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作者 祝建材 《医食参考》 2009年第11期21-21,共1页
每逢秋凉时节,一些原来患有胃病尤其是胃溃疡病的人常易复发,严重者还会引起胃出血、胃穿孔。这是因为入秋以后,特别是在深秋时节,人体受到冷空气刺激后,血液中的化学成分组胺酸增多,胃酸分泌大量增加,胃肠发生痉挛性收缩,抵抗... 每逢秋凉时节,一些原来患有胃病尤其是胃溃疡病的人常易复发,严重者还会引起胃出血、胃穿孔。这是因为入秋以后,特别是在深秋时节,人体受到冷空气刺激后,血液中的化学成分组胺酸增多,胃酸分泌大量增加,胃肠发生痉挛性收缩,抵抗力和适应性随之降低。因此,天气转凉后需预防胃病复发。其要点如下: 展开更多
关键词 胃病复发 寒凉 胃溃疡病 化学成分 胃酸分泌 胃出血 胃穿孔 冷空气
作者 魏开敏 《保健与生活》 2014年第10期20-20,共1页
10月,秋意渐渐浓厚起来,凉意也逐渐袭来。每到这时,有些老胃病患者,如慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃食管反流、功能性消化不良等患者的病情便有可能复发或加重。这是因为秋天气温变化大,加之湿度增大,容易使人的情绪波动,产生压抑、... 10月,秋意渐渐浓厚起来,凉意也逐渐袭来。每到这时,有些老胃病患者,如慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃食管反流、功能性消化不良等患者的病情便有可能复发或加重。这是因为秋天气温变化大,加之湿度增大,容易使人的情绪波动,产生压抑、消沉、沮丧、抑郁等不良情绪。不良情绪容易造成自主神经调节功能紊乱。 展开更多
关键词 胃病复发 功能性消化不良 自主神经调节 胃病患者 不良情绪 消化性溃疡 胃食管反流 慢性胃炎
胃病患者 喝茶有讲究
作者 戴秀娟 赵长普 《健康博览》 2011年第6期12-12,共1页
浙江绍兴 汤先生 我是一名慢性胃炎患者,经过多年治疗已经没啥不适的感觉了,我本来以为没事情了,连续喝了一段时间的绿茶。最近又出现了胃部泛酸、胃胀,医生说这是我经常喝绿茶导致的,有导致胃病复发的可能。请问,像我这样的胃... 浙江绍兴 汤先生 我是一名慢性胃炎患者,经过多年治疗已经没啥不适的感觉了,我本来以为没事情了,连续喝了一段时间的绿茶。最近又出现了胃部泛酸、胃胀,医生说这是我经常喝绿茶导致的,有导致胃病复发的可能。请问,像我这样的胃病患者能喝茶吗? 展开更多
关键词 胃病患者 喝茶 慢性胃炎患者 胃病复发 喝绿茶
作者 郝新林 《求医问药》 2009年第6期24-25,共2页
关键词 胃病复发 选药 孕妇 饮食不当 服药
作者 王华 《开卷有益(求医问药)》 2013年第10期27-27,共1页
进入深秋,昼夜温差悬殊。患有胃病的人饮食起居稍不注意,就会旧病复发,表现胃脘隐隐作痛、返酸、嗳气、恶心与呕吐,严重者还会发生出血和穿孔。为何秋凉后胃病容易复发呢?这是由于气温下降,中枢神经受寒冷的刺激,兴奋性增强,可... 进入深秋,昼夜温差悬殊。患有胃病的人饮食起居稍不注意,就会旧病复发,表现胃脘隐隐作痛、返酸、嗳气、恶心与呕吐,严重者还会发生出血和穿孔。为何秋凉后胃病容易复发呢?这是由于气温下降,中枢神经受寒冷的刺激,兴奋性增强,可引起主管内脏活动的植物神经功能亢进、失调和紊乱,导致血液中的化学成分组胺酸增多,胃酸分泌过多, 展开更多
关键词 胃病复发 神经功能亢进 胃酸分泌过多 昼夜温差 饮食起居 旧病复发 中枢神经 内脏活动
胃闹“情绪”时如何安“胃” 被引量:1
作者 谭庆来 《解放军健康》 2017年第2期15-15,共1页
关键词 胃肠疾病 情绪 胃病复发 胃部不适
作者 陆基宗 《白云医药》 2003年第3期13-13,共1页
关键词 秋季 保健 预防 感冒 胃病复发 乙型脑炎
《家庭健康(医学科普)》 2018年第4期17-17,共1页
关键词 脾胃 春季 粥汤 胃肠道疾病 胃病复发 肝气
作者 万慎曜 《家庭医学(上半月)》 2008年第10期28-28,共1页
关键词 助消化药 药物 胃病复发 腹胀腹痛 精神萎靡 适应症 症状
《药物与人》 2013年第5期4-4,共1页
胃癌早期会有不同程度的消化道或胃部症状.如上腹部不适、隐痛、饱胀感、乏力等。老刘工作繁忙.吃饭也没准点。去年年底,他总感到肚子隐隐作痛.食欲也逐日减退。起初,他以为是老胃病复发.还自作主张地服了一些药.不久.症状就得... 胃癌早期会有不同程度的消化道或胃部症状.如上腹部不适、隐痛、饱胀感、乏力等。老刘工作繁忙.吃饭也没准点。去年年底,他总感到肚子隐隐作痛.食欲也逐日减退。起初,他以为是老胃病复发.还自作主张地服了一些药.不久.症状就得以缓解了。但今年春天.一次加班回家,他的腹部突然剧烈胀痛.大汗淋漓.身体乏力,随即被亲人送到医院。经胃镜检查,医生确诊老刘患上了胃癌。 展开更多
关键词 胃镜检查 胃癌 上腹部不适 预防 呼气 胃部症状 胃病复发 大汗淋漓
作者 徐李燕 《江苏卫生保健(今日保健)》 2015年第9期24-25,共2页
目前,恶性肿瘤已上升至城市居民死因的第1位。早发现、早治疗肿瘤疾病已迫在眉睫。以下就如何预防5种常见恶性肿瘤做一简要介绍。一、胃癌:呼气有酸臭,及时做胃镜老刘工作繁忙,吃饭也没准点。去年年底,他总感到肚子隐隐作痛,食欲也逐... 目前,恶性肿瘤已上升至城市居民死因的第1位。早发现、早治疗肿瘤疾病已迫在眉睫。以下就如何预防5种常见恶性肿瘤做一简要介绍。一、胃癌:呼气有酸臭,及时做胃镜老刘工作繁忙,吃饭也没准点。去年年底,他总感到肚子隐隐作痛,食欲也逐日减退。起初,他以为是老胃病复发,还自作主张地服了一些达喜,不久症状就得以缓解了。但今年春天,一次加班回家,他的腹部突然剧烈胀痛,大汗淋漓,身体乏力, 展开更多
关键词 预防 癌症 恶性肿瘤 城市居民 肿瘤疾病 胃病复发 大汗淋漓
作者 齐建荣 《开卷有益(求医问药)》 2009年第10期51-51,共1页
入秋以后,气温变化较大,昼夜温差悬殊。人体受到冷空气刺激,血液中的化学成分组胺酸增多,胃酸分泌增加,胃肠会发生痉挛性收缩。使其抵抗力和适应性随之降低。由于天气转凉,人们的食欲旺盛,胃和十二指肠的负担相对加重。因而容易... 入秋以后,气温变化较大,昼夜温差悬殊。人体受到冷空气刺激,血液中的化学成分组胺酸增多,胃酸分泌增加,胃肠会发生痉挛性收缩。使其抵抗力和适应性随之降低。由于天气转凉,人们的食欲旺盛,胃和十二指肠的负担相对加重。因而容易导致胃病的发生,尤其是胃病患者,秋季更容易诱导胃病复发。 展开更多
关键词 胃酸 胃病患者 气温变化 昼夜温差 化学成分 分泌增加 十二指肠 胃病复发
作者 王延群 《健康生活》 2014年第12期38-39,共2页
冬季是一年中最寒冷的季节,由于寒冷的刺激,人体的植物神经功能发生紊乱,胃肠蠕动的正常规律被扰乱,容易导致胃病复发。冬季万物处于封藏状态,所以又是一年中最适合饮食调理与进补的时期。冬季进补不仅能提高人体免疫力,还能将能量储存... 冬季是一年中最寒冷的季节,由于寒冷的刺激,人体的植物神经功能发生紊乱,胃肠蠕动的正常规律被扰乱,容易导致胃病复发。冬季万物处于封藏状态,所以又是一年中最适合饮食调理与进补的时期。冬季进补不仅能提高人体免疫力,还能将能量储存在体内,俗话说"三九补一冬,来年无病痛",讲的就是这个道理。在这里为朋友推荐几款适合这个季节食用的特色汤,可以温胃、养颜、抗寒。 展开更多
关键词 胃肠蠕动 冬季进补 植物神经功能 人体免疫力 胃病复发 饮食调理 能量储存 季节
作者 王荣华 《开卷有益(求医问药)》 2012年第10期57-57,共1页
关键词 养胃汤 植物神经功能 胃病复发 寒冷气候 胃肠蠕动
打好“保胃战” 守住“六防线”
作者 陈日益 《健康生活》 2017年第11期32-33,共2页
每当秋凉到来时,一些患有胃病(常见的有慢性胃炎、胃及十二指肠溃疡等)的人,尤其是中老年病人常易出现复发或病情加重,甚至引起胃出血、胃穿孔等并发症,给身体健康造成极大的危害。现代医疗气象学研究证明,秋凉易使胃病复发或加重,主... 每当秋凉到来时,一些患有胃病(常见的有慢性胃炎、胃及十二指肠溃疡等)的人,尤其是中老年病人常易出现复发或病情加重,甚至引起胃出血、胃穿孔等并发症,给身体健康造成极大的危害。现代医疗气象学研究证明,秋凉易使胃病复发或加重,主要与此时的气温、气湿、气压、 展开更多
关键词 慢性胃炎 胃及十二指肠溃疡 胃病复发 中老年病人 医疗气象学 身体健康 胃出血 并发症
H pylori recurrence after successful eradication 被引量:15
作者 Yaron Niv 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期1477-1478,共2页
Recurrence of H pylori after eradication is rare in developed countries and more frequent in developing countries. Recrudescence (recolonization of the same strain within 12 mo after eradication) rather than reinfecti... Recurrence of H pylori after eradication is rare in developed countries and more frequent in developing countries. Recrudescence (recolonization of the same strain within 12 mo after eradication) rather than reinfection (colonization with a new strain, more than 12 mo after eradication) is considered to be responsible for most of the cases. This observation was confirmed only in developed countries, while in developing countries a recent meta-analysis demonstrated a high rate of reinfection. The proportion of H pylori annual recurrence was 2.67% and 13.00% in developed and developing countries, respectively. Nested meta-analysis (only cases with a longer follow-up and a negative 13CUBT a year after eradication) revealed annual recurrence rate of 1.45% [relative risk (RR), 0.54] and 12.00% (RR, 0.92) in developed and developing countries, respectively. These findings support the notion that in developed countries many cases of recurrence are due to recrudescence within the first year after eradication, with a 46% drop in the recurrence rate after the first year post eradication, while in developing countries reinfection is more pronounced, and continue at the same rate since eradication. A different approach for follow-up after H pylori eradication is probably needed in patients of developing countries, since reinfection is highly prevalent. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori ERADICATION Recurrence Recrudescence REINFECTION
Prognostic factors for recurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding due to Dieulafoy's lesion 被引量:11
作者 Yuliana Jamanca-Poma Antonio Velasco-Guardado +4 位作者 Concepción Piero-Pérez Renzo Calderón-Begazo Josue Umaa-Mejía Fernando Geijo-Martínez Antonio Rodríguez-Pérez 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第40期5734-5738,共5页
AIM: To analyze the effectiveness of the endoscopic therapy and to identify prognostic factors for recurrent bleeding. METHODS: Retrospective study of patients with gas- trointestinal bleeding secondary to Dieulafoy... AIM: To analyze the effectiveness of the endoscopic therapy and to identify prognostic factors for recurrent bleeding. METHODS: Retrospective study of patients with gas- trointestinal bleeding secondary to Dieulafoy's lesion (DL) from 2005 to 2011. We analyzed the demographic characteristics of the patients, risk factors for gastro- intestinal bleeding, endoscopic findings, characteristics of the endoscopic treatment, and the recurrence of bleeding. We included cases in which endoscopy de- scribed a lesion compatible with Dieulafoy. We exclud- ed patients who had potentially bleeding lesions such as angiodysplasia in other areas or had undergone other gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients with DL were identi- fied. Most of them were men with an average age of 71.5 years. Fifty-five percent of the patients received antiaggregatory or anticoagulant therapy. The most common location for DL was the stomach (51.7%). The main type of bleeding was oozing in 65.5% of cases. In 27.6% of cases, there was arterial (spurting) bleeding, and 6.9% of the patients presented with an adherent clot. A single endoscopic treatment was ap- plied to nine patients (31%), eight of them with adren- aline and one with argon, while 69% of the patients received combined treatment. Six patients (20.7%) presented with recurrent bleeding at a median of 4 d after endoscopy (interquartile range = 97.75). Within these six patients, the new endoscopic treatment ob- tained a therapeutic success of 100%. The presence of arterial bleeding at endoscopy was associated with a higher recurrence rate for bleeding (50% vs 33.3% for other type of bleeding) rP = 0.024, odds ratio (OR) = 8.5, 95% CI = 1.13-63.87]. The use of combined en- doscopic treatment prevented the recurrence of bleed- ing (10% vs 44.4% of single treatment) (P = 0.034, OR = 0.14, 95% CI = 0.19-0.99). CONCLUSION: Endoscopic treatment of DL is safe and effective. Adrenaline monotherapy and arterial (spurting) bleeding are associated with a high rate of bleeding recurrence. 展开更多
关键词 Dieulafoy's lesion Gastrointestinal bleeding HEMORRHAGE Recurrent bleeding Endoscopic treatment
Acute myelogenous leukemia and acute leukemic appendicitis:A case report 被引量:4
作者 Po-Jen Hsiao Shih-Ming Kuo +4 位作者 Jia-Hong Chen Hsuen-Fu Lin Pau-Ling Chu Shih-Hua Lin Ching-Liang Ho 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第44期5624-5625,共2页
Acute myelogenous leukemia(AML)can involve the gastrointestinal tract but rarely involves the appendix. We report a male patient who had 1 year partial remission from AML and who presented with apparent acute appendic... Acute myelogenous leukemia(AML)can involve the gastrointestinal tract but rarely involves the appendix. We report a male patient who had 1 year partial remission from AML and who presented with apparent acute appendicitis as the initial manifestation of leu-kemia relapse.Pathological findings of the appendix revealed transmural infiltrates of myeloblasts,which indicated a diagnosis of leukemia.Unfortunately,the patient died from progression of the disease on the 19th d after admission.Although leukemic cell infiltration of the appendix is uncommon,patients with leu-kemia relapse can present with symptoms mimicking acute appendicitis. 展开更多
关键词 Acute myeloid leukemia APPENDICITIS APPENDECTOMY Granulocytic sarcoma
Postoperative retroperitoneal desmoid tumor mimics recurrent gastrointestinal stromal tumor:A case report 被引量:1
作者 Liang-Yu Shih Chang-Kuo Wei +1 位作者 Chih-Wen Lin Chih-En Tseng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第42期6172-6176,共5页
Desmoid tumor is a locally invasive,myofibroblastic,nonmetastatic tumor.Its pathogenesis remains unclear and it may involve genetic abnormalities,sex hormones and traumatic injury,including surgery.Postoperative intra... Desmoid tumor is a locally invasive,myofibroblastic,nonmetastatic tumor.Its pathogenesis remains unclear and it may involve genetic abnormalities,sex hormones and traumatic injury,including surgery.Postoperative intra-abdominal desmoid tumor is rare,especially in the retroperitoneum.We report a case of postoperative retroperitoneal desmoid tumor that developed 29 mo after the first excision of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor.Sporadic trauma-related intraabdominal desmoid tumors reported in the English literature are also reviewed.Despite an extremely low incidence,postoperative desmoid tumor should be considered in the differential diagnosis when a recurrent neoplasm is found at least one year after operation.However,it is a clinical challenge to distinguish recurrent malignant neoplasms from desmoid tumors,and surgical resection is the treatment option depending on the anatomic location. 展开更多
关键词 Desmoid tumor Gastrointestinal stromal tumor RECURRENCE RETROPERITONEUM Surgery
Recurrence in node-negative advanced gastric cancer:Novel findings from an in-depth pathological analysis of prognostic factors from a multicentric series 被引量:3
作者 Gian Luca Baiocchi Sarah Molfino +9 位作者 Carla Baronchelli Simone Giacopuzzi Daniele Marrelli Paolo Morgagni Maria Bencivenga Luca Saragoni Carla Vindigni Nazario Portolani Maristella Botticini Giovanni De Manzoni 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第45期8000-8007,共8页
AIM To analyze the clinicopathological characteristics of patients with both node-negative gastric carcinoma and diagnosis of recurrence during follow-up. METHODS We enrolled 41 patients treated with curative gastrect... AIM To analyze the clinicopathological characteristics of patients with both node-negative gastric carcinoma and diagnosis of recurrence during follow-up. METHODS We enrolled 41 patients treated with curative gastrectomy for p T2-4 a N0 gastric carcinoma between 1992 and 2010,who developed recurrence(Group 1). We retrospectively selected this group from the prospectively collected database of 4 centers belonging to the Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer,and compared them with 437 p T2-4 a N0 patients without recurrence(Group 2). We analyzed lymphatic embolization,microvascular infiltration,perineural infiltration,and immunohistochemical determination of p53,Ki67,and HER2 in Group 1 and in a subgroup of Group 2(Group 2 bis) of 41 cases matched with Group 1 according to demographic and pathological characteristics. RESULTS T4 a stage and diffuse histotype were associated with recurrence in the group of p N0 patients. In-depth pathological analysis of two homogenous groups of p N0 patients,with and without recurrence during longterm follow-up(groups 1 and 2 bis),revealed two striking patterns: lymphatic embolization and perineural infiltration(two parameters that pathologists can easily report),and p53 and Ki67,represent significant factors for recurrence.CONCLUSION The reported pathological features should be considered predictive factors for recurrence and could be useful to stratify node-negative gastric cancer patients for adjuvant treatment and tailored follow-up. 展开更多
关键词 N0 gastric cancer RECURRENCE Prognostic factors Pathological analysis Lymphatic embolization Perineural infiltration p53 Ki67
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