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胆囊胆固醇结石小鼠肝胆组织中微囊蛋白的变化 被引量:3
作者 许国强 陈洪潭 +4 位作者 刘姗 邱艳 陈李华 滕晓东 徐根云 《中华消化杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期128-131,共4页
胆囊胆固醇结石症是全球常见公共健康问题之一,我国发病率为7%~10%,其确切的发病机制目前尚不清楚,也缺乏疗效确切的治疗药物和预防措施Ⅲ。近期研究发现清遭夫受体B族I型(scavengerreceptorclassBtypeI,SR-BI)介导的肝细胞对... 胆囊胆固醇结石症是全球常见公共健康问题之一,我国发病率为7%~10%,其确切的发病机制目前尚不清楚,也缺乏疗效确切的治疗药物和预防措施Ⅲ。近期研究发现清遭夫受体B族I型(scavengerreceptorclassBtypeI,SR-BI)介导的肝细胞对高密度脂蛋白(highdensitylipoprotein,HDL)中胆固醇酯的摄取与胆囊胆固醇结石的形成有关, 展开更多
关键词 固醇结石 微囊蛋白 胆组织 小鼠肝 高密度脂蛋白 健康问题 发病机制 治疗药物
经皮肝穿刺胆道造影术下的胆道活组织检查诊断阻塞性黄疸 被引量:11
作者 韩新巍 李永东 +3 位作者 马南 邢古生 吴刚 马波 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 CAS 2003年第5期470-472,共3页
目的 探索PTC胆道活检的可行性和敏感性 ,指导临床治疗。方法  2 6例阻塞性黄疸 ,在行PTCD(经皮肝穿刺胆道内外引流术 )减黄术中 ,进行PTC胆道活检。此技术通过经皮经肝穿刺通道送入 8F鞘 ,将活检钳经鞘内送入并对病变狭窄段行胆道活... 目的 探索PTC胆道活检的可行性和敏感性 ,指导临床治疗。方法  2 6例阻塞性黄疸 ,在行PTCD(经皮肝穿刺胆道内外引流术 )减黄术中 ,进行PTC胆道活检。此技术通过经皮经肝穿刺通道送入 8F鞘 ,将活检钳经鞘内送入并对病变狭窄段行胆道活检 ,获取多个标本 ,然后行组织病理学检查。结果  2 6例中有 2 4例获得组织病理学诊断 (敏感性 92 .3 1% )。病理报告为胆管腺癌 15例 ,胆管鳞癌 1例 ,胰腺癌 2例 ,肝癌 2例 ,胃腺癌胆总管转移 1例 ,硬化性胆管炎 1例 ,胆管慢性炎症 1例 ,胆管结石 1例 ,阴性结果 2例 ,阳性结果率为 92 .3 1%。结论 PTC下胆道活检是一种简单易行。 展开更多
关键词 经皮肝穿刺道造影术 道活组织检查 诊断 阻塞性黄疸 组织病理学
作者 陆宏伟 黎一鸣 +1 位作者 吉鸿 周文勇 《中华医药学杂志》 2004年第1期9-15,共7页
目的:验证肝动脉桥式置管转流这一方法是否能够减轻HAI引起的肝胆细胞凋亡。方法:应用简易犬肝自体原位移植模型,将24只西安地区杂交犬随机分为肝动脉缺血组(HAI组)(8只)、肝动脉桥式置管转流组(8只)及对照组(8只)。在制模后,三组... 目的:验证肝动脉桥式置管转流这一方法是否能够减轻HAI引起的肝胆细胞凋亡。方法:应用简易犬肝自体原位移植模型,将24只西安地区杂交犬随机分为肝动脉缺血组(HAI组)(8只)、肝动脉桥式置管转流组(8只)及对照组(8只)。在制模后,三组动物均于冷灌注后不同时点切取肝脏、胆道组织,分别用戊二醛及4%多聚甲醛固定,进行电镜观察和TUNEL染色,观察肝胆组织形态学改变及细胞凋亡的变化情况,并计算两组的凋亡指数。结果:HAI组在冷灌注后2小时,电镜结果显示出现较明显的肝胆细胞凋亡现象。肝动脉桥式置管转流组电镜下肝胆细胞凋亡现象少见。对照组在电镜下难以找到凋亡肝胆细胞。TUNEL法染色切片显示冷灌注后,三组肝胆组织内均有少量凋亡细胞,其凋亡指数相差不大(p<0.05);随冷灌注后时间的延K,三组凋亡细胞的数量均有所增加,但HAI组凋亡指数的升高较其它两组更为显著,肝动脉桥式置管转流组肝胆细胞凋亡指数介于其他两组之间,三组间差别显著(p<0.01)。结论:肝动脉桥式置管转流对肝移植时肝动脉缺血所导致的肝胆细胞凋亡具有显著保护作用,应在继续完善改进的基础上实施于临床。 展开更多
关键词 肝动脉桥式置管转流 供肝 组织 细胞凋亡 保护作用 实验 肝移植
超低温保存胆道组织的实验研究 被引量:1
作者 陈若平 励楚刚 +1 位作者 张忠德 朱亚忠 《上海第二医科大学学报》 CSCD 1998年第2期141-143,共3页
以1640液加胎牛血清为保存液、二甲亚酚为抗冻剂、庆大霉素,用液氮-196℃超低温保存兔、狗、人的胆道组织。用保存液葡萄糖含量测定及病理学检查来监测组织的生物活性。以37℃体外培养作为对照。保存3月、1年病理检查显示胆道各组织及... 以1640液加胎牛血清为保存液、二甲亚酚为抗冻剂、庆大霉素,用液氮-196℃超低温保存兔、狗、人的胆道组织。用保存液葡萄糖含量测定及病理学检查来监测组织的生物活性。以37℃体外培养作为对照。保存3月、1年病理检查显示胆道各组织及细胞的结构良好,无变性、坏死,胆道粘膜上皮细胞存活、无脱落;而37℃条件下保存7d,细胞已明显变性、坏死。表明用液氮-196℃超低温保存胆道组织是可行的。 展开更多
关键词 组织 超低温保存 实验研究
肝炎后肝硬化患者的胆系声像改变 被引量:3
作者 胡翔鹄 朱兰香 +1 位作者 赵慈海 石芝英 《中级医刊》 1990年第8期27-29,46,共4页
关于肝炎后肝硬化(LC)患者胆系改变的系统了解较少,为此,我们采用超声显像方法(下称 B 超)对202例 LC 患者作了胆系检查、并与典型急性肝炎(AH)、慢性肝炎(CH)患者作对照,发现 LC 患者胆系 B 超检查有多种异常表现、包括胆囊壁增厚、胆... 关于肝炎后肝硬化(LC)患者胆系改变的系统了解较少,为此,我们采用超声显像方法(下称 B 超)对202例 LC 患者作了胆系检查、并与典型急性肝炎(AH)、慢性肝炎(CH)患者作对照,发现 LC 患者胆系 B 超检查有多种异常表现、包括胆囊壁增厚、胆石、胆囊缩小或增大等、且其发生率明显高于 AH 和 CH患者。现将结果报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 肝炎 肝硬变 超声 诊断 胆组织
作者 洪文旭 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 1989年第5期4-5,共2页
一、解剖肝为五脏之一,居于右胁部,是人体最大而且重要的脏器。胆为六腑之一,与肝相表里。祖国医学对肝胆的解剖组织学认识比较简略,《黄帝内经》仅从阴阳五行运气等学说去解释肝胆的功能,而对其具体形态则语焉不详。《难经·四十... 一、解剖肝为五脏之一,居于右胁部,是人体最大而且重要的脏器。胆为六腑之一,与肝相表里。祖国医学对肝胆的解剖组织学认识比较简略,《黄帝内经》仅从阴阳五行运气等学说去解释肝胆的功能,而对其具体形态则语焉不详。《难经·四十三难》云:“肝独有两叶”,但在“四十二难”中却云:“肝重2斤4两,左三叶,右四叶,凡七叶”。“胆在肝之短叶间,重3两3铢,盛精汁3合”。这就是有关肝胆解剖形态的最早记载。迨至唐代·孙思邈在《千金要方》中云:“ 展开更多
关键词 肝/解剖学和组织 道/解剖学和组织
Expression of adhesion molecules on mature cholangiocytes in canal of Hering and bile ductules in wedge biopsy samples of primary biliary cirrhosis 被引量:4
作者 Hiroaki Yokomori Masaya Oda +7 位作者 Mariko Ogi Go Wakabayashi Shigeyuki Kawachi Kazunori Yoshimura Toshihiro Nagai Masaki Kitajima Masahiko Nomura Toshifumi Hibi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第28期4382-4389,共8页
AIM:To examine the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1(LFA-1)expression on canals of Hering (COH)and bile ductules associated with the autoimmun... AIM:To examine the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1(LFA-1)expression on canals of Hering (COH)and bile ductules associated with the autoimmune process of bile duct destruction in primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC).METHODS:Ten wedged liver biopsies of PBC(five cases each of stages 2 and 3)were studied. The liver specimens were processed for transmission electron microscopy. Immunohistochemistry was performed using anti-ICAM-1 and anti-LFA-1 mouse mAbs.In situ hybridization was done to examine the messenger RNA expression of ICAM-1 in formalin-fixed.paraffin-embedded sections using peptide nucleic acid probes and the catalyzed signal amplification (CSA)technique.Immunogold-silver staining for electron microscopy was Derrormed using anti-ICAM and anti-LFA-1 mouse mAbs.The immunogold particles on epithelial cells of bileductules and cholangiocytes of CoH cells were counted and analyzed semi-quantitatively.Western blotting was performed to confirm ICAM-1 protein expression.RESULTS:In liver tissues of PBC patients.immunohi-stochemistry showed aberrant ICAM-1 expression on the plasma membrane of epithelial cells lining bile ductules,and also on mature cholangiocytes but not on hepatocytes in CoH.LFA-1-positive lymphocytes were closely associated with epithelial cells in bile ductules.ICAM-1 expression at protein level was confirmed by Western blot.In situ hybridization demonstrated ICAM-1 mRNA expression in bile ductules and LFA-1 mRNA in lymphocytes infiltrating the bileductules.By immunoelectron microscopy,ICAM-1 was demonstrated on the basal suface of epithelial cells in bile ductules and on the luminal surfaces of cholangiocytes in damaged COH.Cells with intermediate morphology resembling progenitor cells in Coil were not labeled with ICAM-1 and LFA-1.CONCLUSION:De novo expression of ICAM-1 both on mature cholangiocytes in COH and epithelial cells in bile ductules in PBC implies that lymphocyte-induced destruction through adhesion by ICAM-1 and binding of LFA-1-expressing activated lymphocytes takes place not only in bile ductules but also in the COH. 展开更多
关键词 Primary biliary cirrhosis Canal of Hedng Small bile ductile ICAM-1 LFA-1 IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY Western blot Immunogold electron microscopyPrimary biliary cirrhosis Canal of Hedng Small bile ductile ICAM-1 LFA-1 IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY Western blot Immunogold electron microscopy
An unusual cause of cholecystitis:Heterotopic pancreatic tissue in the gallbladder 被引量:4
作者 Glsm zlem Elpek Sevgi Bozova +1 位作者 Gkben Y■d■r■m Kpesiz Mehmet ■■ 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期313-315,共3页
Gallbladder localization of heterotopic pancreas (HP) is uncommon and very rarely gives rise to symptoms. Herein we report a case of HP found in the gallbladder neck presented with signs and symptoms of cholecystiti... Gallbladder localization of heterotopic pancreas (HP) is uncommon and very rarely gives rise to symptoms. Herein we report a case of HP found in the gallbladder neck presented with signs and symptoms of cholecystitis. The patient was a 40-year old male, suffering from epigastric pain, abdominal fullness and fever. On physical examination, the right upper abdomen was tender with a positive Murphy's sign. Ultrasonographic examination showed a hydropic gallbladder without stones and he underwent a cholecystectomy. Pathological examination revealed an intramural nodule (9 ram) in the neck region which is consisted of acini, ducts and islet cells of an aberrant pancreatic tissue. Although HP is encountered rarely in the gallbladder and is found incidentally during pathological studies, this case emphasizes that HP might cause symptoms and present clinically as cholecystitis. For this reason, in patients presenting with symptomatic gallbladder diseases, including cholecystitis without any other pathology, HP should be taken into consideration before it is diagnosed as "idiopathic': 展开更多
关键词 Heterotopic tissues PANCREAS Acalculous cholecystitis GALLBLADDER
Diagnostic approaches for cholangiocarcinoma 被引量:22
作者 Andreas Weber Roland M Schmid Christian Prinz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第26期4131-4136,共6页
Cholangiocarcinomas arise from the epithelial cells of the bile ducts and are associated with poor prognosis. Despite new diagnostic approaches, the definite diagnosis of this malignancy continues to be challenging. C... Cholangiocarcinomas arise from the epithelial cells of the bile ducts and are associated with poor prognosis. Despite new diagnostic approaches, the definite diagnosis of this malignancy continues to be challenging. Cholangiocarcinomas often grow longitudinally along the bile duct rather than in a radial direction. Thus, large tumor masses are frequently absent and imaging techniques, including ultrasound, CT, and MRI have only limited sensitivity. Tissue collection during endoscopic (ERCP) and/or percutaneous transhepatic (PTC) procedures are usually used to confirm a definitive diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. However, forceps biopsy and brush cytology provide positive results for malignancy in about only 50% of patients. Percutaneous and peroral cholangioscopy using fiber-optic techniques were therefore developed for direct visualization of the biliary tree, yielding additional information about endoscopic appearance and tumor extension, as well as a guided biopsy acquistion. Finally, endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) complements endoscopic and percutaneous approaches and may provide a tissue diagnosis of tumors in the biliary region through fine-needle aspiration. In the future, new techniques allowing for early detection, including molecular markers, should be developed to improve the diagnostic sensitivity in this increasing tumor entity. 展开更多
关键词 DIAGNOSIS Brush cytology Forceps biopsy CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA
Early bile duct cancer 被引量:4
作者 Jae Myung Cha Myung-Hwan Kim Se Jin Jang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第25期3409-3416,共8页
Bile duct cancers are frequently diagnosed as advanced diseases. Over half of patients with advanced bile duct cancer present with unresectable malignancies and their prognosis has been very poor even after curative r... Bile duct cancers are frequently diagnosed as advanced diseases. Over half of patients with advanced bile duct cancer present with unresectable malignancies and their prognosis has been very poor even after curative resections. Although there has been a need to diagnose bile duct cancer at its eady stage, it has been a difficult goal to achieve due to our lack of knowledge regarding this disease entity. Early bile duct cancer may be defined as a carcinoma whose invasion is confined within the fibromuscular layer of the extrahepatic bile duct or intrahepatic large bile duct without distant metastasis irrespective of lymph node involvement. Approximately 3%-10% of resected bile duct cancers have been reported to be early cancers in the literature. The clinicopathological features of patients with early bile duct cancer differ from those of patients with advanced bile duct cancer, with more frequent asymptomatic presentation, characteristic histopathological findings, and excellent prognosis. This manuscript is organized to emphasize the need for convening an international consensus to develop the concept of early bile duct cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Early bile duct cancer PROGNOSIS HISTOPATHOLOGY
Endoscopic transpapillary brush cytology and forceps biopsy in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma 被引量:18
作者 Andreas Weber Claus von Weyhern +6 位作者 Falko Fend Jochen Schneider Bruno Neu Alexander Meining Hans Weidenbach Roland M Schmid Christian Prinz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第7期1097-1101,共5页
AIM: To evaluate the sensitivity of brush cytology and forceps biopsy in a homogeneous patient group with hilar cholangiocarcinoma.METHODS: Brush cytology and forceps biopsy were routinely performed in patients with s... AIM: To evaluate the sensitivity of brush cytology and forceps biopsy in a homogeneous patient group with hilar cholangiocarcinoma.METHODS: Brush cytology and forceps biopsy were routinely performed in patients with suspected malignant biliary strictures. Fifty-eight consecutive patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) including forceps biopsy and brush cytology in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma between 1995-2005.RESULTS: Positive results for malignancy were obtained in 24/58 patients (41.4%) by brush cytology and in 31/58 patients (53.4%) by forceps biopsy. The combination of both techniques brush cytology and forceps biopsy resulted only in a minor increase in diagnostic sensitivity to 60.3% (35/58 patients). In 20/58 patients (34.5%), diagnosis were obtained by both positive cytology and positive histology, in 11/58 (19%) by positive histology (negative cytology) and only 4/58 patients (6.9%) were confirmed by positive cytology (negative histology).CONCLUSION: Brush cytology and forceps biopsy have only limited sensitivity for the diagnosis of malignant hilar tumors. In our eyes, additional diagnostic techniques should be evaluated and should become routine in patients with negative cytological and histological findings. 展开更多
关键词 Brush cytology Forceps biopsy CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA Klatskin tumor ENDOSCOPY Diagnostic approaches
AKT and ERK1/2 signaling in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 被引量:9
作者 KJ Schmitz H Lang +4 位作者 J Wohlschlaeger GC Sotiropoulos H Reis KW Schmid HA Baba 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第48期6470-6477,共8页
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas (ICC) are neoplasms that originate from cholangiocytes and can occur at any level of the biliary tree. Surgical resection is the current therapy of choice for this highly aggressive ca... Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas (ICC) are neoplasms that originate from cholangiocytes and can occur at any level of the biliary tree. Surgical resection is the current therapy of choice for this highly aggressive cancer. However, the 5-year survival still is poor, with high recurrence rates. Due to the intrahepatic growth a signifi cant proportion of patients present with advanced disease and are not candidates for curative surgery or transplantation. The existing palliative options are of limited benefit and there is a great necessity for novel therapeutic options. In this article we review the role of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase(PI3K)/ AKT and extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathways in ICC and present new data on the prognostic value of these protein kinases. Finally, we discuss future upcoming therapeutic options based on targeting these signaling pathways. 展开更多
Clinicopathological significance of altered Notch signaling in extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder carcinoma 被引量:15
作者 Hyun Ah Yoon Myung Hwan Noh +5 位作者 Byung Geun Kim Ji Sun Han Jin Seok Jang Seok Ryeol Choi Jin Sook Jeong Jin Ho Chun 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第35期4023-4030,共8页
AIM:To investigate the role and clinicopathological significance of aberrant expression of Notch receptors and Delta-like ligand-4 (DLL4) in extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder carcinoma.METHODS:One hundre... AIM:To investigate the role and clinicopathological significance of aberrant expression of Notch receptors and Delta-like ligand-4 (DLL4) in extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder carcinoma.METHODS:One hundred and ten patients had surgically resected extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (CC) and gallbladder carcinoma specimens examined by immunohistochemistry of available paraffin blocks.Immunohistochemistry was performed using anti-Notch receptors 1-4 and anti-DLL4 antibodies.We scored the immunopositivity of Notch receptors and DLL4 expression by percentage of positive tumor cells with cytoplasmic expression and intensity of immunostaining.Coexistent nuclear localization was evaluated.Clinicopatho-logical parameters and survival data were compared with the expression of Notch receptors 1-4 and DLL4.RESULTS:Notch receptor proteins showed in the cytoplasm with or without nuclear expression in cancer cells,as well as showing weak cytoplasmic expression in non-neoplastic cells.By semiquantitative evaluation,positive immunostaining of Notch receptor 1 was detected in 96 cases (87.3%),Notch receptor 2 in 97 (88.2%),Notch receptor 3 in 97 (88.2%),Notch receptor 4 in 103 (93.6),and DLL4 in 84 (76.4%).In addition,coex- istent nuclear localization was noted [Notch receptor 1;18 cases (18.8%),Notch receptor 2;40 (41.2%),Notch receptor 3;32 (33.0%),Notch receptor 4;99 (96.1%),DLL4;48 (57.1%)].Notch receptor 1 expression was correlated with advanced tumor,node,metastasis (TNM) stage (P=0.043),Notch receptor 3 with advanced T stage (P=0.017),tendency to express in cases with nodal metastasis (P=0.065) and advanced TNM stage (P=0.052).DLL4 expression tended to be related to less histological differentiation (P=0.095).Coexistent nuclear localization of Notch receptor 3 was related to no nodal metastasis (P=0.027) and Notch receptor 4 with less histological differentiation (P=0.036),while DLL4 tended to be related inversely with T stage (P=0.053).Coexistent nuclear localization of DLL4 was related to poor survival (P=0.002).CONCLUSION:Aberrant expression of Notch receptors 1 and 3 play a role during cancer progression,and cytoplasmic nuclear coexistence of DLL4 expression correlates with poor survival in extrahepatic CC and gallbladder carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Notch receptors Delta-like ligand-4 Cholangio-carcinoma Gallbladder carcinoma IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
Hyperhomocysteinemia and hypercoagulability in primary biliary cirrhosis 被引量:6
作者 Maria Rosa Biagini Alessandro Tozzi +9 位作者 Rossella Marcucci Rita Paniccia Sandra Fedi Stefano Milani Andrea Galli Elisabetta Ceni Marco Capanni Raffaele Manta Rosanna Abbate Calogero Surrenti 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第10期1607-1612,共6页
AIM: To assess the hypercoagulability in PBC and its relationship with homocysteine (HCY) and various components of the haemostatic system. METHODS: We investigated 51 PBC patients (43F/8M; mean age: 63±13.... AIM: To assess the hypercoagulability in PBC and its relationship with homocysteine (HCY) and various components of the haemostatic system. METHODS: We investigated 51 PBC patients (43F/8M; mean age: 63±13.9 yr) and 102 healthy subjects (86 women/16 men, 63±13 yr), and evaluated the haemostatic process in whole blood by the Sonoclot analysis and the platelet function by PFA-100 device. We then measured HCY (fasting and after methionine loading), tissue factor (TF), thrombin-antithrombin complexes (TAT), D-dimer (D-D), thrombomodulin (TH), folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 plasma levels. C677T 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (HTHFR) polymorphism was analyzed. RESULTS: Sonoclot RATE values of patients were significantly (P〈 0.001) higher than those of controls. Sonoclot time to peak values and PFA-100 closure times were comparable in patients and controls. TAT, TF and HCY levels, both in the fasting and post-methionine loading, were significantly (P〈0.001) higher in patients than in controls. Vitamin deficiencies were detected in 45/51 patients (88.2%). The prevalence of the homozygous TT677 MTHFR genotype was significantly higher in patients (31.4%) than in controls (17.5%) (P〈 0.05). Sonodot RATE values correlated significantly with HCY levels and TF.CONCLUSION: In PBC, hyper-HCY is related to hypovitaminosis and genetic predisposing factors. Increased TF and HCY levels and signs of endothelial activation areassociated with hypercoagulability and may have an important role in blood clotting activation. 展开更多
关键词 HOMOCYSTEINEMIA HYPERCOAGULABILITY Primary biliary cirrhosis Tissue factor Folic acid
Placental expressions of estrogen receptor α,estrogen receptor β in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy 被引量:1
作者 Zon Lu Yang Ting 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2011年第5期271-278,共8页
To investigate the association of the expression of estrogen receptor ct, estrogen receptor 13 in placenta with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) susceptibility. Methods: In 14 cases of mild ICP, 14 cases... To investigate the association of the expression of estrogen receptor ct, estrogen receptor 13 in placenta with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) susceptibility. Methods: In 14 cases of mild ICP, 14 cases of severe ICP and 14 cases of normal cases (control group) with corresponding age and gestation weeks, the expressions of ERa and ERD were detected by means of immunohistochemical method S-P. Results: The mean grey numbers of ERa in each group mentioned above were 151.684±3.76, 149.854±3.69, 153.184±3.18, without significant difference (P〉0.05) The mean grey numbers of ERβ in each group mentioned above were 146.51±3.81, 139.434±9.97, 149.87±4.17, with significant difference (P〉0.05); the expression of ERI3 of severe ICP group was significantly higher than that of the mild ICP group and the control group (P〈0.05). The expression of ERβ in every group was higher than that of ERa (P〈0.05). Conclusion: ERβ maybe play an important part in the etiology and development of ICP 展开更多
关键词 Estrogen receptor a Estrogen receptor β Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy PLACENTA
Novel ABCB11 mutations in a Thai infant with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis 被引量:3
作者 Suporn Treepongkaruna Amornphun Gaensan +4 位作者 Paneeya Pienvichit Ondrej Luksan AS Knisely Pattana Sornmayura Milan Jirsa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第34期4339-4342,共4页
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) type 2 is caused by mutations in ABCB11, which encodes bile salt export pump (BSEP). We report a Thai female infant who presented with progressive cholestatic j... Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) type 2 is caused by mutations in ABCB11, which encodes bile salt export pump (BSEP). We report a Thai female infant who presented with progressive cholestatic jaundice since 1 mo of age, with normal serum y-glutamyltransferase. Immunohistochemical staining of the liver did not demonstrate BSEP along the canaliculi, while multidrug resistance protein 3 was expressed adequately. Novel mutations in ABCB11, a four-nucleotide deletion in exon 3, c.90_93delGAAA, and a single-nucleotide insertion in exon 5, c.249_250insT, were identified, with confirmation in her parents. These mutations were predicted to lead to synthesis of truncated forms of BSEP. Immunostaining and mutation analysis thus established the diagnosis of PFIC type 展开更多
关键词 ABCB11 Bile salt export pump Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
Hemobilia as the initial manifestation of cholangiocarcinoma in a hemophilia B patient 被引量:5
作者 Anastassios C Manolakis Andreas N Kapsoritakis +3 位作者 Antonis D Tsikouras Fotis D Tsiopoulos Athanassios K Psychos Spyros P Potamianos 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第26期4241-4244,共4页
Hemobilia is a rare manifestation of hemophilia and is usually iatrogenic following liver biopsy. There are only few reports of spontaneous hemobilia in hemophilia patients. Cholangiocarcinoma is a well-established ca... Hemobilia is a rare manifestation of hemophilia and is usually iatrogenic following liver biopsy. There are only few reports of spontaneous hemobilia in hemophilia patients. Cholangiocarcinoma is a well-established cause of hemobilia. We describe a case of a 70-year-old male, with known haemophilia B and a past history of papillotomy, who presented with classical symptoms of hemobilia. The initial diagnostic work-up failed to demonstrate a potential cause of bleeding other than the coagulopathy. Three months later, he was readmitted to our hospital with a second episode of hemobilia. During the second work-up, a cholangiocarcinoma was diagnosed both by imaging studies and by a significant elevation of cancer antigen 19-9. Although hemobilia could be attributed to hemophilia, especially in a patient with previous papillotomy, an underlying malignancy of the biliary tree should be suspected. 展开更多
关键词 HEMOBILIA HEMOPHILIA CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA Cancer antigen 19-9 Cholangiopan-creatography
Mechanism of benign biliary stricture: A morphological and immunohistochemical study 被引量:43
作者 Zhi-MinGeng Ying-MinYao +2 位作者 Qing-GuangLiu Xin-JieNiu Xiao-GongLiu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期293-295,共3页
AIM: To explore the mechanism of benign biliary stricture. METHODS: A model of trauma of bile duct was established in 28 dogs. The anastomosed tissues were resected and examined by light and electron microscopes on da... AIM: To explore the mechanism of benign biliary stricture. METHODS: A model of trauma of bile duct was established in 28 dogs. The anastomosed tissues were resected and examined by light and electron microscopes on day 3, in wk 1, 3 and mo 3, 6 after operation. CD68, TGF-β1 and α-SMA were examined by immunohistochemical staining, respectively. RESULTS: The mucosal epithelium of the bile duct was slowly recovered, chronic inflammation lasted for a long time, fibroblasts proliferated actively, extracellular matrix was over-deposited. Myofibroblasts functioned actively and lasted through the whole process. The expression of macrophages in lamina propria under mucosa, TGF-β1 in granulation tissue, fibroblasts and endothelial cells of blood vessels, oc-SMA in myofiroblasts were rather strong from the 1st wk to the 6th mo after operation. CONCLUSION: The type of healing occurring in bile duct belongs to overhealing. Myofibroblasts are the main cause for scar contracture and stricture of bile duct. High expressions of CD68, TGF-β1 and a-SMA are closely related to the active proliferation of fibroblasts, extracellular matrix over-deposition and scar contracture of bile duct. 展开更多
关键词 Benign biliary stricture IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
Strong expression of CD133 is associated with increased cholangiocarcinoma progression 被引量:1
作者 Kawin Leelawat Taweesak Thongtawee +2 位作者 Siriluck Narong Somboon Subwongcharoen Sa-ad Treepongkaruna 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第9期1192-1198,共7页
AIM:To determine the role of CD133 in cholangiocarcinoma progression. METHODS:CD133 protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in 34 cholangiocarcinoma specimens.In addition,proliferation,chemoresistance... AIM:To determine the role of CD133 in cholangiocarcinoma progression. METHODS:CD133 protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in 34 cholangiocarcinoma specimens.In addition,proliferation,chemoresistance and invasive properties of CD133-enriched(CD133 + ) and CD133-depleted(CD133 )RMCCA1 cholangiocarcinoma cells were studied and compared. RESULTS:Strong CD133 expression was observed in 67.6%(23/34)of the cholangiocarcinoma specimens. Strong expression of CD133 was significantly associated with nodal metastasis(P=0.009)and positive surgical margin status(P=0.011).In the in vitro study, both the CD133 + and CD133 cells had similar proliferation abilities and resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs.However,the CD133 + cells had a higher invasive ability compared with CD133 cells. CONCLUSION:CD133+cells play an important role in the invasiveness of cholangiocarcinoma.Targeting of the CD133+cells may be a useful approach to improve treatment against cholangiocarcinoma. 展开更多
Liver tumor infiltrating lymphocytes: Comparison of hepatocellular and cholangiolar carcinoma 被引量:9
作者 Hans-Udo Kasper Uta Drebber +2 位作者 Dirk Ludger Stippel Hans Peter Dienes Anton Gillessen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第40期5053-5057,共5页
AIM: To investigate the role of tumor inf iltrating lym-phocytes (TIL) in primary hepatocellular and cholangio-lar carcinomas of the liver.METHODS: Immunohistochemical analysis was per-formed including antibodies to C... AIM: To investigate the role of tumor inf iltrating lym-phocytes (TIL) in primary hepatocellular and cholangio-lar carcinomas of the liver.METHODS: Immunohistochemical analysis was per-formed including antibodies to CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD56 and TIA-1 in formalin-f ixed and paraff in-embed-ded tissue of 35 liver resection specimens of hepatocel-lular or cholangiocellular carcinomas. Semiquantitative evaluation was performed with emphasis on the area of the tumor itself and of the tumor/liver interface.RESULTS: All hepatocellular carcinomas showed in-filtration of lymphocytes predominantly around the tumor in the tumor/liver interface consisting mainly of CD3+ CD4+ T lymphocytes [164.3/10 high power f ields (HPF)] and in the tumor itself of CD8+ cells (54.9/10 HPF). Cholangiocarcinomas contained a heterogeneous amount of TIL, composed mainly of CD3+ T cells with a predominance of CD8+ cells in the tumor tissue (52.6/10 HPF) and of CD4+ cells in the interface region (223.1/10 HPF). CD56+ cells of the innate immune system were scarce. There was no significant difference between hepatocellular or cholangiolar carcinoma. No correlation with the clinicopathological data was seen. CONCLUSION: Liver TIL consists of intratumoral CD8+ T cells and peritumoral CD4+ T cells indepen-dent of histogenetic origin. Different functions of lym-phocytes in these regions seem possible. 展开更多
关键词 Liver neoplasms Hepatocellular carcinoma LYMPHOCYTES Immunologic factors CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA
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