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具有模糊联盟值n人对策的模糊Shapley值 被引量:5
作者 谭春桥 《系统管理学报》 CSSCI 2012年第1期42-47,共6页
研究了一类联盟收益值是模糊数的n人对策的模糊Shapley值。利用模糊数运算有关理论,通过建立公理化体系,对具有模糊联盟收益值n人对策的模糊Shapley值进行深入研究,证明了这类n人对策模糊Shapley值存在性与唯一性,并给出了此Shapley值... 研究了一类联盟收益值是模糊数的n人对策的模糊Shapley值。利用模糊数运算有关理论,通过建立公理化体系,对具有模糊联盟收益值n人对策的模糊Shapley值进行深入研究,证明了这类n人对策模糊Shapley值存在性与唯一性,并给出了此Shapley值的具体表达式。最后,将此模糊Shapley值作为收益分配方案应用到企业协作收益分配的实例中。 展开更多
关键词 n人对策 模糊数联盟值 SHAPLEY
作者 李少芳 《东莞理工学院学报》 2016年第1期15-19,共5页
基于势结构与联盟值无关的联盟结构生成算法的研究成果,可以应用到与联盟值有关的联盟结构生成优化中。同时,在与联盟值有关的问题研究中,充分利用给定的联盟值信息进一步优化计算,提高效率。文中介绍了同势的联盟值信息提取方法,并给... 基于势结构与联盟值无关的联盟结构生成算法的研究成果,可以应用到与联盟值有关的联盟结构生成优化中。同时,在与联盟值有关的问题研究中,充分利用给定的联盟值信息进一步优化计算,提高效率。文中介绍了同势的联盟值信息提取方法,并给出应用实例,减少的搜索空间接近一半。 展开更多
关键词 多AGENT 联盟结构 势结构 算法优化 联盟值
具有区间联盟值n人对策的Shapley值 被引量:19
作者 谭春桥 张强 《应用数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期193-203,共11页
本文提出了一类具有区间联盟收益值n人对策的Shapley值.利用区间数运算有关理论,通过建立公理化体系,对具有区间联盟收益值n人对策的Shapley值进行深入研究,证明了这类n人对策Shapley值存在性与唯一性,并给出了此Shapley值的具体表达式... 本文提出了一类具有区间联盟收益值n人对策的Shapley值.利用区间数运算有关理论,通过建立公理化体系,对具有区间联盟收益值n人对策的Shapley值进行深入研究,证明了这类n人对策Shapley值存在性与唯一性,并给出了此Shapley值的具体表达式及一些性质.最后通过一个算例检验了其有效性与正确性. 展开更多
关键词 n人合作对策 区间数联盟值 SHAPLEY
基于结构元理论的模糊合作博弈Owen联盟值 被引量:3
作者 张倩 郭嗣琮 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期152-157,共6页
研究具有模糊参与度和模糊收益的模糊合作博弈各局中人的Owen联盟值问题。首先,重新定义了模糊Owen联盟值的具体形式,并证明其满足新定义的5条公理。利用模糊结构元理论和限定运算理论去计算求解,最后用一个实例验证了模糊Owen联盟值方... 研究具有模糊参与度和模糊收益的模糊合作博弈各局中人的Owen联盟值问题。首先,重新定义了模糊Owen联盟值的具体形式,并证明其满足新定义的5条公理。利用模糊结构元理论和限定运算理论去计算求解,最后用一个实例验证了模糊Owen联盟值方法,并对结果进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 模糊合作博弈 模糊Owen联盟值 模糊结构元
基于个人超出值的模糊联盟合作博弈最小二乘预核仁 被引量:2
作者 南江霞 魏骊晓 +1 位作者 李登峰 张茂军 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期77-82,共6页
本文给出了基于个人超出值的无限模糊联盟合作博弈最小二乘预核仁的求解模型,得到该模型的显式解析解,并研究该解的若干重要性质。证明了:本文给出的无限模糊联盟合作博弈的最小二乘预核仁与基于个人超出值的相等解(The equalizer solut... 本文给出了基于个人超出值的无限模糊联盟合作博弈最小二乘预核仁的求解模型,得到该模型的显式解析解,并研究该解的若干重要性质。证明了:本文给出的无限模糊联盟合作博弈的最小二乘预核仁与基于个人超出值的相等解(The equalizer solution),基于个人超出值的字典序解三者相等。进一步证明了:基于Owen线性多维扩展的无限模糊联盟合作博弈的最小二乘预核仁与基于个人超出值的经典合作博弈最小二乘预核仁相等。最后,通过数值实例说明本文提出的无限模糊联盟合作博弈求解模型的实用性与有效性。 展开更多
关键词 无限模糊联盟合作博弈 个人超出 联盟超出 最小二乘预核仁
一种基于等价的联盟演化机制 被引量:16
作者 徐晋晖 石纯一 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1999年第5期513-517,共5页
联盟是多Agent之间一种重要的合作方法.多数方法没有考虑联盟的演化问题,难以避免大量的计算;而且对于联盟值是已知的假设也是不实际的.文中给出了联盟问题的等价性和相应的联盟演化机制,不通过对联盟值预先计算,可求得联盟... 联盟是多Agent之间一种重要的合作方法.多数方法没有考虑联盟的演化问题,难以避免大量的计算;而且对于联盟值是已知的假设也是不实际的.文中给出了联盟问题的等价性和相应的联盟演化机制,不通过对联盟值预先计算,可求得联盟问题的解,可以降低计算复杂度.与Shehory&Kraus的工作相比引入了联盟的等价和演化。 展开更多
关键词 联盟 联盟值 等价 演化 AGENT 人工智能
基于联盟结构的模糊合作博弈的收益分配方案 被引量:18
作者 孙红霞 张强 《运筹与管理》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期84-89,共6页
研究了具有联盟结构的企业联盟模糊情况下各局中人的收益分配问题.首先拓展了Owen联盟值在经典意义下满足的5个公理,利用Choquet积分给出了基于联盟结构的模糊合作博弈的Owen联盟值,即模糊Owen联盟值的具体形式,并证明该联盟值满足新定... 研究了具有联盟结构的企业联盟模糊情况下各局中人的收益分配问题.首先拓展了Owen联盟值在经典意义下满足的5个公理,利用Choquet积分给出了基于联盟结构的模糊合作博弈的Owen联盟值,即模糊Owen联盟值的具体形式,并证明该联盟值满足新定义的5个公理.最后用实例验证了模糊Owen联盟值方法,并对计算结果进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 博弈论 模糊联盟博弈 Owen联盟值 联盟结构
最优联盟结构生成算法中的分支限界技术 被引量:1
作者 刘惊雷 张伟 童向荣 《北京交通大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期76-80,共5页
讨论多Agent系统中的最优联盟结构生成问题.对于联盟值以特征函数表示的情况下,提出了一种分支限界技术.该技术用联盟大小所代表的整数多个二部拆分作为当前搜索空间的多个分支,以已经求得的局部联盟值的下界和当前所得到的最优值所构... 讨论多Agent系统中的最优联盟结构生成问题.对于联盟值以特征函数表示的情况下,提出了一种分支限界技术.该技术用联盟大小所代表的整数多个二部拆分作为当前搜索空间的多个分支,以已经求得的局部联盟值的下界和当前所得到的最优值所构造出的剪枝函数来限界.这样,若当前要搜索的一个分支——二部拆分的上界小于所构造的剪枝函数时,该二部拆分分支所对应的大量二部划分就不需进行分解,从而减少了搜索时间.该分支限界技术可整合到当前所出现的各种联盟结构生成算法中.为了测试该技术的有效性,本文将该技术应用到了Rothkopf所提出的DP算法和Rahwan等人所提出的IDP算法中.在具有21个Agent系统中,带有分支限界的BBDP(Branch Bound Dynamitic Programming)算法比不带有分支限界的DP算法可节省时间58.2%;带有分支限界的比不带有分支限界的IDP算法可节省时间17.8%. 展开更多
关键词 最优联盟结构 整数二部拆分 二部划分 联盟值的上界和下界 分支限界
Affects of Marshall Plan on Turkish Economy
作者 Nurgun Koc Bedriye Koc 《Sociology Study》 2017年第2期83-121,共39页
Marshall Plan is an important declaration that dominated world economy and politics after the World War II. It is also evidence that policy of the United States of America to make for its internal politics between two... Marshall Plan is an important declaration that dominated world economy and politics after the World War II. It is also evidence that policy of the United States of America to make for its internal politics between two world wars was abandoned and it was intended to dominate world politics. Likewise, it can be considered as the smoking gun for power loss of continental Europe, including England, against the Soviet Union. When Turkey had to find its way into Western alliance in this new period divided into two poles and called as "Cold War", it intended to enter into economic acquis formed by Marshall Plan. Turkey, in the process to prevent the spread of communism against the Soviet Union that started mainly by Truman Doctrine, was of the first priority status by the USA just like Greece. It can be said that Turkish economy made an important progress to move into liberal system from its statist structure through Marshall Plan. Accession process to European Union integration mandated by the USA was started by Republican People's Party (CHP) and it was also continued in Democratic Party period with liberal program that took over the power as a result of elections in Turkey. Although Marshall Plan created economic added value in Turkey at the beginning, it could not create a sustainable welfare process as consultants coming from the USA had insisted on unilateral economic policies and Turkey was directed towards military spending due to being seen mainly as a buffer state against the Soviet Union and Middle East. It can be also said that arrangements arising from double standards in the application compared to European countries caused economic instabilities in the long run. 展开更多
关键词 Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan the United States of America TURKEY ECONOMY
The Eurozone: North and South 1999-2010 Some Thoughts About the Long Term Dynamic Forces in the EMU
作者 Antonin Rusek 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第7期767-772,共6页
Do Eurozone's countries converge or diverge over time? In this paper, the issue of the Eurozone cohesion is analyzed, with emphasis on the North-South axis. The dynamics of 10 economic variables covered the general ... Do Eurozone's countries converge or diverge over time? In this paper, the issue of the Eurozone cohesion is analyzed, with emphasis on the North-South axis. The dynamics of 10 economic variables covered the general performance (GDP, consumption), price environment (prices and interest rates), both public and private financial variables and competitiveness (real effective exchange rates, unit labor costs etc.). The complex analysis of the data indicates that whereas in the most of analyzed variables neither convergence nor divergence can be identified, in the all important competitiveness area the long term divergence between the North and the South of the Eurozone is undeniable. Unless addressed, this dynamics may constitute significant, and perhaps ultimate, threats to the Eurozone cohesion and perhaps to its existence. 展开更多
关键词 EUROZONE north and south real convergence real divergence
The Requirements for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Croatia and the European Union
作者 Goran Kutnjak Matija Radovic Diana Blaskovic 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第7期649-655,共7页
Small and medium enterprises are the main institutional medium of the European economy. This is also recognized by the government of the Republic of Croatia, which emphasizes their importance and values their dynamism... Small and medium enterprises are the main institutional medium of the European economy. This is also recognized by the government of the Republic of Croatia, which emphasizes their importance and values their dynamism and capability for revitalizing the Croatian economy, and supports this by ways of subsidies. But, for all the effort, the economic position of small and medium enterprises in the terms of globalization is becoming more complex and uncertain, limited by time and more demanding. This does not correspond with the thesis which states that in the environment and conditions of the modem market economy, which is dynamised by progress in science, technology, information and communication, entrepreneurship has manifested a progressive dimension with the character and needs of all economic activity, as well as a tendency to achieve set objectives and generate change. Recently, after the repeated recession, which was encumbered by the effects of the one before, the conditions of doing business and survival for small and medium enterprises have changed significantly in a negative sense. So, there is a justified cause for questioning earlier stances about small and medium enterprises and their capability to be a motor of development of the Croatian economy, as well as to reevaluate their influence in the context of GDP growth, to focus on the importance and prevalence of certain sectors of the economy, to critically evaluate economic measures which do not lead to a reduction in unemployment and to define the requirements for future development of the small and medium enterprises, which implicates the increased economic efficiency, quality and living standards. 展开更多
关键词 requirements DEVELOPMENT small and medium enterprises Republic of Croatia
集合对策中值的标准性与分配方案的单调性 被引量:4
作者 孙浩 王力工 李学良 《应用数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期566-573,共8页
关键词 集合对策 标准性 分配方案 单调性 联盟力量 边缘贡献
基于个人超出值的区间值合作博弈新的求解模型 被引量:3
作者 南江霞 李梦祺 张茂军 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期1681-1688,共8页
从个人超出值的视角研究特征函数为区间值的合作博弈和联盟为模糊集的无限模糊联盟区间值合作博弈.首先,利用区间值距离公式定义个人超出值;然后,建立最小化所有局中人个人超出值的最优化模型,进一步得到两类区间值合作博弈的显式解析解... 从个人超出值的视角研究特征函数为区间值的合作博弈和联盟为模糊集的无限模糊联盟区间值合作博弈.首先,利用区间值距离公式定义个人超出值;然后,建立最小化所有局中人个人超出值的最优化模型,进一步得到两类区间值合作博弈的显式解析解,并证明该解的性质;最后,通过数值实例验证所提出区间值合作博弈求解模型的实用性与有效性,为区间值合作博弈提供一种新的求解思路. 展开更多
关键词 区间合作博弈 区间距离 个人超出 联盟超出
作者 MENG Fanyong TAN Chunqiao ZHANG Qiang 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2014年第5期1064-1078,共15页
With respect to multichoice games with a coalition structure,a coalitional value named the generalized symmetric coalitional Banzhaf value is defined,which is an extension of the Shapley value for multichoice games an... With respect to multichoice games with a coalition structure,a coalitional value named the generalized symmetric coalitional Banzhaf value is defined,which is an extension of the Shapley value for multichoice games and the symmetric coalitional Banzhaf value for traditional games with a coalition structure.Two axiomatic systems are established:One is enlightened by the characterizations for the symmetric coalitional Banzhaf value,and the other is inspired by the characterizations for the Banzhaf value. 展开更多
关键词 Coalition structure generalized symmetric coalitional Banzhaf value multichoice game
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