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作者 杨红 谢林株 《北方经济》 2012年第14期99-101,共3页
本文借助世界粮农组织数据库资料,测算市场集中率(CRn)与赫希曼指数(HHI)指标,研究了1961~2010年世界马匹存栏数量、马肉产量和马肉产值三方面的变化。研究发现,1961~2010年,世界育马产业规模略有降低,从存栏数量和马肉产量角度分析,... 本文借助世界粮农组织数据库资料,测算市场集中率(CRn)与赫希曼指数(HHI)指标,研究了1961~2010年世界马匹存栏数量、马肉产量和马肉产值三方面的变化。研究发现,1961~2010年,世界育马产业规模略有降低,从存栏数量和马肉产量角度分析,世界各国育马产业分布越来越集中,但从马肉产值角度分析,育马产业集中度是下降的,育马产业呈现出分化发展的趋向。 展开更多
关键词 育马产业 产业规模 产业分布
作者 姚新奎 历卫宏 《农牧产品开发》 1999年第9期19-21,共3页
法国的育马业历史悠久,且有严格的管理体制及繁育体系。23 个国家种马场,261 个配种站,几乎启蒙及全法国每个角落。除了纯血马纯繁外,其它马匹的生产都可以用人工授精、冷配和胚胎移植等技术,提高了优秀种马的作用,马匹质量... 法国的育马业历史悠久,且有严格的管理体制及繁育体系。23 个国家种马场,261 个配种站,几乎启蒙及全法国每个角落。除了纯血马纯繁外,其它马匹的生产都可以用人工授精、冷配和胚胎移植等技术,提高了优秀种马的作用,马匹质量也得以保证。 展开更多
关键词 育马 繁殖 自然交配 人工授精 冷配
作者 杨化文 殷元虎 《黑龙江畜牧科技》 1998年第3期41-41,47,共2页
关键词 育马 饲养管理
新疆育马业现状与发展 被引量:9
作者 李海 谭小海 +4 位作者 邓海峰 乔春江 马江飞 姚新奎 孟军 《草食家畜》 2014年第1期10-14,共5页
介绍了新疆的马匹资源和育马业现状,分析了当前新疆育马业存在的主要问题,从编制新疆育马业规划、建立马繁育生产体系、推行良种马登记制度、创新育马业体制机制、强化育马业基础设施建设、加大育马业技术推广等6个方面提出了加强我区... 介绍了新疆的马匹资源和育马业现状,分析了当前新疆育马业存在的主要问题,从编制新疆育马业规划、建立马繁育生产体系、推行良种马登记制度、创新育马业体制机制、强化育马业基础设施建设、加大育马业技术推广等6个方面提出了加强我区育马业发展的对策,试图为我区育马业持续快速发展制定系统的发展规划提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 新疆 育马 发展
《大陆桥视野》 2003年第6期62-62,共1页
近年在土库曼斯坦——汗血马的发源地,出现了中亚最大的育马中心。它位于阿什哈巴德南郊《五一》村的领域内。土库曼斯坦萨·尼亚佐夫总统的汗血马综合体一期工程即将完工。综合体造价为1200万美元,总设计面积为54.8公顷,由《土库... 近年在土库曼斯坦——汗血马的发源地,出现了中亚最大的育马中心。它位于阿什哈巴德南郊《五一》村的领域内。土库曼斯坦萨·尼亚佐夫总统的汗血马综合体一期工程即将完工。综合体造价为1200万美元,总设计面积为54.8公顷,由《土库曼天马》 展开更多
关键词 土库曼斯坦 综合体 中亚 土耳其 一期工程 总设计 联合企业 育马 造价 完工
《海洋与渔业》 2012年第12期12-12,共1页
广东茂名市金阳热带海珍养殖有限公司于今年初从台湾引入了马友鱼亲本并成功进行了人工繁殖和育苗。金阳总经理李活透露,此次马友鱼的成功育苗在大陆尚属首例,人工孵化的苗种也适合用作增殖放流,明年公司将大力推广马友鱼养殖。据悉... 广东茂名市金阳热带海珍养殖有限公司于今年初从台湾引入了马友鱼亲本并成功进行了人工繁殖和育苗。金阳总经理李活透露,此次马友鱼的成功育苗在大陆尚属首例,人工孵化的苗种也适合用作增殖放流,明年公司将大力推广马友鱼养殖。据悉,公司今年4月初投放规格为2cm的苗种在高位池试养,现已达到6~7两/尾。 展开更多
关键词 鱼养殖 茂名市 育马 人工繁殖 增殖放流 人工孵化 投放规格
《新疆畜牧业》 2011年第8期17-17,共1页
由新疆维吾尔自治区畜牧厅、体育局、科技厅、民委、伊犁州人民政府主办,由新疆马业协会、昭苏县人民政府、伊犁州昭苏马场、伊犁种马场承办的"新疆马业协会西域春杯育马大赛"于2011年7月29日在昭苏喀尔肯特草原举行。2010年8月8日“... 由新疆维吾尔自治区畜牧厅、体育局、科技厅、民委、伊犁州人民政府主办,由新疆马业协会、昭苏县人民政府、伊犁州昭苏马场、伊犁种马场承办的"新疆马业协会西域春杯育马大赛"于2011年7月29日在昭苏喀尔肯特草原举行。2010年8月8日“新疆马业协会泰昌杯育马大赛”在同一地点举行,取得了巨大成功, 展开更多
关键词 新疆维吾尔自治区 协会 育马 草原 西域 人民政府 伊犁州 科技厅
作者 罗庆华 《广西林业》 1998年第3期21-21,共1页
关键词 南宁地区 育马 速生丰产 南亚热带季风气候 树种结构调整 获得成功 土地资源 保持水土 广西中部 含羞草科
中国内蒙自治区马饲育环境土壤中马红球菌的分布(英文) 被引量:3
作者 丁壮 Shinji TAKAI +10 位作者 Hiroo MADARAME 常爽 黄海楠 霍晓伟 高明华 谭忠田 高双成 Fumiko HATORI Yukako SASAKI Tsutomu KAKUDA Shiro TSUBAKI 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期40-44,共5页
对中国内蒙古自治区饲育马土壤环境中马红球菌的分布知之甚少;为此,在中国内蒙古通辽近郊、内蒙古南部锡林郭勒盟大草原、内蒙古东部呼伦贝尔大草原等马场共收集了108份土壤样品进行了马红球菌的检测。结果,锡林郭勒盟大草原和呼伦贝尔... 对中国内蒙古自治区饲育马土壤环境中马红球菌的分布知之甚少;为此,在中国内蒙古通辽近郊、内蒙古南部锡林郭勒盟大草原、内蒙古东部呼伦贝尔大草原等马场共收集了108份土壤样品进行了马红球菌的检测。结果,锡林郭勒盟大草原和呼伦贝尔大草原的马红球菌分离率为25.9%~30.0%,通辽近郊土壤中分离率高达82.3%。这说明在通辽近郊马红球菌的分离菌数是草原土壤中马红球菌分离菌数的10倍。应用PCR技术检测了488株的毒力相关基因,相对分子质量分别为15000~17000(VapA)和20000(VapB)。所有的分离株都未检出毒力相关基因。这些无毒力分离株的质粒资料显示,各种大小的潜在质粒的发生率为13.3%~21.5%。本研究结果截然不同于我们新近对蒙古国的调查结论:马红球菌在蒙古国乌兰巴托的马群中不存在。造成这一差异的原因可能在于蒙古国的游牧生活和内蒙古的非游牧生活。 展开更多
关键词 红球菌 内蒙古 育马 土壤
甘蓝型油菜双低显性细胞核+细胞质雄性不育系DGCMS-3A的构建及遗传模式研究 被引量:1
作者 王瑞 李加纳 +4 位作者 唐章林 徐新福 谌利 李祥洪 张子龙 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期23-31,共9页
【目的】验证显性核不育两用系与波里马三系的基因型,明确Gd1AB和D3AB显性核不育的遗传模式,并构建显性细胞核+细胞质不育系统。【方法】通过显性核三系与波里马三系相互杂交验证其基因型,分析Mf和Rfc基因的等位性,采用临保系与显性纯... 【目的】验证显性核不育两用系与波里马三系的基因型,明确Gd1AB和D3AB显性核不育的遗传模式,并构建显性细胞核+细胞质不育系统。【方法】通过显性核三系与波里马三系相互杂交验证其基因型,分析Mf和Rfc基因的等位性,采用临保系与显性纯合两用系×显性核不育恢复系F2代核不育株测交的方法,推论显性纯合两用系Gd1AB和D3AB的遗传控制模式。C3B为轮回父本与不育胞质的显性核不育株定向回交,以创建显性核不育+细胞质不育。【结果】鉴别了Gd1AB和D3AB的遗传控制模式,确定甘蓝型油菜显性纯合两用系Gd1AB由一对复等位遗传模式控制,而显性纯合两用系D3AB由两对基因互作控制。初步构建出双低显性杂合核不育+细胞质不育系统DGCMS-3A,并证实了选育显性纯合核不育+细胞质不育系的可行性。【结论】显性抑制基因Mf与波里马恢复基因Rfc不等位,Gd1AB的基因型为N(MsMsrfcrfc)×N(MsMfrfcrfc)),D3AB的基因型为N(MsMsmfmfrfcrfc)×N(MsMsMfmfrfcrfc)。显性核不育+细胞质不育可细分为四种遗传模式:双位点互作显性杂合核不育+细胞质不育[S(Msmsmfmfrfcrfc)+S(msmsmfmfrfcrfc)]、单位点复等位显性杂合核不育+细胞质不育[S(Msmfrfcrfc)+S(mfmfrfcrfc)]、双位点互作显性纯合核不育+细胞质不育[S(MsMsmfmfrfcrfc)+S(MsMsMfmfrfcrfc)]、单位点复等位显性纯合核不育+细胞质不育[S(MsMsrfcrfc)+S(MsMfrfcrfc)]。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油莱 显性核不 波里胞质不 遗传模式
作者 吴富贵 《阿拉伯世界研究》 1996年第2期27-27,共1页
驱车驶过北京远郊的顺义育马中心,远处传来阵阵骏马的嘶鸣。原来,这是育马场内的18匹纯种阿拉伯马在辽阔的畜牧场上,撒欢、打滚、追逐、嬉戏……读者可能要问,这批阿拉伯骏马何时来到中国,又为何在首都安家落户。话题要从日本帝产集团... 驱车驶过北京远郊的顺义育马中心,远处传来阵阵骏马的嘶鸣。原来,这是育马场内的18匹纯种阿拉伯马在辽阔的畜牧场上,撒欢、打滚、追逐、嬉戏……读者可能要问,这批阿拉伯骏马何时来到中国,又为何在首都安家落户。话题要从日本帝产集团有限公司董事长石川良并先生说起。 1993年10月下旬,石川良并先生为增进中日两国人民之间的友谊,帮助中国发展养马业,专程从日本来到北京赠送人大常委会王光英副委员长6匹纯种阿拉伯骏马(2公4母)。王副委员长收到这份厚礼之后,将这批种马转送给了农业部中国种畜进出口公司。为此,该公同成立了中国阿拉伯马繁殖育种中心,并专门聘请了国内外养马专家为顾问,解决了饲养、配种等技术难题,使4匹母马中的3匹成功受孕。远在日本的石川良并先生得知这一信息之后,非常高兴,于去年10月12日通过王光英,再次向中国种畜进出口公司赠送了一批12匹纯种阿拉伯马。 阿拉伯马是世界优良马种之一。石川良并先生先后赠给中国的18匹纯种阿拉伯马(有栗色、金黄和桔花青色),不但对我国马种改良和养马业的发展起到积极的促进作用,而且使我国人民对阿拉伯马有了进一步了解。 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯 中国种畜进出口公司 阿拉伯文学 繁殖 育马 副委员长 集团有限公司 王光英 中日两国
《中国农业文摘(畜牧)》 2000年第4期11-11,共1页
关键词 血清钾 血清钠 法国 含量测定 青海畜牧兽医杂志 测定结果 育马 历史悠久 钠含量 产品开发
Effects of Short-term High Temperature Stress on the Photosynthesis of Potato in Different Growth Stages 被引量:3
作者 王连喜 金鑫 +3 位作者 李剑萍 马国飞 曹宁 李琪 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第3期317-321,342,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to study the effects of short-term high temperature stress on the photosynthesis of potato in different growth stages. [Method] Choosing powder potato named Longshu No.3 widely cultivated in Ni... [Objective] The aim was to study the effects of short-term high temperature stress on the photosynthesis of potato in different growth stages. [Method] Choosing powder potato named Longshu No.3 widely cultivated in Ningxia as test material,the changes of stomata conductance (Gs),transpiration rate (Tr) and CO2 concentration difference between internal and external leaf chamber,net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and photosynthetic water use efficiency (WUE) in different growth stages under short-term high temperature were analyzed. [Result] During seedling stage,the hysteretic nature of net photosynthetic rate and CO2 concentration difference between internal and external leaf chamber of potato could be found under high temperature stress,while the change trends of stomata conductance and transpiration rate under high temperature stress were consistent to that at normal temperature,but stomata conductance and transpiration rate were higher than those at normal temperature,and CO2 concentration difference between internal and external leaf chamber affected net photosynthetic rate most obviously. During branching stage,the change trends of net photosynthetic rate,CO2 concentration difference between internal and external leaf chamber,stomata conductance and transpiration rate under high temperature stress and normal temperature were similar,but they changed abruptly and reached peak value at noon under high temperature stress,while there existed consistent variation of water use efficiency under high temperature stress and at normal temperature,and CO2 concentration difference between internal and external leaf chamber also affected net photosynthetic rate most greatly,next came transpiration rate. [Conclusion] High temperature stress affected the photosynthesis of potato in different growth stages,and it was more obvious during branching stage than seedling stage,while CO2 concentration difference between internal and external leaf chamber had the most important influence on net photosynthetic rate. 展开更多
关键词 POTATO Different growth stages High temperature stress PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Small ubiquitin-related modifier paralogs are indispensable but functionally redundant during early development of zebrafish 被引量:4
作者 Hao Yuan Jun Zhou +7 位作者 Min Deng Xi Liu Morgane Le Bras Hugues de The Sai Juan Chen Zhu Chen Ting Xi Liu Jun Zhu 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期185-196,共12页
The Small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) conjugation to a variety of proteins regulates diverse cellular processes, including transcription, cell cycle regulation and maintenance of genome integrity. To investiga... The Small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) conjugation to a variety of proteins regulates diverse cellular processes, including transcription, cell cycle regulation and maintenance of genome integrity. To investigate in vivo biological function of SUMO paralogs, we inactivated them in the early development of zebrafish. While zebrafish embryos deficient for all three SUMO paralogs, as Ubc9-deficient ones, displayed severe defects, loss of individual SUMO paralog was compatible with a normal development. SUMO-deficient embryos can be rescued by a single human or zebrafish SUMO. While key structural basic lysine residues and N-terminal unstructured stretch of SUMO are critical for in vivo rescue, the consensus Kll sumoylation site of SUMO2 is dispensable, implying that chain formation on this potential site is unessential for normal development. Inactivation of all three SUMOs triggered p53- dependent apoptosis and further inactivation of p53 restored normal zebrafish development. Interestingly, we also demonstrate that the dominant negative truncated form of p53, Δ113p53, significantly blunts SUMO depletion-induced p53 activity in vivo. Taken together, our results suggest that SUMO paralogs are indispensable, but redundant, in the early development of zebrafish. 展开更多
关键词 SUMO paralogs ZEBRAFISH p53
Embryology of Maldives Clownfish, Amphiprion nigripes (Amphiprioninae) 被引量:1
作者 Swagat Ghosh Thipramalai Thankappanpillai Ajith Kumar Thangavel Balasubramanian 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第2期174-180,共7页
This study investigated the embryonic development of Maldives clownfish Amphiprion nigripes under natural conditions (28 - 30℃) at a lagoon of Agatti Island, Lakshadweep, India. The newly deposited fish egg was capsu... This study investigated the embryonic development of Maldives clownfish Amphiprion nigripes under natural conditions (28 - 30℃) at a lagoon of Agatti Island, Lakshadweep, India. The newly deposited fish egg was capsule-shaped and orange-red, with a (0.73 ± 0.04) mm3 yolk containing 5 - 10 fat globules. The embryonic development of fertilized eggs was divided into 26 stages and the time elapsing for each stage was recorded. Results showed that the cleavage was rapid, with the first division observed 1 h 20 min after fertilization. Blastulation occurred 4 h later, followed by gastrulation 12 h after fertilization, with a yolk volume of (0.61 ± 0.06) mm3. The organogenesis process started 22 h after fertilization when the blastopores closed and notochord formation began. The embryonic stage was recorded 24 h later, with the appearance of forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, melanophores on yolk-sac and 22 somites, and a decreased yolk volume of (0.54 ± 0.08) mm3. Other organs developed well 31 h after fertilization, whereas the heart started beating and blood circulation began 78 h later. Red pigmentation (erytrophores) appeared 96 h after fertilization, with a small yolk volume of (0.22 ± 0.02) mm3. Mouth developed well and eyes were noticeable 120 h later, with head, pectoral fin and tail frequently moving 144 h after fertilization. The embryo reached the pre-hatching stage 168 h later and started to hatch after 170 - 180 h incubation. This study first detailed the embryonic development and yolk absorption of A. nigripes under natural conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Amphiprion nigripes clownfish embryonic development SPAWNING yolk volume
Effects of Fulvic Acid on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Autumn Potato 被引量:3
作者 张玉娟 周全卢 +7 位作者 李育明 徐成勇 何素兰 黄迎冬 杨洪康 王梅 刘莉莎 唐明双 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1448-1451,共4页
[Objective] This study was to investigate the effects of fulvic acid on agronomic traits and yield of autumn potato. [Method] The effects of fulvic acid on growth period, plant morphology, tuber, net photosynthetic ra... [Objective] This study was to investigate the effects of fulvic acid on agronomic traits and yield of autumn potato. [Method] The effects of fulvic acid on growth period, plant morphology, tuber, net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, leaf area index (LAI) and yield of autumn potato were investigated. [Result] The application of fulvic acid prolonged the growth period and increased the plant height, stem diameter, leaf chlorophyll content, LAI, net photosynthetic rate, tuber number per plant, tuber weight per plant and marketable tuber rate of autumn potato, thus increasing the yield. Applying fulvic acid prolonged the growth period of autumn potato by 1-3 d and significantly increased the plant height, net photosynthetic rate, tuber weight per plant and yield of autumn potato (P〈0.05, P〈0.01). When the application amount of compound fertilizer was reduced by half, applying fulvic acid almost showed the same seedling emergence stage, mature stage, growth period and net photosynthetic rate with applying full amount of compound fertilizer. In particular, no significant difference was found in the yield of autumn potato between fullamount and half-amount compound fertilizer treatment groups in the premise of solid- liquid fulvic acid combined application. [Conclusion] In the premise of unchanged yield, applying fulvic acid can reduce the application of chemical fertilizers and reduce the non-point source pollution of chemical fertilizers. 展开更多
关键词 Autumn potato Fulvic acid YIELD Growth period
Developmental expression of Cyclin H and Cdk7 in zebrafish: the essential role of Cyclin H during early embryo development 被引量:7
作者 Qing Yun Liu Zhi Li Wu +2 位作者 Wen Jian Lv Yuan Chang Yan Yi Ping Li 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期163-173,共11页
Cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (Cdk7) is the catalytic subunit of the metazoan Cdk-activating kinase (CAK). Activation of Cdk7 requires its association with a regulatory subunit, Cyclin H. Although the Cdk7/Cyclin H co... Cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (Cdk7) is the catalytic subunit of the metazoan Cdk-activating kinase (CAK). Activation of Cdk7 requires its association with a regulatory subunit, Cyclin H. Although the Cdk7/Cyclin H complex has been implicated in the regulation ofRNA polymerase in several species, the precise function of their orthologs in zebrafish has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we isolated from zebrafish blastula embryos two cDNAs encoding the orthologs of human Cyclin H and Cdk7, and examined the role of Cdk7/Cyclin H in zebrafish embryogenesis. Sequence analysis showed that the zebrafish Cyclin H and Cdk7 cDNAs encode proteins with 65% and 86% identity to the respective hu- man orthologs. RT-PCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization analyses of their expression in unfertilized eggs, embryos and organs of adult fish suggested that Cyclin H and Cdk7 messages are maternally loaded. Our data also showed that their transcripts were detected throughout development. Distribution of Cyclin H transcripts was found to be ubiquitous during early stages of development and become restricted to the anterior neural tube, brain, eyes, procreate tissues, liver and heart by 5 days post-fertilization. Expression of a dominant-negative form of Cyclin H delayed the onset of zygotic transcription in the early embryo, resulting in apoptosis at 5 hours post-fertilization and leading to sever defects in tis- sues normally exhibiting high levels of Cyclin H expression. These results implicate Cyclin H in the regulation of the transcriptional machinery during midblastula transition and suggest that it is an essential gene in early zebrafish larval development. 展开更多
关键词 ZEBRAFISH Cyclin H Cdk7 whole-mount in situ hybridization embryonic development midblastula transition
Entrepreneurship Education in Malaysia: Nurturing Entrepreneurial Interest Amongst Students
作者 Sabarudin Zakaria Wan Fadzilah Wan Yusoff Raja Hisham Raja Madun 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第6期615-620,共6页
In its effort towards becoming a developed nation in the next decade, Malaysia has incorporated its education system with National Higher Education Action Plan initiatives to produce a next generation of populace who ... In its effort towards becoming a developed nation in the next decade, Malaysia has incorporated its education system with National Higher Education Action Plan initiatives to produce a next generation of populace who are no more dependent on the government for various aids. For the past decade, creation of entrepreneurs through a formal education has become the mainstay of the local Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Pursuing of an entrepreneurship education by means of a degree programme has emerged as one of the popular choice among undergraduates as an option for rewarding and full time career. Because of this. there has been an increased demand for entrepreneurship education and training in Malaysia to nurture entrepreneurial characteristics. The national agenda is to encourage the younger generations to be nurtured into becoming job-creators rather than job-seekers once they leave the educational system. Given this trend, HEIs need to undertake some policy changes, including faculty or school overall legislation and the development of alternative specialized programs, to be more accommodating to future entrepreneurs. This paper provides an insight into entrepreneurship education, as one of the programs that can generate interest among undergraduates to enhance entrepreneurial characteristics in order to create good entrepreneurs. 展开更多
How Cyberspace Age Shaped the Political Party's Identity
作者 Gatut Priyowidodo 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第2期98-105,共8页
The objectives of this study arc: first, to obtain a description that a political party website is an effective means of communication to carry out socialization programs to members ofthc party or the party's virtua... The objectives of this study arc: first, to obtain a description that a political party website is an effective means of communication to carry out socialization programs to members ofthc party or the party's virtual public; second, to obtain a description that websitc is a useful means to give political education about people's political rights; third, to explore the implication of web's content for strengthening the political party's identity. The research approach used was interpretive approach to qualitative-descriptive methods. Interpretive method emphasizes culture from the perspective of social construction theory (Papa, Danicls, & Spiker, 2008). Data collection (Mann & Stewart, 2000) conducted through site analysis of the People Justice's Party (Parti Kcadilan Rakyat) Malaysia website from January 16 to March 31 2010. The findings of this study arc the website is an effective means to disseminate political party's program. Although, the virtual public or party members were preferring a direct face-to-face interpersonal communication. The People Justice's Party, Malaysia has 14 MPN (Majclis Pimpinan Negeri/Rcgional Board) in the state-level. Regarding the political atmosphere in Malaysia, the wcbsite was an efficient tool. The costs required were very cheap. Second, the presence of party website opened a space for providing political education to more people. Third, the public responses stimulated improvement and strengthening the political party's identity. 展开更多
The Education of the Children of Immigrants: A Cross-Cultural Study Between New York and Rome
作者 Lucia Buttaro 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第12期1739-1747,共9页
Teachers of CLD (culturally and linguistically diverse) public school students New York and Rome, Italy were interviewed about their work with this unique, growing subset of learners. The 12 teachers' stories highl... Teachers of CLD (culturally and linguistically diverse) public school students New York and Rome, Italy were interviewed about their work with this unique, growing subset of learners. The 12 teachers' stories highlight myriad issues facing educators across the globe. Each teacher had recently participated in a research-based and government-sponsored professional development program focused on second language acquisition and culturally responsive pedagogy. Themes emerged through the analysis of individual interviews and classroom observations. These findings highlight teachers' perceptions of effective professional development, along with identification of institutional barriers impeding the delivery of best practices to CLD students. Cross-cultural comparisons are made which suggest an inconsistency in educational services for CLD students, along with an urgent need for professional development courses for teachers and administrators. The educators' voices shed light on both the challenges and rewards associated with this important work. 展开更多
关键词 achievement gap English language learners professional development second language acquisition Italy
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