张悦刊 杨兴华 姜兰越 《轻金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期8-12,共5页
针对旋流器运行过程中存在短路流导致溢流跑粗的问题,提出一种翼翅形溢流管旋流器,并进行了数值模拟和试验研究。与传统圆柱形溢流管对比结果表明,利用翼翅结构可以引导一部分短路流到外旋流重新参与分离,溢流管下端截面径向速度降低,... 针对旋流器运行过程中存在短路流导致溢流跑粗的问题,提出一种翼翅形溢流管旋流器,并进行了数值模拟和试验研究。与传统圆柱形溢流管对比结果表明,利用翼翅结构可以引导一部分短路流到外旋流重新参与分离,溢流管下端截面径向速度降低,短路流汇入溢流管的流量减少;外旋流切向速度变大,分布更加平缓;零速包络面外移,更有利于分级。试验结果显示,翼翅形溢流管旋流器的底流产率升高,-20μm分级质效率由66. 74%增加到72. 13%,分级量效率由71. 93%增加到76. 35%,溢流中粗颗粒的含量明显减少,分离粒度变小,更有利于将细微级颗粒分离出来。 展开更多
关键词 旋流器 短路流 翼翅形溢流管 分级效率
计及热辐射及翼翅效应的VLGC温度场计算 被引量:11
作者 李小灵 谷运飞 《船舶与海洋工程》 2013年第2期15-22,共8页
运用热力学理论,对设有A型独立液货舱的大型全冷式液化气船(VLGC)的液货、船体结构及海水和空气之间的热传递过程作了研究并对船体结构温度分布作了计算。计算中,除考虑传统的对流和传导之外,还考虑了热辐射以及船体结构加筋板架翼翅效... 运用热力学理论,对设有A型独立液货舱的大型全冷式液化气船(VLGC)的液货、船体结构及海水和空气之间的热传递过程作了研究并对船体结构温度分布作了计算。计算中,除考虑传统的对流和传导之外,还考虑了热辐射以及船体结构加筋板架翼翅效应(fin effect)的影响,提高了计算精度。建立了热传递能量平衡方程,并通过迭代法进行求解,最终得出了船体结构温度场分布。 展开更多
关键词 VLGC 温度场计算 热辐射 翼翅效应
作者 刘宏伟 吴立新 《声学技术》 CSCD 1999年第A11期99-100,共2页
关键词 声散射 液态界面 刚性圆柱 翼翅
作者 黄文革 张海波 《河南林业》 1999年第3期23-24,共2页
无论是生态环境建设问题还是林业自身发展问题,人的因素始终是第一位的,林业行业人才的培养是第一位的。基于此,我们把殷切的目光投向我省的林业人才基地——河南省林业学校。 河南省林业学校坐落在九朝古都洛阳市,创建于1951年,是一所... 无论是生态环境建设问题还是林业自身发展问题,人的因素始终是第一位的,林业行业人才的培养是第一位的。基于此,我们把殷切的目光投向我省的林业人才基地——河南省林业学校。 河南省林业学校坐落在九朝古都洛阳市,创建于1951年,是一所兼备林、工、经、管、法多科性的中等专业学校,是全国兴建最早的5所林校之一。全校有在校学生2000余人、教职工200多人,其中高级职称32人,中级职称43人。他们中间,有国家和省部级优秀教师、优秀专家和劳动模范,有省部级科技成果奖获得者。48年来,他们培养了1万多名毕业生。 展开更多
关键词 职业技术教育 林业学校 河南省 林业职业教育 校外实习基地 国家森林公园 毕业生 复合型人才 应用型人才 翼翅
作者 棠棣 《散文诗(下半月.校园文学)》 2010年第9期4-8,共5页
梦的翼翅抵达远方的故乡 我存路上,路在霜花呵护的草间。居处在南,没有梦的翼翅无法抵达的南方。北也是一个方位,我正在试图接近。海已遥远,远到连乡愁都难以逾越。
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《梦的翼翅抵达远方的故乡》
A new species in the genus Macromotettixoides Zheng(Orthoptera:Tetrigoidea:Metrodoridae) from Sichuan,China 被引量:1
作者 邓维安 郑哲民 杨瑞刚 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期120-122,共3页
A new species of the genus Macromotettixoides Zheng, Macromotettixoides undulatifemura sp. nov. is described from the Emeishan Area of Sichuan, China. Type specimens are deposited at the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi ... A new species of the genus Macromotettixoides Zheng, Macromotettixoides undulatifemura sp. nov. is described from the Emeishan Area of Sichuan, China. Type specimens are deposited at the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China. 展开更多
关键词 ORTHOPTERA METRODORIDAE Macromotettixoides new species China
A catalogue of the species in the Oriental genus Systolederus Bolivar,1887(Orthoptera:Tetrigoidea:Metrodoridae) with description of a new species from Jinggangshan,China 被引量:1
作者 梁铬球 贾凤龙 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期141-146,共6页
Abstract: A new species, Systolederus choui sp. nov., from Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province, China, is described. The new species is allied to Systolederusfujianensis Zheng and S. longinota Zheng, but differs in: 1)l... Abstract: A new species, Systolederus choui sp. nov., from Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province, China, is described. The new species is allied to Systolederusfujianensis Zheng and S. longinota Zheng, but differs in: 1)length of pronotum 3.7-4.1 ( ♂), 5.5-6.6 (♀) times as long as the portion surpassing apex of hind femur; 2) width of middle femur equal to width of tegmina in female; 3) length of third segment of posterior tarsi largerthan the first. The types are deposited in the Biological Museum, Sun Yat-sen University. This is the thirtieth known species of Systolederus in the world. A catalogue of all currently recognized species in the genus Systolederus is given. 展开更多
关键词 ORTHOPTERA METRODORIDAE Systolederus new species CATALOGUE China
A New Species of Mazarredia Bolivar (Orthoptera:Tetrigoidea:Metrodoridae) from China 被引量:4
作者 邓维安 郑哲民 韦仕珍 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期255-258,共4页
One new species of the genus Mazarredia Bolivar, Mazarredia nigripennis sp. nov. is described. This new species can be distinguished from Mazarredia brachynota Zheng, 2005 by: 1) width of longitudinal furrow narrowe... One new species of the genus Mazarredia Bolivar, Mazarredia nigripennis sp. nov. is described. This new species can be distinguished from Mazarredia brachynota Zheng, 2005 by: 1) width of longitudinal furrow narrower than width of first segment of antennae; 2) with a pair short longitudinal keels between shoulders; 3) hind process of pronotum slightly surpassing the top of hind femora and reaching the base of hind tibia; 4) hind wings reaching the top of hind process; 5) width of midfemur wider than the width of tegmina. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, China (2♂) and Department of Chemistry and Life Science, Hechi University, China (1 ♂). 展开更多
关键词 ORTHOPTERA TETRIGOIDEA Metrodoridea MAZARREDIA new species China
作者 泰戈尔 郑振铎 《山东教育》 1999年第9期1-1,共1页
我的歌[印度]泰戈尔/@@郑振铎译我的孩子,我这一支歌将用它的乐声围绕你,好像那爱情的热恋的手臂的一样.我这一支歌将触着你的前额,好像那祝福的接吻一样.当你只是一个人的时候,它将坐在你的身旁,在你耳边微语着;当你在人... 我的歌[印度]泰戈尔/@@郑振铎译我的孩子,我这一支歌将用它的乐声围绕你,好像那爱情的热恋的手臂的一样.我这一支歌将触着你的前额,好像那祝福的接吻一样.当你只是一个人的时候,它将坐在你的身旁,在你耳边微语着;当你在人群中的时候,它将围住你,使你超然物... 展开更多
关键词 郑振铎 泰戈尔 瞳人 翼翅 印度 爱情 线带 手臂 星光
作者 王新琳 《陕西教育(教学)》 1994年第11期1-1,共1页
无法做一块丰碑 让人赞美 无法长一双翼翅 振臂奋飞
关键词 翼翅 天火 林红 王新 果实 大自然
作者 左伯山 胡花 《人事与人才》 2001年第3期46-46,共1页
关键词 蝴蝶 影子 颜料 翼翅 兴趣
作者 王承刚 《贵州教育》 2001年第8期47-47,共1页
关键词 沙沙声 背影 翼翅 春蚕 宇宙
作者 左伯山 《人事与人才》 2001年第7期46-46,共1页
关键词 蜜蜂 风流才子 翩翩起舞 蝴蝶 最深处 注视着 负隅 天地 翼翅 忘机
作者 边志丰 《农业科技与信息》 2000年第12期23-23,共1页
关键词 免疫接种方法 滴鼻 翼翅刺种法
作者 苏菡玲 《生活与健康》 2003年第4期53-53,共1页
我有一个漂亮的发卡,心形的翼翅下两个弯弯的梳子齿紧紧咬合在一起。把头发轻轻绾起用卡子夹在脑后,简单、利索、凉快,所以我特别喜欢用。 可是让我最闹心的却是这卡子最美丽的部分——镶嵌在心形周围的一圈人造碎钻,它们一粒粒璀璨夺目... 我有一个漂亮的发卡,心形的翼翅下两个弯弯的梳子齿紧紧咬合在一起。把头发轻轻绾起用卡子夹在脑后,简单、利索、凉快,所以我特别喜欢用。 可是让我最闹心的却是这卡子最美丽的部分——镶嵌在心形周围的一圈人造碎钻,它们一粒粒璀璨夺目,华丽缤纷, 展开更多
关键词 璀璨夺目 象牙白 心形 钻石 儿童画 造碎 翼翅 紧咬 饼干 弄乱
Aerodynamic performance of the flexibility of corrugated dragonfly wings in flapping flight
作者 Yuping Wang Xinyi He +3 位作者 Guoyi He Qi Wang Longsheng Chen Xiaochen Liu 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期48-56,共9页
At low Reynolds numbers,the variable flexibility of flapping insect wings is considered essential in improving the favorable aerodynamic forces.To further explore whether significant aerodynamic coupling exists betwee... At low Reynolds numbers,the variable flexibility of flapping insect wings is considered essential in improving the favorable aerodynamic forces.To further explore whether significant aerodynamic coupling exists between the microstructure and passive flexible deformation,this paper proposes three technical comparison airfoils:a corrugated wing with deformation,a symmetric flat plate wing with deformation,and a corrugated wing without deformation.Based on STAR-CCM+software,this paper numerically solves the Navier-Stokes equations using the fluid-structure interaction method.The results show that the aerodynamic performance of the flexible corrugated wing is better than that of the rigid corrugated wing,and its lift and thrust are both improved to a certain extent,and the thrust efficiency of the flexible corrugated wing is significantly higher than that of the flexible flat plate.Although the thrust is improved,a part of the lift is lost,and as the flapping amplitude increases past 35°,the disparity gradually increases.A comparison of the flexible technical airfoils shows that the corrugated structure promotes thrust and retards lift,which is closely related to the formation and dissipation of strong vortex rings during the downstroke phase.On the premise of maintaining typical flapping without falling,dragonflies can fly with skillful efficiency by adjusting the way they flap their wings.The results of this work provide new insight into the formation and role of thrust in flapping maneuvering flight and provide a specific reference for developing new bionic flapping-wing aircraft. 展开更多
关键词 Flexibility corrugated wing Fluid-structure interaction Unsteady aerodynamics Forward flight
Linearization method of nonlinear aeroelastic stability for complete aircraft with high-aspect-ratio wings 被引量:28
作者 XIE ChangChuan YANG Chao 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期403-411,共9页
A linearization method and an engineering approach for the geometric nonlinear aeroelastic stability analysis of the very flexi- ble aircraft with high-aspect-ratio wings are established based on the little dynamic pe... A linearization method and an engineering approach for the geometric nonlinear aeroelastic stability analysis of the very flexi- ble aircraft with high-aspect-ratio wings are established based on the little dynamic perturbation assumption.The engineering practicability of the method is validated by a complex example.For a high-altitude long-endurance unmanned aircraft,the nonlinear static deformations under straight flight and the gust loads are calculated.At the corresponding nonlinear equilibrium state,the complete aircraft is linearized dynamically and the vibration modes are calculated considering the large deformation effects.Then the unsteady aerodynamics are calculated by the double lattice method.Finally,the aeroelastic stability of the complete aircraft is analyzed.The results are compared with the traditional linear calculation.The work shows that the geometric nonlinearity induced by the large structural deformation leads to the motion coupling of the wing chordwise bending and the torsion,which changes the mode frequencies and mode shapes.This factors change the aeroelastic coupling relationship of the flexible modes leading to the decrease of the flutter speed.The traditional linear method would give not only an imprecise flutter speed but also a possible dramatic mistake on the stability.Hence,for a high-altitude long-endurance unmanned aircraft with high-aspect-ratio wings,or a similar very flexible aircraft,the geometric nonlinear aeroelastic analysis should be a necessary job in engineering practice. 展开更多
关键词 aeroelasticity geometric nonlinearity FLUTTER large deformation solar energy
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