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《安腔八音安腔八音》老本、抄本声韵系统比较研究 被引量:1
作者 吴姗姗 《贵州工程应用技术学院学报》 2017年第6期117-120,共4页
结合韵书内的各种语音标记提示及现代宁德各县市方言,将《安腔八音》老本和抄本的语音系统进行分离比较后发现,与老本的音系相比,抄本的音系具有如下特点:声母系统方面,"边、波"与"曾、出"声母有少数韵字相混,"... 结合韵书内的各种语音标记提示及现代宁德各县市方言,将《安腔八音》老本和抄本的语音系统进行分离比较后发现,与老本的音系相比,抄本的音系具有如下特点:声母系统方面,"边、波"与"曾、出"声母有少数韵字相混,"无"母部分失去摩擦性质变为合口呼声母;韵母系统方面,"辉"韵部分与"须"韵合并,部分与"杯"韵合并;中古三套辅音韵尾出现大规模混并;撮口呼韵目数减少。 展开更多
关键词 《安腔八音》 老本音系 抄本音系
作者 叶劲榕 《教育实践与研究(中学版)(B)》 2019年第2期47-49,共3页
语文教师如果"啃老本",比如照搬已有资料、沿用固有经验、死抱原有风格等,就会使自己的教学固步自封、停滞不前。如果多方"充新电",通过充新理念之电、充新知能之电、充新教法之电、充新学情之电、充新反思之电,就... 语文教师如果"啃老本",比如照搬已有资料、沿用固有经验、死抱原有风格等,就会使自己的教学固步自封、停滞不前。如果多方"充新电",通过充新理念之电、充新知能之电、充新教法之电、充新学情之电、充新反思之电,就会使自己的教学常教常新,永葆活力。因此,语文教师理当变"啃老本"为"充新电",从而让自己的教学更有效率。 展开更多
关键词 语文教师 语文教学 "啃老本" "充新电"
作者 玫琳凯 《企业改革与管理》 2004年第1期28-28,共1页
关键词 玫琳凯化妆品公司 老本问题 经理 人生规划
作者 涂怀军 《班组天地》 2017年第12期107-107,共1页
时间过得真是飞快,2017年的脚步渐行渐远,新的一年即将开启,前行之时,蓦然回眸,映入视野的分明是沉淀在时光深处的点点滴滴,那些情节如缕缕霞光,照亮我的心房,温暖着不曾冰封的记忆。回顾这一年,我最大的欣慰就是又重新回到了制造业工... 时间过得真是飞快,2017年的脚步渐行渐远,新的一年即将开启,前行之时,蓦然回眸,映入视野的分明是沉淀在时光深处的点点滴滴,那些情节如缕缕霞光,照亮我的心房,温暖着不曾冰封的记忆。回顾这一年,我最大的欣慰就是又重新回到了制造业工作。今年9月中旬,痛下决心的我应聘到江苏淮安凡之晟远大建筑工业有限公司,并担任人力行政总监。 展开更多
关键词 老本 有限公司 人力 霞光 工业 心房 淮安 冰封 建筑
《戚林八音福安地方方言版》残卷与《安腔八音》手抄本韵部比较研究 被引量:1
作者 吴姗姗 马重奇 《东南学术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期268-274,共7页
目前所见到的福安方言韵书《安腔八音》实际上有新、老版本之别,老本《安腔八音》乃陆求藻仿福州方言韵书《戚林八音》参考明梅应祚的《字汇》于18世纪中、末叶编成,新版由陈登昆与其师陆尚淋在原本基础上根据时音于20世纪初重新修缮,... 目前所见到的福安方言韵书《安腔八音》实际上有新、老版本之别,老本《安腔八音》乃陆求藻仿福州方言韵书《戚林八音》参考明梅应祚的《字汇》于18世纪中、末叶编成,新版由陈登昆与其师陆尚淋在原本基础上根据时音于20世纪初重新修缮,目前所见版本是陈祖蔚1953年对新版《安腔八音》的手抄本。通过将残卷中残存的韵部与《安腔八音》手抄本作比较,结合现代福安方言,发现残卷所反映的福安方言韵部系统与新版《安腔八音》和现代福安方言有很大差别,推测残卷成书年代大概在18世纪中、末叶,最迟在19世纪初。 展开更多
关键词 《戚林八音福安地方方言版》 《安腔八音》老本 新本 手抄本 成书年代 韵部系 统比较
作者 贺永文 牛玲 郭新旺 《重庆城市管理职业学院学报》 2017年第1期13-15,共3页
多样多元养老是我国当前社会成员养老状态的特点和发展趋势。结合实际、学习与实务,主要对目前流行的老年人在认知和行为上趋向于"老窝""老伴""老本""老乐"的"四老"观念和期望进行... 多样多元养老是我国当前社会成员养老状态的特点和发展趋势。结合实际、学习与实务,主要对目前流行的老年人在认知和行为上趋向于"老窝""老伴""老本""老乐"的"四老"观念和期望进行了社会工作解读,为我国老龄事业科学精确发展和老年社会工作发展提供参考,以做到对老年人便利"老窝"的环境营造、老年人信任"老伴"的多元建设、老年人可支配"老本"的保护和增值、老年人多样"老乐"的推进。 展开更多
关键词 老窝 老伴 老本 老乐
作者 黄孝萍 《城市党报研究》 2018年第1期39-39,共1页
2004年我研究生毕业,原准备回到老本行,当一名老师。机缘巧合,江南晚报正在招收记者。我得知这一消息时,已是最后一天报名的下午,当时打电话给人事处的老师,说可以等一下我,没想到从此与记者结缘。这10多年来,坚守在新闻的第一线,与自... 2004年我研究生毕业,原准备回到老本行,当一名老师。机缘巧合,江南晚报正在招收记者。我得知这一消息时,已是最后一天报名的下午,当时打电话给人事处的老师,说可以等一下我,没想到从此与记者结缘。这10多年来,坚守在新闻的第一线,与自己喜欢的文字相伴,也结识了许多读者朋友。 展开更多
关键词 熟人 人事处 结识 大寿 老师 结缘 老本 江南 记者
作者 力锋 《印支研究》 1982年第3期52-,共1页
老挝人民民主共和国主席苏发努冯于1909年7月13日在琅勃拉邦出生,他是汶孔亲王的儿子。苏发努冯早年在河内受教育,后在法国巴黎大学攻读土木工程。1938年回国后任工程师。1945年5月老挝青年学生成立“老本老”(老挝人的老挝)抗日组织,... 老挝人民民主共和国主席苏发努冯于1909年7月13日在琅勃拉邦出生,他是汶孔亲王的儿子。苏发努冯早年在河内受教育,后在法国巴黎大学攻读土木工程。1938年回国后任工程师。1945年5月老挝青年学生成立“老本老”(老挝人的老挝)抗日组织,他是该组织的领导人之一。同年8月,日本投降,他和佩差拉等成立抗法组织寮国自由民族统一战线(“伊沙拉”), 展开更多
关键词 苏发努冯 老挝人 寮国 法国巴黎大学 老本 日本投降 青年学生 琅勃拉邦 老挝爱国战线 政府总理
作者 冷苑歌 《中国工人》 2019年第2期88-89,共2页
从农家小木匠到建筑公司老板,再到智能化蔬果基地理事长,他一路逆袭,却始终不忘带领更多农民就业致富。“总投资规模9000万元”“年收入1600万元”“影视文化基地”“智能化生产”……这是于士力区别于其他农民工创业者的标签,也是他苦... 从农家小木匠到建筑公司老板,再到智能化蔬果基地理事长,他一路逆袭,却始终不忘带领更多农民就业致富。“总投资规模9000万元”“年收入1600万元”“影视文化基地”“智能化生产”……这是于士力区别于其他农民工创业者的标签,也是他苦心经营了半辈子的事业成果。于士力操着一口浓重的东北口音,言语间更没有华丽的词藻,甚至没有很强的逻辑感。 展开更多
关键词 士力 农民工 老本 影视文化 木匠 基地 蔬果 建筑
Effects of Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution on Perioperative Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Elderly Patients Undergoing Hepatic Carcinectomy 被引量:13
作者 Jian-rong Guo Jun Yu +3 位作者 Xiao-ju Jin Jin-man Du Wei Guo Xiao-hong Yuan 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2010年第3期146-150,共5页
Objective To observe the effects of acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) on coagulation function and fibrinolysis in elderly patients undergoing hepatic carcinectomy. Methods Thirty elderly patients (aged 60-70 y... Objective To observe the effects of acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) on coagulation function and fibrinolysis in elderly patients undergoing hepatic carcinectomy. Methods Thirty elderly patients (aged 60-70 years) with liver cancer (American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I-II) scheduled for hepatic carcinectomy from February 2007 to February 2008 were randomly divided into ANH group (n= 15) and control group (n= 15). After tracheal intubation, patients in ANH group and control group were infused with 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) (130/0.4), and basic liquid containing 6% HES and routine Ringer's solution, respectively. In all the studied patients, blood samples were drawn at five different time points: before anesthesia induction (T1), 30 minutes after ANH (T2), 1 hour after start of operation (T3), immediately after operation (T4), and 24 hours after operation (Ts). Then co- agulation function, soluble fibrin monomer complex (SFMC), prothrombin fragment (F1+2), and platelet membrane glycoprotein (activated GPIIb/GPIIIa and P-selectin) were measured. Results The perioperative blood loss was not significantly different between the two groups (P〉 0.05). The volume of allogeneic blood transfusion in ANH group was significantly smaller than that in control group (350.5±70.7 mL vs. 457.8±181.3 mL, P〈0.01). Compared with the data ofT1, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time in both groups prolonged significantly after T3 (P〈0.05), but still within normal range. There were no significant changes in thrombin time and D-dimer between the two groups and between different time points in each group (all P〉0.05). SFMC and F1 +2 increased in both groups, but without statistical significance. P-selectin expression on the platelet surface of ANH group was significantly lowered atT2 andT3 compared with the level atT1 (P〈 0.05). Compared with control group, P-selectin was sig-nificantly lower in ANH group atT2-T3 (all P〈0.05). Conclusions In elderly patients undergoing resection of liver cancer, ANH may not hamper fibri- nolvsis and coagulation function. It coukt therefore be safe to largely reduce allogeneic blood transfusion. 展开更多
关键词 hepatic carcinectomy acute normovolemic hemodilution coagulationfunction FIBRINOLYSIS
The bottlenecks analysis of basic endowment insurance system plan as a whole
作者 WANG Qianqian 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期46-48,共3页
The process of endowment insurance system plan as a whole is an important step of old-age insurance system reform in our country. At present, the process of endowment insurance system plan as a whole's process etxcou... The process of endowment insurance system plan as a whole is an important step of old-age insurance system reform in our country. At present, the process of endowment insurance system plan as a whole's process etxcountered bottlenecks. Come to the conclusion after analysis, the basic old-age insurance system across the country plan as a whole facing same questions, such as the regional income is different, the regional replacement rate of endowment insurance system is different, the "fragmentation" phenomenon of regional endowment insurance system, impact both fairness and efficiency of the basic endowment insurance system. 展开更多
关键词 endowment insurance plan as a whole BOTTLENECKS
The supervision of the pension funds entering the capital market in china
作者 Tang yuyan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期56-58,共3页
The pension funds entering the capital market is the trend of the times, how to ensure the security of pension funds after entering the market, it is not only related to the interest of the individual but also affect ... The pension funds entering the capital market is the trend of the times, how to ensure the security of pension funds after entering the market, it is not only related to the interest of the individual but also affect the society's harmonious development. This article begins with the concept of pension funds into the market, the urgency and necessity of the pension funds into the market in our country and the actual situation of the pension regulators at present. According to analysis the problems existing in the pension market regulation, then putting forward countermeasures and measures, paving the way for pension funds entering the market in our country. 展开更多
关键词 Aging population the pension funds entering the capital market SUPERVISION measures
Ideas for the realization of China's overall national basic pension of workers
作者 LI Jieqiong 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期33-35,共3页
At present, the overall low level of pensions, chaotic management, regardless of the central and local powers, capital depreciation of greater risk. Plus various regions of pension imbalances, leading to a pension "e... At present, the overall low level of pensions, chaotic management, regardless of the central and local powers, capital depreciation of greater risk. Plus various regions of pension imbalances, leading to a pension "empty accounts" has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, to achieve the basic pension national urban, it is an effective measure to deal with these problems. Manpower is a systematic project, implementation may face difficulties. Therefore, the need to coordinate all aspects of the relationship, select the appropriate time to reform, optimize the overall path, and improve related measures is to ensure the smooth implementation of integrated basis. 展开更多
关键词 Basic pension Provincial level National urban
Cecal volvulus:Report of a case and review of Japanese literature
作者 Toshio Katoh Tsunehiko Shigemori +1 位作者 Ryo Fukaya Hiroshi Suzuki 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第20期2547-2549,共3页
A 78-year-old woman presented with fever, severe abdominal pain, and distension.She had been institutionalized for depression and senile dementia.Laboratory examinations disclosed a leucocytosis(WBC:12 500/μL) and el... A 78-year-old woman presented with fever, severe abdominal pain, and distension.She had been institutionalized for depression and senile dementia.Laboratory examinations disclosed a leucocytosis(WBC:12 500/μL) and elevated levels of serum C-reactive protein(2.8 mEq/L).Diagnosis of acute cecal volvulus was made from a"coffee bean sign"on an abdominal computed tomography and a"beak sign"on a gastrographin enema.An emergent laparotomy confirmed the diagnosis and an ileo-colectomy with primary anastomosis was carried out.The patient recovered after intensive respiratory care and fluid therapy, and then returned to her former institution.A review of Japanese literature disclosed that:(1) a marked increase of aged patients with mental disability presenting with cecal volvulus,(2) adoption of ileo-colectomy as the standard surgical procedure, and(3) improved survival of the patients, were observed in the last decade. 展开更多
关键词 Cecal volvulus Ileo-colectomy Mental disability
Community endowment service localization and globalization
作者 Ju Jing 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期84-86,共3页
to solve the pension problem brought by the aging and aging, community endowment service as a new endowment mode has become hot spot. Britain, the United States, Japan and other developed countries have formed a disti... to solve the pension problem brought by the aging and aging, community endowment service as a new endowment mode has become hot spot. Britain, the United States, Japan and other developed countries have formed a distinctive pattern of community endowment service. Community endowment service pattern in China is also actively explore, in the process, we accumulated a lot of valuable experience, but also there are quite a lot of problems to be solved. We should be in combination with the actual situation in our country, on the basis of draw lessons from foreign advanced community endowment development practices at the same time, set the global vision, local consciousness, people's standard all organic unification, perfecting endowment service system in our country, to have a more substantial development. 展开更多
Analysis of fund gap on enterprise worker' s basic endowment insurance in Hebei province
作者 LI Yan DU Chongdong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期187-190,共4页
Using actuarial techniques, the study estimates the fired gap of pooling account and individual account respectively on on enterprise worker' s basic endowment insurance in Hebei province. And based on the estimation... Using actuarial techniques, the study estimates the fired gap of pooling account and individual account respectively on on enterprise worker' s basic endowment insurance in Hebei province. And based on the estimation, the study puts forward four policy suggestions: expand the coverage of the pension scheme; revised the number of months oft he annuities; increase the level of interest; improve financial support. 展开更多
关键词 endowment insurance ACTUARY pooling account individual account GAP
Research of Shanghai elderly endowment intend to wisdom
作者 GONG Yijing SUN Xiaoyuan WU Yiting 《International English Education Research》 2018年第4期23-25,共3页
Through field investigation, questionnaire interview and interview with experts and scholars, the study of the wisdom of the elderly endowment willingness and demand, understand wisdom pension service demand and socia... Through field investigation, questionnaire interview and interview with experts and scholars, the study of the wisdom of the elderly endowment willingness and demand, understand wisdom pension service demand and social supply, and then found social in the problems that exist in the pension services will meet the wisdom, so as to put forward the targeted countermeasures and Suggestions, can cause social attention to wisdom pension services, promote and plural social capital to participate in, give full play to the role of the market. 展开更多
关键词 Wisdom endowment Wisdom endowment Binary Logistic model
Role of the first mitosis in the remodeling of the parental genomes in mouse embryos
作者 Kentaro T.HARA Fugaku AOKI 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期127-132,共6页
Although male and female pronuclei reside in the same zygotic cytoplasm, they differ in many respects, such asvolume and transcriptional activity. The aim of this study is to investigate whether these differences are ... Although male and female pronuclei reside in the same zygotic cytoplasm, they differ in many respects, such asvolume and transcriptional activity. The aim of this study is to investigate whether these differences are lost during thefirst mitosis. For this purpose, a new method was developed to inhibit the mixing of two parental chromosomes duringmitosis, thus to induce the formation of two nuclei after they exit from the mitotic phase. In this method, one-cellembryos are arrested at metaphase by treatment with nocodazole, and whn exitting from the mitotic phase, two nucleiwere formed in a single karyocyte following treatment with 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP). These embryos weredesignated as post-mitotic embryos (PM-embryos), in which the two nuclei were derived from the male and femalegenomes. We found that in the control one-cell embryos that had not been treated with the reagents, the volume of themale pronucleus was about 1.65-fold greater than that of the female pronucleus, whereas the volumes of the two nucleiin the PM-embryos were similar (volume ratio of 1.01). Although a two-fold difference in transcriptional activity wasdetected between the male and female pronuclei in the control embryos, no difference in transcriptional activity wasdetected between the two nuclei of PM-embryos. The ratio of transcriptional activity in the nucleus derived from thepaternal genome to that from the maternal genome was 1.02, for which no significant difference was detected by the χ2fitness test. Therefore, the volumes and transcriptional activities of the male and female nuclei were approximately equalin PM-embryos, which suggests that the asymmetries of pronuclear volume and transcriptional activity between maleand female genomes are somehow losted during the first mitosis. 展开更多
关键词 mouse zygote parental genomes nuclear volume transcriptional activity.
The Cause Analysis of College Student Human Capital Depreciation in China
作者 Wenhui Huang Daming Wang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期86-89,共4页
Human capital depreciation can be divided into stock depreciation and utility depreciation, which will cause the waste of human capital investment, and let human capital value fail to fully embody, affecting social de... Human capital depreciation can be divided into stock depreciation and utility depreciation, which will cause the waste of human capital investment, and let human capital value fail to fully embody, affecting social development. In the critical time of China facing population aging and economic transformation, as the new human capital of the labor market, college students play an important role to social and economic development. Therefore, preventing and mitigating their human capital depreciation is necessary. This article focus on human capital investment and configuration stage, analyze the influence of unreasonable human capital investment system and separate labor market segmentation system to college student human capital depreciation, and put forword the corresponding countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 Human Capital Depreciation Human Capital Investment Labor Market
Study on the alternative rate of rural residents' pension and the mechanism of financial allocation
作者 We Gege Feng Shuai 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期28-31,共4页
According to the China Statistical Yearbook divided eight consumption expenditure, I set food, clothing, housing and household equipment and services as residents basic living expenses, of China' s rural pension repl... According to the China Statistical Yearbook divided eight consumption expenditure, I set food, clothing, housing and household equipment and services as residents basic living expenses, of China' s rural pension replacement rate level of demand is calculated. The financial revenue scale autoregressive model predicted 2010-2020, the scale of fiscal revenue, with Pratt & Whitney type total pension should be of basic pension and substitution rate level of demand for pension accounts for fiscal revenue proportion of the international experience of fiscal income of 5% were measured and evaluated. The current basic pension in the short term to improve the life of the rural elderly has an important role, but the long-term need to continue to increase, should optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure. 展开更多
关键词 Basic pension Substitution rate Government revenue
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