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作者 戴嘉禾 《江苏商论》 北大核心 1993年第9期25-26,共2页
今年三、四月间,苏州市各大小售肉点、饭店门前纷纷挂起安民告示:本店不出售“五号病”肉,请顾客放心等内容的牌子。人们在不同场合流传着:有人吃了“五号病”肉,嘴烂了;火葬场白天烧人、晚上烧猪。越传越玄,许多不明真相的人不敢吃肉,... 今年三、四月间,苏州市各大小售肉点、饭店门前纷纷挂起安民告示:本店不出售“五号病”肉,请顾客放心等内容的牌子。人们在不同场合流传着:有人吃了“五号病”肉,嘴烂了;火葬场白天烧人、晚上烧猪。越传越玄,许多不明真相的人不敢吃肉,腿肉价降到2—3元/500g,不少肉店(摊)闭门休息,农民卖猪难,苗猪跌到近几年来最低价,老母猪宰剩无几,一切都在谣传中失去了控制。 展开更多
关键词 肉市 畜禽疫病 口蹄疫病毒 偶蹄兽 陕西省榆林 牛日 关溪乡 接触性传染病 屠宰环节
作者 刘俊文 张海发 《税收征纳》 1996年第10期25-25,共1页
关键词 屠宰税 共产党员 芝麻 国税 所长 肉市 新洲 个体户 镇政府 检疫
作者 于博云 杨鸣 《北京工商》 1994年第8期26-27,共2页
肉类食品富含优质蛋白质,是人类最重要和最必须的营养食品。据不完全统计,1993年北京市自产肉类产品比1992年增长了3%,约为37.6万吨,达到了北京居民肉类总消耗量的70%;其余部分仍需依靠外埠供应。牛羊肉来自内蒙古,猪肉和卷肉主要来... 肉类食品富含优质蛋白质,是人类最重要和最必须的营养食品。据不完全统计,1993年北京市自产肉类产品比1992年增长了3%,约为37.6万吨,达到了北京居民肉类总消耗量的70%;其余部分仍需依靠外埠供应。牛羊肉来自内蒙古,猪肉和卷肉主要来自河北省。 一、外埠进京肉类产品存在的问题 1993年西城区工商局在市动检站和西城公安局的配合下,共查获注水。 展开更多
关键词 病害 注水 违法人员 类产品 马属动物 钩端螺旋体病 肉市 劣质 类食品
作者 卢肖慧 《上海文学》 北大核心 2007年第12期107-109,共3页
自由人很少想到死,所以他的智慧不是关于死的默念,而是关于生的沉思。——斯宾诺莎秋天是纽约色彩最丰富的季节。街上的色彩缤纷起来。冬天里所有的人都像在墨汁里洗过澡,从里黑到外;夏天满街都是肉色的光腿光肚光膀子晃来晃去。到了秋... 自由人很少想到死,所以他的智慧不是关于死的默念,而是关于生的沉思。——斯宾诺莎秋天是纽约色彩最丰富的季节。街上的色彩缤纷起来。冬天里所有的人都像在墨汁里洗过澡,从里黑到外;夏天满街都是肉色的光腿光肚光膀子晃来晃去。到了秋天,人们腻烦了闷热的夏天,又害怕长无尽头的冬天临头,过了这个村就没有这爿店,都迫不及待地把最鲜亮明丽的色彩翻出来,穿在身上,涂在脸上,满街跑。 展开更多
关键词 斯宾诺莎 肉市 色彩 垃圾 纽约 艺术家 自由人 前卫艺术 石子 审丑
作者 刘培忠 张艳 +1 位作者 孙力 高瑞玲 《预防医学文献信息》 2003年第3期282-283,共2页
关键词 济南 灌肠 火腿类制品 卫生质量 抽样调查
新疆市售肉中稀土元素含量调查 被引量:3
作者 赵清荣 雒婉霞 +2 位作者 程晓华 王庆国 杨勤德 《疾病预防控制通报》 2016年第2期8-11,14,共5页
目的了解新疆市售肉中稀土元素的含量,分析稀土元素含量分布。方法在吐鲁番、哈密、阿克苏、克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州、和田和塔城6个地区的超市和农贸市场采集市售肉90份,依据《2015年国家食品污染和有害因素风险监测工作手册》中动植... 目的了解新疆市售肉中稀土元素的含量,分析稀土元素含量分布。方法在吐鲁番、哈密、阿克苏、克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州、和田和塔城6个地区的超市和农贸市场采集市售肉90份,依据《2015年国家食品污染和有害因素风险监测工作手册》中动植物性食品中稀土元素电感耦合离子体质谱法测定的标准操作程序进行检测。结果 90份市售肉中稀土元素总残留量(以稀土氧化物总量计,下同)0.000 00~0.874 02 mg/kg,平均含量(0.057 00±0.157 81)mg/kg,检出率37.78%(34/90);稀土元素含量肝脏中高于肌肉组织,且轻稀土元素含量和检出率均高于重稀土元素。结论本次调查新疆市售肉中稀土元素检出率不高、含量较低,表明新疆市售肉受稀土元素污染不严重,但仍需加强监测,尤其需加强动物肝脏中稀土元素含量的监测。 展开更多
关键词 稀土元素 检出率
探秘古代食品安全监管 被引量:1
作者 张炜达 《中国减灾》 2012年第04X期47-48,共2页
关键词 管理办法 《唐律疏议》 监管模式 南猪 肉市 流通 《二年律令》 《宋刑统》 令人 行会组织
作者 袁家方 《前线》 2005年第6期59-60,共2页
对于地道的老北京人来说,除非特指,一提“大栅栏”,多指“前门大栅栏”,也就是前门大街及两侧街巷所组成的那个名店老字号云集的古老商业街区。它以大栅栏为中心,包括东、西河沿、打磨厂、珠宝市、廊房头条、二条、三条、大栅栏、煤市... 对于地道的老北京人来说,除非特指,一提“大栅栏”,多指“前门大栅栏”,也就是前门大街及两侧街巷所组成的那个名店老字号云集的古老商业街区。它以大栅栏为中心,包括东、西河沿、打磨厂、珠宝市、廊房头条、二条、三条、大栅栏、煤市街、鲜鱼口、肉市胡同等诸多街巷,更广些甚至可延及到珠市口大街一带,大栅栏则是其中最为繁华之处。 展开更多
关键词 栅栏 商业街区 街巷 胡同 西河 肉市 鲜鱼 商业建筑 珠宝
作者 方佳宁 顾宇瑞 孙勇 《人民周刊》 2018年第4期46-47,共2页
全聚德,中华著名老字号,创建于1864年(清朝同治三年),历经几代全聚德人的创业拼搏获得了长足发展。1999年1月,"全聚德"被国家工商总局认定为"驰名商标",是我国第一例服务类中国驰名商标。在中国餐饮业500强中,全聚德排名为中式正... 全聚德,中华著名老字号,创建于1864年(清朝同治三年),历经几代全聚德人的创业拼搏获得了长足发展。1999年1月,"全聚德"被国家工商总局认定为"驰名商标",是我国第一例服务类中国驰名商标。在中国餐饮业500强中,全聚德排名为中式正餐之首。 展开更多
关键词 全聚德 杨全仁 同治三年 驰名商标 中国餐饮业 肉市 挂炉烤鸭 国家工商总局 做生 北京时
作者 涌鑫 《中国农垦》 2016年第2期71-71,80,共2页
在农场生活了50多年,总感到,一进入腊月,农场的年味一天比一天浓。随着年龄的变化,对年味的感受也不一样。小时候,过年是一幅多彩的画,崭新的衣裳,甜蜜的糖果,组成了难忘的图景;成年后,过年是一首激昂的诗,红红的春联,缤纷的烟花,抒发... 在农场生活了50多年,总感到,一进入腊月,农场的年味一天比一天浓。随着年龄的变化,对年味的感受也不一样。小时候,过年是一幅多彩的画,崭新的衣裳,甜蜜的糖果,组成了难忘的图景;成年后,过年是一首激昂的诗,红红的春联,缤纷的烟花,抒发着迎春的激情;中年后,过年是一支高亢的歌,跳动的音符,悠扬的曲调,流淌着动人的旋律;老年后,过年是一瓶陈年的酒,儿女的祝福,团圆的欢乐,品尝到无尽的醇香。 展开更多
关键词 寒风刺骨 中国农垦 串串香 蒸馒头 小麦面 贴春联 书协 杀猪 肉市 腊鱼
作者 范坤宝 《中国房地产业》 1999年第12期27-27,共1页
关键词 直管公房 产权 琴票 套卖 国有房产 口索 病象 房地产管理部门 肉市 政府收购
作者 阙新铭 《烹调知识》 2014年第12期72-72,共1页
驰名中外的北京全聚德烤鸭店,是清朝同治三年(1864年)由蓟县人杨全仁创办的。据说,杨全仁于清咸丰年间(1851-1861年)曾在前门肉市摆摊贩鸡鸭。他专门经营一种从南方运来的白羽黄蹼的良种名鸭,经过辛勤的培育,终于将它改造为"北京... 驰名中外的北京全聚德烤鸭店,是清朝同治三年(1864年)由蓟县人杨全仁创办的。据说,杨全仁于清咸丰年间(1851-1861年)曾在前门肉市摆摊贩鸡鸭。他专门经营一种从南方运来的白羽黄蹼的良种名鸭,经过辛勤的培育,终于将它改造为"北京鸭"。 展开更多
关键词 全聚德烤鸭 杨全仁 同治三年 肉市 白羽 饲养方法 挂炉烤鸭 便宜坊 宫廷御膳 长竿
作者 王大卫 《当代贵州》 1999年第5期40-40,共1页
我想写写傅福远,完全是被他一颗奔腾不息的心所感动。傅福远(下称老傅)现在已是贵阳市政协常委,然而在我的感觉中,他依然是一位锐意进取的民营企业家。10余年前,老傅只是一个开了贵阳市先河的个体食肉经营户,如今已成为贵阳市食肉行业... 我想写写傅福远,完全是被他一颗奔腾不息的心所感动。傅福远(下称老傅)现在已是贵阳市政协常委,然而在我的感觉中,他依然是一位锐意进取的民营企业家。10余年前,老傅只是一个开了贵阳市先河的个体食肉经营户,如今已成为贵阳市食肉行业协会会长、贵阳高新技术开发区嘉旺生物制品有限责任公司董事长、大营坡农贸综合批发市场总经理。 老傅的一生,活得辛苦,也活得灿烂。 展开更多
关键词 贵阳 生物饲料 肉市 新技术开发区 一体化 阳高 合批 产供销 生猪养殖
收集畜血 变废为宝
作者 苏宏云 《农村百事通》 1999年第20期7-7,共1页
关键词 畜血 工商部门 高蛋白料 下岗职工 肉市 充分干燥 血凝固 塑料袋 养鸡场 米糠
The Pork Consumption Characteristics of Chinese Urban Residents: The Outlook for 2020
作者 Zhiyang Yin Teresa Briz Kai Wang 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第1期11-20,共10页
China has the highest pork consumption in the world. As incomes increase and the urbanization process accelerates, the consumption of pork by Chinese residents will continue to grow. This paper studies the proportion ... China has the highest pork consumption in the world. As incomes increase and the urbanization process accelerates, the consumption of pork by Chinese residents will continue to grow. This paper studies the proportion of the household pork consumption account and examines the use of apparent pork consumption as a bridge that links consumption and production. Based on the pork consumption of urban and rural residents from 2000 to 2012, combined with per capita income, the total population and the rate of urbanization, we can analyse China's market demand in the pork trade for 2020, which will be useful for countries who are interested in potential trade with China. The research shows two important findings: First, with the per capita income of urban residents increasing, their per capita pork consumption is also on the rise, and as increasing numbers of rural residents move to urban areas with the acceleration of urbanization in China, the urban areas will be the most important pork market in the future. Secondly, the per capita pork consumption of rural residents will still be lower than that of urban residents in 2020, so there will be more room for growth in pork consumption in rural areas. 展开更多
关键词 MEAT CONSUMPTION rural and urban FORECAST 2020
Indicators to the Consumption of Electric Energy and Agriculture Cattle Farming Production for the Elaboration of Clusters with Cities of the State of S^o Paulo, Brazil
作者 Paulo Andre de Oliveira Elias Jose Simon 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第8期944-951,共8页
The issue in this matter is that rules for use of electricity in rural areas are limited to the provision of inputs. Adopting guidelines to consider managed sub regions can generate poor results. The focus of this stu... The issue in this matter is that rules for use of electricity in rural areas are limited to the provision of inputs. Adopting guidelines to consider managed sub regions can generate poor results. The focus of this study was to present parameters for indicators of electric energy and agricultural production to allow the formation of city groups in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, with similar electric energy consumption and rural agricultural production. The methodology was the development of indicators that characterize the electric energy consumption/agricultural production and the preparation of groups using indicators with ward of statistical method of groups. The main conclusions were the formation of six homogeneous groups with similar characteristics regarding agricultural production/consumption of electricity. The application of these groups in cities with similar characteristics would produce more satisfactory results than the division of administrative Rural Development Offices (RDO). 展开更多
关键词 CLUSTERS INDICATORS productive energy.
Constraints on Camel Meat and Milk Marketing and Strategies for Its Improvement in Northern Kenya
作者 S. G. Kuria A. Omore +3 位作者 I. N. Thendiu D. M. Mwangi A. B. Ngaanga S. Kaitibie 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期703-712,共10页
A survey to identify constraints and design strategies to improve the camel milk and meat value chains was conducted in northern Kenya using Participatory Integrated Community Development (PICD), Focus Group Discuss... A survey to identify constraints and design strategies to improve the camel milk and meat value chains was conducted in northern Kenya using Participatory Integrated Community Development (PICD), Focus Group Discussions (FGD), among other methods. In a second step, field testing of an intervention on milk and meat hygiene was carried out at household level. Survey results indicated that about 50% of marketable camel milk was not sold, 30% of marketed camel milk per annum was sold in sour state at US$ 0.13 lower that the price of a litre of fresh milk while processed meat got spoiled along the chain. Annual economic losses associated with milk spoilage were estimated at US$ 961,538.5. Preliminary findings of the field testing indicated that an additional 3 million litres of camel milk was sold in fresh state, giving an annual saving of US$ 384,615.4. Increased profitability of up to 60% compared to 30% before the intervention was reported among nyirinyiri processors. In conclusion, economic potential of the camel could be fully exploited by facilitating adoption of interventions such as hygiene, among others at all levels of the camel milk and meat value chains. 展开更多
关键词 Value chains camel products economic potential PASTORALISTS arid Kenya.
Economic and Market Analysis of Swine Rearing and Pork Production in Ghana
作者 Kwamina Ewur Banson Josephine Nketsia-Tabiri +1 位作者 Kweku Anno Emmanuel Kofi Dagbui 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第8期699-708,共10页
Swine rearing and pork production has recently attracted the growing interest of Ghanaian farmers who seek diversification of enterprises and existing farmers looking for alternatives following a period of low profita... Swine rearing and pork production has recently attracted the growing interest of Ghanaian farmers who seek diversification of enterprises and existing farmers looking for alternatives following a period of low profitability. Piggery was established to combine science and technology to generate innovations for anyone seeking to establish a new pig production enterprise. Results show that since 2008 to 2013, pork prices in Ghana rose rapidly between 115-120%. Also the rate of returns was higher at 43.62% compared to bank interested rate. Feed, as a percentage of total costs, were minimised from 70% to 55% with integrated lactobacillus brewer spent malt as supplement to formulated feed. The piggery project was highly successful and invested capital was recouped within two years of project take-off. Collaborating with other farms, organisations and entrepreneurs, a lot of research innovations in the area of improving feed cost, animal nutrition, waste management practices, and breeding have been generated and shared with both small and large-holder pig farmers. In all aspect of the farm management, results achieved so far especially with pork carcass quality and profit margins are encouraging which have led to the expansion of the piggery project. 展开更多
关键词 Waste management feed formulation black soldier fly LACTOBACILLUS investment appraisal.
Discovering Niche Market: Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Organic Pork
作者 Ayooth Yooyen Nisachon Leerattanakom 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第3期251-264,共14页
With the concern for environmental quality and food safety, organic food products are becoming more important in the global market. In recent years the organic food industry has been expanding and sales of organic pro... With the concern for environmental quality and food safety, organic food products are becoming more important in the global market. In recent years the organic food industry has been expanding and sales of organic products have been increasing. Abundant studies have been done focusing on organic fruits and vegetables which focused on the shortage of organic live stocks. In this paper we focus our attention on organic pork products. Using a sample of 400 Thais consumers, this study proposes the contingent valuation (CV) technique to measure the willingness of individuals to pay a price premium for organic pork in Thailand. In order to obtain the mean "willingness to pay" (WTP), a bivariate probit model was applied to provide information about the crucial variables that affect the WTP. The study revealed that variables that better approximate WTP are based on the lifestyle and knowledge about organic foods rather than the usual socioeconomic factors. The mean WTP on the premium price for organic pork is approximately 34.30 Bath per kg. In order to access the market potential this study shows that the suitable attributes of organic pork which is consistent with consumer preferences are composed of modernized and environmental packaging with special product details. Marketing this product to the buyer it should be set at a reasonable price. Stimulating the market should be done by doing sales promotion and public relations on a regularly basis. In addition, organic pork should be available in any places and convenient for customers to buy. 展开更多
关键词 organic pork willingness to pay bivariate probit model consumer preferences
Analysis and Evaluation of Microbial Contamination of Raw Beef in Supermarkets in Phnom Penh
作者 Sarin Neang Vouchsim Kong Rithy Chrun Borarin Buntong Kuyhor Te Vichet Chep 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第2期94-98,共5页
The study focused on analysis and evaluation of microbial contamination of raw beef was designed to (1) determine the presence of foodborne pathogens in raw beef; (2) compare the prevalence of microbial contaminat... The study focused on analysis and evaluation of microbial contamination of raw beef was designed to (1) determine the presence of foodborne pathogens in raw beef; (2) compare the prevalence of microbial contamination among the three supermarkets, and (3) evaluate the sanitary quality of raw beef products. Also, six kind of microorganisms including Total Plate Count, Total Coliform and Fecal Coliform, which represented sanitary quality and E. coli, S. Aureus and B. cereus, which determined the presence of foodborne pathogens, were analyzed. The procedures used to analyse experimental samples taken from three supermarket (in every one week for three weeks) in Phnom Penh were based on Merck's study in 2005. The results had shown that there were no significant differences in Total Plate Counts, Total Coliform and Fecal Coliform in all samples, and they were found in unacceptable numbers in the raw beef products. However, the prevalence of foodborne pathogens including E. coli, S. aureus and B. cereus were found in acceptable numbers. Furthermore, the samples taken from the second supermarket had the highest level of microbial contamination among the three supermarkets, while the samples taken from the first supermarket had the lowest level of microbial contamination. This experimental finding demonstrated the need for sanitary improvement in the beef retails markets and strict sanitary guideline and implementation of these practices could guarantee consumers' health by consuming raw beefs with the lowest risk of foodborne pathogens. 展开更多
关键词 Raw beef microbial contamination foodborne pathogen sanitary quality foodbome pathogenic quality.
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