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不同施肥模式对微润灌黄瓜土壤养分及产量、品质的影响 被引量:2
作者 续佳浩 申丽霞 杨玫 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2023年第7期104-109,共6页
为了揭示微润灌溉下土壤速效养分在土层中的运移分布规律,并筛选出适宜设施黄瓜种植的施肥模式,试验采用微润灌溉模式,采用随机区组设计,设置低浓度无机肥(T1)、中浓度无机肥(T2)、高浓度无机肥(T3)、低浓度无机肥+低浓度生物有机肥(T4... 为了揭示微润灌溉下土壤速效养分在土层中的运移分布规律,并筛选出适宜设施黄瓜种植的施肥模式,试验采用微润灌溉模式,采用随机区组设计,设置低浓度无机肥(T1)、中浓度无机肥(T2)、高浓度无机肥(T3)、低浓度无机肥+低浓度生物有机肥(T4)、低浓度无机肥+中浓度生物有机肥(T5)、低浓度无机肥+高浓度生物有机肥(T6)和不施肥对照(CK)7个处理,测定土壤中硝态氮、速效磷、速效钾、产量及果实品质等指标。结果表明:微润灌溉模式下可溶性生物有机肥配施无机肥可以显著提高可供黄瓜利用的0~40 cm土壤中速效养分的含量,并且促进黄瓜植株对速效养分的吸收;降低40~60 cm土壤中的硝态氮和速效钾含量,对40~60 cm土壤中速效磷含量无显著影响;T6(低浓度无机肥+高浓度生物有机肥)处理对比CK处理增产69.27%,维生素C含量增加了29.68%,可溶性糖含量提升了55.91%,可溶性蛋白含量提高了32.5%,T6处理与T3(高浓度无机肥)处理相比产量无显著性差异,硝酸盐含量降低了15.97%。可溶性生物有机肥配施无机肥可以很好的和微润灌溉技术相结合,在获得高产的同时还可以减少施肥对环境带来污染的风险,达到节水节肥保护生态环境的目的;综合黄瓜果实的产量和品质,T6处理为较适宜微润灌设施黄瓜种植的施肥模式。 展开更多
关键词 模式 肥种类 微润灌 无机减施 配施生物有机 速效养分 土壤养分 偏生产力 农学效率
肥液种类及浓度对滴灌施肥系统水力性能的影响 被引量:2
作者 罗莉 王浩翔 +2 位作者 张新燕 张秋雨 李斌 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2021年第9期57-60,共4页
为探索肥料因素对滴灌施肥系统水力性能的影响,通过试验研究了肥液种类和浓度对滴灌带滴头流量和均匀度等水力特性的影响。结果表明:滴灌出流特性受肥料溶解性能影响,溶解性能越好,影响越小;水溶肥因其全溶于水的特性,对出流基本无影响... 为探索肥料因素对滴灌施肥系统水力性能的影响,通过试验研究了肥液种类和浓度对滴灌带滴头流量和均匀度等水力特性的影响。结果表明:滴灌出流特性受肥料溶解性能影响,溶解性能越好,影响越小;水溶肥因其全溶于水的特性,对出流基本无影响,是滴灌施肥的首选肥料种类;复合肥随浓度增大,滴头平均相对流量Dra和灌水均匀度系数CU减小,且浓度越大,Dra、CU减小越大,堵塞率增大,滴灌带堵塞风险加大;不同温度复合肥加肥浓度阈值不同,10℃、20℃、30℃、40℃时其浓度阈值分别为4.0 g/L、5.0 g/L、7.0 g/L和8.0 g/L。实际应用中滴灌施肥系统根据温度等环境条件选取相应肥液浓度可控制系统堵塞风险。 展开更多
关键词 滴灌施 堵塞 一体化 滴灌系统水力性能 种类 液浓度 浓度阈值 温度
不同镁肥在中国南方三种缺镁土壤中的迁移和淋洗特征 被引量:23
作者 李丹萍 刘敦一 +5 位作者 张白鸽 杨敏 李文丽 石孝均 陈新平 张跃强 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1513-1524,共12页
镁淋溶是导致南方土壤缺镁的关键因素之一。通过室内土柱模拟实验探究了四种镁肥(氧化镁、改性硫酸镁、钙镁磷肥和硫酸钾镁)在中国南方三种酸性缺镁土壤(黄壤、紫色土、红壤)中的有效性、迁移和淋洗特征以及土壤对镁素的固持,以期为南... 镁淋溶是导致南方土壤缺镁的关键因素之一。通过室内土柱模拟实验探究了四种镁肥(氧化镁、改性硫酸镁、钙镁磷肥和硫酸钾镁)在中国南方三种酸性缺镁土壤(黄壤、紫色土、红壤)中的有效性、迁移和淋洗特征以及土壤对镁素的固持,以期为南方缺镁土壤科学施用镁肥提供依据。结果表明,施用镁肥(折合MgO 100 mg·kg^(-1))后,三种土壤施镁土层(0~15 cm)交换性镁含量提高了2倍~15倍。氧化镁、改性硫酸镁和硫酸钾镁在三种土壤中均表现出较强的迁移能力,经过60 d淋洗(模拟降雨量1 000 mm),未施用镁肥土层(15~50 cm)中有效镁含量均较对照增加17.9~105.4mg·kg^(-1)。黄壤上不同镁肥处理镁累积淋失量在104.9~243.8 kg·hm-2,与紫色土接近,但较红壤高2倍~3倍。实验结束后,黄壤和紫色土上施用氧化镁、改性硫酸镁和硫酸钾镁的淋失率均超过三分之一,而红壤中均低于7%;施用钙镁磷肥增加了土壤对镁的固持,减缓了镁向下淋洗,淋失率在三种土壤中均为负值。综合四种镁肥在土壤中的有效性、土壤对镁素的固持、镁在土壤中的淋洗特征以及土壤酸化阻控,钙镁磷肥在三种酸性缺镁土壤中施用效果均较好。 展开更多
关键词 肥种类 酸性土壤 迁移 淋失 固持 钙镁磷
作者 朱英东 《农村科学实验》 2001年第10期26-26,共1页
1.菇根煮汁将加工后剪除的菌柄置锅中,加水,以淹没为度,煮沸20分钟,取滤汁,加7—10倍清水,在采取第二潮菇后喷施于菌床上。此液营养全面,吸收转化快,一般可增产10%。 2.松针煮汁鲜松针1公斤,煮汁,加水稀释至15公斤喷施,可延缓菌盖衰老过... 1.菇根煮汁将加工后剪除的菌柄置锅中,加水,以淹没为度,煮沸20分钟,取滤汁,加7—10倍清水,在采取第二潮菇后喷施于菌床上。此液营养全面,吸收转化快,一般可增产10%。 2.松针煮汁鲜松针1公斤,煮汁,加水稀释至15公斤喷施,可延缓菌盖衰老过程,提高平菇产量和质量。 3.淘米水淘米水100公斤,澄清,取上清液,加葡萄糖1公斤,于采菇后的3—4天后喷施,每平方米用2公斤,能促进幼菇生长。 展开更多
关键词 平菇 种类 使用方法
作者 白金顺 曹卫东 +4 位作者 毕军 李学敏 杨璐 高嵩涓 熊静 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期46-50,80,共6页
分别在山东省泰安和河北省沧州进行田间试验,研究新型速效硫肥(Rapid release sulphur,RRS)对大蒜产量、维生素C含量和经济效益的影响。试验设不施硫对照(S1),普通硫磺粉45kg/hm2(S2)、普通硫磺粉90kg/hm2(S3)、速效硫肥45kg/hm2(S4)和... 分别在山东省泰安和河北省沧州进行田间试验,研究新型速效硫肥(Rapid release sulphur,RRS)对大蒜产量、维生素C含量和经济效益的影响。试验设不施硫对照(S1),普通硫磺粉45kg/hm2(S2)、普通硫磺粉90kg/hm2(S3)、速效硫肥45kg/hm2(S4)和速效硫肥90kg/hm2(S5)5个处理,泰安点经济产量为蒜薹和蒜头,沧州点为蒜头。结果表明:与无硫对照相比,普通硫磺粉处理对大蒜产量无显著影响,速效硫肥处理有较明显的效果。S5处理下的大蒜产量在2试验地均表现为最高,其中泰安点蒜薹和沧州点蒜头增产明显,分别增加12.4%和3.2%。2试验地施用硫肥对大蒜维生素C含量的影响表现有所不同,泰安点S5显著提高了蒜薹维生素C含量、对蒜头影响不显著,沧州点S5显著提高了蒜头、维生素C含量。施用速效硫肥能提高大蒜的生产效益,两试验点均以S5增效为最高,泰安和沧州的施硫利润分别增加6 158元/hm2和2 164元/hm2,产投比分别为29.5和11.0。合理施用速效硫肥能实现在增加大蒜产量的同时稳定或提高大蒜品质,增加大蒜生产效益。 展开更多
关键词 肥种类 速效硫 产量 维生素C 经济效益
叶面施肥有诀窍 被引量:1
作者 高志明 《致富天地》 2003年第8期27-27,共1页
叶面施肥,是指将无毒无害,含有各种营养成分的有机或无机水溶液,按一定剂量和浓度,喷施在植物叶片上,称叶面施肥,也叫根外施肥。近年来,随着农业生产的不断发展,各种农作物的产量大幅度提高,需肥量越来越高,只凭根部施肥已难满足优质高... 叶面施肥,是指将无毒无害,含有各种营养成分的有机或无机水溶液,按一定剂量和浓度,喷施在植物叶片上,称叶面施肥,也叫根外施肥。近年来,随着农业生产的不断发展,各种农作物的产量大幅度提高,需肥量越来越高,只凭根部施肥已难满足优质高产的要求,因而叶面施肥技术的使用范围也越来越广泛,但有的农户采用后效果不佳,其原因是多方面的。 展开更多
关键词 叶面施 增产效果 肥种类 施用条件 浓度 喷施次数 喷施时间
影响作物吸收硒的土肥因素研究进展 被引量:10
作者 刘敏 张瑞瑞 +6 位作者 郑韵英 王日明 杨利琼 刘永贤 袁林喜 尹雪斌 尹艳镇 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1100-1104,共5页
硒是人体的必需元素,硒缺乏会造成多种疾病。通过摄入农产品适量补充硒,能保证人体健康。对作物补充适量硒肥,是增加农产品硒含量的有效措施。作物吸收硒与土壤因素及肥料因素关系密切,判断哪个因素是影响作物吸收硒最关键的因素值得探... 硒是人体的必需元素,硒缺乏会造成多种疾病。通过摄入农产品适量补充硒,能保证人体健康。对作物补充适量硒肥,是增加农产品硒含量的有效措施。作物吸收硒与土壤因素及肥料因素关系密切,判断哪个因素是影响作物吸收硒最关键的因素值得探讨。通过对文献系统调研发现,影响作物吸收硒的土肥因素中,土壤本身的硒含量及硒肥量最关键,土壤pH及有机质含量为活化土壤硒的间接因素,硒肥种类及施肥方式为配合硒肥量的补充因素。促进作物对硒的吸收要结合土壤性质、硒肥量、施肥方式等因素综合考虑,以达到富硒农产品高产高效的目的。 展开更多
关键词 土壤性质 肥种类 方式
硫酸镁在马铃薯上应用试验初探 被引量:1
作者 吴同书 《当代蔬菜》 2005年第5期33-33,共1页
关键词 硫酸镁 马铃薯 产量 品质 肥种类
Study on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pepper under Different Fertilization Modes
作者 高晶霞 曹丽华 +2 位作者 吴雪梅 马守才 谢华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2811-2814,共4页
With the new pepper cultivar Guanlong as a test material, effects of differ-ent fertilizer application modes on growth and development, yield and photosynthetic characteristics of pepper were studied. The results show... With the new pepper cultivar Guanlong as a test material, effects of differ-ent fertilizer application modes on growth and development, yield and photosynthetic characteristics of pepper were studied. The results showed that the plant height and plant expansion of pepper in T4 were the largest, of 104.3 and 90.6 cm, respec-tively. T1 showed the largest weight of single fruit, fruit length and fruit diameter, re-spectively of 101.6 g, 25.49 cm and 4.86 cm. The content of total chlorophyl in the leaves of T1 was the highest, of 66.7 mg/g, and the root activity of T1 was also the highest, of 100.6 g/(g·FW·h). The net photosynthetic rate of pepper leaves in T5 was the highest, of 6.6 μmol/(m^2·s), while the net photosynthetic rates of T1 and T2 were the lowest, fluctuating in the range of 1.3-2.5 μmol/(m^2·s). T3 showed the highest decrease amplitude of stomatal conductance in pepper leaves, of 2 658.1 mol/(m^2·s), while the decrease amplitudes of stomatal conductance of pepper leaves in treatments T2 and T5 were the lowest, fluctuating in the range of 386.7-428.7 mol/(m^2·s). T1 showed the highest decrease amplitude of transpiration rate of pepper leaves, of 4.7 mmol/(m^2·s), while treatment T5 showed the lowest decrease ampli-tude of transpiration rate of pepper leaves, of 1.1 mmol/(m^2·s). The intercel ular CO2 concentration was the highest in the leaves of T5, of 436.8 μmol/mol. T1 showed the highest plot output, yield per hectare and benefit, of 340.1 kg, 96 448.5 kg/hm^2 and 162 865.6 Yuan/hm^2, respectively, while T3 exhibited the lowest plot output, yield per hectare and benefit, of 260.8 kg, 74 338.5 kg/hm^2 and 124 888.5 Yuan/hm^2, respec-tively. 展开更多
关键词 Fertilizer types Arch shed PEPPER Growth and development Photo-synthetic characteristics
Species of Inorganic Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Red Soil and the Mechanism of Solubilization 被引量:13
作者 LUOAN-CHENG SUNXI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第3期285-288,共4页
INTRODUCTION The insoluble phosphates which can not be directly absorbed by plants are the mai forms of inorganic phosphate in soil. These kinds of phosphates can be solubilized by several species of bacteria which ar... INTRODUCTION The insoluble phosphates which can not be directly absorbed by plants are the mai forms of inorganic phosphate in soil. These kinds of phosphates can be solubilized by several species of bacteria which are widely spread in soil especially in rhizosphere where70% of the bacteria are capable of solubilizing inorganic phosphate. Many researchers re- 展开更多
关键词 organic acid phosphate-solubilizing bacteria red soil
Effects of Fertilization Types and Cultivation Years on Dissolved Organic Carbon(DOC) in Paddy Soil under Water-logging Condition
作者 顾春朝 傅民杰 +2 位作者 刘春海 吴凤日 姜泽宇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期374-378,共5页
In this study, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of dis- solved organic carbon (DOC) in water-logged paddy soil in Yanbian were investigat- ed under conditions of different fertilization types (... In this study, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of dis- solved organic carbon (DOC) in water-logged paddy soil in Yanbian were investigat- ed under conditions of different fertilization types (single application of chemical fer- tilizer, mixed application and chemical and organic fertilizers and single application of organic fertilizer) and cultivation years (80 years and 120 years). The results showed that the spatial and temporal distribution of DOC in water-logged paddy soil changed significantly with time going by. The single application of chemical fertilizer or mixed application of chemical and organic fertilizers contributed to the release of DOC in top paddy soil under water-logging condition; the single application of organ- ic fertilizer promoted the accumulation of DOC in bottom paddy soil, resulting in great heterogeneity of DOC in the vertical space, but the single application of chem- ical fertilizer weakened the vertical spatial heterogeneity of soil DOC; the DOC con- tent in the 80-year-old water-logged paddy soil was higher and more stable than that in the 120-year-old soil. 展开更多
关键词 Cultivation years Fertilization type Dissolved organic carbon Paddy soil
Environmental Footprint of Thermo-Chemical Phosphate Recycling
作者 Ludwig Hermann Markus Reuter 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第11期744-749,共6页
Three phosphate fertilizers from fossil and secondary starting materials have been assessed for their accumulated environmental footprint. Fertiliser types have been selected for their similarity in terms of phosphate... Three phosphate fertilizers from fossil and secondary starting materials have been assessed for their accumulated environmental footprint. Fertiliser types have been selected for their similarity in terms of phosphate and secondary nutrient concentrations and small waste flows, although significant and unavoidable differences in terms of phosphate solubility remain. Input data were taken from literature and from process simulations in Aspen Plus and HSC Chemistry, being based on evaluations of plants in operation or under construction. It was tested and confirmed that HSC Chemistry data can be directly exported to GaBi as an LCA evaluation tool. The paper shows in two cases a positive energy balance and a rather low environmental footprint of all three assessed processes. 展开更多
关键词 PHOSPHATES FERTILISERS P-recovery environmental footprint life cycle assessment.
Effect of Nutrient Type on Chemical Composition and Dry Matter Partitioning of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
作者 V. D. Taffouo E. Tsoata +3 位作者 M. Kenne R. J. Priso T. Fonkou A. Akoa 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第4期96-102,共7页
The objective of our study was to determine the effects of four types of fertilisers enrichments (manure potassic (K), phosphatic (P), phosphatic and potassic (PK) and nitrogenized, phosphated and potassic (NP... The objective of our study was to determine the effects of four types of fertilisers enrichments (manure potassic (K), phosphatic (P), phosphatic and potassic (PK) and nitrogenized, phosphated and potassic (NPK)) on chemical composition and dry matter in cassava (Manihot esculenta) organs (clone 1171) during harvest period. The pots experiment was laid out in randomised complete bloc design with five treatments and four replications. Water, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, total proteins and total lipids contents of the leaves, shoots and tubers were determined. After 9 months growing period, results showed that fertilizer types enriched with K, PK and NPK significantly increased the organic compounds contents of the leaves (P〈0.05). Furthermore, fertilizers with high phosphorus content significantly increased the lipid contents of the leaves (25%). Fertilizers enriched with NPK positively influenced the biomass partitioning in Manihot esculenta. Application of fertilizers enriched with NPK led to higher levels of total proteins in the leaves and tubers (70 mg g DM^-1 and 30 mg g DM^-1 respectively) compared to control (17 mg g DM^-1 and 9 mg g DM^-1 respectively). These results help to demonstrate the value of these fertilizers enrichment to improve the chemical composition and dry matter partitioning of cassava. 展开更多
关键词 CASSAVA nutrient type chemical composition partitioning dry weight
The Influence of Different Nitrogen Treatments on the Growth and Yield of Basil (Ocimum Basificum L.) 被引量:1
作者 Laura Frabboni Giuseppina de Simone Vittoria Russo 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第9期799-803,共5页
Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a popular culinary herbal crop grown for the fresh or dry leaf, essential oil and seed markets. Recently, basil has been shown to rank highest among spices and herbal crops for x... Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a popular culinary herbal crop grown for the fresh or dry leaf, essential oil and seed markets. Recently, basil has been shown to rank highest among spices and herbal crops for xanthophyll carotenoids, which are associated with a decreased risk of cancer and age-related eye diseases. Nitrogen fertilizer encourages vegetative growth and increases oil yield in aromatic plants by enhancing leaf area development and photosynthetic rate. Our goal was to determine the influence of different concentrations of nitrogen (N) fertilization on basil physiology. The trial examined the cultivation of Ocimum basilicum L. (variety Genovese gigante). The experiment was carried out under Mediterranean climatic conditions. The experiment considered the adoption of three nitrogen (N) treatments (0, 160, 240 kg N ha-1). The following biometric parameters were determined: plant height, leaves per plant, leaf to stem ratio, number of branchings per plant, leaf area index (LAI), above-ground fresh and leaf biomass. Considering the parameters most strictly linked to the economic results (total fresh weight, fresh weight of the leaves and total dry weight), we found that 160 kg N ha^-1 treatment showed the best performance. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen treatment BASIL YIELD yield components growth Ocimum basilicum L.
Arsenic in Rice Soils and Potential Agronomic Mitigation Strategies to Reduce Arsenic Bioavailability: A Review 被引量:7
作者 Lalith D.B.SURIYAGODA Klaus DITTERT Hans LAMBERS 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期363-382,共20页
Soils used for rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation in some areas contain high concentrations of arsenic (As)due to irrigation with groundwater containing As and intensive use of agrochemicals or industrial residues... Soils used for rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation in some areas contain high concentrations of arsenic (As)due to irrigation with groundwater containing As and intensive use of agrochemicals or industrial residues containing As. To restrict rice uptake of As in these soils, approaches to reduce As input and bioavailability must be considered. One approach to reduce As input into rice soils or uptake by rice is cultivating rice under aerobic, intermittent flooding, or alternate wetting and drying (AWD) conditions, rather than in submerged soils, or use of irrigation water low in As. For reducing As bioavailability in soil, aerobic or AWD rice culture and application of biochar, sulfur (S), and/or rice polish to soil are promising. Moreover, use of As-hyperaecumulating plant species (e.g., Pteris vittata L.) in rotation or combinations with favourable plant species (e.g., Azolla, Chlorella, or Nannochloropsis species) can also be promoted, in addition to using rice cultivars that are tolerant to As. Though applications of high doses of phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), and silicon (Si) fertilizers have shown promise in many instances, these methods have to be practiced carefully, because negative effects have also been reported, although such incidents are rare. Major factors affecting As speciation and bioavailability in soil are chemical properties such as redox status, pH, and Fe, P, Si, and S concentrations, physical properties such as texture and organic matter, and biological properties such as methylation activity by soil microorganisms. However, as many of these factors interact, long-term examination under field conditions is needed before measures are recommended for and implemented in farmers' fields. 展开更多
关键词 amendment contaminated soils health risk hyperaccumulating plant remediation tolerant cultivar toxicity water management
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