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作者 赵洪志 孟慧琴 孙树廷 《畜牧兽医科学(电子版)》 1990年第4期22-25,共4页
关键词 大豆加工机械 肉改
作者 张开洲 张瑞璋 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 1993年第5期47-48,共2页
近年来我国农区养牛业在大发展的基础上“肉改”工作蓬勃开展。由于冻精配种的推广和普及,“肉改”杂交牛犊已有相当数量,我们南阳地区目前已有肉杂牛8.53万头,在非保种地区及山丘地区肉杂改良牛犊已占犊牛总数的28.3%。由于肉杂改良... 近年来我国农区养牛业在大发展的基础上“肉改”工作蓬勃开展。由于冻精配种的推广和普及,“肉改”杂交牛犊已有相当数量,我们南阳地区目前已有肉杂牛8.53万头,在非保种地区及山丘地区肉杂改良牛犊已占犊牛总数的28.3%。由于肉杂改良牛的初生重大、生长发育快、经济效益高,今后“肉改”势头仍将加快,南阳地区冻精站1989年以前基本上只生产黄牛冻精,而近年来每年生产肉牛冻精12万份,仍然供不应求。黄牛由单一役用向肉役兼用或以肉为主的改良转化中,我们认为应抓好以下几项工作,以提高其经济效益。 一、提高繁殖成活率 黄牛单一役用时,主要经济效益表现在役用方面繁殖成活率往往很低,农区牛的繁殖成活率仅30~35%,近几年来多数地区已达到50%左右,在“冷配” 展开更多
关键词 黄牛 肉改 经济效益
作者 张琪 《中国乳业》 2016年第2期24-27,共4页
在奶牛养殖业形势不容乐观的情况下,黑龙江省克东县提出了"奶改肉"养殖模式。其重点是建设三大基地(高档肉牛示范基地、弗莱维赫乳肉兼用牛养殖基地、优质肉牛育肥基地),完善六大体系(标准化规模养殖体系、优质安全饲草料供... 在奶牛养殖业形势不容乐观的情况下,黑龙江省克东县提出了"奶改肉"养殖模式。其重点是建设三大基地(高档肉牛示范基地、弗莱维赫乳肉兼用牛养殖基地、优质肉牛育肥基地),完善六大体系(标准化规模养殖体系、优质安全饲草料供应体系、良种化繁育改良体系、动物疫病防控体系、技术推广和培训体系、环境保护和资源综合利用体系);并提出了转变发展理念、强化组织领导、争取项目支持、加大政策扶持、加强科技研发、培育龙头企业等发展对策。 展开更多
关键词 奶牛 养殖模式
作者 国平 《四川烹饪》 1997年第10期17-17,共1页
关键词 荤菜 烹饪法
作者 袁永红 《肉类工业》 2013年第1期33-33,共1页
塞北古城平泉,有一种传统风味小吃——改刀肉。改刀肉是将肥瘦相间的猪肉、竹笋切成细丝,放入油锅中翻炒,待肉丝炒干后,放入葱、姜等调味品,加入高汤用淀粉勾欠收汁,装盘即可食用。菜外形犹如一座金字塔,笋丝柔韧,肉丝筋硬,味... 塞北古城平泉,有一种传统风味小吃——改刀肉。改刀肉是将肥瘦相间的猪肉、竹笋切成细丝,放入油锅中翻炒,待肉丝炒干后,放入葱、姜等调味品,加入高汤用淀粉勾欠收汁,装盘即可食用。菜外形犹如一座金字塔,笋丝柔韧,肉丝筋硬,味道鲜美,爽口而不腻人,还有耐贮存的优点。冬季装篓可存放三个月,炎热的夏季也能存放一周左右,要吃时加热即可,其味不变。 展开更多
关键词 传说 风味小吃 调味品 可食用 金字塔 存放
作者 孔润常 《饮食科学》 2008年第5期57-57,共1页
塞北古城河北平泉,有一种传统风味小吃——改刀肉。由于其制作精细,风味独特,逐渐成为在承德一带流传甚广,广受赞誉的菜肴。制作改刀肉,要先将竹笋片发两天,去根、去里子、去邪味,再用骨头汤煮一遍,然后用刀片成薄片,再顶刀切成细丝,... 塞北古城河北平泉,有一种传统风味小吃——改刀肉。由于其制作精细,风味独特,逐渐成为在承德一带流传甚广,广受赞誉的菜肴。制作改刀肉,要先将竹笋片发两天,去根、去里子、去邪味,再用骨头汤煮一遍,然后用刀片成薄片,再顶刀切成细丝,最后用开水焯一下,去掉杂质。炒肉丝和竹笋时,一定要注意油温和火候及颠勺,还要边炒边加入鸡鸭汤、口蘑汤、酱油、绍兴酒、香油等。待肉、笋成为金黄色后,浇上汁水,盛入盘中,成品改刀肉,外形犹如一座金字塔,笋丝柔韧,肉丝筋硬,味道鲜美,爽口而不腻人。由于平泉改刀肉刀工和烧法独特,所以冬季放在篓子里可以存放一百天以上,即便在夏季的三伏天仍可存放一周,加热后再吃其味如新。 展开更多
关键词 风味小吃 竹笋 骨头汤 绍兴酒 金黄色 金字塔 三伏天
Comparison of Soleus Muscle Fibers in Rats and Rabbits at Different Stages of Postnatal Development 被引量:5
作者 朱道立 王康乐 陈佩林 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期543-550,共8页
In the present study,the effects of postnatal development on the number and distribution of skeletal muscle fibers of different types in hind leg of rat and rabbit were studied.The soleus muscles of rats aged 2 days,2... In the present study,the effects of postnatal development on the number and distribution of skeletal muscle fibers of different types in hind leg of rat and rabbit were studied.The soleus muscles of rats aged 2 days,2,4,6,8,and 10 weeks (body weight 10,32,95,190,280,and 320 g),and rabbits aged 2 days,2,4,8,12,16,20,and 24 weeks (body weight 100,220,400,750,1 200,1 600,2 100,and 2 500 g) were stained with succinic dehydrogenase.With an image analysis system,the X-Y coordinates of fibers were used to analyze the growth-related changes.The results of present study showed that three types of fibers were found in the soleus muscles of rat and rabbit,i.e.,type Ⅰ (slow oxidative),ⅡX (fast oxidative),and ⅡA (fast oxidative glycolytic).The type Ⅰ fibers were present throughout the muscle that had a uniform distribution and tended to increase in number with aging.Type ⅡX fibers were scattered throughout the muscle and decreased markedly in number with aging.Type ⅡA fibers were located at the central and deep regions,and showed a little or no change in number and distribution with aging.While be of age,type ⅡA and ⅡX fibers became restricted to the superficial region.No type ⅡB fibers were detected.Type ⅡA fibers had the largest diameter,type Ⅰ intermediate and type ⅡX the smallest.Mean cross-sectional area of each type fibers of rabbits was larger than that of rats.The present results indicate that the number and distribution of muscle fibers of different types in hind limb of rat and rabbit change with the process of postnatal growth. 展开更多
关键词 RAT RABBIT Muscle fiber type Postnatal development
作者 冯忠方 《烹调知识》 2016年第11期67-67,共1页
道光与改刀肉 改刀肉是由清宫廷御膳厨师刘一刀创建。相传道光皇帝吃腻了宫廷御膳的满汉全席,想换个口味,交待到御膳房,御膳主厨刘师傅想到了竹笋鲜嫩,把竹笋与肥瘦相间的猪肉一起炒,味道肯定鲜美。这道菜虽平常,但特别讲究刀工、配料... 道光与改刀肉 改刀肉是由清宫廷御膳厨师刘一刀创建。相传道光皇帝吃腻了宫廷御膳的满汉全席,想换个口味,交待到御膳房,御膳主厨刘师傅想到了竹笋鲜嫩,把竹笋与肥瘦相间的猪肉一起炒,味道肯定鲜美。这道菜虽平常,但特别讲究刀工、配料与火候,经道光皇帝眼观嘴尝,论色,清秀悦目;论香,清香扑鼻;论味,鲜美无比。 展开更多
关键词 宫廷御膳 满汉全席 皇帝 竹笋 厨师 口味
Various performance-enhancing effects from the same intensity of whole-body vibration training 被引量:2
作者 Paohung Chung Chiang Liu +3 位作者 Hsinghsiang Wang Yu Liu Longren Chuang Tzyy-Yuang Shiang 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第3期333-339,共7页
Purpose:The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of an 8-week whole-body vibration training program in various frequency and amplitude settings under the same acceleration on the strength and power of the ... Purpose:The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of an 8-week whole-body vibration training program in various frequency and amplitude settings under the same acceleration on the strength and power of the knee extensors.Methods:Sixty-four young participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups with the same acceleration(4 g):high frequency and low amplitude(n = 16,32 Hz,1 mm) group,medium frequency and medium amplitude(n = 16,18 Hz,3 mm) group,low frequency and high amplitude(n = 16,3 Hz,114 mm) group,and control(n = 16,no vibration) group.All participants underwent 8 weeks of training with body mass dynamic squats,3 sessions a week.Results:The results showed that the high frequency and low amplitude group increased significantly in isometric contraction strength and 120°/s isokinetic concentric contraction strength;the medium frequency and medium amplitude group increased significantly in 60°/s and 120°/s isokinetic strength of both concentric and eccentric contraction;and the low frequency and high amplitude group increased significantly in 60°/s and 120°/s isokinetic eccentric contraction strength.Conclusion:All frequency and amplitude settings in the 8-week whole-body vibration training increased muscle strength,but different settings resulted in various neuromuscular adaptations despite the same intensity. 展开更多
关键词 Isokinetic contraction strength Muscle contraction speed Neuromuscular adaptation Vibration acceleration Vibration amplitude Vibration frequency
Modification of Campylobacterjejuni Broiler Colonization by a Feed Additive Composed of Encapsulated Organic Acids and Essential Oils
作者 Alexandre Thibodeau Philippe Fravalo +6 位作者 Robert Gauthier Evelyne Guevremont Nadia Bergeron Sylvette Laurent-Lewandowski Sylvaln Quessy Martine Boulianne Ann Letellier 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第10期853-864,共12页
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a novel feed additive on chicken intestinal colonization and carcass contamination by Campylobacterjejuni. The feed additive was composed of microencapsulated ... The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a novel feed additive on chicken intestinal colonization and carcass contamination by Campylobacterjejuni. The feed additive was composed of microencapsulated organic acids and essential oils (OA/EO). The feed additive tested was provided by Jefo Nutrition Inc., St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada. Day-old birds were separated into two rooms and subdivided into two groups. Chicken were fed with OA/EO or not fed with OA/EO until they reached 35 d of age. At 14 d of age, chickens received an oral suspension of two well characterized C. jejuni strains, depending on the room they were housed in. The levels of C. jejuni were periodically monitored in the caecum and on the carcasses. C. jejuni colonization was further characterized by the use of high-resolution melt analysis of the C. jejuniflaA gene (HRM-flaA). The effect of the feed additive was strain-dependent. In room two, the feed additive had no effect on the caecal counts. In room one, at 35 d of age, caecal C. jejuni counts were higher with OA/EO, as opposed to carcasses counts which were lower in the treated group. The HRM-flaA analysis showed that an amplification profile was predominant in birds fed with OA/EO at 35 d of age in room one, suggesting the selection of a C. jejuni strain. In conclusion, the OA/EO seemed to be effective to reduce C. jejuni levels but this effect appeared strain dependent. 展开更多
关键词 C. jejuni control feed additive HRM organic acids and essential oils chicken colonization.
《旅游休闲》 2017年第5期82-85,共4页
关键词 皇家园林 宫殿建筑 试马埭 狩猎场 万树园 古典园林
作者 林青松 《中国烹饪》 2004年第3期46-46,共1页
关键词 传统名菜 饮食文化 典故 赛蟹羹 抠饺子 风味小吃
Locomotor adaptations in Plio-Pleistocene large carnivores from the Italian Peninsula: Palaeoecological implications
作者 Carlo MELORO 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期269-283,共15页
Mammalian carnivores are rarely considered for environmental reconstructions because they are extremely adaptable and their geographic range is usually large. However, the functional morphology of carnivore long bones... Mammalian carnivores are rarely considered for environmental reconstructions because they are extremely adaptable and their geographic range is usually large. However, the functional morphology of carnivore long bones can be indicative of locomotor behaviour as well as adaptation to specific kind of habitats. Here, different long bone ratios belonging to a subsample of extant large carnivores are used to infer palaeoecology of a comparative sample of Plio-Pleistocene fossils belonging to Italian paleo-communities. A multivariate long bone shape space reveals similarities between extant and fossil carnivores and multiple logistic regression models suggest that specific indices (the brachial and the Mt/F) can be applied to predict adaptations to grassland and tropical biomes. These functional indices exhibit also a phylogenetic signal to different degree. The brachial index is a significant predictor of adaptations to tropical biomes when phylogeny is taken into account, while Mt/F is not correlated anymore to habitat adaptations. However, the proportion of grassland-adapted carnivores in Italian paleo-communities exhibits a negative relationship with mean oxygen isotopic values, which are indicative of past climatic oscillations. As climate became more unstable during the Ice Ages, large carnivore guilds from the Italian peninsula were invaded by tropical/closed-adapted species. These species take advantage of the temperate forest cover that was more spread after 1.0 Ma than in the initial phase of the Quaternary (2.0 Ma) when the climate was more arid [Current Zoology 57 (3): 269-283, 2011]. 展开更多
关键词 CARNIVORA Long bones QUATERNARY Climate change
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