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老少年与海 张楚会唱歌
作者 龙旗下 胡文清 《半岛新生活》 2008年第12期10-13,共4页
2008年7月5日,窦唯、张楚、何勇、姜昕四人将同台在上海举办名为"树生长的声音"大型演唱会……怀揣着美好,他们向人群走来,他们说他们就要如树般醒于春夏。上世纪90年代,中国城市生活开放正大步前进。这时出现了地标建筑、城... 2008年7月5日,窦唯、张楚、何勇、姜昕四人将同台在上海举办名为"树生长的声音"大型演唱会……怀揣着美好,他们向人群走来,他们说他们就要如树般醒于春夏。上世纪90年代,中国城市生活开放正大步前进。这时出现了地标建筑、城市消费与娱乐、盗版,身边有人白手起家、有人一夜成名。孤独诗人歌手张楚在专辑CD扉页写道:这是1994年,空气里有一种富裕的气氛,每个人都似乎站在一场欲望的洪流之中……2008年,当年那些听磁带不谙世事的青年们已经长大、成熟。他们将会和张楚一起穿上海魂衫、回力球鞋、军挎书包寻找青春力量。14年两张专辑,一张合辑,几首单曲,张楚用微薄给自己给社会大众一种文明的力量。人的一生中,一个10年是一个成长,20年足以让一个年轻人成为一棵可以独立顶住风雨的大树。过去1994年/曾经2004年/现在2008年/未来2015年……再过20年,张楚依然会唱歌,因为他就是一个会唱歌的人。 展开更多
关键词 张楚 老少年 大型演唱会 不谙世事 回力球鞋 地标建筑 窦唯 张合 单曲 世隆
作者 岑桑 《快乐阅读》 2015年第5期38-39,共2页
你是最棒的我爸52岁那年,特别不顺。在肉联厂干了22年,被解除劳动合同,每天晚上在家借酒消愁。那时我大四,寒假回家,看他气闷的样子,劝他想开点。我拍着他的肩膀说:"韩宝义先生,不就养个老吗,怕什么呀,有我就行了。"他翻我一... 你是最棒的我爸52岁那年,特别不顺。在肉联厂干了22年,被解除劳动合同,每天晚上在家借酒消愁。那时我大四,寒假回家,看他气闷的样子,劝他想开点。我拍着他的肩膀说:"韩宝义先生,不就养个老吗,怕什么呀,有我就行了。"他翻我一个白眼:"你将来是要嫁人的,嫁出去的姑娘,泼出去的水,我能指望上你吗?还是陪我喝一盅吧。"我爸喜欢儿子,对我一点也不掩饰。从小把我当儿子养。 展开更多
关键词 老少年 河对岸 子养 宝义 劳动合同 给你 不好看 这一天 天都 文艺路线
追风老少年 献给60后、70后车迷
作者 杜启弘(文/摄) 《摩托车》 2019年第8期6-17,共12页
我有一个梦,梦中有一辆大大的公路赛。我骑着这辆车走过田野和城市,自由自在……这是笔者少年时的梦,也是许多同龄人的梦。仿佛只是转瞬间,追风的少年已褪去青涩背负起了生活的重担,那追风的梦也在记忆中渐行渐远。但是,车迷最初的梦想... 我有一个梦,梦中有一辆大大的公路赛。我骑着这辆车走过田野和城市,自由自在……这是笔者少年时的梦,也是许多同龄人的梦。仿佛只是转瞬间,追风的少年已褪去青涩背负起了生活的重担,那追风的梦也在记忆中渐行渐远。但是,车迷最初的梦想就像情窦初开时的初恋,注定要铭记终生。而时隔多年与梦想之车的相遇,则像与已是青丝变白发的初恋对象的邂逅,百感交集…… 展开更多
关键词 CBR MC 四缸发动机 老少年 公路赛 农用车 导流罩 四冲程 经销商
作者 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 1987年第3期93-,共1页
“以文章学问照耀一世”的著名教育家经亨颐,生前也留下不少诗篇,冲淡超逸,寄寓深远。其中几首生辰诗,叙事抒情,真挚动人,尤见先生之高尚品质。一首是1927年他五十岁生日时写的《生辰写菊、竹、雁来红》,托物言志,亮节高风。诗曰: 顶礼... “以文章学问照耀一世”的著名教育家经亨颐,生前也留下不少诗篇,冲淡超逸,寄寓深远。其中几首生辰诗,叙事抒情,真挚动人,尤见先生之高尚品质。一首是1927年他五十岁生日时写的《生辰写菊、竹、雁来红》,托物言志,亮节高风。诗曰: 顶礼馨香答昊天,韶华五十仍萧然。疏疏澹澹秋容里,晚节清风老少年。另一首是他六十岁时写的《自题三十岁旧影》,抚今追昔,真切感人。诗云: 周甲老人昔学生,犹闻可爱读书声。冰川旧客卅年梦,寒尽春霜风自清。再一首是先生的《六十述怀》,追述一生,脉络清晰。诗中附有自注,全诗录后: 我生于丁丑,周甲老乃牛。嬉戏少而壮,历历忆从头。除夜依《花镜》,红帏嫁石榴。 展开更多
关键词 老少年 周甲 三十岁 诗云 读书声 真切感人 秋容 鸣秋 承先 见其
作者 王兆来 《新闻爱好者》 1994年第12期24-24,共1页
关键词 宋庆龄基金会 向兰 急性结肠炎 部主 日知 老少年 腹部疼痛 医院检查 王启 下班时间
作者 陈辽 《内江师范学院学报》 1994年第1期48-52,共5页
庚子事变(1900)后,清王朝的统治阶级终于认识到,不搞改革就不能图存。因此并非情愿地开展了自上而下的改革。但是,我们也不能笼统地一概否定这场改革。就改革的深度、力度而言,晚清改革在中国历史上是仅见的。废科举、兴学校,把中国自... 庚子事变(1900)后,清王朝的统治阶级终于认识到,不搞改革就不能图存。因此并非情愿地开展了自上而下的改革。但是,我们也不能笼统地一概否定这场改革。就改革的深度、力度而言,晚清改革在中国历史上是仅见的。废科举、兴学校,把中国自隋唐以来的科举制度一下子废除,敲破了知识分子通过科举可以得到的金饭碗,已经中举的秀才、举人,有些四、五十岁了重新进洋学堂读书;借外债,开矿筑路,一时造铁路、办矿务风起;练新军、汰旧军,在军队里开展了改革,派大臣出洋考察,遣留学生到外国学习,吸收西方文明;“中学为体,西学为用”,在意识形态领域里进行改造,学习外国的科学技术… 展开更多
关键词 庚子事变 痴婆子传 意识形态领域 废科举 老少年 文素臣 新列国志 创作潮流 新三国志 元始天尊
作者 胡明利 《快乐阅读》 2015年第9期78-78,共1页
有时觉得生活是毛茸茸的一件事,怎么也让人生不起气来,仿佛前一刻它的茸毛把你呛到了,让你打喷嚏、流眼泪,浑身不舒服。下一刻,它又用自己的毛茸茸将你治愈。不用疑惑,不用迷茫,这就是生活呀!它包罗万象,无所不能;它浅白如溪,又深邃如... 有时觉得生活是毛茸茸的一件事,怎么也让人生不起气来,仿佛前一刻它的茸毛把你呛到了,让你打喷嚏、流眼泪,浑身不舒服。下一刻,它又用自己的毛茸茸将你治愈。不用疑惑,不用迷茫,这就是生活呀!它包罗万象,无所不能;它浅白如溪,又深邃如海。愿你们心有郁结时,能聆听到每一丝风声。 展开更多
关键词 如海 颁奖词 给你 射洪 老少年 小编 四川遂宁 藏头诗 赛赛 河对岸
作者 仇守勇 《师范教育》 2003年第11期43-44,共2页
关键词 西出阳关 身骨 夜雨 思亲 晚来 扬州教育学院 千门万户 信息灵通 老少年 最后一次
作者 郑澄 《江淮文史》 1993年第2期110-111,共2页
萧龙士先生离开我们已经三年了。他生前濡墨挥毫怡然自得的情景,还时常浮现在我的脑海里。谚云:“君子度百岁犹惜其短,小人存一日总恨其长。”萧老享年一百有三,盛世人瑞,寿逾期颐,但友朋相聚而谈,无不惜其仙逝。萧老开江淮大写意画派... 萧龙士先生离开我们已经三年了。他生前濡墨挥毫怡然自得的情景,还时常浮现在我的脑海里。谚云:“君子度百岁犹惜其短,小人存一日总恨其长。”萧老享年一百有三,盛世人瑞,寿逾期颐,但友朋相聚而谈,无不惜其仙逝。萧老开江淮大写意画派之先河,受其熏陶和影响而继起者,凡数百人, 展开更多
关键词 大写意 上海美术 白石老人 李苦禅 画论 老少年 花本 国画大师 上海美专 群星璀璨
作者 宋延天 《蜜蜂杂志》 2015年第6期51-51,共1页
我家在周边村镇里小有名气,一是我养了几十年的蜜蜂,独一无二,大家一说养蜂,指的就是我家。蜜蜂,则成了我家的代号。二是我爱学习,不断从医书上或民间收集些与蜂蜜有关的土验单方,为前来购买蜂蜜的人提供点治疗疾病的小方子,一则治好了... 我家在周边村镇里小有名气,一是我养了几十年的蜜蜂,独一无二,大家一说养蜂,指的就是我家。蜜蜂,则成了我家的代号。二是我爱学习,不断从医书上或民间收集些与蜂蜜有关的土验单方,为前来购买蜂蜜的人提供点治疗疾病的小方子,一则治好了他们的小病小疾;二则推销了我的蜂产品;三是养蜂虽说没有发大财,我家却是有名的长寿家族。今年75岁的我,有100岁健在的母亲,94岁健在的姨妈,90岁健在的大舅父,80有余的二舅父, 展开更多
关键词 我爱 蜜蜂毒 蜂疗 免疫力低下 兄弟三人 医疗保健功能 保健领域 脑血管病 老少年
Economic and Social Impact of China’s Aging Population and Public Policy Response 被引量:11
作者 Wang Guangzhou Wang Jun 《China Economist》 2021年第1期78-107,共30页
In mapping out China’s future development,policymakers must bear in mind the challenges from a falling birthrate and aging society.Based on previous demographic censuses and original data of large sample surveys,this... In mapping out China’s future development,policymakers must bear in mind the challenges from a falling birthrate and aging society.Based on previous demographic censuses and original data of large sample surveys,this study employed an indirect method for estimating China’s total fertility rate(TFR)and a demographic forecast method based on the parity progression ratio(PPR).Our analysis details the socioeconomic implications behind demographic change,and we have proposed public policy countermeasures.The findings include:(i)China’s ultra-low fertility rate over the past three decades has led to an increasingly aging society,and China’s future fertility rate is likely to continue to decrease.(ii)Around 2024,China’s total population is expected to peak at 1.407 billion,followed by chronic negative population growth at an accelerating pace.By 2050,China’s newborn population will shrink to 8.73 million and the aging population will increase to roughly 30%of the total population resulting in the total dependency ratio above 50%.(iii)With a falling birthrate and aging society,China will face unprecedented challenges with respect to education,employment,and pension.(iv)As a public policy response,China should remove birth control altogether.If the fertility rate continues to stall,policymakers should consider issuing policies to encourage birth and create a birth-friendly society for all birth cycles. 展开更多
关键词 falling birthrate aging society education EMPLOYMENT elderly health removal of birth control
TCM Treatment of Bronchial Asthma
作者 张金磊 毛树章 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第2期101-103,共3页
Xuan Fei Ding Chuan Wan ([symbol: see text] pills for facilitating the flow of the lung-qi to relieve asthma) and Xiao Chuan Gu Ben Wan ([symbol: see text] pills for treating asthma by consolidating the origin) were u... Xuan Fei Ding Chuan Wan ([symbol: see text] pills for facilitating the flow of the lung-qi to relieve asthma) and Xiao Chuan Gu Ben Wan ([symbol: see text] pills for treating asthma by consolidating the origin) were used for treatment of bronchial asthma. The cure rate in the treated group (n = 600) was 81.33%, significantly higher (P 展开更多
关键词 ADOLESCENT ADULT Aged ASTHMA Drugs Chinese Herbal FEMALE Humans Male Middle Aged
Effects of Electro-Acupuncture on Immune Function After Chemotherapy in 28 Cases 被引量:5
作者 叶芳 陈少宗 +1 位作者 刘伟明 范玲玲 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期21-23,共3页
PURPOSE: To observe the effects of electroacupuncture therapy on T cells and activity of NK cell in the patient of Chemotherapy. METHOD: Electro-acupuncture therapy was simultaneously applied during chemotherapy, T ce... PURPOSE: To observe the effects of electroacupuncture therapy on T cells and activity of NK cell in the patient of Chemotherapy. METHOD: Electro-acupuncture therapy was simultaneously applied during chemotherapy, T cells and activity of NK cell of patients were determined before electroacupuncture treatment (before chemotherapy) and after 4-course electro-acupuncture treatments. RESULTS: Before chemotherapy, CD3 was low within the normal range, CD4 was much lower than the normal range, and CD8, CD4/CD8 and activity of NK cell were within the normal range. After one month of chemotherapy combined with electro-acupuncture, no decline of all the indices was found (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Electro-acupuncture can really increase the immune function of patients of chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ADOLESCENT Adult Aged Antineoplastic Agents CD4-CD8 Ratio Combined Modality Therapy Female Gastrointestinal Neoplasms Humans Killer Cells Natural Lung Neoplasms Male Middle Aged T-LYMPHOCYTES
Comprehensive Acupuncture Treatment of Lumbago Due to Hemirachischisis——A Report of 48 Cases
作者 张庆萍 杨骏 王新中 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期201-202,共2页
Hemirachischisis is commonly-seen in clinic. Many patients complaining of lumbago are often found to have this disease shown by radiography. The common methods of treatment in Western medicine are surgical operation a... Hemirachischisis is commonly-seen in clinic. Many patients complaining of lumbago are often found to have this disease shown by radiography. The common methods of treatment in Western medicine are surgical operation and administration of analgesics. In recent years, the authors have adopted acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment, with quite good therapeutic results reported as follows.Clinical DataOf the 48 cases in this series, 32 were male and 16 female; ranging in age from 16 to 67 years; with course of illness from 1 month to 32 years. All the patients had the chief complaint of lumbago, and were diagnosed as having hemirachischisis by radiography. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy MOXIBUSTION ADOLESCENT ADULT Aged FEMALE Humans Low Back Pain Male Middle Aged Spina Bifida Occulta
Remission of Abdominal Colic During Enteroscopy by Injecting Vitamin K_3 into Zusanli Acupoint
作者 程秋云 毛树章 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第4期271-272,共2页
In 1970s,sedatives or spasmolytics needed to beadministered 30 minutes prior to performingenteroscopy to relieve abdominal colic during theexamination.Owing to the improvement in operatingskills,such drugs are no more... In 1970s,sedatives or spasmolytics needed to beadministered 30 minutes prior to performingenteroscopy to relieve abdominal colic during theexamination.Owing to the improvement in operatingskills,such drugs are no more used today.However,anumber of patients still suffer from abdominal coliccaused by irritated colon in the process ofenteroscopy.For severe cases,the operator has nochoice but to suspend the examination.To find a 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Points Adolescent Adult Aged COLIC Endoscopy Gastrointestinal Female Humans INJECTIONS Male Middle Aged Vitamin K
Fifty-six Cases of Stubborn Eczema Treated by Oral Administration and Topical Application of Herbal Medicine
作者 罗维丹 WuChenglin +1 位作者 邬成霖 董敏华 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第4期259-260,共2页
Eczema is a kind of very common dermatopathy. The cases with a long course of illness and hard to be cured are termed as stubborn eczema. We have obtained good results in its treatment since 1995 with the Chu Shi Tan... Eczema is a kind of very common dermatopathy. The cases with a long course of illness and hard to be cured are termed as stubborn eczema. We have obtained good results in its treatment since 1995 with the Chu Shi Tang (除湿汤Dampness-Clearing Decoction) for oral intake and the Fu Fang Ku Shen Xi Ye (复方苦参洗液) for topical application. The following is a clinical report for treating 56 patients with stubborn eczema. 展开更多
关键词 Administration Oral Administration Topical ADOLESCENT Adult Aged CHILD Child Preschool Drugs Chinese Herbal ECZEMA Female Humans Male Middle Aged
Efficacy and Effect of SI17 Therapy on Pancreatic Polypeptide in Vascular and Tension-Type Headache
作者 张小澍 李永昌 +4 位作者 任淑梅 匡培根 吴卫平 张凤英 刘洁晓 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第3期206-209,共4页
  Background and purpose: Vascular and tension-type headache is most commonly encountered, and SI17 therapy has been tested to treat headache with good results. The efficacy of SI17 therapy for vascular and tension-...   Background and purpose: Vascular and tension-type headache is most commonly encountered, and SI17 therapy has been tested to treat headache with good results. The efficacy of SI17 therapy for vascular and tension-type headache was compared and the effect of SI17 therapy on pancreatic polypeptide (PP) was studied. Materials and methods: 29 cases of vascular headache (20 cases in acute attack during the trial) and 27 cases of tension-type headache (19 cases in acute attack) were enrolled in the study. Plasma PP level before and 4th day after treatment was measured by radioimmunoassay. Results: SI17 therapy is better for the treatment of vascular headache. Vascular headache with higher PP level and tension-type headache with normal PP level had good therapeutic results. Conclusion: The clinical efficacy is better for vascular headache with the increase of vagus tension and for tension-type headache with normal vagus tension.   展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Points ADOLESCENT ADULT Aged CHILD DEXAMETHASONE Female Humans INJECTIONS Male Middle Aged Pancreatic Polypeptide Tension-Type Headache Vascular Headaches
Teaching Gallo at School
作者 Cecile Helene Christiane Rey 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第5期342-349,共8页
This study explores the origins and current status of the Gallo language at school--a minority language spoken in the eastern part of Brittany--among older speakers (group 1-41 informants) and students of Gallo (gr... This study explores the origins and current status of the Gallo language at school--a minority language spoken in the eastern part of Brittany--among older speakers (group 1-41 informants) and students of Gallo (group 2-17 informants). The paper discusses different pedagogical methods, learning materials, and learners' status. The most important mission of schools is to increase public awareness about their linguistic environment which helps reassert minority identity through language acquisition and linguistic maintenance. Implementing an educational language curriculum for regional languages constitutes a main step towards the preservation of linguistic minorities. According to the informants interviewed during the fieldwork, both groups express positive reactions towards the presence of Gallo at school (group 1--80%; group 2--92.9%). However, in follow-up discussions, a certain number of older speakers seem to be more reluctant, because the variety of Gallo taught at school is different from the one which was transmitted to them. In conclusion, bilingual and immersion programs are increasingly successful in Brittany and could lead to a wider recognition of Eastern Brittany's language and culture. 展开更多
关键词 language acquisition REPRESENTATIONS language transmission language preservation
Treatment of 104 Cases of Chemotherapy-Induced Leukopenia by Injection of Drugs into Zusanli
作者 尹先哲 尹德印 +2 位作者 刘新群 丁旭萌 周永生 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期27-28,共2页
From April 1992 to April 1998, 104 cases of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia were treated by injection into Zusanli (ST 36) with a mixture consisting of dexamethasone, 654-2, ATP and inosine. The therapeutic results we... From April 1992 to April 1998, 104 cases of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia were treated by injection into Zusanli (ST 36) with a mixture consisting of dexamethasone, 654-2, ATP and inosine. The therapeutic results were satisfactory as reported in the following.Clinical Data In this series, all the 127 cases were definitely diagnosed by pathological examination. Of them, 93 were male and 34 female, ranging in age from 12 to 75 years. 38 cases were carcinoma of esophagus, 22 carcinoma of cardia of stomach, 21 cancer of lung, 11 hepatic carcinoma, 8 lymphoma, 8 mammary cancer, 7 carcinoma of colon, and 12 other kinds of the tumors. Leukocyte count was below 4.0×109/L in all the patients after being treated by chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Points Adenosine Triphosphate ADOLESCENT Adult Aged Antineoplastic Agents Carcinoma Squamous Cell Child DEXAMETHASONE Esophageal Neoplasms Female Humans INJECTIONS INOSINE LEUKOPENIA Male Middle Aged Solanaceous Alkaloids Stomach Neoplasms
作者 胡金生 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第1期27-30,共4页
The clinical observation revealed that the asthmatic symptoms in most of the patients began to be improved after several acupuncture treatments with the dosage of the drug gradually reduced. Generally, the dose of cor... The clinical observation revealed that the asthmatic symptoms in most of the patients began to be improved after several acupuncture treatments with the dosage of the drug gradually reduced. Generally, the dose of cortisone per os was decreased by 2 mg every 10 days, while that of aerosol was controlled by the patients themselves according to the condition of the disease. The symptoms in most of the patients were markedly improved after 15 treatments, but the treatment should be continued for another 10 times to consolidate the curative effect. Thus, each asthmatic patient needs to receive approximately 30 sessions of acupuncture treatment, lasting about 3 months. Thereafter, in order to prevent its relapse, the treatment should be administered 10 times each year in the summer season. It is worthy to be mentioned that, in this series, there was a female patient who suffered from anaphylactic asthma induced by dog's hair. She received 10 sessions of acupuncture treatment with no any improvement. In this case, the acupuncture treatment should not be given any longer. There were another two children patients aged 5 and 7 years respectively, for them the above method of acupuncture treatment was difficult to be used. Therefore, the auricular pressing method combined with cupping was adopted instead. The auricular points selected were Shenmen, Lung, Large Intestine, sensitive point, Pingchuan, Subcortex, and Kidney. 5 points were used each time, and pressed with the seeds of Vaccaria which were changed every 3 days. The patients were asked to press each of the points themselves 3 times a day (each time by 20 pressings). And Dazhui (Du 14), Feishu (UB 13), Pishu (UB 20) and Shenshu (UB 23) were cupped for 5 min. each time. The auricular pressing and cupping therapies may also be added for adult patients to strengthen the curative effect. The 25 cases of hormone dependent bronchial asthma were treated by acupuncture, yielding a markedly effective rate of 56% with a total effective rate of 96%, indicating that good therapeutic results can also be expected in the western countries for those cases who have already been treated with hormones. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy ADOLESCENT Adult Aged Asthma CHILD Child Preschool CORTISONE Female Humans Male Middle Aged Substance-Related Disorders
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