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作者 高非 《襄阳职业技术学院学报》 2017年第6期1-4,共4页
襄阳职业技术学院从2015年起在党建工作中积极推行"三级联述联评联考"制度,经过两年多的实践,收到了较为明显的效果。文章从理论基础、主要内涵和实践效果等三个方面对该院实施"三级联述联评联考"制度情况进行了深... 襄阳职业技术学院从2015年起在党建工作中积极推行"三级联述联评联考"制度,经过两年多的实践,收到了较为明显的效果。文章从理论基础、主要内涵和实践效果等三个方面对该院实施"三级联述联评联考"制度情况进行了深入分析,以期使这一制度能够在高校得到全面落实。 展开更多
关键词 三级联评 基层组织建设 党建工作
基于OBE理念构建幼师教育“一核六维五环节”校企联评体系--以太原幼儿师范高等专科学校语言表演教学为例 被引量:4
作者 李乐萍 范永丽 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2023年第24期57-61,共5页
构建校企联评体系是幼师教育产教融合的必然要求。“一核六维五环节”校企联评体系紧扣“教学质量”这一核心,以幼师语言表演教学为监评对象,从五个环节对六个维度进行全程联评和诊改,可以实现校企深度互通互融,促进学生学用一体、育训... 构建校企联评体系是幼师教育产教融合的必然要求。“一核六维五环节”校企联评体系紧扣“教学质量”这一核心,以幼师语言表演教学为监评对象,从五个环节对六个维度进行全程联评和诊改,可以实现校企深度互通互融,促进学生学用一体、育训结合的集约化发展,进一步提升校企联合育人成效。 展开更多
关键词 幼师教育 OBE理念 一核六维五环节 教学质量 产教融合 校企联评 对象 育训结合
作者 王英 《中国市场》 2015年第41期116-118,共3页
2012年,中组部印发《关于在创先争优活动中开展基层组织建设年的实施意见》(中组发〔2012〕6号)(以下称《实施意见》),要求各级党委和组织部门建立"三级联述联评联考"制度。在认真学习中组部有关文件的基础上,经过深入研究、... 2012年,中组部印发《关于在创先争优活动中开展基层组织建设年的实施意见》(中组发〔2012〕6号)(以下称《实施意见》),要求各级党委和组织部门建立"三级联述联评联考"制度。在认真学习中组部有关文件的基础上,经过深入研究、学习借鉴了各单位"三级联述联评联考"制度的已有成果,和中组部、中纪委《关于党员领导干部述职述廉的暂行规定》、中组部《中管金融企业领导班子和领导人员综合考核评价办法(试行)》等文件资料,结合国有企业党建工作经验和实际,对"三级联述联评联考"制度进行了深入细致的分析。 展开更多
关键词 三级联评 基层组织建设 党建工作
作者 冉德章 罗少波 《河北党风》 2003年第11期36-37,共2页
关键词 河北 监察厅 纪律检查委员会 案件管理工作 联评制度 科学规范 标准 反腐败工作
作者 马石红 《最漫画·学校体音美》 2018年第8期00218-00218,共1页
在多年的语文教学中我发现,要想有效提高学生的作文水平,写作和修改同等重要。《语文课程标准》对习作的具体建议中提出:“重视引导学生在自我修改和相互修改的过程中提高写作能力”。显然,培养学生自己修改作文的能力,是作文教学的一... 在多年的语文教学中我发现,要想有效提高学生的作文水平,写作和修改同等重要。《语文课程标准》对习作的具体建议中提出:“重视引导学生在自我修改和相互修改的过程中提高写作能力”。显然,培养学生自己修改作文的能力,是作文教学的一项重要任务。 展开更多
关键词 小学高年级 三级联评 习作
中职学校“学——练—联——评”教学模式研究 被引量:1
作者 王子玉 李静 毕倡源 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2024年第8期120-124,共5页
对中职学校传统模具加工课程人才培养方式进行分析,结合模具课程特色,提出“学—练—联—评”教学模式。通过与意向企业深度合作,打造具有行业特色的高新技术、优质企业、经验教师三面立体化课程;分析课程方案,明确学习目标,激发学生学... 对中职学校传统模具加工课程人才培养方式进行分析,结合模具课程特色,提出“学—练—联—评”教学模式。通过与意向企业深度合作,打造具有行业特色的高新技术、优质企业、经验教师三面立体化课程;分析课程方案,明确学习目标,激发学生学习兴趣;运用多方面全过程评价,及时将评价结果反馈到教学中,提升课堂教学质量,改进模具专业课教学方法,培养学生综合素养和职业技能。“学—练—联—评”教学模式寓学于练、寓练于联、寓联于评、以评馈学,可以充分调动学生自主学习的积极性,突出教学内容的实用性与实践性,培养具有综合职业能力的高素质劳动者和初、中级复合型技能人才。 展开更多
关键词 中职学校 模具课程 “学—练— 校企互
作者 刘荣明 赵耀良 郭有刚 《涉外税务》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期73-76,共4页
纳税评估作为强化税源监控的手段之一,是提高征管质量的重要措施。当前,有些国税机关按税种将增值税、企业所得税(以下简称"两税")分别评估,没有实现信息共享,既影响了征管质量和效率,也增加了工作量。山西省晋中市榆次区国... 纳税评估作为强化税源监控的手段之一,是提高征管质量的重要措施。当前,有些国税机关按税种将增值税、企业所得税(以下简称"两税")分别评估,没有实现信息共享,既影响了征管质量和效率,也增加了工作量。山西省晋中市榆次区国家税务局从实际出发,综合运用各类数据信息比对分析,对纳税人一定时期内"两税"纳税申报情况实施综合评估,达到一次评估、"两税"兼评的效果。本文对"两税"联评模型的基本原理及应用过程进行了介绍与分析。 展开更多
关键词 增值税 企业所得税 联评模型
“互检联评”促考核 被引量:1
《人民调解》 2005年第2期18-18,共1页
去年11月下旬以来,黑龙江省司法厅基层处将"互检联评"方式引入到基层司法行政工作目标考核之中,取得了良好效果。一、顺势应变,兼收并蓄,适时提出"互检联评"方式。基层司法行政工作涉及面广、专业性强、业务量大,... 去年11月下旬以来,黑龙江省司法厅基层处将"互检联评"方式引入到基层司法行政工作目标考核之中,取得了良好效果。一、顺势应变,兼收并蓄,适时提出"互检联评"方式。基层司法行政工作涉及面广、专业性强、业务量大,怎样科学客观地评定年度目标考核工作?如何将各参评单位的关注点从年终岁尾争名次转到取长补短学经验上来?怎样确保通过目标考核工作更有效地推进全系统工作?正是基于对这些问题的深入思考和对系统实际的深刻把握,去年初。 展开更多
关键词 联评 目标考核 互检 司法行政工作
程含章对昆明大观楼长联的评价与修改 被引量:3
作者 黄桂枢 《思茅师范高等专科学校学报》 2002年第1期32-34,共3页
清代昆明大观楼长联 ,名扬四海 ,第一个明确夸赞评价长联的 ,是从云南思茅地区无量山下走出来 ,在省外担任巡抚、工部左侍郎的清官景东人程含章。他评价“孙髯翁大观楼长联 ,才雄气猛 ,为海内第一杰作”。评联后 ,他又从艺术上考虑去修... 清代昆明大观楼长联 ,名扬四海 ,第一个明确夸赞评价长联的 ,是从云南思茅地区无量山下走出来 ,在省外担任巡抚、工部左侍郎的清官景东人程含章。他评价“孙髯翁大观楼长联 ,才雄气猛 ,为海内第一杰作”。评联后 ,他又从艺术上考虑去修改长联 ,未获成功。以往联坛中人对他 ,忘评联之功而责改联之过 。 展开更多
关键词 犬观楼长 孙髯翁 程含章 功过
依托“知行评联” 提高劳动教育水平
作者 孙燕鹏 崔洋 《辽宁教育》 2025年第2期94-96,共3页
近年来,我国劳动教育持续发展,既是提升学生综合素质的重要途径,也是促进学生全面发展的重要举措。当前中小学劳动教育的实效性不强,学界对其研究和实践尚不充分。教师可通过重构和升级认知、开展具有针对性的活动、及时有效的反馈和评... 近年来,我国劳动教育持续发展,既是提升学生综合素质的重要途径,也是促进学生全面发展的重要举措。当前中小学劳动教育的实效性不强,学界对其研究和实践尚不充分。教师可通过重构和升级认知、开展具有针对性的活动、及时有效的反馈和评价以及家校联手,即“知行评联”等策略,形成常态化推进劳动教育的机制模式,切实提高中小学劳动教育水平。 展开更多
关键词 劳动教育 “知行 教育路径
Application Comparison of Association Rules and C4.5 Rules in Land Evaluation 被引量:3
作者 李亭 杨敬锋 陈志民 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期144-147,共4页
Association rules and C4.5 rules can overcome the shortage of the traditional land evaluation methods and improve the intelligibility and efficiency of the land evaluation knowledge.In order to compare these two kinds... Association rules and C4.5 rules can overcome the shortage of the traditional land evaluation methods and improve the intelligibility and efficiency of the land evaluation knowledge.In order to compare these two kinds of classification rules in the application,two fuzzy classifiers were established by combining with fuzzy decision algorithm especially based on Second General Soil Survey of Guangdong Province.The results of experiments demonstrated that the fuzzy classifier based on association rules obtain a higher accuracy rate,but with more complex calculation process and more computational overhead;the fuzzy classifier based on C4.5 rules obtain a slightly lower accuracy,but with fast computation and simpler calculation. 展开更多
关键词 Land evaluation Association rules C4.5 Algorithm Fuzzy decision
Identification and quality evaluation of Lepidium meyenii. (Maca) based on gas chromatographic analysis of its essential oils from roots 被引量:5
作者 金文闻 熊悦 余龙江 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2006年第3期2-9,共8页
Lepidium meyeniiWalp. (Maca), a perennial herbaceous plant with narrow distdbution in the Andean region, was cultivated by local residents as early as 1600 B.C. It has high nutritional values and multiple medicinal ... Lepidium meyeniiWalp. (Maca), a perennial herbaceous plant with narrow distdbution in the Andean region, was cultivated by local residents as early as 1600 B.C. It has high nutritional values and multiple medicinal effects. In recent years the plant source of Maca has been greatly scarce since Maca products are increasingly becoming popular in the world. This makes the study urgent on the identification and quality evaluation of Maca materials. In present work, four Mace samples of different origins or handlings and three other natural plants, including radish, odental ginseng and American ginseng, were investigated. Their essential oils (steam distillates) of the hypogeal parts were weighed and analyzed by GC/MS. Through comparison of the characteristics of their chromatograms, it was found that the essential oil of Maca had unique GC/MS behaviors, and the characteristic peaks produced by the major essential oil components (Phenylacetonitrile, Benzaldehyde, 3-Methoxyphenylacetonitrile, etc) were distinct. Furthermore, the chromatograms of several Maca samples showed a similar qualitative pattern except for some differences in the quantitative composition, and the percentage of total essential oils in the samples varied from 0.88 % to 1.59 %. These behaviors and technologies can be applied to the identification of Maca materials in the markets and be a supplement to assess the quality of Maca matedals. 展开更多
关键词 Lepidium meyenii IDENTIFICATION essential oil GC/MS
Comprehensive evaluation method for superstructures of prestressed concrete girder bridges 被引量:3
作者 黄侨 林阳子 任远 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期64-68,共5页
A multi-level evaluation model for the superstructure of a damaged prestressed concrete girder or beam bridge is established, and the evaluation indices of the model as well as the rating standards are defined. A norm... A multi-level evaluation model for the superstructure of a damaged prestressed concrete girder or beam bridge is established, and the evaluation indices of the model as well as the rating standards are defined. A normal relative function about the evaluation indices of each element is developed to calculate the relative degree, and for each element there are no sub-level elements. When evaluating the elements in the sub-item level or the index level of the model, the weights of elements pertain to one adopted element, taking into account their degrees of deterioration. Since the relative degrees and structure evaluation scales on the damage conditions are applied to characterize the superstructure of damaged prestressed concrete girder bridges, this method can evaluate the prestressed structure in detail, and the evaluation results agree with the Code for Maintenance of Highway Bridges and Culvers (JTG Hll--2004 ). Finally, a bridge in Jilin province is taken as an example, using the method developed to evaluate its damage conditions, which gives an effective way for bridge engineering. 展开更多
关键词 bridge engineering comprehensive evaluation analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method relative degree weight modification
Study on the evaluation index system and evaluation method for self-elevating drilling unit design 被引量:1
作者 王运龙 纪卓尚 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2009年第1期46-52,共7页
In the process of designing self-elevating drilling unit, it is important, yet complicated, to use comparison and filtering to select the optimum scheme from the feasible ones. In this research, an index system and me... In the process of designing self-elevating drilling unit, it is important, yet complicated, to use comparison and filtering to select the optimum scheme from the feasible ones. In this research, an index system and methodology for the evaluation of self-elevating drilling unit was proposed. Based on this, a multi-objective combinatorial optimization model was developed, using the improved grey relation Analysis (GRA), in which the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to determine the weights of the evaluating indices. It considered the connections within the indices, reflecting the objective nature of things, and also considered the subjective interests of ship owners and the needs of designers. The evaluation index system and evaluation method can be used in the selection of an optimal scheme and advanced assessment. A case study shows the index system and evaluation method are scientific, reasonable, and easy to put into practice. At the same time, such an evaluation index system and evaluation method will be helpful for making decisions for other mobile platforms. 展开更多
关键词 self-elevating drilling unit evaluation index system evaluation method grey relation analysis (GRA) analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
Risk Assessment of Diary Cattle Brucellosis Based on Systematic Multilevel Grey Relation Entropy Method
作者 孙向东 江慎铭 刘拥军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2169-2174,2225,共7页
[Objective] The study was to explore the major factors affecting diary cattle brucellosis risk assessment,as well as their strong-to-weak sequence,so as to provide theoretical basis for assessing diary cattle brucello... [Objective] The study was to explore the major factors affecting diary cattle brucellosis risk assessment,as well as their strong-to-weak sequence,so as to provide theoretical basis for assessing diary cattle brucellosis risk level in different regions.[Method] From 4 dimensions of feeding and importing,breeding,housing and polyculture situation,an evaluation index system was set up,and diary cattle brucellosis risk survey was conducted in 3 typical regions.Finally,systematic multilevel grey relation entropy method was applied to perform data analysis.[Result] The strong-to-weak sequence of Level 1 impact factor of diary cattle brucellosis was as follows:feeding and importinghousingpolyculture situationbreeding;the sequence of Level 2 impact factor was U32〉U12〉U11〉U31〉U21〉U42〉U43〉U23〉U22〉U41;the risk level sequence of 3 typical regions was Province A(County A1,A2,A3)Province B(County B1,B2,B3)Province C(County C1,C2,C3).[Conclusion] According to the weight of Level 1 index strata,administrative departments at all levels and dairy cattle farmers should lay emphasis on the aspects of feeding,importing and housing;viewed from the perspective of Level 2 index strata,dairy cattle farmers should value the siting of cattle field,the brucellosis surveillance before importing and milking modes most.According to the diary cattle brucellosis risk level of 3 typical regions,if administrative departments at all levels strengthen peoples' awareness of their personal health and increase investment in this area,with new healthy cultured atmosphere built,the risk level of diary cattle brucellosis will surly decline. 展开更多
关键词 Systematic multilevel grey relation entropy method Diary cattle brucellosis Risk assessment
Intelligibility evaluation of enhanced whisper in joint time-frequency domain 被引量:1
作者 周健 魏昕 +1 位作者 梁瑞宇 赵力 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第3期261-266,共6页
Some factors influencing the intelligibility of the enhanced whisper in the joint time-frequency domain are evaluated. Specifically, both the spectrum density and different regions of the enhanced spectrum are analyze... Some factors influencing the intelligibility of the enhanced whisper in the joint time-frequency domain are evaluated. Specifically, both the spectrum density and different regions of the enhanced spectrum are analyzed. Experimental results show that for a spectrum of some density, the joint time-frequency gain-modification based speech enhancement algorithm achieves significant improvement in intelligibility. Additionally, the spectrum region where the estimated spectrum is smaller than the clean spectrum, is the most important region contributing to intelligibility improvement for the enhanced whisper. The spectrum region where the estimated spectrum is larger than twice the size of the clean spectrum is detrimental to speech intelligibility perception within the whisper context. 展开更多
关键词 whispered speech enhancement intelligibilityevaluation real-valued discrete Gabor transform joint time-frequency analysis
Soil Quality Assessment Using Weighted Fuzzy Association Rules 被引量:12
作者 XUE Yue-Ju LIU Shu-Guang +1 位作者 HU Yue-Ming YANG Jing-Feng 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期334-341,共8页
Fuzzy association rules (FARs) can be powerful in assessing regional soil quality, a critical step prior to land planning and utilization; however, traditional FARs mined from soil quality database, ignoring the impor... Fuzzy association rules (FARs) can be powerful in assessing regional soil quality, a critical step prior to land planning and utilization; however, traditional FARs mined from soil quality database, ignoring the importance variability of the rules, can be redundant and far from optimal. In this study, we developed a method applying different weights to traditional FARs to improve accuracy of soil quality assessment. After the FARs for soil quality assessment were mined, redundant rules were eliminated according to whether the rules were significant or not in reducing the complexity of the soil quality assessment models and in improving the comprehensibility of FARs. The global weights, each representing the importance of a FAR in soil quality assessment, were then introduced and refined using a gradient descent optimization method. This method was applied to the assessment of soil resources conditions in Guangdong Province, China. The new approach had an accuracy of 87%, when 15 rules were mined, as compared with 76% from the traditional approach. The accuracy increased to 96% when 32 rules were mined, in contrast to 88% from the traditional approach. These results demonstrated an improved comprehensibility of FARs and a high accuracy of the proposed method. 展开更多
Application of grey weighted related degree to the ambient air quality assessment 被引量:3
作者 孟宪林 沈晋 +1 位作者 孙丽欣 吕晓莹 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第4期395-397,共3页
It is difficult to establish the integrated method to assess the ambient air quality because the atmospheric environmental system is composed of several environmental elements, which contains many contanination factor... It is difficult to establish the integrated method to assess the ambient air quality because the atmospheric environmental system is composed of several environmental elements, which contains many contanination factors. In view of the typical grey system character of the monitored data in the ambient air, this paper introduces the weighted value to obtain related degree during applying the method of grey related degree analvsis to assess ambient air quality by each polluting factor producing different effects on the environment quality. This method could give more reasonable and reliable evaluating results. Taking the monitored data of Harbin, a provincial city of Heilongjiang, for example in this paper, the result of assessment by this method was coincide,It with the actual environmental quality of Harbin. 展开更多
关键词 grey correlated degree environmental assessment weighting
Alternatives of Strategic Environmental Assessment for Road Traffic Development Planning——Case of Changchun City,China 被引量:4
作者 CHEN Chong XU Yex +1 位作者 SHANG Jincheng Gordon HUANG 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期25-36,共12页
On analyzing the achievement of the goal in the modem urban road traffic development planning, the alternative of Strategic Environmental Assessment for urban traffic planning should include the basic scheme, the exte... On analyzing the achievement of the goal in the modem urban road traffic development planning, the alternative of Strategic Environmental Assessment for urban traffic planning should include the basic scheme, the extended scheme and the environmental protection scheme. This study from different perspectives designed the alternatives for Changchun's county-level road and urban road system planning, and used the method of System Dynamics to simulate, optimize and analyze those alternatives. Thereafter, some methods including the correlation function method were used to comprehensively assess and rank those alternatives for recommending two best alternatives with the consideration to the indicators, such as the total emission amount of CO, the total emission amount of nitrogen oxides, the noise value, the road construction cost, the fossil oil consumption and the traffic capacity. The result showed that the study would provide substantial supports for decision-makers to make more scientific decisions and promote the sustainable urban traffic in Changchun City. 展开更多
关键词 road traffic traffic planning Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) correlation function Changchun City
Grey associated analysis of the underground water quality effected by the leaching water of dumping area or hillock of coal mine 被引量:4
作者 卢国斌 张浪 刘志斌 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2003年第2期70-73,共4页
The underground water has been contaminated seriously by the leaching water of dumping area or hillock. To determine the pollution limits of underground water, author took samples in the study area, analyzed samples f... The underground water has been contaminated seriously by the leaching water of dumping area or hillock. To determine the pollution limits of underground water, author took samples in the study area, analyzed samples for water quality, assessed the water quality of each monitoring point by the grey associated analysis method, and gave out the classifications of the underground water quality of the study area. Comparing with fuzzy comprehensive appraisal method, it is demonstrated that grey associated analysis method is applied easily, because of its clear concept, simple and convenient calculation and excellently operation. 展开更多
关键词 grey associated analysis underground water monitoring point environmental quality
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