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作者 贾杨 贾茗萱 《中医文献杂志》 2020年第3期66-69,共4页
通过回顾《申报》1928-1929年的新闻报道,考证一枚"苏州药业饮片职工会程鸿钦被诬纪念"银质徽章的制作背景。研究初步表明,该徽章极有可能是苏州总工会整理委员会委员程鸿钦作为苏州药业饮片职工会代表,在出席1929年3月17日... 通过回顾《申报》1928-1929年的新闻报道,考证一枚"苏州药业饮片职工会程鸿钦被诬纪念"银质徽章的制作背景。研究初步表明,该徽章极有可能是苏州总工会整理委员会委员程鸿钦作为苏州药业饮片职工会代表,在出席1929年3月17日于上海召开的全国中医药团体代表大会时佩戴,以纪念抗争国民政府"废止中医案"。同时,建议加强对于近代中医药题材证章的收集、整理与研究。 展开更多
关键词 申报 程鸿钦 徽章 苏州药业饮片职工会
作者 牛勤 《活力》 2010年第21期115-116,共2页
文化属于精神领域.是一种观念形态,它无所不在.无所不包。文化是一个民族的灵魂.是一个民族千百年世代相传的基因.是一个民族区别于另一个民族的本质特征的符号。文化主要包括思想道德文化和教育科学文化两方面,思想道德文化是文... 文化属于精神领域.是一种观念形态,它无所不在.无所不包。文化是一个民族的灵魂.是一个民族千百年世代相传的基因.是一个民族区别于另一个民族的本质特征的符号。文化主要包括思想道德文化和教育科学文化两方面,思想道德文化是文化的核心,是一个国家、民族的共同理想和精神支柱的体现。教育科学文化是文化的主体内容.是一个国家,民族科学文化素质的智力体现。 展开更多
关键词 职工会 企业文化建设
《海外华文教育动态》 2003年第3期21-22,共2页
关键词 全国校长职工会 江秀坤 华文小学 校长 数理科教学 华文教育 华文考试
《海外华文教育动态》 2004年第5期15-15,共1页
关键词 马来西亚 总教委 道德纪律教育 考试制度 校友职工会 2004年 海外华文教育
影响职工代表议政会质量的原因及对策 被引量:1
作者 吕明 《中国劳动关系学院学报》 北大核心 2006年第5期111-113,共3页
职工代表议政会愈来愈成为企业基层单位组织职工代表参政议政的重要手段,职工代表对议政会的理解程度、议政会议题的具体性、职工代表的素质高低、会议各环节的组织等因素都影响着职工代表议政会的质量。全面加强职工代表素质的培养、... 职工代表议政会愈来愈成为企业基层单位组织职工代表参政议政的重要手段,职工代表对议政会的理解程度、议政会议题的具体性、职工代表的素质高低、会议各环节的组织等因素都影响着职工代表议政会的质量。全面加强职工代表素质的培养、进一步转变企业基层领导的管理作风、把职工代表议政会看作职工代表参政议政的一个过程是提高职工代表议政会质量的重要途径。 展开更多
关键词 职工代表议政 质量 因素 对策
基于治理理论的高校二级教代会制度建设 被引量:1
作者 方精兰 《淮南师范学院学报》 2015年第3期102-105,共4页
高校二级教代会制度建设需借鉴治理理论。要实现学院善治的目标,二级教代会必须成为二级学院治理的一个主体。如此,学院的决策才具民主化和科学化,学院的党政权力和学术权力才能得到有效监督。因此,必须加强教代会的法律建设,完善二级... 高校二级教代会制度建设需借鉴治理理论。要实现学院善治的目标,二级教代会必须成为二级学院治理的一个主体。如此,学院的决策才具民主化和科学化,学院的党政权力和学术权力才能得到有效监督。因此,必须加强教代会的法律建设,完善二级教代会制度体系,建立考核评估制度,使二级教代会成为主要以平等协商的方式参与决策和监督的学院治理主体。 展开更多
关键词 高校二级教职工 制度建设 治理理论 主体
作者 贺建国 《工会理论与实践》 北大核心 2003年第3期37-39,共3页
关键词 职工 企业 民主管理 组织 工作 管理机制 厂务公开 政务质询 职工代表议政 学习型组织 信息网络
作者 唐凯 《北京市工会干部学院学报》 2019年第2期32-36,共5页
针对目前工会组建尤其是非公企业工会组建存在诸多困难的情况,北京市总工会在2018年提出了以"企业沟通会"和"职工沟通会"并行的"双沟通"建会模式。但是,在街道(乡镇)总工会实行"双沟通"建会模... 针对目前工会组建尤其是非公企业工会组建存在诸多困难的情况,北京市总工会在2018年提出了以"企业沟通会"和"职工沟通会"并行的"双沟通"建会模式。但是,在街道(乡镇)总工会实行"双沟通"建会模式的过程中,由于无法准确抓住沟通对象的需求,出现了沟通效果不理想的情况。本文从"双沟通"模式及"三点型"需求的内涵入手,针对"双沟通"过程中存在的需求发掘方面及工会干部自身方面的问题进行了研究,提出了抓准需求、加强上级指导等对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 双沟通 职工沟通 企业沟通
作者 周庆武 刘四新 《兵团工运》 2014年第6期44-44,共1页
一师二团工会在开展群众路线教育实践活动中,倡导工会干部真心实意解难事,一心一意办实事,推动工会工作大落实。一心构建和谐劳动关系,争做职工合法权益的“维护者”。积极推动企业建立职工维权协调会议制度,广泛听取租采纳职工合... 一师二团工会在开展群众路线教育实践活动中,倡导工会干部真心实意解难事,一心一意办实事,推动工会工作大落实。一心构建和谐劳动关系,争做职工合法权益的“维护者”。积极推动企业建立职工维权协调会议制度,广泛听取租采纳职工合理化建议,定期召开职工代表议政会议研究辑决实际问题。紧紧围绕服务职工群众,争当困难职工的“帮扶者”。 展开更多
关键词 干部 职工合理化建议 职工代表议政 教育实践活动 和谐劳动关系 职工合法权益 群众路线 工作
作者 许双庆 《领导科学》 北大核心 2002年第5期12-12,共1页
关键词 凝聚力 关键因素 职工会 归属感
作者 朱东北 《民国研究》 CSSCI 2018年第1期221-235,共15页
新新百货公司是近代上海都市商业的佼佼者,尤其是股份制塑造了独特的公共空间。1929年由劳资、资资冲突而起的工潮中,新新公司职工会作为新式职工共同体,借助权益张扬、依法声请与集体请愿方式活动。工潮本身已成为团体整合的工具。随... 新新百货公司是近代上海都市商业的佼佼者,尤其是股份制塑造了独特的公共空间。1929年由劳资、资资冲突而起的工潮中,新新公司职工会作为新式职工共同体,借助权益张扬、依法声请与集体请愿方式活动。工潮本身已成为团体整合的工具。随着上海市当局的介入,摆脱控制、获取权益不但要游走于法、理之间,也要将行动转换为现有意识形态的延伸。工商部企望重新选聘董事、经理,纾解资资纷争,消弭劳资冲突。然而,地缘、家族纽带重新成为劳资合作的基础。工潮由"私"到"公"的空间转移,并不意味着区域城市公共伦理的更新,而是公共意识本土化与传统要素近代化的杂糅过程。这种趋势对此后经济与社会演进造成了多重影响。 展开更多
关键词 新新百货公司 劳资博弈 冯自由 职工会
作者 岳鹏 《青年与社会》 2014年第12期312-312,共1页
厂务公开制度已经成为企业开展民主管理工作的重要形式,并对调动企业职工工作积极性、提高企业整体凝聚力、推动企业劳动关系的和谐发展具有重要价值,极大地促进了企业的健康发展。对此,企业需要提高思想认识,加强对厂务公开民主管... 厂务公开制度已经成为企业开展民主管理工作的重要形式,并对调动企业职工工作积极性、提高企业整体凝聚力、推动企业劳动关系的和谐发展具有重要价值,极大地促进了企业的健康发展。对此,企业需要提高思想认识,加强对厂务公开民主管理工作的组织领导;需要突出工作重点,积极拓展厂务公开民主管理工作的相关载体;需要切实把握构建和谐企业、保障职工合法权益之主线,努力提高厂务公开民主管理工作的规范性与延伸性。 展开更多
关键词 厂务公开 民主管理 职工会
作者 吕权 《辽宁气象》 1996年第3期21-21,共1页
关键词 辽宁 气象局 体育道德风尚奖 职工田径运动 气象服务
Study on human resources cost accounting based on standards and general rules 被引量:1
作者 XU Ya-hu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2007年第11期1-6,共6页
The issue of the new standards for employees' salary and general financial rules that include employees' salary and relevant expenditures, have a great impact on human resources cost accounting. This paper performs ... The issue of the new standards for employees' salary and general financial rules that include employees' salary and relevant expenditures, have a great impact on human resources cost accounting. This paper performs a specialized study on human resources cost and employees' salary, accounts setting and accounting treatment for human resources cost accounting, human resources cost report, etc. on the basis of relevant provisions in the new Chinese accounting standards, the general financial rules, international accounting standards, and relevant academic research findings. 展开更多
关键词 employee's salary human resources cost human resources cost accounting human resources cost report
Self-endangering:A qualitative study on psychological mechanisms underlying nurses’burnout in long-term care 被引量:1
作者 Lara Luisa Eder Bertolt Meyer 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期36-48,I0002,共14页
Objectives To develop a more specific understanding of psychological mechanisms in the development of burnout in long-term care as a basis for potential new intervention strategies aiming at improving nurses’mental h... Objectives To develop a more specific understanding of psychological mechanisms in the development of burnout in long-term care as a basis for potential new intervention strategies aiming at improving nurses’mental health.Methods Two qualitative studies with thematic analysis were conducted.In Study 1,we conducted eight group interviews with 110 nurses from May–July 2019 in the context of workshops at eight nursing homes in Germany.In Study 2,we supplemented these with semi-structured interviews with 14 executives at German nursing homes in December 2019.Results The thematic analysis in Study 1 identified three main themes:causes of challenges,employees’opportunities for change,and organisational opportunities for change.Thematic analysis in Study 2 identified three main themes:job motives,reasons for filling in for others,and employee self-care.Further,our results show that the need to stand in for colleagues,in particular,is one of the greatest challenges for geriatric caregivers.In dealing with these challenges we found that self-endangering behaviour—a diminished ability to say no when asked to fill in or to do work overtime—was an important antecedent of nurses’burnout.Further,high levels of altruistic motivation and identification with the team or organisation were associated with self-endangering behaviour in the presence of adverse working conditions.Low levels of self-worth are a further risk factor for self-endangering.Conclusions Our findings are at odds with some core tenets of classic models of job demands and burnout that construe motivation and identification as resources.Our results show the need of a holistic intervention program in nursing including individual coaching,team-based interventions and organisational development processes.Employees themselves should be sensitized to this issue and supported in the long term,and politicians should create structures that do not encourage this behaviour any further. 展开更多
关键词 ALTRUISM CAREGIVERS Health personnel Mental health Nursing homes Professional burnout Social identification WORKLOAD
The role of government in the mode of "medical care and support"
作者 ZHAO Juan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期60-61,共2页
Along with the acceleration of population aging process, the government as a social security gatekeeper responsibility has become increasingly prominent, improve public finance policy, properly solve the pension probl... Along with the acceleration of population aging process, the government as a social security gatekeeper responsibility has become increasingly prominent, improve public finance policy, properly solve the pension problem has become the important work of governments at all levels. Under the guidance of national policy, the State Council "on promoting health and pension services combined guidance" put forward to 2020, the medical and health care services and resources to achieve the ordered shared, covering urban and rural areas, appropriate scale.functional^reasonable.comprehensive and continuous medical support with service network is basically formed. In this paper, the background of the aging population, the interpretation of the meaning of the combination of medical and support, analysis of the combination of medical support mode. It is pointed out that in public finance from the perspective of medical support with the development mode will face the difficulty of system design is not sufficient, the division of responsibilities is unknown, limitations of existing policies, human, financial and material resources lack of. At last on the basis of the proposed development of medical support combined with the pension service model emphasizes the role of the govenunent to speed up the system construction and innovation of financial subsidies. improve the policy system and other measures. 展开更多
关键词 the combination of medical and support GOVERNMENT ROLE
The role of self-accounting and financial capability in consumer credit decisions
作者 Filotto Umberto Nicolini Gianni 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第2期43-58,共16页
The role of financial capability in the consumers' financial behaviour has been widely analyzed by the literature. The same happened for the relationship between debt and financial capability. The consensus about the... The role of financial capability in the consumers' financial behaviour has been widely analyzed by the literature. The same happened for the relationship between debt and financial capability. The consensus about the benefits of an increase in the levels of financial literacy collides with a diversity of opinions on what the best solutions to increase financial capability. While methods based on traditional teaching may not be an effective solutions and they could not provide results in the short term, solutions oriented to support consumers in important financial decisions (requests for funding, choice of retirement solutions, etc.) may show greater effectiveness. Studies in literature have shown the tendency of subjects with high levels of financial capability to adopt a long term view and to upgrade their daily financial behaviour with attitudes and practices related to self-finance (budget, financial check-up, saving for goals, etc.) The paper focuses on the relationship between financial capability and self-accounting practices, interpreting the latter as evidence of conduct financially aware. After a review of the literature designed to emphasize the role of self-accounting in the context of personal finance, a financial check-up based tool is proposed, pointing out how the financial accounts' schemes and logics (regular budget, estimates and forecasts checking targets) may find useful application in the context of personal finance. 展开更多
关键词 self-accounting financial capability consumer credit
A comparative study on the influence of industrial revolution on British and German vocational education
作者 JIA Aobo 《International English Education Research》 2018年第4期20-22,共3页
The industrial revolution is a powerful force to promote social development. Reflecting on the previous two industrial revolutions, it has influenced the development of education in Britain and Germany. Comparing the ... The industrial revolution is a powerful force to promote social development. Reflecting on the previous two industrial revolutions, it has influenced the development of education in Britain and Germany. Comparing the differences between British and German vocational education development, it is of great significance to enlighten China on the development of education in the face of the third industrial revolution. 展开更多
关键词 industrial revolution BRITAIN GERMANY vocational education comparison
作者 赖慕珊 《建筑技术及设计》 2002年第8期78-91,共14页
关键词 广东移动通信有限责任公司“职工之家”员工 建筑风格 居室装修 建筑设计
"Don't Break Your Caregiver" Campaign 2011 by Tehy--The Union of Health and Social Care Professionals
作者 Vuoriluoto Irmeli 《Sociology Study》 2013年第9期707-714,共8页
According to several researches and survey findings, violence and the threat of violence are increasingly present at workplaces in the field of healthcare. In 2011, the Finnish Union of Health and Social Care Professi... According to several researches and survey findings, violence and the threat of violence are increasingly present at workplaces in the field of healthcare. In 2011, the Finnish Union of Health and Social Care Professionals--Tehy implemented a poster campaign targeted at the users of healthcare services, as well as healthcare staff. Representatives of local trade unions, as well as safety representatives, reported that the campaign was relevant. Most employers had a favorable attitude toward distributing campaign posters at the workplace. Raising this issue, which increases the mental burden of work and risks occupational safety at the workplace, helps to achieve improvements. Following the poster campaign, Tehy conducted an electronic survey in early 2012 about the impacts of the campaign among representatives of local trade unions (N= 279) and safety representatives (N = 278). The campaign resulted in some working environment improvements, as well as an increase in reporting situations involving violence. On a more worrying note, the provision of workplace-level training on managing violent situations did not increase. 展开更多
关键词 Healthcare workplace violence poster campaign impact occupational safety
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