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不同育栽方式水稻籽粒灌浆结实与旗叶衰老特性研究 被引量:5
作者 董登峰 江立庚 韦善清 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期13-15,共3页
研究了肥床旱育手栽、半水育秧手栽及塑盘旱育抛栽水稻籽粒灌浆及旗叶衰老特征 .结果表明 :半水育秧手栽水稻籽粒活跃生长期长 ,但起始生长势弱 ,平均生长速率低、旗叶早期衰老慢 ,而后期快 ,肥床旱育手栽则相反 ,起始生长势和平均生长... 研究了肥床旱育手栽、半水育秧手栽及塑盘旱育抛栽水稻籽粒灌浆及旗叶衰老特征 .结果表明 :半水育秧手栽水稻籽粒活跃生长期长 ,但起始生长势弱 ,平均生长速率低、旗叶早期衰老慢 ,而后期快 ,肥床旱育手栽则相反 ,起始生长势和平均生长速率最高、活跃生长时期最短 ,旗叶前期衰老快后期慢 ,塑盘旱育抛栽介于两者之间 . 展开更多
关键词 水稻 育栽方式 灌浆结实 旗叶衰老特性
作者 丁松 吴科强 黄义德 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2018年第12期31-33,共3页
[目的]研究不同育栽方式对杂交稻产量及生理特征的影响。[方法]采用肥床旱育手栽、毯状苗机插和钵体苗机插3种方式,对杂交籼稻徽两优996和杂交粳稻甬优8号的产量和生理特征进行研究。[结果]钵苗机插水稻产量最高,其次为旱育手栽,毯苗机... [目的]研究不同育栽方式对杂交稻产量及生理特征的影响。[方法]采用肥床旱育手栽、毯状苗机插和钵体苗机插3种方式,对杂交籼稻徽两优996和杂交粳稻甬优8号的产量和生理特征进行研究。[结果]钵苗机插水稻产量最高,其次为旱育手栽,毯苗机插最低,三者差异均极显著。移栽期早育手栽的群体茎蘖数较多(有分蘖),但最高分蘖期毯苗机插最多,说明后者分蘖期长、最高苗数多,最终毯苗机插的穗数最多。单叶片重和表观运转量在抽穗期和成熟期由大到小依次为钵苗机插、旱育手栽、毯苗机插;单苗干重和群体干物重移栽期由大到小依次为旱育手栽、钵苗机插、毯苗机插,至抽穗期则由大到小依次为钵苗机插、旱育手栽、毯苗机插,三者差异极显著。[结论]该研究为杂交稻超高产栽培提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 育栽方式 杂交稻 产量 生理特征
Comparative Study of Rice Morphogenesis with Different Cultivation Methods
作者 严定春 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2424-2428,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to compare the morphological char- acteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different cultivation methods and investigate the dynamics of organ growth and development characte... [Objective] The aim of this study was to compare the morphological char- acteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different cultivation methods and investigate the dynamics of organ growth and development characteristics of different rice culti- vars. [Method] Based on continuous field observation and destructive sampling over a growing season, detailed organ morphological data were obtained including leaf length, node number, plant height, tiller number, leaf angle, leaf area and specific leaf weight, to compare organ morphological differences among 4 rice cultivars of Baidao (indica), Jinnanfeng (japonica), 9325 (japonica) and 9915 (japonica) with 3 cultivation methods of field planting in Weigang, pot planting in Weigang, and field planting in Jiangpu. [Result] Maximum leaf length of each node gradually increased at the early growth stage and decreased at the later growth stage, the relationship between maximum leaf length and node position can be described by the equations y=a,,-~ and y=ax+b; node number, growth duration, leaf length and plant height of pot planting rice in Weigang were smaller than that of the other two field planting meth- ods; the relationship between plant height and sunshine duration, plant height and GDD (growing degree days) can be described by the equation y=ax+b, 19.23 ℃.d of GDD (≥10 ≥-d) and 8.12 h of sunshine duration were required to increase 1 cm of plant height; plant height, tiller number, and leaf area of Baidao were higher than that of the other 3 laponica rice cultivars, but the specific leaf weight and leaf angle were smaller. [Conclusion] Comparison of morphological characteristic differ- ences among rice cultivars is an important way to select water-saving and drought- tolerant rice varieties. In this study, the experimental results can be integrated into a rice functional-architectural model to simulate rice organ growth dynamics in a three- dimensional space, thereby providing reference for selecting water-saving and drought-tolerant rice cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 RICE LEAF Plant height Tiller number Leaf angle
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