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深水钻井隔水管耦合系统分析(英文) 被引量:5
作者 孙友义 陈国明 +1 位作者 金辉 畅元江 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2009年第3期369-377,共9页
对于深水系泊钻井系统而言,移动式海洋钻井装置与细长结构(系缆、钻井隔水管)之间的耦合效应在预测浮体运动及钻井隔水管响应时起决定性作用。文中建立了深水系泊钻井系统的全耦合有限元模型,考虑波频与低频环境载荷,对系统进行了非线... 对于深水系泊钻井系统而言,移动式海洋钻井装置与细长结构(系缆、钻井隔水管)之间的耦合效应在预测浮体运动及钻井隔水管响应时起决定性作用。文中建立了深水系泊钻井系统的全耦合有限元模型,考虑波频与低频环境载荷,对系统进行了非线性时域分析。分析表明,由低频浮体运动激励的低频隔水管动态响应可对深水钻井隔水管设计产生重要影响。常规方法将低频浮体运动作为准静态效应考虑,对于连接在锚泊钻井装置上的深水钻井隔水管而言是不精确的。 展开更多
关键词 耦合系统分析 隔水管响应分析 深水 钻井隔水管 移动式海洋钻井装置
作者 张卓 于飞 +1 位作者 王秋滢 杜石鹏 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第13期214-222,共9页
由于仿真计算中数值噪声的影响,优化的设计函数常常是不光滑或不连续的,为多学科之间的解耦和优化计算带来较大困难。为此,借鉴全局优化的相关理论,提出了考虑数值噪声的热-电耦合系统分析方法。在解耦方法上,根据"同时分析和设计&... 由于仿真计算中数值噪声的影响,优化的设计函数常常是不光滑或不连续的,为多学科之间的解耦和优化计算带来较大困难。为此,借鉴全局优化的相关理论,提出了考虑数值噪声的热-电耦合系统分析方法。在解耦方法上,根据"同时分析和设计"(SAND)思想,将解耦问题转化为一个优化问题,在学科层引入Kriging替代模型以便过滤数值噪声,并采用极大似然估计法确定新增样本点的位置,较大程度上减少了解耦分析所需的重分析次数,通过一个典型的热-电耦合算例验证了模型和方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 多学科耦合系统分析 数值噪声 同时分析和设计 KRIGING模型
超深水钻井系统隔水管波致疲劳研究 被引量:18
作者 孙友义 陈国明 《石油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期460-464,共5页
钻井隔水管是深水油气田开发的关键装备,钻井系统浮体运动与波浪载荷可能导致隔水管的疲劳失效。在超深水环境下,浮体与细长结构之间的交互作用十分显著,而基于常规解耦方法预测得到的隔水管波致疲劳状况是不准确的,因此,建立了超深水... 钻井隔水管是深水油气田开发的关键装备,钻井系统浮体运动与波浪载荷可能导致隔水管的疲劳失效。在超深水环境下,浮体与细长结构之间的交互作用十分显著,而基于常规解耦方法预测得到的隔水管波致疲劳状况是不准确的,因此,建立了超深水环境下的系泊钻井系统有限元模型。基于耦合系统分析方法,对隔水管疲劳特性进行的研究表明,由低频浮体运动导致的低频疲劳是引起隔水管疲劳失效的重要因素,同时受浮体与细长结构之间耦合效应的影响也比较显著。因此,精确预测浮体运动是分析隔水管波致疲劳的关键,推荐采用耦合系统分析方法。 展开更多
关键词 超深水钻井系统 隔水管 波致疲劳分析 耦合系统分析方法 浮体运动 波浪载荷
垃圾填埋场灾变过程的温度-渗流-应力-化学耦合效应研究 被引量:26
作者 薛强 赵颖 +1 位作者 刘磊 陆海军 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1970-1988,共19页
针对当前垃圾填埋场灾变过程预测与控制的迫切需求,结合垃圾填埋场及其周围复杂而特殊的环境地质条件,从温度-渗流-应力-化学(T-H-M-C)多场耦合角度深入分析垃圾填埋场灾变过程的演化机制与开展多场耦合研究的必要性。提出填埋气体运移... 针对当前垃圾填埋场灾变过程预测与控制的迫切需求,结合垃圾填埋场及其周围复杂而特殊的环境地质条件,从温度-渗流-应力-化学(T-H-M-C)多场耦合角度深入分析垃圾填埋场灾变过程的演化机制与开展多场耦合研究的必要性。提出填埋气体运移的微生物降解-温度-渗流(B-T-H)耦合模型、考虑好氧和厌氧微生物降解作用的垃圾渗沥液污染物迁移转化渗流-微生物降解-化学(H-B-C)耦合模型、复合衬垫系统污染物运移渗流-化学(H-C)耦合模型以及考虑热量变化和水蒸气迁移过程对开裂过程影响的填埋场封场覆盖系统干燥开裂温度-渗流-应力(T-H-M)耦合模型,为垃圾填埋场灾变过程的预测和安全性评价提供有效的分析手段。提出一套多场耦合测试分析方法与试验技术,开发集监测、控制与数据采集于一体的填埋场中污染物传输的多场耦合测试分析系统。形成一套填埋场污染物多参数远程同步监测方法与技术,研制集实时监测与视频监督于一体的垃圾填埋场污染物远程在线监督系统。针对多场耦合作用下封场覆盖系统开裂问题,提出新型环保的垃圾填埋场封场覆盖生态污泥腾发覆盖技术(EST)。上述研究成果可为垃圾填埋场灾变过程的预防与控制提供科学手段和技术支持,同时对于丰富和拓宽多场多相耦合理论的发展具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 环境工程 垃圾填埋场 温度–渗流–应力–化学耦合 多场耦合测试分析系统 远程在线监督系统 生态污泥腾发覆盖技术
基于模型修正的实体车-桥耦合分析系统建立及验证 被引量:11
作者 谢青 韩万水 +2 位作者 刘修平 陈笑 刘焕举 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期126-136,共11页
为将梁格法车-桥耦合分析系统提升至同时考虑结构整体响应及局部应力分析的精细化实体车-桥耦合分析系统,首先,基于最小势能原理推导八节点六面体实体有限单元列式,采用等参插值确定单元的协调位移,引入Wilson非协调位移模式,消除一阶... 为将梁格法车-桥耦合分析系统提升至同时考虑结构整体响应及局部应力分析的精细化实体车-桥耦合分析系统,首先,基于最小势能原理推导八节点六面体实体有限单元列式,采用等参插值确定单元的协调位移,引入Wilson非协调位移模式,消除一阶单元在弯曲变形分析中的剪切自锁,提高单元的分析精度和计算效率;采用静/动力分析算例对所构造非协调八节点六面体单元(ICH8)的准确性进行验证;其次,基于车轮与桥面接触实体单元间的位移协调和力的平衡关系,采用非线性分离迭代法建立实体车-桥耦合分析系统,编制自主研发的精细化分析模块;再次,融合Monte-Carlo灵敏度分析与遗传算法构建桥梁实体有限元模型修正方法,并借助现场静载测试结果对目标桥梁实体有限元模型进行修正;最后,联合修正的桥梁实体有限元模型与跑车工况测试结果验证所建立实体车-桥耦合分析系统的准确性。结果表明:由所建立的实体车-桥耦合分析系统得到的桥梁动力响应与实测响应吻合良好,从而验证了该分析系统的可靠性。借助所建立的实体车-桥耦合分析系统,不仅可实现时域内桥梁结构的整体内力分析,同时还可实现桥梁结构的局部应力分析,包括局部构件的应力分布和应力集中等,对当前车-桥耦合振动领域分析工具具有一定的改进和提升。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 车-桥耦合分析系统 非协调实体有限元 模型修正 应力分析
非线性随机车流-自锚式悬索桥耦合振动分析系统 被引量:8
作者 龙关旭 黄平明 +2 位作者 袁婷 谢青 杨雨豪 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期147-155,共9页
自锚式悬索桥独特的锚固形式使其主梁承受主缆传递的巨大轴向压力,为了研究主梁刚度在初内力及活载作用下的弱化问题对自锚式悬索桥结构静动力响应的影响,首先,结合自锚式悬索桥的非线性特点引入初应力刚度矩阵,考虑随机车流过桥时几何... 自锚式悬索桥独特的锚固形式使其主梁承受主缆传递的巨大轴向压力,为了研究主梁刚度在初内力及活载作用下的弱化问题对自锚式悬索桥结构静动力响应的影响,首先,结合自锚式悬索桥的非线性特点引入初应力刚度矩阵,考虑随机车流过桥时几何非线性的时变性,采用分离迭代法建立非线性随机车流-自锚式悬索桥耦合振动分析系统,并编制相应的非线性分析模块。其次,以某三跨混凝土自锚式悬索桥为例,选取集中力匀速过桥工况,利用ANSYS软件对非线性分析模块的可靠性进行验证。最后,分别设置2种极端工况:第1种是单车工况,近似认为只有恒载作用下产生的几何非线性;第2种是密集交通流工况,认为是恒载和最不利活载共同作用产生的几何非线性,并采用元胞自动机模型对密集车流进行模拟,研究自锚式悬索桥恒载和活载初内力引起的几何非线性对桥梁响应的影响程度。研究结果表明:单车工况下,梁塔恒载初内力对自锚式悬索桥的车辆过桥结构响应影响显著,主梁和主塔初内力贡献程度明显不同,主梁初内力对结构刚度矩阵变化的影响贡献较大而主塔贡献微小;相对于恒载,密集车流作用下初内力效应引起的几何非线性对自锚式悬索桥结构刚度影响微小,对结构响应的非线性影响也不明显。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 车-桥耦合振动分析系统 分离迭代法 自锚式悬索桥 几何非线性 初内力
Nonlinear Coupled Analysis of a Single Point Mooring System 被引量:2
作者 WANG Junrong LI Huajun LI Ping ZHOU Kai 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2007年第3期310-314,共5页
Coupled effects on a single point mooring(SPM) system subjected to the combined action of wind,waves and current are studied in this paper. Due to the complicatedness of the sea state and the huge size of the vessel,p... Coupled effects on a single point mooring(SPM) system subjected to the combined action of wind,waves and current are studied in this paper. Due to the complicatedness of the sea state and the huge size of the vessel,physical experimental study is both time consuming and uneconomical,whereas the numerical study is cost-effective and DNV software provides powerful SESAM software in solving the issues. This paper focuses on the modeling process of the SPM system,catenary equilibrium calculation,static analysis of the vessel in three different scenarios,and dynamic response simulation of the SPM system under environmental excitations. The three scenarios in study are as follows:the SPM is under the combined function of(a) wind,waves and current,(b) wind and waves,(c) current and waves. They are so set that one can compare the contributions of different types of loads in both static and dynamic studies. Numerical study shows that wind and current are the two major factors contributing to the mooring line tension,and surge and sway are the two dominant motions of the moored vessel subjected to environmental excitations. 展开更多
关键词 single point mooring system response amplitude operator catenary equilibrium static analysis dynamic response
Analytical Solution of Weak-Coupling Periodically Driven Two-Level System
作者 ZHOU Qing-Ping FANG Mao-Fa 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期1025-1028,共4页
We present an approximate analytical solution to periodically driven two-level system in the weak-coupling regime. The analytical solution is in good agreement with the exact numerical solution in resonance and near r... We present an approximate analytical solution to periodically driven two-level system in the weak-coupling regime. The analytical solution is in good agreement with the exact numerical solution in resonance and near resonance cases when Ω 〈 0.3ωa with Ω and ωa denoting the Rabi and transition frequencies respectively. 展开更多
关键词 periodically driven two-level systems analytical solution weak-coupling regime
Structural-acoustic coupling characteristics of honeycomb sandwich plate based on parameter sensitivity analysis 被引量:1
作者 王盛春 沈卫东 +1 位作者 徐嘉锋 李赟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期252-261,共10页
The structural-acoustic coupling model for isotropic thin elastic plate was extended to honeycomb sandwich plate(HSP) by applying Green function method.Then an equivalent circuit model of the weakly-strongly coupled s... The structural-acoustic coupling model for isotropic thin elastic plate was extended to honeycomb sandwich plate(HSP) by applying Green function method.Then an equivalent circuit model of the weakly-strongly coupled system was proposed.Based on that,the estimation formulae of the coupled eigenfrequency were derived.The accuracy of the theoretical predictions was checked against experimental data,with good agreement achieved.Finally,the effects of HSP design parameters on the system coupling degree,the acoustic cavity eigenfrequency,and sound pressure response were analyzed.The results show that mechanical and acoustical characteristics of HSP can be improved by increasing the thickness of face sheet and reducing the mass density of material. 展开更多
关键词 honeycomb sandwich plate sensitivity structural-acoustic coupling
一类趋化性模型行波解的存在性 被引量:2
作者 陈学勇 杨茵 《数学学报(中文版)》 SCIE CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期817-828,共12页
关键词 行波 趋化性 耦合系统:相轨分析
Full time-domain nonlinear coupled dynamic analysis of a truss spar and its mooring/riser system in irregular wave 被引量:8
作者 YANG MinDong TENG Bin +3 位作者 XIAO LongFei NING DeZhi SHI ZhongMin QU Yan 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期152-165,共14页
A new full time-domain nonlinear coupled method has been established and then applied to predict the responses of a Truss Spar in irregular wave. For the coupled analysis, a second-order time-domain approach is develo... A new full time-domain nonlinear coupled method has been established and then applied to predict the responses of a Truss Spar in irregular wave. For the coupled analysis, a second-order time-domain approach is developed to calculate the wave forces, and a finite element model based on rod theory is established in three dimensions in a global coordinate system. In nu- merical implementation, the higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) is employed to solve the velocity potential, and the 4th-order Adams-Bashforth-Moultn scheme is used to update the second-order wave surface. In deriving convergent solu- tions, the hull displacements and mooring tensions are kept consistent at the fairlead and the motion equations of platform and mooring-lines/risers are solved simultaneously using Newmark-fl integration scheme including Newton-Raphson iteration. Both the coupled quasi-static analysis and the coupled dynamic analysis are performed. The numerical simulation results are also compared with the model test results, and they coincide very well as a whole. The slow-drift responses can be clearly ob- served in the time histories of displacements and mooring tensions. Some important characteristics of the coupled responses are concluded. 展开更多
关键词 coupled method full time-domain SECOND-ORDER truss spar rod theory irregular wave
Coupling analysis-based false monitoring information identification of production system in process industry 被引量:1
作者 GAO ZhiYong WANG RongXi +2 位作者 JIANG HongQuan GAO JianMin DONG RongGuang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第6期807-817,共11页
False monitoring information is a major problem in process production system and several ineffective methods have been proposed to identify false monitoring information in the production system. In this paper, a new m... False monitoring information is a major problem in process production system and several ineffective methods have been proposed to identify false monitoring information in the production system. In this paper, a new method is proposed to identify false monitoring information based on system coupling analysis and collision detection from the perspective of data analysis. Coupling multifractal features are extracted to reflect the changes in coupling relationship by utilizing the multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis (MF-DXA). Each monitoring variable in process production system has more than one coupled variable, which can be regarded as multi-source. To achieve low redundancy in features and uniform description of coupling relationship, the feature level information fusion is studied based on modified Mahalanobis Taguchi system (MTS). False alarms are identified when the coupling relationships among the coupled monitoring variables collide. Analysis results of coupled R?ssler and Henon datasets indicate the feasibility of this method for selecting the effective coupling feature and uniform description of coupling relationship. The compressor system case of Coal Chemical Ltd. Group is studied and false monitoring information is identified. 展开更多
关键词 false monitoring information coupling analysis MF-DXA MTS process industry
Vertical dynamic response of the ballastless track on long-span plate-truss cable-stayed bridges 被引量:11
作者 LI Yong Le SU Yang +1 位作者 XIA Fei Long ZHANG Nan 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期236-247,共12页
An analytical model is presented to study vertical dynamic response of the ballastless track on long-span plate-truss cable-stayed bridges based on an explicit dynamic analysis method.In the model,the train,ballastles... An analytical model is presented to study vertical dynamic response of the ballastless track on long-span plate-truss cable-stayed bridges based on an explicit dynamic analysis method.In the model,the train,ballastless track and bridge are treated as a coupled vibration system with interaction.By simulating the dynamic process of the system,this paper discusses the distribution law of dynamic responses of the bridge deck and the bed slab.It shows the necessity of a base plate for the ballastless track on the long-span plate-truss cable-stayed bridge.Comparison of the influence of different train speeds and stiffness of the elastic vibration-damping pad on the dynamic responses of the bridge deck and the bed slab is also made.The reasonable stiffness value of elastic vibration-damping pad is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 long-span cable-stayed bridge plate-truss girder ballastless track train-induced vibration vehicle-bridge system
Stability switches and bifurcation analysis in a coupled neural system with multiple delays 被引量:1
作者 GE Ju Hong XU Jian 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期920-931,共12页
A coupled neural system with multiple delays has been investigated. The number of equilibrium points is analyzed. It implies that the neural system exhibits a unique equilibrium and three ones for the different values... A coupled neural system with multiple delays has been investigated. The number of equilibrium points is analyzed. It implies that the neural system exhibits a unique equilibrium and three ones for the different values of coupling weight by employing the pitchfork bifurcation of the trivial equilibrium point. Further, the local asymptotical stability of the trivial equilibrium point is studied by analyzing the corresponding characteristic equation. Some stability criteria involving multiple delays and coupling weight are obtained. The results show that the neural system exhibits the delay-independent and delay-dependent stability. Increasing delay induces stability switching between resting state and periodic motion in some parameter regions of coupling weight. In addition, the criterion for the global stability of the trivial equilibrium is also derived by constructing a suitable Lyapunov functional. Finally, some numerical simulations are taken to support the theoretical results. 展开更多
关键词 multiple delays stability switches global stability
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