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胡粉与绣鞋——从《买粉儿》、《留鞋记》到《胭脂》与《阿绣》 被引量:1
作者 杜贵晨 《蒲松龄研究》 2001年第3期65-69,96,共6页
关键词 留鞋记 胡粉 故事 民间文学 粉儿 《胭脂》
作者 王子今 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第1期13-24,F0002,共13页
汉代边疆作为民族交往交流交融的前沿空间,不同民族文化在这里碰撞与交融。除了物质交易、技术传播之外,精神文化层面的双向交流或许也可以称为“对流”,影响了“胡”“汉”双方的生活和艺术。不同民族的人们对于可以产生美感的文化存... 汉代边疆作为民族交往交流交融的前沿空间,不同民族文化在这里碰撞与交融。除了物质交易、技术传播之外,精神文化层面的双向交流或许也可以称为“对流”,影响了“胡”“汉”双方的生活和艺术。不同民族的人们对于可以产生美感的文化存在的共同追求,促成了汉代不同民族文化“对流”的实现。通过丝绸之路,中原的“采缯”向西传布,西域的“采罽”东输,也满足了内地的消费需求。除“胡乐”影响中土艺术生活之外,中原“音乐”也传入胡地。一方面汉地女子以其包括美容方式的妆饰,通过“和亲”及其他跨民族情爱和婚姻关系沟通了不同民族的情感;另一方面,“胡粉”和西域“异香”也传入中原,美化了汉地社会生活。趋于共同的美学追求,使得民族关系亲近融合,成就了多彩的汉文化。 展开更多
关键词 汉代边疆文化 采缯 采罽 胡乐 中原音乐 胡粉 香料
作者 赵宠亮 《中原文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期40-43,共4页
关键词 高陵 刻铭石牌 胡粉 化妆用品
俄藏黑水城文献911号西夏文医书第14-1页药方考释 被引量:4
作者 梁松涛 《敦煌学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期32-38,共7页
本文首次对《俄藏黑水城文献》第10册,编号ИHB.NO.911的西夏文医书中第1页所载药方进行了释读、考校,认为此药方为治疗出血性痢疾的"四白丸",其组方为"白石脂、白龙骨、胡粉、白矾"。其药方来源于宋《太平圣惠方》... 本文首次对《俄藏黑水城文献》第10册,编号ИHB.NO.911的西夏文医书中第1页所载药方进行了释读、考校,认为此药方为治疗出血性痢疾的"四白丸",其组方为"白石脂、白龙骨、胡粉、白矾"。其药方来源于宋《太平圣惠方》卷59"治水谷痢诸方"所载"四白丸方"。 展开更多
关键词 出血痢疾 白石脂 白龙骨 胡粉 南矾 四白丸
作者 宋会群 《韶关学院学报》 2010年第4期1-4,共4页
韶粉是古代韶州发明的碳酸铅制品,被广泛用于古代制药、化妆、颜料、香料等领域。但韶粉有多种名称,概念复杂,在古代与胡粉、定粉、官粉、辰粉等互用。梳理韶粉的历史发展、不同名称的原产地及其工艺制作方法,比较古代铅粉的不同的制作... 韶粉是古代韶州发明的碳酸铅制品,被广泛用于古代制药、化妆、颜料、香料等领域。但韶粉有多种名称,概念复杂,在古代与胡粉、定粉、官粉、辰粉等互用。梳理韶粉的历史发展、不同名称的原产地及其工艺制作方法,比较古代铅粉的不同的制作方法不同,可以澄清韶粉的概念;探讨韶粉的发明年代,揭示出以韶粉为主的碳酸铅制品的发明时间远早于欧洲"荷兰法"的客观事实。 展开更多
关键词 韶粉(韶州铅粉) 胡粉(古代铅粉) 铅粉
《伤寒》《金匮》中的“粉”字考释 被引量:2
作者 郝万山 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第10期57-58,共2页
《伤寒论》猪肤汤方有“白粉五合熬香”;大青龙汤方后有“汗出多者,温粉粉之”。《金匮要略》蛇床子散方,以“白粉少许”与蛇床子末和合相得,如枣大;甘草粉蜜汤中则用“粉一两”。以上涉及到白粉、温粉和粉,这三者是何物?在50年代后期,... 《伤寒论》猪肤汤方有“白粉五合熬香”;大青龙汤方后有“汗出多者,温粉粉之”。《金匮要略》蛇床子散方,以“白粉少许”与蛇床子末和合相得,如枣大;甘草粉蜜汤中则用“粉一两”。以上涉及到白粉、温粉和粉,这三者是何物?在50年代后期,《中医杂志》及一些中医刊物上,曾就甘草粉蜜汤中的“粉”作过讨论,有说是铅粉,有说是米粉,有说是粱米粉。 展开更多
关键词 米粉 汗出 五合 粉粉 铅粉 金属粉末 甘草粉 蛇床子散方 大青龙汤 仲景 猪肤汤 胡粉 炒香
唐五代敦煌的计量单位与价格换算 被引量:8
作者 张亚萍 娜阁 《敦煌学辑刊》 1996年第2期40-44,共5页
唐五代敦煌的计量单位与价格换算张亚萍女郎阁吐蕃占领敦煌之后,对敦煌原有的政治经济文化制度产生了巨大的冲击,改变了乡里制度而实行部落制,经济上实行突田制,文化上取消了州、县等学校。归义军建立之后,虽然恢复了唐代的各种政... 唐五代敦煌的计量单位与价格换算张亚萍女郎阁吐蕃占领敦煌之后,对敦煌原有的政治经济文化制度产生了巨大的冲击,改变了乡里制度而实行部落制,经济上实行突田制,文化上取消了州、县等学校。归义军建立之后,虽然恢复了唐代的各种政治经济文化制度,但是从本质上说,归... 展开更多
关键词 唐五代 计量单位 敦煌吐鲁番 入破历 敦煌文书 胡粉 比价关系 经济文献 等价物 文化制度
Correlation between Carotenoids Content and Several Quality Traits of Wheat Varieties 被引量:2
作者 任得强 吴媛媛 +5 位作者 周健 姜艳 郑文寅 张文明 郭文善 姚大年 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期1883-1890,1977,共9页
A total of 31 wheat varieties(lines) released in different years in Huanghuai Area were selected as materials so as to study the carotenoids content,lipoxygenase activity, and some other quality traits of wholemeal.... A total of 31 wheat varieties(lines) released in different years in Huanghuai Area were selected as materials so as to study the carotenoids content,lipoxygenase activity, and some other quality traits of wholemeal. Results showed that carotenoid content and other quality traits had highly significant differences among varieties. Carotenoids content was significantly positive correlated with watersoluble pentosan and yellowness. Carotenoids content was significantly negative correlated with peak viscosity, hold through, breakdown, final viscosity, unit weight,formation time, and was negative correlated with peak time, protein content and stability time. According to cluster analysis, carotenoid contents in 31 varieties were divided into three major groups: one group had common carotenoid content, which included 19 varieties such as Meng 0318; one group had relatively low carotenoid content, which included 10 varieties such as Luomai23; and the last group had relatively high carotenoid content, which included 2 varieties such as Huaimai22. The average carotenoid contents of the three groups were 1.93, 1.07 and 2.99 mg/kg respectively. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT CAROTENOID Wholemeal Quality traits CORRELATION
腮上的香雪 被引量:1
作者 孟晖 《紫禁城》 2007年第5期186-195,共10页
有一家富户,一天早晨,忽然发现他们最宠爱的儿子暴毙在卧房里。满心疑惑的父母在儿子的卧室中搜寻线索,结果发现:卧室的箱柜中堆放着上百包的化妆香粉。"这东西一定与我儿子的死有关系!"伤心的母亲决定追查真相,于是,她前往街... 有一家富户,一天早晨,忽然发现他们最宠爱的儿子暴毙在卧房里。满心疑惑的父母在儿子的卧室中搜寻线索,结果发现:卧室的箱柜中堆放着上百包的化妆香粉。"这东西一定与我儿子的死有关系!"伤心的母亲决定追查真相,于是,她前往街市,在每一处卖化妆粉的地方停下,买一包粉。最终,她来到一家粉店,看店的是个美丽的女孩——这女孩为死者母亲包了一包粉,那手法正与死者卧室中的粉包一样。"为什么你要杀死我的儿子?!"在母亲的质问下,卖粉女孩哭了,说出了真相。 展开更多
关键词 香粉 齐民要术 化妆 胡粉 铅粉 本草纲目 皮肤 朱砂 白粉 香气
作者 梁宇明 《民族音乐》 2007年第6期41-41,共1页
关键词 小康生活 世代 引丝 胡粉 喂丝
作者 《云南冶金》 1993年第8期30-30,共1页
关键词 氯化钻 明水 胡粉 南朝齐梁 碱式碳酸铅 摘绿 蜜陀僧 青白色 起化学反应 黄丹
作者 闵敏 《作文成功之路(中考冲刺)》 2004年第Z1期2-2,共1页
春姑娘的到来总是引不起人们的注意,待那"细柳绿垂地,小桃红满枝"时,才觉察到她已与你擦肩而过。走进那荒了一冬的公园,看,那"春意闹"在枝头上,真是"千朵万朵压枝低";那繁茂的树下,可谓"蝶矜翅暖徐... 春姑娘的到来总是引不起人们的注意,待那"细柳绿垂地,小桃红满枝"时,才觉察到她已与你擦肩而过。走进那荒了一冬的公园,看,那"春意闹"在枝头上,真是"千朵万朵压枝低";那繁茂的树下,可谓"蝶矜翅暖徐窥草。 展开更多
关键词 觉察到 公园 姑娘 初中二年级 杨柳 胡粉 少年 踏青 根枝 忆起
《光明中医》 2011年第11期2321-2321,共1页
关键词 地胆虫 薇衔 砒石 虻虫 大戟 苏方木 鬼箭 姜炭 蒜葱 胡粉
作者 欧阳军 《药物与人》 1994年第1期16-17,共2页
头发对生命似乎微不足道,有人视它可有可无,谓之“毫毛”。其实,头发的荣、枯、稀、脱、早白或发黄等现象,在一定程度上可反应出身心健康的基本情况,头发早白或大量脱落有时是人体的危险信号。祖国医学认为“发为血之余”。养育头发的... 头发对生命似乎微不足道,有人视它可有可无,谓之“毫毛”。其实,头发的荣、枯、稀、脱、早白或发黄等现象,在一定程度上可反应出身心健康的基本情况,头发早白或大量脱落有时是人体的危险信号。祖国医学认为“发为血之余”。养育头发的物质是血液。 展开更多
关键词 早白 血液循环 毛发生长 当归提取物 人参液 胡粉 药理分析 齿发去 现代药物 补血活血
《大众科学》 2016年第6期44-45,共2页
关键词 婴儿爽身粉 呼吸道疾病 尿布疹 婴儿皮肤 美国儿科学会 生产规范 天然矿物质 呼吸道感染 真菌感染 胡粉
Soil Manganese and Iron Released due to Calcium Salts:Bioavailability to Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) 被引量:2
作者 SIYou-Bin ZHOUJing +1 位作者 ZHOUDong-Mei CHENHuai-Man 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期111-116,共6页
Releases of manganese and iron ions from an albic soil (Albic-Udic Luvisol), a yellow-red soil (Hap-Udic Ferrisol) and a yellow-brown soil (Arp-Udic Luvisol) induced by calcium salt addition and their bioavailability ... Releases of manganese and iron ions from an albic soil (Albic-Udic Luvisol), a yellow-red soil (Hap-Udic Ferrisol) and a yellow-brown soil (Arp-Udic Luvisol) induced by calcium salt addition and their bioavailability to pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) were studied in a pot experiment. Addition of Ca(NO3)2 decreased soil pH and increased both exchangeable and DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid)-extractable Mn and Fe in soils. Meanwhile, total Mn accumulation in the shoots of Capsicum frutescens L. on the salt-treated soils increased significantly (P < 0.01) compared with the control, suggesting that salt addition to soil induced Mn toxicity in Capsicum frutescens L. Although exchangeable and DTPA-extractable Fe increased also in the salt-treated soils, Fe uptake by the shoots of Capsicum frutescens L. decreased. The effect of added salts in soils on dry matter weight of pepper varied with the soil characteristics, showing different buffer capacities of the soils for salt toxicity in an order of yellow-brown soil > albic soil > yellow-red soil. Fe/Mn ratio in shoots of Capsicum frutescens L. decreased with increasing salt addition for all the soils, which was ascribed to the antagonistic effect of Mn on Fe accumulation. The ratio of Fe/Mn in the tissue was a better indicator of the appearance of Mn toxicity symptoms than Mn concentration alone. 展开更多
关键词 BIOAVAILABILITY capsicum frutescens L. IRON MANGANESE salt toxicity
Measurement and Influence Factors of the Flowability of Microcapsules with High-content β-Carotene 被引量:12
作者 许新德 姚善泾 +1 位作者 韩宁 邵斌 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期579-585,共7页
The flowability of five kinds of microencapsulation powders,with differentβ-carotene contents and by two alternative particle-forming technologies i.e.spray-drying and starch-catching beadlet technology,was meas- ure... The flowability of five kinds of microencapsulation powders,with differentβ-carotene contents and by two alternative particle-forming technologies i.e.spray-drying and starch-catching beadlet technology,was meas- ured.The actual flow properties of the five powders were compared based on bin-flow test,and three flow indexes (Hausner ratio,repose angle and flow index)were measured.It was found that the repose angle is the most suitable index to reflect the flowability of these powders for the particle properties would not be altered due to compaction or tapping during the measuring process.Particle size and particle size distribution play most important roles in the flowability of these granular materials,which was also influenced by other factors like shape,surface texture,sur- face roughness,etc.Microcapsules with wall material of gelatin and a layer of modified starch absorbed on the sur- face showed excellent flowabilities and good mechanical properties,and they are favorable for tabletting to supply β-carotene. 展开更多
关键词 Β-CAROTENE microcapsule powders FLOWABILITY Hausner ratio repose angle
Effects of CCC on Water-logging Resistance in Pepper 被引量:1
作者 SongZhirong LiuMingyue 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2001年第4期10-12,共3页
Four concentrations of CCC were used to treat pepper seedlings.The results indicated that 50-150mg·L-1 CCC decreased the content of malonaldehydic acid (MDA) and increased the content of soluble protein,ascorbic ... Four concentrations of CCC were used to treat pepper seedlings.The results indicated that 50-150mg·L-1 CCC decreased the content of malonaldehydic acid (MDA) and increased the content of soluble protein,ascorbic acid (AsA) and glutathion(GSH),and activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT),whereas 200mg·L-1 CCC caused the soluble protein content and the CAT activity of Xiangyan 1 and the AsA content of Xiangyan 10 to descend.The comprehensive evaluation manifested that 100-150mg·L-1 CCC had obvious effects on water-logging resistance of pepper.Different varieties required different concentrations,eg,l00mg·L-1 CCC suited Xiangyan 1,while 150 mg·L-1 CCC suited Xiangyan 10. 展开更多
关键词 CCC PEPPER water-logging resistance
Technology for Hybrid Pepper Seed Production in China
作者 Zou Xuexiao Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2002年第2期17-19,共3页
History of hybrid pepper seed production, the status of annually balanced production, and innovative techniques for the large-scale seed production in China are reviewed. Helped by the technological breakthroughs in t... History of hybrid pepper seed production, the status of annually balanced production, and innovative techniques for the large-scale seed production in China are reviewed. Helped by the technological breakthroughs in these fields, China has been the largest base for hybrid pepper seed production in the world. 展开更多
关键词 pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) hybrid seed scale production.
Study on Biological Control Of Rhlzoctonla solanl vla Trlchoderma
作者 WeiLin, and Liang Zhihuai Hunan Plant Protection Research Institute, Changsha 410125, China 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2002年第2期14-16,共3页
Strain T02-25 was selected from approximately 30 rhizosphere isolates of Trichoderma species isolated from roots of crops. Its biological activity against Rhizoctonia solani was determined for the control efficacy to ... Strain T02-25 was selected from approximately 30 rhizosphere isolates of Trichoderma species isolated from roots of crops. Its biological activity against Rhizoctonia solani was determined for the control efficacy to pepper seedling blight caused by R. solani in the field. The assay methods were treating R. solani sclerotia by Trichoderma conidial suspension (10^6cfu ml^-1) and scattering Thichoderma rice bran over the pepper root medium. The results showed that T02-25 was active against R.solani in both ways, and its control efficacy was 82.7% and 78.0%, respectively. In addition to comparison of the efficacy of the two application methods, the relationship of different factors in the control efficacy of Trichoderma against R. solani was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 TRICHODERMA biological control Rhizoctonia solani
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