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纤溶化合物促进大白鼠肺血栓溶解作用的研究 被引量:2
作者 瞿佳华 田宏 +2 位作者 吴文惠 郝斐 包斌 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第23期410-414,共5页
利用异硫氰酸荧光素标记的纤维蛋白建立大白鼠肺血栓模型,将一种纤溶促进化合物MTP从尾静脉注射于肺血栓大白鼠,观察肺组织切片和检测血浆中异硫氰酸荧光素-纤维蛋白的降解状况。发现化合物MTP有促进实验动物肺血栓的溶解作用,推测化合... 利用异硫氰酸荧光素标记的纤维蛋白建立大白鼠肺血栓模型,将一种纤溶促进化合物MTP从尾静脉注射于肺血栓大白鼠,观察肺组织切片和检测血浆中异硫氰酸荧光素-纤维蛋白的降解状况。发现化合物MTP有促进实验动物肺血栓的溶解作用,推测化合物MTP的添加提高了纤溶因子的纤溶活性。 展开更多
关键词 肺血栓动物模型 MTP 组织切片 SDS-PAGE 纤溶作用
葡萄糖甘油二脂促进大白鼠肺血栓溶解及其作用机制研究 被引量:1
作者 郝斐 吴文惠 +1 位作者 瞿佳华 包斌 《中国海洋药物》 CAS CSCD 2010年第1期6-12,共7页
目的研究葡萄糖甘油二脂(Glucosyldiacylglycerol,GDG自马尾藻分离提取)促进大白鼠肺血栓溶解及其作用机制。方法用荧光异硫氰酸异构体Ⅰ(Fluorescein isothiocyanate isomerⅠ,略写为FITC)标记纤维蛋白以建立肺血栓动物模型,GDG尾静脉... 目的研究葡萄糖甘油二脂(Glucosyldiacylglycerol,GDG自马尾藻分离提取)促进大白鼠肺血栓溶解及其作用机制。方法用荧光异硫氰酸异构体Ⅰ(Fluorescein isothiocyanate isomerⅠ,略写为FITC)标记纤维蛋白以建立肺血栓动物模型,GDG尾静脉注射,观察其肺血栓溶解的药理作用。通过建立的体外纤溶反应体系,研究GDG对纤溶酶原和单链尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂体活性的影响,并且用圆二色谱进一步研究GDG对单链尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂构象的影响。结果GDG具有促进肺血栓溶解的作用;建立体外纤溶反应体系,发现GDG不能促使纤溶酶原和尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂分别直接转化为纤溶酶和尿激酶;用圆二色谱研究发现,GDG使单链尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂在208nm处的负峰向长波方向移动,并且α-螺旋结构减少β-折叠结构增加。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄糖甘油二脂 纤溶作用 肺血栓动物模型 纤溶酶原 单链尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂 圆二色谱
Establishment of animal models for chronic pulmonary embolism
作者 张鹏 王永武 +3 位作者 葛志如 周永新The Department of Thoracic Surgery of Tongji Hospital of Tongji University 200065 China 姜格宁 《China Medical Abstracts》 2009年第1期73-78,共6页
Objective: To establish the animal model for the chronic pulmonary embolism and do some research on it. Methods: Pulmonary arteriography by DSA were performed in 6 goats and the stent was released in the infer-pulmo... Objective: To establish the animal model for the chronic pulmonary embolism and do some research on it. Methods: Pulmonary arteriography by DSA were performed in 6 goats and the stent was released in the infer-pulmonary arterary. Arterial blood gas analysis and right heart catheterization were done. After 3 days of embolism, pulmonary arteriography were performed again. After the animal was sacrificed, the right and left infer-pulmonary tissues were prepared and pathologically studied. Results: Stents were smoothly released in 6 animals. Compared with that before embolism, the arterial blood gas showed no difference 10 minutes later and 3 days later of the stent released. The pulmonary angiography showed that the right infra pulmonary artery was partly blocked and the blood could still pass by. 3 d of the embolism later, the stent was placed well and the right pulmonary artery was completely blocked. Compared with that before embolism,the right atrial pressure, ventricular pressure and the pulmonary pressure in 10 rain after embolism did not change much ( P 〉 0.05 ), while 3 d after embolism, the pressures were obviously changed(P 〈 0.05 ). There was no atelectasis ,pleural effusion in the right infra lobe in the experimental group. The wall of blood capillary among the alve- olar wall were significantly dilated. Hyperemia and edema were also observed. Lots of monocyte infiltrated. Localized exudates appeared in alveolar. Conclusion: By releasing stent in the pulmonary, the chronic pulmonary embolism model could be established in the animal experiment, and it should have great potential value in the following study. 展开更多
关键词 pulmonary embolism CHRONIC animal model
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