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黄瓜高压静电育种机理的研究 被引量:8
作者 熊建平 朱久运 +1 位作者 马坚扬 陆霁 《生物磁学》 2004年第4期13-16,共4页
打破近 2 0多年来静电处理种子的一般方法 ,利用高压静电这种极限的物理方法处理黄瓜种子 ,通过试验组与对照组的对比实验 ,探讨高压静电育种达到优质高产的最佳途径和内部机理。
关键词 黄瓜 高压静电场 育种机理 种子处理 DNA变异
天地结合开展我国空间诱变育种研究 被引量:175
作者 温贤芳 张龙 +1 位作者 戴维序 李春华 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期241-246,共6页
本文着重介绍了自 1 987年以来 ,我国空间科学家和农业生物学专家 9次利用返回式卫星、2次利用神舟号飞船和 4次利用高空气球搭载了 70多种植物近 5 0kg的种子 ,涉及粮、棉、油、蔬菜、瓜果、牧草和花卉等植物。经国内 2 2个省、市、自... 本文着重介绍了自 1 987年以来 ,我国空间科学家和农业生物学专家 9次利用返回式卫星、2次利用神舟号飞船和 4次利用高空气球搭载了 70多种植物近 5 0kg的种子 ,涉及粮、棉、油、蔬菜、瓜果、牧草和花卉等植物。经国内 2 2个省、市、自治区 70多个研究单位多年的地面选育 ,已培育出一批具有高产、优质、抗病经审定的新品种 1 9个 ,其中水稻新品种 5个、小麦 2个、棉花 2个、青椒 1个、番茄 1个、芝麻 1个、西瓜 3个、莲子 3个、灵芝 1个 ;另外还选育出新品系 5 0多个 ,还有一大批种质资源。在航天育种机理方面也做了不少研究工作 ,航天诱变的生物学效应 ,在细胞和分子水平上研究了航天新品种的遗传物质变异 ,地面模拟试验进行了许多研究 ,均取得了一定的进展。在全国许多省市建立了航天育种示范基地 ,累计示范推广航天新品种 (系 )面积 2 70 0 0 0hm2 ,取得了很好的科技成果和社会经济效益。我国空间诱变育种的研究工作走在世界的前列。本文还介绍了我国前 3代返回式卫星在空间科学方向所做的成果及贡献。列出前 3代返回式卫星与空间诱变育种研究相关的基本参数。报道了返回式卫星回收舱的空间环境的数据。我们还对今后空间诱变育种提出了展望。 展开更多
关键词 中国 空间诱变 诱变育种 航天育种 农作物 育种机理
Developmental ecology of the American horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus 被引量:5
作者 Mark L.BOTTON Richard A.TANKERSLEY Robert E.LOVELAND 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期550-562,共13页
During spawning events, horseshoe crab eggs are released from the female's oviducts, and fertilized by one or more males. Eggs are shaped by the female into discrete clutches deposited in nests at depths of 10-20 cm ... During spawning events, horseshoe crab eggs are released from the female's oviducts, and fertilized by one or more males. Eggs are shaped by the female into discrete clutches deposited in nests at depths of 10-20 cm on intertidal estuarine beaches. Distinguishing between fxesh eggs and the early developmental stages is obfuscated by the large amount of dense, opaque yolk. The first unambiguous confirmation of development is the formation of the rudimentary prosomatie appendages at the "limb bud" stage. Several days thereafter, the outer chorion is shed and the developing embryo expands and undergoes a series of molts within the clear inner egg membrane. The trilobite (first iustar) stage thus attained may remain within the beach sedi- ments for several more weeks, until hatching is facilitated by environmental factors such as hydration, agitation, and osmotic shock that accompany the infiltration of seawater into the nests. Trilobites exhibit endogenous eirgatidal swimming rhythms that are entrained by mechanical agitation, suggesting that peaks in larval swimming are timed to coincide with periods of high water and the inundation of the nests. Larval swimming is limited and does not appear to result in long-distance dispersal. The limited dispersal of the larvae has important implications for the population dynamics of relatively isolated populations. The rate of larval development is highly plastic and is influenced by temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and the presence of pollutants. The broad environmental tolerances of horseshoe crab embryos and larvae are important in understanding their current geographic distribution and their evolutionary persistence 展开更多
关键词 Horseshoe crab LIMULUS DEVELOPMENT EMBRYO Larval dispersal
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