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“肥缺”与“瘠缺”——清末广西官缺肥瘠分布及与繁简等级、选任制度之关系 被引量:2
作者 张振国 《清史论丛》 2015年第1期142-164,共23页
官缺划分肥瘠,是清代社会普遍存在的现象,但因不见于选任规章,故不为人们所熟知。广西巡抚柯逢时于光绪二十九年(1903)所奏公费档案的发现,为研究这一问题提供了较佳的史料。通过分析这组档案,不仅可以弄清广西肥瘠缺的分布及特... 官缺划分肥瘠,是清代社会普遍存在的现象,但因不见于选任规章,故不为人们所熟知。广西巡抚柯逢时于光绪二十九年(1903)所奏公费档案的发现,为研究这一问题提供了较佳的史料。通过分析这组档案,不仅可以弄清广西肥瘠缺的分布及特点,还可以此为基础,论述其与“冲、繁、疲、难”四要素、“最要缺、要缺、中缺、简缺”四等级及选任制度之间的关系,加深对清末广西地方社会和人事管理制度的了解和认知。而官缺肥瘠现象对清代官员选任、地方治理乃至对整个清代社会具有重要的型塑作用,更值得人们深思和警醒。 展开更多
关键词 清末 肥缺 瘠缺 繁简 选任
作者 周军 《楚天主人》 2005年第5期38-38,共1页
说起肥缺,会让人立马想到传言千古的几句话:“县官衙门八字开,有理无钱莫进来”、“三年清知府,十万雪花银”。所以,“肥缺”一词的解释,是指收入特别是非法收入多的官职。新中国成立后,执政党的地位使干部岗位容易滋生肥缺。为解决这... 说起肥缺,会让人立马想到传言千古的几句话:“县官衙门八字开,有理无钱莫进来”、“三年清知府,十万雪花银”。所以,“肥缺”一词的解释,是指收入特别是非法收入多的官职。新中国成立后,执政党的地位使干部岗位容易滋生肥缺。为解决这个问题,主要领导人不惜代价,接二连三发动了一场又一场的运动。建国后第一刀就杀了两个高官。一时间,肥缺灰飞烟灭。 展开更多
关键词 肥缺 反腐败 武则天 组织部门 管理部门 变迁 运动 官员 回扣 干部
作者 王月 张振国 《满族研究》 2017年第4期30-37,共8页
官缺划分肥瘠,是清代社会普遍存在的现象,在当时影响很大。但因个中缘由,肥瘠缺之分布并不见于选任规章,以致留下大量的认知空白和研究遗憾。光绪三十二年(1906),时任盛京将军之赵尔巽上奏"为查明正佐瘠苦各缺请分别酌加津贴事&qu... 官缺划分肥瘠,是清代社会普遍存在的现象,在当时影响很大。但因个中缘由,肥瘠缺之分布并不见于选任规章,以致留下大量的认知空白和研究遗憾。光绪三十二年(1906),时任盛京将军之赵尔巽上奏"为查明正佐瘠苦各缺请分别酌加津贴事"一折,恰为研究这一问题提供了极佳的原始材料和研究案例。通过分析这组档案,可以弄清奉省肥瘠缺的划分依据、分布及其特点,从而加深对清末奉天地区人事管理制度的了解和认知。 展开更多
关键词 奉天 肥缺 瘠缺 选任
英国公务员制度产生的历史背景 被引量:1
作者 潘卫 《思茅师范高等专科学校学报》 2005年第1期26-28,共3页
英国公务员产生的历史背景是同英国1 9世纪的历史发展特别是工业化的成就密切相关的,英国人在创造了庞大的物质财富的基础上对其社会上层建筑进行改革是历史发展的必然。
关键词 英国 公务员制度 腐败 工业化 肥缺
Responses of Crop Yields and Soil Fertility to Long-term Nutrient Lacking
作者 张水清 黄绍敏 +4 位作者 聂胜委 郭斗斗 林杉 钱小平 三島慎一郎 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第12期1815-1820,共6页
[Objective] Long-term (over 18 years) fertilization experiments were con- ducted to study the responses of crop yields and soil fertility to long-term nutrient lacking at Zhengzhou in China. [Method] The present stu... [Objective] Long-term (over 18 years) fertilization experiments were con- ducted to study the responses of crop yields and soil fertility to long-term nutrient lacking at Zhengzhou in China. [Method] The present study consisted of five treat- ments: 1 CK (no fertilizer or manure), (2) NP (nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer applied), 31 NK (nitrogen and potassium fertilizer applied), 4 PK (phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applied) and :5 NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertil- izer applied). [Result] Lacking of nitrogen or phosphorus led to a low yield; however, there was no significant difference in grain yields between the NP and NPK treat- ments which maintained a higher yield. Receiving no phosphorus, soil available phosphorus content declined to about 2.5 mg/kg. The concentration of soil ex- changeable potassium remained constant at a level of 60 mg/kg under the treat- ments without potassium fertilizer addition. Soil potassium spontaneous supply ca- pacity fluctuated around 100%.[Conclusion] In fluvo-aquic soil, nitrogen and phos- phorus were two key limiting factors to grain yields, biomass and yield component factors of wheat and maize, while potassium was not. However, potassium defi- ciency may occur in the future if there was still no potassium fertilizer applied. 展开更多
关键词 RESPONSES Crop yields Soil fertility Nutrient lacking
作者 石卜 《同舟共进》 2002年第12期19-19,共1页
关键词 猪八戒 肥缺 使者 廉耻 风骚 杜撰 神仙 菩萨 硕士 头衔
Effects of Water Deficit and Increased Nitrogen Application in the Late Growth Stage on Physiological Characters of Anti-aging of Leaves in Different Hybrid Rice Varieties 被引量:1
作者 李木英 王竹青 +3 位作者 曾蕾 石庆华 潘晓华 谭雪明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2311-2322,共12页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore the effects of water and fertilizer regulation on the function of leaves in the filling stage. [Method] Six hybrid rice vari- eties including prematurely aged types and non-prem... [Objective] This study aimed to explore the effects of water and fertilizer regulation on the function of leaves in the filling stage. [Method] Six hybrid rice vari- eties including prematurely aged types and non-prematurely aged ones were selected as experimental materials. Limiting water treatment (with soil water potential of about -25 kpa) and increasing nitrogen treatment (additional 10% of granular nitrogen fertiliz- er in addition to limiting water treatment) were applied after heading to analyse the rates of aging and physiological responses of anti-aging in different hybrid rice vari- eties under water deficit and increased nitrogen conditions taking regular water and fertilizer as control. [Result] The results showed that water deficit accelerated the leaf senescence, and prematurely aged types-'Zhongyou838', 'Tianyou998' and 'Long- ping601 '-were more markedly affected by water deficit, of which the rates of chloro- phyll degradation were 6%-8% higher compared to that in another three hybrids. In- creasing nitrogen treatment raised chlorophyll content and slowed down its degrada- tion. Water deficit caused the increase of abscisic acid (ABA) content to obviously varying degrees in leaves of six hybried rice varieties. Responses of ABA content in six hybried rice varieties to increased nitrogen fertilizer were not consistent. Except in 'Zhongyou838', ABA content in the other five hybrids had varying degrees of in- crease. The responses of the activity of antioxidant enzymes in different hybried rice varieties were inconsistent. In response to increased nitrogen fertilizer in combination with water deficit, the activity of each antioxidant enzyme changed differently. Water deficit enhanced the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) in leaves of each hybrid rice. The correlation analysis showed that chlorophyll content was extremely signifi- cantly positively correlated to the resistance of each antioxidant enzyme; SOD activity in leaves also positively related to ABA content. [Conclusion] The rate of leaf aging, physiological activity of anti-aging, and response to water deficit varied in different hy- bried rice varieties. The activity of antioxidant enzymes were not all induced to improve by ABA. SOD activity can be an indicator of resistance to stress. Increasing nitrogen ap- plication significantly postponed leave senescence in the late growth stage of rice. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rice Leaf senescence Abscisic acid(ABA) Antioxidant enzymes
作者 文灏 《上海人大月刊》 1998年第1期22-22,共1页
旧社会,一些人盼"升官发财",疯狂至板。他们日盼"官运亨通",夜盼"财运亨通",发展到"官迷心窍"、"财迷心窍"的地步。如今,封建社会"卖官鬻爵"沉渣泛起,一些人"官迷心... 旧社会,一些人盼"升官发财",疯狂至板。他们日盼"官运亨通",夜盼"财运亨通",发展到"官迷心窍"、"财迷心窍"的地步。如今,封建社会"卖官鬻爵"沉渣泛起,一些人"官迷心窍"、"财迷心窍"不亚于前人。先说"官迷心窍"。一些人为了捞到一个肥缺。 展开更多
关键词 防治对策 封建社会 领导班子 领导干部 选拔任用干部 卖官鬻爵 沉渣 肥缺 以权谋私 投资
Sonographic fatty liver, overweight and ischemic heart disease 被引量:11
作者 Yu-Cheng Lin Huey-Ming Lo Jong-Dar Chen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第31期4838-4842,共5页
AIM: To demonstrate the prevalence of sonographic fatty liver, overweight and ischemic heart disease (IHD) among the male workers in Taiwan, and to investigate the possible association of these three factors.METHODS: ... AIM: To demonstrate the prevalence of sonographic fatty liver, overweight and ischemic heart disease (IHD) among the male workers in Taiwan, and to investigate the possible association of these three factors.METHODS: From July to September 2003, a total of 2 088 male aircraft-maintenance workers aged from 22to 65 years (mean 40.5) underwent an annual health examination, including anthropometrical evaluation, blood pressure measurement, personal medical history assessment,biochemical blood analysis, abdominal ultrasonographic examination and digital electrocardiography (ECG). The Student's t-test, x2 test and multivariate logistic regression analysis were utilized to evaluate the relationship between IHD and salient risk factors.RESULTS: The all-over prevalence of overweight was 41.4%, and that of fatty liver was 29.5% (mild, moderate and severe fatty liver being 14.5%, 11.3%, and 3.7%,respectively); while the prevalence of ischemic changes on ECG was 17.1% in this study. The abnormal rates for conventional IHD risk factors including hypertension,dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and overweight increased in accordance with the severity of fatty liver. Overweight and severity of fatty liver were independently associated with increased risks for developing IHD. Overweight subjects had a 1.32-fold (95%CI: 1.01-1.73) increased IHD risk. Participants with mild, moderate, and severe fatty liver had a 1.88-fold (95%CI: 1.37-2.6), 2.37-fold (95%CI: 1.66-3.37) and 2.76-fold (95%CI: 1.62-4.72)increased risk for developing IHD. The prevalence of ischemic ECG for the fatty liver-affected subjects with or without overweight was 30.1% and 19.1%, while that of overweight subjects free from fatty liver was 14.4%.Compared to the subjects without fatty liver nor overweight,IHD risk for the three subgroups above was as follows:OR: 2.95 (95%CI:2.31-4.09), OR: 1.60 (95%CI: 1.07-2.39)and OR: 1.11 (95%CI: 0.78-1.56), respectively.CONCLUSION: The presence of fatty liver and its severity should be carefully considered as independent risk factors for IHD. Results of the study suggest the synergistic effect between fatty liver and overweight for developing IHD.Abdominal sonographic examination may provide valuable information for IHD risk assessment in addition to limited report about liver status, especially for overweight males. 展开更多
关键词 Fatty liver Ischemic heart disease OVERWEIGHT MALE MIDDLE-AGED
Fertilizer-Induced Advances in Corn Growth Stage and Quantitative Definitions of Nitrogen Deficiencies 被引量:5
作者 J. ZHANG A. M. BLACKMER +2 位作者 P. M. KYVERYGA B. W. VAN DE WOESTYNE T. M. BLACKMER 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期60-68,共9页
Evidence that nitrogen (N) fertilization tends to accelerate maturation as well as increase rates of growth has received little attention when diagnosing N deficiencies in corn (Zea mays L.).Such a tendency could be a... Evidence that nitrogen (N) fertilization tends to accelerate maturation as well as increase rates of growth has received little attention when diagnosing N deficiencies in corn (Zea mays L.).Such a tendency could be a potential source of errors when the diagnosis is solely based on comparing plants with different rates of growth.Whether N fertilization could accelerate rates of growth and maturation was tested in a field study with 12 paired plots representing relatively large variability in soil properties and landscape positions.The plots were located under conditions where preplant N fertilization reduced or avoided temporary N shortages for some plants but did not reduce for other plants early in the season.We measured corn heights to the youngest leaf collar,stages of growth and chlorophyll meter readings (CMRs). The added N advanced growth stages as well as increased corn heights and CMRs at any given time.Fertilization effects on corn heights,growth stages and ear weights were statistically significant (P<0.05) despite substantial variability associated with landscape.Reductions in growth due to a temporary shortage of N within a growth stage might be partially offset by longer periods of growth within that stage to physiological maturity.Temporary shortages of N,therefore,may produce symptoms of N deficiency in situations where subsequent additions of N should not be expected to increase yields.Recognition of these two somewhat different effects (i.e.,increase growth rates and advance growth stages) on corn growth could help to define N deficiency more precisely and to improve the accuracy of diagnosing N status in production agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 CHLOROPHYLL CORN FERTILIZER growth stage nitrogen deficiency
The Association between Lifestyle, Anthropometric Measurements, and Obesity in University Students
作者 Asmaa F. Hamouda 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2016年第3期119-127,共9页
Nutritional Assessment is the process of identifying characteristics known to associated with nutrition problems. Certain foods with chemical additives disguised as food can cause muscle and joint pain associated with... Nutritional Assessment is the process of identifying characteristics known to associated with nutrition problems. Certain foods with chemical additives disguised as food can cause muscle and joint pain associated with arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, obesity, cancer and others. Avoiding these foods can reduced inflammation, thus prevent obesity, cancer, and another disease. The target of the study was to find a relation between food type, anthropometric parameters and obesity-related diseases for university students in CoUege-Al Leith-Umm al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia. The purpose is to identify populations (100 subjects women, aged: 17-30 year, using questionnaire) who are malnourished or at nutritional risk. Participants were divided into normal-weight and obese groups. The different methods are used to collect data including: 1. Anthropometric, 2. Dietary: Nutritional History (Current Intake), 3. FFQ (Food frequency questionnaire). There is a significant association between certain food type, anthropometric parameters, obesity as well as other diseases including (vitamin D deficiency, kidney problems, bone pain, general weakness, thyroid problems, infertility. 展开更多
关键词 Nutritional assessment OBESITY anthropometric parameters.
作者 江文 《经济管理》 1980年第5期53-53,共1页
最近到某厂了解情况,遇到这样一件事:这个厂为了加强企业的基础管理工作,决定充实一名统计员,一名现金出纳员.随后,许多有头面的人或者登门拜访,或者写来条子,四处"托门子",八方拉关系,都想把自己新分配工作的孩子安插到这两... 最近到某厂了解情况,遇到这样一件事:这个厂为了加强企业的基础管理工作,决定充实一名统计员,一名现金出纳员.随后,许多有头面的人或者登门拜访,或者写来条子,四处"托门子",八方拉关系,都想把自己新分配工作的孩子安插到这两个"肥缺"上来.厂领导为了照顾关系,于是把某长的儿子安排为现金会计。 展开更多
关键词 基础管理工作 选拔人才 统计员 出纳员 现金 会计 企业 条子 肥缺 登门
作者 陈伟 《故事世界》 2008年第11期26-27,共2页
N局的财务科长老杨退休了,这一肥缺自然就成了N局副科长们追逐的对象。大家谁也不傻,都知道最后拍板定调子的是局长黄健康。但黄局长这回也不知咋的,是铁了心的不收礼,还把来的人都冠冕堂皇地训斥了一顿:"年轻人,要多钻研钻研自己... N局的财务科长老杨退休了,这一肥缺自然就成了N局副科长们追逐的对象。大家谁也不傻,都知道最后拍板定调子的是局长黄健康。但黄局长这回也不知咋的,是铁了心的不收礼,还把来的人都冠冕堂皇地训斥了一顿:"年轻人,要多钻研钻研自己的业务,不要把脑筋用歪了。只要业务水平上去了,相信大家的眼睛是雪亮的。"最后送人家出门的时候, 展开更多
关键词 业务水平 财务科长 肥缺 科级 拍板 健康 退休 眼睛 自然 举报
作者 杨红志 《椰城》 2003年第2期46-47,共2页
五里屯是个有着101户的小村,村里有王孙两大户人家,巧就巧在王孙两大户各占了一半。王家家族里的风云人物是近几年来靠倒腾木材暴富起来的王大虎;而孙家家族的头号人物则是前任老支书的儿子颇有点威望的孙二熊。眼下正赶上村里换届选举... 五里屯是个有着101户的小村,村里有王孙两大户人家,巧就巧在王孙两大户各占了一半。王家家族里的风云人物是近几年来靠倒腾木材暴富起来的王大虎;而孙家家族的头号人物则是前任老支书的儿子颇有点威望的孙二熊。眼下正赶上村里换届选举村长,两个人都明争暗斗地较上了劲,都想把村长这个肥缺搞到手。经过他们私下里紧锣密鼓地活动,两个人都分别获得本族人的支持。也就是说,他们每个人都将稳获50张选票。 展开更多
关键词 换届选举 村长 家族 拉选票 木材 前任 肥缺 每个人 派出所 小村
作者 周有恒 《教师博览(上旬刊)》 1996年第7期39-39,共1页
在中国封建社会里,君主或权臣掌握着生杀予夺的大权,其个人好恶,往往决定着臣民的命运。当他们心血来潮时,偶尔也会把“乌纱帽”“赏赐”给下属。历史上就发生过一些荒唐可笑的“得官”故事。打赌得官南朝时期的宋文帝刘义隆有个奇怪的... 在中国封建社会里,君主或权臣掌握着生杀予夺的大权,其个人好恶,往往决定着臣民的命运。当他们心血来潮时,偶尔也会把“乌纱帽”“赏赐”给下属。历史上就发生过一些荒唐可笑的“得官”故事。打赌得官南朝时期的宋文帝刘义隆有个奇怪的癖好——与人打睹。每当获胜便哈哈大笑,得意非凡。谁知有一次他与巨子羊立保打赌时,运气不佳,输掉了。赢家向他讨赏,文帝说:“朕封你作宣城太守吧!”就这样,羊立保轻而易举地拣了个“肥缺”。 展开更多
关键词 中国封建社会 打赌 宋文帝 刘义隆 历史上 南朝 获胜 肥缺 君主 故事
作者 刘荒田 《青年博览》 2020年第9期38-39,共2页
在旧金山一家咖啡店,邂逅一位多时不见的熟人,握手时问他:“山姆,近来躲哪里去了?”他说这几个月有活干。我说,阁下年过七十,不会还上班吧?他微笑说,你有所不知,我得了个“肥缺”。我请他喝一杯大号“拿铁”,交换他的“一一道来”。山姆... 在旧金山一家咖啡店,邂逅一位多时不见的熟人,握手时问他:“山姆,近来躲哪里去了?”他说这几个月有活干。我说,阁下年过七十,不会还上班吧?他微笑说,你有所不知,我得了个“肥缺”。我请他喝一杯大号“拿铁”,交换他的“一一道来”。山姆说,他退休已五年,日子平淡,安稳。去年,一位朋友推荐他,去见一个名叫杰克的老人。 展开更多
关键词 有所不知 咖啡店 肥缺
作者 奀原 《名人传记(下半月)》 2011年第5期51-51,共1页
关键词 保健品 天津市 房地产中介 稳定工作 创业资金 大学毕业 电子商务平台 肥缺 顺风 销售渠道
Roles of SIRT3 in heart failure: from bench to bedside 被引量:1
作者 De-xing HU Xian-bao LIU +1 位作者 Wen-chao SONG Jian-an WANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第11期821-830,共10页
Heart failure (HF) represents the most common endpoint of most cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) which are the leading causes of death around the world. Despite the advances in treating CVDs, the prevalence of HF con... Heart failure (HF) represents the most common endpoint of most cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) which are the leading causes of death around the world. Despite the advances in treating CVDs, the prevalence of HF con- tinues to increase. It is believed that better results of prognosis are obtained from prevention rather than additional treatment for HF. Therefore, it is reasonable to prevent the development of CVDs or other complications to HF. Most types of HF are attributed to contractile dysfunction, cardiac hypertrophy or remodeling, and ischemic injuries. SIRT3 is a mitochondrial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD*)-dependent deacetylase whose substrates vary from met- abolic biogenesis-associated proteins to stress-responsive proteins. In recent years, a number of studies have high- lighted the cardio-protective role of SIRT3 and, as such, efforts have been made to induce over-expression or in- creased activity of this protein. In this review, we provide an overview of the roles of SIRT3 in cardiac hypertrophy induced by pressure overload or agonists and cardiomyocytes ischemic injuries. Moreover, we will introduce the application of SIRT3 agonists in the prevention of cardiac hypertrophy and ischemia reperfusion injury. 展开更多
关键词 SIRT3 Heart failure HYPERTROPHY Ischemia reperfusion
Do stress fractures induce hypertrophy of the grafted fibula? A report of three cases received free vascularized fibular graft treatment for tibial defects 被引量:2
作者 Yong Qi Hong-Tao Sun +2 位作者 Yue-Guang Fan Fei-Meng Li Zhou-Sheng Lin 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期179-181,共3页
The presence of large segmental defects of the diaphyseal bone is challenging for orthopedic surgeons. Free vascularized fibular grafting (FVFG) is considered to be a reliable reconstructive procedure. Stress fractu... The presence of large segmental defects of the diaphyseal bone is challenging for orthopedic surgeons. Free vascularized fibular grafting (FVFG) is considered to be a reliable reconstructive procedure. Stress fractures are a common complication following this surgery, and hypertrophy is the main physiological change of the grafted fibula. The exact mechanism of hypertrophy is not completely known. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have examined the possible relationship between stress fractures and hypertrophy. We herein report three cases of patients underwent FVFG. Two of them developed stress fractures and significant hypertrophy, while the remaining patient developed neither stress fractures nor significant hypertrophy. This phenomenon indicates that a relationship may exist between stress frac~ tures and hypertrophy of the grafted fibula, specifically, that the presence of a stress fracture may initiate the process of hypertrophy, 展开更多
关键词 Free vascularized fibular graftsBone defectsFractures stressHypertrophy
Clinical observation of Zhen'ai needling method in Nei Jing(Classic of Internal Medicine)for children with allergic rhinitis accompanied by adenoid hypertrophy 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Cui-hong Liu Zhan-wen +4 位作者 Hong JueLiu Jie Xie Chen Wu Ling-xiang Yang Yan-ting Ma Xiao-peng 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2020年第4期308-314,共7页
Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Zhen'ai needling method in Nei Jing(Classic of Internal Medicine)for children with allergic rhinitis(AR)accompanied by adenoid hypertrophy(AH).Methods:A total of 74 ch... Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Zhen'ai needling method in Nei Jing(Classic of Internal Medicine)for children with allergic rhinitis(AR)accompanied by adenoid hypertrophy(AH).Methods:A total of 74 children who met the screening criteria were divided into a Zhen'ai group and a control group by the random number table method,with 37 cases in each group.The control group was treated with acupuncture at Zusanli(ST 36),Hegu(LI 4),Yingxiang(LI 20),Juliao(ST 3),Yintang(GV 29),Shangxing(GV 23)and Baihui(GV 20).The Zhen'ai group added points of Zhen'ai needling method{Shanglianquan[Extra,located at 1 cun above Lianquan(CV 23)],Tianrong(SI 17)and Lieque(LU 7)}in addition to the points in the control group.The needles were retained for 30 min.The treatment was performed twice a week.The total nasal symptom score(TNSS),sino-nasal outcome test-20(SNOT-20)and symptom scale for AH(SSAH)were assessed before and after 10 treatments.The clinical efficacy of the two groups was compared after treatment.Results:During the treatment,5 cases dropped out in the control group and 2 cases in the Zhen'ai group.After treatment,the total effective rate of the Zhen'ai group was 94.3%,versus 93.8%in the control group.There was no significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05).The markedly effective rate of the Zhen'ai group was 42.9%,versus 12.5%in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).After treatment,there were significant intra-group differences in the scores of TNSS,SNOT-20 and SSAH in both groups(all P<0.05);the scores of SNOT-20 and SSAH in the Zhen'ai group were lower than those in the control group,and the differences between the groups were statistically significant(both P<0.05).Conclusion:Both conventional acupuncture and conventional acupuncture plus Zhen'ai needling method can improve clinical symptoms of children with AR accompanied by AH;and conventional acupuncture plus Zhen'ai needling method has a better effect than conventional acupuncture in improving AH symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture-moxibustion Therapy Acupuncture Therapy Point Shanglianquan(Extra) Point Tianrong(SI 17) Point Lieque(LU 7) Rhinitis Allergic Adenoid Hypertrophy
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