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近30年长江中下游平原典型区耕地覆盖变化 被引量:2
作者 常潇 肖鹏峰 +3 位作者 冯学智 张学良 杨永可 冯威丁 《国土资源遥感》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期170-176,共7页
以长江中下游平原苏皖边界的10个县市为研究区,利用1984,1990,1995,2000,2005和2010年6期的TM/ETM+图像提取土地覆盖信息,从时间和空间2个方面研究耕地覆盖变化。结果表明:①从时间变化来看,研究区近30 a耕地总体呈减少趋势,经历了快速... 以长江中下游平原苏皖边界的10个县市为研究区,利用1984,1990,1995,2000,2005和2010年6期的TM/ETM+图像提取土地覆盖信息,从时间和空间2个方面研究耕地覆盖变化。结果表明:①从时间变化来看,研究区近30 a耕地总体呈减少趋势,经历了快速减少、缓慢减少和急剧减少3个过程,1984—1990年、1990—2000年及2000—2010年耕地分别减少了374.10 km2,66.09 km2及1 724.33 km2,主要表现为城镇和水体侵占耕地,但林地开垦使耕地增加;②从空间变化上看,沿江城市周围大面积耕地转变为建设用地,以1984年的南京市区、马鞍山市区和芜湖市区为主,且城镇化速度在加快;1990年以来沿石臼湖和固城湖周边地区的部分耕地转变成养殖塘,其西部地区转换较频繁;1984—2000年耕地沿山体和耕地交界处增加,2000年之后又因实施退耕还林和营造经济林而有所减少。 展开更多
关键词 长江中下游平原 耕地覆盖 遥感 时空变化特征
基于聚落考古信息的中国北方农牧交错带东段历史耕地覆盖格网化重建 被引量:3
作者 吴致蕾 方修琦 叶瑜 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1238-1248,共11页
中国北方农牧交错带是半农半牧、时农时牧的地带,此类区域因其独特自然环境和社会经济发展过程,准确地重建耕地覆盖难度较大。采用能够指示农业活动时空位置的考古遗址信息重建历史耕地覆盖,是提高此类区域耕地覆盖重建结果可靠性的有... 中国北方农牧交错带是半农半牧、时农时牧的地带,此类区域因其独特自然环境和社会经济发展过程,准确地重建耕地覆盖难度较大。采用能够指示农业活动时空位置的考古遗址信息重建历史耕地覆盖,是提高此类区域耕地覆盖重建结果可靠性的有效途径之一。本研究选择位于中国北方农牧交错带带宽最大的东段作为研究区,使用聚落考古信息与历史文献重建了辽、金、元、明4个时期5′×5′的耕地覆盖变化。结论如下:(1)从辽代至明代,研究区耕地面积总量减少了98.0%,元明时期的耕地显著少于辽金时期,表明该区发生了从半农半牧到牧业的根本转变。(2)辽代耕地分布范围最大,金代耕地分布范围有所缩小,辽金时期均呈现“插花式”的分布格局,元代耕地分布范围急剧缩减,至明代仅有零星耕地分布。(3)研究区耕地覆盖变化受气候变化和人文因素的双重影响。辽金时期,气候相对温暖湿润,统治者重视农业发展;元明时期,气候寒冷干燥,民族习惯以牧为主。基于聚落考古信息重建的历史时期耕地覆盖,不仅再现了该区域“插花式”的耕地分布格局,还刻画了该区由农转牧的土地利用变化过程。 展开更多
关键词 LUCC 聚落考古 历史耕地覆盖 格网化重建 中国北方农牧交错带
19世纪末黑龙江省的耕地覆盖重建 被引量:17
作者 张丽娟 姜蓝齐 +2 位作者 张学珍 张安康 姜春艳 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期448-458,共11页
揭示过去100年尺度上的土地利用/覆盖变化是认识人类活动对气候和环境影响的基础。本文在充分吸收既有成果的基础上,利用历史文献中的县(府、州、厅)级耕地面积记录,通过构建综合聚落、地形和水系信息的垦殖倾向指数模型,在1 km×1... 揭示过去100年尺度上的土地利用/覆盖变化是认识人类活动对气候和环境影响的基础。本文在充分吸收既有成果的基础上,利用历史文献中的县(府、州、厅)级耕地面积记录,通过构建综合聚落、地形和水系信息的垦殖倾向指数模型,在1 km×1 km像元尺度上重建了黑龙江省19世纪末的耕地覆盖,并与基于卫星遥感反演的2009年的耕地覆盖进行了对比。结果表明,黑龙江省19世纪末的耕地总面积为25397.00 km^2,主要分布于中南部,其中在海伦市、巴彦县、五常市、呼兰区、双城市、望奎县有集中分布;2009年的耕地面积为163808.70 km^2,广布于西南部、中南部和东北部。20世纪期间,黑龙江省耕地面积增加了138411.70 km^2,与之对应,垦殖率由5.60%增加至36.20%,增幅为30.6%。这意味着,20世纪农业开垦改变了黑龙江省30.6%的自然地表性质,其中,大约60962.00 km^2(约占新增耕地的44.00%)来自对森林的开垦,这部分新增耕地主要出现在东北部和西部边缘地区。本文的重建结果为进一步研究20世纪农业垦殖的气候、生态和环境效应提供了高分辨率的基础数据。 展开更多
关键词 黑龙江省 耕地覆盖 19世纪末 垦殖倾向指数
生态建筑的革命——农作物覆盖下的城市住宅 被引量:2
作者 苗健 《中外建筑》 2007年第11期49-52,共4页
关键词 城市扩建占用土地 耕地覆盖下的低能耗住宅 屋顶上的春华秋实 都市生态农业 田园生活健身乐园
Dynamic of Chinas cultivated land and landcover changes of its typical regions based on remote sensing data 被引量:1
作者 张佳华 董文杰 +2 位作者 王长耀 刘纪远 姚凤梅 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期183-186,210,共5页
Using the multi-temporal Landsat data and survey data of national resources, the authors studied the dynamics of cultivated land and landcover changes of typical ecological regions in China. The results of investigati... Using the multi-temporal Landsat data and survey data of national resources, the authors studied the dynamics of cultivated land and landcover changes of typical ecological regions in China. The results of investigation showed that the whole distribution of the cultivated land shifted to Northeast and Northwest China, and as a result, the ecological quality of cultivated land dropped down. The seacoast and cultivated land in the area of Yellow River Mouth expanded by an increasing rate of 0.73 kma-1, with a depositing rate of 2.1 kma-1. The desertification area of the dynamic of Horqin Sandy Land increased from 60.02% of the total land area in1970s to 64.82% in1980s but decreased to 54.90% in early 1990s. As to the change of North Tibet lakes, the water area of the Namu Lake decreased by 38.58 km2 from year 1970 to 1988, with a decreasing rate of 2.14 km2a-1. 展开更多
关键词 Remote sensing data Cultivated land Landcover change Typical ecological regions China
耕地硬覆盖破坏程度划分标准研究——以沈阳市为例 被引量:3
作者 董秀茹 慕哲哲 +2 位作者 王秋兵 杨紫千 孙福军 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期26-30,共5页
耕地硬覆盖破坏是耕地破坏较常见的一种类型,研究耕地硬覆盖破坏程度划分标准,可以为完善耕地破坏鉴定标准和办法提供理论支持,也可以为管理部门开展耕地破坏鉴定实践工作提供一定参考。本文基于耕地硬覆盖破坏的内涵与形式,从耕地硬覆... 耕地硬覆盖破坏是耕地破坏较常见的一种类型,研究耕地硬覆盖破坏程度划分标准,可以为完善耕地破坏鉴定标准和办法提供理论支持,也可以为管理部门开展耕地破坏鉴定实践工作提供一定参考。本文基于耕地硬覆盖破坏的内涵与形式,从耕地硬覆盖破坏对耕地种植条件尤其是土壤条件的影响及硬覆盖耕地恢复难易程度两个角度,以硬覆盖层性质、硬覆盖层厚度为划分指标,将耕地硬覆盖破坏程度划分为轻度破坏、中度破坏和重度破坏三种。研究结果表明:在沈阳地区,耕地表层土壤压实,无实质硬覆盖层者,属轻度破坏;硬覆盖层具有一定透水、透气性,不与表层土壤粘结,厚度小于10cm者,属中度破坏;硬覆盖层不具有透水、透气性,与表层土壤粘结,厚度大于或等于10cm者,属于重度破坏。 展开更多
关键词 耕地破坏 耕地破坏鉴定 耕地覆盖破坏 耕地破坏鉴定标准
Reconstructing Spatial Distribution of Historical Cropland in China′s Traditional Cultivated Region: Methods and Case Study 被引量:4
作者 YANG Xuhong GUO Beibei +2 位作者 JIN Xiaobin LONG Ying ZHOU Yinkang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期629-643,共15页
As an important part of land use/cover change(LUCC), historical LUCC in long time series attracts much more attention from scholars. Currently, based on the view of combining the overall control of cropland area and ... As an important part of land use/cover change(LUCC), historical LUCC in long time series attracts much more attention from scholars. Currently, based on the view of combining the overall control of cropland area and ′top-down′ decision-making behaviors, here are two global historical land-use datasets, generally referred as the Sustainability and the Global Environment datasets(SAGE datasets) and History Database of the Global Environment datasets(HYDE datasets). However, at the regional level, these global datasets have coarse resolutions and inevitable errors. Considering various factors that influenced cropland distribution, including cropland connectivity and the limitation of natural and human factors, this study developed a reconstruction model of historical cropland based on constrained Cellular Automaton(CA) of ′bottom-up′. Then, an available labor force index is used as a proxy for the amount of cropland to inspect and calibrate these spatial patterns. Applied the reconstruction model to Shandong Province, we reconstructed its spatial distribution of cropland during 8 periods. The reconstructed results show that: 1) it is properly suitable for constrained CA to simulate and reconstruct the spatial distribution of cropland in traditional cultivated region of China; 2) compared with ′SAGE datasets′ and ′HYDE datasets′, this study have formed higher-resolution Boolean spatial distribution datasets of historical cropland with a more definitive concept of spatial pattern in terms of fractional format. 展开更多
关键词 traditional cultivated region historical cropland reconstruction constrained Cellular Automaton (CA) Shandong Province
基于自然地理要素的全球土地宜垦性数据集的研发 被引量:2
作者 张成鹏 叶瑜 方修琦 《全球变化数据学报(中英文)》 CSCD 2022年第3期386-394,V0386-V0394,共18页
基于自然地理要素构建的土地宜垦性数据是历史耕地格网化空间分配研究中重要的基础数据,其合理性直接影响着格网化结果的可靠性。在已有相关研究中,假设某一自然地理要素在全球或洲际等宏观尺度以同一线性关系影响宜垦性大小,存在较大... 基于自然地理要素构建的土地宜垦性数据是历史耕地格网化空间分配研究中重要的基础数据,其合理性直接影响着格网化结果的可靠性。在已有相关研究中,假设某一自然地理要素在全球或洲际等宏观尺度以同一线性关系影响宜垦性大小,存在较大不合理性。本研究在0.5°×0.5°格网单元下辨识了全球陆地(除南极洲)范围内气候、土壤、地形等13个自然地理要素与现代垦殖率的相关性,分区遴选与现代垦殖率显著相关的自然地理要素综合构建了全球土地宜垦性数据。结果可作为全球或洲际等大尺度历史耕地格网化空间分配研究中的一项基础数据。该数据由4个数据文件组成,以.img格式存储,空间分辨率为5′×5′,数据量为38.7 MB(压缩为1个文件,3.55 MB)。 展开更多
关键词 自然地理要素 耕地覆盖 空间分异 相关性 宜垦性
Responses of Runoff and Soil Erosion to Vegetation Removal and Tillage on Steep Lands 被引量:4
作者 XU Qing-Xue WANG Tian-Wei +3 位作者 CAI Chong-Fa LI Zhao-Xia SHI Zhi-Hua FANG Rong-Jie 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期532-541,共10页
Land use and land cover change is a key driver of environmental change. To investigate the runoff and erosion responses to frequent land use change on the steep lands in the Three Gorges area, China, a rainfall simula... Land use and land cover change is a key driver of environmental change. To investigate the runoff and erosion responses to frequent land use change on the steep lands in the Three Gorges area, China, a rainfall simulation experiment was conducted in plots randomly selected at a Sloping Land Conversion Program site with three soil surface conditions: existing vegetation cover, vegetation removal, and freshly hoed. Simulated rainfall was applied at intensities of 60 (low), 90 (medium), and 120 mm h 1 (high) in each plot. The results indicated that vegetation removal and hoeing significantly changed runoff generation. The proportion of subsurface runoff in the total runoff decreased from 30.3% to 6.2% after vegetation removal. In the hoed plots, the subsurface runoff comprised 29.1% of the total runoff under low-intensity rainfall simulation and the proportion rapidly decreased with increasing rainfall intensity. Vegetation removal and tillage also significantly increased soil erosion. The average soil erosion rates from the vegetation removal and hoed plots were 3.0 and 10.2 times larger than that in the existing vegetation cover plots, respectively. These identified that both the runoff generation mechanism and soil erosion changed as a consequence of altering land use on steep lands. Thus, conservation practices with maximum vegetation cover and minimum tillage should be used to reduce surface runoff and soil erosion on steep lands. 展开更多
关键词 runoff generation sloping land subsurface runoff surface runoff vegetation cover
Effects of Bahia Grass Cover and Mulch on Runoff and Sediment Yield of Sloping Red Soil in Southern China 被引量:14
作者 LI Xin-Hu ZHANG Zhan-Yu +2 位作者 YANG Jie ZHANG Guo-Hua WANG Bin 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期238-243,共6页
Rainfall,runoff (surface runoff,interflow and groundwater runoff) and soil loss from 5 m × 15 m plots were recorded for 5 years (2001-2005) in an experiment with three treatments (cover,mulch and bare ground) on ... Rainfall,runoff (surface runoff,interflow and groundwater runoff) and soil loss from 5 m × 15 m plots were recorded for 5 years (2001-2005) in an experiment with three treatments (cover,mulch and bare ground) on sloping red soil in southern China.Surface runoff and erosion from the Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) cover plot (A) and mulch plot (B) during the 5 years were low,despite the occurrence of potentially erosive rains.In contrast,the bare plot (C) had both the highest surface runoff coefficient and the highest sediment yield.There were significant differences in interflow and surface runoff and no significant difference in groundwater runoff among plots.The runoff coefficients and duration of interflow and groundwater runoff were in the order plot B > plot A > plot C.Effects of Bahia grass cover were excellent,indicating that the use of Bahia grass cover can be a simple and feasible practice for soil and water conservation on sloping red soil in the region. 展开更多
关键词 groundwater runoff INTERFLOW LYSIMETER soil properties surface runoff
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