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活血化湿汤治疗晚期肝癌黄疸28例 被引量:4
作者 刘高仁 肖亚珍 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期1073-1074,共2页
目的:观察运用活血化湿汤治疗晚期肝癌黄疸的疗效,阐述其作用机制,为进一步优化中医诊疗方案奠定基础。方法:通过治疗前后自身对照的方法,分析活血化湿汤对晚期肝癌黄疸患者总胆红素的影响。结果:治疗28例,痊愈22例,好转6例,脱落2例,治... 目的:观察运用活血化湿汤治疗晚期肝癌黄疸的疗效,阐述其作用机制,为进一步优化中医诊疗方案奠定基础。方法:通过治疗前后自身对照的方法,分析活血化湿汤对晚期肝癌黄疸患者总胆红素的影响。结果:治疗28例,痊愈22例,好转6例,脱落2例,治愈率为78.6%。结论:活血化湿汤治疗治疗晚期肝癌黄疸疗效确切。 展开更多
关键词 肝癌黄疸 中医药疗法活血化湿汤 治疗应用
作者 李蓉 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)医药卫生》 2021年第12期456-458,共3页
研究晚期肝癌黄疸疾病应用中西医结合治疗的价值。方法:时间确定是2019.1-2020.12,对在医院接受诊治的50例晚期肝癌黄疸疾病患者实施医学观察,采取数字表法的方式进行分组治疗,即接受西药诊治的单一组(n=25)与接受中西医结合诊治的结合... 研究晚期肝癌黄疸疾病应用中西医结合治疗的价值。方法:时间确定是2019.1-2020.12,对在医院接受诊治的50例晚期肝癌黄疸疾病患者实施医学观察,采取数字表法的方式进行分组治疗,即接受西药诊治的单一组(n=25)与接受中西医结合诊治的结合组(n=25),评估不同治疗方案取得的临床价值。结果:在单一的运用西药治疗以及结合中西医药物治疗之后,结合组患者总胆红素(34.56±26.81)、天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(64.18±25.69)、碱性磷酸酶(193.02±41.48)、r-谷氨酸转肽酶(103.41±35.51)、血清白蛋白(31.45±5.41)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(82.48±56.12),多个指标均优于单一组患者,p<0.05;单一组治疗之前和结合组治疗之前,多个不良症状评分之间不存在显著差异。在治疗结束后,结合组患者不良症状的改善程度更佳,单一组腹胀评分均数(1.43±1.41)、乏力评分均数(1.53±1.80)、纳差评分均数(2.67±0.24)。结合组腹胀评分均数(1.21±0.34)、乏力评分均数(1.26±0.77)、纳差评分均数(1.52±0.73),互相对比可知数值存在统计学差异,p<0.05;对于单一组的25例患者,治疗结果属于显著治疗的有10例患者、属于一般治疗的有12例患者、属于无效治疗的有3例患者,总治疗率为88.0%。对于结合组的25例患者,治疗结果属于显著治疗的有11例患者、属于一般治疗的有13例患者、属于无效治疗的有1例患者,总治疗率为96.0%,互相对比之下结合组治疗有效率更高,p<0.05,差异存在统计学意义。结论:对于晚肝癌黄疸疾病的临床治疗,应首选中西医治疗模式,帮助患者更好的改善不良症状,调节患者肝功能,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 中西医结合 晚期肝癌黄疸 临床价值
作者 王涵 张文杰 《内蒙古中医药》 2013年第5期25-25,82,共2页
原发性肝癌(简称肝癌)是指原发于肝细胞与肝内胆管上皮细胞的恶性肿瘤,包括肝细胞癌(HCC)、胆管细胞癌和混合性癌三种组织类型,是常见的恶性肿瘤之一。临床常见腹痛、黄疸等症。本文以自拟"茵陈退黄汤"用于临床治疗肝癌黄疸,... 原发性肝癌(简称肝癌)是指原发于肝细胞与肝内胆管上皮细胞的恶性肿瘤,包括肝细胞癌(HCC)、胆管细胞癌和混合性癌三种组织类型,是常见的恶性肿瘤之一。临床常见腹痛、黄疸等症。本文以自拟"茵陈退黄汤"用于临床治疗肝癌黄疸,疗效较好,现将浅知拙见阐述如下。 展开更多
关键词 肝癌黄疸 茵陈退黄汤
连续小剂量TACE治疗肝细胞黄疸性肝癌 被引量:6
作者 肖金成 张宏凯 张建伟 《医药论坛杂志》 2006年第11期107-107,共1页
关键词 连续 小剂量TACE 肝细胞黄疸肝癌
提高黄疸型肝癌诊治水平 被引量:1
作者 何振平 《现代医药卫生》 2004年第3期149-151,共3页
关键词 黄疸肝癌 诊断 治疗 病理特征 胆道癌栓
试论肝癌后期黄疸的中医治疗 被引量:1
作者 李杰 张波 孟凡力 《中国继续医学教育》 2018年第2期140-142,共3页
原发性肝癌是一种常见的恶性肿瘤,文章综合研究中医治疗方法,较深入地分析了肝癌后期黄疸患者的特点,病因及发病机理,主因患者正气虚损,郁结肝气,脏腑失调的阴阳气虚,湿聚脾虚,血瘀痰凝及蕴结热毒等造成湿、热、气、血、毒、瘀等方面的... 原发性肝癌是一种常见的恶性肿瘤,文章综合研究中医治疗方法,较深入地分析了肝癌后期黄疸患者的特点,病因及发病机理,主因患者正气虚损,郁结肝气,脏腑失调的阴阳气虚,湿聚脾虚,血瘀痰凝及蕴结热毒等造成湿、热、气、血、毒、瘀等方面的互相影响而引发。对患者采取中医辨证与中医辨病相结合的治疗方法,研究了临床肝癌后期黄疸患者采取中医治疗的效果,对于提高肝癌后期黄疸患者的疗效具有非常重要的作用,可在中医临床中推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 肝癌后期黄疸 中医治疗 恶性肿瘤 临床疗效
作者 张俊松 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)医药卫生》 2021年第4期75-76,共2页
更深入地探讨肝癌合并梗阻性黄疸的介入治疗。方法:选择2018年12月至2019年12月在我院收治的60例肝癌合并梗阻性黄疸患者进行临床分析。所有患者均采用穿刺胆道经皮肝穿刺引流或植入胆道内的支架进行术后临床治疗。结果:5例患者的血液... 更深入地探讨肝癌合并梗阻性黄疸的介入治疗。方法:选择2018年12月至2019年12月在我院收治的60例肝癌合并梗阻性黄疸患者进行临床分析。所有患者均采用穿刺胆道经皮肝穿刺引流或植入胆道内的支架进行术后临床治疗。结果:5例患者的血液胆红素在介入治疗前后无明显变化,在手术后患有肝性脑病,导致死亡。在其余患者中,手术前后黄疸症状明显改善,并且手术前后比较的差异有统计学意义。结论:肝癌合并梗阻性黄疸的介入治疗可有效降低患者的血胆红素水平,但在手术治疗后,应密切观察无明显变化的患者的血胆红素水平,以警惕肝病脑病的发生,以及预防疾病发作的术后护理可以有效地增加患者的生存概率并延长生存时间。 展开更多
关键词 肝癌合并梗阻性黄疸 症状 介入治疗
作者 王光伟 余书勇 +1 位作者 李爱民 张策 《肝胆胰脾外科杂志》 CSCD 1997年第2期99-101,共3页
关键词 黄疸肝癌 胆总管切开 T管引流 胆肠ROUX-Y吻合术
作者 何宇 王曙光 《中华消化外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 2010年第3期235-236,共2页
1 临床资料 患者男,67岁。因右上腹隐痛不适,小便黄10d于2009年12月8日入院。2009年11月28日因无明显诱因出现右上腹隐痛不适,小便黄,伴厌油、纳差,无畏寒、发热、恶心及呕吐,无明显腹泻、黑便及血便。在当地医院B超检查提示左... 1 临床资料 患者男,67岁。因右上腹隐痛不适,小便黄10d于2009年12月8日入院。2009年11月28日因无明显诱因出现右上腹隐痛不适,小便黄,伴厌油、纳差,无畏寒、发热、恶心及呕吐,无明显腹泻、黑便及血便。在当地医院B超检查提示左肝管内中等回声团伴左肝内胆管扩张。未予特殊治疗。门诊以“肝门部胆管癌”收入我院。 展开更多
关键词 肝门部胆管癌 胆管癌根治术 黄疸肝癌 治疗 2009年 肝内胆管扩张 上腹隐痛 临床资料
Obstructive jaundice due to hepatobiliary cystadenoma or cystadenocarcinoma 被引量:27
作者 Deha Erdogan Olivier RC Busch +3 位作者 Erik AJ Rauws Otto M van Delden Dirk J Gouma Thomas M van Gulik 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第35期5735-5738,共4页
Hepatobiliary cystadenomas (HBC) and cystadenocarci- nomas are rare cystic lesions. Most patients with these lesions are asymptomatic, but presentation with ob- structive jaundice may occur. The first patient presente... Hepatobiliary cystadenomas (HBC) and cystadenocarci- nomas are rare cystic lesions. Most patients with these lesions are asymptomatic, but presentation with ob- structive jaundice may occur. The first patient presented with intermittent colicky pain and recurrent obstructive jaundice. Imaging studies revealed a polypoid lesion in the left hepatic duct. The second patient had recurrent jaundice and cholangitis. Endoscopic retrograde cholan- giopancreatography (ERCP) showed a cystic lesion at the confluence of the hepatic duct. In the third patient with intermittent jaundice and cholangitis, cholangioscopy re- vealed a papillomatous structure protruding into the left bile duct system. In the fourth patient with obstructive jaundice, CT-scan showed slight dilatation of the intrahe- patic bile ducts and dilatation of the common bile duct of 3 cm. ERCP showed filling of a cystic lesion. All patients underwent partial liver resection, revealing HBC in the specimen. In the fifth patient presenting with obstructive jaundice, ultrasound examination showed a hyperecho- genic cystic lesion centrally in the liver. The resection specimen revealed a hepatobiliary cystadenocarcinoma. HBC and cystadenocarcinoma may give rise to obstruc- tive jaundice. Evaluation with cross-sectional imaging techniques is useful. ERCP is a useful tool to differentiate extraductal from intraductal obstruction. 展开更多
关键词 LIVER Hepatobiliary cystadenoma CYSTADENOCARCINOMA Obstructive jaundice Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
A patient with unresectable advanced pancreatic cancer achieving long-term survival with Gemcitabine chemotherapy 被引量:2
作者 Yoshiki Okamoto Takashi Maeba +5 位作者 Keitarou Kakinoki Keiichi Okano Kunihiko Izuishi Hisao Wakabayashi Hisashi Usuki Yasuyuki Suzuki 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第44期6876-6880,共5页
A 68-year-old female visited a local clinic with epigastralgia. A routine laboratory test revealed jaundice and liver dysfunction. She was referred to this hospital. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) and endoscopic r... A 68-year-old female visited a local clinic with epigastralgia. A routine laboratory test revealed jaundice and liver dysfunction. She was referred to this hospital. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) and endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) revealed that the density of the entire pancreas had decreased,and showed dilatation of the common bile duct (CBD) and the main pancreatic duct (MPD). Pancreatic cancer was diagnosed by cytological examination analyzing the pancreatic juice obtained by ERCP. When jaundice had decreased the tumor was observed via laparotomy. No ascites,liver metastasis,or peritoneal dissemination was observed. The entire pancreas was a hard mass,and a needle biopsy was obtained from the head,body and tail of the pancreas. These biopsies diagnosed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Hepaticojejunostomy was thus performed,and postoperative progress was good. Chemotherapy with 1000 mg/body per week of gemcitabine was administered beginning 15 d postoperatively. However,the patient suffered relatively severe side effects,and it was necessary to change the dosing schedule of gemcitabine. Abdominal CT revealed a complete response (CR) after 3 treatments. Therefore,weekly chemotherapy was stopped and was changed to monthly administration. To date,for 4 years after chemotherapy,the tumor has not reappeared. 展开更多
关键词 GEMCITABINE Long-term survival Unresectable advanced pancreatic cancer
Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage for obstructive jaundice caused by metastatic gastric cancer: efficacy and complications 被引量:1
作者 Wenchang Yu Kongzhi Zhang Shiguang Chen Mingzhi Hao 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第3期157-161,共5页
Objective: The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy and incidence of complications of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) as palliative treatment of obstructive jaundice caused by metastatic ... Objective: The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy and incidence of complications of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) as palliative treatment of obstructive jaundice caused by metastatic gastric cancer. Methods: Hospital records were reviewed for 32 consecutive patients with biliary obstruction caused by metastatic gastric cancer who underwent PTBD at our institution between October 2004 and April 2010. Patients (23 males and 9 females) age ranged from 35 to 72 years. The indexes of hepatic function before PTBD and within one month after PTBD were compared. The incidence of complications and corresponding treatments were also documented. Results: The level of obstruction was defined as the distal bile duct (beyond the level of the liver hilum) in 22 patients (group 1) and the liver hilum in 10 patients (group 2). Successful decompression of the biliary system after PTBD was defined by a total bilirubin decrease of more than 30% of the baseline value. Success rates were 100% (22/22) for group 1, 70% (7/10) for group 2, and 90.6% (29/32) for all patients. Differences in success rates between group 1 and group 2 were significant (P = 0.024). Serum TBIL, ALT, and AST significantly decreased from (292.8 ± 179.9) μmol/L, (174.5 ± 107.4) IU/L, (159.9 ± 103.9) IU/L before PTBD to (111.5 ± 92.5) μmol/L, (58.5 ± 46.3) IU/L, (59.6 ± 48.9) IU/L, respectively within one month after PTBD (P 0.05). Complications associated with PTBD included cholangitis in 13 patients (40.5%), drainage tube displacement in 6 patients (18.8%), hemobilia in 4 patients (12.5%), tube occlusion in 2 patients (6.3%), and pancreatitis in 1 patient (3.1%). All complications were successfully treated with appropriate measures. Conclusion: Hepatic function can be improved by PTBD without serious complications in patients with obstructive jaundice caused by metastatic gastric cancer. 展开更多
关键词 gastric cancer obstructive jaundice percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
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