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作者 中国人民银行乌兰察布市中心支行课题组 许秀茹 孙美忠 《北方金融》 2022年第2期90-93,共4页
进入金融服务的大型互联网平台,利用现有业务的用户数据,通过网络效应,迅速扩大规模。大型平台在提高金融部门的效率、促进金融包容性的同时,也给金融稳定和消费者保护带来或增加风险。与传统金融消费权益保护相比,金融数据治理、消费... 进入金融服务的大型互联网平台,利用现有业务的用户数据,通过网络效应,迅速扩大规模。大型平台在提高金融部门的效率、促进金融包容性的同时,也给金融稳定和消费者保护带来或增加风险。与传统金融消费权益保护相比,金融数据治理、消费信贷规范、数字金融素养、执法效能提升等新问题,需要引起监管部门的关注重视,借鉴经验,因地制宜。 展开更多
关键词 大型互联网平台 金融消费 者权益保护 监管
浅析房产企业破产中购房者的权益保护 被引量:2
作者 高频 丁冬 《法制与经济》 2019年第11期80-81,85,共3页
在房地产企业破产中,购房者的权益该如何保护是司法实践中的难题。现行法律对购房者的权益保护主要体现在最高院的两个司法解释。但该两个司法解释缺乏上位法依据,且规定也较为模糊,在司法实践中也引起了很大的争议。文章认为为解决这... 在房地产企业破产中,购房者的权益该如何保护是司法实践中的难题。现行法律对购房者的权益保护主要体现在最高院的两个司法解释。但该两个司法解释缺乏上位法依据,且规定也较为模糊,在司法实践中也引起了很大的争议。文章认为为解决这些问题,应当将购房者的优先权上升为法律规定,并充分利用商品房预告登记制度,明确应当优先保护的购房者范围,从而为购房者的权益提供实实在在的保护。 展开更多
关键词 购房者权益保护 优先权 不足与完善
房地产企业破产中购房者权益的保护 被引量:14
作者 石一峰 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第12期123-135,共13页
房企破产中购房者权益如何保护一直是法律理论和实务中的重点和难点。对此,需以购房者权益的物权化层级为脉络,考虑不同情形和因素进行具体的规范解释和适用,进而在微观上明确破产程序中多层次利益衡量的具体操作。首先,购房者权益呈现... 房企破产中购房者权益如何保护一直是法律理论和实务中的重点和难点。对此,需以购房者权益的物权化层级为脉络,考虑不同情形和因素进行具体的规范解释和适用,进而在微观上明确破产程序中多层次利益衡量的具体操作。首先,购房者权益呈现不同的物权化层级而可区分为预告登记、“网签”、未预告登记且未“网签”等情形。其次,还需结合房企以房屋还是建设用地使用权进行抵押、以建造完毕的现房进行抵押还是以期房的在建建筑物进行抵押等因素作出进一步的类型化分析。最后,在购房者预告登记的情形下,其可享有物权期待权,因而一般可对抗抵押权,但要区分房企抵押的客体为何,且消费型购房者才可依预告登记对抗建设工程价款优先受偿权人;在购房者“网签”情形下,需附加其他履行要素才能对抗抵押权,且仅消费型购房者才可对抗建设工程价款优先受偿权;在购房者未预告登记亦未“网签”的情形下,支付全部或大部分购房款的消费型购房者仅享有债权优先性,在继续履行或对其个别清偿不损害房企及其他破产债权人利益时,方可通过继续履行路径获得保护继而取得房屋所有权。 展开更多
关键词 房地产企业破产 购房者权益保护 多层次利益衡量 层级化保护
A Study on the Legal Sources and Principles of Consumer Cooling-off Period System
作者 Xia Longyang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期90-94,共5页
In October 25, 2013, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a decision on revising the "consumer rights protection law" of PRC. The new revised "Chinese Consumer Protection Law" China consu... In October 25, 2013, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a decision on revising the "consumer rights protection law" of PRC. The new revised "Chinese Consumer Protection Law" China consumers will take consumer cooling-off period system as an important consumer right.2 Because it is a new system different from traditional civil law "principle of obeying compacts" , and the theoretical research on the calm period by scholars is still not mature enough. This paper discusses the consumer cooling off period from the theoretical perspective, and its legal origin, and puts forward and demonstrates legal principles and the legal basis the cooling off period system should follow. 展开更多
关键词 legal origin legal principle cooling-offperiod CONSUMER
A Research on the Legal Designation and Conception of Consumer Cooling-off Period System
作者 Xia Longyang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期94-99,共6页
Along with the rapid development of modem China economy, some new business modes and sale areas continuously emerge in markets. For example with the continuous popularity of consumer online shopping, rapid development... Along with the rapid development of modem China economy, some new business modes and sale areas continuously emerge in markets. For example with the continuous popularity of consumer online shopping, rapid development of TV shopping industry, compared with traditional store sales, in these special sale areas consumers' rights and interests are more likely to get harmed. From March 15, 2014, the newly revised "China consumer protection law" will formally implement cooling-off period legal system in special sale areas.2 Because it is a new system different from "obligatory compact principle" in traditional civil law, the scholars' theoretical research on cooling-off period system is still not mature enough. This paper discusses cooling-off period system from the theoretical level, puts forward the designation problem of cooling-off period system, discusses complete concepts of cooling-off period system, and puts forward its legal characteristics as a new consumer rights. 展开更多
关键词 cooling-offperiod consumers' rights operator CONSUMER
Risk Analysis and Consumer Protection in B2C Transactions
作者 杨坚争 时启亮 +1 位作者 Gary Millar Ruhul A.Sarker 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期83-89,共7页
Recent studies have shown that the perceived lack of security is a major obstacle to the wider acceptance of e-commerce. To overcome this barrier, businesses need to implement comprehensive consumer protection systems... Recent studies have shown that the perceived lack of security is a major obstacle to the wider acceptance of e-commerce. To overcome this barrier, businesses need to implement comprehensive consumer protection systems that protect consumers during every stage of the purchasing process. This paper used the consumer behaviour model as the basis for analysing risks in Bussiness-to-Consumer (B2C) transactions. Four categories of risks were identified: information, agreement, payment and delivery risk. By combining these risk categories with the three dimensions of management, technology and legislation, a comprehensive B2C consumer protection framework is developed. 展开更多
关键词 Consumer Protection Business-to-Consumer. (B2C) E-COMMERCE Security Risk.
Corporate Governance Intelligence: Minority Shareholder's Aspects (Evidence From Ukraine)
作者 Tetiana Momot Oleksandr Vashchenko Nina Avanesova Anna Chudopal 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第4期210-218,共9页
The paper is devoted to the corporate governance intelligence system investigation as the part of the complex stakeholder-related approach to the corporate strategic intelligence system (CSIS). The special attention... The paper is devoted to the corporate governance intelligence system investigation as the part of the complex stakeholder-related approach to the corporate strategic intelligence system (CSIS). The special attention is given to the minority shareholders activism in the system of corporate governance. Some existing methods of abusing minority shareholders rights, made by joint-stock companies executives, are generalized. The recommendations for minority shareholder's rights protection are given. The necessity for the implementation of the stakeholders-oriented approach for the CSIS creation on the base of companies' security principles is substantiated. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance intelligence minority shareholders rights corporate governance financial and economic security system corporate strategic intelligence
论数据产品的财产权保护——评淘宝诉美景公司案 被引量:44
作者 徐海燕 袁泉 《法律适用》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第20期83-89,共7页
2018年8月16日,杭州互联网法院公开宣判了淘宝诉美景公司利用技术手段非法共享零售电商数据产品案,成为我国首起确认网络运营者对数据产品享有财产性权利的案例。本案首次明确了数据产品和用户信息、原始数据之间的界分,肯定了数据产品... 2018年8月16日,杭州互联网法院公开宣判了淘宝诉美景公司利用技术手段非法共享零售电商数据产品案,成为我国首起确认网络运营者对数据产品享有财产性权利的案例。本案首次明确了数据产品和用户信息、原始数据之间的界分,肯定了数据产品作为劳动成果应具有独立的财产性权益,对企业数据财产权保护具有重大意义。反不正当竞争法无法给予企业充分的数据权益保护。当前,数据产品已享有事实上的财产权地位,基于资源优化配置的客观需要和数据驱动型经济的发展趋势,法律应承认数据产品的财产权地位。企业在数据产品的生成过程中投入了巨大的努力和劳动,基于劳动值得理论应当享有财产权利。 展开更多
关键词 数据产品 数据财产权 网络运营者权益保护 劳动值得理论
Punitive Damages in China:Evolution and Application 被引量:1
作者 朱广新 Lin Wanping 《Social Sciences in China》 2015年第1期30-45,共16页
The revised Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers (Consumer Protection Law), which sums up nearly twenty years of the evolution of Chinese punitive damages regulations, sets out a model syst... The revised Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers (Consumer Protection Law), which sums up nearly twenty years of the evolution of Chinese punitive damages regulations, sets out a model system of punitive damages. These are in essence a special kind of penalty under a dual public-private legal system in which the punitive and deterrent functions of public law are realized through the mechanism of private law. Their application should be guided by the public law principle that the penalty should be proportionate to the offence. The question of whether the penalty is appropriate arises in the application of the two forms of punitive da^riages prescribed in the Consumer Protection Law--whether used separately or together, or in conjunction with or independently of fines or financial awards. The application of the new punitive damages regulations may overlap with the application of China's Food Safety Law and Tort Liability Law. 展开更多
关键词 consumer rights protection punitive damages aggravated tort FRAUD principleof proportional justice
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