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作者 熊革 《国外医学(物理医学与康复学分册)》 2003年第2期54-56,共3页
职业性指痉挛是临床上较少见且特别的一类症状。它以任务特定性局灶性肌张力异常为特征。其病因尚不清楚 ,现认为存在中枢神经系统异常的病变基础。其诊断的确立主要依据病史和细致地体检 ,肌电图检查仅供参考。其治疗多采用综合治疗方... 职业性指痉挛是临床上较少见且特别的一类症状。它以任务特定性局灶性肌张力异常为特征。其病因尚不清楚 ,现认为存在中枢神经系统异常的病变基础。其诊断的确立主要依据病史和细致地体检 ,肌电图检查仅供参考。其治疗多采用综合治疗方案 ,包括休息、理疗、支具、心理治疗等 ,近来使用肉毒毒素局部注射取得了一定疗效。如果继发于中枢神经病变 ,则治疗原发病也可显著改善症状。其预后良好 ,少有进行性恶化的倾向 ,但由于此病严重影响患者的事业发展 。 展开更多
关键词 职业痉挛 肌张力异常 中枢神经系统异常 肌电图检查 综合治疗 肉毒毒素
普通高中实施职业规划指导的尝试和思考 被引量:1
作者 李锋 《学校管理》 2014年第5期10-11,共2页
2010年颁布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》中,明确提出要在普通高中"建立学生发展指导制度,加强对学生理想、心理、学业等多方面的指导。"所谓"指导"是指以学生个体为对象,针对学生成长中的各... 2010年颁布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》中,明确提出要在普通高中"建立学生发展指导制度,加强对学生理想、心理、学业等多方面的指导。"所谓"指导"是指以学生个体为对象,针对学生成长中的各种疑惑与困难,随时为学生的行动方向和个人生活提供指引与帮助。 展开更多
关键词 职业规划 行动方向 高中教育 人生规划 教育改革 发展规划 职业目标 主题班会 个人生活 职业指
《福建省人民政府公报》 2007年第22期12-15,24,共5页
各市、县(区)人民政府,省人民政府各部门、各直属机构,各高等院校,各大企业:为贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于切实做好2007年普通高等学校毕业生就业工作的通知》(国办发[2007]26号)精神,进一步做好我省大中专毕业生就业工作,现结合我省实... 各市、县(区)人民政府,省人民政府各部门、各直属机构,各高等院校,各大企业:为贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于切实做好2007年普通高等学校毕业生就业工作的通知》(国办发[2007]26号)精神,进一步做好我省大中专毕业生就业工作,现结合我省实际,提出如下意见,请一并贯彻执行。一、统一思想,强化责任,确保今年毕业生就业工作任务的完成。大中专毕业生就业是就业工作的重点,是社会和谐稳定的重点,是人才资源配置的重点。做好毕业生就业工作,是落实科学发展观和构建和谐社会,实施科教兴省和人才强省战略,促进高等教育持续健康发展的必然要求,是又好又快地建设海峡西岸经济区,加快构建社会主义和谐社会的重要保证。近年来,我省毕业生就业工作取得了可喜成绩。 展开更多
关键词 普通高等学校 科教兴省 人才资源配置 用人单位 人才强省战略 校园招聘会 求职择业 西部计划 职业指
Research on the Challenges for the Contemporary Higher Vocational English Education and Countermeasures under the Environment of Employment-Guided Approach
作者 Haipeng Luo 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第10期42-44,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the challenges for the contemporary higher vocational English education and countermeasures under the environment of employment-guided approach. Quality of higher vocational Engli... In this paper, we conduct research on the challenges for the contemporary higher vocational English education and countermeasures under the environment of employment-guided approach. Quality of higher vocational English teaching is related to the reputation of the college of vocational education and training quality, relating to cultivate advanced technology applied to adapt to the new situation requires the modern talents. Our proposed novel methodology enhances the performance of the traditional English pattern and helps optimize the teaching model as well. 展开更多
关键词 Higher Vocational English Education COUNTERMEASURES Employment-Guided.
Study On Career Planning and Employment Guidance of the College Students
作者 HuangWenwen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期124-126,共3页
The employment situation of college students become increasingly serious, the society demands for profound knowledge, skills and comprehensive qualities of college students grow more and more strict. In order to succe... The employment situation of college students become increasingly serious, the society demands for profound knowledge, skills and comprehensive qualities of college students grow more and more strict. In order to successfully get employed, the college students not only need to do their college career planning in college, but also to master all kinds of skills which are useful while looking for a job. It is serviceable to improve employment competitiveness of the college students, and to take the first step to society. 展开更多
关键词 the College Students Career Planning Career Guidance
作者 王泓滢 王楠 《留学》 2014年第Z1期86-89,共4页
开放初中留学市场,简化签证审理程序,大打留学职业规划和就业牌,2014年,澳大利亚对中国留学市场依然野心勃勃。2014年1月底,澳大利亚驻华使馆照例举行每年一度的媒体通气会,公布本年度澳洲留学政策,以及春季国际教育巡展期间的澳洲院校... 开放初中留学市场,简化签证审理程序,大打留学职业规划和就业牌,2014年,澳大利亚对中国留学市场依然野心勃勃。2014年1月底,澳大利亚驻华使馆照例举行每年一度的媒体通气会,公布本年度澳洲留学政策,以及春季国际教育巡展期间的澳洲院校参展安排。今年的见面会提前召开,澳大利亚驻上海总领事馆教育领事徐佩仪(Eliza Chui)向中国媒体分享澳洲留学在2013年取得的漂亮成绩单,她相信在2014年,他们还将有长足进步。 展开更多
关键词 国际教育 中国学生 审理程序 总领事馆 国际学生 证明材料 语言水平 中学教育 学位课程 职业规划
Research on Employment Data Mining for Higher Vocational Graduates
作者 Feng Lin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第7期78-80,共3页
In order to make effective use a large amount of graduate data in colleges and universities that accumulate by teaching management of work, the paper study the data mining for higher vocational graduates database usin... In order to make effective use a large amount of graduate data in colleges and universities that accumulate by teaching management of work, the paper study the data mining for higher vocational graduates database using the data mining technology. Using a variety of data preprocessing methods for the original data, and the paper put forward to mining algorithm based on commonly association rule Apriori algorithm, then according to the actual needs of the design and implementation of association rule mining system, has been beneficial to the employment guidance of college teaching management decision and graduates of the mining results. 展开更多
关键词 Improved Apriori algorithm Data mining Graduates database Association rules
Research on the Ability and the Employment Guiding Thinking and the Applications on Professional Basic Course of Higher Vocational Art and Practice of Bridging Mode
作者 Chen Wei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期19-22,共4页
In this paper, we conduct research on the ability and the employment guiding thinking and the applications on professional basiccourse of higher vocational art and practice of bridging mode. Art design is the biggest ... In this paper, we conduct research on the ability and the employment guiding thinking and the applications on professional basiccourse of higher vocational art and practice of bridging mode. Art design is the biggest characteristic of individual creativity, art need to createinstead of imitating and copying. In the process of production, creative thinking is the key to a successful art products, grasp the technology canproduce the same design and the product, but the hand of art and technology perfect combination is possible to create the art products. For designand production activities in the basic technical indexes and basic operation can understand and grasp the designer is unable to turn the designinto product, higher vocational art and design. This paper integrates the state-of-the-art angles and perspectives on the issues that hold specialmeaning. 展开更多
关键词 Bridging Mode Guiding Thinking APPLICATIONS Basic Course Vocational Art.
Social Equity: View from Pension System Unification
作者 Wen Lu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期80-82,共3页
With the aging process, people been looked after properly in the old age has already become an important index to the national happiness index. Nowadays, government has a increasingly clear roadmap in promoting the de... With the aging process, people been looked after properly in the old age has already become an important index to the national happiness index. Nowadays, government has a increasingly clear roadmap in promoting the development of pension system. Pension system unification refers to the same pension system for workers in public institutions and enterprises. It is a relative concept to the dual pension system. It has positive effect on social equity. But it also has many problems. In this article, author explained the relation between pension system unification and social equity on the basic of analyzing viewpoints of several scholars. And make comments by extending it and analyzing it. 展开更多
关键词 Pension System Unification Dual Pension System Social Equity
强化培训 提高素质 有效实现新成长劳动力科学就业 被引量:1
作者 钱旭辉 鲁翰雨 《山东人力资源和社会保障》 2014年第9期50-51,共2页
新成长劳动力是指具备一定劳动能力、掌握一定文化知识、具有就业愿望的人员,包括城乡因种种原因未能进入更高一级学校就读的中、高考毕业生,退役军人及部分大学毕业生。由于新成长劳动力整体文化水平不高,职业素养较低,缺乏经济社会发... 新成长劳动力是指具备一定劳动能力、掌握一定文化知识、具有就业愿望的人员,包括城乡因种种原因未能进入更高一级学校就读的中、高考毕业生,退役军人及部分大学毕业生。由于新成长劳动力整体文化水平不高,职业素养较低,缺乏经济社会发展所需的专业技能,在就业市场上处于劣势地位。因此,加强职业技能培训,提高职业素质,并把参加培训后的就业率作为就业部门衡量培训质量的重要指标,是实现新成长劳动力科学就业的根本途径,在这个方面。 展开更多
关键词 新成长劳动力 培训质量 文化知识 退役军人 莱山区 劳动能力 整体文化 劳动预备制 职业介绍 职业指
作者 吴建国 《初中生之友(学习号)(下)》 2006年第6期20-22,共3页
关键词 食盐水 盐酸反应 数据分析 氧气反应 兴趣小组 稀硫酸 实验数据 应用技术人才 全国医药行业 职业指
在辅导员岗位上不断收获成长 被引量:1
作者 张笑千 《北京教育(德育)》 2013年第2期70-70,共1页
2010年9月,我作为保送研究生兼职辅导员,正式走上了辅导员工作岗位。在辅导员的岗位上,我不断收获、不断成长,经历了很多转变。认识的转变我刚刚接手辅导员工作的时候,认为辅导员和班长的工作性质差不多,无非是发发通知、记记考勤,只要... 2010年9月,我作为保送研究生兼职辅导员,正式走上了辅导员工作岗位。在辅导员的岗位上,我不断收获、不断成长,经历了很多转变。认识的转变我刚刚接手辅导员工作的时候,认为辅导员和班长的工作性质差不多,无非是发发通知、记记考勤,只要肯投入时间就可以很好地完成工作任务,因此把辅导员定位为"大班长"的角色。 展开更多
关键词 辅导员岗位 兼职辅导员 投入时间 思想政治教育 工作方法 学生档案 心理学知识 工作岗位 职业生涯
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