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作者 朱文韬 朱钦 《现代矿业》 CAS 2023年第12期45-49,55,共6页
为寻找中—大型萤石矿,对江西省万安县横江背萤石矿运用地质填图、槽探、钻探相结合的勘查技术手段,以查明萤石矿矿床地质特征、矿床成因,确定找矿标志。结果表明:横江背萤石矿为中型萤石矿床,矿石类型主要为萤石-石英型矿石,以角砾状... 为寻找中—大型萤石矿,对江西省万安县横江背萤石矿运用地质填图、槽探、钻探相结合的勘查技术手段,以查明萤石矿矿床地质特征、矿床成因,确定找矿标志。结果表明:横江背萤石矿为中型萤石矿床,矿石类型主要为萤石-石英型矿石,以角砾状贫矿石为主,次为条带状矿石,块状富矿石分布较少,呈零散透镜状分布;矿体呈脉状、透镜状产于北北东向白须脑—水草龙断裂带内,沿走向、倾向呈断续分布,膨缩现象明显,具分枝复合、尖灭再现特点;矿床成因类型属中低温热液充填交代型脉状萤石矿床;找矿标志为底-早寒武系牛角河组、中寒武系高滩组地层,北北东向大断裂及其次级断裂带,燕山期黑云母花岗岩,硅化及蛋白石化。加强成矿富集规律的研究,对区内找矿有现实的指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 萤石矿 矿床地质特征 矿床成因 找矿标志
江西省兴国县江背萤石矿地质特征及其找矿标志 被引量:11
作者 李灯平 刘东杰 马晓红 《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第4期420-426,共7页
对江西江背萤石成矿地质特征和控矿地质条件及找矿标志进行了分析,认为成矿作用与区内燕山期构造-岩浆活动、震旦纪及白垩纪地层有密切联系。矿区位于南岭东西构造带所属的兴国-石城构造带与武夷山所属的于山构造带复合部位,江背花岗岩... 对江西江背萤石成矿地质特征和控矿地质条件及找矿标志进行了分析,认为成矿作用与区内燕山期构造-岩浆活动、震旦纪及白垩纪地层有密切联系。矿区位于南岭东西构造带所属的兴国-石城构造带与武夷山所属的于山构造带复合部位,江背花岗岩体内接触带,与中酸性-酸性岩浆岩有关。矿体赋存燕山期似斑状中粒黑云母花岗岩中,成矿作用受区内主干断裂及与其有关的次级断裂控制,主要分布于F1断裂带东侧附近及300 m范围次级构造中。查明区内成矿作用与成矿规律对今后找矿具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 萤石矿床 矿体特征 成矿作用 成矿规律 找矿方向
川东北通江-马路背地区须家河组断缝体储层特征及成因 被引量:17
作者 黄仁春 刘若冰 +3 位作者 刘明 曹环宇 宿赛 杜红权 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期873-883,共11页
四川盆地东北部通江-马路背地区须家河组受多期构造运动叠加影响,构造变形强烈,发育多套规模砂体,须家河组发育特殊类型“断缝体”储层。运用钻井统计分析与区域构造演化相结合的方法,对该区储层特征、形成机理及发育控制因素进行研究... 四川盆地东北部通江-马路背地区须家河组受多期构造运动叠加影响,构造变形强烈,发育多套规模砂体,须家河组发育特殊类型“断缝体”储层。运用钻井统计分析与区域构造演化相结合的方法,对该区储层特征、形成机理及发育控制因素进行研究。结果表明:这类储层是规模网状裂缝与相对高孔基质孔隙叠加形成规模网状缝孔储渗体,具有高孔、多缝、孔缝相关的特征。“断缝体”储层的形成与通江-马路背地区3层构造样式和多期构造活动关系密切,区域构造应力场与深部海相流体活动是“断缝体”储层形成的外部力学背景与内部成因机制。通源断裂具有通源与控储双重作用,高能水体环境下大规模发育的砂体为裂缝发育和溶蚀作用提供了基础,局部构造控制复杂缝网的形成,三者共同控制“断缝体”储层发育。 展开更多
关键词 断缝体 通源断裂 致密砂岩 须家河组 -马路地区 四川盆地
江西省兴国县江背萤石矿控矿特征及成因探讨 被引量:3
作者 刘东杰 李灯平 吴素 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2015年第11期88-90,共3页
矿区在大地构造位置上处于华南褶皱的中部,赣南于山南北构造亚带的北部与北东向构造带的复合部位,兴国白垩纪断陷盆地的东部边缘,萤石矿体赋存于矿区硅化破碎带中,受北北东—东西向断裂构造控制,构造控矿特征明显,矿物组合简单。矿床成... 矿区在大地构造位置上处于华南褶皱的中部,赣南于山南北构造亚带的北部与北东向构造带的复合部位,兴国白垩纪断陷盆地的东部边缘,萤石矿体赋存于矿区硅化破碎带中,受北北东—东西向断裂构造控制,构造控矿特征明显,矿物组合简单。矿床成因属岩浆期后低温热液充填交代型矿床,成矿作用与张性断裂及燕山期岩浆活动密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 萤石矿 断裂构造 控矿因素 成因探讨
Correlation Between the Animal Community Structure and Environmental Factors in Dongbei Cave and Shuijiang Cave of Guizhou Province 被引量:9
作者 黎道洪 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期481-488,共8页
Mollusks, arthropods and chordates which were visible to the naked eye were observed and collected in Dongbei and Shuijiang caves of Libo county five times between February and July from 2002 to 2005. Four hundred and... Mollusks, arthropods and chordates which were visible to the naked eye were observed and collected in Dongbei and Shuijiang caves of Libo county five times between February and July from 2002 to 2005. Four hundred and forty samples from Dongbei Cave were classified into three phyla, five classes, 10 orders, 20 families and 39 species or groups of species. Four hundred and ninety-eight samples from Shuijiang Cave were classified into three phyla, six classes, 11 orders, 20 families and 25 species or groups of species. Six animal communities were identified in the light belt of the two caves according to their species types and numbers of individuals in the light belt of two cave. The communities which have the highest values of species richness community diversity, maximum diversity, evenness, dominance and community similarity are respectively: B (4. 1059), H (2.4716), B (3.3322), E (0.9042), C (0.3442) and A - C (0. 5251). The community diversity and correlation of environmental factors were also studied. The temperature, humidity, content of CO2 and N2, content of organic matter and some inorganic salts in soil were analyzed by Pearson correlation. The results showed that the content of organic matter in soil is positively related to species number, species richness and maximum community diversity, with correlations of 0. 885, 0.909, 0. 868 respectively (two-tailed significance test, P ≤ 0. 05), and significantly positively related to diversity, with the coefficient of 0.611, (two-tailed significance test, P ≤ 0. 1). This suggests that the content of organic matter in soil is one of the important elements influencing the community variation of cave animals. Outside the cave, temperature and humidity are important factors impacting on community diver- sity. As the temperature in all seasons in the cave is stable and the humidity is always high (above 90% ), the temperature and humidity have weak correlation to community diversity in caves. 展开更多
关键词 Animal community structure Environmental factor Dongbei Cave Shuijiang Cave Guizhou province
作者 潘烽 《中国石油和化工》 1994年第7期54-57,48,共5页
浪涛卷不去的笑容──吉化公司刘福权烈士牺牲一周年祭潘烽那一刻,他什么都没有想,连一句话都没有留下……听不着嘶声的呼唤了再也看不见情人的笑脸姑娘的泪淋湿了松花江畔—诗词之一刘福权这天休班。大约三天前,班里更换床铺,不慎... 浪涛卷不去的笑容──吉化公司刘福权烈士牺牲一周年祭潘烽那一刻,他什么都没有想,连一句话都没有留下……听不着嘶声的呼唤了再也看不见情人的笑脸姑娘的泪淋湿了松花江畔—诗词之一刘福权这天休班。大约三天前,班里更换床铺,不慎右脚被一根钉子扎了进去,伤势很重。... 展开更多
关键词 周年祭 吉化公司 消防战士 松花 权子 孙德 一只手 背江 挂钩梯 邻居们
《农药登记公告》 2012年第6期14-22,共9页
关键词 续展登记 中等毒 氯氰菊醋 登记证号 毗虫琳 可溶粉剂 作物保护 上海杜邦 苯甲酸胺 背江
创作“八女投江”的体会 被引量:10
作者 王盛烈 《美术》 1959年第6期12-14,共3页
大约在一九四九年初,我幸运地听到东北抗日联军领导人之一冯仲云同志有关抗联斗争的报告。他谈到“抗联”由成长到壮大,组织群众,扩大抗日力量打击日本帝国主义者的无数可歌可泣的英雄事迹中,就有“八女投江”这个悲壮的故事。东北烈士... 大约在一九四九年初,我幸运地听到东北抗日联军领导人之一冯仲云同志有关抗联斗争的报告。他谈到“抗联”由成长到壮大,组织群众,扩大抗日力量打击日本帝国主义者的无数可歌可泣的英雄事迹中,就有“八女投江”这个悲壮的故事。东北烈士纪念馆也记载了这一事迹的梗概:东北抗联五军准备渡过牡丹江开辟抗日新区时,当时冷云(即郑志民)、王桂兰、郭桂琴、张桂兰、王毓民和赵××等八名女青年队员,接到先行渡江动员群众的任务,行军将至牡丹江畔,即遭强力敌人三面包围,八位女英雄背江一战,射杀无数敌人。 展开更多
关键词 八女投 东北抗联 背江 帝国主义者 郭桂 英雄事迹 女英雄 组织群众 王桂兰 王毓
央视五套鞋广告——红了明星脸 绿了厂商眼
作者 周富春 《中外鞋苑》 2002年第11期104-104,共1页
央视五套的鞋广告由最初的一家逐渐发展成为现在的“晋江板块”,来势之迅猛,队伍之庞大,的确让业内业外人士始料不及;更为特别的是,晋江的鞋企广告不但快速挤进了体育频道的黄金广告时段,而且几乎是不约而同打出了同一张牌——都在请明... 央视五套的鞋广告由最初的一家逐渐发展成为现在的“晋江板块”,来势之迅猛,队伍之庞大,的确让业内业外人士始料不及;更为特别的是,晋江的鞋企广告不但快速挤进了体育频道的黄金广告时段,而且几乎是不约而同打出了同一张牌——都在请明星作形象代言人,其中以著名的乒乓球和羽毛球运动员为主,有一些影视明星也加入在此行列。在体育新闻的空当中,在一些赛事播放的间歇处,众星们以“最潇洒、最亮丽”姿态频频施展魅力,向电视机前的观众或展示或推荐其代言的运动鞋品牌。 展开更多
关键词 羽毛球运动员 业外人士 体育频道 体育新闻 背江 蔡振华 生产基地 孔令辉 白热化竞争 谢霆锋
Background concentrations of reactive gases and the impacts of long-range transport at the Jinsha regional atmospheric background station 被引量:8
作者 LIN WeiLi XU XiaoBin +2 位作者 SUN JunYing LIUXiWen WANG Ying 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期1604-1613,共10页
Lorentz curve fittings are applied to frequency distributions of the concentrations of O3, CO, NOx and SO2 recorded at the Jinsha regional atmospheric background station (JSH) from June 2006 to July 2007, and the pe... Lorentz curve fittings are applied to frequency distributions of the concentrations of O3, CO, NOx and SO2 recorded at the Jinsha regional atmospheric background station (JSH) from June 2006 to July 2007, and the peak concentrations of these species for the different seasons are obtained. The peak concentrations are considered to be representative of different background levels for certain processes. The peak concentrations are compared with the corresponding mean (median) concentrations, and the suitability and limitations of the mean (median) values as the background levels are discussed. The mean (median) values might represent the background concentrations in the region under some circumstances, but in other cases these values often underestimate or overestimate the true background concentrations owing to the transport of pollutants and other factors. The effects of air masses transported from different regions on the pollutant background concentrations are obtained by analyzing the 72-hour backward trajectories of air masses 100m above the ground at JSH, These trajectories are estimated using the HYSPLIT model and then clustered for the measurement period. The spatial distribution and seasonal variations of trajectories and the corresponding mean concentrations of O3, SO〉 NOx and CO for different clusters are analyzed. After filtering the seasonal changes in pollutant concentrations, the relative influences of air masses from different regions are obtained. The results show that JSH can be used to obtain the atmospheric background information of different air masses originating from or passing over the Yangtze River Delta, Central South China and the Jianghan Plain. Air masses from Central China, South China, and the western Yangtze River Delta contribute significantly to O3 at JSH. Air masses from the north and northeast of JSH (i.e., the Jianghan Plain, Huang-Huai Plain and North China Plain) and the south (Central South China) contribute significantly to SO2, CO and NOx concentrations. Air masses originating from the ocean often bring clean air. Air masses originating from high altitudes over northwestern regions often have lower CO and NO3 concentrations, lower relative humidity, and higher concentrations of O3 and SO2. 展开更多
关键词 Jinsha regional atmosphere background station background signal Lorentz curve fitting air transport O3 CO NOx SO2
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