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89例肝脾胰外伤的急救及护理对策 被引量:1
作者 钟晓珊 蔡洁 +1 位作者 连叔薏 李瑞娜 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2004年第5期571-572,共2页
目的 探讨抢救肝脾胰外伤病人的护理对策。方法 对 89例肝脾胰外伤病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果  89例均收入院治疗 :5 9例行手术治疗 ,30例行保守治疗 ,治愈 86例 ,死亡 3例。结论 有效急救 ,正确预见 ,动态观察病情 。
关键词 肝脾胰外伤 急救措施 护理措施 临床资料 腹部外科
胰外伤致右上腹包裹性积液误诊2例报告 被引量:1
作者 吴奕强 王海东 《肝胆胰脾外科杂志》 CSCD 1995年第4期227-227,共1页
外伤性胰腺炎致右上腹大量乜裹性积液,临床并不多见.现报道2例。例1男性.49岁,因外伤致右上腹痛17d.加重伴腹脓3d八院。盎体:生命体征正常.皮肤粘膜稍苍白,右上腹膨隆伴肌紧张,右肋下45cm和盘剑突下8cm可触及一肿物.质地中等... 外伤性胰腺炎致右上腹大量乜裹性积液,临床并不多见.现报道2例。例1男性.49岁,因外伤致右上腹痛17d.加重伴腹脓3d八院。盎体:生命体征正常.皮肤粘膜稍苍白,右上腹膨隆伴肌紧张,右肋下45cm和盘剑突下8cm可触及一肿物.质地中等.触痛明显.肝区叩击痛(+),移动性浊音(+)。 展开更多
关键词 胰外伤 右上腹 包裹性积液 误诊 腺损伤
外伤性胰原性腹水 被引量:1
作者 徐忠立 王颖勃 +1 位作者 王修己 马龙阁 《天津医药》 CAS 1992年第3期160-163,共4页
外伤性胰原性腹水临床少见。我们于1971~1989年在河南医大一附院及郑州市四院共收治外伤性胰原性腹水19例,主要表现为慢性腹围增加、大量腹水聚积、体重明显减轻和腹痛。体检常呈慢性病容、消瘦、大量顽固性腹水或胸水。腹水或胸水中... 外伤性胰原性腹水临床少见。我们于1971~1989年在河南医大一附院及郑州市四院共收治外伤性胰原性腹水19例,主要表现为慢性腹围增加、大量腹水聚积、体重明显减轻和腹痛。体检常呈慢性病容、消瘦、大量顽固性腹水或胸水。腹水或胸水中淀粉酶和白蛋白含量很高是其特征,这显著区别于结核、恶性肿瘤或肝硬化等所致的腹水。本病诊断主要依据外伤史、Cameron三联征和ERP或B超。我们将本病分为三型,并提出相应的治疗原则和手术治疗方法的选择。本病手术疗效佳,非手术预后劣。 展开更多
关键词 胰外伤 腹腔积液 原性 腹水
外伤性胰瘘穿入消化道形成内瘘自愈2例报告 被引量:1
作者 黄元夕 黄佳蕊 李景瑞 《黑龙江医学》 2005年第7期560-560,共1页
关键词 外伤 消化道 内瘘 瘘管
作者 李如迅 时高峰 +1 位作者 李彩英 许茜 《河北医科大学学报》 CAS 2001年第3期145-145,共1页
关键词 外伤 CT 诊断 腺损伤
作者 罗中尧 金灿法 《苏州医学院学报》 1996年第5期942-943,共2页
关键词 胰外伤 诊断 手术
作者 于丽波 姚志忠 +1 位作者 张强 吴士军 《牡丹江医学院学报》 1995年第1期73-74,共2页
患者,男,30岁,右腹部疼痛二个月余。二小月前在山上砍柴,被支小手推车,大斧柄击中上腹部而跌倒,当即昏迷5-6分钟。醒后感腹部剧痛,曾在宁安医院经抗炎治疗症状好转而出院。出院半个月后,因摇车用力义感腹痛,经抗炎治疗不见好... 患者,男,30岁,右腹部疼痛二个月余。二小月前在山上砍柴,被支小手推车,大斧柄击中上腹部而跌倒,当即昏迷5-6分钟。醒后感腹部剧痛,曾在宁安医院经抗炎治疗症状好转而出院。出院半个月后,因摇车用力义感腹痛,经抗炎治疗不见好转。查体:腹平坦、右上腹剖下压痛(+)反跳痛(+), 展开更多
关键词 外伤头部假性囊肿 抗炎治疗 腹部
作者 付强 王成虎 孙冰峰 《中原医刊》 2000年第10期14-14,共1页
关键词 外伤 治疗 外科手术 引流术
作者 马晓飞 苏少飞 《宁夏医科大学学报》 2012年第11期1200-1201,共2页
目的探讨自制的双腔管在外伤性胰外瘘外引流中的作用。方法回顾性总结11例胰外瘘的外引流方法,应用自行制作的滴水双腔负压吸引管进行引流。结果 11例外伤性胰外瘘全部治愈。结论自制的滴水双腔负压吸引管引流,操作简便,经济实用,效果满... 目的探讨自制的双腔管在外伤性胰外瘘外引流中的作用。方法回顾性总结11例胰外瘘的外引流方法,应用自行制作的滴水双腔负压吸引管进行引流。结果 11例外伤性胰外瘘全部治愈。结论自制的滴水双腔负压吸引管引流,操作简便,经济实用,效果满意,具有较大的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 外伤外瘘 外引流 双腔管
作者 邓克忠 罗勇 《中国校医》 2003年第6期565-565,共1页
关键词 外伤 腺假性囊肿 治疗 临床资料 并发症
作者 范唱震 《山西职工医学院学报》 CAS 2002年第4期33-33,共1页
关键词 外伤体尾部断裂 保脾手术 病例报告
作者 程先军 《四川医学》 CAS 2008年第12期1608-1608,共1页
关键词 外伤 上颌窦粉碎性骨折 桡骨远端粉碎性骨折 入院诊断 高处坠落 鼻骨骨折 掌骨骨折 多处
作者 林开祥 李森 +2 位作者 宋钦华 李春友 孙作成 《山东医药》 CAS 北大核心 1997年第3期14-15,共2页
报告4例严重肝脏或胰脏损伤术后晚期继发大出血患者,每次出血都濒临死亡,后经手术获救。作者分析其治疗经验及教训,强调要重视首次手术的正确性与可靠性;手术前、后应行B超、CT等影像学检查,判断伤情,以便选择正确有效的治疗... 报告4例严重肝脏或胰脏损伤术后晚期继发大出血患者,每次出血都濒临死亡,后经手术获救。作者分析其治疗经验及教训,强调要重视首次手术的正确性与可靠性;手术前、后应行B超、CT等影像学检查,判断伤情,以便选择正确有效的治疗措施。认为对术后继发大出血,手术止血是唯一的正确选择。 展开更多
关键词 外伤 胰外伤 出血 防治 外科手术
外伤性胰瘘的诊断与治疗 被引量:12
作者 黄平 姚榛祥 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期316-317,共2页
关键词 外伤 诊断 治疗 腺损伤 手术疗法 并发症
小儿闭合性胰、十二指肠严重外伤的外科处理(附12例报告) 被引量:2
作者 张跃 马祖泰 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 1996年第3期148-150,共3页
探讨小儿闭合性胰、十二指肠严重外伤的诊治特点。本组小儿闭合性胰断裂2例,十二指肠破裂4例,胰、十二指肠复合伤6例。手术探查并采取远端胰切除及十二指肠“憩室化”(Berne1974年首先提出,其手术方法为:修补十二指肠... 探讨小儿闭合性胰、十二指肠严重外伤的诊治特点。本组小儿闭合性胰断裂2例,十二指肠破裂4例,胰、十二指肠复合伤6例。手术探查并采取远端胰切除及十二指肠“憩室化”(Berne1974年首先提出,其手术方法为:修补十二指肠损伤,切除胃窦,关闭十二指肠,行胃空肠吻合术。同时可行胆总管T型管引流,再作十二指肠插管造口术及双侧迷走神经干切断术)。3例术前确诊,另9例为手术探查后确诊。治愈8例,死亡4例,其中2例与术式选择不当有关。术前确诊困难,主张早期探查。推荐注射美蓝法寻找断裂胰管。根据不同伤情选择创伤小、安全可靠的术式。 展开更多
关键词 外伤 十二指肠损伤 创伤 外科手术 儿童
Pancreatic transection from blunt trauma associated with vascular and biliary lesions: A case report 被引量:1
作者 Gian Luca Baiocchi Guido AM Tiberio +4 位作者 Federico Gheza Marco Gardani Massimiliano Cantù Nazario Portolani Stefano Maria Giulini 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第30期4826-4829,共4页
Major injuries of the pancreas may result in considerable morbidity and mortality when associated with vascular and visceral injuries. In such cases, a right diagnosis and a prompt surgical intervention are necessary ... Major injuries of the pancreas may result in considerable morbidity and mortality when associated with vascular and visceral injuries. In such cases, a right diagnosis and a prompt surgical intervention are necessary to give a chance to the patient. We herein describe a case of blunt abdominal trauma in a 29-year- old man whose pancreatic rupture was associated with hepatic artery, splenic vein and extrahepatic bile duct damage. Immediate surgery was performed after computer tomograghy (CT), the haemorrhagic lesions dictat the emergency transfer to the operating room. Spleno-pancreatic resection was done with reconstruction of the hepatic artery, ligation of the splenic vein and a Roux-en-Y bilio-jejunal diversion. The early post-operative course was complicated by stenosis of the arterial reconstruction, which was treated by endovascular angioplasty followed by percutaneous drainage of symptomatic pseudocyst, rest and antibiotics. Finally, the patient was discharged and was alive without clinical problems at the time when we wrote this case report. The present case underlines the clinical relevance of vascular and visceral injuries associated with pancreatic trauma and the problems arising in the diagnostic evaluation and the surgical strategy of complex multiple visceral and vascular lesions in blunt abdominal trauma. 展开更多
关键词 PANCREAS TRAUMA Vascular lesions Biliary lesions SEPSIS
In Vitro Lethal Effect of Photodynamic Therapy on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells and Its Major Influencing Factors 被引量:5
作者 Zhong YU Kai-hong HUANG +3 位作者 Wa ZHONG Li-qun YANG Qi-kui CHEN Zhao-hua ZHU 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2011年第3期155-162,共8页
OBJECTIVE To investigate the in vitro lethal effect of photo- dynamic therapy (PDT) using the photosensitizer hematoporphyrin on the human pancreatic cancer cell line Panc-1, the major influencing factors and the me... OBJECTIVE To investigate the in vitro lethal effect of photo- dynamic therapy (PDT) using the photosensitizer hematoporphyrin on the human pancreatic cancer cell line Panc-1, the major influencing factors and the mechanisms of treatment. METHODS Three factors--the time needed for photosensitizer and cell incubation, the photosensitizer concentration (PhoC) and the exposure dose (ExpD)--were examined with different levels of these factors. Optical density (OD) was used as a measure of CCK-8 in the experiment, and was converted to the rate of cell survival. The separate effect of each factor on the photodynamic action was studied, and the interactions were investigated. The effects of different incubation times and PhoC levels on the fluorescence intensity (FI) of the intracellular photosensitizer were determined, and the mechanisms of these factors leading to the therapeutic effects of PDT discussed. RESULTS An increase in the photosensitizer and cell incubation time, an increase of PhoC, and enhancement of the ExpD, produced a corresponding decrease in the rate of Panc-1 cell survival after PDT (P 〈 0.05). PDT achieved its maximum lethal effects 16 h after starting the incubation, with a PhoC of 10 mg/L and an ExpD of 20 J/cm2; at these levels a synergistic interaction between PhoC and the ExpD occurred, decreasing the cell survival rate (P 〈 0.05). Neither simple administration of photosensitizer without ExpD (0 J/cm2) or illumination in the absence of PhoC (0 mg/L) affected the rate of cell survival (P 〉 0.05). With an increase of PhoC and lengthening of the incubation time, the FI of the intracellular photosensitizer accordingly increased (P 〈 0.05), and attained its maximum value at a PhoC of 10 mg/L and 36 h after the incubation. With an increase of PhoC, the FI of the photosensitizer, hematoporphyrin, in the solution increased progressively at first and then decreased (fluorescence quenching). CONCLUSION PDT with the photosensitizer hematoporphyrin has clear lethal effects on the human pancreatic cancer cell line Panc-1, but the presence of a photosensitizer and laser irradiation by themselves do not have independent lethal effects. The three influencing factors--the time for photosensitizer and cell incuba- tion, PhoC and ExpD--correlate positively with the PDT response, within certain limits. Beyond these limits, the PDT response does not significantly increase. The main mechanism of the PDT response lies in the effect of these factors on the level of the intracellular photosensitizer and the fluorescence quenching of the photosensitizer. A synergistic effect exists between PhoC and ExpD. 展开更多
关键词 pancreatic cancer cells photodynamic therapy PHOTOSENSITIZER fluorescence quenching
作者 谢永斌 田素芳 《肝胆胰脾外科杂志》 CSCD 1996年第1期59-59,共1页
自1990~1995年9月,共收治脾胰联合性腹外伤26例,男18例,女8例,年龄在8~67岁。均为车辆肇事所致。26例病人均处于失血性体克状志,在左侧麦氏点腹腔穿刺,均顺利抽吸出不凝血性液体,在短时间内迅速积极抢救,补同型全血、补液及... 自1990~1995年9月,共收治脾胰联合性腹外伤26例,男18例,女8例,年龄在8~67岁。均为车辆肇事所致。26例病人均处于失血性体克状志,在左侧麦氏点腹腔穿刺,均顺利抽吸出不凝血性液体,在短时间内迅速积极抢救,补同型全血、补液及应用抗生素,并争取时间在气管内插管吸人麻醉下行剖腹探查术。探查结果:①脾蒂带胰尾断裂伤者15例;②脾多处裂伤伴胰体部,尾部出血、血肿者6例;③脾碎裂伴胰体部横断、脾动脉断裂伤者5例。 展开更多
关键词 5-氟脲嘧啶 外伤 外伤 腺部位
作者 石语 徐英兰 +1 位作者 王茹冰 谢寅库 《社区医学杂志》 2010年第19期15-16,共2页
目的探讨B超引导下经皮穿刺置管引流治疗外伤性胰漏的可行性。方法对8l例外伤性胰漏患者,在按胰腺炎及胰瘘治疗方法处理的基础上,行B超引导下经皮穿刺置管引流治疗。结果81例病人全部治愈,无一例中转手术治疗。所有病人均带管3个月... 目的探讨B超引导下经皮穿刺置管引流治疗外伤性胰漏的可行性。方法对8l例外伤性胰漏患者,在按胰腺炎及胰瘘治疗方法处理的基础上,行B超引导下经皮穿刺置管引流治疗。结果81例病人全部治愈,无一例中转手术治疗。所有病人均带管3个月以上,3个月后引流管造影,均窦道形成。住院时间15-40d,平均26d。结论B超引导下经皮穿刺置管引流治疗外伤性胰漏方法简便、安全,效果可靠。 展开更多
关键词 外伤 B超引导 经皮穿刺置管引流
Surgical management of transected injury to the pancreatic neck 被引量:1
作者 母德清 董庆华 +2 位作者 彭淑牖 彭承宏 吴育莲 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2003年第4期205-208,共4页
Objective: To present a batch of data of transected pancreatic neck injuries and to sum up the experience in surgical interventions for the injuries.Methods: We analysed 13 patients with a transected injury to the pan... Objective: To present a batch of data of transected pancreatic neck injuries and to sum up the experience in surgical interventions for the injuries.Methods: We analysed 13 patients with a transected injury to the pancreatic neck from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 2000. External drainage was performed in all patients. Pancreatoduodenectomy was conducted in 2 patients with a transected injury to the pancreatic neck associated with duodenal ruptures, and TPN was administered immediately after operation. Proximal closure of the transected margin and distal pancreaticojejunostomy was performed in 4 patients. Proximal closure of the transected margin and distal pancreaticojejunostomy plus splenectomy was performed in 7 patients associated with contusion of pancreatic body or tail plus spleen rupture. Results: 12 patients healed and one patient died of anesthetic accident during the course of restoration of the dislocation of his right hip joint. Complications occurred in 7 patients.Conclusions: The operation should be performed according to the degree of the injuries and associated duodenal injuries. Routine drainage and nutrient support should be recommended. 展开更多
关键词 PANCREAS Wounds and injuries Treatment outcome
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