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作者 徐娇 胡捷 +3 位作者 姚松 李家春 陶猛 曹文康 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期2273-2285,共13页
为了满足夹层板结构轻质及隔声性能优化需求,提出了一种基于线性材料插值模型的三场浮动投影动力学拓扑优化方法,进行夹层板结构声振耦合拓扑优化设计。首先,结合混合位移/声压(u/p)有限元格式和线性材料插值模型,解决多场耦合界面依赖... 为了满足夹层板结构轻质及隔声性能优化需求,提出了一种基于线性材料插值模型的三场浮动投影动力学拓扑优化方法,进行夹层板结构声振耦合拓扑优化设计。首先,结合混合位移/声压(u/p)有限元格式和线性材料插值模型,解决多场耦合界面依赖性问题和低密度区域局部模态问题;其次,面向三维轻质夹层板结构声振耦合特性,建立以隔声性能最大化为目标,轻量化体积分数为约束的优化范式;第三,依托阻抗管隔声性能试验场景,对三维夹层板结构有限元数值模型进行拓扑优化设计,并结合阻抗管试验验证方法的准确性和有效性;最后,将所得优化构型与常见夹层板构型的隔声性能进行对比。研究结果表明:采用所提方法可获得性能优越的新颖拓扑构型,1100~1300 Hz优化目标频段对应的优化目标隔声性能即传声损失总值从197.62 dB提升到205.09 dB,且数值仿真结果与试验结果吻合良好。在结构同等质量下,优化目标频段拓扑构型的隔声量性能优于常见开孔/闭孔矩形蜂窝状、蜘蛛网状夹层板结构的隔声量性能。 展开更多
关键词 轻质夹层板结构 声振耦合拓扑优化 浮动投影函数 隔声性能 阻抗管隔声试验
针对注塑成型随形冷却的流热力耦合拓扑优化方法研究 被引量:1
作者 于明豪 黄菀清 +3 位作者 李征 阮诗伦 刘春太 申长雨 《计算力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期505-511,共7页
注塑成型在塑料工业生产中占据重要地位,注塑模具的散热能力影响着塑料制品的生产效率以及产品质量。本文基于变密度拓扑优化方法,以最小化结构平均温度为目标,研究了注塑模具冷却管道的拓扑优化问题。由于在注塑成型过程中模具会受到... 注塑成型在塑料工业生产中占据重要地位,注塑模具的散热能力影响着塑料制品的生产效率以及产品质量。本文基于变密度拓扑优化方法,以最小化结构平均温度为目标,研究了注塑模具冷却管道的拓扑优化问题。由于在注塑成型过程中模具会受到注塑机施加的克服塑件胀模力的巨大锁模力,故本文还将模具结构承载性能作为优化的评价指标。最终基于开源平台OpenFOAM对此三维流-热-力耦合拓扑优化问题进行求解,得到了具有制造可行性的冷却管道设计。 展开更多
关键词 流热力耦合拓扑优化 注塑成型冷却管道 散热器设计
小型化双层基片集成波导盒型耦合拓扑滤波器设计 被引量:2
作者 刘庆 刘宝亮 +3 位作者 张德伟 李建兵 魏进进 刘起坤 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期2668-2677,共10页
针对微波滤波器小型化、高性能的应用需求,首先分析了单腔双模和双腔单模谐振器组合型滤波器等效耦合拓扑的特性,然后提出了三种双层单腔双模和双腔单模基片集成波导谐振器组合的带通滤波器结构,它们等效为盒型耦合拓扑,但具有不同的对... 针对微波滤波器小型化、高性能的应用需求,首先分析了单腔双模和双腔单模谐振器组合型滤波器等效耦合拓扑的特性,然后提出了三种双层单腔双模和双腔单模基片集成波导谐振器组合的带通滤波器结构,它们等效为盒型耦合拓扑,但具有不同的对角交叉耦合路径.两个单模谐振器位于上层介质板,并分别与输入输出馈线相连;双模谐振器位于下层介质板,并通过中间金属层上的槽线与单模谐振器耦合.详细分析了旁路耦合、磁耦合和频变耦合提供对角耦合路径时,滤波器特性及传输零点位置的可控性.最后设计了两个中心频率为7.5 GHz、带宽为240 MHz的带通滤波器,并进行加工和测试.测试和仿真结果一致性较好,验证了双层单腔双模和双腔单模基片集成波导滤波器结构的可行性. 展开更多
关键词 带通滤波器 盒型耦合拓扑 基片集成波导 双层结构 双模谐振器 频变耦合
基于相邻-非相邻耦合的小型化微带带通滤波器 被引量:1
作者 饶晓红 倪飘 +2 位作者 金海焱 黄涛 黄永茂 《电子技术应用》 2018年第7期11-14,共4页
提出了一种小型化微带带通滤波器,包含4个折叠阶梯阻抗谐振器。与传统均匀阻抗谐振器和阶梯阻抗谐振器相比,折叠阶梯阻抗谐振器充分利用其所占电路区域,可节约近50%的电路尺寸。由于同时存在相邻和非相邻耦合,该滤波器中可构建起3组不... 提出了一种小型化微带带通滤波器,包含4个折叠阶梯阻抗谐振器。与传统均匀阻抗谐振器和阶梯阻抗谐振器相比,折叠阶梯阻抗谐振器充分利用其所占电路区域,可节约近50%的电路尺寸。由于同时存在相邻和非相邻耦合,该滤波器中可构建起3组不同的交叉耦合路径对,以产生3个不同的传输零点,从而有效提高滤波器的选择性和阻带宽度。滤波器样品的仿真与实测结果吻合良好,其过渡带滚降速度达100 dB/GHz,且抑制度优于33 dBc时的阻带达11.5 GHz。与一些同类工作相比,该滤波器的相对电尺寸缩减23%,满足微波电路的小型化需求。 展开更多
关键词 耦合拓扑 带通滤波器 阶梯阻抗谐振器
作者 李刚 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期332-337,共6页
为了解决频变耦合双工器的快速综合问题,提出了一种耦合矩阵优化综合方法.该方法分通道滤波器综合和优化两个阶段.首先应用推导的双工器特征多项式迭代求解出各通道滤波器的特征多项式,并应用耦合矩阵综合法计算出各通道滤波器的规范耦... 为了解决频变耦合双工器的快速综合问题,提出了一种耦合矩阵优化综合方法.该方法分通道滤波器综合和优化两个阶段.首先应用推导的双工器特征多项式迭代求解出各通道滤波器的特征多项式,并应用耦合矩阵综合法计算出各通道滤波器的规范耦合矩阵.然后,根据指定的频变耦合拓扑结构,优化逼近规范耦合矩阵.最后,反归一化双工器的频变耦合矩阵得到最终设计参数.电路仿真结果与理论综合结果一致,表明了所提方法的正确性和有效性.该频变耦合双工器快速综合方法保持了较好的通带等波纹特性,且可以根据设计需要,任意指定各通道滤波器的频变耦合拓扑结构. 展开更多
关键词 耦合矩阵 耦合拓扑 频变耦合 双工器 传输零点 仿真优化
宽带低相噪双核压控振荡器 被引量:1
作者 廖一龙 张浩 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期80-84,共5页
基于同相耦合拓扑结构,分析并设计了一款双核压控振荡器(VCO)。该电路通过将两个相同VCO核的输出同相相连,实现了在不降低谐振腔Q值和输出信号幅度的前提下,将谐振腔的有效电感值减小一半,从而降低了输出信号的相位噪声。该芯片采用TPS ... 基于同相耦合拓扑结构,分析并设计了一款双核压控振荡器(VCO)。该电路通过将两个相同VCO核的输出同相相连,实现了在不降低谐振腔Q值和输出信号幅度的前提下,将谐振腔的有效电感值减小一半,从而降低了输出信号的相位噪声。该芯片采用TPS 65 nm RFSOI CMOS工艺制造,包括焊盘在内的芯片面积为1.04 mm~2。测试结果表明,该VCO可以在8.600~12.148 GHz (34.2%)的宽频带范围内连续工作,并在8.841 GHz处测试的相位噪声为-108.63 dBc/Hz@1 MHz。当电源电压为1.2 V且不考虑测试缓冲器时,该双核VCO消耗电流为9.2~11.1 m A,对应含调谐范围的优值(FOM_T)为-183.39~-187.13 d Bc/Hz。 展开更多
关键词 双核压控振荡器 同相耦合拓扑结构 低相噪 宽频带
磁谐振耦合式AGV无线充电装置设计 被引量:1
作者 陈天牧 张皓 +2 位作者 卻银槐 陈昀 王博丰 《北京印刷学院学报》 2018年第11期95-98,共4页
针对目前自动导引车(AGV,Automated Guided Vehicle)有线充电存在安全性低、智能化不足及环境要求高等问题,设计了一种AGV无线充电装置。为了满足AGV充电的容量需求,装置中设计了新型软开关式直流斩波电路,使输出电压峰值范围可调。采... 针对目前自动导引车(AGV,Automated Guided Vehicle)有线充电存在安全性低、智能化不足及环境要求高等问题,设计了一种AGV无线充电装置。为了满足AGV充电的容量需求,装置中设计了新型软开关式直流斩波电路,使输出电压峰值范围可调。采用了一种磁耦合谐振式拓扑结构进行非接触式电能传输,分析无线电能传输中传输距离、传输效率及频率三者之间的关系,增加了无线充电时电池与充电电源的最大有效距离。实验证明该装置在20cm的距离可实现460W的AGV无线充电。 展开更多
关键词 无线充电 软开关 直流斩波 耦合谐振式拓扑结构
基于1/2和1/4波长谐振器的三阶微带带通滤波器 被引量:3
作者 肖飞 唐小宏 +1 位作者 王玲 吴涛 《中国科技论文在线》 CAS 2011年第7期536-538,共3页
提出一种新型的微带带通滤波器,可以看成由一个1/2波长和2个1/4波长谐振器构成,形成一个三阶耦合拓扑结构。从相应的等效电路分析和电磁仿真可以发现,在其低端阻带内存在一个传输零点。为了验证分析结果,加工和测试了一个实物滤波器,测... 提出一种新型的微带带通滤波器,可以看成由一个1/2波长和2个1/4波长谐振器构成,形成一个三阶耦合拓扑结构。从相应的等效电路分析和电磁仿真可以发现,在其低端阻带内存在一个传输零点。为了验证分析结果,加工和测试了一个实物滤波器,测试结果和仿真结果吻合较好。从测试结果看到,该滤波器具有尺寸小、谐波抑制较好等特点。 展开更多
关键词 微带传输线 带通滤波器 三阶耦合拓扑结构
作者 李儒琼 陈兆能 谭迪华 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2003年第3期121-123,共3页
电液集成块是一种能代替传统液压元件 ,并由计算机直接控制的具有广阔运用前景的新技术产品。本文利用键合图、大系统分析法和耦合理论对一个实际电液回路进行分析、建模和仿真 。
关键词 电液集成块 键合图 大系统分析 耦合拓扑 仿真
作者 刘世安 《电子器件》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第1期56-59,共4页
为实现具有小中心频率比的双频带通滤波器,设计了一种平面双模谐振器及一种紧凑型滤波器拓扑结构。利用该谐振器的频率可控的特性,可实现两个工作频段的中心频率比1∶1.1,利用该拓扑结构引入源负载耦合,实现了具有4个传输零点的双通带... 为实现具有小中心频率比的双频带通滤波器,设计了一种平面双模谐振器及一种紧凑型滤波器拓扑结构。利用该谐振器的频率可控的特性,可实现两个工作频段的中心频率比1∶1.1,利用该拓扑结构引入源负载耦合,实现了具有4个传输零点的双通带响应。加工并测试了该滤波器,两个通带的中心频率为5.2 GHz和5.8 GHz,3 dB相对带宽为5.8%和5.2%,通带内的插入损耗小于0.8 dB,4个传输零点分别位4.52 GHz、5.50 GHz、5.50 GHz和6.50 GHz,实验和仿真结果吻合,验证了结构的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 双频带通滤波器 小中心频率比 双模谐振器 源负载耦合拓扑结构
A Hybrid Method for Electromagnetic Coupling in Large Spaces
作者 王加莹 高本庆 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1997年第4期9-16,共8页
A hybrid method combining finite difference time domain(FDTD)with topology network was presented to treat with electromagnetic couplings and transmissions in large spaces A generalized matrix euqation expressing th... A hybrid method combining finite difference time domain(FDTD)with topology network was presented to treat with electromagnetic couplings and transmissions in large spaces A generalized matrix euqation expressing the relations among wave vectors at every port of the network nodes was give Scattering characteristics and electromagnetic distributions of every node was calculated independently using FDTD A structure of irises in a waveguide was taken as numerical examples This hybrid method has more advantages than the traditional FDTD method which includes saving calculation time,saving memory spaces and being flexible in setting up FDTD grids 展开更多
关键词 finite difference time domain(FDTD) topology network electromagnetic coupling
Dynamic model for internally carried air-launched rocket 被引量:1
作者 ZHENG Wu-ji ZHANG Deng-cheng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期2641-2653,共13页
For rigid-flexible coupling multi-body with variable topology,such as the system of internally carried air-launched or heavy cargo airdrop,in order to construct a dynamic model with unified form,avoid redundancy in th... For rigid-flexible coupling multi-body with variable topology,such as the system of internally carried air-launched or heavy cargo airdrop,in order to construct a dynamic model with unified form,avoid redundancy in the modeling process and make the solution independent,a method based on the equivalent rigidization model was proposed.It divides a system into independent subsystems by cutting off the joints,of which types are changed with the operation process of the system.And models of different subsystems can be constructed via selecting suitable modeling methods.Subsystem models with flexible bodies are on the basis of the equivalent rigidization model which replaces the flexible bodies with the virtual rigid bodies.And the solution for sanction,which is based on the constraints force algorithm(CFA)and vector mechanics,can be independent on the state equations.The internally carried air-launched system was taken as an example for verifying validity and feasibility of the method and theory.The dynamic model of aircraft-rocket-parachute system in the entire phase was constructed.Comparing the modeling method with the others,the modeling process was programmed;and form of the model is unified and simple.The model,method and theory can be used to analyze other similar systems such as heavy cargo airdrop system and capsule parachute recovery system. 展开更多
关键词 rigid-flexible coupling variable topological structure internally carried air-launched rocket multi-body system flexible rope
Synchronization Stability in Weighted Complex Networks with Coupling Delays 被引量:1
作者 WANG Qing-Yun DUAN Zhi-Sheng +1 位作者 CHEN Guan-Rong LU Qi-Shao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期684-690,共7页
Realistic networks display not only a complex topological structure, but also a heterogeneous distribution of weights in connection strengths. In addition, the information spreading through a complex network is often ... Realistic networks display not only a complex topological structure, but also a heterogeneous distribution of weights in connection strengths. In addition, the information spreading through a complex network is often associated with time delays due to the finite speed of signal transmission over a distance. Hence, the weighted complex network with coupling delays have meaningful implications in real world, and resultantly gains increasing attention in various fields of science and engineering. Based on the theory of asymptotic stability of linear time-delay systems, synchronization stability of the weighted complex dynamical network with coupling delays is investigated, and simple criteria are obtained for both delay-independent and delay-dependent stabilities of synchronization states. The obtained criteria in this paper encompass the established results in the literature as special cases. Some examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results. 展开更多
关键词 weighted complex networks coupling delays synchronization stability
Synchronization and Control of Halo-Chaos in Beam Transport Network with Small World Topology 被引量:9
作者 LIU Qiang FANG Jin-Qing LI Yong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期752-758,共7页
The synchronous conditions of two kinds of the small-world (SW) network are studied. The small world topology can affect on dynamical behaviors of the beam transport network (BTN) largely, if the BTN is constructe... The synchronous conditions of two kinds of the small-world (SW) network are studied. The small world topology can affect on dynamical behaviors of the beam transport network (BTN) largely, if the BTN is constructed with the SW topology, the global linear coupling and special linear feedback can realize the synchronization control of beam halo-chaos as well as periodic state in the BTN with the SW topology, respectively. This important result can provide an effective way for the experimental study and the engineering design of the BTN in the high-current accelerator driven radioactive clean nuclear power systems, and may have potential use in prospective applications for halo-chaos secure communication. 展开更多
关键词 beam halo-chaos synchronization control small-world network beam transport network global linear coupling special linear feedback
Effects of Scale-Free Topological Properties on Dynamical Synchronization and Control in Coupled Map Lattices 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Wei FANG Jin-Qing KANG Ge-Wen 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期361-368,共8页
In the paper, we study effects of scale-free (SF) topology on dynamical synchronization and control in coupled map lattices (CIVIL). Our strategy is to apply three feedback control methods, including constant feed... In the paper, we study effects of scale-free (SF) topology on dynamical synchronization and control in coupled map lattices (CIVIL). Our strategy is to apply three feedback control methods, including constant feedback and two types of time-delayed feedback, to a small fraction of network nodes to reach desired synchronous state. Two controlled bifurcation diagrams verses feedback strength are obtained respectively. It is found that the value of critical feedback strength γc for the first time-delayed feedback control is increased linearly as e is increased linearly. The GML with SF loses synchronization and intermittency occurs if γ 〉 γc. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate all results. 展开更多
关键词 scale-free network coupled map lattice dynamical synchronization feedback control timedelayed feedback
Global Synchronization of Directed Networks with Fast Switching Topologies
作者 LU Xin-Biao QIN Bu-Zhi LU Xin-Yu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1019-1024,共6页
Global synchronization of a class of directed dynamical networks with switching topologies is investigated.It is found that if there is a directed spanning tree in the fixed time-average of network topology and the ti... Global synchronization of a class of directed dynamical networks with switching topologies is investigated.It is found that if there is a directed spanning tree in the fixed time-average of network topology and the time-averageis achieved sufficiently fast,then the network will reach global synchronization for sufficiently large coupling strength. 展开更多
关键词 global synchronization directed network fast switch
作者 Xiaoli WANG·Yiguang HONG Key Laboratory of Systems and Control,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China. 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2010年第2期209-218,共10页
This paper considers finite-time χ-consensus problem for a multi-agent system with firstorderindividual dynamics and switching interaction topologies.Several distributed finite-time consensusrules are constructed for... This paper considers finite-time χ-consensus problem for a multi-agent system with firstorderindividual dynamics and switching interaction topologies.Several distributed finite-time consensusrules are constructed for multi-agent dynamics in a unified way with the help of Lyapunovfunction and graph theory as well as homogeneity.Time-invariant non-smooth forms of finite-timeneighbor-based controllers are proposed and a numerical example is shown for illustration. 展开更多
关键词 χ-consensus distributed control multi-agent networks non-smoothness switching graphs.
Achieving maximum power transfer of inductively coupled wireless power transfer system based on dynamic tuning control 被引量:23
作者 QIANG Hao HUANG XueLiang +2 位作者 TAN LinLin JI QingJing ZHAO JiaMing 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1886-1893,共8页
As an emerging research field,inductively coupled wireless power transfer(ICWPT) technology has attracted wide spread attention recently.In this paper,the maximum power transfer performances of four basic topologies l... As an emerging research field,inductively coupled wireless power transfer(ICWPT) technology has attracted wide spread attention recently.In this paper,the maximum power transfer performances of four basic topologies labeled as SS,SP,PS and PP are investigated.By modeling the equivalent circuits of these topologies in high frequency(HF),the primary resonance compensation capacitances for maximum power transfer capability are deduced.It is found that these capacitances fluctuate with load resistance change,which is disadvantageous to SP,PS and PP topologies and an obstacle to their practical applications as well.To solve this problem,a phase controlled inductor circuit is proposed.By adjusting the triggering angle,the real-time dynamic tuning control can be achieved to guarantee maximum power transfer.Finally,simulations and experiments show that the proposed method is of great effectiveness and reliability to solve the issue of resonance compensation capacitance fluctuation with load change and to guarantee the flexible applications of all topologies. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic tuning inductively coupled TOPOLOGY wireless power transfer
Topological Insulators on the Ruby Lattice with Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling
作者 HOU Jing-Min WANG Guo-Xiang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第7期129-135,共7页
We investigate a tight-binding model of the ruby lattice with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We calculate the band structure of the lattice and evaluate the Z2 topological indices. According to the Z2 topological indices... We investigate a tight-binding model of the ruby lattice with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We calculate the band structure of the lattice and evaluate the Z2 topological indices. According to the Z2 topological indices and the band structure, we present the phase diagrams of the lattice with different filling fractions. We findthat topological insulators occur in some range of parameters at 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 and 5/6 filling fractions. We analyze and discuss the characteristics of these topological insulators and their edge states. 展开更多
关键词 topological insulators ruby lattice rashba spin-coupling
Demonstration of topological wireless power transfer 被引量:6
作者 Li Zhang Yihao Yang +6 位作者 Zhao Jiang Qiaolu Chen Qinghui Yan Zhouyi Wu Baile Zhang Jiangtao Huangu Hongsheng Chen 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第10期974-980,M0003,共8页
Recent advances in non-radiative wireless power transfer(WPT)technique essentially relying on magnetic resonance and near-field coupling have successfully enabled a wide range of applications.However,WPT systems based... Recent advances in non-radiative wireless power transfer(WPT)technique essentially relying on magnetic resonance and near-field coupling have successfully enabled a wide range of applications.However,WPT systems based on double resonators are severely limited to short-or mid-range distance,due to the deteriorating efficiency and power with long transfer distance.WPT systems based on multi-relay resonators can overcome this problem,which,however,suffer from sensitivity to perturbations and fabrication imperfections.Here,we experimentally demonstrate a concept of topological wireless power transfer(TWPT),where energy is transferred efficiently via the near-field coupling between two topological edge states localized at the ends of a one-dimensional radiowave topological insulator.Such a TWPT system can be modelled as a parity-time-symmetric Su-Schrieffer-Heeger(SSH)chain with complex boundary potentials.Besides,the coil configurations are judiciously designed,which significantly suppress the unwanted cross-couplings between nonadjacent coils that could break the chiral symmetry of the SSH chain.By tuning the inter-and intra-cell coupling strengths,we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate high energy transfer efficiency near the exceptional point of the topological edge states,even in the presence of disorder.The combination of topological metamaterials,non-Hermitian physics,and WPT techniques could promise a variety of robust,efficient WPT applications over long distances in electronics,transportation,and industry. 展开更多
关键词 Wireless power transfer Topological metamaterials Exceptional point Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
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