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作者 王鑫 赵红艳 +3 位作者 李欣宇 戴志诚 徐晓浩 王健明 《现代泌尿外科杂志》 CAS 2024年第5期476-476,F0003,共2页
伴有极性反转的乳头状肾肿瘤(papillary renal neoplasm with reverse polarity,PRNRP)为惰性乳头状肾肿瘤,组织学表现为独特的顶端核和乳头状或管状乳头状结构。PRNRP是近期提出的新命名,临床报道有限,本文报道1例PRNRP病例,旨在提高... 伴有极性反转的乳头状肾肿瘤(papillary renal neoplasm with reverse polarity,PRNRP)为惰性乳头状肾肿瘤,组织学表现为独特的顶端核和乳头状或管状乳头状结构。PRNRP是近期提出的新命名,临床报道有限,本文报道1例PRNRP病例,旨在提高临床上对该疾病的认识。 展开更多
关键词 乳头状肾细胞癌 伴有极性反的乳头状肾肿瘤 腹腔镜手术
伴有极向反转的乳头状肾肿瘤临床病理及分子遗传学研究并文献复习 被引量:2
作者 黄林林 王银均 +5 位作者 汪玲 谭鸿文 徐之裕 杨友谊 申凯月 唐梅 《诊断病理学杂志》 2022年第8期713-716,共4页
目的探讨伴有极向反转的乳头状肾肿瘤(PRNRP)的临床病理、免疫表型及分子遗传学特征。方法回顾性分析1例伴有极向反转的乳头状肾肿瘤的临床资料、病理形态特征、免疫表型及分子遗传学结果,并结合文献进行讨论。结果患者为64岁男性,左侧... 目的探讨伴有极向反转的乳头状肾肿瘤(PRNRP)的临床病理、免疫表型及分子遗传学特征。方法回顾性分析1例伴有极向反转的乳头状肾肿瘤的临床资料、病理形态特征、免疫表型及分子遗传学结果,并结合文献进行讨论。结果患者为64岁男性,左侧肾脏肿物,大小3.0 cm×1.5 cm×1.0 cm,囊实性,镜下肿瘤排列呈乳头状,乳头被覆单层上皮,细胞形态一致,胞质嗜酸性,细胞核极向反转位于细胞顶部。世界卫生组织/国际泌尿病理协会(WHO/ISUP 2016)分级:2级(G2)。免疫组织化学染色显示肿瘤细胞:EMA、PAX-8、GATA-3、CK7、PCK、CD10、MUC1、34βE12均阳性,而Vim、AMACR、CAⅨ、CD117、CD15、TFE-3、RCC、P53均阴性,Ki-67约1%阳性。二代测序(NGS)实体瘤88基因:检测到TSC2基因错义突变,未检测到KRAS及其余86个基因突变。荧光原位杂交(FISH):7和17号染色体缺失。患者术后未进一步治疗,随访11个月,无复发、转移,一般情况良好。结论伴有极向反转的乳头状肾肿瘤是新近命名的罕见肾脏肿瘤,好发于中老年人,具有独特的病理形态、免疫表型及分子遗传学特征。文献报道的病例随访,均无复发和转移,生物学行为较为惰性,不同于乳头状肾细胞癌(PRCC)的病理及预后,提示为一种良性的肾脏肿瘤实体。因此,明确诊断PRNRP,避免误诊为PRCC具有十分重要的临床意义。 展开更多
关键词 病理形态 伴有极向反的乳头状肾肿瘤 乳头状肾细胞癌 鉴别诊断 免疫表型 KRAS 分子遗传学 预后
人肝细胞癌转铁蛋白受体显像及靶向治疗研究 被引量:3
作者 黄铁军 刘志恒 喻明霞 《华中医学杂志》 CAS 2007年第1期22-24,27,共4页
目的探讨131I-D2C5用于肿瘤受体成像和放射免疫治疗的价值。方法人肝细胞癌SMMC-7721采用隧道包埋法植入Balb/c(-/-)裸鼠肝左叶,建立原位种植肿瘤模型。①12只荷瘤裸鼠随机分为两组,每组6只,分别经尾静脉注射131I-D2C51、31I-mIgG,放射... 目的探讨131I-D2C5用于肿瘤受体成像和放射免疫治疗的价值。方法人肝细胞癌SMMC-7721采用隧道包埋法植入Balb/c(-/-)裸鼠肝左叶,建立原位种植肿瘤模型。①12只荷瘤裸鼠随机分为两组,每组6只,分别经尾静脉注射131I-D2C51、31I-mIgG,放射剂量均为14.8MBq/只;SPECT采集131I-D2C5和131I-mIgG注射后6h、24h放射自显影图像;γ计数器检测体内放射性分布。②18只荷瘤裸鼠随机分为两组,每组9只,每周分别经腹腔注射131I-D2C51、31I-mIgG,连续6周;另外9只荷瘤裸鼠每周腹腔注射生理盐水200μl作为对照组。8周后比较各组肿瘤体积,计算其生长抑制率,评估肿瘤坏死程度。结果注射131I-D2C5后6h时,裸鼠肝肿瘤部位显影,24h时肿瘤显影最清晰。注射131I-mIgG后,肿瘤部位未见明显放射性浓聚。24h时131I-D2C5组裸鼠体内肿瘤/血为6.6,肿瘤/肝为2.2,肿瘤/肌肉为20.8。静脉注射131I-D2C5导向治疗较131I-mIgG更显著抑制人肝细胞癌裸鼠模型中肿瘤的生长,促进肿瘤坏死。结论131I-D2C5能与人肝细胞癌SMMC-7721高特异性、高亲和力地结合。在肝癌显像及生物靶向治疗中具有广泛的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤转 铁蛋白受体 肿瘤受体成像 放射免疫治疗
环氧化酶-2和血管内皮生长因子C表达与喉癌淋巴管转移 被引量:1
作者 曾泉 胡国华 谢亚柳 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 北大核心 2008年第7期430-431,共2页
环氧化酶-2(cyclooxygenase-2,COX-2)是前列腺素合成的关键酶,在头颈鳞状细胞癌(简称鳞癌)等多种恶性肿瘤中表达上调,并与肿瘤发生和发展有关。淋巴管转移是喉鳞癌最常见的转移方式,血管内皮生长因子C(vascular endothelial growth fact... 环氧化酶-2(cyclooxygenase-2,COX-2)是前列腺素合成的关键酶,在头颈鳞状细胞癌(简称鳞癌)等多种恶性肿瘤中表达上调,并与肿瘤发生和发展有关。淋巴管转移是喉鳞癌最常见的转移方式,血管内皮生长因子C(vascular endothelial growth factor C,VEGF-C) 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤(Laryngeal Neoplasms) 环氧化酶2(Cyclooxygenase 2) 血管内皮生长因子C(Vascular ENDOTHELIAL Growth Factor C) 肿瘤转
作者 廖国宁 李清芬 +4 位作者 冯友梅 邓耀祖 李卓娅 龚非力 马丁 《中国病理生理杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期38-41,共4页
目的 :为了特异封闭PC -3M高侵袭亚系尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体 (u -PAR)的表达 ,观察其对侵袭能力的抑制效应。方法 :应用RT -PCR获得u -PAR的cDNA片段 ,反向插入pcDNA3质粒载体中 ,构建u -PAR反义核酸载体并导入高侵袭亚系中 ;借助R... 目的 :为了特异封闭PC -3M高侵袭亚系尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体 (u -PAR)的表达 ,观察其对侵袭能力的抑制效应。方法 :应用RT -PCR获得u -PAR的cDNA片段 ,反向插入pcDNA3质粒载体中 ,构建u -PAR反义核酸载体并导入高侵袭亚系中 ;借助RT -PCR和免疫组化检测转染细胞u -PAR的表达。结果 :u -PAR反义核酸载体转染株的u -PARmRNA和蛋白质水平明显低于对照组 ,抑制率分别为 53 %和 73 % ,同时其体外侵袭能力亦明显降低 ,抑制率为 79%。结论 :u -PAR反义核酸在PC -3M高侵袭亚系中发挥了特异封闭作用 ,为进一步观察u-PAR反义核酸抑制高侵袭前列腺癌细胞亚系的侵袭效应提供了细胞模型。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤侵润 前列腺肿瘤 RNA 纤溶酶原激活物 u—PAR 反义核酸载体 肿瘤细胞 PC-3M亚系 肿瘤转
作者 龚少敏 张应天 《武汉职工医学院学报》 1994年第1期22-24,共3页
结直肠癌淋巴结转移数目是确定分期、判断预后和决定辅助治疗的重要指标.结直肠癌血行转移多见于肝脏,yeatman报告结直肠癌肝转移病例的胆囊胆汁CEA值升高.作者14例标本采用淋巴结显示技术检查淋巴结,共得淋巴结579板,平均41.36士17.14... 结直肠癌淋巴结转移数目是确定分期、判断预后和决定辅助治疗的重要指标.结直肠癌血行转移多见于肝脏,yeatman报告结直肠癌肝转移病例的胆囊胆汁CEA值升高.作者14例标本采用淋巴结显示技术检查淋巴结,共得淋巴结579板,平均41.36士17.14枚.6例发生26枚转移淋巴结.同时其中5例术中抽取胆囊胆汁测定CEA值,三例高于血清正常值(15ng/ml),其中一例术后作CT发现肝内可疑转移灶,术后19月作B超发现肝内转移.作者认为采用淋巴结显示技术,全数、逐个、连续切片检查淋巴结可以增加阳性淋巴结的检出率,从而提高分期;测定结直肠癌病例的胆囊胆汁CEA可以早期发现亚临床的肝转移灶;初步观察,有可能淋巴结转移数目与肝转移相关. 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤 淋巴结 肿瘤转 胆汗 癌胚抗原
自杀基因质粒表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)CMV.TK在鼻咽癌细胞中的构建及转染研究 被引量:1
作者 唐瑶云 邓雪娥 +2 位作者 肖健云 赵素萍 冯永 《中国耳鼻咽喉颅底外科杂志》 CAS 2004年第6期339-342,共4页
目的 构建含TK自杀基因的质粒表达载体并进行转染研究。方法 根据已发表的Hsv TK基因的核苷酸序列 ,设计并合成一对引物 ,以含TK基因的PGEM /TK质粒为模板扩增出TK基因全长CDS序列 ,将其克隆到质粒表达载体 pcDNA3.1(- )CMV中 ,进行... 目的 构建含TK自杀基因的质粒表达载体并进行转染研究。方法 根据已发表的Hsv TK基因的核苷酸序列 ,设计并合成一对引物 ,以含TK基因的PGEM /TK质粒为模板扩增出TK基因全长CDS序列 ,将其克隆到质粒表达载体 pcDNA3.1(- )CMV中 ,进行序列分析和酶切鉴定后 ,运用电穿孔法将重组体pCDNA3.1(- )CMV .CD转入鼻咽癌CNE 2细胞中 ,观察其表达情况以及无毒前体药物GCV干预下对CNE 2细胞生长的抑制作用。结果 酶切和序列分析证明pcDNA3.1(- )CMV .TK含完整的TK基因序列 ,RT -PCR从转染细胞总RNA中扩出预期片段 ;鼻咽癌CNE 2细胞在无毒前体药物GCV干预下 ,其生长受到抑制。结论 成功构建了质粒载体 pcDNA3.1(- )CMVTK ,可以将其作为鼻咽癌自杀基因治疗的一种载体。 展开更多
关键词 自杀基因 TK 载体 鼻咽肿瘤/遗学传、
作者 崔丽 毛用敏 +2 位作者 赵莉莉 程爱娟 崔让庄 《天津医药》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第10期896-898,共3页
目的:探讨雌激素对载脂蛋白(Apo)AⅠ基因启动子不同区域转录调节活性的影响。方法:利用含荧光素酶报告基因的表达载体pGL2构建携带ApoAⅠ基因启动子不同区域片段的重组质粒和同时携带ApoCⅢ/AⅣ基因片段的重组质粒。阳离子脂质体法将重... 目的:探讨雌激素对载脂蛋白(Apo)AⅠ基因启动子不同区域转录调节活性的影响。方法:利用含荧光素酶报告基因的表达载体pGL2构建携带ApoAⅠ基因启动子不同区域片段的重组质粒和同时携带ApoCⅢ/AⅣ基因片段的重组质粒。阳离子脂质体法将重组质粒与pRL-null内参质粒共转染HepG2细胞,加入10μmol/L雌激素刺激24h检测细胞荧光素酶报告基因的荧光强度,以反映ApoAⅠ的转录水平。结果:pGL2/-256AⅠ,pGL2/-2500AⅠ,pGL2/-256AⅠCⅢAⅣ及pGL2/-2500AⅠCⅢAⅣ转染后雌激素组荧光素酶相对活性明显高于对照组(P<0.05);而pGL2/-41AⅠ及pGL2/-41AⅠCⅢAⅣ质粒转染后雌激素组与对照组荧光素酶活性差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:ApoAⅠ启动子-256^-41区域可能包含与雌激素作用相关的反应元件,受雌激素刺激后转录活性增强。 展开更多
关键词 载脂蛋白A-Ⅰ 启动区(遗传学)调节元件 录雌二醇质粒染细胞系 肿瘤
两种酷似乳头状肾细胞癌的少见肾脏肿瘤的临床病理观察 被引量:2
作者 王露 樊月 王耀辉 《诊断病理学杂志》 2022年第9期793-797,共5页
目的探讨两种酷似乳头状肾细胞癌的少见肾脏肿瘤——伴有极向反转的乳头状肾肿瘤(PRNRP)及管状囊性肾细胞癌(TCRCC)的临床病理及分子特征,并与乳头状肾细胞癌(PRCC)进行比较。方法回顾性分析2例PRNRP、1例TCRCC及10例PRCC患者的临床病... 目的探讨两种酷似乳头状肾细胞癌的少见肾脏肿瘤——伴有极向反转的乳头状肾肿瘤(PRNRP)及管状囊性肾细胞癌(TCRCC)的临床病理及分子特征,并与乳头状肾细胞癌(PRCC)进行比较。方法回顾性分析2例PRNRP、1例TCRCC及10例PRCC患者的临床病理资料、免疫组织化学及荧光原位杂交(FISH)检测结果。结果2例PRNRP为境界清楚的、具有纤维包膜的乳头状肿瘤,乳头表面被覆单层立方嗜酸性肿瘤细胞,细胞核呈低级别,位于远离基底膜的细胞顶端;免疫组织化学染色显示肿瘤细胞呈CD10腔缘描边样阳性,Claudin 7杯状阳性,GATA3、EMA、CK7弥漫强阳性表达。FISH检测示7、17号及Y染色体无异常改变。TCRCC大体具有特征性的海绵状外观;镜下可见小到中等大小的小管与较大的囊肿混合表现,管壁及囊壁被覆扁平、立方、靴钉样细胞。肿瘤细胞胞质嗜酸,核大且不规则。免疫组织化学染色显示肿瘤细胞呈P504s、CD10、Pax-8、Cathepsin K、Vimentin阳性表达,CA9、CK7、CD117、E-cad、CK-H阴性表达。既往分子研究结果证明TCRCC与PRCC在分子水平上是不同的。结论PRNRP和TCRCC组织形态学上可酷似PRCC,但免疫组化和分子改变均与PRCC不同,二者均具有独特的组织学及分子特征,是独立于PRCC的肿瘤实体。 展开更多
关键词 伴有极向反的乳头状肾肿瘤 管状囊性肾细胞癌 乳头状肾细胞癌 荧光原位杂交 免疫组织化学染色
作者 冯铁虹 温珍平 王磊 《肿瘤防治杂志》 2005年第1期32-32,共1页
关键词 肿瘤/诊断 肿瘤/继发性 误诊 骨关节炎 结核 骨关节挫伤
Isotropic volumetric MRI for displaying cranial perineural spread of cranial nerve in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
作者 ZHENG Dechun XU Shugui +4 位作者 LAI Guojing HU Chunmiao CAO Xisheng FENG Meimei PENG Li 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1164-1169,共6页
Objective To observe the value of isotropic volumetric MRI for displaying perineural spread(PNS)of cranial nerve(CN)in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Methods Eighty-seven patients with pathologically proven nasopharyngeal c... Objective To observe the value of isotropic volumetric MRI for displaying perineural spread(PNS)of cranial nerve(CN)in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Methods Eighty-seven patients with pathologically proven nasopharyngeal carcinoma were prospectively enrolled.MR scanning,including three-dimensional liver acquisition with volume acceleration-flexible(3D LAVA_Flex)image,T2WI with fat suppression(T2WI-FS),T1WI,contrast enhancement(CE)T1WI-FS of nasopharynx and neck region were performed.The displaying rates of CN PNS were evaluated and compared between 3D LAVA_Flex and T2WI-FS,T1WI,CE-T1WI-FS at patient level,CN group level and neural level,respectively.Results The displaying rate of CN PNS in all 87 nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients by 3D LAVA_Flex sequence was 49.43%(43/87),higher than that of conventional MRI(30/87,34.48%,P=0.001).Among 59 patients with advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma diagnosed with conventional sequences,the displaying rate of CN PNS was 71.19%(42/59)by 3D LAVA-Flex sequence,higher than that of conventional MRI(30/59,50.85%,P=0.001).At both patient level and posterior CN level,significant differences of the displaying rate of CN PNS were found between 3D LAVA-Flex sequence and T2WI-FS,T1WI,CE-T1WI-FS,while at CN level,the displaying rates of mandibular nerve PNS,CNⅨ—ⅪPNS in jugular foramen(P<0.05)and CNⅨ—ⅫPNS in carotid space of 3D LAVA_Flex sequence were all significantly higher than that of T2WI-FS,T1WI and CE-T1WI-FS(all P<0.05),of PNS of CNⅢ—Ⅴin cavernous sinus were higher than that of T2WI-FS(P<0.05),while of PNS of hypoglossal nerve were significantly higher than that of T2WI-FS and T1WI(both P<0.05).Conclusion 3D LAVA_Flex sequence could be used to effectively display CN PNS of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 nasopharyngeal neoplasm cranial nerve magnetic resonance imaging neoplasm metastasis prospective studies
电压门控钠通道SCN5A/Nav1.5在卵巢癌中的表达及意义 被引量:4
作者 高瑞 沈怡 +2 位作者 徐舒翔 雷鸣 王泽华 《肿瘤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期654-658,共5页
目的:电压门控钠通道(voltage-gated sodium channels,VGSCs)与多种恶性肿瘤的转移过程密切相关。本研究探索VGSCs亚型SCN5A/Nav1.5在人卵巢癌中功能性表达的意义及其对卵巢癌细胞体外转移能力的影响。方法:通过SBFI荧光探针、免疫荧光... 目的:电压门控钠通道(voltage-gated sodium channels,VGSCs)与多种恶性肿瘤的转移过程密切相关。本研究探索VGSCs亚型SCN5A/Nav1.5在人卵巢癌中功能性表达的意义及其对卵巢癌细胞体外转移能力的影响。方法:通过SBFI荧光探针、免疫荧光、实时荧光定量PCR(real-time fluorogentic quantitative PCR,RFQ-PCR)、Western印迹、免疫组织化学、CCK-8Kit和Transwell小室法,分别检测卵巢癌SKOV-3细胞中Na+的分布、SCN5A/Nav1.5在分子和蛋白水平的表达及其与卵巢癌细胞体外迁移和侵袭能力的相关性。结果:在卵巢癌细胞SKOV-3和上皮性卵巢癌组织中存在SCN5A/Nav1.5的异常表达,30μmol/L河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin,TTX)能分别抑制SKOV-3细胞内Na+浓度、细胞体外迁移和侵袭力的(41.51±0.41)%、(33.80±1.6)%和(43.60±2.9)%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:电压门控钠通道SCN5A/Nav1.5参与卵巢癌细胞的体外转移过程,并在卵巢癌的发生发展过程中起重要的作用,有可能成为卵巢癌治疗的靶标。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢肿瘤 钠通道 电压门控 肿瘤侵润 肿瘤转 河豚毒素
Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma with Synchronous Metastases to Breast and Skeletal Muscle: A Case Report and Literature Review 被引量:2
作者 丁光辉 杨家和 +7 位作者 程树群 龚华 刘凯 戴炳华 龚彪 赵丽华 丛文铭 吴孟超 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2006年第3期216-218,共3页
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma has been reputed as a slow growth tumor in the past. Skeletal muscle is one of the most unusual sites of metastasis from any malignancy. We report herein a case of hilar cholangiocarcinoma wit... Hilar cholangiocarcinoma has been reputed as a slow growth tumor in the past. Skeletal muscle is one of the most unusual sites of metastasis from any malignancy. We report herein a case of hilar cholangiocarcinoma with synchronous metastases to skeletal muscle and breast, and review the literature. The patient was a 48-year-old woman who presented with jaundice and weight loss. An inoperable hilar cholangiocarcinoma was diagnosed. She was treated with a combination of endoscopic plastic stent biloiary drainage and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT). Good response was achieved. Ten months later, she exhibited with a painful metastatic mass in the muscle rectus femoris of left thigh and a painless mass in the left breast. She underwent operation to relieve the pain, but died from liver failure after 8 months. The literature only offers isolated cases of cholangiocarcinoma with distant metastases, of which the common sites were cervical lymph node, bone, and portal venous system. Most patients were presented with multiple metastases with extensive local disease. 展开更多
关键词 hilar cholangiocarcinoma distant metastasis endoscopic stent three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy palliative treatment
Pathological Study of Excised Specimens from Resectable Large Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization 被引量:2
作者 周伟平 周建平 +4 位作者 丛文铭 傅思源 姚晓平 陈汉 吴孟超 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2004年第1期11-14,64,共5页
Objective: To investigate pathological changes in surgically excised specimens from resectable large hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE ) and their ... Objective: To investigate pathological changes in surgically excised specimens from resectable large hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE ) and their signi?cance. Methods: From January 2002 to January 2003, 83 patients with resectable large HCC were randomized into two groups: group A, 36 patients who underwent preoperative TACE, and group B, 47 patients who underwent one-stage operation without TACE. Hepatectomy was performed in 31 patients of group A (two-stage operation group) and 47 patients of group B (one-stage operation group). The remaining 5 patients in group A were not operable. The diagnosis of HCC was pathologically con?rmed in all 78 patients after hepatectomy. Pathological changes of the excised specimens between the two groups were compared, including main tumors, capsular containment, daughter nodules, tumor thrombi and liver cirrhosis. Results: There were no signi?cant di?erences in the incidence of daughter nodules , portal vein tumor thrombi (PVTT) and extrahepatic metastasis between the two groups, but the area of main tumor necrosis was more extensive and the rate of encapsulation was higher in two-stage operation group than those in one-stage operation group. No signi?cant shrinkage in the average tumor size was seen in two- stage operation group, where daughter nodules and PVTT necrosis were less, and liver cirrhosis was more serious. Conclusion: Preoperative TACE for resectable large HCC should be used on the basis of strict selection because it does not provide complete tumor necrosis and may result in delayed surgery in some cases. 展开更多
Expression of COX-2 in Different Subtypes of Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia and Gastric Carcinoma by Tissue Microarray 被引量:1
作者 刘贵生 龚均 +3 位作者 程鹏 戴菲 张军 常英 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第3期151-154,188,共5页
Objective: To study the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) protein in different subtypes of intestinal metaplasia (IM) and gastric carcinoma, evaluate the possibility of COX-2 forecasting the risk of malignant pot... Objective: To study the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) protein in different subtypes of intestinal metaplasia (IM) and gastric carcinoma, evaluate the possibility of COX-2 forecasting the risk of malignant potential of IM, and the relationship between COX-2 expression and gastric carcinogenesis. Methods: Forty cases of chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) with IM, 40 cases of gastric carcinoma and corresponding paracancerous tissues were selected to construct a tissue microarray. High iron diamine/alcian blue (HID/AB) staining and Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) staining was used to classify IM and gastric carcinoma, and the expression of COX-2 protein detected in different subtypes of IM and gastric cancer by using immunohistochemistry. Results: The positive expression rate of COX-2 was 45.65%, 59.38% and 77.27% in IM foci in CAG, IM foci in paracancerous tissues, and intestinal-type gastric carcinoma, respectively, significantly higher than in diffuse-type gastric cancer (16.67%)(P<0.05, 0.005 and 0.005, respectively), and the expression intensity of COX-2 protein showed a increased tendency gradually in the sequence of IM foci in CAG→IM foci in paracancerous tissues→intestinal-type gastric carcinoma (P<0.005). The positive expression rate of COX-2 protein in type Ⅲ IM was significantly higher than in type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ IM (P<0.005 and 0.05, respectively), and the expression intensity also showed a increased tendency gradually from type Ⅰ to type Ⅲ IM (P<0.005). Conclusion: The expression level of COX-2 was increased gradually along with the increase of the risk of malignancy of IM, and its expression level may be a useful index to forecast the risk of malignant potential of IM. COX-2 expression was associated with intestinal-type gastric carcinoma, but it might also have some role in the carcinogenesis of diffuse-type gastric carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 CYCLOOXYGENASE-2 intestinal metaplasia gastric carcinoma tissue microarray
The in vitro Anti Hptocarcinoma Effects of Human Interleukin-12 from Transgenic Potato 被引量:4
作者 陈佳瑜 许洁 葛正龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期47-49,共3页
[Objective]The aim was to examine the anti heptocarcinoma effects of human interleukin-12(hIL-12) from transgenic potatoes.[Method]Human heptocarcinoma cell line HepG22.2.15 was cocultured with human peripherial blo... [Objective]The aim was to examine the anti heptocarcinoma effects of human interleukin-12(hIL-12) from transgenic potatoes.[Method]Human heptocarcinoma cell line HepG22.2.15 was cocultured with human peripherial blood monocyte(PBMC).Human IL-12 extracted from its transgenic patatoes was introduced to this coculture system.MTT method and laser confocal microscope were then employed to evaluate its survival rates and morphological changes of HepG22.2.15 cell line.[Result]The HepG22.2.15 survival rate of the plant produced hIL-12 treated group was significantly lower than that of the wild type control,while similar to that of commercial purified recombinant hIL-12 group.As indicated by AnnexinV/PI double staining laser confocal microscope,cocultured heptocarcinoma cells showed the typical early and final phase apoptotic morphological characteristics 48 hours after 2 × 10-4 mg/L potato secreted hIL-12 treatment.[Conclusion] These results demonstrated that Heptocarcinoma HepG22.2.15 cell growth could be actively inhibited by the transgenic potato expressed hIL-12 in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 Hman interleukin-12 Anti-tumor effects Transgenic potato
Expression of Hypoxia Inducible Factor lα and Its Significance in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 被引量:2
作者 夏曙 于世英 袁响林 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第5期284-286,324-325,共5页
Objective: To explore the expression level and its clinical significance of hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α ) in non-small lung cancer. Methods: The expression of HIF-1α was detected in 68 human non-small ... Objective: To explore the expression level and its clinical significance of hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α ) in non-small lung cancer. Methods: The expression of HIF-1α was detected in 68 human non-small lung cancer samples by immunohistochemistry. Results: (1) Thirty-nine (57.35%) out of the 68 human non-small lung cancer samples was positive for HIF-1α ; (2) The positive rate of HIF-1α in adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma was 54.76% (23/42) and 61.54% (16/26) respectively. No significant difference was found between adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma of non-small lung cancer in the expression of HIF-1α (P〉0.05). The positive rate of HIF-1α in middle-high differentiation was 74.28% (26/35), significantly higher than in low differentiation (39.39%, 13/33) (P〈0.05); (3) The positive expression of HIF-1α was not correlated to the sexes, ages, tumor stage and lymph node status. Conclusion: The expression of HIF-1α is higher in non-small lung cancer and is correlated to differentiation. 展开更多
关键词 non-small hmg cancer hypoxia-inducible factor
Harnessing traditional herbal medicine:molecular insights into diabetic wound healing for modern therapeutics
作者 Pavithra Bharathy Punniyakoti Veeraveedu Thanikachalam 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 CSCD 2024年第4期388-404,共17页
This study aims to explore the molecular aspects of the wound-healing potential of medicinal plants through preclinical and clinical research.This review focuses on the theoretical sup-port and therapeutic effects of ... This study aims to explore the molecular aspects of the wound-healing potential of medicinal plants through preclinical and clinical research.This review focuses on the theoretical sup-port and therapeutic effects of traditional herbal plants,herbal formulations,and active com-pounds in herbal medicine.It provides new insights into the management of diabetic wound healing with herbal medicine.A comprehensive literature review was conducted using key-words such as“herbal remedies”“diabetics”“wounds”“bioactive”“medicinal plant”and“growth factor”across several literature databases,namely,Wiley Online Library,Elsevier,Springer,PubMed,and Google Scholar.The available literature provides a basis for tradition-al remedies found to be effective in healing wounds by targeting key molecules involved in wound pathology,including collagen I&III,vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF),tu-mor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-α),nuclear factor kappa B(NF-κB),transforming growth fac-tor(TGF)-β1,hydroxyproline(collagen component),superoxide dismutase(SOD),and Cata-lase(CAT).Numerous studies have investigated the presence of bioactive compounds in many plants for their wound-healing effects.The results underscore the potential of various plants in wound healing,highlighting the need for further pharmacological research before clinical application.These findings support the conventional use of herbal remedies and pro-vide the basis for future research into the development of new therapeutic alternatives for wound healing. 展开更多
关键词 Herbal remedies Diabetic wound healing Pharmacological studies Vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) Tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α Nuclear factor kappa B(NF-κB) Transforming growth factor(TGF)-β1 HYDROXYPROLINE
An Analysis of Prospective Outcome of Re-resection for Recurrent Live Cancer and Extrahepatic Metastases,a Follow-up of 267\Cass 被引量:1
作者 陈汉 吴孟超 +3 位作者 罗祥基 杨业发 尉公田 胡雷 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2003年第1期2-9,58,共9页
Objective To evaluate the prospective outcome and summarize experience in re-resection for recurrent liver cancer and extrahepatic metastases. Methods The clinical data of 267 patients with recurrent primary liver c... Objective To evaluate the prospective outcome and summarize experience in re-resection for recurrent liver cancer and extrahepatic metastases. Methods The clinical data of 267 patients with recurrent primary liver cancer (PLC) after re-resection from January 1960 to July 2000 were retrospectively analyzed. Re-hepatectomy was performed on 205 cases, resection of extrahepatic metastases on 51 cases and combined resection of recurrent liver cancer and extrahepatic metastases on 11 cases. The clinico-pathologic features, operation type and survival were compared. Results The types of liver re-resection included left lateral lobectomy in 11.2% of patients, hemihepatetomy and extended hemi-hepatectomy in 4.4%, local radical resection in 68.3%, other subsegmentectomy in 17.1%. The peak recurrence rate (64.4%) occurred at 1–2 years. The overall 1-, 3, 5- and 10-year survival rates after second resection were 81.0%, 40.3%, 19.4% and 9.0% respectively, while they were 77.5%, 29.8%, 13.2% and 6.61% respectively after the third resection. The median survival time was 44 months. The re-resection with extrahepatic metastases also provided the possibility of longer survival. Conclusion The results suggest that subsegmentectomy and local excision is appropriate for the hepatic repeat resection. The peak recurrence may be correlated with portal thrombus and operative factor. The re-resection can be indicated not only in intrahepatic recurrent metastases but also in extrahepatic metastases in selected patients. Re-resection has become the treatment of choice for recurrence of PLC, as neither chemotherapy nor other nonsurgical therapies can achieve such favorable results. Key words prospective outcome - re-resection - primary liver cancer - recurrence - extrahepatic metastases 展开更多
关键词 prospective outcome re-resection primary liver cancer recurrence extrahepatic metastases
Correlation between c-erbB-2 and P-glycoprotein Expression in Esophageal Carcinoma
作者 许沈华 苏丹 +3 位作者 倪型灏 凌雨田 张谷 朱赤红 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第5期301-303,326,共4页
Objective: To investigate the correlation between c-erbB-2 and multidrug resistance (MDR) and its clinical significance, Methods: Immunohistochemistry stain was used to examine the expression of c-erbB-2 and flow ... Objective: To investigate the correlation between c-erbB-2 and multidrug resistance (MDR) and its clinical significance, Methods: Immunohistochemistry stain was used to examine the expression of c-erbB-2 and flow cytometry was used to detect the expression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in samples from 46 patients with esophageal carcinoma. Results: The positive expression rate of c-erbB-2 was 26.1% (12/46) in the 46 cases of esophageal carcinoma, of which 4 cases being low expression and 8 cases mediumhigh expression. The positive expression rate of P-gp was 60.9% (28/46) in the 46 cases of esophageal carcinoma, of which 6 cases being low expression, 13 cases medium expression and 9 cases high expression. Comparing c-erbB-2 with P-gp expression in different lymph node metastasis statuses showed that there was significant difference (P〈0.01) between P-gp expressions with lymph node metastasis (31.09%±5.33%) and without lymph node metastasis (8.04%±3.03%) when c-erbB-2 expression was positive. Comparing c-erbB-2 with P-gp expression in different TNM stages of esophageal carcinoma showed that there was significant difference (P〈0.01) between P-gp expressions in HI Ⅳ stage (33.68%±5.51%)and in Ⅱ stage patients (9.30%±2.78%) when c-erbB-2 expression was positive. The tumor's size and differentiation degree were not related to c-erbB-2 and P-gp expression. Conclusion: The high level of P-gp expression was related to the positive expression of c-erbB-2 with the lymph node metastasis in clinical Ⅲ-Ⅳ stage patients of esophageal carcinoma, suggesting that the double positive might lead to a poor prognosis. However, when the c-erbB-2 expression was negative, the lymph node metastasis and clinical staging were not related to the P-gp expression in esophageal carcinoma patients. 展开更多
关键词 esophageal neoplasms C-ERBB-2 P-GLYCOPROTEIN
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