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作者 郑红柳 《黑龙江人力资源和社会保障》 2021年第11期33-35,共3页
城镇职工基本养老保险制度作为社会保障体系的一部分,关系着每一位退休职工的切身利益,要实现制度的长远发展,“城职保”基金作为制度的基础,其财务的可持续性不可忽视。在如今人口老龄化背景下,我国“城职保”基金收支形势日趋恶化,基... 城镇职工基本养老保险制度作为社会保障体系的一部分,关系着每一位退休职工的切身利益,要实现制度的长远发展,“城职保”基金作为制度的基础,其财务的可持续性不可忽视。在如今人口老龄化背景下,我国“城职保”基金收支形势日趋恶化,基金对财政补助的依赖程度也在不断提高,但“城职保”基金的可持续不可能完全依赖政府财政补助,追求基金的自我平衡才是其可持续性的根本所在。 展开更多
关键词 “城职保”基金 替代率 财政补贴 可持续性 对策
灵活就业人员参加养老保险的制度选择——基于职保与城乡居保制度比较的视角 被引量:35
作者 薛惠元 仙蜜花 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期94-104,共11页
现行政策对灵活就业人员参加职保不具有强制性,因此其可以灵活选择是参加职保还是参加城乡居保。本文在对职保和城乡居保制度比较分析的基础上,构建出养老金水平、养老金替代率及投入产出比数学模型。经测算发现:在相同的缴费水平下,职... 现行政策对灵活就业人员参加职保不具有强制性,因此其可以灵活选择是参加职保还是参加城乡居保。本文在对职保和城乡居保制度比较分析的基础上,构建出养老金水平、养老金替代率及投入产出比数学模型。经测算发现:在相同的缴费水平下,职保的养老金水平、替代率及投入产出比均高于城乡居保,即灵活就业人员参加职保比参加城乡居保更划算。因此,建议引导有缴费能力的灵活就业人员积极参加职保,同时应坚持量能缴费的原则,允许灵活就业人员在职保或城乡居保之间自由选择和转换,并加大对城乡居保的财政补贴力度,适当缩小城乡居保与职保的待遇差距,最终建立城乡统一的基本养老保险制度。 展开更多
关键词 灵活就业人员 职保 城乡居 养老金水平 替代率 投入产出比
新型职业农民对接城镇职保的试点经验分析——以上海、苏州、威海和成都为例 被引量:13
作者 陈传波 阎竣 李睿 《农业经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期66-72,共7页
社会保障是培育新型职业农民的重要支撑,其建立完善有助于增进新型职业农民的身份认同,缓解其后顾之忧。新型职业农民参加城镇职保的比例偏低(约10%),并多以灵活就业方式参保。为支持新型职业农民参加城镇职保,一些地方对部分认定的新... 社会保障是培育新型职业农民的重要支撑,其建立完善有助于增进新型职业农民的身份认同,缓解其后顾之忧。新型职业农民参加城镇职保的比例偏低(约10%),并多以灵活就业方式参保。为支持新型职业农民参加城镇职保,一些地方对部分认定的新型职业农民给予社保补贴,但各地在补贴对象与标准方面存在显著差异,并普遍存在财政压力大、政策落地难、补贴政策不尽公平合理等问题。亟待中央统一补贴标准、分担补贴成本、探索以单位就业身份参保缴费等。 展开更多
关键词 业农民 社会 职保对接 试点
我国城镇职工基本养老保险基金支出影响因素实证研究 被引量:1
作者 宋德玲 阎贤 《统计与管理》 2018年第3期16-20,共5页
我国当前城镇职工基本养老保险制度在未来资金运营上将出现入不敷出的问题。笔者选取城职保支出、人口结构和城镇经济发展水平三个指标,基于我国1990-2015年的统计数据,对城职保基金的九个影响因素进行逐步实证分析。通过主成分分析、... 我国当前城镇职工基本养老保险制度在未来资金运营上将出现入不敷出的问题。笔者选取城职保支出、人口结构和城镇经济发展水平三个指标,基于我国1990-2015年的统计数据,对城职保基金的九个影响因素进行逐步实证分析。通过主成分分析、灰色关联分析后得到人均国内生产总值、人均养老金水平、待遇领取人数占比、城职保基金总收入增长率、城镇居民消费价格指数是主要影响因素,并建立多元回归方程,得到待遇领取人数占比和人均养老金水平与城职保基金支出呈正相关关系的结论。 展开更多
关键词 职保基金支出 人均养老金 待遇领取人数占比
新业态从业者参保对基本养老保险基金财政责任的影响 被引量:2
作者 曾益 屈君桥 《决策与信息》 2023年第10期52-66,共15页
随着我国人口年龄结构的转变,财政对基本养老保险承担着巨大的补贴压力,其可持续性面临巨大危机,扩大基本养老保险覆盖面势在必行。新业态从业者参保是扩面工作的关键,引导其参保,也成为下一阶段我国基本养老保险扩面的重点。基于此,可... 随着我国人口年龄结构的转变,财政对基本养老保险承担着巨大的补贴压力,其可持续性面临巨大危机,扩大基本养老保险覆盖面势在必行。新业态从业者参保是扩面工作的关键,引导其参保,也成为下一阶段我国基本养老保险扩面的重点。基于此,可从财政责任的宏观视角出发,构建基本养老保险基金的收支模型与财政责任模型,以队列要素法预测2022-2050年人口数据,模拟基本养老保险扩面后,新业态从业者在不同参保路径选择时,城职保基金与城乡居保基金的运行状况。通过构建精算模型研究发现:第一,当新业态从业者全部参加城乡居保,2022-2050年累计财政责任为112.19万亿元;第二,当新业态从业者参加城职保比例由10%逐步提高至90%,基本养老保险财政责任随之降低,累计财政责任降至56.94~85.05万亿元,较全参加城乡居保时降低24.19%~49.25%;第三,当新业态从业者全部参加城职保,累计财政责任为53.43万亿元,较全参加城乡居保时降低52.37%。因此,为有效减轻基本养老保险基金的财政压力,落实好扩面工作。首先,应加快推进体制法规的建设工作,建立符合新业态从业者现实权益的基本养老保险体系,确保社保扩面工作“应保尽保,不漏一人”。其次,各级政府要鼓励新业态从业者参加城职保。对主动参加城职保的新业态从业者,实行阶梯式缴费减免、税收优惠等政策。最后,要适当缩小城职保与城乡居保间待遇差距,同时做好多支柱型养老保险体系建设,尽快建立个人养老金制度,使基本养老金制度更好发挥普惠性作用与收入再分配作用。 展开更多
关键词 新业态 基本养老 养老险基金 职保 城乡居 城镇个体户 城乡居民
作者 赵建峰 《检察实践》 2001年第3期37-38,共2页
刑事强制措施是法律赋予司法机关保证侦查活动顺利进行而采取的强制手段。笔者在从事审查起诉工作中,发现检察机关在办理自侦案件中 存在着没有充分用足、用活拘留、逮捕强制措施,而是偏多地采取取保候审,这一倾向将会产生许多不利影响... 刑事强制措施是法律赋予司法机关保证侦查活动顺利进行而采取的强制手段。笔者在从事审查起诉工作中,发现检察机关在办理自侦案件中 存在着没有充分用足、用活拘留、逮捕强制措施,而是偏多地采取取保候审,这一倾向将会产生许多不利影响。为此,建议在办理自侦案件过程中慎用取保候审。 一、取保候审的弊端 与刑事拘留、逮捕相比,取保候审是一种比较宽缓的强制措施。通过办案实践感到效果不够理想。 展开更多
关键词 刑事强制措施 办案质量 职保候审 刑事诉讼法
中小企业和谐劳动关系研究——基于不同经济景气下的工资因素分析 被引量:1
作者 刘辛元 《全国商情》 2009年第21期27-29,共3页
中小企业在解决就业、增加社会财富方面发挥着巨大作用。工资是中小企业劳动关系中最为敏感的问题,并且在不同经济景气下对企业员工有不同的影响。本文通过对经济景气和经济不景气时期,工资因素对劳动关系影响程度的分析,提出通过解决... 中小企业在解决就业、增加社会财富方面发挥着巨大作用。工资是中小企业劳动关系中最为敏感的问题,并且在不同经济景气下对企业员工有不同的影响。本文通过对经济景气和经济不景气时期,工资因素对劳动关系影响程度的分析,提出通过解决企业员工工资方面存在的问题建立和谐劳动关系。 展开更多
关键词 中小企业 劳动关系 工资 经济景气 “减薪
Using action research to evaluate a nursing orientation program in a multicultural acute healthcare setting 被引量:2
作者 Diana S.Lalithabai Wael M.Ammar +1 位作者 Khalid S.Alghamdi Ahmad E.Aboshaiqah 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第2期181-189,I0004,共10页
Objectives:Competence motivates newly employed nurses to provide high-quality care,which leads to appropriate patient care and satisfaction.A nursing orientation program can have a positive impact on new nurses who ar... Objectives:Competence motivates newly employed nurses to provide high-quality care,which leads to appropriate patient care and satisfaction.A nursing orientation program can have a positive impact on new nurses who are joining healthcare organizations.The research examined the orientation program for new nurses in a multicultural setting to redesign the program.Methods:The study was carried out in a multicultural tertiary setting.Action research was used as a research strategy with qualitative content analysis and quantitative evaluation.Seventy nurses were part of the orientation program.The competence of the nurses was assessed using the Nurse Competence Scale.Focus-group discussions were also conducted to find the views of the beneficiaries about the program.Results:The study revealed that the overall competence was high,and there was an overall gain in the competence score(5.48%)among the nurses.Among their competence in different dimensions,new nurses had a maximum gain in competence for the dimension of ensuring quality.However,they showed low competence gain in teaching coaching.The results show that the difference in the overall pre-and post-test scores was statistically significant(P<0.05)in all dimensions except teaching coaching and managing situations,and the program was effective.However,a few challenges were identified in the program.Conclusions:New nurses were found to be competent,and the orientation program had a significant impact on the competence of the nurses.The findings emphasized the need for modification of some content and strategy for future programs.The strategies developed from the findings were presented.This helps hospitals to consider examining specific aspects of the orientation program and redesigning it so it can enrich the experiences of new nurses. 展开更多
关键词 Action research COMPETENCY Healthcare Orientation program Nurses
An investigation into the occupational protection status of clinical nursing staff exposed to anti-tumor drugs 被引量:3
作者 Yuan Yanqin Xu Dezhong 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第2期113-119,共7页
Objective:To investigate the occupational protection status of clinical nursing staff vocationally exposed to anti-tumor drugs.Methods:A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey 180 clinical nursing staff vocati... Objective:To investigate the occupational protection status of clinical nursing staff vocationally exposed to anti-tumor drugs.Methods:A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey 180 clinical nursing staff vocationally exposed to anti-tumor drugs.Results:Recognition of the need for protection and dependent occupational protection behaviors were very poor in clinical nursing staff vocationally exposed to anti-tumor drugs.The management of the occupational protection of clinical nursing staff vocationally exposed to anti-tumor drugs was also seriously underdeveloped.Conclusion:There is deficiency in the understanding and related protection practices of clinical nursing staff vocationally exposed to anti-tumor drugs in our hospital.The protection measures currently employed in medical practice are inadequate in virtually every aspect considered.It is recommended that all clinical nursing staff should receive full occupational protection training in these matters.The training must raise nursing staff's awareness of the need for occupational protection and standardize their occupational protection behaviors to conform to "best practice" models.These "best practice" models should be quickly established and all staff made cognizant of them forthwith.In addition,where occupational protection systems are already in place,they should be improved to come into line with the new "best practice" models instigated. 展开更多
关键词 Nursing staff Anti-tumor drug Occupational protection
Ideas for the realization of China's overall national basic pension of workers
作者 LI Jieqiong 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期33-35,共3页
At present, the overall low level of pensions, chaotic management, regardless of the central and local powers, capital depreciation of greater risk. Plus various regions of pension imbalances, leading to a pension "e... At present, the overall low level of pensions, chaotic management, regardless of the central and local powers, capital depreciation of greater risk. Plus various regions of pension imbalances, leading to a pension "empty accounts" has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, to achieve the basic pension national urban, it is an effective measure to deal with these problems. Manpower is a systematic project, implementation may face difficulties. Therefore, the need to coordinate all aspects of the relationship, select the appropriate time to reform, optimize the overall path, and improve related measures is to ensure the smooth implementation of integrated basis. 展开更多
关键词 Basic pension Provincial level National urban
The Sensible and Identity Crisis of Healthcare Workers: The Perspective of Physiotherapists Practicing Fasciatherapy
作者 Christian Courraud Anne Lieutaud Danis Bois 《Sociology Study》 2018年第1期1-20,共20页
The identity of paramedic professions is bound to develop in order to adapt to the changes of the world of health. Careproviders' identity is based on the interpersonal dimension, yet French massage-physiotherapy bas... The identity of paramedic professions is bound to develop in order to adapt to the changes of the world of health. Careproviders' identity is based on the interpersonal dimension, yet French massage-physiotherapy bases this interpersonal competence on touch. This is why many practitioners try to develop this aspect of their practice through continuing professional education. Danis Bois Method (MOthode Danis Bois: MDB) of fasciatherapy, characterized by its relational and sensitive approach to care and touch, stands in this field. This paper will present the impacts of this manual therapy on the professional identity of 446 masseurs-physiotherapists who took part in a self-assessment survey. The results show that, in spite of the few difficulties they meet within their duties, practicing fasciatherapy integrates perfectly well into the framework of massage-physiotherapy. It largely reinforces the feeling of therapeutical efficacy and the capacity to meet the evolution in health needs (chronic diseases, mental suffering, and patients' quality of life). It also restores meaning and value to the profession and boosts motivation as well as it fosters the congruence of both considered as an added value to masso-physiotherapy, a means to accom professional identity pets plish onal and professional identities. It is thus oneself and an essential component of 展开更多
关键词 Danis Bois Method fasciatherapy professionnal identity PHYSIOTHERAPY crisis of healthcare workers sociological inquiry
"Don't Break Your Caregiver" Campaign 2011 by Tehy--The Union of Health and Social Care Professionals
作者 Vuoriluoto Irmeli 《Sociology Study》 2013年第9期707-714,共8页
According to several researches and survey findings, violence and the threat of violence are increasingly present at workplaces in the field of healthcare. In 2011, the Finnish Union of Health and Social Care Professi... According to several researches and survey findings, violence and the threat of violence are increasingly present at workplaces in the field of healthcare. In 2011, the Finnish Union of Health and Social Care Professionals--Tehy implemented a poster campaign targeted at the users of healthcare services, as well as healthcare staff. Representatives of local trade unions, as well as safety representatives, reported that the campaign was relevant. Most employers had a favorable attitude toward distributing campaign posters at the workplace. Raising this issue, which increases the mental burden of work and risks occupational safety at the workplace, helps to achieve improvements. Following the poster campaign, Tehy conducted an electronic survey in early 2012 about the impacts of the campaign among representatives of local trade unions (N= 279) and safety representatives (N = 278). The campaign resulted in some working environment improvements, as well as an increase in reporting situations involving violence. On a more worrying note, the provision of workplace-level training on managing violent situations did not increase. 展开更多
关键词 Healthcare workplace violence poster campaign impact occupational safety
Analysis of fund gap on enterprise worker' s basic endowment insurance in Hebei province
作者 LI Yan DU Chongdong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期187-190,共4页
Using actuarial techniques, the study estimates the fired gap of pooling account and individual account respectively on on enterprise worker' s basic endowment insurance in Hebei province. And based on the estimation... Using actuarial techniques, the study estimates the fired gap of pooling account and individual account respectively on on enterprise worker' s basic endowment insurance in Hebei province. And based on the estimation, the study puts forward four policy suggestions: expand the coverage of the pension scheme; revised the number of months oft he annuities; increase the level of interest; improve financial support. 展开更多
关键词 endowment insurance ACTUARY pooling account individual account GAP
The role of government in the mode of "medical care and support"
作者 ZHAO Juan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期60-61,共2页
Along with the acceleration of population aging process, the government as a social security gatekeeper responsibility has become increasingly prominent, improve public finance policy, properly solve the pension probl... Along with the acceleration of population aging process, the government as a social security gatekeeper responsibility has become increasingly prominent, improve public finance policy, properly solve the pension problem has become the important work of governments at all levels. Under the guidance of national policy, the State Council "on promoting health and pension services combined guidance" put forward to 2020, the medical and health care services and resources to achieve the ordered shared, covering urban and rural areas, appropriate scale.functional^reasonable.comprehensive and continuous medical support with service network is basically formed. In this paper, the background of the aging population, the interpretation of the meaning of the combination of medical and support, analysis of the combination of medical support mode. It is pointed out that in public finance from the perspective of medical support with the development mode will face the difficulty of system design is not sufficient, the division of responsibilities is unknown, limitations of existing policies, human, financial and material resources lack of. At last on the basis of the proposed development of medical support combined with the pension service model emphasizes the role of the govenunent to speed up the system construction and innovation of financial subsidies. improve the policy system and other measures. 展开更多
关键词 the combination of medical and support GOVERNMENT ROLE
可持续的中国城乡居民养老保险体系的数学模型研究 被引量:1
作者 王帅杰 张渡兵 +1 位作者 余强 朱琳 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第15期115-128,共14页
对可持续的中国城乡居民养老保险体系的数学模型进行了研究.结合实际、较全面地确定了影响养老保险的相关指标,并分层次地建立养老保险指标体系的指标体系图1.针对问题1,根据全面性、层次性、规律性、预测辅助性、可持续性的原则,分别... 对可持续的中国城乡居民养老保险体系的数学模型进行了研究.结合实际、较全面地确定了影响养老保险的相关指标,并分层次地建立养老保险指标体系的指标体系图1.针对问题1,根据全面性、层次性、规律性、预测辅助性、可持续性的原则,分别建立了新农保、城职保个人账户、城职保社会统筹、企业基金的收入与支出模型,改进了周渭兵、王晓军教授的模型,进而构建了养老保险金模型.该模型结合实际,考虑因素较全面,分层次,体现了"多缴多得,长缴多得"的基本规则.针对问题2,对养老保险金模型进行MATLAB编程,基于题所给数据,并查询大量资料,考虑了通货膨胀,改良了平均工资年均增长率G_r,得到更符合实际的仿真结果.考虑倍增计划,改变了平均工资年均增长率G_r、养老金年均增长率k.发现国家需要将k的取值适当下调以弥补养老保险金的缺口.针对问题3,分析了各国不同养老保险模式的优劣,结合我国国情,利用MATLAB进行了仿真,寻找合理替代率、缴费率与养老保险体系可持续性之间的关系.使用观察法,控制变量法,定义了判断替代率、缴费率区间是否合理的判断函数l.提出应对矛盾尖锐期的三种政策:适时调整基本养老保险缴费率;控制物价指数、适时降低养老金年均增长率;建立多层次的养老保险体系.经过仿真预测发现,这三种政策对推迟"缺口"时间的来临,减小了"缺口",加快养老保险良性循环有积极作用.针对问题4,增加了可调节变量α、γ,建立了自适应养老保险金模型.其中k=α-γ,使得养老金年均增长率k的确定有了科学依据,是自适应的,而不是决策者拍脑袋决定的.建立了多层次、考虑因素较全面、相对结合国情的一系列模型,意在为"可持续"的中国城乡居民养老保险体系设计提供相对客观数据支撑与辅助决策.然而,我国的养老保险制度本身就存在很多缺陷,相关统计的数据亦并不全面.根据具一定缺陷制度建立的模型,又使用不完全正确的数据进行预测,得到的结果往往只是一个养老保险金的发展趋势,甚至是一个错误的发展趋势,而绝不可能是一个完全正确、精确的解.因此,模型只能用来辅助决策,而我国的养老保险体系完善还需要良性的政策激励,任重而道远. 展开更多
关键词 养老险体系 可持续 新农 职保 缺口 自适应
医疗保障与医疗服务需求的关系研究——医保待遇分费用段调整的政策效果评估 被引量:6
作者 蔡雪妮 朱恒鹏 《价格理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期27-31,共5页
本文使用L市两县2014-2015年住院明细数据,采用倾向得分匹配(PSM)与双重差分(DID)的方法研究了城职保分费用段调整住院待遇对于医疗服务利用和医疗负担的影响。结果发现:医保目录内低费用段降低自付比例显著降低了患者的年度总费... 本文使用L市两县2014-2015年住院明细数据,采用倾向得分匹配(PSM)与双重差分(DID)的方法研究了城职保分费用段调整住院待遇对于医疗服务利用和医疗负担的影响。结果发现:医保目录内低费用段降低自付比例显著降低了患者的年度总费用和自负费用;低费用段降低自付比例以及高费用段提高自付比例的叠加政策显著提高了高费用段患者的自负费用。本文的基本判断为轻病患者容易被诱导需求;重病患者需求弹性较低,不容易被诱导需求。因此,为了兼顾患者的福利水平和基金的可持续性,医保改革应"双管齐下",基于患者需求弹性调整待遇的同时,还需通过支付改革引导医生成为"控费"主体。 展开更多
关键词 职保 自付比例 需求弹性 诱导需求 医疗服务
The Design Improvement of High Integrity Protection System
作者 Jin Hyung Park 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第8期472-480,共9页
HIPS (High Integrity Protection System) is a really important system to protect the fractionation column from overpressure and to protect any atmospheric pollution from flare stack, scrubber and VCU (vapor combusti... HIPS (High Integrity Protection System) is a really important system to protect the fractionation column from overpressure and to protect any atmospheric pollution from flare stack, scrubber and VCU (vapor combustion unit), etc. KOSHA (Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency) made criteria about HIPS inspection in 2007 to enforce HIPS inspection. HIPS is the first system which KOSHA and KGS (Korea Gas Safety Corp.) officially required to attach SIL verification report in the Process Safety Report. KOSHA and KGS uniformly require SIL3 for HIPS and require to configure the safety instrumented function to meet SIL3 requirement. The flare system with SIL3 application should have the interlocks to shut off the heat source in case of high pressure from tower, the cooling system failure and the power failure. KOSHA and KGS admit that the flare load is 0 where SIL 3 is applied to the flare system. So it is beneficial to plant because the equipment investment cost can be saved if SIL3 is applied to the flare system. By this reason, so many plants in Korea applied SIL3 to the flare system, scrubber system and VCU, etc. For SIL3 application, the redundant shutdown valve with PST (partial stroke test) should be installed with 1 out of 2 voting and the positioner for PST function should have HART communication function. There were problems caused by HART communication devices, so the system design should be cautiously done considering the operation availability and safety at the same time. 展开更多
公共政策视角的老龄化对医疗费用影响及对策:议“未老先衰”问题及改善 被引量:8
作者 杨燕绥 张丹 李乐乐 《中国卫生经济》 北大核心 2016年第12期5-10,共6页
目的:基于公共政策的视角研究老龄化对医疗费用的影响及其对策。方法:基于某市2005—2013年间的职工医疗保险统筹基金数据,通过“时间表”和“年龄别”两个变量,观察人口老龄化对医疗费用的影响。结果:研究发现了“未老先衰”问题... 目的:基于公共政策的视角研究老龄化对医疗费用的影响及其对策。方法:基于某市2005—2013年间的职工医疗保险统筹基金数据,通过“时间表”和“年龄别”两个变量,观察人口老龄化对医疗费用的影响。结果:研究发现了“未老先衰”问题:一是该市人口老龄化的实际程度并不严重;二是79岁以上年龄组次均费用是60岁以下年龄组的3倍以上,但是高龄和临终老人的医疗消费占比和增幅均在下降,并不是拉高医疗费用的主要原因:反而,25~59岁年龄的占比和增幅均较快。结论:“人未老、体先衰”属于社会老化问题,社会老化是“身心健康状况早衰、劳动力市场早退”等现象的总称。人口老龄化不等于社会老化,出现未老先衰问题的主要原因在于公共政策失灵和公共服务不足。为此,应改善公共政策和公共服务.积极应对人口老龄化的建议。 展开更多
关键词 公共政策 老龄化 医疗费用 职保统筹基金
析刑诉法关于逮捕条件规定的缺陷 被引量:1
作者 杨明 《人民检察》 北大核心 2000年第2期44-46,共3页
关键词 刑事诉讼 逮捕条件 职保候审 监视居住
The development and prospects of China's old-age security system 被引量:1
作者 华迎放 《Social Sciences in China》 2009年第1期185-196,共12页
On the basis of a description of the framework of China's urban and rural old-age security system and major security policies, this study examines the operation of the old-age security system currently in effect. Fro... On the basis of a description of the framework of China's urban and rural old-age security system and major security policies, this study examines the operation of the old-age security system currently in effect. From the point of view of setting up a system that would cover both urban and rural areas, we can see problems with the current system, including a development imbalance between urban and rural social security, wide gaps between different groups, the absence, fragmentation and artificial segmentation of the social security system, blurred government responsibility, etc. The paper goes on to propose establishing an old-age subsidy for urban and rural residents without income security, improving basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees in urban areas, reforming the superannuation schemes of government organizations and public institutions, and setting up rural oldage insurance. 展开更多
关键词 old-age security system basic old-age insurance system for urban enterprise employees superannuation scheme rural old-age insurance old-age subsidy
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