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生态梯度轴(EGA)区划林木育种区的研究 被引量:20
作者 顾万春 李斌 +4 位作者 郭文英 胡新生 阎洪 游应添 国丰富 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第2期159-169,共11页
对全国678个样点统一选用15个生态因子,包括地理坐标(X)3个变量,气象因子(Y)12个变量。进行因子相关分析(CA),典型相关检验,选择第1典型变量(CA1)的坐标2元数据,跟进采用主成分分析(PCA)。根据主成... 对全国678个样点统一选用15个生态因子,包括地理坐标(X)3个变量,气象因子(Y)12个变量。进行因子相关分析(CA),典型相关检验,选择第1典型变量(CA1)的坐标2元数据,跟进采用主成分分析(PCA)。根据主成分贡献大小,确定第1主成分对应的样点1元坐标为综合生态梯度轴(值),即EGA(CA1→PC1)。绘制样点生态梯度轴等值线图,同时,将678个样点生态梯度值(Y)与对应经度(X1)、纬度(X2)和海拔高(X3)建立多项式回归,利用计算机绘制“中国生态梯度图”,依据EGA(CA1→PC1)等值线图与生态梯度图定量区划林木育种区,并根据区划原则进行拟合与校正。最终将全国区划为10个林木育种大区,31个基本区。 展开更多
关键词 林木育种区 生态梯度轴
作者 央珍 袁齐涛 扎西顿旦 《畜牧业环境》 2021年第13期39-40,共2页
本文从西藏彭波半细毛羊概况、育种区种群研究、存在的问题及基本对策4个方面比较系统地综述了彭波半细毛羊的基本情况,根据育种区繁育存在的问题提出了相应的对策措施,为推进高原新品种彭波半细毛羊可持续发展,加快产业现代化步伐提供... 本文从西藏彭波半细毛羊概况、育种区种群研究、存在的问题及基本对策4个方面比较系统地综述了彭波半细毛羊的基本情况,根据育种区繁育存在的问题提出了相应的对策措施,为推进高原新品种彭波半细毛羊可持续发展,加快产业现代化步伐提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 彭波半细毛羊 概况 育种区种群 可持续发展
关于林木育种策略的思考 被引量:15
作者 康向阳 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期15-22,共8页
我国人工林培育水平较低,其原因与林木育种领域投入的人力和财力不足、对育种策略的重视和执行力不够等原因有关,导致树种遗传改良最基本的育种循环难以维持,无法支撑树种遗传改良水平持续提升和人工林生产力的提高。本文综合分析国内... 我国人工林培育水平较低,其原因与林木育种领域投入的人力和财力不足、对育种策略的重视和执行力不够等原因有关,导致树种遗传改良最基本的育种循环难以维持,无法支撑树种遗传改良水平持续提升和人工林生产力的提高。本文综合分析国内外林木育种发展经验以及理论和技术成果,提出林木育种策略制定和执行需重视的几点问题:品种具有地域性和时间性以及经济属性,生态价值则属于种植改良品种所产生的附属效益,要制定科学、具体且有一定市场竞争优势的育种目标和育种周期;在此基础上强化树种基本群体、选择群体和育种群体建设与管理,采用科学的试验设计及分析方法保证准确而高效地开展遗传测定和选择,持续推进高轮次育种群体构建,并合理采用促进开花结实、相关选择或分子标记辅助选择等技术加快交配和选择进程,不断提高基本群体和选择群体遗传品质,甚至实现强优势远缘杂交品种的生产应用。对于能够无性繁殖的树种,可在一定的遗传改良阶段施加理化诱变、染色体加倍处理,进一步增加有益变异积累和利用。而对于已应用于生产却仍有不足的优良品种,可以采用遗传转化和基因编辑等分子育种进一步优化等。其中交配、遗传测定和选择是育种循环的核心以及进一步实施其他育种技术的基础,需要给予足够的重视和持续的坚持。 展开更多
关键词 林木 育种策略 育种目标 育种区 育种循环
作者 H.L.Hammett 王玲 《园艺与种苗》 CAS 1984年第3期33-37,共5页
甘薯是世界主要的粮食作物之一。在美国甘薯居28种蔬菜作物栽培面积的第九位(58000公顷,1978),由于病害和贮藏损失的减产超过百分之十。Cummings(1976)指出,甘薯产量尚未达到其潜在能力的一半。在美国,由病毒、真菌和线虫引起的主要甘... 甘薯是世界主要的粮食作物之一。在美国甘薯居28种蔬菜作物栽培面积的第九位(58000公顷,1978),由于病害和贮藏损失的减产超过百分之十。Cummings(1976)指出,甘薯产量尚未达到其潜在能力的一半。在美国,由病毒、真菌和线虫引起的主要甘薯病害有栓心病、羽纹病。 展开更多
关键词 甘薯 病毒病 亲本 育种 黑痣病 病毒传染病 传染病 育种区 漆斑病 抗性品种 路易斯安那州
“昭乌达肉羊”新品种的培育 被引量:2
作者 胡大君 康凤祥 《中国草食动物科学》 CAS 2012年第S1期244-247,共4页
1培育"昭乌达肉羊"新品种的背景和意义改革开放以来,特别是近年来,随着人们经济收入的提高,脂肪少、瘦肉多、氨基酸种类符合人体需要的优质羊肉越来越受到消费者欢迎,喜食羊肉的地区和人群增多,食用羊肉的季节限制越来越小,... 1培育"昭乌达肉羊"新品种的背景和意义改革开放以来,特别是近年来,随着人们经济收入的提高,脂肪少、瘦肉多、氨基酸种类符合人体需要的优质羊肉越来越受到消费者欢迎,喜食羊肉的地区和人群增多,食用羊肉的季节限制越来越小,市场对羊肉的需求量日益扩大。羊属草食家畜,耐粗饲,适应性好,饲料来源广,养羊周转快,效益好,成为农牧民增加经济收入的重要来源,农牧民发展养羊业的积极性越来越高涨。在赤峰市肉羊产业快速发展同时。 展开更多
关键词 肉羊生产 季节限制 饲料来源 育种区 草食家畜 种公羊 美利奴羊 核心群 良种化 无角陶赛特
作者 陶靖轩 黄俊 靳军 《信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1989年第2期137-144,160,共9页
本文利用PCA分析归类及谱系聚类等多种途径,首次从杉木矿质元素含量的角度,深入地进行了杉木种群区划研究;从一个重要方面揭示了杉木种源区划分的内在规律,为该课题的综合研究。提供了必要的数学依据。它将对全国杉木种源区的划分、造... 本文利用PCA分析归类及谱系聚类等多种途径,首次从杉木矿质元素含量的角度,深入地进行了杉木种群区划研究;从一个重要方面揭示了杉木种源区划分的内在规律,为该课题的综合研究。提供了必要的数学依据。它将对全国杉木种源区的划分、造林种子区划调拨,育种区划分及良种基地布局产生积极的意义。 展开更多
关键词 地理种群 多元分析方法 育种区 矿质元素含量 划研究 综合研究 良种基地 绝对值距离 划方法 矿质分析
作者 《中国农业综合开发》 2021年第9期71-72,共2页
近年来,颍州区通过整合全区资源,集中力量打造以颍州区三塔集镇生态高标准农田建设项目(以下简称项目区)为代表的新型绿色生态高标准农田并取得了明显成效。目前,该项目总投资约6500万元,总治理面积2.13万亩,核心区面积4000亩,育种区面... 近年来,颍州区通过整合全区资源,集中力量打造以颍州区三塔集镇生态高标准农田建设项目(以下简称项目区)为代表的新型绿色生态高标准农田并取得了明显成效。目前,该项目总投资约6500万元,总治理面积2.13万亩,核心区面积4000亩,育种区面积400亩,率先采用了智能化信息技术,结合先进的现代农业生产技术,打造出了智慧农业信息化平台. 展开更多
关键词 治理面积 高标准农田 绿色生态 现代农业生产 核心面积 育种区 颍州 塔集镇
A Molecular Phylogeny of Macaca Based on Mitochondrial Control Region Sequences 被引量:8
作者 李青青 张亚平 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期385-390,共6页
Nucleotide sequences of segments of the mitochondrial control regions were analyzed to infer the phylogenetic relationships among 7 macaques.High nucleotide diversity in Macaca assamensis and relatively low diversity ... Nucleotide sequences of segments of the mitochondrial control regions were analyzed to infer the phylogenetic relationships among 7 macaques.High nucleotide diversity in Macaca assamensis and relatively low diversity in M.thibetana were found.Based on the ML tree from control regions,species in our study can roughly be sorted into three species groups except for the phylogenetic position of M.fascicularis,i.e.,silenus group,including M.leonina;sinica group,including M.arctoides,M.assamensis,and M.thibetana;and fascicularis group,including M.mulatta and M.cyclopis.A discrepancy between earlier studies (Fooden & Lanyon,1989;Tosi et al,2003a;Deinard & Smith,2001;Evans et al,1999;Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales & Melnick,1998),our result supported the hypothesis that M.fascicularis diverged earlier than M.leonina.Mitochondrial paraphyly in eastern M.mulatta (with respect to M.cyclopis) and eastern M.assamensis (with respect to M.thibetana) were clearly observed in our study.In accordance with the results of Y chromosome,allozyme,nuclear genes and some morphological data (Delson,1980;Fooden & Lanyon,1989;Fooden,1990;Tosi et al,2000,2003a,b;Deinard & Smith,2001),our study on control region sequences supported M.arctoides to be classified into the sinica group.However,this result disagreed with the previous mtDNA studies (Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales & Melnick,1998;Tosi et al,2003a). 展开更多
关键词 MACACA MACAQUE Mitochondrial DNA Control region PHYLOGENY
Research Progress of Cold Resistance Mechanism of Cassava 被引量:1
作者 Wei ZHANG Tuo YI +1 位作者 Yong WU Yong SONG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1607-1614,共8页
Cassava is vulnerable to frost and snow, so it is suitable for planting in tropical and subtropical region. Low temperature is an important environment factor affecting the growth and development and production of cas... Cassava is vulnerable to frost and snow, so it is suitable for planting in tropical and subtropical region. Low temperature is an important environment factor affecting the growth and development and production of cassava, and the region with annual average temperature below 15 ℃ is not conducive to its normal growth and development. The improvement of cold resistance of cassava can increase the planting area and improve the yield and quality of cassava. In this study, morphological,physiological and biochemical and molecular researches on cold resistance of cassava, as well as the latest research progress,were reviewed in this paper. At the same time, some potential difficulties in the research on cold resistance of cassava were put forward, and the future work focus was also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 CASSAVA Low temperature Cold resistance Physiology and Biochemistry Research progress
Evaluating Conservation Effectiveness of Nature Reserves Established for Surrogate Species:Case of a Giant Panda Nature Reserve in Qinling Mountains,China 被引量:12
作者 XU Weihua Andrés VIA +4 位作者 QI Zengxiang OUYANG Zhiyun LIU Jianguo LIU Wei WAN Hui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期60-70,共11页
Many nature reserves are established to protect the habitat needs of particular endangered species of interest but their effectiveness for protecting other species is questionable.In this study,this effectiveness was ... Many nature reserves are established to protect the habitat needs of particular endangered species of interest but their effectiveness for protecting other species is questionable.In this study,this effectiveness was evaluated in a nature reserve network located in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi Province,China.The network of reserves was established mainly for the conservation of the giant panda,a species considered as a surrogate for the conservation of many other endangered species in the region.The habitat suitability of nine protected species,including the giant panda,was modeled by using Maximum Entropy(MAXENT)and their spatial congruence was analyzed.Habitat suitability of these species was also overlapped with nature reserve boundaries and their management zones(i.e.,core,buffer and experimental zones).Results show that in general the habitat of the giant panda constitutes a reasonable surrogate of the habitat of other protected species,and giant panda reserves protect a relatively high proportion of the habitat of other protected species.Therefore,giant panda habitat conservation also allows the conservation of the habitat of other protected species in the region.However,a large area of suitable habitat was excluded from the nature reserve network.In addition,four species exhibited a low proportion of highly suitable habitat inside the core zones of nature reserves.It suggests that a high proportion of suitable habitat of protected species not targeted for conservation is located in the experimental and buffer zones,thus,is being affected by human activities.To increase their conservation effectiveness,nature reserves and their management zones need to be re-examined in order to include suitable habitat of more endangered species.The procedures described in this study can be easily implemented for the conservation of many endangered species not only in China but in many other parts of the world. 展开更多
关键词 giant panda habitat suitability Maximum Entropy(MAXENT) nature reserve network surrogate species
Analysis on Breeding Potential of 17 Maize Inbred Lines from Land Races 被引量:1
作者 YU Shi-quan GOU Cai-ming +2 位作者 HUANG Ning ZHANG Ji-hai XU Ke-cheng 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期931-936,共6页
[Objective] The primary objective of this study was to estimate combining ability and genetic parameters of 17 new inbred lines.[Method] By using 11 commonly used maize inbred lines from Southwest China as testers and... [Objective] The primary objective of this study was to estimate combining ability and genetic parameters of 17 new inbred lines.[Method] By using 11 commonly used maize inbred lines from Southwest China as testers and incomplete diallel cross design,combining ability and heterosis of 17 new inbred lines bred from the land races in Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas were analyzed.In addition,the genetic parameters and heterotic groups were also investigated based on combining ability.[Result] P1-1,P1-16 and P1-14 with the better comprehensive characters can be directly used in maize breeding program.The SCA of P1-10×P2-4 was high in most traits.It is more possible to obtain high-yield hybrid combinations by the pattern Sipingtou × Lancaster.GCA variance was bigger than SCA variance in four traits such as rows per ear,grains per row,which were affected by the environments slightly and should be selected at early generations;while SCA variance was bigger than GCA variance in five traits such as 100-grain weight and plant weight,which were significantly influenced by environment and thus should be selected in later generations.[Conclusion] The paper will provide theoretical basis for further improvement of local maize varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Inbred lines Combining ability HETEROSIS Heterotic pattern Genetic parameter
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Balsam Pear(Momordica charantia L.) by ISSR Marker
作者 Junhua JI Shasha HAN +6 位作者 Jia WANG Qiao HE Bo HE Zhengming ZENG Xiaolin LI Guolu LIANG Qigao GUO 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第7期1073-1075,1088,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the relationship between the classification and regional distribution of balsam pear. [Method] In the research, 30 varieties of balsam pear were analyzed by ISSR marker. [Result] The... [Objective] The aim was to explore the relationship between the classification and regional distribution of balsam pear. [Method] In the research, 30 varieties of balsam pear were analyzed by ISSR marker. [Result] The research showed that172 bands were amplified by 18 primers, in which, 132 bands were polymorphism and the polymorphic proportion was 76.7%. All of the samples can be divided into four categories by UPGMA analysis. [Conclusion] The results indicated that the classification of balsam pear is similar as varieties' regional distribution, which will be useful for genetic relationships analysis and parents selection in hybridization breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Balsam pear Genetic diversity ISSR
《福建纸业信息》 2009年第1期14-14,共1页
近日,中日合作林业育种项目成果发布会暨闭幕式在湖北举行,与会的中日双方专家表示,连续12年的合作项目取得了一系列重要成果。12年来,中日合作项目选育出了3个山地杨品种,并被湖北省林业良种委员会认定为良种,年均生长高达3m,胸径达3c... 近日,中日合作林业育种项目成果发布会暨闭幕式在湖北举行,与会的中日双方专家表示,连续12年的合作项目取得了一系列重要成果。12年来,中日合作项目选育出了3个山地杨品种,并被湖北省林业良种委员会认定为良种,年均生长高达3m,胸径达3cm。该品种解决了速生杨树"上山难"的问题, 展开更多
关键词 中日合作 育种计划 林木良种 速生杨树 成果发布会 合作项目 日本落叶松 育种区 鄂南 免疫功能
作者 甘佳 《基层农技推广》 2013年第5期30-32,共3页
中央"1号文件"连续九年锁定农业,2012年的"1号文件"突出农业科技。文件指出,"实现农业持续稳定发展、长期确保农产品有效供给,根本出路在科技。农业科技是加快现代农业建设的决定力量。我国农业已经处于更加... 中央"1号文件"连续九年锁定农业,2012年的"1号文件"突出农业科技。文件指出,"实现农业持续稳定发展、长期确保农产品有效供给,根本出路在科技。农业科技是加快现代农业建设的决定力量。我国农业已经处于更加依靠科技突破资源环境约束、实现持续发展的新阶段。"四川作为农业大省,畜牧业占较大比重,省委。 展开更多
关键词 畜牧业发展 农业科技 农产品有效供给 环境约束 奶牛产业 畜牧业建设 养牛生产 现代养殖业 育种区
Impacts of Climate Change on Growth Period and Planting Boundaries of Spring Wheat in China under RCP4.5 Scenario 被引量:1
作者 孙侦 贾绍凤 +2 位作者 吕爱锋 Jesper Svensson 高彦春 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2016年第1期1-11,共11页
This article contributes to research on how climate change will impact crops in China by moving from ex-post empirical analysis to forecasting. We construct a multiple regression model, using agricultural observations... This article contributes to research on how climate change will impact crops in China by moving from ex-post empirical analysis to forecasting. We construct a multiple regression model, using agricultural observations and meteorological simulations by GCMs, to simulate the possible planting boundaries and suitable planting re- gions of spring wheat under RCP4.5 scenario for the base period 2040s and 2070s. We find that the south bound- ary of possible planting region for spring wheat spreads along the belt: south Shandong-north Jiangsu-north Anhui-central Henan-north Hubei-southeast Sichuan-north Yunnan provinces, and will likely move northward under RCP4.5 scenario in 2040s and 2070s, resulting in the decrease of possible planting area in China. Moreover, the sowing and harvest date of spring wheat in the base period shows a gradually delayed phenomenon from the belt: south Xinjiang - Gansu, to the Tibet Plateau. As a result, the growth period of spring wheat in China will shorten because of the impacts of climate change. These results imply that a variety of adaptations measures should be set up in response to changing climatic conditions, including developing the planting base for spring wheat, restricting the planting area of spring wheat in sub-suitable areas at risk while expanding the planting area of optimal crops. 展开更多
关键词 IPCC AR5 climate change spring wheat growth period possible planting boundary suitable region
Evaluation of the yield and nitrogen use efficiency of the dominant maize hybrids grown in North and Northeast China 被引量:29
作者 CHEN FanJun FANG ZenGuo +5 位作者 GAO Qiang YE YouLiang JIA LiangLiang YUAN LiXing MI GuoHua ZHANG FuSuo 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第6期552-560,共9页
Breeding high-yielding and nutrient-efficient cultivars is one strategy to simultaneously resolve the problems of food security,resource shortage,and environmental pollution.However,the potential increased yield and r... Breeding high-yielding and nutrient-efficient cultivars is one strategy to simultaneously resolve the problems of food security,resource shortage,and environmental pollution.However,the potential increased yield and reduction in fertilizer input achievable by using high-yielding and nutrient-efficient cultivars is unclear.In the present study,we evaluated the yield and nitrogen use efficiency(NUE) of 40 commercial maize hybrids at five locations in North and Northeast China in 2008 and 2009.The effect of interaction between genotype and nitrogen(N) input on maize yield was significant when the yield reduction under low-N treatment was 25%-60%.Based on the average yields achieved with high or low N application,the tested cultivars were classified into four types based on their NUE:efficient-efficient(EE) were efficient under both low and high N inputs,high-N efficient(HNE) under only high N input,low-N efficient(LNE) under only low N input,and nonefficient-nonefficient under neither low nor high N inputs.Under high N application,EE and HNE cultivars could potentially increase maize yield by 8%-10% and reduce N input by 16%-21%.Under low N application,LNE cultivars could potentially increase maize yield by 12%.We concluded that breeding for N-efficient cultivars is a feasible strategy to increase maize yield and/or reduce N input. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE genotypexnitrogen interaction low nitrogen stress nitrogen use efficiency YIELD
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