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高效工厂化育秧育苗集成技术在江苏的示范与推广 被引量:1
作者 陈巧敏 张瑞林 +1 位作者 闵启超 徐金山 《中国农机化》 北大核心 2002年第6期42-44,共3页
关键词 高效工厂化育秧育苗集成技术 江苏 示范 推广
作者 李立权 吴子才 《安徽农业》 2001年第2期19-19,共1页
关键词 育秧育苗 玉米乳苗 苗床 营养土 摆盘播种 催芽
作者 张启明 汤瑞香 《植物医生》 1996年第2期11-12,共2页
水稻旱育秧死苗原因及治理措施张启明,汤瑞香安徽省颖上县病虫测报站236200水稻旱育稀植技术,作为我国“八五”和“儿五”期间的重点推广项目,近几年由北向南迅速普及。这一技术的关键之一,是改传统的水育秧为旱育秧。我们在... 水稻旱育秧死苗原因及治理措施张启明,汤瑞香安徽省颖上县病虫测报站236200水稻旱育稀植技术,作为我国“八五”和“儿五”期间的重点推广项目,近几年由北向南迅速普及。这一技术的关键之一,是改传统的水育秧为旱育秧。我们在协助推广水稻旱育稀植技术的过程中发... 展开更多
关键词 水稻 育苗育秧 死苗 治理
Effects of Bast Fiber Seedling Film on Quality and Root Respiration Enzyme Activities of Seedlings of Different Rice Varieties
作者 刘潜 王朝云 +3 位作者 易永健 周晚来 汪洪鹰 谭志坚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2457-2461,2468,共6页
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of bast fiber seedling film on rice seedling growth. In this study, indica cultivar 'Xiangwanxian 13' and indica hybrid cuitivar 'Y Liangyou 1' were used to inve... This study was conducted to investigate the effects of bast fiber seedling film on rice seedling growth. In this study, indica cultivar 'Xiangwanxian 13' and indica hybrid cuitivar 'Y Liangyou 1' were used to investigate the changes of aboveground part growth and root respiration enzyme activities of rice seedlings af- ter the application of bast fiber seedling film. The results showed that, compared with the CK, the accumulation of shoot biomass, chlorophyll content, root bleeding intensity, soluble sugar content, and nitrate nitrogen content were significantly im- proved with the application of bast fiber seedling film. In addition, the activities of malate dehydrogenas (MDH) and alcohol dehydrogenas (ADH) were higher in rice seedling roots raised with bast fiber seedling film, while there was no significant change in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) after the application of bast fiber seedling film. However, there were no significant differences in these indexes between the two cultivars. All the results indicated that the growth and development of rice seedlings could be improved with the application of bast fiber seedling film. 展开更多
关键词 Bast fiber seedling film Rice seedling Growth and development
作者 马善兴 谢金木 《新农村》 1997年第2期13-13,共1页
水稻旱育秧栽培具有早播、早栽、投入省、效益高、劳动强度轻等优点,可有效地防止低温烂秧,栽后起发快,有利早发、早熟、高产。我县经三年探索试验,平均亩产高达521.2公斤,比常规育秧亩增56.7公斤,增产12.4%。现将旱育秧育苗和大田栽培... 水稻旱育秧栽培具有早播、早栽、投入省、效益高、劳动强度轻等优点,可有效地防止低温烂秧,栽后起发快,有利早发、早熟、高产。我县经三年探索试验,平均亩产高达521.2公斤,比常规育秧亩增56.7公斤,增产12.4%。现将旱育秧育苗和大田栽培技术经验简介如下,供各地参考:1.旱地育苗技术:(1)选好秧地、确定面积。旱育秧场地要选择排水灵、土质肥、疏松通气的菜地或水稻田。按每亩大田25~30平方米面积留好秧地,一般每块秧地长10米左右,南北朝向, 展开更多
关键词 水稻旱育秧 技术经验 育苗技术 氯化钾 效益高 育秧育苗 高产 过磷酸钙 早发 大田栽培
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