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作者 侯立武 《老人世界》 2015年第7期33-33,共1页
我自幼读书,从教40年,爱读书,爱读报刊。读《老人世界》帮我找到了老战友,让人惊喜。2013年9月13日,我分类、剪报《老人世界》刊物时,发现在2012年第6期“人生百味”栏目里刊登了一篇题为《情系太行山》的文章。仔细阅读全文,我... 我自幼读书,从教40年,爱读书,爱读报刊。读《老人世界》帮我找到了老战友,让人惊喜。2013年9月13日,我分类、剪报《老人世界》刊物时,发现在2012年第6期“人生百味”栏目里刊登了一篇题为《情系太行山》的文章。仔细阅读全文,我很惊喜。惊喜的是:作者“傅德山”似曾相识。 展开更多
关键词 老人世界 战友 太行山 读书 人生
作者 王炳祺 《老人世界》 2015年第11期30-30,共1页
关键词 读者 编辑工作 期刊 老人世界
作者 钱国洪 《老人世界》 2008年第9期48-49,共2页
父亲退休后,上了县老年大学。老年大学开办了很多课程,诸如太极拳班、微机班、书法班等,却唯独没有传授延年益寿知识的老年保健班。一问才知道,原来是缺少讲课的老师。在学习过程中,学员们经常向我父亲咨询一些常见老年病的防治方... 父亲退休后,上了县老年大学。老年大学开办了很多课程,诸如太极拳班、微机班、书法班等,却唯独没有传授延年益寿知识的老年保健班。一问才知道,原来是缺少讲课的老师。在学习过程中,学员们经常向我父亲咨询一些常见老年病的防治方法。父亲翻出家里多年订阅的《老人世界》现学现卖,没想到治好了很多老友的病。消息传开,老年大学的校长找到父亲,当众宣布: 展开更多
关键词 老人世界 老年保健 父亲 老年大学 讲师 学习过程 防治方法 退休后
《老人世界》 2010年第4期39-39,共1页
为庆祝新中国成立60周年,不断提高我刊的办刊质量,增进编者、读者、作者的交流,在2009年举办了“纪念建国60周年全国有奖征文(图)”及“重点栏目有奖征文”两项全国有奖征文活动,向社会广泛征集有较高思想性、可读性的精品文章。... 为庆祝新中国成立60周年,不断提高我刊的办刊质量,增进编者、读者、作者的交流,在2009年举办了“纪念建国60周年全国有奖征文(图)”及“重点栏目有奖征文”两项全国有奖征文活动,向社会广泛征集有较高思想性、可读性的精品文章。这两项活动得到了广大读者、作者的大力支持,征文中涌现出大批高质量稿件,在此,本刊全体采编人员向所有参赛作者、读者表示最真挚的感谢!我刊特成立了评选小组,本着公平、公正的评比原则,层层筛选,评出优秀作品一、二、三等奖及纪念奖。现公布如下: 展开更多
关键词 征文活动 2009年 获奖作者 老人世界 国有 纪念 栏目 名单
作者 钱国洪 《老人世界》 2007年第9期42-42,共1页
关键词 老人世界 老年理发店 退休后 生意
作者 张利芳 《老人世界》 2023年第5期50-50,共1页
我与《老人世界》的每一次相遇,都是意外,也都是惊喜!刚参加工作那年,第一次认识了《老人世界》。她在我最迷范的时候,让我眼中有光,脚下有路,在人生道路上给我以启示!第二次与《老人世界》不期而遇,是我离岗不到半年。时隔26年,可谓久... 我与《老人世界》的每一次相遇,都是意外,也都是惊喜!刚参加工作那年,第一次认识了《老人世界》。她在我最迷范的时候,让我眼中有光,脚下有路,在人生道路上给我以启示!第二次与《老人世界》不期而遇,是我离岗不到半年。时隔26年,可谓久别重逢,惊喜之余,真有点他乡遇故知的感觉!她又一次点亮了我的梦想,让我的生活不再枯燥无聊,懂得了“退休生活,不都是苟且,也有诗和远方”! 展开更多
关键词 退休生活 人生道路 老人世界 惊喜 点亮
《老人世界》杂志“出联引对” 专栏约稿启事
《老人世界》 2023年第1期72-72,共1页
为了深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神,推进文化自信自强,铸就社会主义文化新辉煌,传承中华优秀传统文化,丰富活跃广大老同志的文化生活,本刊特开辟“出联引对”专栏,并向各位读者和诗友约稿。当期杂志“出联引对”专栏给出出句,向各位读者... 为了深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神,推进文化自信自强,铸就社会主义文化新辉煌,传承中华优秀传统文化,丰富活跃广大老同志的文化生活,本刊特开辟“出联引对”专栏,并向各位读者和诗友约稿。当期杂志“出联引对”专栏给出出句,向各位读者和诗友征集对句后,在下下期杂志专栏集中刊出。 展开更多
关键词 中华优秀传统文化 约稿启事 自信自强 专栏 老人世界 杂志 老同志
作者 张国中 《老人世界》 2016年第8期42-42,共1页
关键词 中国 当代文学 诗歌 《咏《老人世界》》
《老人世界》杂志 “出联引对”和“嵌句成诗”专栏约稿启事
《老人世界》 2022年第12期72-72,共1页
关键词 中华优秀传统文化 约稿启事 嵌句 专栏 自信自强 老人世界 老同志 杂志
《老人世界》 2023年第2期72-72,共1页
为了深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神,推进文化自信自强,铸就社会主义文化新辉煌,传承中华优秀传统文化,丰富活跃广大老同志的文化生活,本刊特开辟“嵌句成诗”专栏,并向各位读者和诗友约稿。相关规则要求如下:当期杂志“嵌句成诗”专栏给... 为了深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神,推进文化自信自强,铸就社会主义文化新辉煌,传承中华优秀传统文化,丰富活跃广大老同志的文化生活,本刊特开辟“嵌句成诗”专栏,并向各位读者和诗友约稿。相关规则要求如下:当期杂志“嵌句成诗”专栏给出题目,向各位读者和诗友征集诗句后,在下下期杂志专栏集中刊出。 展开更多
关键词 中华优秀传统文化 约稿启事 相关规则 嵌句 专栏 自信自强 杂志 老人世界
作者 冯丽萍 《老人世界》 2016年第11期32-32,共1页
关键词 老人世界 小学教师 退休
《老人世界》 2016年第2期I0002-I0002,共1页
关键词 老人世界 邢台市 首发式 座谈会 纪念 老干部局 老年大学 副局长
《老人世界》 2010年第2期55-55,共1页
2009年12月22日,由中国出版科学研究所和中国期刊协会主办的第四届中国期刊创新年会暨“新中国60年有影响力的期刊及期刊人”颁奖大会在北京举行。《老人世界》作为河北省荣获“新中国60年有影响力的期刊”称号的唯一社科类期刊,参加... 2009年12月22日,由中国出版科学研究所和中国期刊协会主办的第四届中国期刊创新年会暨“新中国60年有影响力的期刊及期刊人”颁奖大会在北京举行。《老人世界》作为河北省荣获“新中国60年有影响力的期刊”称号的唯一社科类期刊,参加了颁奖。 展开更多
关键词 老人世界 期刊创新 新中国 称号 中国出版科学研究所 颁奖大会 社科类期刊 期刊协会
作者 李国忠 《老人世界》 2010年第12期42-42,共1页
关键词 诗歌 文学作品 现代文学 《〈老人世界〉诗词咏叹》
作者 陆明华 《老人世界》 2006年第10期47-47,共1页
关键词 孝道 老人世界
《老人世界》 2015年第1期31-31,共1页
抗日战争是中华民族万众一心、同仇敌忾、共御外侮的壮丽史诗,是挽救民族危亡、实现民族独立和人民解放的伟大事业。在抗日战争胜利70周年来临的日子里,省委老干部局、老人世界杂志社特组织“我亲历的抗日战争”征文纪念活动,以宣传... 抗日战争是中华民族万众一心、同仇敌忾、共御外侮的壮丽史诗,是挽救民族危亡、实现民族独立和人民解放的伟大事业。在抗日战争胜利70周年来临的日子里,省委老干部局、老人世界杂志社特组织“我亲历的抗日战争”征文纪念活动,以宣传和弘扬伟大的抗日战争精神,为党的事业增添正能量,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献力量。 展开更多
关键词 抗日战争胜利 老人世界 征文启事 纪念活动 中华民族 党的事业 民族危亡 民族独立
Heart failure in the elderly 被引量:8
作者 Pablo Diez-Villanueva Femando Alfonso 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期115-117,共3页
Heart failure (HF) is a major public health problem worldwide entailing high morbidity and mortality as well as high costs. This chronic syndrome associates with a low functional status and quality of life. Most pa... Heart failure (HF) is a major public health problem worldwide entailing high morbidity and mortality as well as high costs. This chronic syndrome associates with a low functional status and quality of life. Most patients with HF are elderly, constituting up to 80% of patients suffering from this disease with both incidence and prevalence of the condition increasing with age. This is due to the progressive aging of the population as well as improved and better survival after cardiac insults, such as myocardial infarction, 展开更多
关键词 ELDERLY Heart failure PROGNOSIS
Real-world characteristics of hospitalized frail elderly patients with atrial fibrillation: can we improve the current prescription of anticoagulants? 被引量:4
作者 Giorgio Annoni Paolo Mazzola 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期226-232,共7页
Background In elderly patients, especially those older than 80 years, atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with an almost 25% in- creased risk of stroke. Stroke prophylaxis with anticoagulants is therefore highly ... Background In elderly patients, especially those older than 80 years, atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with an almost 25% in- creased risk of stroke. Stroke prophylaxis with anticoagulants is therefore highly recommended. The prevalence of factors that have been associated with a lower rate of prescription and adherence to anticoagulant therapy in these patients is little known. The objective of this study was to explore the clinical characteristics of elderly subjects, with and without AF, consecutively admitted to an acute geriatric unit, discussing factors that may decrease the persistence on stroke prophylaxis therapy. We also highlight possible strategies to overcome the barriers conditioning the current underuse of oral anticoagulants in this segment of the population. Methods A retrospective observational study was performed on a cohort of elderly patients with and without AF admitted to the Acute Geriatric Unit of San Gerardo Hospital (Monza, Italy). Results Compared to patients without AF (n = 1216), those with AF (n = 403) had a higher Charlson Comorbidity Index (3 vs. 2, P 〈 0.001), number of administered drugs (4 vs. 3, P 〈 0.001), rate of heart failure (36.5% vs. 12%, P 〈 0.001) and chronic kidney disease (20.6 vs. 13.2, P 〈 0.001). Many patients with AF were frail (54%) or pre-frail (29%). Conclusions Elderly patients with AF have higher rates of conditions that affect adherence to traditional anticoagulant therapy (vitamin K antagonists, VKA). New direct oral anticoagulants (DOAs) can help overcome this problem. In order to prescribe the most appropriate VKA or DOAs, with the best efficacy/safety profile and the highest compliance, a comprehensive geriatric assessment should always accompany the scores for thrombotic and hemorrhagic risk stratification. 展开更多
关键词 Anticoagulant prescription Atrial fibrillation COMORBIDITY Comprehensive geriatric assessment FRAILTY
A Perfect Combination of the Real Life and Literary World: An Analysis of The Old Man and the Sea
作者 CHEN Lian-feng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第10期802-805,共4页
Being distinguished from many greatest American writers, Hemingway is noted as an iron man and his powerful philosophy: “Man can be destroyed, but not defeated”. Among all his works, The Old Man and the Sea is cons... Being distinguished from many greatest American writers, Hemingway is noted as an iron man and his powerful philosophy: “Man can be destroyed, but not defeated”. Among all his works, The Old Man and the Sea is considered to be the masterpiece of Hemingway's works and the one that best demonstrates this powerful philosophy. And The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel about an old Cuban fisherman Santiago and his battle with a great marlin. In his masterpiece, Hemingway portrays Santiago with every dominant and strong characteristic, which is the prototype of an iron man. This is one of the basic characteristics of the novel which gives Ernest Hemingway great honor and makes him become one of the authors who define American literature. The Old Man and the Sea is the one that best represents American social life on the period Hemingway lived. In this short novel, a lot of facts are used. Most of the facts come from Hemingway's own experience. Reading up the masterpiece, it is evident that the story and the hero are the self-portray of the author himself. With the real life and the literary world perfectly combined, we read Hemingway's and we read through Hemingway and his inner world. 展开更多
关键词 HEMINGWAY The Old Man and the Sea SYMBOLISM real life literary world
An overview of PCI in the very elderly 被引量:22
作者 Vimalraj Bogana Shanmugam Richard Harper Ian Meredith Yuvaraj Malaiapan Peter J Psaltis 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期174-184,共11页
Cardiovascular disease, and in particular ischemic heart disease (IHD), is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the very elderly (〉 80 years) worldwide. These patients represent a rapidly growing cohort pr... Cardiovascular disease, and in particular ischemic heart disease (IHD), is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the very elderly (〉 80 years) worldwide. These patients represent a rapidly growing cohort presenting for percntaneous coronary intervention (PCI), now constituting more than one in five patients treated with PCI in real-world practice. Furthermore, they often have greater ischemic burden than their younger counterparts, suggesting that they have greater scope of benefit from coronary revascularization therapy. Despite this, the very elderly are frequently under-represented in clinical revascularization trials and historically there has been a degree of physician reluctance in referring them for PCI procedures, with perceptions of disappointing outcomes, low success and high complication rates. Several issues have contributed to this, including the tendency for older patients with IHD to present late, with atypical symptoms or non-diagnostic ECGs, and reservations regarding their procedural risk-to-benefit ratio, due to shorter life expectancy, presence of comorbidities and increased bleeding risk from antiplatelet and anticoagulation medications. However, advances in PCI technology and techniques over the past decade have led to better outcomes and lower risk of complications and the existing body of evidence now indicates that the very elderly actually derive more relative benefit from PCI than younger populations. Importantly, this applies to all PCI settings: elective, urgent and emergency. This review discusses the role of PCI in the very elderly presenting with chronic stable IHD, non ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome, and ST-elevation myocardial infarction. It also addresses the clinical challenges met when considering PCI in this cohort and the ongoing need for research and development to further improve outcomes in these challenging patients. 展开更多
关键词 Acute coronary syndrome ANGINA Antithrombotic therapy Myocardial infarction OCTOGENARIANS Percutaneous coronary intervention The elderly
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