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作者 李玉芬 王述华 《华北煤炭医学院学报》 2001年第4期440-440,共1页
关键词 硬变 柏-查综合征 误诊 BCS 诊断 肝血管病
门脉肝窦血管病的研究进展 被引量:2
作者 何福亮 贾继东 《临床肝胆病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期19-23,共5页
门脉肝窦血管病(PSVD)是近年提出的新的疾病命名,是特发性非硬化性门静脉高压的重要补充,纳入了病理符合但不合并门静脉高压症状、合并门静脉血栓及合并病毒性肝炎等患者。本文对门脉肝窦血管性疾病的命名、流行病学、病因学、临床表现... 门脉肝窦血管病(PSVD)是近年提出的新的疾病命名,是特发性非硬化性门静脉高压的重要补充,纳入了病理符合但不合并门静脉高压症状、合并门静脉血栓及合并病毒性肝炎等患者。本文对门脉肝窦血管性疾病的命名、流行病学、病因学、临床表现、预后及治疗进行阐述,以期提高临床医生对该病的认识。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉血管病 预后 治疗学
肝门静脉窦性血管病合并非门静脉高压性腹水的临床病理特点及治疗初探 被引量:1
作者 张玉姣 王秀红 +1 位作者 郑英 马安林 《临床肝胆病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第9期2110-2112,共3页
肝门静脉窦性血管病(porto-sinusoidal vascular disease,PSVD)是新近从病理组织学角度提出的在无肝硬化情况下,伴或不伴有门静脉高压症的典型组织学改变的描述性诊断,特征性为:闭塞性门静脉病变、结节性再生性增生和不全间隔性肝硬化/... 肝门静脉窦性血管病(porto-sinusoidal vascular disease,PSVD)是新近从病理组织学角度提出的在无肝硬化情况下,伴或不伴有门静脉高压症的典型组织学改变的描述性诊断,特征性为:闭塞性门静脉病变、结节性再生性增生和不全间隔性肝硬化/纤维化[1]。PSVD拓宽了特发性非肝硬化性门静脉高压症(idiopathic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension,INCPH)的范畴,涵盖了INCPH的门静脉高压症前阶段以及与其他肝病并发的INCPH。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉窦性血管病 腹水 高血压 门静脉 治疗学
作者 李超 王凤梅 +1 位作者 陈多兆 白兆娟 《疑难病杂志》 CAS 2023年第9期987-988,共2页
关键词 门脉—血管病 诊断 治疗 儿童
作者 庞尊中 何强 陈鹏 《贵州医药》 CAS 2001年第6期519-519,共1页
关键词 肝血管病 动脉栓塞 药物疗法
作者 钱敏娜 范宁 《临床超声医学杂志》 1997年第4期256-256,共1页
我院于1990~1995年经B超诊断的310例原发性肝癌,我们作了前瞻性分析,有11例经CT手术后细胞病理证实为肝血管瘤.复习文献及分析,从中吸取了一定的教训,现报道如下.资料方法11例肝血管瘤门诊B超检查均误诊为肝癌.男7例,女4例.年龄37~68... 我院于1990~1995年经B超诊断的310例原发性肝癌,我们作了前瞻性分析,有11例经CT手术后细胞病理证实为肝血管瘤.复习文献及分析,从中吸取了一定的教训,现报道如下.资料方法11例肝血管瘤门诊B超检查均误诊为肝癌.男7例,女4例.年龄37~68岁.1例巨大肿瘤患者以左上腹包块待诊.4例感右上腹不适而就诊,余为体检发现.使用仪器:RT-2000型线阵超声扫描仪.频率为3.5MHz.按常规对肝脏进行左肋间,右肋缘下,剑下做纵向、横向、斜向的多个不同切面检查.发现病灶,观察病灶回声及周围变化情况,并记录位置及大小. 展开更多
关键词 肝血管病 超声波诊断 误诊
金纳多治疗糖尿病下肢动脉血管病变临床研究 被引量:1
作者 杜玉茗 王虹 +1 位作者 林永丽 李虹 《长春中医学院学报》 1999年第4期18-18,共1页
关键词 金纳多 糖尿病 动脉血管病
作者 徐颖 《临床超声医学杂志》 1994年第3期92-93,共2页
应用二维超声对原发性肝癌及肝血管瘤的诊断国内外已有不少报导,但在鉴别上仍有一定困难。随着双功多普勒和彩色多普勒血流声象的问世,用多普勒鉴别良、恶性肿瘤成为研究的热点。本文就彩色多普勒对肝良、恶性肿块进行血流供应的研究,... 应用二维超声对原发性肝癌及肝血管瘤的诊断国内外已有不少报导,但在鉴别上仍有一定困难。随着双功多普勒和彩色多普勒血流声象的问世,用多普勒鉴别良、恶性肿瘤成为研究的热点。本文就彩色多普勒对肝良、恶性肿块进行血流供应的研究,旨在提高并印证其在鉴别诊断上的价值。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤 肝血管病 鉴别诊断 彩色多普勒
作者 董思晗 赵新颜 《中国中西医结合消化杂志》 CAS 2024年第12期1051-1055,共5页
门静脉肝窦血管病(porto-sinusoidal vascular disease,PSVD)是一种以门静脉高压为特征的肝血管疾病,近年来PSVD确诊病例数量逐年增加。通过回顾近期文献,本综述旨在阐述从特发性非肝硬化性门静脉高压到PSVD的概念变迁;介绍PSVD的主要... 门静脉肝窦血管病(porto-sinusoidal vascular disease,PSVD)是一种以门静脉高压为特征的肝血管疾病,近年来PSVD确诊病例数量逐年增加。通过回顾近期文献,本综述旨在阐述从特发性非肝硬化性门静脉高压到PSVD的概念变迁;介绍PSVD的主要病理特征及鉴别诊断要点;介绍无创性筛查方法,如腹部影像和瞬时弹性成像特征;探讨与PSVD相关的免疫因素、药物及遗传疾病等相关因素;还介绍了PSVD目前的治疗进展,并对其不同预后进行描述。未来需要更多研究以明确其致病机制及探索新的治疗方法。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉血管病 病理特征 诊断 预后
作者 李容容 李盟 +2 位作者 孙鑫 邢枫 刘成海 《中国中西医结合消化杂志》 CAS 2024年第12期1082-1086,共5页
奥沙利铂(oxaliplatin,OXA)为第3代铂类抗癌药,广泛应用于中晚期结直肠癌、肝癌及胃癌等的治疗,但可引起肝脏微血管病变等副作用。本文报道1例奥沙利铂引起的非肝硬化门静脉高压患者,经过肝组织病理诊断为门静脉肝窦血管病,并通过中西... 奥沙利铂(oxaliplatin,OXA)为第3代铂类抗癌药,广泛应用于中晚期结直肠癌、肝癌及胃癌等的治疗,但可引起肝脏微血管病变等副作用。本文报道1例奥沙利铂引起的非肝硬化门静脉高压患者,经过肝组织病理诊断为门静脉肝窦血管病,并通过中西医结合诊治,患者临床症状与食管胃底静脉曲张得到缓解;此外,文献回顾了OXA引起门静脉肝窦血管病等肝脏微血管病变的特点。 展开更多
关键词 奥沙利铂 门静脉血管病 窦内皮细胞 机制
肝海绵状血管病的缝扎治疗 被引量:3
作者 余宏迢 蔡建强 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第2期109-110,共2页
关键词 肝血管病 瘤体缝扎术
作者 陈苏云 赵新颜 《中华肝脏病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期905-909,共5页
血管炎分类复杂,不同血管炎累及血管大小、类型和部位不同。临床表现多样、异质性强,临床诊断难度大。肝脏非血管炎主要受累器官,血管炎相关肝损伤易误诊或漏诊。血管炎累及肝脏主要表现为肝脏生物化学指标异常(以梗阻酶升高为主)、门... 血管炎分类复杂,不同血管炎累及血管大小、类型和部位不同。临床表现多样、异质性强,临床诊断难度大。肝脏非血管炎主要受累器官,血管炎相关肝损伤易误诊或漏诊。血管炎累及肝脏主要表现为肝脏生物化学指标异常(以梗阻酶升高为主)、门静脉高压及肝脏占位性病变。血管炎治疗原则:系统免疫抑制治疗。现总结血管炎分类、累及肝脏主要表现以及治疗原则,以期提高对该病的认识。 展开更多
关键词 抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体 胆汁淤积 门静脉高压 肝血管病
特发性非硬化性门脉高压115例临床与病理特征分析 被引量:2
作者 张玉姣 邵晨 +3 位作者 雷金艳 王秀红 任媛媛 马安林 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第18期2324-2330,共7页
目的总结与分析特发性非硬化性门脉高压(INCPH)患者临床与肝脏病理的特征,以期为临床医师早期识别本病提供科学依据。方法回顾性分析2016年1月至2021年12月于中日友好医院诊断的115例INCPH患者,对其人口学特征、临床表现、化验及影像表... 目的总结与分析特发性非硬化性门脉高压(INCPH)患者临床与肝脏病理的特征,以期为临床医师早期识别本病提供科学依据。方法回顾性分析2016年1月至2021年12月于中日友好医院诊断的115例INCPH患者,对其人口学特征、临床表现、化验及影像表现、病理表现等资料进行整理归纳。结果115例INCPH患者中,男51例(44.35%),女64例(55.65%),男:女约为1∶1.25,年龄12~79岁,平均(47.89±21.14)岁,肝功能Child⁃Pugh分级以A多见(88.89%)。临床首发症状以脾大(34/38,89.47%)、血细胞减少(38/45,84.44%)、上消化道出血(25/41,60.97%)多见。WBC、NEUT、PLT、蛋白C活性等中位数均低于正常下限,且异常率超过50%;而ALT、AST、GGT、ALP、Alb、TBil、CHE、TG、TC等中位数均处于正常范围,异常率较低。胃镜发现食管胃底静脉曲张检出率高达77.42%,影像学中脾大、门脉高压检出率高于50%,TE⁃LSM≥7.3 kPa占19.0%。肝脏病理除主要病变外,可见肝窦CD34(+)(25/27,92.59%)、肝窦扩张(33/91,36.26%)、不规则纤维细隔(23/91,25.27%)等表现,全部标本均未见肝硬化。结论INCPH患者门脉高压重,肝功能损伤程度轻,肝脏储备功能好,确诊本病需临床与病理紧密结合。 展开更多
关键词 特发性非硬化性门脉高压 脾功能亢进 食管胃底静脉曲张 闭塞性门静脉病 门静脉窦性血管病
作者 刘建建 张芝 +2 位作者 黄晶晶 宋凤祥 施裕新(审校) 《中国中西医结合消化杂志》 CAS 2024年第12期1056-1059,共4页
肝门静脉肝血窦疾病(porto-sinusoidal vascular disease,PSVD)作为近年新命名的一种特殊类型非肝硬化性门静脉高压症,越来越受到关注。PSVD具有门静脉高压的相关症状,但其病理特征不同于常见的肝炎后肝硬化,临床易误诊和漏诊。由于PSV... 肝门静脉肝血窦疾病(porto-sinusoidal vascular disease,PSVD)作为近年新命名的一种特殊类型非肝硬化性门静脉高压症,越来越受到关注。PSVD具有门静脉高压的相关症状,但其病理特征不同于常见的肝炎后肝硬化,临床易误诊和漏诊。由于PSVD的发病机制不明确,临床影像学认识不足,诊治中存在诸多挑战。本文综述了PSVD的病因病理学、临床影像学诊断研究进展,以期提高对该疾病的认识和诊断水平。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉血管病 门静脉高压 影像学诊断
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a novel predictor of cardiovascular disease 被引量:56
作者 Masahide Hamaguchi Takao Kojima +10 位作者 Noriyuki Takeda Chisato Nagata Jun Takeda Hiroshi Sarui Yutaka Kawahito Naohisa Yoshida Atsushi Suetsugu Takahiro Kato Junichi Okuda Kazunori Ida Toshikazu Yoshikawa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第10期1579-1584,共6页
AIM:To clarify whether nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.METHODS:We carried out a prospective observational study with a total of 1637 apparently healthy Japanese men ... AIM:To clarify whether nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.METHODS:We carried out a prospective observational study with a total of 1637 apparently healthy Japanese men and women who were recruited from a health check-up program.NAFLD was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography.The metabolic syndrome(MS)was defined according to the modified National Cholesterol Education Program(NCEP)ATP Ⅲ criteria.Five years after the baseline evaluations,the incidence of cardiovascular disease was assessed by a self-administered questionnaire.RESULTS:Among 1221 participants available for outcome analyses,the incidence of cardiovascular disease was higher in 231 subjects with NAFLD at baseline(5 coronary heart disease,6 ischemic stroke,and 1 cerebral hemorrhage)than 990 subjects without NAFLD(3 coronary heart disease,6 ischemic stroke,and 1 cerebral hemorrhage).Multivariate analyses indicated that NAFLD was a predictor of cardiovascular disease independent of conventional risk factors(odds ratio 4.12,95% CI,1.58 to 10.75,P = 0.004).MS was alsoindependently associated with cardiovascular events.But simultaneous inclusion of NAFLD and MS in a multivariate model revealed that NAFLD but not MS retained a statistically significant correlation with cardiovascular disease.CONCLUSION:Although both of them were predictors of cardiovascular disease,NAFLD but not MS retained a statistically significant correlation with cardiovascular disease in a multivariate model.NAFLD is a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease and may play a central role in the cardiovascular risk of MS. 展开更多
关键词 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Metabolic syndrome Coronary heart disease Cardiovascular disease Risk factors
Cholangiocytes and blood supply 被引量:9
作者 Eugenio Gaudio Antonio Franchitto +6 位作者 Luigi Pannarale Guido Carpino Gianfranco Alpini Heather Francis Shannon Glaser Domenico Alvaro Paolo Onori 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第22期3546-3552,共7页
The microvascular supply of the biliary tree, the peribiliary plexus (PBP), stems from the hepatic artery branches and flows into the hepatic sinusoids. A detailed three-dimensional study of the PBP has been perform... The microvascular supply of the biliary tree, the peribiliary plexus (PBP), stems from the hepatic artery branches and flows into the hepatic sinusoids. A detailed three-dimensional study of the PBP has been performed by using the Scanning Electron Microscopy vascular corrosion casts (SEMvcc) technique. Considering that the PBP plays a fundamental role in supporting the secretory and absorptive functions of the biliary epithelium, their organization in either normalcy and pathology is explored. The normal liver shows the PBP arranged around extra-and intrahepatic biliary tree. In the small portal tract PBP was characterized by a single layer of capillaries which progressively continued with the extrahepatic PBP where it showed a morecomplex vascular network. After common duct ligation (BDL), progressive modifications of bile duct and PBP proliferation are observed. The PBP presents a three-dimensional network arranged around many bile ducts and appears as bundles of vessels, composed by capillaries of homogeneous diameter with a typical round mesh structure. The PBP network is easily distinguishable from the sinusoidal network which appears normal. Considering the enormous extension of the PBP during BDL, the possible role played by the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is evaluated. VEGF-A,VEGF-C and their related receptors appeared highly immunopositive in proliferating cholangiocytes of BDL rats. The administration of anti-VEGF-A or anti-VEGF-C antibodies to BDL rats as well as hepatic artery ligation induced a reduced bile duct mass. The administration of rVEGF-A to BDL hepatic artery ligated rats prevented the decrease of cholangiocyte proliferation and VEGF-A expression as compared to BDL control rats. These data suggest the role of arterial blood supply of the biliary tree in conditions of cholangiocyte proliferation, such as it occurs during chronic cholestasis. On the other hand,the role played by VEGF as a tool of cross-talk between cholangiocytes and PBP endothelial cells suggests that manipulation of VEGF release and function could represent a therapeutic strategy for human pathological conditions characterized by damage of hepatic artery or the biliary tree. 展开更多
关键词 Peribiliary plexus Periportal plexus CHOLANGIOCYTES
Ruptured high flow gastric varices with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt treated with balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration during temporary balloon occlusion of a hepatic artery 被引量:8
作者 Motoki Nakai Morio Sato +5 位作者 Hirohiko Tanihata Tetsuo Sonomura Shinya Sahara Nobuyuki Kawai Masashi Kimura Masaki Terada 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第33期5404-5407,共4页
A patient presented with hematemesis due to gastric variceal bleeding with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed gastric varices and hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombi in the righ... A patient presented with hematemesis due to gastric variceal bleeding with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed gastric varices and hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombi in the right portal vein. Angiography and angio-CT revealed a marked intratumoral arterioportal shunt accompanied with reflux into the main portal vein and gastric varices. Balloon-occluded retrograde venography from the gastro-renal shunt showed no visualization of gastric varices due to rapid blood flow through the intratumoral arterioportal shunt. The hepatic artery was temporarily occluded with a balloon catheter to reduce the blood flow through the arterioportal shunt, and then concurrent balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) was achieved. Vital signs stabilized immediately thereafter, and contrast-enhanced CT revealed thrombosed gastric varices. Worsening of hepatic function was not recognized. BRTO combined with temporary occlusion of the hepatic artery is a feasible interventional procedure for ruptured high flow gastric varices with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric varices Hepatocellular carcinoma Arterioportal shunt Balloon-occluded retrogradeobliteration HEMATEMESIS
Ruptured angiosarcoma of the liver treated by emergency catheter-directed embolization 被引量:5
作者 Christine Leowardi Yura Hormann +6 位作者 UIf Hinz Moritz N Wente Peter Hallscheidt Christa Flechtenmacher Markus W Büchler Helmut Friess Matthias HM Schwarzbach 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期804-808,共5页
Angiosarcoma is a rare primary malignant neoplasm of the liver with a poor prognosis. Here, we report a case of a patient with a ruptured hepatic angiosarcoma which was treated by emergency catheter-directed embolizat... Angiosarcoma is a rare primary malignant neoplasm of the liver with a poor prognosis. Here, we report a case of a patient with a ruptured hepatic angiosarcoma which was treated by emergency catheter-directed embolization, followed by leflc-sided hemihepatectomy. 展开更多
关键词 Ruptured angiosarcoma LIVER EMBOLIZATION
Hyperhomocysteinemia, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and alcoholic liver injury 被引量:65
作者 Neil Kaplowitz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第12期1699-1708,共10页
Deficiencies in vitamins or other factors(B6,B12,folic acid, betaine)and genetic disorders for the metabolism of the non-protein amino acid-homocysteine(Hcy)lead to hyperhomocysteinemia(HHcy).HHcy is an integral compo... Deficiencies in vitamins or other factors(B6,B12,folic acid, betaine)and genetic disorders for the metabolism of the non-protein amino acid-homocysteine(Hcy)lead to hyperhomocysteinemia(HHcy).HHcy is an integral component of several disorders including cardiovascular disease,neurodegeneration,diabetes and alcoholic liver disease.HHcy unleashes mediators of inflammation such as NFκB,IL-1β,IL-6,and IL-8,increases production of intracellular superoxide anion causing oxidative stress and reducing intracellular level of nitric oxide(NO),and induces endoplasrnic reticulum(ER)stress which can explain many processes of Hcy-promoted cell injury such as apoptosis, fat accumulation,and inflammation.Animal models have played an important role in determining the biological effects of HHcy.ER stress may also be involved in other liver diseases such as α_1-antitrypsin(α_1-AT)deficiency and hepatitis C and/or B virus infection.Future research should evaluate the possible potentiative effects of alcohol and hepatic virus infection on ER stress-induced liver injury,study potentially beneficial effects of lowering Hcy and preventing ER stress in alcoholic humans,and examine polymorphisrn of Hcy metabolizing enzymes as potential risk-factors for the development of HHcy and liver disease. 展开更多
关键词 ANIMALS Endoplasmic Reticulum Humans HYPERHOMOCYSTEINEMIA Liver Diseases Alcoholic Oxidative Stress
Clinical features and natural history of cryptogenic cirrhosis compared to hepatitis C virus-related cirrhosis 被引量:6
作者 Luca Rinaldi Fabio Nascimbeni +13 位作者 Mauro Giordano Chiara Masetti Barbara Guerrera Annalisa Amelia Maria Chiara Fascione Stefano Ballestri Dante Romagnoli Rosa Zampino Riccardo Nevola Enrica Baldelli Natalina Iuliano Valerio Rosato Amedeo Lonardo Luigi Elio Adinolfi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第8期1458-1468,共11页
To characterize natural history of cryptogenic cirrhosis (CC) and compare its clinical features and outcomes to those of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related cirrhosis.METHODSA prospective cohort of 102 consecutive patient... To characterize natural history of cryptogenic cirrhosis (CC) and compare its clinical features and outcomes to those of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related cirrhosis.METHODSA prospective cohort of 102 consecutive patients at their first diagnosis of CC were enrolled in this study. The clinical data and outcomes were compared to an age- and Child-Pugh class-matched cohort of 110 patients with HCV-related cirrhosis. Diagnosis of cirrhosis was based on compatible clinical and laboratory parameters, ultrasound/endoscopic parameters and, whenever possible, on histological grounds and transient elastography. All cases of cirrhosis without a definite etiology were enrolled in the CC group. The parameters assessed were: (1) severity of liver disease at the time of first diagnosis; (2) liver decompensation during follow-up; (3) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); (4) orthotopic liver transplantation; and (5) death. The independent associated factors were evaluated by multiple logistic regression analysis, and survival and its determinants by the Kaplan-Meier model, log-rank test and Cox regression.RESULTSAt the first observation, median age was 66 and 65 years and male gender was 36% and 58% for CC and HCV cirrhosis, respectively. CC showed Child-Pugh class A/B/C of 47%/31%/22%, respectively. Compared to HCV cirrhosis, CC exhibited a significantly higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome (12% vs 54%, respectively), overweight/obesity, high BMI, impaired glucose tolerance, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia, cardiovascular diseases, extrahepatic cancer, and gallstones. Over a median period of 42 mo of follow-up, liver decompensation, HCC development and death for CC and HCV-related cirrhosis were 60.8%, and 54.4%, 16.7% and 17.2%, 39.2% and 30%, respectively. The median survival was 60 mo for CC. Independent predictors of death were age and Child-Pugh class at diagnosis. CC showed an approximately twofold higher incidence of HCC in Child-Pugh class A.CONCLUSIONUndiagnosed nonalcoholic fatty liver disease has an etiologic role in CC that is associated with a poor prognosis, early HCC development, high risk of cardiovascular disease and extrahepatic cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Liver cirrhosis Hepatocellular carcinoma Metabolic syndrome Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Cardiovascular diseases
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