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中学班主任心育素养的提升 被引量:1
作者 曾惠娜 《中小学心理健康教育》 2019年第14期72-75,共4页
中学班主任可以通过多种途径来提升心育素养,如,树立终生学习观念,掌握青少年心理学知识;加强心理辅导训练,提升心理辅导实操能力;通过创设良好的班级心理氛围、建立互相信任的师生关系、进行有针对性的个别辅导、开展有效的团体心理活... 中学班主任可以通过多种途径来提升心育素养,如,树立终生学习观念,掌握青少年心理学知识;加强心理辅导训练,提升心理辅导实操能力;通过创设良好的班级心理氛围、建立互相信任的师生关系、进行有针对性的个别辅导、开展有效的团体心理活动、充当学生家庭心理咨询师等方式渗透心理健康教育,促进学生心灵快乐成长;关注自身心理健康,构建和谐亲密人际关系等。 展开更多
关键词 中学班主任 育素养 能力提升
作者 徐锡标 《生活教育》 2020年第12期32-35,共4页
关键词 育素养 生活力 措施
家庭食育素养对中小学生家务劳动行为的影响 被引量:1
作者 苏彦萍 宛文琴 +3 位作者 刘弋洲 陆遥 许紫剑 王艳春 《预防医学论坛》 2022年第4期269-273,共5页
目的分析北京市通州区中小学生家务劳动行为影响因素,为以家庭为单位的食育教育提供依据。方法于2018年4-5月采用方便抽样与随机整群抽样相结合方法,选取北京市通州区8所中小学校,在选取的4所小学中在小学二年级、五年级各随机选取3个班... 目的分析北京市通州区中小学生家务劳动行为影响因素,为以家庭为单位的食育教育提供依据。方法于2018年4-5月采用方便抽样与随机整群抽样相结合方法,选取北京市通州区8所中小学校,在选取的4所小学中在小学二年级、五年级各随机选取3个班级,4所中学中初中二年级随机选择2个班级,被选中班级的学生全部参与调查,共调查中小学生家长1235名,采用问卷调查收集基本情况、家务劳动情况、家庭食育素养得分等,分析中小学生家务劳动行为与家庭食育素养因素的关系。结果本次共调查1235人,有效问卷纳入分析1225人。其中男生607人(49.55%)、女生618人(50.45%),小学二年级403人(32.90%)、小学五年级512人(41.80%)、初中二年级310人(25.31%)。中小学生中有74.69%每周至少1次参加家务劳动,25.31%几乎不参加家务劳动。男生参加率为75.45%,女生参加率73.94%。家庭食育素养合格率为55.51%。单因素分析显示,学生年级、家长文化程度、家长职业、家庭食育素养水平与中小学生家务劳动参加率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,家庭食育素养与中小学生家务劳动行为有显著关联(P<0.01),与食育素养不合格的家庭比较,家庭食育素养水平高的家庭是中小学生参加家务劳动促进因素(O R=1.61,95%CI:1.23~2.11)。结论中小学生家务劳动行为与家庭食育素养密切相关,具有食育素养的家庭中小学生有较高的家务劳动参与率。 展开更多
关键词 家务劳动 家庭 育素养 中小学生
婴幼儿家长高质量育儿素养测评 被引量:2
作者 彭杜宏 张蕴敏 王健枥 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2016年第6期81-85,共5页
人生头3年胜过以后发展的各阶段。研究以"哈佛学前项目"总负责人怀特的《The First Three Years of Life》为内容依据,自编量表对105位婴幼儿家长进行测评。结果表明:(1)婴幼儿家长高质量育儿的知识与理念得分总体偏低。如平... 人生头3年胜过以后发展的各阶段。研究以"哈佛学前项目"总负责人怀特的《The First Three Years of Life》为内容依据,自编量表对105位婴幼儿家长进行测评。结果表明:(1)婴幼儿家长高质量育儿的知识与理念得分总体偏低。如平均得分40.6,60分以上仅占5.7%。(2)"依恋与情感发展促进""个性与社会能力发展促进""个体差异促进"等维度得分尤其低。(3)在"学习与注意力促进"上,学历高的家长得分显著高于学历低的家长。研究揭示测试中的婴幼儿家长高质量育儿知识与理念匮乏、婴幼儿家长育儿素养亟待引起重视。 展开更多
关键词 婴幼儿家长 高质量素养 测评
信息化时代大学生信息素养教育实践研究——以沈阳理工大学图书馆为例 被引量:8
作者 王捷 《农业图书情报学报》 2021年第8期88-95,共8页
[目的/意义]信息素养是人们在现实生活中就信息应用方面的综合表现,信息素养是大学生必备的基本素质,对其未来发展具有重要意义。[方法/过程]以沈阳理工大学图书馆信息素养教育为例,从大学生教育、教师教学和科研发展等需求多样性出发,... [目的/意义]信息素养是人们在现实生活中就信息应用方面的综合表现,信息素养是大学生必备的基本素质,对其未来发展具有重要意义。[方法/过程]以沈阳理工大学图书馆信息素养教育为例,从大学生教育、教师教学和科研发展等需求多样性出发,开展多元化信息素养教育实践,形成了“课程整合教学—资源系列讲座—学科化服务—营造书香校园”的多层级、系统化信息素养教育体系。[结果/结论]建立一支学科知识齐全的信息素养专职师资队伍,发挥新媒体技术优势,积极开展线上教育新模式,加强与国内外知名大学图书馆交流与协作,引领高校师生信息素养教育沿着正确道路稳步发展。 展开更多
关键词 高校图书馆 人才培养 信息素养 学科化服务
作者 魏元明 《课程教育研究(学法教法研究)》 2018年第34期94-95,共2页
关键词 道德与法治 课堂教学 育素养
课程思政视域下高校教师育德素养提升路径探索 被引量:2
作者 田爱香 徐兴民 《菏泽学院学报》 2023年第3期44-50,共7页
高校立德树人根本任务落实的关键在教师,考量教师的关键是育德素养。提升高校教师育德素养,既是高校课程思政建设顺利推进的基本要求,也是新时代高校教师队伍建设的基本内容,更是提高高校教师综合素质的迫切需要。高校教师育德素养包含... 高校立德树人根本任务落实的关键在教师,考量教师的关键是育德素养。提升高校教师育德素养,既是高校课程思政建设顺利推进的基本要求,也是新时代高校教师队伍建设的基本内容,更是提高高校教师综合素质的迫切需要。高校教师育德素养包含良好的师德修养、明确的育德意识和较强的育德能力等基本要素。提升高校教师育德素养,可通过提升教师师德修养、增强教师育德意识、培养教师育德能力等路径进行。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 素养 提升路径
“五育融合”背景下中小学教师育德素养的内涵与提升路径 被引量:1
作者 岳龙 孙励 《现代教学》 2021年第26期4-7,共4页
新时代“五育融合”背景下中小学教师的育德素养,是新时代教育发展对教师育人素质所提出的新要求,是新时代高素质教师队伍建设的重要内容。中小学教师的育德素养包含:坚定正确的政治方向、自觉主动的育德意识、科学合理的设计能力、随... 新时代“五育融合”背景下中小学教师的育德素养,是新时代教育发展对教师育人素质所提出的新要求,是新时代高素质教师队伍建设的重要内容。中小学教师的育德素养包含:坚定正确的政治方向、自觉主动的育德意识、科学合理的设计能力、随机应变的育德艺术、广博深厚的人文素养、创新求变的育德方法等丰富内涵。可通过多种策略有效提升中小学教师的育德素养。 展开更多
关键词 融合 中小学教师 素养
移动传播视野下思政专业大学生的核心素养育成 被引量:1
作者 曹海涛 林晓艳 +1 位作者 温雅兴 邵佳 《传媒论坛》 2023年第8期111-114,共4页
移动传播在当代教育场景中的应用逐渐广泛应用和深度融合,具有教育传播场域移动性、教育传播资源丰富性和教育传播路径多元性的特征和优势。思政专业大学生的核心素养在其专业视野下有其独特性。在思政专业大学生核心素养的育成中,基于... 移动传播在当代教育场景中的应用逐渐广泛应用和深度融合,具有教育传播场域移动性、教育传播资源丰富性和教育传播路径多元性的特征和优势。思政专业大学生的核心素养在其专业视野下有其独特性。在思政专业大学生核心素养的育成中,基于移动性的教育传播育成平台开发、基于网络性的教育传播育成资源建设、基于多元性的教育传播渠道创建,以移动传播视野有效建构思政专业大学生的核心素养。 展开更多
关键词 移动传播 核心素养 思政专业大学生
学科德育的内在逻辑与发展路径 被引量:19
作者 黄友初 尚宇飞 《教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期33-40,共8页
学科德育是学生在学科学习中通过自我感悟或在教师引导下领悟,逐步内化生成的具有学科特征的道德与品质,是学科教育中所能企及的德育部分,需要教师在教学中有意识地设计,但又不刻意而为。学科道德教育的应然诉求可归结为积极求实的生活... 学科德育是学生在学科学习中通过自我感悟或在教师引导下领悟,逐步内化生成的具有学科特征的道德与品质,是学科教育中所能企及的德育部分,需要教师在教学中有意识地设计,但又不刻意而为。学科道德教育的应然诉求可归结为积极求实的生活处事、刻苦不懈的人格品质和民族使命的理想情怀这三个层面。但是学科德育的有效践行还面临若干实然困境,主要包括学科道德教育的价值还未得到普遍认同和教师的学科育德素养还有待进一步提升这两个方面。为此,可从优化学科课程评价以凸显学科道德教育的价值,完善教师教育机制以提升教师学科育德素养,以学科知识为载体来注重课堂教学与课外活动的相互融合等三个路径入手,更好地在学科教学中实现育人目标。 展开更多
关键词 学科德 学科德内涵 教师学科素养
人教版高中生物学教材跨学科教学内容分析及教育启示——基于NVivo的质性研究 被引量:1
作者 王瑞 刘清锋 《生物学教学》 2021年第11期18-21,共4页
关键词 跨学科教学内容 内容分析 素养 人教版高中生物学教材
作者 李勤 顾春香 《中小学班主任》 2024年第3期11-14,共4页
价值育德现代化是中国式现代化在学校德育领域的时代要求。推动价值育德现代化的关键是实现班主任育德素养的现代化。教育培训较为缺失、评价激励普遍功利、保障机制明显滞后等实然困境制约着班主任育德素养的现代化发展,需要建构推动... 价值育德现代化是中国式现代化在学校德育领域的时代要求。推动价值育德现代化的关键是实现班主任育德素养的现代化。教育培训较为缺失、评价激励普遍功利、保障机制明显滞后等实然困境制约着班主任育德素养的现代化发展,需要建构推动班主任育德素养现代化的场域,用班主任育德素养的现代化推动价值育德现代化的实现。 展开更多
关键词 班主任 价值 素养现代化 场域建构
素养育人:一贯制学校课程体系的校本化实施 被引量:1
作者 林秋雁 《中国基础教育》 2024年第2期57-59,共3页
福建省厦门市海沧区北附学校明确课程育人目标的校本化表达,着力建构了指向“素养育人”的九年一贯、五育融合课程体系,实现了一至九年级课程一体化设计、实施与评价,并通过优化调整管理机构、建设教师学习共同体等举措,培养了大批具有... 福建省厦门市海沧区北附学校明确课程育人目标的校本化表达,着力建构了指向“素养育人”的九年一贯、五育融合课程体系,实现了一至九年级课程一体化设计、实施与评价,并通过优化调整管理机构、建设教师学习共同体等举措,培养了大批具有高水平课程领导力、课程执行力的优秀教师,保障了学校课程的高质量实施。 展开更多
关键词 九年一贯制学校 融合 素养 课程领导力 课程建设
作者 杨微微 《中小学信息技术教育》 2024年第8期58-60,共3页
算法是新课标中六条逻辑主线之一,是培养学生逻辑思维、创新能力和解决问题能力的关键。教师需要在重素养育人的环境下探究出属于算法模块的教学策略。本文基于新课标的理念和目标,从意义、内容设计和实施策略三个方面,对小学信息科技... 算法是新课标中六条逻辑主线之一,是培养学生逻辑思维、创新能力和解决问题能力的关键。教师需要在重素养育人的环境下探究出属于算法模块的教学策略。本文基于新课标的理念和目标,从意义、内容设计和实施策略三个方面,对小学信息科技算法模块的教学策略进行深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 信息科技 身边算法 素养 算法效率
Unpacking the physical literacy concept for K-12 physical education:What should we expect the learner to master? 被引量:12
作者 E.Paul Roetert Lynn Couturier MacDonald 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期108-112,共5页
The term “physical literacy” is gaining traction in many countries and institutions as a goal for physical education. This paper explores the concept of physical literacy and highlights the foundational work in this... The term “physical literacy” is gaining traction in many countries and institutions as a goal for physical education. This paper explores the concept of physical literacy and highlights the foundational work in this area, particularly that of Margaret Whitehead. The relationship of physical literacy to physical education is also discussed with potential ramifications for teachers and learners who adopt physical literacy as the goal of the subject area. 展开更多
关键词 OUTCOMES Physical education Physical literacy Standards
Operationalizing physical literacy through sport education 被引量:9
作者 Peter A.Hastie Tristan L.Wallhead 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期132-138,共7页
Physical literacy (PL), as embodied within physical education (PE), has been vaunted as having increasing importance as a disposition for students of all abilities to establish lifelong adherence to physical activ... Physical literacy (PL), as embodied within physical education (PE), has been vaunted as having increasing importance as a disposition for students of all abilities to establish lifelong adherence to physical activity. The purpose of this paper was to provide a discussion of how the pedagogical features of a contemporary pedagogical model, Sport Education (SE), may be used to operationalize PL in PE and what empirical evidence currently exists to validate this claim. Substantial empirical evidence exists that the attributes associated with the development of PL (Whitehead, 2010) can be operationalized in PE with the effective implementation of the model. SE has distinct pedagogical features which positively contribute to many of the dimensions of PL and can further an individuals' journey towards greater PL and having an embodied self within PE. That stated, there remains concern that the context for this embodiment remains too narrow to be viewed as a panacea for the development of lifelong physical activity. SE must be developed as a connective specialism if these PL attributes are to transform the motivation and confidence for individuals to capitalize on their innate physical potential and make a more significant contribution to the quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Pedagogical models Physical education Physical literary Sport education
Physical literacy in the field of physical education——A challenge and a possibility 被引量:10
作者 Suzanne Lundvall 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期113-118,共6页
Publications of articles with physical literacy as a topic have increased dramatically since the beginning of 2000 s. The aim of this paper is to,through an explorative literature overview with an inductive approach, ... Publications of articles with physical literacy as a topic have increased dramatically since the beginning of 2000 s. The aim of this paper is to,through an explorative literature overview with an inductive approach, analyze frequent, and significant themes in published peer reviewed articles,with a focus on physical literacy. The database EBSCO has been used with the identifiers “physical literacy” and “physical literacy and evidence”.Furthermore ICSSPE Bulletin's special issue on physical literacy has been included in the overview. The findings have resulted in three key themes: assumptions of the concept physical literacy and its educative role, sports development and physical literacy, and assessment and physical literacy. Future studies are needed to examine if the advocated pedagogical strategies based on the concept physical literacy have led to a reorganized and revitalized school subject. There is also an existing critique towards making physical literacy an idealistic neutral concept or synonym with fundamental movement skills or sports talent identification. The role of higher education emerges as crucial for the next step of the development of the scientific framework as this involves how physical literacy will be socially configured, nurtured, and embodied in practice.Copyright ó 2015, Shanghai University of Sport. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 Educational practice IMPLICATION Literature overview Physical literacy Scientific frame work
Physically literate and physically educated:A rose by any other name? 被引量:6
作者 Monica A.F.Lounsbery Thomas L.McKenzie 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期139-144,共6页
In the 2013 release of the U.S. National Physical Education Standards the term "physically literate" replaced "physically educated". Un- fortunately, most discourse within the profession about the term physically ... In the 2013 release of the U.S. National Physical Education Standards the term "physically literate" replaced "physically educated". Un- fortunately, most discourse within the profession about the term physically literate occurred primarily after its adoption. While we agree with the spirit and intent of the term, we feel it is essential to discuss not only what has been potentially gained but also lost. In our paper, we illustrate the similarity of the terms physically educated and physically literate and essentially, from a definitional perspective, find little difference--but are these terms interchangeable? We provide a critical review of the standards and conclude that the change to physical literacy has produced a shift away from psychomotor outcomes to cognitive outcomes. Our concerns about this are many, but most importantly they are about the need to emphasize the "physical" in physical education (PE). It is our belief that the key to elevating the profession and maintaining and increasing support for PE is in its ability to promote and provide physical activity. Without physical activity and physical fitness as main outcomes, PE increases its vulnerability to extinction as a standard part of the U.S. K-12 education curriculum. 展开更多
关键词 CURRICULUM PE standards Physical activity Physical education SCHOOLS
Contextualizing physical literacy in the school environment: The challenges 被引量:3
作者 Darla M.Castelli Jeanne M.Barcelona Lynne Bryant 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期156-163,共8页
The intent of this paper is to conceptualize physical literacy in the school environment within the United States educational system. Evolution of physical literacy from both a general education and disciplinary focus... The intent of this paper is to conceptualize physical literacy in the school environment within the United States educational system. Evolution of physical literacy from both a general education and disciplinary focus is overviewed. The challenges of transitioning from a physically educated to a physically literate person as the primary learning outcome of physical education may inhibit progress. Five prioritized recom- mendations are made to assist teachers in overcoming such barriers: (a) whole of school approach, (b) effective, differentiated pedagogy, (c) integration of technology for individualized tracking of progress, (d) supportive school climate, and (e) alignment of local efforts with national initiatives. 展开更多
关键词 Differentiated instruction Physical activity Physical literacy Whole of school approach
Knowledge, transfer, and innovation in physical literacy curricula 被引量:10
作者 Catherine D.Ennis 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期119-124,共6页
Literate individuals possess knowledge and skill and can apply these to perform tasks in novel settings. Knowledge is at the heart of physical literacy and provides the foundation for knowing what to do and how and wh... Literate individuals possess knowledge and skill and can apply these to perform tasks in novel settings. Knowledge is at the heart of physical literacy and provides the foundation for knowing what to do and how and when to perform. In this paper I argue that physical literacy includes not only knowledge for performance but also the ability to apply knowledge and use knowledge for innovation. Scholars since the 1930s have addressed the role of knowledge in physical literacy designing curricula centered on transmitting knowledge through a range of interdisciplinary approaches to physical education. This emphasis on physical literacy curricula continues today in the Science, PE, & Me.t and The Science of Healthful Living interdisciplinary curricula. 展开更多
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