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作者 董江阳 《世界宗教文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期94-100,共7页
宗教自由,是否包括改变宗教的自由。或者说,宗教自由权利,是否包括改变自己宗教信仰的权利。这个问题早在联合国起草和批准《世界人权宣言》时就曾引发争议。最近一二十年来,随着宗教的回归与复兴,这个问题再度成为联合国人权保护领域... 宗教自由,是否包括改变宗教的自由。或者说,宗教自由权利,是否包括改变自己宗教信仰的权利。这个问题早在联合国起草和批准《世界人权宣言》时就曾引发争议。最近一二十年来,随着宗教的回归与复兴,这个问题再度成为联合国人权保护领域的热门争议话题。经过多方交流与交锋,国际社会再次明确和肯定了1948年《世界人权宣言》第18条的规定,亦即,宗教自由包括改变宗教信仰的自由。 展开更多
关键词 背教 自由 国际人权法案
作者 周健钟 《贵州文史丛刊》 1990年第1期87-96,共10页
1582年(明万历九年),意大利传教士利马窦来华,进行广泛的传教活动。利马窦重视科学,曾将天文、历法、数学等科学知识在中国传播,深受朝野欢迎,因而传教受到保护,不但在人民群众中信教者日益增加,连皇室也有不少人入教。到南明时,永历两... 1582年(明万历九年),意大利传教士利马窦来华,进行广泛的传教活动。利马窦重视科学,曾将天文、历法、数学等科学知识在中国传播,深受朝野欢迎,因而传教受到保护,不但在人民群众中信教者日益增加,连皇室也有不少人入教。到南明时,永历两宫皇后及皇太子均奉教受洗。当时,士大夫总结利马窦有六大特点:“奋志汉学,赞美儒教,结交名士,排斥佛教,介绍西学,译著华书”。直到清顺治及康熙早朔。 展开更多
关键词 意大利传 活动 青岩 明万历 开州 玛尔大 清顺治 多默 背教 本笃
作者 李荣 《国际研究参考》 1992年第8期27-31,共5页
进入90年代以来,在以中东为核心, 西起北非摩洛哥, 东到高加索和中亚穆斯林聚居的'新月'地带,重新泛起了伊斯兰原教旨主义的浪潮,其势头咄咄逼人,并已引起国际社会的普遍关注。西方专家预言,它将取代共产主义成为与资本主义相... 进入90年代以来,在以中东为核心, 西起北非摩洛哥, 东到高加索和中亚穆斯林聚居的'新月'地带,重新泛起了伊斯兰原教旨主义的浪潮,其势头咄咄逼人,并已引起国际社会的普遍关注。西方专家预言,它将取代共产主义成为与资本主义相对峙的政治力量,为90年代西方最大的威胁。 展开更多
关键词 旨主义 《古兰经》 伊斯兰革命 伊斯兰世界 伊斯兰国家 国际社会 逊尼派 伊斯兰拯救阵线 穆斯林兄弟会 背教
作者 金嗣峰 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第6期48-52,共5页
伟大的启蒙学者、杰出的唯物主义思想家丹尼斯·狄德罗,是十八世纪法国人民的伟大儿子。 十八世纪法国的启蒙学家们,积极要求变革社会,向往资产阶级民主和自由,反对中世纪的农奴制度,反对封建专制统治,反对经院哲学、禁欲主义和宗... 伟大的启蒙学者、杰出的唯物主义思想家丹尼斯·狄德罗,是十八世纪法国人民的伟大儿子。 十八世纪法国的启蒙学家们,积极要求变革社会,向往资产阶级民主和自由,反对中世纪的农奴制度,反对封建专制统治,反对经院哲学、禁欲主义和宗教迷信。这股强大的思潮,进入到意识形态的各个领域后,严重地动摇了天主教和封建阶级的统治地位,促使资产阶级革命形势的迅速高涨。 展开更多
关键词 狄德罗 背教 十八世纪 金腰带 习惯语 意识 犹太人 小说 二花脸 劣品
作者 田然 孙思源 《当代音乐》 2016年第7期131-131,共1页
关键词 女声独唱 相马 我爱 背教
作者 汤宏达 《阿拉伯世界研究》 1992年第1期22-24,共3页
关键词 《古兰经》 伊斯兰国家 刑法制度 背教 吃重利 末日审判 黄牛章 火狱 行为规范 亿人
作者 俞主光 《天风》 1994年第4期18-19,共2页
关键词 上海市郊 生产岗位 双比 女能手 “三八红旗手” 妇女代表 家庭礼拜 背教 种鸭 农业生产
Several Theoretical Problems Concerning PhD Candidate's Education in the Area of Modern Management Accounting 被引量:1
作者 Xuying Yu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2005年第2期1-6,共6页
This paper consists of five parts: Part one: "Modem Management Accounting Has Been Confronting with Serious Crises" points out that accompanied by the management systems shifting from material basis to human (kn... This paper consists of five parts: Part one: "Modem Management Accounting Has Been Confronting with Serious Crises" points out that accompanied by the management systems shifting from material basis to human (knowledge) basis, and the IT developing rapidly, the management accountants' services that continue to remain at original level would become no useful very soon. Part two: "PhD Candidates' Education Would Be Essential to Develop Their Disciplines' Scholarship" explores the main peculiarities of PhD candidates' education, and why the development of PhD Candidates' Creative thinking should be permeated through the doctoral programs from the beginning to the end, so as to make them possible to develop their disciplines' scholarship. Part three: "The Quality Requirements of PhD Candidates in the Area of Modern Management Accounting" explains in detail why the development of management accounting should shift from the quantitative perspective to humanistic perspective so that management accountants can play an important role in the process of decision-making on the basis of employing their comprehension thinking that is a kind of humanistic thinking. This paper views this direction of development is essential to promote management accountants' self-impendence and self-vitality and to eliminate their crises cited above as well in the new historical era. Part Four: "The Key Points of the Doctoral Program in Modem Management Accounting" explores how to implement a doctoral program successfully in order to develop PhD Candidates' Creative Thinking, carrying forward academic democracy emphasized. Part Five: "Conclusion" points out how the topics discussed in this paper are linked up each other, and why and how the new developing tendency of management accounting is essential to make this discipline more suitable to the development of knowledge economy. 展开更多
关键词 elite education creative thinking academic democracy expert judgment comprehensionthinking humanistic perspectives
Grammar Teaching as Product or as Process?
作者 Zhuangwei Huang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2005年第11期27-31,共5页
The teaching of grammar has received increasing attention in recent language teaching and learning literature. The major argument lies in teaching grammar as product or as process. Teaching grammar as product focuses ... The teaching of grammar has received increasing attention in recent language teaching and learning literature. The major argument lies in teaching grammar as product or as process. Teaching grammar as product focuses on giving learners a clear and explicit framework about the language; while teaching grammar as a process emphasizes the use of language by the learner. This paper gives a brief introduction of teaching grammar as product and as process and points out that language teachers can choose the more appropriate approach of them in the specific context. 展开更多
关键词 the teaching of grammar PRODUCT process a clear and explicit framework the use of language task-based approach
Work-related Stress for Female English Teachers: School of Foreign Languages (SFL), Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)
作者 Yujin Zhang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2005年第11期1-4,13,共5页
This paper focuses on the female English teachers' work-related stress in the School of Foreign Languages, Xi'an Jiaotong University. A survey produced some results that are worth studying. The teachers in this spec... This paper focuses on the female English teachers' work-related stress in the School of Foreign Languages, Xi'an Jiaotong University. A survey produced some results that are worth studying. The teachers in this special group are keeping their heavy-burdened teaching job by finding ways to escape their work-related stress and at the same time trying to save face. Answers to the questionnaire have proved that Chinese cultural characteristics have been deeply rooted in the SFL teaching staff even though they have accepted and learned western culture over a period of many years. 展开更多
关键词 work-related stress female English teachers ESCAPE face saving culture
Deontology and the Decalogue of Opinion
作者 Tudor Catineanu 《Sociology Study》 2013年第12期985-997,共13页
With Perelman's Neo Rhetoric the "Rhetorical Empire" is built and with the contribution of Koorebyter's group this empire gets to its limits by including Opinion also in Natural Sciences. Concomitantly, within com... With Perelman's Neo Rhetoric the "Rhetorical Empire" is built and with the contribution of Koorebyter's group this empire gets to its limits by including Opinion also in Natural Sciences. Concomitantly, within communication, the number and variety of opinions tend toward infinity. In this cultural context, a Deontology of Opinion is both possible and necessary. The first part establishes the theoretical frame of the issue on four axes: (1) the historical fate of Opinion; (2) the fundamental and specific Functors; (3) the relation between Certitude, Conviction, and Credence; (4) correctness, the second part presents 10 Deontological Rules of Opinion (out of the 18 possible); and (5) it is a Code based on 10 Rules thus, a Decalogue. The Code presents each Rule, both in its positive (must) and negative (~must) form. Rules are first enunciated and then explained and illustrated. Being also a theory of Opinion, the paper can be considered a Meta-opinion. It can have four finalities: (1) one, purely theoretical, to be included among similar papers in the field; (2) a methodological one as it offers reference points for the elaboration of particular Deontological Codes; (3) a scientific one offering the background for sociologic researches of Opinion; and (4) an educational one aiming at forming correct (optimum) Opinions in various fields. 展开更多
Intercultural Dialogue in the Teaching of Pope Benedict XVI
《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第7期373-384,共12页
This paper is devoted to intercultural dialogue from the point of view of Pope Benedict XVI (pontificate between 2005 and 2013). It presents pontifical documents, statements, and speeches dedicated to this issue as ... This paper is devoted to intercultural dialogue from the point of view of Pope Benedict XVI (pontificate between 2005 and 2013). It presents pontifical documents, statements, and speeches dedicated to this issue as well as the conclusions resulting from them. The aim of the paper is to prove that intercultural dialogue and interreligious dialogue are within the context of a new scientific discipline--political science of religion--which deals with the issues of relations between the sphere of religion and the sphere of politics. Intercultural dialogue is tightly connected to interreligious dialogue. Interreligious and intercultural dialogue allows to create the world based on brotherhood and reconciliation. They are the foundation of the future, an effective tool to build a civilization of love and they are born out of God's mercy. 展开更多
关键词 Benedict XVI CULTURE intercultural dialogue interreligious dialogue the Pontifical Council for Culture political science of religion
The Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Courtesy Languages
作者 SUN Mei TIAN Zhao-xia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第3期340-344,共5页
Due to the differences of cultural values and conventions, people from different cultures may have different understandings about the courtesy language. This paper expounds the differences between English and Chinese ... Due to the differences of cultural values and conventions, people from different cultures may have different understandings about the courtesy language. This paper expounds the differences between English and Chinese courtesy languages, mainly from terms of address, greetings and appreciations. It also analyzes the reasons for the differences between English and Chinese courtesy languages, i.e. different cultures and different politeness principles. Through the contrastive studies of courtesy language, people will come to a clear understanding of the relationship between language and culture, which is meaningful to English teaching and learning. 展开更多
关键词 courtesy language CULTURE politeness principle
The Impact of English Immersion on Children
作者 Xiaohua Liang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期30-34,共5页
This article does some researches on the impact of English Immersion on children. Through the practice and observation of children in the immersion program, we find that English Immersion has the following impacts on ... This article does some researches on the impact of English Immersion on children. Through the practice and observation of children in the immersion program, we find that English Immersion has the following impacts on children: 1) The English language learning is immersed into the process of thematic activities, Children in the Immersion learn English naturally, joyfully and systematically. They tend to cooperate well. 2) The language immersion is an integrated model in which children feel no cultural barriers. 3) English learning enhances the learning of Pingying, and vice versa. 4) There is little gap between genders. 5) Social and economic difference does not influence their learning. 6) English rhyming, chanting and songs arouse great interest in them. 7) Drama makes children very confident in their performance. They learn to think and settle problems through the performance. English immersion gives children cognitive development and enforces the language they are learning. 展开更多
关键词 English Immersion thematic activities gender difference social and economic background
An Approach to Teaching CET-4 Writing
作者 Zhouping Wei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第5期32-35,共4页
English writing is gaining great attention and emphasis in Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Technology syllabus, and having an important role to play in learning and communicating. However, of the five items of ... English writing is gaining great attention and emphasis in Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Technology syllabus, and having an important role to play in learning and communicating. However, of the five items of CET-4 (listening, reading, vocabulary, cloze and writing), writing remains the most difficult. Some new methods and activities are needed to maximize the efficiency of traditional methods and keep students interested in this course. This paper provides a step-by-step description of an integrated approach and activities in a writing course for non-English major students, which combines reading with writing and makes teaching writing become an integrated and interesting process. 展开更多
关键词 college English writing integrated approach
Study on Methodology of Culture Teaching
作者 Chaomei Yang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2005年第2期1-7,26,共8页
Culture teaching has to be carried out systematically and specifically. It can not only depend on the teacher's occasional input knowledge concerning cultures but demand fundamental changes in educational structures,... Culture teaching has to be carried out systematically and specifically. It can not only depend on the teacher's occasional input knowledge concerning cultures but demand fundamental changes in educational structures, philosophies and methoclologies. This paper attempts to build up a conceptual framework guiding the practice of culture-oriented English teaching. The literature review includes three main aspects: aim for strengthening awareness of culture teaching; methodology of culture teaching; culture teaching techniques. The paper also points out that only by combination of language teaching and culture teaching can students reach the purpose of enhancing the intercultural communicative competency. 展开更多
关键词 culture teaching methodology intercultural awareness
A Systematic Way to Plan Culture Teaching and Enhance Intercultural Competence for English Majors
作者 Xianzhong He 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2005年第11期5-8,共4页
Culture teaching is an inseparable part of an English major program to enhance students' intercultural competence. Yet, in practice, culture teaching does not receive due attention. More often than not, culture is ta... Culture teaching is an inseparable part of an English major program to enhance students' intercultural competence. Yet, in practice, culture teaching does not receive due attention. More often than not, culture is taught and intercultural competence is developed randomly by individual teachers. The practice lacks cooperation, unity and coherence at the curriculum level. This paper proposes a systematic approach to plan, organize and coordinate culture teaching and to enhance intercultural competence for English major students. The theoretical assumption is a language is inseparable from its relative culture and the foreign culture should be openly addressed in actual teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Systematic approach curriculum design culture teaching intercultural competence
The Application of Schema Theory to Teaching Listening Comprehension of College English
作者 YuXia Fan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期6-8,共3页
Listening is the most important and different skill among the fbur basic language skills---listening, speaking, reading and writing. Schema theory holds the view that listeners' background knowledge plays a key role ... Listening is the most important and different skill among the fbur basic language skills---listening, speaking, reading and writing. Schema theory holds the view that listeners' background knowledge plays a key role in understanding a new text. Applying schema theory to teaching listening comprehension, the author introduces the "three-stage" teaching mode. Activating the existing schemata and building the related semantic map in the pre-listening stage, bettering the semantic map in while-listening stage, and practicing the newly-existed schemata in post-listening stage can make all the teaching procedures a whole, and make students feel much easier to understand the listening materials. 展开更多
关键词 listening comprehension schema theory three-stage teaching mode
Recitation as an effective way in English writing
作者 QI Gui-hong 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第7期17-20,共4页
All college students in China, English majors and non-English majors, have to learn English. Both teachers and learners have tried hard to find a good and effective way to teach and learn English in order to achieve h... All college students in China, English majors and non-English majors, have to learn English. Both teachers and learners have tried hard to find a good and effective way to teach and learn English in order to achieve high proficiency of English. Recitation, the traditional Chinese teaching method has been well kept in teaching language, particularly in primary school. In this paper, the writer reviews the related language learning theories and the studies of recitation and attempts to explore the positive effect of recitation, which is based on the theory of "input hypothesis" and accords with the cognitive process of human mind. Through experiment, it is found that recitation is helpful to students' writing. 展开更多
关键词 extensive recitation INPUT English writing
An Empirical Study of the Washback of CET-4 Writing 被引量:1
作者 Lianglong Chu Ping Gao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第5期36-38,共3页
This article is an empirical study on the washback of the writing section (i.e. writing subtest as in this paper) of College English Test Band Four (CET-4) on ELT in Chinese colleges and universities so as to prom... This article is an empirical study on the washback of the writing section (i.e. writing subtest as in this paper) of College English Test Band Four (CET-4) on ELT in Chinese colleges and universities so as to promote the positive effects and diminish the negative ones. The study collected data from 181 college English learners, nine college English teachers and two CET-4 raters through interview, observation and documentary analysis. Findings indicate that CET-4 writing subtest produces more negative impacts than positive ones. Moreover, the findings also indicate that the washback of CET-4 writing is weakened by other sections of the test. 展开更多
关键词 washback effect CET-4 writing subtest College English teaching
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