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作者 梁乃亭 魏玉波 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 1996年第5期207-209,共3页
新疆春播水稻钵盘旱育苗抛栽技术梁乃亭,魏玉波(新疆农科院核生所,乌鲁木齐,830000)体盘旱育苗技术是由普通旱育苗演变发展而来,与普通旱育苗、湿润育苗、水育苗相比具有以下主要特点:一是全根移栽,移栽后无缓苗期。抛栽... 新疆春播水稻钵盘旱育苗抛栽技术梁乃亭,魏玉波(新疆农科院核生所,乌鲁木齐,830000)体盘旱育苗技术是由普通旱育苗演变发展而来,与普通旱育苗、湿润育苗、水育苗相比具有以下主要特点:一是全根移栽,移栽后无缓苗期。抛栽三天后与普通插秧相比,每株白根多5... 展开更多
关键词 水稻 育盘 抛秩 栽培 新疆
作者 曲力涛 张启星 裴永大 《湖北农业科学》 1994年第A01期37-39,共3页
水稻盘育机插高产高效栽培技术曲力涛,张启星,裴永大(解放军农牧大学农学农机系长春130062)1990~1993年,根据水稻栽培机械化的要求,我们以吉林省军区农场为基点,从改革耕作制度入手,以盘育机插为中心环节,实行... 水稻盘育机插高产高效栽培技术曲力涛,张启星,裴永大(解放军农牧大学农学农机系长春130062)1990~1993年,根据水稻栽培机械化的要求,我们以吉林省军区农场为基点,从改革耕作制度入手,以盘育机插为中心环节,实行机械稀播、稀植。在此基础上,采取更... 展开更多
关键词 栽培技术 高产高效 水稻 机插 少耕技术 秧苗管理 栽培技术体系 水稻栽培机械化 秧技术 苗技术
水稻机插盘育秧苗立枯病防治试验 被引量:1
作者 陈友林 付善祥 江鸿辉 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2004年第2期294-294,345,共2页
立枯病主要在 15℃以下低温侵害稻芽谷 ,4月中旬以前室内温度在 11~ 15℃ ,盘育播种后在室内暗化为立枯病的入侵创造了条件。如播后使稻苗在 2 0~ 2 5℃条件下生长可以控制其发病。研究表明 :机插盘育秧床土用壮秧剂 2 5 0倍处理 ,在... 立枯病主要在 15℃以下低温侵害稻芽谷 ,4月中旬以前室内温度在 11~ 15℃ ,盘育播种后在室内暗化为立枯病的入侵创造了条件。如播后使稻苗在 2 0~ 2 5℃条件下生长可以控制其发病。研究表明 :机插盘育秧床土用壮秧剂 2 5 0倍处理 ,在秧苗 1叶 1心、2叶 1心期用 5 5 %敌可松可湿剂 45 0倍茎叶喷雾各 1次 。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 机插秧苗 立枯病
水稻机插叠盘出苗育供秧模式与技术 被引量:3
作者 叶玉珍 《农业开发与装备》 2017年第10期149-149,87,共2页
相对于传统的水稻育供秧技术,水稻机插叠盘出苗育供秧技术有着显著的优势,提高播种均匀度、出苗率,秧苗整齐度。以"水稻机插叠盘出苗育供秧"为主要研究对象,针对其技术要点展开深入、细致的研究与分析,希望能为进一步认识这... 相对于传统的水稻育供秧技术,水稻机插叠盘出苗育供秧技术有着显著的优势,提高播种均匀度、出苗率,秧苗整齐度。以"水稻机插叠盘出苗育供秧"为主要研究对象,针对其技术要点展开深入、细致的研究与分析,希望能为进一步认识这种育供秧模式,而发挥其应有的积极效用提供有力的依据和参考。 展开更多
关键词 水稻机插 出苗供秧 模式 技术
作者 吴集荣 赵铮 张立 《灌溉排水》 CSCD 1993年第3期59-61,共3页
关键词 水稻 秧苗 喷灌 大棚
作者 冯伟 寿建尧 黄淑浩 《上海农业科技》 2018年第3期35-36,共2页
水稻叠盘暗出苗育供秧技术是指由育秧中心完成育秧床土(或基质)准备、种子浸种消毒、催芽处理、流水线播种、温室叠盘、保温保湿出苗等过程后,将针状秧苗连盘提供给用秧户,再由用秧户在炼苗大棚或秧田完成后续育秧过程的一种"1个... 水稻叠盘暗出苗育供秧技术是指由育秧中心完成育秧床土(或基质)准备、种子浸种消毒、催芽处理、流水线播种、温室叠盘、保温保湿出苗等过程后,将针状秧苗连盘提供给用秧户,再由用秧户在炼苗大棚或秧田完成后续育秧过程的一种"1个育秧中心+N个育秧点"的育供秧模式。为促进该技术模式的推广应用,于2015—2017年在诸暨市开展了相关示范,并总结了该技术模式的主要优点和示范成效。 展开更多
关键词 机插水稻 暗出苗供秧技术 优点 示范成效
作者 傅显君 《农业与技术》 2016年第16期51-51,共1页
水稻旱地盘育抛秧,特别适合于丘陵山区冬干缺水,机械化程度不高地区的推广。但实际生产过程中发现因技术问题常常发生旱地盘育抛秧成秧率较低,无种盘穴、有种无芽盘穴,死苗不成秧严重,给部分农民造成很大的经济损失。作者在多年的生产... 水稻旱地盘育抛秧,特别适合于丘陵山区冬干缺水,机械化程度不高地区的推广。但实际生产过程中发现因技术问题常常发生旱地盘育抛秧成秧率较低,无种盘穴、有种无芽盘穴,死苗不成秧严重,给部分农民造成很大的经济损失。作者在多年的生产实践中发现和总结出主要的影响因素及原因,并提出相应的技术对策,供研讨。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 旱地 泥球秧 成秧率
作者 赵立武 赵志彬 《湖南农业》 1994年第6期5-5,共1页
收藏和保管好育秧盘,是延长育秧盘使用年限、降低生产成本、提高抛秧栽培经济效益的重要措施。目前,水稻抛秧栽培中大面积使用的育秧盘,是用塑料片材加热压制而成的,遇高温干燥,容易变形和损坏。如果收藏和保管工作搞得好,育秧盘可使用2... 收藏和保管好育秧盘,是延长育秧盘使用年限、降低生产成本、提高抛秧栽培经济效益的重要措施。目前,水稻抛秧栽培中大面积使用的育秧盘,是用塑料片材加热压制而成的,遇高温干燥,容易变形和损坏。如果收藏和保管工作搞得好,育秧盘可使用2~3年。 展开更多
关键词 抛秧栽培技术 水稻 塑料片材 湘乡市 农技推广 经济效益 高温干燥 使用年限 保管工作
日本钵育摆栽机械超高产栽培试验研究 被引量:9
作者 郭月明 林伟 《价值工程》 2010年第6期59-59,共1页
引进日本钵育摆栽机械、钵育配套播种机械及配套秧盘成套技术,应用优良品种进行不同品种、不同钵体摆栽规格,利用大区对比进行超高产栽培机械钵育技术研究,将解决水稻生育期生长期短,产量低,米质量不稳定的问题。2009年在八五六分公司... 引进日本钵育摆栽机械、钵育配套播种机械及配套秧盘成套技术,应用优良品种进行不同品种、不同钵体摆栽规格,利用大区对比进行超高产栽培机械钵育技术研究,将解决水稻生育期生长期短,产量低,米质量不稳定的问题。2009年在八五六分公司水田试验站进行试验示范研究,产量突破750kg/667m^2以上。 展开更多
关键词 新式钵秧育盘 机械播种摆栽 不同品种 不同钵摆规格 超高产栽培
Embryonic development of the concave-eared torrent frog with its significance on taxonomy 被引量:5
作者 熊荣川 江建平 +2 位作者 费梁 王斌 叶昌媛 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期490-498,共9页
We investigated the early embryonic and larval development of the concave-eared torrent frogs, Odorrana tormota (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae). Embryos were derived from artificial fertilization of frogs’ eggs, and the... We investigated the early embryonic and larval development of the concave-eared torrent frogs, Odorrana tormota (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae). Embryos were derived from artificial fertilization of frogs’ eggs, and the staging of development was based on morphological and physiological characteristics. Two major periods of development were designated: i) early embryonic period, from fertilization to operculum completion stage, lasted for 324 h at water temperature (WT) 18 ?23℃; ii) larval period, from operculum completion stage to tail absorbed stage, took 1207 h at WT 20 ? 24℃. Tadpoles of the concave-eared torrent frogs showed no evidence of abdominal sucker. Absence of this key characteristic supports the view from molecular systematics that concave-eared torrent frog does not belong to the genus Amolops. Two cleavage patterns were observed in embryos at 8-cell and 16-cell stages, with Pattern I2 (latitudinal cleavage at the 8-cell stage, and meridional cleavage at the 16-cell stage with two perpendicular meridional furrows) being the predominant pattern and only 1.5% belonging to Pattern II (meridional cleavage at the 8-cell stage and latitudinal cleavage at the 16-cell stage). The factors affecting cleavage and hatching ratios, developmental speed, and ecological adaptation were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Odorrana tormota Embryonic development Artificial fertilization Abdominal sucker Embryonic cleavage
作者 饶定齐 杨大同 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 1994年第S1期142-157,200,共17页
Torrentophryne aspinia is a new kind of toads discovered in China recently, it lives in the forest floor in West Yunnan, the most important things for this kind of species is that they have a kind of torrent-adapted t... Torrentophryne aspinia is a new kind of toads discovered in China recently, it lives in the forest floor in West Yunnan, the most important things for this kind of species is that they have a kind of torrent-adapted tadpoles which have abdominal suckers and can adhere to the surfaces of rocks in moving waters. In this article, we described the forming procedures of abdominal sucker and some breeding behaviors, habitats and habits. After comparing with those of other toads, it is confirmed that Torrentophryne should be a new valid genus, it is derived from ancestor toads because of adaptation to the torrent habitats, by the forming of torrent -adapted organ-abdominal sucker in the early development. 展开更多
关键词 Torrentophryne aspinia HABITAT Breeding behavior TADPOLE Early development Adhesive organ Abdominal sucker
大棚盘育乳苗糯玉米栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 於永杰 宋云霞 莫卫国 《中国农技推广》 2001年第2期19-19,共1页
关键词 糯玉米 大棚乳苗技术 特点 栽培技术 苗期管理 移栽 大田管理 采收
discs large regulates somatic cyst cell survival and expansion in Drosophila testis
作者 Fani Papagiannouli Bernard M Mechler 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期1139-1149,共11页
Gonad development requires a coordinated soma-germline interaction that ensures renewal and differentiation of germline and somatic stem cells to ultimately produce mature gametes. The Drosophila tumour suppressor gen... Gonad development requires a coordinated soma-germline interaction that ensures renewal and differentiation of germline and somatic stem cells to ultimately produce mature gametes. The Drosophila tumour suppressor gene discs large (dig) encodes a septate junction protein functioning during epithelial polarization, asymmetric neuroblast division, and formation of neuromuscular junctions. Here, we report the role of dig in testis development and its critical function in somatic cyst cells (SCCs). In these cells dig is primarily required for their survival and expansion, and contributes to spermatocyte cyst differentiation. Cell death primarily occurred in SCCs at the end of spermatogonial amplification at a time when Dig becomes restricted in wild-type (wt) testes to the distal somatic cells capping the growing spermatocyte cysts. RNAi depletion of dig transcripts in early SCCs fully prevented testis development, whereas depletion in late SCCs resulted in a breakdown of spermatocyte cyst structure and germ cell individualization. Specific dig expression in SCCs resulted in developmental rescue of dig mutant testes, whereas its expression in germ cells exerted no such effect, dig overexpression in wt testes led to spermatocyte cyst expansion at the expense of spermatogonial cysts. Our data demonstrate that dig is essentially required in SCCs for their survival, expansion, and differentiation, and for the encapsulation of the germline cells. 展开更多
关键词 discs large DROSOPHILA testis formation somatic cyst cells
Fetal growth,fetal development,and placental features in women with polycystic ovary syndrome:analysis based on fetal and placental magnetic resonance imaging 被引量:1
作者 Qing ZHANG Zhongkun BAO +7 位作者 Mei-xiang DENG Qiong XU Dan-dan DING Man-man PAN Xi XI Fang-fang WANG Yu ZOU Fan QU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第12期977-989,共13页
Objective:Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS),a common endocrine-metabolic dysfunction in reproductive-aged women,may be involved in compromised pregnancy and offspring outcomes.This study aimed to investigate whether mat... Objective:Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS),a common endocrine-metabolic dysfunction in reproductive-aged women,may be involved in compromised pregnancy and offspring outcomes.This study aimed to investigate whether maternal PCOS affects fetal growth,fetal development,and placental features.Methods:This retrospective case-control study included 60 pregnant women with PCOS(PCOS group)and 120 healthy pregnant women without PCOS(control group).Fetal magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)was performed followed by an ultrasound examination and indications for imaging,including known or suspected fetal pathology,history of fetal abnormality in previous pregnancy or in a family member,and concern for placenta accreta.Fetal MRI images were analyzed for head cir-cumference(HC),abdomen circumference(AC),lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio(LLSIR,a prenatal marker of fetal lung maturity),lengths of liver and kidney diameters in fetuses,and placental relative signal intensity on T2-weighted single-shot fast spin echo(SSFSE)imaging(rSISSFSE),and placental relative apparent diffusion coefficient value(rADC).Data on height and weight of offspring were collected through telephone follow-up.Results:Compared to the control group,the PCOS group showed the following characteristics:(1)smaller biparietal diameter and femur length in fetuses(P=0.026 and P=0.005,respectively),(2)smaller HC in fetuses(evident after 32 weeks;P=0.044),(3)lower LLSIR and smaller dorsoventral length of liver in fetuses(evident before 32 weeks;P=0.005 and P=0.019,respec-tively),and(4)smaller placental thickness(evident before 32 weeks;P=0.017).No significant differences in placental rSISSFSE or rADC were observed between the groups(all P>0.05).No significant differences in height and weight of offspring during childhood existed between the groups(all P>0.05).Conclusions:There exist alterations of fetal growth,fetal development,and placental features from women with PCOS. 展开更多
关键词 Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) FETUS Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) Growth and development PLACENTA
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