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“聚土地”与新型农业经营体系实现形式分析 被引量:2
作者 薛国琴 杨俊超 《农业经济》 北大核心 2015年第10期52-54,共3页
"型农业经营体系具有集约化、专业化、组织化、社会化等特征,如何构建、运行新型农业经营体系?文章以安徽省绩溪县的"聚土地"项目为分析对象,通过对其运作模式的分析,发现"聚土地"具有家庭经营、规模经营、多... "型农业经营体系具有集约化、专业化、组织化、社会化等特征,如何构建、运行新型农业经营体系?文章以安徽省绩溪县的"聚土地"项目为分析对象,通过对其运作模式的分析,发现"聚土地"具有家庭经营、规模经营、多元化主体、商品化生产等特征,是新型农业经营体系的较好实现形式。文章认为,通过推进农村土地制度改革、建立多层次农业社会化服务体系、培育多元农业经营主体,有助于构建新型农业经营体系。 展开更多
关键词 聚土地 新型农业经营体系 新型农业经营主体
“互联网+”现代农业下涉农电商发展新探索——基于安徽省绩溪县“聚土地”项目调查 被引量:3
作者 王璐 《现代商业》 2016年第8期41-42,共2页
随着互联网+概念的提出,电子商务在当今社会的迅速发展及传统农业所面临的巨大挑战,涉农电商已成为农业现代化、信息化的必由之路。本文通过对涉农电商发展标杆——安徽省绩溪县的实地调研,总结绩溪模式的经验,为互联网+现代农业的发展... 随着互联网+概念的提出,电子商务在当今社会的迅速发展及传统农业所面临的巨大挑战,涉农电商已成为农业现代化、信息化的必由之路。本文通过对涉农电商发展标杆——安徽省绩溪县的实地调研,总结绩溪模式的经验,为互联网+现代农业的发展提出新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 互联网+ 现代农业 聚土地 涉农电商
基于“聚土地”项目的新型农业产业模式研究 被引量:3
作者 王紫恒 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2018年第19期201-203,共3页
在互联网经济的飞速发展、农村经济发展滞后的宏观政策背景下,安徽省绩溪县推出"聚土地"项目,是基于互联网发展的新型农业产业模式。基于对"聚土地"项目的全面深入分析,对项目进行综合评价,为我国基于互联网发展新... 在互联网经济的飞速发展、农村经济发展滞后的宏观政策背景下,安徽省绩溪县推出"聚土地"项目,是基于互联网发展的新型农业产业模式。基于对"聚土地"项目的全面深入分析,对项目进行综合评价,为我国基于互联网发展新型农业产业模式提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 聚土地 乡村振兴 新型农业产业模式
浅析电子商务模式下的农地流转方式——基于安徽省绩溪县“聚土地”项目的思考 被引量:1
作者 陈琨 《山西农经》 2016年第9期22-22,24,共2页
关键词 电子商务 绩溪县 聚土地”项目
作者 朱文静 王鹏威 卜芳宙 《电子商务》 2015年第10期15-16,共2页
浙江省诸暨市作为浙江省农业生产大县和强县,浙江省委省政府在诸暨作出"大力发展高效生态农业"的战略计划,在发展传统农业的同时,鼓励发展电商农业,"聚土地"这一农业电商项目应运而生。本文总结并分析了诸暨的农业... 浙江省诸暨市作为浙江省农业生产大县和强县,浙江省委省政府在诸暨作出"大力发展高效生态农业"的战略计划,在发展传统农业的同时,鼓励发展电商农业,"聚土地"这一农业电商项目应运而生。本文总结并分析了诸暨的农业电商发展现状,以及对未来当地农业电商发展的建议与展望。 展开更多
关键词 诸暨市 香榧 聚土地 农业电商 土地流转 冷链物流 信誉机制
作者 彭勃 《中国经贸》 2016年第10期76-76,共1页
2014年3月,淘宝聚划算平台推出“互联网私人订制农场”项目(简称“聚土地”项目),将农村闲置土地流转至电商平台名下,进行统一种植经营。这个项目首先在绩溪县开展,不仅盘活了当地抛荒的土地,还提高了农民收入,带动了当地农业... 2014年3月,淘宝聚划算平台推出“互联网私人订制农场”项目(简称“聚土地”项目),将农村闲置土地流转至电商平台名下,进行统一种植经营。这个项目首先在绩溪县开展,不仅盘活了当地抛荒的土地,还提高了农民收入,带动了当地农业、旅游业的发展,受到当地农民的一致好评。这也是“互联网+”计划在农业上的一次全新的尝试,对解决我国土地抛荒问题提供了新的解决思路。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+” 聚土地 农地抛荒
互联网背景下土地流转的问题及对策:以“聚土地”为例 被引量:2
作者 龚亚丽 《农技服务》 2019年第5期98-99,共2页
为互联网背景下农村土地流转电商化创新模式的健康发展提供参考,以“聚土地”项目为例,介绍了其特点和优势,分析该项目存在的农户与消费者利益联结不紧密、客户群体不广泛、农村休闲生态旅游存在不良现象等问题,提出创建合理的利益联结... 为互联网背景下农村土地流转电商化创新模式的健康发展提供参考,以“聚土地”项目为例,介绍了其特点和优势,分析该项目存在的农户与消费者利益联结不紧密、客户群体不广泛、农村休闲生态旅游存在不良现象等问题,提出创建合理的利益联结机制、精准定位,扩大消费群体、加强文化宣传和完善相关法律法规的对策。 展开更多
关键词 农业 互联网+ 土地流转 电商 聚土地
浅析阿里“聚土地”项目中存在的问题 被引量:1
作者 卢现 《时代金融》 2015年第26期233 236-,共2页
"聚土地"项目不光创新了农户生产、创收的新模式,同时也为我国土地流转开创了新的模式,特别是土地比较分散的地区,农户不再只能依靠外出务工取得相对高的收入,在家种地同样可以。虽然这种新型模式具有很多优点,但同样具有很... "聚土地"项目不光创新了农户生产、创收的新模式,同时也为我国土地流转开创了新的模式,特别是土地比较分散的地区,农户不再只能依靠外出务工取得相对高的收入,在家种地同样可以。虽然这种新型模式具有很多优点,但同样具有很多急需解决的问题,本文结合实际进行分析,最后给出了相关改善的建议,以求这种创新模式能够更好的发展。 展开更多
关键词 聚土地”项目 土地流转 农产品 监督
电商介入农村土地流转研究——基于“聚土地”的案例分析 被引量:1
作者 刘越 闵路路 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第5期66-71,共6页
农村土地流转是我国实现农业生产规模化、集约化、信息化与现代化的重要手段,而安徽绩溪"聚土地"项目开辟了电商介入农村土地流转的先河,被誉为"绩溪模式"。本文以"聚土地"为案例,探讨电商介入农村土地... 农村土地流转是我国实现农业生产规模化、集约化、信息化与现代化的重要手段,而安徽绩溪"聚土地"项目开辟了电商介入农村土地流转的先河,被誉为"绩溪模式"。本文以"聚土地"为案例,探讨电商介入农村土地流转涉及的相关问题:首先从"互联网+"为电商介入土地流转提供平台、产业资本介入农业农村土地流转需求增加、生态需求、休闲需求与国家政策的鼓励和引导五个方面分析了电商介入土地流转的原因;从互联网电商介入土地流转的创新模式、众筹模式与市场化流转,去中间环节化三个方面分析"聚土地"特点;从扩大农村土地流转半径、弥补传统农业资金、人才、技术等短板、增加农民收入、助推农业产业结构调整,加快发展现代生态农业、加快城镇化进程和乡村生态旅游业发展等方面分析了电商介入土地流转的效应;最后分析了"聚土地"给农村土地流转带来的启示。 展开更多
关键词 农村土地流转 电商 聚土地 绩溪模式
“聚土地”模式下农业电商破茧之路 被引量:2
作者 徐鑫 卢福强 《企业改革与管理》 2015年第7期60-61,共2页
关键词 农业电商 聚土地 物流 农作物
作者 黄怡 唐莹 卜芳宙 《科学中国人》 2015年第8Z期115-,共1页
近年来,国家政府大力提倡和支持发展农业电子商务。聚土地作为全国第一个利用电子商务推进新型农业发展,以农业旅游带动休闲旅游的新型农业项目,为农业电子商务化带来转机。本文分析并总结聚土地模式对农业电商的影响,并对该项目未来发... 近年来,国家政府大力提倡和支持发展农业电子商务。聚土地作为全国第一个利用电子商务推进新型农业发展,以农业旅游带动休闲旅游的新型农业项目,为农业电子商务化带来转机。本文分析并总结聚土地模式对农业电商的影响,并对该项目未来发展提出建议与展望。 展开更多
关键词 聚土地 农业电商 土地流转 风险规避 信誉机制
作者 王紫恒 《财讯》 2018年第24期177-177,共1页
随着工业现代化进程的推进,我国经济已经进入工业反哺农业的发展新阶段,在此阶段我国农村面对着“村庄空心化”、“农业兼业化”、“农民老龄化”问题,精耕细作,自给自足的小农经济无法赶上社会主义经济的步伐,在此背景下“聚土地”项... 随着工业现代化进程的推进,我国经济已经进入工业反哺农业的发展新阶段,在此阶段我国农村面对着“村庄空心化”、“农业兼业化”、“农民老龄化”问题,精耕细作,自给自足的小农经济无法赶上社会主义经济的步伐,在此背景下“聚土地”项目应运而生,“聚土地”项目是互联网与农业相结合的产物,通过对聚土地项目主要发展模式的研究,提出聚土地项目中存在的问题并提出相关建议,为“互联网+”农业提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 聚土地 土地流转 农村
“互联网+”背景下河北省土地流转创新模式 被引量:5
作者 李海霞 马世猛 《合作经济与科技》 2015年第19期40-41,共2页
关键词 互联网+ 土地流转 电商模式——聚土地
互联网时代农村土地流转模式比较研究 被引量:2
作者 李海霞 康艳宁 《合作经济与科技》 2015年第18期30-31,共2页
随着互联网时代的到来,传统的农业也应该紧跟时代步伐。本文主要对当前我国存在的新旧土地流转模式进行介绍,并对其优缺点进行对比分析,主要侧重于对互联网电商模式"聚土地"模式的介绍与分析,目的是为我国探索出符合时代潮流... 随着互联网时代的到来,传统的农业也应该紧跟时代步伐。本文主要对当前我国存在的新旧土地流转模式进行介绍,并对其优缺点进行对比分析,主要侧重于对互联网电商模式"聚土地"模式的介绍与分析,目的是为我国探索出符合时代潮流的农村土地流转创新模式。 展开更多
关键词 互联网 土地流转 电商模式——聚土地
Preparation and properties of geopolymer-lightweight aggregate refractory concrete 被引量:1
作者 胡曙光 吴静 +3 位作者 杨文 何永佳 王发洲 丁庆军 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第6期914-918,共5页
Geopolymer-lightweight aggregate refractory concrete (GLARC) was prepared with geopolymer and lightweight aggregate. The mechanical property and heat-resistance (950 ℃) of GLARC were investigated. The effects of size... Geopolymer-lightweight aggregate refractory concrete (GLARC) was prepared with geopolymer and lightweight aggregate. The mechanical property and heat-resistance (950 ℃) of GLARC were investigated. The effects of size of aggregate and mass ratio of geopolymer to aggregate on mechanical and thermal properties were also studied. The results show that the highest compressive strength of the heated refractory concrete is 43.3 MPa,and the strength loss is only 42%. The mechanical property and heat-resistance are influenced by the thickness of geopolymer covered with aggregate,which can be expressed as the quantity of geopolymer on per surface area of aggregate. In order to show the relationship between the thickness of geopolymer covered with aggregate and the thermal property of concrete,equal thickness model is presented,which provides a reference for the mix design of GLARC. For the haydite sand with size of 1.18-4.75 mm,the best amount of geopolymer per surface area of aggregate should be in the range of 0.300-0.500 mg/mm2. 展开更多
关键词 refractory concrete GEOPOLYMER lightweight aggregate thermal property equal thickness model
Soil Aggregates and Fractal Features under Different Land Use Types in a Frequent Debris Flow Area 被引量:1
作者 XIE Xian-jian WEI Fang-qiang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期437-444,共8页
The stability of soil aggregates and the fractal characteristics of four typical land use types(farmland,grassland,woodland,and bare land) in the Jiangjiagou Ravine(Yunnan,China),a frequent debris flow occurring area,... The stability of soil aggregates and the fractal characteristics of four typical land use types(farmland,grassland,woodland,and bare land) in the Jiangjiagou Ravine(Yunnan,China),a frequent debris flow occurring area,were studied according to the normal mean mass diameter and fractal theory.The present research showed that the stability of the soil aggregates was different for the different land use types.When the soil depth was 0-30 cm,farmland soil formed more aggregates with diameters greater than 0.25 mm,i.e.,the farmland soil was more stable than that of the other three land uses.When the soil depth was 30-45 cm,the order of stability of the soil aggregates was woodland > grassland > farmland > bare land.The fractal dimensions had a significant linear positive correlation with the amount of soil particles with diameters of <0.25 mm,and a significant negative linear correlation with the amount of soil particles with diameters of 0.25-0.5 mm,0.5-1 mm and 1-2 mm.Smaller fractal dimensions of the soil particles correlated with more stable soil aggregates.The fractal dimensions had a positive linear correlation with the soil bulk density and a negative correlation with the concentration of organic matter.These results showed that soil aggregates can be used as a parameter for characterizing the soil structures and properties.According to these results,the soil particle fractal dimensions could not only objectively characterize the stability of the soil structure but also could be used to indicate soil structure and properties.In addition,these results have great significance for the discussion of the comprehensive evaluation of soil. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow Land use pattern AGGREGATES Fractal dimension
Effect of Plant Fiber-Polyacrylamide Blend on Retention and Evaporation Water at Arid and Semi-Arid Soils of Algeria 被引量:2
作者 Maghchiche Abdelhak Haouam Abdelkarim Immirzi Barbara 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第1期7-17,共11页
Soil and water conservation is essential for sustaining food production and for preserving the environment in arid and semi arid lands (ASALs) where conditions for agriculture and other land use systems are often ha... Soil and water conservation is essential for sustaining food production and for preserving the environment in arid and semi arid lands (ASALs) where conditions for agriculture and other land use systems are often harsh and unpredictable. The ASALs of Algeria are an important source of a variety of non wood forest products like Stipa tenacissima L. plant (esparto grass). This research was conducted to determine the effects of different low concentration (〈 I%) polyacrylaJnide, Stipa tenacissima L. fiber (esparto grass fibers) and its mixtures with the polymer at water retention in arid and semi arid soil. All samples are characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray Diffractometry, thermal analysis TG DSC and scanning electron micrographs (SEM). The results showed that polymer blend in soil could improve better soil physical proprieties decreased evaporation and increase water retention in arid soils compared with application of any other blend at the same concentration. The use of Polyacrylamide-Cellulose blend appears to promise for reducing the labor cost of irrigation at arid and semi-arid soils, and offers safe and environmentally friendly inexpensive materials. The importance of Polyacrylamide-Cellulose blends to alleviate poor physical properties and retain water in these arid regions to sustain plant growth. 展开更多
关键词 Natural fiber plant fiber arid and semi arid regions polymer Stipa tenacissima.
Determination of potential management zones from soil electrical conductivity,yield and crop data
作者 Yan LI Zhou SHI +2 位作者 Ci-fang WU Hong-yi LI Feng LI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期68-76,共9页
One approach to apply precision agriculture to optimize crop production and environmental quality is identifying management zones. In this paper,the variables of soil electrical conductivity (EC) data,cotton yield dat... One approach to apply precision agriculture to optimize crop production and environmental quality is identifying management zones. In this paper,the variables of soil electrical conductivity (EC) data,cotton yield data and normalized differ-ence vegetation index (NDVI) data in an about 15 ha field in a coastal saline land were selected as data resources,and their spatial variabilities were firstly analyzed and spatial distribution maps constructed with geostatistics technique. Then fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm was used to define management zones,fuzzy performance index (FPI) and normalized classification entropy (NCE) were used to determine the optimal cluster numbers. Finally one-way variance analysis was performed on 224 georefer-enced soil and yield sampling points to assess how well the defined management zones reflected the soil properties and produc-tivity level. The results reveal that the optimal number of management zones for the present study area was 3 and the defined management zones provided a better description of soil properties and yield variation. Statistical analyses indicate significant differences between the chemical properties of soil samples and crop yield in each management zone,and management zone 3 presented the highest nutrient level and potential crop productivity,whereas management zone 1 the lowest. Based on these findings,we conclude that fuzzy c-means clustering approach can be used to delineate management zones by using the given three variables in the coastal saline soils,and the defined management zones form an objective basis for targeting soil samples for nutrient analysis and development of site-specific application strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Management zones Fuzzy clustering Spatial variability Saline land Precision agriculture
Utilization of Concrete Waste Aggregates Using Geopolymer Cement 被引量:1
作者 Sotya Astutiningsih Henki Wibowo Ashadi +2 位作者 Hendra Widhatra Kresnadya Desha Rousstia Maria Elizabeth Suryatriyastuti 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第6期11-15,共5页
Reuse of concrete waste, especially in large quantity, can save not only material but also cost for its disposal. This paper presents experiment results on the use of fine and coarse aggregates from concrete waste in ... Reuse of concrete waste, especially in large quantity, can save not only material but also cost for its disposal. This paper presents experiment results on the use of fine and coarse aggregates from concrete waste in geopolymer mortars and concretes. Geopolymeric cement is an inorganic compounds of aluminosilicates synthesized from precursors with high content of silica and alumina activated by alkali silicate solutions. Geopolymer in this experiment was synthesized from fly ash as the precursor and sodium silicate solution as the activator. Hardening of geopolymers was performed by heating the casted paste in an oven at -60~Cfor 3 to 36 hours. Compressive strength of geopolymer pastes and mortars using either fresh or waste fine aggregates were in the range of 19-26 MPa. Hardening time of 3 hours at 60~C followed by leaving the test pieces at room temperature for 7 day before testing results in similar strength to that of mortars cured for 36 hours at 60~C followed by leaving the samples at room temperature for 3 days. It suggests that optimum strength can be achieved by combination of heating time and rest period before testing, i.e the specimens age. Applying mix design with a target strength of 40 MPa, conventional Portland cement concretes using fresh aggregates reached 70% of its target strength at day-7. Compressive strength of geopolymer concretes with waste aggregates was -25 MPa at day-3 while geopolymer concretes with fresh aggregates achieved -39 MPa at day-3. It can be concluded that geopolymer concretes can achieve the target strength in only 3 days. However, the expected reinforcing effect of coarse aggregates in concrete was ineffective if waste coarse aggregates were used as the strength of the concretes did not increase significantly from that of the mortars. On the other hand, waste fine aggregates can be reused for making geopolymer mortars having the same strength as the geopolymer mortars using fresh aggregates. 展开更多
关键词 GEOPOLYMER concrete waste aggregates MORTAR CONCRETE compressive strength.
A Multi-agent Model to Simulate Regional Land Use Change with an Application to the Poyang Lake Area of China 被引量:1
作者 闫丹 黄河清 +2 位作者 刘高焕 潘理虎 刘志佳 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2012年第4期349-358,共10页
In many regions both urban expansion and rural development take place simultaneously, and for the purpose of understanding the dynamic process of land use/cover change (LUCC) in such large areas, this study develops... In many regions both urban expansion and rural development take place simultaneously, and for the purpose of understanding the dynamic process of land use/cover change (LUCC) in such large areas, this study develops a multi-agent based land use model. Taking the Poyang Lake area of China as a typical case, this study applies the mechanism of diffusion-limited aggregation to simulate the behavior of urban agents, while rural land use is illustrated with a bottom-up based model consisting of agent and environment layers. In the agent layer, each household agent makes its own decisions on land use, and at each time interval a government agent takes control of land use by implementing policies. According to incomes and the rate of migrant workers, household agents are divided into six categories, among which different decision rules are followed. For complex LUCC in the Poyang Lake area of China from 1985 to 2005, the artificial society model developed in this study yields results highly consistent with observations. Importantly, it is shown that governmental policies can impose significant effects on the decisions of individual household agents on land use and the multi-agent-based land use model developed in this study provides a robust means for assessing the effectiveness of governmental policies. 展开更多
关键词 land use/cover change (LUCC) multi-agent model urban expansion rural land use diffusion- limited aggregation (DLA)
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