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什么是金平县者米乡拉祜族的最佳生产经营方式?:者米拉祜族贫困问题研究 被引量:1
作者 王正友 《云南农村经济》 1999年第4期65-67,共3页
关键词 金平县 者米拉祜族 拉祜族地区 生产经营方式
作者 孙冬雪 《两岸关系》 2015年第6期37-38,共2页
米银军,汉族,生于1965年11月9日,四川省遂宁市船山区人,研究生学历,1985年7月参加工作,1995年11月加入中国共产党。现任遂宁市台办主任兼遂宁市台胞台属联谊会会长、遂宁市企业家联合会副会长。“全国五一劳动奖章”“四川省劳动模范奖... 米银军,汉族,生于1965年11月9日,四川省遂宁市船山区人,研究生学历,1985年7月参加工作,1995年11月加入中国共产党。现任遂宁市台办主任兼遂宁市台胞台属联谊会会长、遂宁市企业家联合会副会长。“全国五一劳动奖章”“四川省劳动模范奖章”“四川省五一劳动奖章”获得者,被四川省委、省政府评为第九批四川省有突出贡献的优秀经济专家。 展开更多
关键词 五一劳动奖章 企业家联合会 船山区 者米 五四奖章 张志军 引进投资 投资回收期 对台工作 城市形象
以色列雅典娜基金会捐赠数字设备 助力教师专业发展
作者 高玲慧 《世界教育信息》 2016年第7期77-77,共1页
据国际开放与远程教育协会(ICDE)网站2016年2月1日报道,日前,以色列雅典娜基金会宣布,该国最古老的农业学校——以色列米维克农业学校(Mikveh Israel)加入了为每名以色列教师捐赠笔记本电脑计划。该计划将为以色列米维克农业学校总... 据国际开放与远程教育协会(ICDE)网站2016年2月1日报道,日前,以色列雅典娜基金会宣布,该国最古老的农业学校——以色列米维克农业学校(Mikveh Israel)加入了为每名以色列教师捐赠笔记本电脑计划。该计划将为以色列米维克农业学校总部的教师提供笔记本电脑,另外包括120小时的专业培训。雅典娜基金会是2006年建立的非营利组织,致力于推动以色列教师赋权运动, 展开更多
关键词 农业学校 雅典娜 笔记本电脑 远程教育 Israel 数字设备 者米 自我实现
106、恩格斯反对工人自有住宅吗? 被引量:1
《中共山西省委党校学报》 1981年第Z1期194-195,共2页
恩格斯在《论住宅问题》中,批判了蒲鲁东主义者米柏格和扎克斯等人所提出的资产阶级和小资产阶级解决住宅问题的方案,特别是把住宅归工人自己所有的观点。目前,我们一些同志,以恩格斯的这篇著作为依据,反对职工自建住房,认为城市住房只... 恩格斯在《论住宅问题》中,批判了蒲鲁东主义者米柏格和扎克斯等人所提出的资产阶级和小资产阶级解决住宅问题的方案,特别是把住宅归工人自己所有的观点。目前,我们一些同志,以恩格斯的这篇著作为依据,反对职工自建住房,认为城市住房只能由国家包下来。一些同志不同意这种观点。 展开更多
关键词 住宅问题 城市住房 蒲鲁东主义 自建住房 者米 柏格 特定原因 住宅所有权 社会问题 鲁东
作者 陈泉忠 《武汉财会》 1988年第12期43-44,共2页
粮食储运企业的费用核算是按照粮食企业会计制度的规定,按照商品的流通费用项目进行分类核算的,而在实行承包经营之后,这种核算不便对责任者进行核算,而要求建立责任会计,以责任者为本位进行核算,这就要求财会人员在每一帐户下设立需要... 粮食储运企业的费用核算是按照粮食企业会计制度的规定,按照商品的流通费用项目进行分类核算的,而在实行承包经营之后,这种核算不便对责任者进行核算,而要求建立责任会计,以责任者为本位进行核算,这就要求财会人员在每一帐户下设立需要对责任进行考核的费用项目,即在每一个项目下设置责任者的明细帐,以直接考核各责任者在经营活动中所发生的直接责任费用,为评价和考核责任者业绩提供依据。按照这种形式设置帐户,会计人员的工作量太大,太复杂,对于责任者来说,费用发生了多少.不能及时了解。根据责任者所发生的费用按会计制度规定的项目汇总起来,等于这一项目的总费用。 展开更多
关键词 财会人员 会计制度规定 粮食企业会计 费用核算 费用项目 分类核算 粮食储运 形式设置 中所 者米
作者 何煜 《民族论坛》 北大核心 1994年第1期41-43,共3页
古丈县是一个“九山少水半分田”的少数民族聚居的出区贫困县,具有“老、少、边、穷、库”五大特点,由于历史和自然的原因,该县经济、文化落后特别是工农业生产基础设施薄弱,严重制约了全县经济的发展。自国务院在贫困地区实施以工代赈... 古丈县是一个“九山少水半分田”的少数民族聚居的出区贫困县,具有“老、少、边、穷、库”五大特点,由于历史和自然的原因,该县经济、文化落后特别是工农业生产基础设施薄弱,严重制约了全县经济的发展。自国务院在贫困地区实施以工代赈政策以来,县委、县政府紧紧抓住这一发展机遇,继续发扬自力更生、艰苦奋斗精神,积极争取上级以工代赈部门支持,充分利用本地资源,挖掘自身潜力,着眼经济、社会、生态三个效益。 展开更多
关键词 古丈县 艰苦奋斗精神 生产基础设施 分田 自身潜力 县政协副主席 干部会议 贪污挪用 者米 指挥机制
作者 顾洪谦 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 1992年第3期105-106,26,共3页
学生求知的过程,是一连串的“疑”获得发现和解决的过程。什么是“疑”?这里所说的“疑”包括如下涵义:(1)“未知”问题即学生不能靠现有的知识水平、现有的能力所能独立解决的问题,也就是我们平常所说的“疑难”,(2)似懂非懂、似能解... 学生求知的过程,是一连串的“疑”获得发现和解决的过程。什么是“疑”?这里所说的“疑”包括如下涵义:(1)“未知”问题即学生不能靠现有的知识水平、现有的能力所能独立解决的问题,也就是我们平常所说的“疑难”,(2)似懂非懂、似能解决但又不能完全解决的问题,也就是我们平常所说的“怀疑”;(3)教者为了使学生对某些知识点加深理解,有意识地设置出来的问题,即所谓“设疑”;(4)有待于商榷的问题,或是印刷上的错误。 展开更多
关键词 学语文 设疑 中学语文教师 初中语文课 备课过程 者米 挥手之间 智慧火花 应让 第斯多惠
作者 秦烨俐 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 1990年第2期32-36,共5页
唐代是中国古代文化艺术的黄金时代,诗歌和音乐均得到空前发展。纵观中国古代文艺研究,论及唐诗和唐乐发达之成因,每从社会原因和文学或音乐本身探究,殊不知,唐乐对唐诗的发展产生了巨大作用。同时,唐诗的辉煌成就也促进了唐乐的流传和... 唐代是中国古代文化艺术的黄金时代,诗歌和音乐均得到空前发展。纵观中国古代文艺研究,论及唐诗和唐乐发达之成因,每从社会原因和文学或音乐本身探究,殊不知,唐乐对唐诗的发展产生了巨大作用。同时,唐诗的辉煌成就也促进了唐乐的流传和繁荣。在唐代,诗乐交相辉映,在艺术天地里比翼双飞,形成互为特征、相为体用、两相亲合的发展态势。 展开更多
关键词 文艺研究 诗乐 艺术天地 《琵琶行》 听颖师弹琴 安万善 言志说 古代文化 缘情说 与歌者米嘉荣
《新课程研究(上旬)》 2016年第7期124-124,共1页
日前,以色列雅典娜基金会宣布,该国最古老的农业学校——以色列米维克农业学校(Mikveh Israel)加入了为每名以色列教师捐赠笔记本电脑计划。该计划将为以色列米维克农业学校总部的教师提供笔记本电脑,另外包括120小时的专业培训。雅... 日前,以色列雅典娜基金会宣布,该国最古老的农业学校——以色列米维克农业学校(Mikveh Israel)加入了为每名以色列教师捐赠笔记本电脑计划。该计划将为以色列米维克农业学校总部的教师提供笔记本电脑,另外包括120小时的专业培训。雅典娜基金会是2006年建立的非营利组织,致力于推动以色列教师赋权运动,给教师提供自我实现和专业提升的工具。雅典娜基金会会长暨创立者米瑞·本·阿瑞(Uri Ben-Ari)呼吁人们关注全球教师在数字化时代的角色转换。2016年,雅典娜基金会发布为每名以色列教师配备笔记本电脑的计划。 展开更多
关键词 雅典娜 农业学校 笔记本电脑 Israel 者米 数字设备 自我实现
作者 高靓 《基础教育论坛》 2012年第3Z期50-51,共2页
前不久,美国2011年国家年度教师奖获得者米歇尔.谢尔女士来到中国。作为获奖者的一项殊荣,年度教师在当选后的一年里会到美国国内与海外巡回交流,而中国是她的首个访问国。在美国国家年度教师奖合作伙伴美国国际人民交流大使集团的帮助... 前不久,美国2011年国家年度教师奖获得者米歇尔.谢尔女士来到中国。作为获奖者的一项殊荣,年度教师在当选后的一年里会到美国国内与海外巡回交流,而中国是她的首个访问国。在美国国家年度教师奖合作伙伴美国国际人民交流大使集团的帮助下,本报记者有机会和和谢尔女士进行了交流。 展开更多
关键词 谢尔 者米 普林斯顿大学 联邦教育部 先修课程 化学课 马里兰 考试分数 绩效责任 一脸茫然
Gastroesophageal reflux in cirrhotic patients without esophageal varices 被引量:5
作者 Jun Zhang Pei-Lin Cui Dong Lv Shi-Wei Yao You-Qing Xu Zhao-Xu Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第13期1753-1758,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the esophageal motility and abnormal acid and bile reflux incidence in cirrhotic patients without esophageal varices (EV). METHODS: Seventy-eight patients with liver cirrhosis without EV confirmed by ... AIM: To evaluate the esophageal motility and abnormal acid and bile reflux incidence in cirrhotic patients without esophageal varices (EV). METHODS: Seventy-eight patients with liver cirrhosis without EV confirmed by upper gastroesophageal endoscopy and 30 healthy control volunteers were prospectively enrolled in this study. All the patients were evaluated using a modified protocol including Child-Pugh score, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, esophageal manometry, simultaneous ambulatory 24-h esophageal pH and bilirubin monitoring. All the patients and volunteers accepted the manometric study. RESULTS: In the liver cirrhosis group, lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP, 15.32 ± 2.91 mmHg), peristaltic amplitude (PA, 61.41 ± 10.52 mmHg), peristaltic duration (PD, 5.32 ± 1.22 s), and peristaltic velocity (PV, 5.22 ± 1.11 cm/s) were all significantly abnormal in comparison with those in the control group (P < 0.05), and LESP was negatively correlated with Child-Pugh score. The incidence of reflux esophagitis (RE) and pathologic reflux was 37.18% and 55.13%, respectively(vs control, P < 0.05). And the incidence of isolated abnormal acid reflux, bile reflux and mixed reflux was 12.82%, 14.10% and 28.21% in patients with liver cirrhosis without EV. CONCLUSION: Cirrhotic patients without EV presented esophageal motor disorders and mixed acid and bile reflux was the main pattern; the cirrhosis itself was an important causative factor. 展开更多
关键词 Gastroesophageal reflux disease Liver cirrhosis Esophageal varices Esophageal manometry PH BILIRUBIN MONITORING
Inhibition of gastric perception of mild distention by omeprazole in volunteers 被引量:3
作者 Akihito Iida Hiroshi Kaneko +8 位作者 Toshihiro Konagaya Yasushi Funaki Kentaro Tokudome Shinya Izawa Yasuhiro Tamura Mari Mizuno Naotaka Ogasawara Makoto Sasaki Kunio Kasugai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第39期5576-5580,共5页
AIM: To evaluate the effects of omeprazole on gastric mechanosensitivity in humans. METHODS: A double lumen polyvinyl tube with a plas- tic bag was introduced into the stomach of healthy volunteers under fluorograph... AIM: To evaluate the effects of omeprazole on gastric mechanosensitivity in humans. METHODS: A double lumen polyvinyl tube with a plas- tic bag was introduced into the stomach of healthy volunteers under fluorography and connected to a barostat device. Subjects were then positioned so they were sitting comfortably, and the minimal distending pressure (MDP) was determined after a 30-rain adap- tation period. Isobaric distensions were performed in stepwise increments of 2 mmHg (2 min each) starting from the MDR Subjects were instructed to score feel- ings at the end of every step using a graphic rating scale: 0, no perception; 1, weak/vague; 2, weak but significant; 3, moderate/vague; 4, moderate but signifi- cant; 5, severe discomfort; and 6, unbearable pain. Af- ter this first test, subjects received omeprazole (20 mg, after dinner) once daily for 1 wk. A second test was performed on the last day of treatment. RESULTS: No adverse effects were observed. Mean MDP before and after treatment was 6.3 - 0.3 mmHg and 6.2:1:0.5 mmHg, respectively. One subject before and 2 after treatment did not reach a score of 6 at the maximum bag volume of 750 mL. After omeprazole, there was a significant increase in the distension pres- sure required to reach scores of 1 (P = 0.019) and 2 (P = 0.017) as compared to baseline. There were no changes in pressure required to reach the other scores after treatment. Two subjects before and one after omeprazole rated their abdominal feeling 〈 1 at MDP, and mean (±SE) abdominal discomfort scores at MDP were 0.13±0.09 and 0.04±0.04, respectively. Mean scores induced by each MDP + 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 (mmHg) were 1.1±0.3, 2.0±0.4, 2.9±0.5, 3.3±0.4, 4.6±0.3, 5.2±0.3, 5.5±0.2, 5.5±0.3, 5.7±0.3, and 5.4, respectively. After omepra- zole, abdominal feeling scores for the same incremen- tal pressures over MDP were 0.3±0.1, 0.8±0.1, 2.0±0.4, 2.8±0.4, 3.8±0.4, 4.6±0.4, 4.9±0.3, 5.4±0.4, 5.2±0.6, and 5.0±1.0, respectively. A signif- icant decrease in feeling score was observed at intra- bag pressures of MDP + 2 mmHg (P = 0.028) and + 4 mmHg (P = 0.013), respectively, after omeprazole. No significant score changes were observed at pres- sures ≥ MDP + 6 mmHg. CONCLUSION: Although the precise mechanisms are undetermined, the present study demonstrated that omeprazole decreases mechanosensitivity to mild gas- tric distension. 展开更多
关键词 Functional dyspepsia Acid exposure Ome-prazole Barostat test MECHANOSENSITIVITY
《冰雪运动》 1980年第1期16-17,共2页
芬兰队和苏联队在二月十八日的比赛中,双方都使用了四组前锋。芬兰队鲍尔瓦利、基马莱宁、列依洛宁、索拉尼耶密和哈巴莱宁最先出场。苏联队上场的则是最佳锋组,上届奥运会参加者米海洛夫、彼特洛夫、哈尔拉莫夫和两名年轻后卫费吉索夫... 芬兰队和苏联队在二月十八日的比赛中,双方都使用了四组前锋。芬兰队鲍尔瓦利、基马莱宁、列依洛宁、索拉尼耶密和哈巴莱宁最先出场。苏联队上场的则是最佳锋组,上届奥运会参加者米海洛夫、彼特洛夫、哈尔拉莫夫和两名年轻后卫费吉索夫(21岁)、卡萨托诺夫(20岁)。比赛开始,苏联队像往常一样,展开猛烈的攻势。 展开更多
关键词 区域防守 卡萨 拉尼 冰球运动 拉莫 世界锦标赛 者米 洛夫 战术体系 洛宁
Long-term effects of lamivudine treatment in Japanese chronic hepatitis B patients 被引量:3
作者 Masayuki Murata Norihiro Furusyo +5 位作者 Mami Unno Eiichi Ogawa Kazuhiro Toyoda Hiroaki Taniai Hachiro Ohnishi Jun Hayashi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第24期2945-2952,共8页
AIM: To analyze the association between the emergence of tyrosine-methionine-asparatate-asparatate (YMDD) mutants (reverse transcription; rtM204I/V) and deterioration of liver function during long-term lamivudine... AIM: To analyze the association between the emergence of tyrosine-methionine-asparatate-asparatate (YMDD) mutants (reverse transcription; rtM204I/V) and deterioration of liver function during long-term lamivudine treatment of Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. METHODS: The data of 61 consecutive Japanese pa- tients with chronic hepatitis B who underwent continu- ous lamivudine treatment for more than 24 mo and had a virological response were analyzed. Analysis of YMDD mutants was done by real-time polymerase chain reaction with LightCycler probe hybridization assay for up to 90 mo (mean, 50.8 too; range, 24-90 too).RESULTS: A mixed mutant-type (YMDD + tyrosine-iso- leucine-asparatate-asparatate: YIDD or tyrosine-valineasparatate-asparatate: YVDD) or a mutant-type (YIDD or YVDD) were found in 57.4% of 61 patients at i year, 78.7% of 61 patients at 2 years, 79.6% of 49 patients at 3 years, 70.5% of 34 patients at 4 years, 68.4% of 19 patients at 5 years, 57.1% of 14 patients at 6 years, and 33.3% of 6 patients at 7 years. Of the 61 patients, 56 (92%) had mixed mutant- or a mutant-type. Only 5 (8%) had no mutants at each observation point. Vi- rological breakthrough was found in 26 (46.4%) of 56 patients with YMDD mutants, 20 of whom had a hepa- titis flare-up: the remaining 30 (53.6%) had neither a virological breakthrough nor a flare-up. All 20 patients who developed a hepatitis flare-up had a biochemical and virological response after adefovir was added to the lamivudine treatment. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that it is possible to continue lamivudine treatment, even after the emergence of YMDD mutants, up to the time that the patients develop a hepatitis flare-up. 展开更多
关键词 Tyrosine-methionine-asparatate-asparatatemutant Hepatitis B virus LAMIVUDINE Drug resistance
Research on an International Marketing Strategy for Japanese Rice
作者 L. Kiminami A. Kiminami S. Furuzawa 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第1期8-20,共13页
This study aims to clarify the factors that form rice prices for different producing areas and brands in Japan, while ascertaining consumers' criteria in purchasing rice and their preference for taste in China, in or... This study aims to clarify the factors that form rice prices for different producing areas and brands in Japan, while ascertaining consumers' criteria in purchasing rice and their preference for taste in China, in order to establish the method to formulate an overseas marketing strategy for Japanese rice. 展开更多
关键词 International Marketing Strategy consumer behavior subjective and objective evaluation branding strategy Japanese rice China's consumer market.
Effect of amlodipine combined with telmisartan or compound amiloride on plasma ET-1 concentration and left ventricular diastolic function of essential hypertension patients with left ventricular hypertrophy 被引量:2
作者 YIN Yanrong WANG Xin +2 位作者 WANG Yaping ZHANG Yong TIAN Gang 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第6期345-354,共10页
Objective: To observe the effect of different combination antihypertensive therapies on plasma endothelin-1 (ET-1) concentration and left ventricular diastolic function of essential hypertension patients with left ... Objective: To observe the effect of different combination antihypertensive therapies on plasma endothelin-1 (ET-1) concentration and left ventricular diastolic function of essential hypertension patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) Methods: A total of 111 patients with essential hypertension were selected, including 60 cases (34 males, 26 females) aged (60.7±5.6) years with simple hypertension, and 51 cases (28 males, 23 females) aged (61.8±7.0) years with essential hypertension complicated with LVH. Essential hypertension patients with LVH were randomly divided into the group of amlodipine (2.5 mg/d) combined with telmisartan (40 mg/d, n=26) and the group of amlodipine (2.5 mg/d) combined with amiloride (half tablet/d, n=25),and the treatment lasted for 1 year. Echocardiography was performed before and after the treatment. Left ventricular mass index (LVMI), left ventricular isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) and other indicators were detected, and plasma ET-1 concentrations were measured for comparative analysis. And 56 patients (31 males, 25 females) aged (59.3±6.7) years with normal blood pressure in the same period in our hospital were selected as the normal control group. Results: The general clinical characteristics were similar between hypertensive LVH group, simple hypertensive group and normal healthy control group. Plasma ET-1 concentrations, LVMI and IVRT of hypertensive LVH group were significantly higher than those of normal control group and simple hypertension group, and the difference was statistically significant. The patients' baseline blood pressure, ET-1, LVMI, interventricular septal thickness (IVST), left ventricular posterior wall thickness (LVPWT), left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDd) and other clinical parameters showed no significant difference (P〉0.05) between the group of amlodipine combined with telmisartan and the group of amlodipine combined with amiloride. It was found that compared with that before treatment, blood pressure could be effectively controlled (P〈0.05), and LVMI, IVST, LVPWT and IVRT (P〈0.05) were all lowered, and ET-1 (P〈0.01) was significantly reduced after 1 year of antihypertensive therapy in both the group of amlodipine combined with telmisartan and the group of amlodipine combined with amiloride. The group of amlodipine combined with telmisartan was better in lowering blood pressure and reducing LVMI, IVST, LVPWT, IVRT and ET-1 than the group of amlodipine combined with amiloride (P〈0.05). Conelus|on: Amlodipine-based combination antthypertensive therapy could reverse LVH and improve left ventricular diastolic function partly by lowering blood pressure and ET-1, and the effect of amlodipine combined with telmisartan was superior to that ofamlodipine combined with amiloride 展开更多
关键词 HYPERTENSION Left ventricular hypertrophy ENDOTHELIN-1 Left ventricular diastolic function
Lower esophageal sphincter relaxation is impaired in older patients with dysphagia
作者 Laura K Besanko Carly M Burgstad +4 位作者 Reme Mountifi eld Jane M Andrews Richard Heddle Helen Checklin Robert JL Fraser 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第10期1326-1331,共6页
AIM: To characterize the effects of age on the mechanisms underlying the common condition of esophageal dysphagia in older patients, using detailed manometric analysis. METHODS: A retrospective case-control audit was ... AIM: To characterize the effects of age on the mechanisms underlying the common condition of esophageal dysphagia in older patients, using detailed manometric analysis. METHODS: A retrospective case-control audit was performed on 19 patients aged ≥ 80 years (mean age 85 ± 0.7 year) who underwent a manometric study for dysphagia (2004-2009). Data were compared with 19 younger dysphagic patients (32 ± 1.7 years). Detailed manometric analysis performed prospectively included basal lower esophageal sphincter pressure (BLESP), pre-swallow and nadir LESP, esophageal body pressures and peristaltic duration, during water swallows (5 mL) in right lateral (RL) and upright (UR) postures and with solids. Data are mean ± SE; a P-value < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Elderly dysphagic patients had higher BLESP than younger patients (23.4 ± 3.8 vs 14.9 ± 1.2 mmHg; P < 0.05). Pre-swallow LESP was elevated in the elderly in both postures (RL: 1 and 4 s P = 0.019 and P = 0.05; UR: P < 0.05 and P = 0.05) and solids (P < 0.01). In older patients, LES nadir pressure was higher with liquids (RL: 2.3 ± 0.6 mmHg vs 0.7 ± 0.6 mmHg, P < 0.05; UR: 3.5 ± 0.9 mmHg vs 1.6 ± 0.5 mmHg, P = 0.01) with shorter relaxation after solids (7.9 ± 1.5 s vs 9.7 ± 0.4 s, P = 0.05). No age-related differences were seen in esophageal body pressures or peristalsis duration. CONCLUSION: Basal LES pressure is elevated and swallow-induced relaxation impaired in elderly dysphagic patients. Its contribution to dysphagia and the effects of healthy ageing require further investigation. 展开更多
关键词 DYSPHAGIA ELDERLY Esophageal Motility Lower Esophageal Sphincter AGING
Clinical outcome and predictors of survival after TIPS insertion in patients with liver cirrhosis 被引量:17
作者 Hauke S Heinzow Philipp Lenz +5 位作者 Michael Khler Frank Reinecke Hansjrg Ullerich Wolfram Domschke Dirk Domagk Tobias Meister 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第37期5211-5218,共8页
AIM: To determine the clinical outcome and predictors of survival after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt (TIPS) implantation in cirrhotic patients. METHODS: Eighty-one patients with liver cirrho... AIM: To determine the clinical outcome and predictors of survival after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt (TIPS) implantation in cirrhotic patients. METHODS: Eighty-one patients with liver cirrhosis and consequential portal hypertension had TIPS implanta- tion (bare metal) for either refractory ascites (RA) (n = 27) or variceal bleeding (VB) (n = 54). Endpoints for the study were: technical success, stent occlusion and stent stenosis, rebleeding, RA and mortality. Clini- cal records of patients were collected and analysed. Baseline characteristics [e.g., age, sex, CHILD score and the model for end-stage liver disease score (MELD score), underlying disease] were retrieved. The Kaplan- Meier method was employed to calculate survival from the time of TIPS implantation and comparisons were made by log rank test. A multivariate analysis of factors influencing survival was carried out using the Cox pro- portional hazards regression model. Results were ex- pressed as medians and ranges. Comparisons between groups were performed by using the Mann-Whitney U-test and the4,2 test as appropriate. RESULTS: No difference could be seen in terms of age, sex, underlying disease or degree of portal pressure gradient (PPG) reduction between the ascites and the bleeding group. The PPG significantly decreased from 23.4 ± 5.3 mmHg (VB) vs 22.1± 5.5 mmHg (RA) be- fore TIPS to 11.8 ±4.0 vs 11.7 ± 4.2 after TIPS im- plantation (P = 0.001 within each group). There was a tendency towards more patients with stage CHILD A in the bleeding group compared to the ascites group (24 vs 6, P = 0.052). The median survival for the ascites group was 29 mo compared to 〉 60 mo for the bleed- ing group (P = 0.009). The number of radiological con- trols for stent patency was 6.3 for bleeders and 3.8 for ascites patients (P = 0.029). Kaplan-Meier calculation indicated that stent occlusion at first control (P = 0.027), ascites prior to TIPS implantation (P = 0.009), CHILD stage (P = 0.013), MELD score (P = 0.001) and those patients not having undergone liver transplantation (P = 0.024) were significant predictors of survival. In the Cox regression model, stent occlusion (P = 0.022), RA (P = 0.043), CHILD stage (P = 0.015) and MELD score (P = 0.004) turned out to be independent prognostic factors of survival. The anticoagulation management (P = 0.097), the porto-systemic pressure gradient (P= 0.460) and rebleeding episodes (P = 0.765) had no significant effect on the overall survival. CONCLUSION: RA, stent occlusion, initial CHILD stage and MELD score are independent predictors of survival in patients with TIPS, speaking for a close follow-up in these circumstances. 展开更多
关键词 Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemicstent shunt Liver cirrhosis ASCITES Gastrointestinalhemorrhage Treatment outcome
Brain Chemistry of Hyper-information, Hyper-thinking and Hyper-consciousness
作者 Aibassov Yerkin Nakisbekov Narymzhan +1 位作者 Bulenbaev Maxat Alzhanuly Bakhytzhan 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2018年第1期38-40,共3页
The authors propose a new approach to the theory of Spin-Boson and Spin-Fermion Topological Model of Consciousness. The authors have studied and proposed new concepts: hyper-information and hyper-thinking and hyper-c... The authors propose a new approach to the theory of Spin-Boson and Spin-Fermion Topological Model of Consciousness. The authors have studied and proposed new concepts: hyper-information and hyper-thinking and hyper-consciousness. 展开更多
关键词 Hyper-information hyper-thinking hyper-consciousness magnetic field.
De novo combination therapy with lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil in chronic hepatitis B patients 被引量:12
作者 Xiao-Hong Fan Jian-Zhang Geng Li-Fen Wang Ying-Ying Zheng Hai-Ying Lu Jing Li Xiao-Yuan Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第43期4804-4809,共6页
AIM:To investigate the appropriate time for combination therapy in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B(CHB) patients with decompensated cirrhosis.METHODS:Thirty HBeAg positive CHB patients with decompensated cirrhosis ... AIM:To investigate the appropriate time for combination therapy in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B(CHB) patients with decompensated cirrhosis.METHODS:Thirty HBeAg positive CHB patients with decompensated cirrhosis were enrolled in the study.All of the patients were given 48 wk combination therapy with lamivudine(LAM) and adefovir dipivoxil(ADV) .Briefly,10 patients were given the de novo combination therapy with LAM and ADV,whereas the other 20 patients received ADV in addition to LAM after hepatitis B virus(HBV) genetic mutation.RESULTS:Serum alanine aminotransferase and total bilirubin were both improved in the two groups at 4,12,24 and 48 wk after treatment.Serum albumin was also improved at 24 and 48 wk after combination therapy in both groups.The serum HBV DNA level wasstill detectable in every patient in the two groups at 4 and 12 wk after combination treatment.However,in the de novo combination group,serum HBV DNA levels in 4(40%) and 9(90%) patients was decreased to below 1×10 3 copies/mL at 24 and 48 wk after the combination treatment,respectively.In parallel,serum HBV DNA levels in 2(20%) and 8(40%) patients in the add-on combination group became undetectable at 24 and 48 wk after combination treatment,respectively.Furthermore,6(60%) patients in the de novo combination group achieved HBeAg seroconversion after 48 wk treatment,whereas only 4(20%) patients in the add-on combination group achieved seroconversion.Child-Pugh score of patients in the de novo combination group was better than that of patients in the add-on combination group after 48 wk treatment.Moreover,patients in the de novo combination group had a significantly decreased serum creatinine level and elevated red blood cell counts.CONCLUSION:De novo combination therapy with LAM and ADV was better than add-on combination therapy in terms of Child-Pugh score,virus inhibition and renal function. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B Chronic Cirrhosis Decompensated De novo combination Lamivudine Adefovir dipivoxil
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