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作者 毛慧 陈建康 Bradley Lawrence 《国外畜牧学(猪与禽)》 2014年第9期14-16,共3页
关键词 肥育期前 肌肉纤维 瘦肉率 肥育管理
作者 刘高坤 姚琨 +5 位作者 王思伟 张新 郭伟婷 李胜利 王昆 王雅晶 《中国奶牛》 2021年第3期1-5,共5页
本试验旨在探究高精料肥育模式下奶公犊的生长规律及该模式下的生产效益。试验选用300头日龄为210±2.07d、体重为243±17.01kg的荷斯坦牛公犊进行试验,综合月龄和体重指标进行肥育阶段划分,分为肥育前期(7~9月龄)、饲料过渡期(... 本试验旨在探究高精料肥育模式下奶公犊的生长规律及该模式下的生产效益。试验选用300头日龄为210±2.07d、体重为243±17.01kg的荷斯坦牛公犊进行试验,综合月龄和体重指标进行肥育阶段划分,分为肥育前期(7~9月龄)、饲料过渡期(10~11月龄)、肥育后期(12~18月龄),通过提高日粮精料比例,逐阶段提高日粮能量浓度,试验期共360d。结果表明:肥育前期,牛群个体平均增重为70kg,其中7~8月龄平均日增重在1.4kg以上;饲料过渡期日增重为1.43kg,较9月龄日增重(1.00kg)有明显提升;肥育后期12月龄与13月龄日增重分别为1.46kg和1.6kg,在该饲养阶段内群体达到最高增重水平,随后日增重呈波动式下降趋势;17月龄以后平均日增重降到1kg以下,且随着肥育月龄增大,肥育期间耗料增重比呈上升趋势。经济效益方面,高精料肥育奶公犊模式全期毛利润与年均利润率比传统外购架子牛肥育模式分别高1311元/头和23个百分点。由此可见,奶公犊高精料肥育模式可以在我国大、中型奶公犊肥育场推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 奶公犊肥育 三阶段肥育模式 肥育饲养管理
Barrier Structure Design for Fattening Pigs in Large-scale Pig House with Fermentation Bed
作者 刘波 唐建阳 +2 位作者 蓝江林 史怀 李兆龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第12期2249-2252,2270,共5页
[Objective] The large-scale single-column fattening pig house with fermen- tation bed could hold 1 500 heads of fattening pigs. Since the number of pigs in piggery is too large, the management is difficult. The behavi... [Objective] The large-scale single-column fattening pig house with fermen- tation bed could hold 1 500 heads of fattening pigs. Since the number of pigs in piggery is too large, the management is difficult. The behavior of feeding, drinking, movement, sleeping, fighting of pigs is difficult to handle. The pigs cannot be man- aged well, resulting in the enhanced weakness of piglets, enhanced illness of weak pigs and missing treatment of ill pigs. The management for the pig populations is not satisfactory, and thus, it is needed to improve timely. [Method] The barriers for the fattening pigs in the large-scale pig house with fermentation bed were designed. The single management for single fattening pig was proposed. The large-scale fat- tening pig house was divided into 8 regions. Among them, 4 regions were located in both sides of the fermentation bed. Their main function was to separate ill, weak, small and bad pigs. In addition, the main column was divided into 4 gradual barri- ers. They were used to separate different-size fattening pigs. In view of manage- ment, the different-type pigs were managed dividedly with the gradual barriers. The equally-sized pigs were concentrated into one column. The ill, weak, small and bad pigs were isolated into barriers. Thus, the dynamic management was adopted. Until the fattening pigs grew up to 75 kg and their health was stable, the barriers among the columns were canceled to mix the pigs again and guarantee the pigs more gymnastic space. [Result] This design would improve the disease resistance of ill pigs, health status of weak pigs and management level of pig populations. This study would also provide a basis for the healthy running of large-scale fattening pig house with fermentation bed. [Conclusion] The pig-raising model with fermentation bed would improve the environment of pig house and the welfare of pigs. In addi- tion, the performance of pigs and quality of pork were also improved. The fermen- tation bed had an obvious advantage in safety and economics, and it had a broad application prospect. 展开更多
关键词 Fermentation bed Fattening pigs' management Gradual columns for raising pigs Structure of barriers
规模化肉牛育肥注意的关键问题 被引量:2
作者 许军红 《中国牛业科学》 2017年第4期82-83,89,共3页
肉牛育肥是肉牛养殖走向市场,取得经济效益的关键环节。本文笔者根据从事肉牛育肥生产实践,从准备育肥牛选择、育肥牛的饲养以及育肥牛的管理及出栏问题,提出了肉牛肥育注意的关键问题及建议。该文对于规模化肉牛育肥生产具有一定的指... 肉牛育肥是肉牛养殖走向市场,取得经济效益的关键环节。本文笔者根据从事肉牛育肥生产实践,从准备育肥牛选择、育肥牛的饲养以及育肥牛的管理及出栏问题,提出了肉牛肥育注意的关键问题及建议。该文对于规模化肉牛育肥生产具有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 肉牛育肥 杂交牛 玉米青贮 肥育牛饲养管理
The role of physical activity and exercise in obesity and weight management: Time for critical appraisal 被引量:1
作者 Petri Wiklund 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第2期151-154,共4页
The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased dramatically during last 3 decades with devastating consequences to public health. Recommended strategies to reduce obesity have focused on healthier diet and phy... The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased dramatically during last 3 decades with devastating consequences to public health. Recommended strategies to reduce obesity have focused on healthier diet and physical activity (PA). Clearly, these approaches have not been successful, but whether this is due to failure to restrict energy intake or to maintain high levels of energy expenditure has been the subject of great controversy. Consequently, there has been a great deal of confusion about the role of PA and exercise in obesity and weight management. In this article, the theoretical basis for considering reduced PA and energy expenditure as the cause of obesity is appraised. Further, the role of PA in food intake and weight control is examined. The idea that obesity is caused by consistent deeline in daily energy expenditure is not supported either by objective measures of energy expenditure or physiological theory of weight gain alone. However, since voluntary exercise is the most important discretionary component of total daily energy expenditure, it can affect energy balance. Therefore, PA and exercise hold potential as part of the solution for the ongoing obesity epidemic. 展开更多
关键词 Energy expenditure EXERCISE OBESITY OVERWEIGHT Physical activity
2018年度我国生猪产业营养与饲料技术研究进展 被引量:2
作者 王丽 杨雪芬 +4 位作者 李平 高开国 易宏波 赖水彬 蒋宗勇 《广东畜牧兽医科技》 2019年第6期3-6,共4页
我国生猪养殖在规模扩张的同时,集中程度也在进一步提升。但是养猪业的整体水平与世界先进水平相比差距较为明显,尤其是生产效率方面。针对目前生猪养殖面临的问题,本文主要介绍了国内学者在营养需要量与饲料资源的开发与利用,种公猪、... 我国生猪养殖在规模扩张的同时,集中程度也在进一步提升。但是养猪业的整体水平与世界先进水平相比差距较为明显,尤其是生产效率方面。针对目前生猪养殖面临的问题,本文主要介绍了国内学者在营养需要量与饲料资源的开发与利用,种公猪、母猪、仔猪、生长肥育猪营养与饲养管理,以及饲料生产与安全监测等方面开展的大量研究工作,为推进我国生猪产业转型升级提供了有力的技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 饲料资源开发 母猪营养与管理 仔猪营养与管理 肥育猪营养与管理 饲料生产与安全
Maize (Zea mays L.) Growth and Grain Yield under Conventional and Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in a Dryland Farming System
作者 Suzan Mashego Brilliant Mareme Petja +1 位作者 Matshwene Edwin Moshia Shadrack Batsile Dikgwatlhe 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第8期602-611,共10页
Large amount of pre-plant nitrogen (N) fertilizer results in low N use efficiency due to poor synchrony between soil N supply and maize N demand, especially during N sensitive growth stages. The objectives of the st... Large amount of pre-plant nitrogen (N) fertilizer results in low N use efficiency due to poor synchrony between soil N supply and maize N demand, especially during N sensitive growth stages. The objectives of the study were to compare growth and yield of maize (Zea rnays L.) under conventional and site-specific N management in a dryland farming system. The study, which was designed as randomized complete block design was conducted over three site-years under continuous maize cropping system in the semi-arid regions of the Limpopo Province in South Africa. Treatments of the study consisted of three N management strategies on a maize field planted to drought resistant SNK 2147 hybrid maize cultivar. Treatments were: (i) no N application (NO), (ii) site-specific N at variable rates ranging between 18 kg N/ha and 33 kg N/ha based on soil analysis results (N l) and (iii) conventional and uniform N application broadcasted during planting at 58 kg N/ha (N2). Sufficiency index as indication of N deficiency was determined using CCM-200 on maize leaves based on leaf numbers during maize vegetative growth stages V6, V10 and Vl4, and thereafter N was applied only when needed. The highest maize grain yield of 5.2 Mg/ha for N 1 was significantly higher (P 〈 0.05) than 3.2 Mg/ha and 4.0 Mg/ha of N0 and N2 in site-year I, respectively. Maize grain yield of 2.2 Mg/ha (Nl) at site-year ll was significantly higher (P _〈 0.05) than 1.7 Mg/ha of the NO. The maize growth and yield under N2 and N1 was compared, N1 required between 43% and 69% lesser N fertilizer as compared to N2 over site-years, and resulted in higher maize height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, and leaf area than that of conventional N management strategy. Therefore, site-specific N management strategy sustains and improves growth and yield of maize using minimal N fertilizer as compared to conventional approach in low fertility soils of semi-arid regions in dryland farming systems. In examining the results of this study, there was a consistent benefit of site-specific N management strategy on improving growth and yield of maize while saving fertilizer use in small-scale dryland maize farming system. 展开更多
关键词 AFRICA maize grain yield nitrogen management precision agriculture
Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth and Productivity of Hybrid Rice
作者 Spurti Mondal Malavathu Mallikarjun +2 位作者 Mainak Ghosh Dulal Chandra Ghosh Jagadish Timsina 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第5期297-308,共12页
Sustaining rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity at high level is a great challenge, particularly in areas where rice productivity declines in spite of following recommended nutrient management practices. Nutrient man... Sustaining rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity at high level is a great challenge, particularly in areas where rice productivity declines in spite of following recommended nutrient management practices. Nutrient management by integrating organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizers may play an important role in improving and sustaining rice productivity. In this study, the authors tried to evaluate the suitable proportion of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers along with biofertilizer to maximize growth and productivity of hybrid rice on sandy-loam lateritic soils of West Bengal, India. The crop having 50% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + 50% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through mustard oil cake (MOC) and 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer significantly increased plant height, number of tillers/m2, leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation (DMA) and crop growth rate (CGR) at initial and vital period of grain growth over those of 25% RDF + 75% RDN through MOC and 100% RDN through MOC. The former two treatments also increased number of panicles/m2 and number of grains/panicle over those of only organic manuring (100% RDN) or only chemical fertilization (100% RDF) or 25% RDF + 75% RDN through MOC. Crop with 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer or 50% RDF + 50% RDN through MOC produced 20.2%-33.8% higher grain yield and 11.0%-33.3% greater straw yield, and paid higher gross and net returns over other treatments. This study suggests growing hybrid rice with 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer or 50% RDF + 50% RDN through MOC for better growth, higher productivity and greater profit. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rice BIOFERTILIZER imegrated nutrient management.
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