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农家肥积造技术 被引量:2
作者 王爱莲 邢海业 《农村科技》 2016年第4期32-33,共2页
农家肥有改良土壤、培肥地力的作用。施农家肥生产的农产品品质优良,尤其是蔬菜、水果,具有口感好、易贮存的特点,是发展有机、绿色、生态农业的首选。农家肥来源广、数量大,成本也比较低。利用农闲期,开展农家肥积造是农业节本增效的... 农家肥有改良土壤、培肥地力的作用。施农家肥生产的农产品品质优良,尤其是蔬菜、水果,具有口感好、易贮存的特点,是发展有机、绿色、生态农业的首选。农家肥来源广、数量大,成本也比较低。利用农闲期,开展农家肥积造是农业节本增效的重要措施。 展开更多
关键词 肥积 农业节本增效 改良土壤 阿瓦提县 土杂 腐熟剂 鸡粪 配方施 牲畜粪便 翻堆
作者 于天德 孙宏德 +1 位作者 李军 尚惠贤 《东北农业科学》 1983年第1期48-54,共7页
本文着重论述了有机肥料在实现粮食大幅度增产中,提高中、低产土壤肥力的重大作用。培肥地力要以增加土壤有机质为中心,在增加土壤有机质的措施中,要看到农业生产责任制落实后广大社员改革农肥积制技术的前景。通过典型社队增施优质农... 本文着重论述了有机肥料在实现粮食大幅度增产中,提高中、低产土壤肥力的重大作用。培肥地力要以增加土壤有机质为中心,在增加土壤有机质的措施中,要看到农业生产责任制落实后广大社员改革农肥积制技术的前景。通过典型社队增施优质农肥与合理施用化肥达到高产稳产的事例,说明改革农肥积制技术,是培肥增产的根本措施。 展开更多
关键词 低产土壤 肥积 高产稳产 有机质含量 土壤腐殖质 速效养分 养分损失 全氮 耕层有机质
作者 尹明 《新闻记者》 北大核心 1989年第4期30-31,共2页
近两年来,农村化肥奇缺,农民们心急火燎。全国各地不断有令人担忧的消息见诸报端: 某地农民欲购化肥无路,四处上访,直至中央……某地供销社出售化肥走后门,激起民愤……某地发生哄抢化肥事件,甚至酿成命案……然而,就在去年夏天,上海港... 近两年来,农村化肥奇缺,农民们心急火燎。全国各地不断有令人担忧的消息见诸报端: 某地农民欲购化肥无路,四处上访,直至中央……某地供销社出售化肥走后门,激起民愤……某地发生哄抢化肥事件,甚至酿成命案……然而,就在去年夏天,上海港码头上却出现了大批化肥积压的怪现象,1988年8月19日,《上海海港报》及时刊登了该报记者章洪。 展开更多
关键词 海港码头 令人 新闻敏感性 企业报 报社领导 肥积 重点物资 拖延时间 业务调度 保初
作者 邓成 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 1989年第1期34-34,共1页
关键词 堆制 畜粪尿 禽粪 改土 羊粪 氮素损失 牲畜粪便 鸡粪 肥积 发酵速度
作者 牛连成 《乡镇论坛》 1993年第8期31-31,共1页
关键词 肥积 杂草种子 畜粪 人粪 堆温 氮素损失 堆制 有机质分解 下渗 缺氧条件
肥儿疳积颗粒配合推拿治疗小儿疳积疗效观察 被引量:4
作者 黄琼 朱梅 王慧 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 2014年第8期872-873,共2页
目的观察肥儿疳积颗粒配合推拿治疗小儿疳积的疗效。方法将180例疳积患儿随机分为治疗组90例和对照组90例,分别采用肥儿疳积颗粒口服配合推拿方法治疗和单纯推拿方法治疗,疗程均为30 d。根据症状评分量表对2组疗效进行评价。结果治疗组... 目的观察肥儿疳积颗粒配合推拿治疗小儿疳积的疗效。方法将180例疳积患儿随机分为治疗组90例和对照组90例,分别采用肥儿疳积颗粒口服配合推拿方法治疗和单纯推拿方法治疗,疗程均为30 d。根据症状评分量表对2组疗效进行评价。结果治疗组总有效率为94%,对照组为63%,2组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论肥儿疳积颗粒配合推拿治疗小儿疳积效果优于单纯推拿治疗,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 儿疳颗粒 推拿
肥儿疳积颗粒治疗小儿厌食症疗效观察 被引量:3
作者 廉洁 《中国医药指南》 2009年第16期92-93,共2页
关键词 儿疳颗粒 厌食症 多酶片
肥儿疳积颗粒改善儿童脾虚提高免疫力的临床疗效观察 被引量:2
作者 琚南 《中国实用医药》 2016年第18期186-187,共2页
目的研究分析肥儿疳积颗粒改善儿童脾虚提高免疫力的临床效果。方法 86例脾虚、免疫力低下患儿,按照抽签的方法分成研究组和参照组,各43例。研究组患儿予以肥儿疳积颗粒治疗,参照组患儿予以参苓白术颗粒治疗,观察两组患儿的相关临床指... 目的研究分析肥儿疳积颗粒改善儿童脾虚提高免疫力的临床效果。方法 86例脾虚、免疫力低下患儿,按照抽签的方法分成研究组和参照组,各43例。研究组患儿予以肥儿疳积颗粒治疗,参照组患儿予以参苓白术颗粒治疗,观察两组患儿的相关临床指标变化情况。结果研究组患儿的临床治疗总有效率明显优于参照组(P<0.05);研究组患儿相关临床症状指标改善情况明显优于参照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对于脾虚、需要提高免疫力的患儿应用肥儿疳积颗粒进行治疗,有利于提高患儿的临床治疗效果,改善患儿的相关临床症状,具有较大临床推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 儿疳颗粒 脾虚 免疫力 临床效果
肥儿疳积颗粒对儿童厌食的疗效观察 被引量:1
作者 尹贵锦 《海峡药学》 2017年第3期186-187,共2页
目的观察肥儿疳积颗粒对儿童厌食的疗效。方法将2015年6月~2016年6月期间于我院儿科就诊的120例儿童厌食症患儿随机分为观察组与对照组,每组60名。对照组采用口服健胃消食片、葡萄糖酸锌片进行常规治疗,观察组在常规治疗基础上加用肥儿... 目的观察肥儿疳积颗粒对儿童厌食的疗效。方法将2015年6月~2016年6月期间于我院儿科就诊的120例儿童厌食症患儿随机分为观察组与对照组,每组60名。对照组采用口服健胃消食片、葡萄糖酸锌片进行常规治疗,观察组在常规治疗基础上加用肥儿疳积颗粒治疗。持续治疗一个月。观察两组患儿的临床疗效以及相关症状改善情况。结果观察组的临床疗效总有效率与临床症状改善情况均明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义,(P<0.05)。结论肥儿疳积颗粒对儿童厌食的疗效相较于常规治疗效果更为明显著,能有效减轻厌食症患儿临床症状、增强体质,值得大面积的推广以及深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 儿疳颗粒 儿童 厌食
作者 黄飞 《农村科学实验》 2008年第8期12-12,共1页
关键词 质量标准 方法 调节水分
吉林省中部地区农家肥料考察报告——对七个典型生产队的农肥质量调查 被引量:3
作者 于天德 孙宏德 李军 《东北农业科学》 1981年第3期44-52,共9页
我们于1980年8月下旬到9月上旬,就我省中部地区农家肥料质量及其施用效果等问题,进行了考察。考察的单位都是比较好的先进典型,有:双阳县鹿乡公社王西八队和蔡家三队;九台县卢家公社段家二队;德惠县达家沟公社杏山大队;怀德县二十家子... 我们于1980年8月下旬到9月上旬,就我省中部地区农家肥料质量及其施用效果等问题,进行了考察。考察的单位都是比较好的先进典型,有:双阳县鹿乡公社王西八队和蔡家三队;九台县卢家公社段家二队;德惠县达家沟公社杏山大队;怀德县二十家子公社高台子八队和小山三队,凤响公社孟家二队,计一个大队,六个小队,在考察过程中,对农肥积制方法、质量以及施用效果、和各生产队老农进行了座谈,并深入积粪现场。 展开更多
关键词 考察报告 施用效果 怀德县 九台县 社王 乡公 双阳县 杏山 肥积
Effect of N Fertilization on Yield, N Absorption and Utilization of Two Species of Super High-Yielding Summer Maize 被引量:6
作者 王宜伦 刘天学 +2 位作者 谭金芳 张许 李潮海 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第2期339-342,374,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study on effects of N fertilizer on yield, N absorption and utilization of different cultivars of super high-yielding summer maize, in order to provide reference for reasonable N fertilizati... [Objective] The aim was to study on effects of N fertilizer on yield, N absorption and utilization of different cultivars of super high-yielding summer maize, in order to provide reference for reasonable N fertilization in accordance with different cultivars. [Method] Field experiment was conducted to study on effects of different N fertilizers on yield, N absorption and use efficiency of Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20, in order to learn the effect differences at different N fertilizer levels. [Result] After N was applied, yields of the two summer maize increased significantly. Zhengdan 958 achieved the highest in yield and proceeds at 12 051.18 kg/hm2 and 1 722.40 yuan/hm2, respectively in low N level. In contrast, Xundan 20 achieved the highest at 13 166.00 kg/hm2 and 1 343.92 yuan/hm2 in the above two aspects in high N level. Compared with Zhengdan 958, Xundan 20 increased by 9.90%, 5.20% and 12.00% in N levels of 0, 240, and 450 kg/hm2, respectively. When N fertilizers were applied, protein yield of Xundan 20 was significantly higher than that of Zhengdan 958, so that higher N fertilizers contributed higher protein yield for Xundan 20. In high N level, N efficiency, N-fertilizer utilization and partial productivity of Xundan 20 were significantly higher than that of Zhengdan 958. [Conclusion] Lower N-fertilizer was suitable for Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20 would get a good harvest if more N-fertilizers were applied. The results provided references for reasonable N fertilization. 展开更多
关键词 Super high-yielding Summer maize CULTIVAR N-FERTILIZER YIELD Accumulation of N N efficiency
Investigation on the Accumulation of Heavy Metals from Organic Fertilizer in Soil and Plant 被引量:6
作者 杨晓磊 王寓群 +3 位作者 严瑾 王华 林天杰 朱恩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第7期1021-1025,共5页
ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the accumulation of heavy metals from organic fertilizer in soil and plant. MethodThree plots were chosen in Shanghai suburb to measure the heavy metal accumulation by monitori... ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the accumulation of heavy metals from organic fertilizer in soil and plant. MethodThree plots were chosen in Shanghai suburb to measure the heavy metal accumulation by monitoring their concentrations in soil and plant after organic fertilizer was applied. We also analyzed the correlations of the heavy metals in soil and plants. Single-factor pollution index and Nemerow’s synthetical pollution index were adopted to evaluate the heavy metal contamination in soils. Moreover, how many years before the heavy metal accumulation will exceed the environmental capability if 45 t/hm 2 organic fertilizer is applied every year was also estimated in the present study. ResultThe rules of heavy metals’ accumulation in soil changed with the various soil characters and pH. The average concentrations of Pb, Cd and As in the tested plants exceeded the limits. The average concentration of Cu in the tested soil shared positive correlation with that in the tested plants. The average concentration of Pb in the tested soil was negatively correlated with that in the tested plant while the other heavy metals didn’t show the rule like that. Organic fertilizer application caused no obvious pollution to the soils. Cu would exceed the standard environmental capacity within 15 years if 45 t/hm 2 organic fertilizer is applied every year, while for Hg, it will be 2 000 years. ConclusionWhen the excessive organic fertilizer is put into the land, the heavy metals from organic fertilizer would accumulate in soil and plant. With continued excessive fertilization, the heavy metals especially Cu would exceed the stan- dard environmental capacity. More attention should be paid to the inputting amount of the organic fertilizer. 展开更多
关键词 Organic fertilizer Heavy metal SOIL CROP ACCUMULATION
Effects of FCMP Compound Fertilizer on Development and Yield of Early Rice 被引量:1
作者 张海鹏 刘强 +2 位作者 彭建伟 荣湘民 杨艳菊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2299-2302,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore effects of FCMP compound fertilizer on growth, development and yield of early rice. [Method] Based on lower-graded phos- phate resource, effects of FCMP compound fertilizers on yield... [Objective] The aim was to explore effects of FCMP compound fertilizer on growth, development and yield of early rice. [Method] Based on lower-graded phos- phate resource, effects of FCMP compound fertilizers on yield and growth of early rice in a field were researched. [Result] FCMP compound fertilizers 0, 1 and 2 en- hanced rice yield, increasing by 21.86%, 20.25% and 13.46%, compared with the rice applied with conventional fertilizer; number of productive ears and grain number per ear in unit area were improved by FCMP compound fertilizer, for example, the two factors achieved the highest with FCMP compound fertilizer 1, increasing by 11.70% and 19.63%. Furthermore, FCMP compound fertilizer promoted plant height and tiller number, maintained high photosynthetic efficiency, enhanced lodging-resis- tance and guaranteed stable and high yield. [Conclusion] The research is of theoret- ical and practical significance for further exploration of production techniques and application of FCMP compound fertilizer. 展开更多
关键词 FCMP Compound fertilizer Early rice GROWTH YIELD
Effects of Seaweed Bio-organic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Winter Wheat 被引量:5
作者 徐文文 刘恒洋 +3 位作者 谭秀山 王建明 李明潭 毕建杰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2555-2559,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of seaweed bio-or- ganic fertilizer on yield and quality of winter wheat. [Method] Seaweed bio-organic fertilizer was applied to leaves of winter wheat according... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of seaweed bio-or- ganic fertilizer on yield and quality of winter wheat. [Method] Seaweed bio-organic fertilizer was applied to leaves of winter wheat according to the dose of 45 kg/hm^2 from jointing stage to maturing stage, and plant height, dry matter accumulation, flag leaf photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield of winter wheat were investigated. [Result] Foliar spraying of seaweed bio-organic fertilizer showed little effect on plant height of winter wheat, thickened stems, promoted dry matter accumulation, in- creased flag leaf photosynthetic rate by 3.16%, and increased yield of winter wheat by 6.85%. [Conclusion] Foliar spraying of seaweed bio-organic fertilizer promoted the intelligent growth, thickened the stems, improved the lodging resistance, significantly increased the panicle weight per plant, and increased the bulk density of winter wheat, as well as improving the physical quality of wheat grain. In addition, foliar spraying of seaweed bio-organic fertilizer promoted the synthesis of chlorophyll and mitigated the decomposition of chlorophyll in winter wheat. Under the background of fertilizer-pesticide double reduction, the test results and data of this study can be promoted in the wheat-growing areas of Shandong Province and even whole China. 展开更多
关键词 Seaweed bio-organic fertilizer Winter wheat Dry matter accumulation YIELD Photosynthetic rate
Comparions of Required Nitrogen Fertilizers by Hybrid Cultivar and Conventional Cultivar of Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)
作者 李银水 余常兵 +4 位作者 谢立华 胡小加 秦璐 廖祥生 廖星 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2231-2237,共7页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to understand the difference of N fertilizer requirement between hybrid rapeseed and conventional rapeseed. [Method] Two hybrid cultivars, ZY5628 and ZY7819, and the conventional ... [Objective] The aim of this study was to understand the difference of N fertilizer requirement between hybrid rapeseed and conventional rapeseed. [Method] Two hybrid cultivars, ZY5628 and ZY7819, and the conventional cultivar ZS10, were compared through two field experiments. In Experiment 1, seed yield and optimum N application rate were assessed in the field with five N application treatments. In Expedment 2, N was applied uniformly at 180 kg/hm2, and plant biomass and N accumulation were measured at several developmental stages, while N use efficien- cy was calculated for rape at maturity. [Results] The experiment 1 results showed that seed yields of ZY5628 and ZY7819 were both significantly higher than that of ZS10, and compared to ZS10, optimum yield (plateau yield) was higher by 18.7% and 20.2%, while the recommended N application rate was lower by 9.5% and 9.6% for ZY5628 and ZY7819, respectively. The experiment 2 results showed that during vegetative development, all three cultivars exhibited similar accumulations of plant biomass and N, but through flowering and maturity ZY5628 and ZY7819 pro- duced more biomass, acquired more N, and utilized acquired N more efficiently to- wards seed production than ZS10. [Conclusion] With equivalent inputs, the hybrid rapeseed cultivars ZY5628 and ZY7819 tested herein yield more seed with higher N use efficiency than the conventional rapeseed ZS10. This information will be valu- able for growers seeking to improve efficiency while reducing costs of rape production in China. 展开更多
关键词 Rapeseed (Brassica napus. L) Hybrid cultivars Yield Nitrogen applica- tion rate Nitrogen use efficiency
胃蛋白酶口服液联合肥儿疳积颗粒治疗小儿腹胀伴便秘的疗效观察 被引量:1
作者 杨欢 《中国肛肠病杂志》 2021年第10期44-45,共2页
为观察胃蛋白酶口服液联合肥儿疳积颗粒治疗小儿腹胀伴便秘的疗效,将腹胀伴有便秘的80例患儿随机分为观察组和对照组,每组40例。对照组患儿给予常规治疗,观察组患儿在对照组治疗的基础上给予胃蛋白酶口服液联合肥儿疳积颗粒治疗,观察2... 为观察胃蛋白酶口服液联合肥儿疳积颗粒治疗小儿腹胀伴便秘的疗效,将腹胀伴有便秘的80例患儿随机分为观察组和对照组,每组40例。对照组患儿给予常规治疗,观察组患儿在对照组治疗的基础上给予胃蛋白酶口服液联合肥儿疳积颗粒治疗,观察2组患儿的疗效,腹胀消失时间、食欲改善时间、每周排便次数、便秘改善情况以及并发症发生情况。结果显示,观察组患儿治疗总有效率高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组患儿腹胀消失时间、食欲改善时间短于对照组(P<0.05),每周排便次数多于对照组(P<0.05);观察组患儿每日排便1次占87.50%(35/40),对照组为60.00%(24/40),且观察组患儿大便转润占97.50%(39/40),对照组为75.00%(30/40),2组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患儿并发症发生率明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。结果表明,胃蛋白酶口服液联合肥儿疳积颗粒用于腹胀伴便秘患儿的临床效果更好,患儿经治疗后其症状均明显改善,且未出现其他并发症,对患儿的预后有着积极影响,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 腹胀 便秘 胃蛋白酶口服液 儿疳颗粒
Effects of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Application on Growth and Dry Matter Accumulation in Mulberry 被引量:1
作者 刘刚 黄盖群 +5 位作者 殷浩 张建华 朱永群 危玲 佟万红 林超文 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第6期899-904,共6页
In this paper, the effect of different fertilizer treatments on the main indexes of growth and development and dry matter accumulation of perennial mulberry, which is cut and pruned in summer, were studied with ‘3414... In this paper, the effect of different fertilizer treatments on the main indexes of growth and development and dry matter accumulation of perennial mulberry, which is cut and pruned in summer, were studied with ‘3414’ field experiment design. The results showed that N, P, and K at proper amounts could promote mulberry growth and development, improve its dry matter content, increase its dry matter accumulation. The effects of N, P, K on leaf yield per plant were respectively expressed as follows: N2 N3 N1 N0 , P2 P1 P3 P0 , K2 K1 K3 K0 . It can be concluded that the recommended fertilizer amounts of dry matter accumulations in mulberry leaf were 694.36 kg/hm2 of N, 198.15 kg/hm2 of P, and 274.26 kg/hm2 of K and the dry matter achieved the maximum at 8 045.04 kg/hm2 . The recommended fertilizer amounts of accumulated dry matter in branch were 1 000.05 kg/hm2 of N, 242.04 kg/hm2 of P, and 218.01 kg/hm 2 of K, and the dry matter achieved the maximum at 5 969.05 kg/hm2 . The recommended fertilizer amount in young shoots were 883.76 kg/hm2 of N, 204.48 kg/hm2 of P and 426.59 kg/hm2 of K and dry matter achieved the maximum at 1 410.24 kg/hm2 . This paper could provide reference for the construction of highly-qualified mulberry field in Sichuan hilly area. 展开更多
关键词 MULBERRY N P and K Fertilization Fertilizer amount Growth and development Dry matter accumulation
肥儿疳积颗粒联合康复新液治疗儿童腹型过敏性紫癜的效果研究 被引量:3
作者 路钰夏 王向辉 +2 位作者 高若飞 李小芹 于静 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2021年第6期922-924,共3页
目的:探讨肥儿疳积颗粒联合康复新液治疗儿童腹型过敏性紫癜的效果。方法:行便利抽样法选择本院于2016年4月—2021年5月收治的80例腹型过敏性紫癜患者作为研究对象,根据随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组40例。对照组行常规对症治疗... 目的:探讨肥儿疳积颗粒联合康复新液治疗儿童腹型过敏性紫癜的效果。方法:行便利抽样法选择本院于2016年4月—2021年5月收治的80例腹型过敏性紫癜患者作为研究对象,根据随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组40例。对照组行常规对症治疗,观察组辅以肥儿疳积颗粒联合康复新液治疗,比较两组疗效、证候积分及营养状态。结果:观察组总有效率为97.50%,高于对照组的80.00%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组治疗后皮损、脘腹、面色及舌苔评分均较治疗前更低,且观察组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组营养状态优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:儿童腹型过敏性紫癜辅以肥儿疳积颗粒联合康复新液治疗的疗效确切,可有效缓解患儿临床症状,且营养状态保持良好。 展开更多
关键词 腹型过敏性紫癜 儿疳颗粒 康复新液 证候
Phosphorus Changes and Sorption Characteristics in a Calcareous Soil Under Long-Term Fertilization 被引量:36
作者 GUO Sheng-Li DANG Ting-Hui HAO Ming-De 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期248-256,共9页
Knowledge of phosphorus (P) behavior in long-term fertilized soils is essential for programming fertilization practices and for sustaining environmental quality. The long-term (1984-1997) effects of various fertil... Knowledge of phosphorus (P) behavior in long-term fertilized soils is essential for programming fertilization practices and for sustaining environmental quality. The long-term (1984-1997) effects of various fertilization treatments on P changes and sorption isotherms as well as the relationship of soil properties to P sorption and P forms were evaluated in an Ustic Isohumisol, a calcareous soil, on the Loess Plateau, China. Compared to 1984, after 13 years of crop production, total soil P in the no-P treatments (control and N treatment) decreased by 5%-7%, but in the phosphorus fertilizer alone (P), nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in combination (NP), manure alone (M), and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and manure in combination (NPM) treatments, it increased by 22%, 19%, 28%, and 58%, respectively. Residual fertilizer P was found mainly in NH4Ac-soluble P (Cas-P), followed by NaHCO3-soluble P (NaHCO3-P), and NH4F-soluble P (Al-P). Phosphorus sorption in the soils with different fertilization practices fit the Langmuir equations. Phosphorus sorption capacity in the no-P treatments increased, whereas it decreased in the P-included treatments (P, NP, and NPM treatments). Phosphorus sorption maximum (Qm) was significantly and negatively correlated to inorganic P including NaHCO3-P, Cas-P, NaOH-Na2CO3-soluble P (Fe-P), and Al-P (P ≤ 0.01). Moreover, long-term fertilization increased soil organic carbon in the NP, M, and NPM treatments and decreased pH in the NP and NPM treatments. Thus, the ability of the soil to release sorbed P to the environment increased under long-term P fertilization. 展开更多
关键词 calcareous soil long-term fertilization P accumulation P sorption P transformations
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